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PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN — DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION ANSWERS. Chapter #1 (Descriptive Question Answers) > IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN Q.1: Write down the sources / basis of Islamic Ideology. Pakistan Studies IX ‘Ans: SOURCES OF ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY: Ideology depends on people’s devotion, dedication and adherence to it. People believing, in Islam have firm faith in Islamic ideology. The sources of Islamic ideology are given as under. ® THe HOLy Quran: It is a complete code of life. It is a permanent source of Islamic ideology. It provides guidance to the people in all the matters of life including social, economic and legal matters. It tells the way to lead the life individually and collectively. Those who act upon the teachings of the Quran lead a happy, peaceful and successful life. The Quran tells its followers the right path to follow. It is the main source of Islamic ideology. ® SuNNAH: It is the way and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). It is the detailed explanation of the teachings of the Quran. The literal meaning of the Sunnah is ‘to follow’. It is the main source of Islamic laws and principles. The Quran outlines the broader principles of Islarn and the Sunnah explains those principles in details. The Prophet’s {peace be upon him) wards and deeds elaborate the teachings of the Quran. The Sunnah gives us the model of Islamic way of life. Without Sunnah, the teachings of Islam described in the Quran cannot be understood, It is the practical application in the daily life of the followers of the Islamic ideology. TRADITIONS AND CULTURAL VALUES: Islamic traditions and cultural values which people have followed since the advent of Islam also provide a source of Islamic ideology. The traditions and cultural values which are against the teachings of Islam do not come under this topic. Islamic traditions and cultural values take their root from the Quran and the Sun nah only. ‘What are the principles of democracy in Islam? PRINCIPLES OF DEMOCRACY IN ISLAM: The Islamic democracy is different from the modern democracies prevalent today in various parts of the world. The main difference lies in the sovereignty. In the Islamic democracy, the sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Allah. The representatives. of the people exercise the power within the limits set by Islam. People elect God fearing and righteous people. The government and the legislative assemblies do not have unlimited \powers!\ The’ decisions are\made\ by consultation: The™Shura (The panel of 1|Pace PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN — DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION ANSWERS. advisers) makes the decision collectively after hearing all the opinions. The elected people can go on working as long as they conform to the Islamic laws. The principles of democracy in Islam are given as under: ® JusTICE: It is the main principle of democracy in Islam. The Quran emphasizes on justice. The fundamental rights of the people are protected in the judicial system of Islam. A society having justice will be peaceful and prosperous. A society without justice will soon perish. The literal meaning of justice is to keep the right thing at the right place. Justice for all, irrespective of the rich or the poor, is the landmark of Islamic democracy. Equatity: Islam calls for equality. All are equal before the law. There is no discrimination in Islam ‘on the basis of caste, colour, language, wealth, etc. All citizens of the state are equal in status, They enjoy equal opportunities. The sense of equality makes people to live without fear and tension of any sort. FRATERNITY: It means brotherhood. The Quran says that all the believers are brothers to each other. A Muslim does not betray another Muslim and he does not become a source of trouble for his brother. The Prophet {peace be upon him} told people to exchange gifts which will create love among them, Islam does not allow conspiracy or ill will even towards a non-Muslim. ® TOLERANCE: Our Prophet (peace be upon him) preached tolerance through his words and deeds. Tolerance is a great virtue. Our religion Islam advocates tolerance and moderation. Tolerance brings peace and stability in society. Tolerance avoids conflict and hatred among people. A true Muslim is always tolerant. Write Quaid-e-Azam’s statements on the ideology of Pakistan? QUAID-E-AZAM’S STATEMENTS ON THE IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN: Quaid-e-Azam observed the religious, political and social situation of the sub-continent and concluded that the Muslims and the Hindus could not live together. A separate homeland for the Muslims was needed. He outlined the ideology of Pakistan. His public addresses on the ideology of Pakistan strengthened the freedom movement and the struggle for Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam’s views on the ideology of Pakistan were very clear. He organized the Muslim League