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U can use this format to collect ur client details for wire transfer

Bu sotme ngw hio tngh r appened my w oievas

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So my love please dont make me loose this money is for me and you and I
have just 1 weeks left for me to provide the Credit card info or a bank
account to them for the money to be wire into ,all i need is just a bank
to bank transfer .So please my love all I need from you is yourCredit
card info or a bank account I need it very urgent my love so as for the
money to be send to you, because the only one I trust allot and I will like
you to give me the full detail information of your Credit card info or
a bank account .

So that the money will be wired to you, and when the money is been wire to
your Credit card info or a bank account . All u have to do is just to
take your card and go and get the money out from the ATM with yourCredit
card or a bank account , so after that then you will have to take the
amount of $500 USD out of it just for your self because I do care about
you my love. And you will keep the money in hand not in your account ,
because i might urgently be in need,just as at now i am now in need of at
least $2,500 USD for me to pay all my school bill i owe here so after you
get the money that is gonna be transferred to you . All you have to do is
just to send me the amount i told u i need the $2,500 USD and you will keep
the remaining money any way dont forget to deduct the amount of $500 USD
for your self use my love I trust you and love you . All I need now is
your full Credit card info or a bank account detail as stated below ok

Here are the details needed for a Credit Card Account if you got one.

Name of Bank.
Full name of Account.
Card type.
Credit card number.
Expiring date.
The ssn.
Your private phone number.
Bank Address.
Bank phone number.
The Card Holder contact address.
Maiden name.
Card limit ?

And also Here are the details needed for a Bank Account if you got one.

Name of Bank.
Full Name of Account Holder.
Private Phone number #.
Account Type.
Account Number.
Routine Number.
Home Phone.
Check Number :
Acount Limit.
Home Adress.

Hello my love , i missed you so much i am very happy to tell you that the
lawyer told me that , the money has been wired to your account , so all you
have to do is get the money and dont forget to get the $2000 USD send to
me out of it, so as for you take the amount of $500 USD as i stated ealier
becos i am mostly concern about your health and also for you to get some
things for your self becuase i love you and here is the address for you to
go and get the money send to me via western union immeditely when u get the
money in your account with out waisting of time ok my love .


[5/8, 11:31 PM] ?+234 816 785 1615?: Hello my name is Michael Brown i am a Combaat
Engineer currently on deployement at Camp Blackjack,Afghanistan under the Command of the
UNITED STATE OF ARMERICAN specialised on Combat,Acuri C-130 and other war planes
maintainance.I was once an Ex-military personal retired 3yrs ago as a Sgt under the command
of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Afghanistan This was due to current
deployment to War zones and found out its too risky been in the War front and have to be there
for my Son,cause Am all he's got now since he i divorce 6yrs ago
I would like to request for an urgent leave of absence for Michael Brownn because there are
personal problems and unavoidable circumstances here at home that requires immediate
attention. This has created problems in our relationship and health is not too good at the
moment. I would want him to be home to take care of things for me and will be back as soon as
everything is sorted.
I would appreciate very much if this request will be granted with immediate effect.

Would like to meet a woman that could 1st make me

laugh and be a good friend, and that just wants simple
things in life and are looking for a friend 1st and lover
2nd to spend time with. I believe after that, if two
people are right for each other then they will get to
know each other as they go along and work it out on
the way and also Ill like to meet someone who still
believes in opening doors for people and letting a
woman have his seat on the tube.
I am a fun loving, caring and gentle Man, with a
great big heart. I am generally a little bit on the
quiet/shy side. Im a happy, friendly cuddly Lonely
Man who enjoys life. I have a low circle of friends for
wining and dining, trips to the cinema or theater, walks
on the beach or in the countryside and cozy nights in.I
value honesty,fidelity and companionship but also
need space to pursue my own interests. I see my self
as intelligent, with a good sense of humor and I dont
take myself too seriously. I am looking for the same
qualities in a woman. Looks are not important - its the
person inside that matters. . Great smile, captive eyes,
good hygiene and usually well dressed (unless of
course I am working around the house), well
grounded, and I know that being sexy is a state of
mind rather

