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English Department ENGL 4021 M03 MINUTES Meeting Date: February 8, 2024 Call to order: A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 M03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce (UPRP) was held in room MTC-3 of the Ruth Fortutio Academic Building on February 8, 2024. ‘The meeting convened at 10;34 A.M, Professor LeCompte presiding and Luis Raul Rodriguez, Mattei, secretary. All students attended except: Anderson Cruz Santana. Approvalof Minutes Minutes of the February ¥, 2024, were approved after corrections, Matters Discussed: what took 1. Professor LeCompte weleomed students and started the class with a quiz from Chapter te 2. The professor after de quiz. discussed Chapter 2 and mentioned some key points of this chapter such as: a) Itis very important to highlight the most important points and repeat them, b) You must consider the ABC format that divides the information into an abstract, (give a summary of main points), body (supplies supporting details), and conclusion (gives readers what they need to act). ©) Alll the information you get you must break it down and place it in subtopics. 4) To design the page, you need to use white space, create headings and subheadings, and use an acceptable font. Announcement Fee re The students need to watch the videos: “The Xuture of ood” and “Yood tvolution” for the next week, Adjourement: The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m. Submitted by: Buty’ Ras cur’ trots _ Feluary 14 Secretary: Luis R Rodriguez Date of approval

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