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1 as in the senario when DSO called the NSO and he did not answer he directly dioed the NSO
as radio was given to thenn for communicate inside the gateway..
2 in the senario the DSO checked the computer system to see at what time and location NSO last scan
his id to find his location
3 in the senario the DSO decided to call the emergency services as a safety precaution so he can
facilitate the injured NSO as soon as possible
4 as in the senario the DSO picked up the kit ,blanket and the radio before going to find the NSO
because to treat him if he had an injury
5 in the senario when he find the NSO he remove cover snow from NSO and put blanket under the
NSO as a first aid to treat him from the injury.
6 as in the senario the DSO stayed with the NSO until the emergency service arrived so that he can
take care of him until emergency services arrive
7 as in the senario the DSO contacted the regionall office to inform them of the accident so they can
proceed with the investigation.
8 in the senario the DSO remain on the site until the covered could be arranged in the senario as he
show that he is responsible and will take responsibilty
9 in the senario the DSO told the emergency services of the of the NSOs likely location and provided
the access code to the gatehouse so they can reach there easily
10 as in the senario the DSO take out his coat and cover NSO so if he is cold he can be warm a little
bit and will feel little better
11 as in the senario the DSO tried to ask from thr NSO that what just happpened to him before NSO
got unconsious so that he can aware of hazard because he have to do duty next to him.

1 As mentioned in the senario that the SOs complete a training course and obtained required
government license means that they are properly trained by the organization for the this jobs
2 in the senario the SOs were also given proper first aid training by the organization so they can
easily help someone with first aid if any injury happens
3 in the senario the organization have hired generally more then one SOs working on site which will
help them to rotate there work and work in stressless environmement without workload.
4 the SOs are required to attend one to one meetings twice a year with ROMs at regional offices so
they can discuss there issues and problems were also good step by the organization.
5 the SOs have to scan id card at each wind turbine when they checked it can give the location to
other SOs if something happenend or to find SO by the organizatiom just like DSO find NSO
6 if the SOs did not scan id for six hours and regional office did not get signal . The regional office
call the SO to ask is there any problem its also good step from organization.
7 as in the senario the organization have instructed SOs to arrive in the site 20 mint before duty
timming for shift handover it will help them to work in a calm way can will reduces accident which
occurred by fast work.
8 short range two ways radios are provided by the organization to SOs so they can contact eachother
if signals of mobile phones are not there as in the senario they are unavailaible in hillside
9 as in the senario the electrnoc monitoring system was installed by the oragnization for SOs so that
they can track or identify the location of the high risk offenders easily
10 as in the senario only licence SOs are alowed on the duty at sites means that organization has
made strick rule regarding safety this will reduced accidents as they are tranied properly.


1 As mentioned in the senario the first aid kit have not have proper equipment by the organization
so it has to be provide by the organization which can help in giving first aid
2 if ambulancre service were provided by the organization it can help SOs to transport them to
hospital but in the senario no aumbulance was there.
3 there were 91 sites where only one SOs is on duty at one time by hiring more SOs will help SOs to
reduced there work load and work easily so organization must hired them
4 reduced numbers of workers work between 20:00 -06:00 for dealing emergency so organization
must have to increase in number of workers in this time
5 as in the senario the MT only get involved in the significant problems so he must have to be there
all the time to monitor them and ask for there feedback.
6 as in the senario no PPE were not provided by the organization to the SOs which lead SOs to head
injury if he wear helmet he might be saved from head injury.
7 as mentioned in the senario the only thing DSO understand from NSO was slipped seems to be that
NSO was slipped so by impletting measures prevenr from slips hazards should be included
8 as there was generic risk assessment which was carried out in 2017 and conatianing no reference so
specefic site so it should be reviewed by the organization to prevent them from potential losses and
threats to its continued operation.
9 as memtioned in the senario that the SOs were lack of refreshing training which they have rasied so
they must be given refreshing training by the organization to make knowledge up to date.
10 as mentioned in the senario the organization has only provide health and safety documents at
there induction only so this must be provided on daily basic or time to time so they will be aware of
health and safety
11 as in the senario the current NSO is relatively new and was not experinced so he must be
monitored by a person for monitoring so he should be given day shift duty as night shift duty also have
reduced worrker and he was inexperinced to.
12 as mentioned in the senario the policy was of febuary 2021 menas it it was expired and it should
be reviwed so SOs would be aware or safe procedures
13 as in the senario the workers work in hurry when temperatures decreases so they should be stoped
by the organization because work in hurry can lead to accident