I will like to tell you about myself. I'm Sgt Michael brown I'm 47yrs old, I'm 5'9' Ft Tall, I'm
currently serving the US Army, i'm presently in Iraqnow in camp Taji. i had been in the service
now going to 20yrs. it has been my dream since i was young to serve my country, and am happy
i made it a reality. I lost my Dad 15yrs ago. He was a nice father and brother to me, My dad was
a successful business man before he die, My dad real parents were from USA his Foster parents
are from Australia but they move to Scotland and they brought my dad along to the Australia.
My mom was an orphanage, according to what she told me, Her biological parents are from
Canada but she was born in Usa, Both my dad and mom had no relatives. I'm the only child of
my parents. My dad told me the story how he and my mom met when he was on a business trip
to PA. He said my mom was working in the hotel he lodged at.....He told me he was walking
down the street in the evening of a fateful day and he saw my mom walking down home, he saw
he have sight her from the first day he checked into the Hotel cos my mom was the Receptionist,
he said my mom showed him places in PA and they decided to settle down there.That was how
my parents got married.. I missed him so much cos he is a good friend to me and he made me
to believe in myself. I want you to know am a man of one woman, i treat my woman with respect
and care. Am an affectionate and passionate man. I love kids and pets. .. What do you seek in
your ideal man? Am a caring man, who show my woman what true love means, i work according
to word of God. I'm a romantic man, I love going to the beach, listen to music, love taking a walk,
love going to the movies. I am an easy going person with a great sense of
humor....Kind,lovely,generous,faithful,loving,down to
earth,humble,loyal,understanding,truthful,trustworthy,friendly...I hope to find the same qualities
in you that I am seeking for as a partner or something beyond. I believe life without love is like
an harp without string,everyone needs love,and i think i deserve a good woman. i love to walk
along the beach with my woman holding hands,seeing the breeze and talking romantic stories
and also watching the sunset together. c. Do not like dull moody people. Life is too short not to
be happy and enjoy. I think that it speaks you more. My opinion on the type of woman that I want
to be with in the future is someone who is caring and considerate, someone I can trust and who
will trust me and will always be honest with me, someone who enjoys laughing at the silly things
that happen in life. Someone who is willing to share the work to make our home a comfortable
place. Someone who likes to live in a tidy house too, I do not like to have things very messy. . I
am happy to share in all of the work required to keep the house nice .If someone was like that
and loved me for who I am too, I would be a very happy man. You know what i believe you cant
make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the
person to realize your worth and Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right
relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you
build till the end.............i believe true love still exists cos Love is a noble act of self-giving,
offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you
don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved
ones..................Let me tell you this thing that I believe in a real relationship: "It doesn't take
beauty to make a relationship but the heart and the mind." I believe a perfect match would be
someone who honest, has a sense of humor, hard working, a good moral sensor. Someone who
likes sports and being outdoors. Has patience for all the curve balls that life throws at you. I love
taking my dog for long walks, going to the movies, or a good cup of coffee. Any day at the beach
is a good one regardless of the season going to concerts,dinner,a drive to no where I am not
looking for someone to "complete me" I am looking for someone to "Highlight me" How nice to
have someone to talk to about daily events, hold hands, watch a movie, and disagree about
different points of view, done in a respectful manner we can agree to disagree, we can't always
agree on everything how boring that would be

I'm Michael Brown i work for the US Army.....have been divorce i haven't gotten a chance to work
a relationship out...but i guess i wanna give it a trial now and see how it goes i don't mind going
extra miles to seek for a true love...i love kids and family...i believe they are the best thing that
could ever happen to someone ...What do you seek in your ideal man ?Am a caring man who
show my woman what true love mean. I work according to word of God. I'm a romantic man, i
love going to the beach , listen to music , love talking a walk, love going to movies I would
descried myself as very caring a gentle and positive person very generous and like life and like
meeting people. I am an easy going person with great seance of humor has been my
dream since i was young to serve my country, and am happy i made it a reality. i believe life
without love is like an harp without string, everyone need love,and i think i deserve a good
woman.i love to walk along the beach with my woman holding hands seeing the breeze and
talking romantic stories,and also watching the sunset together,I hope to find the same qualities
in the person that i am seeking for as a friend or something beyond ,i would love to get to know
more about you if you don't mind,just add me here looking
forward to read from you.
I am Sergeant Michael Brown.I am a 25 Uniform (25U), which is a Signal Support Systems
U.S. Army Soldier

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