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Pending Action Plan Report

Plan Year State District panchayat & Block Panchayat & Village Panchayat & equivalent
equivalent equivalent
2024-2025 Odisha Kalahandi Junagarh Bankapalas

SECTION 1 : Plan Summary

Total Amount Alloted(in Rs.) Total Planned Outlay(in Rs.)

Tied Untied Tied Untied

SC ST General Total SC ST General Total SC ST General Total SC ST General Total

0 0 979134 979134 0 0 9315876 9315876 0 0 776134 776134 0 0 12220496 12220496

SECTION 2 : Sectoral View

Planned Outlay


Sector Tied Untied

S.No SC ST General Total SC ST General Total

1 Drinking water 0 0 440067 440067 0 0 742240 742240

2 Education 0 0 0 0 0 0 112080 112080

3 Land improvement 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000000 10000000

4 Maintenance of community system 0 0 0 0 0 0 455676 455676

5 Roads 0 0 0 0 0 0 900000 900000

6 Sanitation 0 0 336067 336067 0 0 3500 3500

7 Social welfare 0 0 0 0 0 0 7000 7000

Total 0 0 776134 776134 0 0 12220496 12220496
Report Generated on 23/04/2024 02:10:34 PM and data is entered and managed by State Panchayati Raj Deparments and Panchayats Page No.01
Pending Action Plan Report

SECTION 3 : Scheme View

Scheme Name Component Name Amount Alloted Planned Outlay

Tied Untied Tied Untied

S.No SC ST General Total SC ST General Total SC ST General Total SC ST General Total

1 5TH STATE FINANCE GRANT-IN-AID 0 0 0 0 0 0 643120 643120 0 0 0 0 0 0 764240 764240


2 XV Finance Commission Basic Grant (untied) 0 0 0 0 0 0 652756 652756 0 0 0 0 0 0 656256 656256

3 XV Finance Commission Tied Grant 0 0 979134 979134 0 0 0 0 0 0 776134 776134 0 0 0 0

4 MG National Rural MG National Rural Employment 0 0 0 0 0 0 800000 800000 0 0 0 0 0 0 108000 108000

Employment Guarantee Guarantee Act 0 0 00 00

5 Own Funds Own Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 20000 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 979134 979134 0 0 931587 931587 0 0 776134 776134 0 0 122204 122204

6 6 96 96

SECTION 4 : Planned Activity Details Funded By Panchayat

S.No Theme Activity name Activity Activity For Sector Location of Estimated Cost Total Scheme Name General SC Fund ST Fund
Name Description Asset Duration Fund

1 Theme 3 - 105883760 REPAIR AND All Education N/A 112080 MAY 2024 XV Finance Commission 112080 0 0
Child Repair of School Doors/ MAINTENANCE - JUN 2024
Friendly Windows/ Gates/ Fixtures OF U.P SCHOOL

2 Theme 4 - 98279601 RENOVATION All Land N/A 500000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 500000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF JADA improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks BANDHA TANK nt

3 Theme 4 - 98335665 RENOVATION All Land N/A 500000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 500000 0 0
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Pending Action Plan Report

Water Maintenance of traditional OF improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act

Sufficient Ponds / Tanks AMBAMUNDA nt
Village TANK

4 Theme 4 - 98335820 RENOVATION All Land N/A 500000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 500000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF JADABANDH improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks TANK nt

5 Theme 4 - 99000381 RENOVATION All Land N/A 500000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 500000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF BANJI NALL improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks TANK AT nt

6 Theme 4 - 99000885 RENOVATION All Land N/A 1000000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 1000000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF BANJI NAL improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks TANK AT nt

7 Theme 4 - 99001263 RENOVATION All Land N/A 1000000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 1000000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks THELKOMUNDA nt
Village TANK

8 Theme 4 - 99001747 RENOVATION All Land N/A 1000000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 1000000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks GHRJAMUNDA nt
Village TANK

9 Theme 4 - 99002239 RENOVATION All Land N/A 1000000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 1000000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF TANK AT improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks RAMPADA nt

10 Theme 4 - 99002655 CHEAK DAM AT All Drinking Bankapala 500000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 500000 0 0
Water Creation of other water BANKAPALAS water s (2) - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient recharging structure/Recharge
Village pit/ shaft/Anicut/Check
Dam/Earthen Dam/Percolation
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Pending Action Plan Report