and made all the Muslims gather under the banner of the Muslim League. The Muslim League became the most popular political party of the Muslims. Addressing the students of Islamia College, Peshawar, the Quaid explained his views on the ideology of Pakistan saying, PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN — DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION ANSWERS. “Our demand for Pakistan is not for a piece of land, instead, we want to establish an ‘experimental laboratory where we could practice a system based on Islamic principles.” On 23rd March, 1940, at Lahore on the eve of the historic meeting of the Muslim League, Quaid-e-Azam’s explained the ideological basis of an Islamic state saying, “Hinduism and Islam are not only two religions but they are two separate social systems. It would be a dream to think that the Hindu and the Muslims will form a ‘common nation. | want to make it clear that both nations belong to two different civilizations and the foundation of these two civi ions is on such philosophies which are opposed to each other.” In January 1941, the Quaid said, “India had never been a single country or a nation. The issue of sub-continent is international. The difference on culture, social and economic values are of ideological in nature.” The Quaid said about the ideology of Pakistan, “Pakistan had come into being the day the first non-Muslim was converted into a Muslim in India.” All these Quaid’s statements clearly indicate that he got Pakistan for the Muslim of India on the basis of Islamic Ideology alone, Write Allama iqbal’s statements on the ideology of Pakistan. + ALLAMA LOBAL'S STATEMENTS ON THE IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN: Allama Muhammad Iqbal minutely observed the religious, political and social situation of ‘the sub-continent and made a conclusion that the Muslims and the Hindus could not live together. Therefore, he made a demand for a separate homeland for the Muslims of India first of all. Allama labal was a great thinker, philosopher and poet. He felt the need for a separate state for the Muslims and strived hard for it with full determination and zeal. While giving his presidential address at the annual meeting of All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930, Allama Iqbal said, “India is a sub-continent and not a country where people belonging to different religions and speaking different languages are inhabited. The Muslim nation has its unique religious and cultural identity. All civilized nations should respect religious principles, cultural and social values of the Musli PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDgOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN ~ DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION ANSWERS Allama Iqbal furthersaid, “| would like to see the Punjab, the North West Frontier province, Sindh and Balochistan amalgamated into a single state. Formation of a consolidated North West Muslim state appears to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North West india.” Allama labal’s historic address proved to be a milestone in the struggle for Pakistan. Allama Iqbal kept writing to Quaid-e-Azam that a separate state for the Muslims was a final solution to the problems of the Muslims. He succeeded in his efforts and Quaid-e- Azam agreed with him and he reached the same conclusion after a close study and analysis of the constitutional problems of the subcontinent. Allama Iqbal also awakened the Muslims of the subcontinent from his poetry. His poetry is Islamic. He was filled with ‘the love of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Quaid-e-Azam greatly admired Allama Iqbal and sincerely acknowledged his services for ‘the creation of Pakistan. Allama Iqbal could not see his dream of Pakistan come true as he died in 1938. However, people have great love and respect for him for his contribution to the creation of Pakistan. What is the role of ideology in building the national character? ROLE OF IDEOLOGY IN BUILDING THE NATIONAL CHARACTER: Character is the sum of habits, attitude and the way of living of an individual. Character is influenced by the ideology of an individual. The following elements make the national character. > FIRM BELIEF IN THE IDEOLOGY: The ideology of Pakistan is based on Islam. If we stick to our ideology, it will build our character positively. A firm belief in the ideology means that we should lead our life according to the teachings of Quran and the Prophet (peace be upon him). If we deviate from our ideology, we will lose our character. COMMITMENT: Commitment means devotion with a sense of duty and responsibility, We should be committed to our country. It means that we should devote ourselves to the progress and prosperity of our beloved country. We should work hard and make our country strong. The Pakistanis showed their national character on the eve of 1965 war with India. They stood against the enemy like a rock and failed their evil designs. Honesty: Our religion Islam emphasizes on honesty. It is a great virtue. We should be honest in our words and deeds. Honesty is an important element in the building of character. We are lacking in honesty these days. It should be visible in all fields of life. We cannot make any progress without honesty. 