1 organization must investigate the accident to find the immediadate and root cause of the accient it
will help from reoccurence
2 the accident must be written or reported so that they can know the pattern that might have indicated
potential problems
3 safety insppection must be carried out by the organization which will help organization to secure
the srea if any harm is remaining
4 the organization must check the working method of the workers that whether they are doing it well
ot not they must enforce them to obey this
5 the organization must check the checklist of the workplace to note that what things are present and
what things are to be arrnaged
6 the organization miust resolve the worker complain as in the senario the worker complain about
refreshing training so it should be given
7 organization must check loss time frequency rate by its formulae of number of loss time during
accident *100000/number of hours over the same period to check the perfomance of workers with
other organization workers
8 the injured worker must be facilitate by the organization after accident he should be given medical
9 organization must conduct safety meetings with workers to discuss the accident and how to prevent
from it again
10 safety policy must be reviewed after the accident and lessin must have to be learned by the
workers so it might not happened again
11 the worker which are effected by the acciddent must be consulted by the organization so if they
have any stress in there min it can be release by consultation.
12 the workplace in which accident occurred must be secured properly so it will help other workers in
gatehous to prevent from ny harm


1 As in the senario the worker did not use to report near misses properly sometime they report and
sometime not so they must have to report near misses properly
2 as mentioned in the senario that the MT only get involve In significant problems so he must have to
take safety tours to get general overview of the working enviromanet .
3 as in the senairio the first aid kit was not complete as it have no proper equipment so it must be
inspected before by the organization.
4 as in the senario the DSO took 5 minutes to call the emergency services so proper communication
system must be installed by the organization to call as early as possible
5 as mentioned in the senario the aubulance arrived 40 minutes later so the organization must have to
provide ambulance to them which can take them to hospital .


1 the competence of the management team is importamt as they possesses skills ,knowledge and
expericnce to implement new process or systems like the way DSO give NSO first aid
2 the competence of the team is important as they are more adaptable and can quickly adjust new
3 the management team must have to be competent as they know how to deal with problem and can
find the perfect solution for them like DSO deal with emergency
4 as competent team can communicate clearly and transparently so its important for the
management team to be competent like DSO call emergency and guide them with full access
5 competent team are comiited to continous in improving procedures they try to implement best
procedures which have positive outcome
6 as commpetent team also have leadership qualities so they lead from the front and provide visible
leadership to there workers not like the MT he just arrived in issues
7 as competent team has the time management skills so they can manage time and give a result
efficietlty so its important for team to be commpetent
8 the team should be competent as they are profestional and honest the way he honestly guide the
advisor of health and safety about he accident


1 As mentioned in the senario the area was expanded and five more wind turbines were added to the
site so management must have to change control as the area get wider now
2 in the senario a new designed electronic system was installed to replace an out date so worker must
be guided by the organization about the new system.
3 as accident was occurred in the senario so the risk assessmement must be reviewed or changed by
the organization and new safe procedure will be implent on worker
4 as secure national security services succeeded to takeover another security organization so for this
they must change control.
5 as in the senario the snow fall heavily as they aspected so according to the environment condition
they must change the control measures .
6 as in the senario the have hired they NSO and he just join three month ago so organization must
take control meaures by giving him proper training.