Dams/ Continous Contour

Trenches etc

11 Theme 4 - 99003234 RENOVATION All Land N/A 1000000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 1000000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF JAMUNDA improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks TANK nt

12 Theme 4 - 99003619 RENOVATION All Land N/A 1000000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 1000000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF BHIMKHOJ improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks TANK nt

13 Theme 4 - 99003996 RENOVATION All Land N/A 1000000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 1000000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF MAULI TANK improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks nt

14 Theme 4 - 99004599 RENOVATION All Land N/A 500000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 500000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional OF NUA KHUNTI improveme - JUN 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks PADA TANK nt

15 Theme 4 - 100418838 renovation of All Land N/A 200000 APR 2024 5TH STATE FINANCE 200000 0 0
Water Maintenance of traditional water bodies at improveme - JUN 2024 COMMISSION
Sufficient Ponds / Tanks jada bandh nt
Village bankapalas

16 Theme 4 - 100420876 construction of All Drinking Balarampu 121120 APR 2024 5TH STATE FINANCE 121120 0 0
Water Creation of other water culvert at water r(2) - JUN 2024 COMMISSION
Sufficient recharging structure/Recharge bhaluchuan road
Village pit/ shaft/Anicut/Check
Dam/Earthen Dam/Percolation
Dams/ Continous Contour
Trenches etc

17 Theme 4 - 105953096 REPAIR AND All Drinking N/A 82067 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 82067 0 0
Water Repair of pipe drinking water MAINTENANCE water - JUN 2024
Sufficient OF DRINKING
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Pending Action Plan Report



18 Theme 5 - 98518432 LAND All Land N/A 50000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 50000 0 0
Clean and Land Development DEVELOPMENT improveme - MAY Employment Guarantee Act
Green OF SAMBARU nt 2024
Village MAJHI

19 Theme 5 - 98519865 LAND All Land N/A 50000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 50000 0 0
Clean and Agroforestry/Crop DEVELOPMENT improveme - MAY Employment Guarantee Act
Green Diversification/ Mulching/ OF BINOD nt 2024
Village Direct Seeded Rice MAJHI
(DSR)/Poly House/Net

20 Theme 5 - 98520922 LAND All Land N/A 50000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 50000 0 0
Clean and Land Development DEVELOPMENT improveme - MAY Employment Guarantee Act
Green OF RITESH nt 2024

21 Theme 5 - 98521261 LAND All Land N/A 50000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 50000 0 0
Clean and Land Development DEVELOPMENT improveme - MAY Employment Guarantee Act
Green OF nt 2024

22 Theme 5 - 98528871 LAND All Land N/A 50000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 50000 0 0
Clean and Land Development DEVELOPMENT improveme - MAY Employment Guarantee Act
Green OF NIRMAL nt 2024
Village MAJHI

23 Theme 5 - 98531323 LAND All Land N/A 50000 APR 2024 MG National Rural 50000 0 0
Clean and Land Development DEVELOPMENT improveme - MAY Employment Guarantee Act
Green OF KASINATH nt 2024
Village MAJHI
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Pending Action Plan Report

24 Theme 5 - 100423114 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets aditya majhi s/0 s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets jhuri majhi

25 Theme 5 - 100423513 retrofitting of All Sanitation Ratanpala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets akbal sabar s/o (3) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets gurubaru sabar

26 Theme 5 - 100423804 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets danujya majhi s/o s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets samudra majhi

27 Theme 5 - 100424223 retrofitting of of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets aswin majhi s/o s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets shyama majhi

28 Theme 5 - 100424526 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets baisnabamajhi s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets s/o bishnu majhi

29 Theme 5 - 100424866 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets banatalia majhi s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets s/o dinabandhu
Village majhi

30 Theme 5 - 100425165 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets barun majhi s/o s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets kaenru majhi

31 Theme 5 - 100425345 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets baruna majhi s/o s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets nakula majhi
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Pending Action Plan Report

32 Theme 5 - 100425863 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets dhanurjya majhi s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets s/o sibaram majhi

33 Theme 5 - 100426263 retrofitting of firoj All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets majhi s/o s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets dasaratha majhi

34 Theme 5 - 100426561 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets gobinda majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets kedar majhi 2024

