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Let me select the sphere, from the primitives, that's the center, give it a

radius of 5 millimeters, there it is. You cannot see what it really looks like, so
let me shade it in the perspective view.
Now let's use a mesh menu and do the same drawing of a sphere, with meshes.
Center and 5 millimeters radius. Here they are. As you look at them you can see
the differences in the shapes, let me zoom those in, so that you get a better
view of what they look like. Just a perspective only, and the one with the
poly mesh, you see the jagged edges, it's not very smooth compared to the one I
drew with the NURBS. I can further manipulate these two spheres, so let me
select both of them by keeping the shift key pressed, and by selecting the icon to
switch on the points, now I can manipulate each one of these spheres, at
the points that they were that were used to draw these spheres. So I select one of
the points on the poly mesh, and I move it around, and you can see it's a kind of
rubbery drag, but you can see it's pretty pointy on the surface of the sphere. Let
me do the same with a NURBS surface, this one is more organic as I pull it, you can
see on the surface it's not as pointy as someone with the poly meshes, so pretty
smooth surface with the NURBS. That is the difference drawing an object with
NURBS and poly measures. That should give you an idea of the differences when
using NURBS as well as poly meshes.

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