1 The health and safety should be reviewed after suitable interval maximun annual as in the senario
thee policy was expired so it should be reviwed .
2 health and safety policy should be reviwed after the change in tecnology as in the senario the new
tecnology monitoring system was installed so it should be reviwed
3 health and safety policy should be reviwed aftter new workers hired by the compnay as the NSO
was hired 3 month ago so policy should be reviwed
4 as accident occurred in the senario so after any accident the policy must have to be reviwed for safe
procedures and updating control measures
5 it is legal requirements to reviwed your policy so its should be reviwed after time to time
6 as in the senario 5 new wind turbines were added into the site so after this policy might be reviwed
by the organization.
7 as in the senario the SOs complain about thr refreshing training so it might be reviwed by the
organization because of there feedback.
8 to stay up to date with the other industries or to maintain repuation the organization might reviwed
there policy as secure national has awarded with contracts.
9 as audit was conduct by the MT so after an audit the policy might be reviwed by the organization
for better safe procedure implemetation.
10 `as NSO was injured in the accident so he can claims for the compensation so after this the policy
might be reviwed by the organization.
11 as in the senario the new owner of the MT is manageming director also so after this policy must be
reviwed by the MD.
12 Asin the seanrio the risk assessment was old and new risk assessement will be generated so after
new risk assessment the policy might have been reviwed by the organization.
13 in the senario the SOs from each site must be involved in risk assessment refers change in pattern
after change in procedure policy must be reviwed
14 the health and safety should be reviwed by the organization if some health and safety advisor advice
you to do as externel auditor advice some good points so it might be reviwed.
15 the policy should be reviwed by the organization as in thr senario there was heavy snow fall from
expected so change in weather condition will tends us to review policy.

1 as mentioned in the senario the MT hired a experienced auditor who was chattered member for
audit is the strength that they want a full proper audit of there company
2 as in the senario the consultant inspect the site with the DSO which will help the auditor to observe
working process
3 the MT want continous improvemnet in there windfarmsite thats why he he hired an external
auditor for this .
4 the RMO provided provide health and safety relevent documents including risk assessments,
safety policy and lone worker to the consultant when he asked from it .
5 in the senario DSO guidde the auditor about the day to day duties and also consult about the recent
accidents occurent in site
6 the DSO highlight the refreshing traning point to the consultant means that the competent worker
want to improve there workforce competemce
7 after the consultantt completed the audit the MT told the regional office to shedeule annual risl
8 SO From each site were ordered by the MT after consulting with the consultant that they would ne
the part of the risk assessment
9 in the senario while escorting the consultant to the gatehouse ROMs said audits seems like a lot of
effort means they want imporvment in there windsites there attitude is positive
10 as the management want to dettect their errors and want to resolve them thats why they are
managing audit for better procedures
11 as the MT was ti improve there financial managements because audit can improve financial
managing properties
12 by hiring external ecperined chattered person for audit will increase the invester to invest in the
organization as they will know this organization is well managed


1 As in the senario the worker got injured and a the medical treatment cost can be saved if we make
safety our first prrioty
2 the claim of compensation from the NSO can also be saved by the us if we maintain proper safety
3 the fine from the court or the enforcement agencies can aslo be saved by us if we implemement
proper safety procedures
4 an accident can also increase in the cost of maintainance it can also be reduced by the following of
proper safety procedures
5 as NSO was off for six week he might be payed sick leave that can be also save by us if safety
precaution is implemented by the workers from organization
6 due to injured SO new worker might be hired by the organization and the hiring cost can also be
saved if we follow safe policies
7 overttime salarygiven to the other workers after the NSO got injured can also be saved by
implementing save procedure of works.
8 the time lost while investigatation process is indirect cost and it can also be saved by us by having
strick rule regarding health and safety
9 the cost of the suggested action after the investigation or audit should also be saved by the
organization if we follow safety.
10 the training would be provided to the new worker hired that cost can also be safe by the
organization by impleting safety.
11 loss of contract can also be a indirect financial loss to an organization if accident occures this can
also be saved by the organization by implementing safety.
12 compony reputattion might be effected by the accident and the insurance will be also secreased so
its important to maintain safety

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