35 Theme 5 - 100427027 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets jayanta majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets khageswar majhi 2024

36 Theme 5 - 100427447 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets judhistira majhi s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets s/o mohan majhi

37 Theme 5 - 100427840 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets kausika jhankar s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets s/o bhubaneswar
Village jhankar

38 Theme 5 - 100428162 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets keshari majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets sahadeba majhi 2024

39 Theme 5 - 100428439 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets khameswar majhi s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets s/o kartika majhi 2024
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Pending Action Plan Report

40 Theme 5 - 100471227 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets krusna majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets bandaka majhi 2024

41 Theme 5 - 100471576 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets kshirmata majhi s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets s/o gobinda majhi 2024

42 Theme 5 - 100471721 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets kurrti majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets durjan majhi 2024

43 Theme 5 - 100471987 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets labanya majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets gandaram majhi 2024

44 Theme 5 - 100472264 retrofittig of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets madan majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets gobinda majhi 2024

45 Theme 5 - 100472571 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets makara majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets dhanu majhi 2024

46 Theme 5 - 100473399 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets makardhwaj s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets majhi s/o 2024
Village ghasiram majhi

47 Theme 5 - 100473677 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets makaranda majhi s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets s/o gobinda majhi 2024
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Pending Action Plan Report

48 Theme 5 - 100473851 retrofitiing of All Sanitation Balarampu 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets manohar majhi r(2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets s/o bali majhi 2024

49 Theme 5 - 100474053 RETROFITTING All Sanitation Balarampu 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets OF NANAK r(2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets MAJHI S/O 2024

50 Theme 5 - 100474212 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets netrananda majhi s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets s/o parmeswar 2024
Village majhi

51 Theme 5 - 100474382 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets niranjan majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets mangal majhi 2024

52 Theme 5 - 100474552 retrofitting of nura All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets sanurjya mjhi 2024

53 Theme 5 - 100475322 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets padmalochan s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets majhi s/o 2024
Village maniram majhi

54 Theme 5 - 100475583 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets pankaj majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets gobinda majhi 2024

55 Theme 5 - 100475859 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets pariskhita sabar s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets s/o naeku majhi 2024
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Pending Action Plan Report

56 Theme 5 - 100476082 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets prabhat majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets bantalia majhi 2024

57 Theme 5 - 100476538 retrofitting of rabi All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets ghasiram majhi 2024

58 Theme 5 - 100476921 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets raghumani majhi s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets s/o padmalochan 2024
Village majhi

59 Theme 5 - 100477203 retrofitting of All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets sadsiba majhi s/o s (2) - MAY
Green to twin pit toilets gunasagar majhi 2024

60 Theme 5 - 100479414 service of All Sanitation Bankapala 30000 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 30000 0 0
Clean and Services of Collection & collection and s (2) - 2025
Green transportation of waste from transportation of
Village household to treatment site waste from house

61 Theme 5 - 100480301 opreration and All Sanitation N/A 20000 MAY 2024 XV Finance Commission 20000 0 0
Clean and Operation & maintenance of maintenance of - JUL 2024
Green community compost/soak pits community soak
Village pits

62 Theme 5 - 100480822 opreration and All Sanitation N/A 10067 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 10067 0 0
Clean and Operation & maintenance of maintenance of - MAY
Green community compost/soak pits composting shed 2024
Village / center

63 Theme 5 - 100481323 hiring of support All Sanitation N/A 60000 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 60000 0 0
Clean and Hiring of support agencies agencies - MAY
Green (@1000per 2024
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Pending Action Plan Report

Village village *5x12)

64 Theme 5 - 100481723 25 nos of leach All Sanitation N/A 90000 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 90000 0 0
Clean and Operation & maintenance of pit @3600 - MAY
Green community compost/soak pits 2024

65 Theme 5 - 105951977 RETROFITTING All Sanitation Bankapala 3500 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 3500 0 0
Clean and Retrofitting of single pit toilets OF ANURJYA s (2) - JUN 2024
Green to twin pit toilets MAJHI S/O

66 Theme 6 - 98528284 CONST OF All Roads N/A 500000 MAY 2024 MG National Rural 500000 0 0
Self- Repairing and maintenance of METAL MURUM - JUL 2024 Employment Guarantee Act
sufficient roads ROAD FROM
Infrastructu LUHAKHIN
re in PADA TO

67 Theme 6 - 98995396 REPAIR AND All Maintenan N/A 15000 APR 2024 5TH STATE FINANCE 15000 0 0
Self- Installation of Street Lights MAINTENANCE ce of - 2025 COMMISSION
sufficient OF STREET community
Infrastructu LIGHT system
re in

68 Theme 6 - 100418014 payment of All Maintenan N/A 100000 APR 2024 5TH STATE FINANCE 100000 0 0
Self- Maintenance of Street Lights energy charges ce of - 2025 COMMISSION
sufficient of pws/street light community
Infrastructu and gp office system
re in

69 Theme 6 - 100418432 repair and All Maintenan N/A 200000 APR 2024 5TH STATE FINANCE 200000 0 0
Self- Construction/ Maintenance/ maintenance of ce of - MAY COMMISSION
sufficient Upgradation of repairing of gp main gate community 2024
Infrastructu Play Ground/ Child friendly system
Report Generated on 23/04/2024 02:10:34 PM and data is entered and managed by State Panchayati Raj Deparments and Panchayats Page No.011
Pending Action Plan Report

re in Park etc.

70 Theme 6 - 100419463 construction of All Drinking N/A 121120 APR 2024 5TH STATE FINANCE 121120 0 0
Self- Pipeline connection for water culvert at water - JUN 2024 COMMISSION
sufficient supply bhaluchuan road
re in

71 Theme 6 - 100479814 platform All Drinking Bankapala 150000 MAY 2024 XV Finance Commission 150000 0 0
Self- Drinking water facilities/ construction of at water s (2) - JUL 2024
sufficient Installation of RO/ Water Filter community
Infrastructu drinking water
re in @7500 (20 nos)

72 Theme 6 - 105883819 REPAIR AND All Roads N/A 200000 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 200000 0 0
Self- Repairing and maintenance of MAINTENANCE - MAY
sufficient roads OF SCHOOL 2024
Infrastructu GALI ROAD

73 Theme 6 - 105883876 RE[AIR AND All Roads N/A 200000 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 200000 0 0
Self- Repairing and maintenance of MAINTENANCE - MAY
sufficient roads OF 2024
Infrastructu RAMCHANDRA

74 Theme 6 - 105884029 INSTALLATION All Maintenan N/A 40676 MAY 2024 XV Finance Commission 40676 0 0
Self- Procurement of Computer OF COMPUTER ce of - JUN 2024
sufficient Printer, UPS, etc. WITH INTERNET community
Infrastructu FACILITY system
re in

75 Theme 6 - 105953212 INSTALLATION All Drinking N/A 104000 MAY 2024 XV Finance Commission 104000 0 0
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Pending Action Plan Report

Self- Drinking water facilities/ OF TUBEWELL water - JUL 2024

sufficient Installation of RO/ Water Filter AT BASTIPADA
Infrastructu RATANPALA
re in

76 Theme 6 - 105953226 INSTALLATION All Drinking N/A 104000 MAY 2024 XV Finance Commission 104000 0 0
Self- Drinking water facilities/ OF TUBEWELL water - JUL 2024
sufficient Installation of RO/ Water Filter AT
Infrastructu BANKAPALAS
re in

77 Theme 8 - 100421434 bal sabha All Social N/A 2000 APR 2024 5TH STATE FINANCE 2000 0 0
Village with Organising of Gram Sabha/ welfare - AUG COMMISSION
Good Ward Sabha/ Mahila Sabha/ 2024
Governanc GPDP

78 Theme 8 - 100421606 mahila sabha All Social N/A 5000 APR 2024 5TH STATE FINANCE 5000 0 0
Village with Organising of Gram Sabha/ welfare - 2025 COMMISSION
Good Ward Sabha/ Mahila Sabha/
Governanc GPDP

79 Theme 8 - 105883940 PURCHASE OF All Maintenan N/A 100000 APR 2024 XV Finance Commission 100000 0 0
Village with Furniture and Fixtures in FURNITURE ce of - MAY
Good Gram Panchayat Bhawan FOR GP OFFICE community 2024
Governanc system

Total 12996630 12996630 0 0

*Note : Sankalp Theme in Green Colour

SECTION 5 : Planned Activity Details Funded By Other Department(Flagship Programs)

S.No Theme Name Activity name Activity Description Activity For Sector Total Indicative Total Duration Scheme Name Total No. of
Cost Beneficiarries
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Pending Action Plan Report

1 Theme 1 - Poverty 105828740 IEC awareness All Social welfare 60000000 APR 2024 - 2025 National Social 300
Free and Enhanced IEC / awareness campaign on social campaign on NSAP Assistance
Livelihoods Village protection schemes / other beneficiary VPRP Programme (NSAP)
oriented schemes

2 Theme 1 - Poverty 105892763 ESTABLISHMENT OF All Technical 3000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Pashudhan Scheme 300
Free and Enhanced Awareness creation for self POULTRY UNITS training and
Livelihoods Village employment schemes in GP through FOR LIVELIHOOD vocational
Career Counselling Camps ACTIVITIES education

3 Theme 1 - Poverty 105893106 CAPACITY BUILDING All Agriculture 3000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Matsaya Yojna 300
Free and Enhanced Incentivizing farmers through fair value OF FARMERS FOR
Livelihoods Village of their produce FISHERY

4 Theme 1 - Poverty 105893656 AWARENESS CAMP All Social welfare 300000 APR 2024 - 2025 Pradhan Mantri Matru 300
Free and Enhanced Camp for inclusion of name in the list FOR PREGNANT Vandana Yojna
Livelihoods Village of social protection schemes and other WOMEN FAMILY
beneficiary oriented schemes MEMBER ON SAFE

5 Theme 1 - Poverty 105894040 UJJWAL GAS All Fuel and 100000 APR 2024 - 2025 Pradhan Mantri 10
Free and Enhanced VPRP- Demand for UJJWALA Gas CONNECTION TO 10 fodder Ujjwala Yojana
Livelihoods Village connection BENEFICISRIES

6 Theme 1 - Poverty 105950209 DEENDAYAL All Technical 200000 APR 2024 - 2025 Deendayal Upadhyaya 1
Free and Enhanced Training under Pradhan Mantri UPADHYA GRAMEEN training and Grameen Kaushalya
Livelihoods Village Kaushal Vikas Yojana vocational Yojana(DDUGKY)

7 Theme 1 - Poverty 105950504 TRAINING UNDER All Technical 2000 APR 2024 - 2025 Pradhan Mantri Krishi 1
Free and Enhanced Training under Pradhan Mantri VIKAS YOJANA training and Sinchayee Yojana
Livelihoods Village Kaushal Vikas Yojana vocational (PMKSY)

8 Theme 2 - Healthy 105893197 ORGANISING All Health 3000000 APR 2024 - 2025 National Rural Health 300
Village Camp for inclusion of name in the list HEALTH CAMP FOR Mission
of health card/ health insurance CHILDREN WOMEN

9 Theme 2 - Healthy 105893760 CAMP FOR All Health 300000 APR 2024 - 2025 Biju Swastya Kalyan 300
Village Camp for inclusion of name in the list INCLUSION OF Yojana
of health card/ health insurance NAME IN THE LIST
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Pending Action Plan Report


10 Theme 4 - Water 105826971 drip and sprinkler All Drinking water 90000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Pradhan Mantri Krishi 300
Sufficient Village VPRP Resource Development - irrigation for Sichayee
Construction of Recharge agriculture Yojana(PMKSY)
Pits/Rainwater Harvesting

11 Theme 4 - Water 105894400 SBM- RETROFITTING All Sanitation 300000 APR 2024 - 2025 Swachh Bharat 300
Sufficient Village VPRP Public Goods - Community toilet OF SINGLE PIT Mission (Gramin)

12 Theme 5 - Clean and 105826362 installation of higher All Non- 9000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Jal Jeevan Mission 300
Green Village Solar Pumpset Installation capacity pumps conventional (JJM)
ixisting pipe water energy
supply sources

13 Theme 5 - Clean and 105893981 CONSTRUCTION All Non- 300000 APR 2024 - 2025 Mahatma Gandhi 30
Green Village Construction of Bio-Gas and Compost OFRUCTION OF BIO conventional National Rural
Unit GAS AND COMPOST energy Employment
PIT UNDER sources Guarantee Scheme

14 Theme 6 - Self- 98308877 const of ramps in All Health 80000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Samagara Shikha 400
sufficient Infrastructure Construction of RAMPS schools of gp area Abhiyan
in Village

15 Theme 6 - Self- 105824992 construction of rams in All Health 900000 APR 2024 - 2025 Samagara Shikha 30
sufficient Infrastructure Construction of RAMPS school to make Abhiyan
in Village divyang friendly

16 Theme 6 - Self- 105827489 construction of roads All Maintenance 6000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Mahatma Gandhi 300
sufficient Infrastructure VPRP : Public Goods-Roads of community National Rural
in Village (MGNREGA) system Employment
Guarantee Scheme

17 Theme 6 - Self- 105829052 PMAY house for the All Maintenance 60000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Pradhan Mantri Awas 600
sufficient Infrastructure VPRP : Public Goods- Construction of beneficiaries VPRP of community Yojana —Urban
in Village Grain storage building./ facilities / system PMAY (U)
Report Generated on 23/04/2024 02:10:34 PM and data is entered and managed by State Panchayati Raj Deparments and Panchayats Page No.015
Pending Action Plan Report

Warehouse under MGNREGA

18 Theme 6 - Self- 105894155 IEC AWARENESS All Technical 300000 APR 2024 - 2025 National Social 300
sufficient Infrastructure Training/ Awarness creation/ IEC/ CAMPAIGN ON NSAP training and Assistance
in Village Poster banner Wall writing Wall (VPRP) vocational Programme (NSAP)
painting, etc. education

19 Theme 7 - Socially 105825733 appropriate learning All Welfare of the 300000 APR 2024 - 2025 Poshan Abhiyan/ICDS 30
Just and Socially Awareness Campaign on Health materials and play weaker
Secured Village Schemes/ ICDS Program toys for development sections

20 Theme 7 - Socially 105828346 identification of All Women and 90000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Antodaya Anna 300
Just and Socially Demonstration of Supplementary leftoutn eligible child Yojana
Secured Village Nutritious food beneficiaries to cover development
under food

21 Theme 7 - Socially 105829717 training to elected All Technical 48000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Deendayal Upadhyaya 400
Just and Socially Skill development training representatives about training and Gram Jyoti Yojana
Secured Village various scheams of vocational (DDUGJY)
govt education

22 Theme 9 - Women 105825900 sensitization on All Women and 300000 APR 2024 - 2025 Beti Bachao Beti 30
Friendly Village VPRP SDP: Human Trafficking human traffiking of and child Padao
(Women and Child Development children development

23 Theme 9 - Women 105893280 MOBILIZATION OF All Women and 3000000 APR 2024 - 2025 Janani Surakha Yojna 300
Friendly Village VPRP: Demand for maternal benefits PREGNANT WOMEN child
under women welfare and State BY THE ASHAS TO development
Specific Schemes THE VHND

24 Theme 9 - Women 105950157 AYUSHMAN BHARAT All Women and 200000 APR 2024 - 2025 Ayushman Bharat 1
Friendly Village Awareness raising on Mission Shakti child
Schemes/other Schemes development

25 Theme 9 - Women 105950228 MID DAY All Women and 20000 APR 2024 - 2025 Mid-Day Meal Scheme 1
Friendly Village Awareness raising on Mission Shakti child (MDM)
Schemes/other Schemes development

26 Theme 9 - Women 105950273 NATIONAL BIOGAS All Women and 20000 APR 2024 - 2025 National Biogas and 1
Friendly Village Awareness raising on Mission Shakti child Manure Management
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Pending Action Plan Report

Schemes/other Schemes development Programme

27 Theme 9 - Women 105950308 HEALTH MISSION All Women and 50000 APR 2024 - 2025 National Health 1
Friendly Village Awareness raising on Mission Shakti child Mission (NHM)
Schemes/other Schemes development

28 Theme 9 - Women 105950344 NATIONAL RURAL All Women and 50000 APR 2024 - 2025 National Rural 1
Friendly Village Awareness raising on Mission Shakti MISSION child Livelihood Mission
Schemes/other Schemes development (NRLM)

29 Theme 9 - Women 105950388 PRADHAN MANTRI All Women and 50000 APR 2024 - 2025 Pradhan Mantri 1
Friendly Village Awareness raising on Mission Shakti AWAS YOJANA child AwasYojana Gramin
Schemes/other Schemes development PMAY (G)

Total 458692000 5438

*Note : Sankalp Theme in Green Colour
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