4|Pace PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN ~ DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION ANSWERS. ® Patriotism: It is a great virtue. It is the love for one’s own country. It is an element of our religion too. We should always be patriotic to our country. It is an important element in the building of character. A patriotic person is always ready to make any sacrifice for his or her country. People reflect patriotism at the time of any test or challenge. >» Harp Work: Hard work is also an important element of character. The Pakistanis are hardworking people especially when they are working abroad, Pakistan can make great progress if we work hard. > NATIONAL INTERESTS: Only those nations survive that do not compromise on their national interests. We should never compromise on national interests. For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE Quizzes PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN — FILLIN THE BLANKS Chapter #1 Pakistan Studies IX (Fill In The Blanks) > IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN Fill In The Blanks. The basis of the ideology of Pakistan is Islam. Islam is the most democratic system. To keep the things at their appropriate place is called justice Allama Igbal stated about the Ideology of Pakistan in his presidential address at Allahabad, in 1930. Quaid-e-Azam said that Islam and Hindusism were the two separate social systems. The basis of faith is unicity of Gad and Praphethood. Fraternity means brotherhood. Character is sum total of habits. The sources of Islam ideology are the Quran and the Sunnah. For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE Quizzes PAKISTAN STUDIES NaTEs IX IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN — MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter #1 (Multiple Choice Questions) > IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN 3. 5 ‘Choose The Correct Answers. The origin of “Idealogy” is av French c. Latin It is made up of two components: a. Thinking c. Concepts It is a universal Deen: a. Christianity c Islam It is a complete code of life: a. Christianity c.V_ Islam Islamic society was founded by: a.V Hazrat Mohammad 5S.A.W c. Hazrat Abu Bakar R.T.A It is the permanent basis of Islam: a.¥ Quran c Traditions The term “Sunnah” is: a. Italian cv Arabic It is a binding force for the nations in the world: a Culture cv Religion It is the basis of Ideology of Pakistan: a. Culture c, Land r r ao b. d. b. d. Pakistan Studies IX German Arabic Traditions Ideology Hinduism Judaism Hinduism Judaisra Hazrat Ali R.T.A Hazrat Usman Ghani R.T.A Sunnah Cultural values Persian English Cause Dedication. PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEGLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. 10. ‘Quran revealed over a period of: a. 20 years bv 23 years c. 25 years d. 27 years Itis the foundation of Divine Law: a. Equality b. Fraternity c. Tolerance div Justice It makes any society peaceful and prosperous: a. religion b. nationality c. ruler dv justice The accumulation of wealth in the hands of few was abolished, through its establishment: a. Namaz b. Fasting c.V Zakat d. Hajj Fraternity means: a. —_ fatherhood b. neighbourhood c.V__ brotherhood d. motherhood Allama Iqbal delivered his presidential address at the annual meeting of the All-india Muslim League at Allahabad in the year A.D: av 1930 b 1935 c. 1940 d. 1945 Allama Igbal’s address of Allahabad proved to be a milestone in the struggle of: a.v Pakistan b. Muslim League G Congress d. Separation of Sindh Quaid-e-Azam elaborated a separate state of the Muslim In the year A.D: a 1938 b. 1939 c 1940 dv 1941 Allama Iqbal stated about the ideology of Pakistan in his presidential address at; av Allahabad b. Delhi c Lucknow d. Madras Allama Iqbal made a historic speech in the year A.D: a 1927 b. 1928 1929 dv 1930 For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE Quizzes 2|Pace PAKISTAN STUDIES NES IX IDEOLOSICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN: — SHORT QUESTION ANSWERS. Chapter #1 Pakistan Studies [X (Short Question Answers) > IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN Q1: Ans: Q2: Ans: ‘What is ideology? ideology means are: » Ideology is a systematic body of concepts especially about life or culture, » It comes from divine guidance or from great minds. > It constitutes a system of human life including assertions, theories, and objectives of life. ¥ Ina society, the individuals should have common beliefs, customs, and traditions. ® The word ideology is a combination of two components namely “idea” and “logy”. Idea means concept or theory and lagy means science or theory. What is an Islamic society? Write main characteristics of the Muslim society. Islamic Society (Main Characteristic of the Muslim society): » Anslamic society is based on the Quran and the Sunnah. > Allthe rules and regulation of the Islamic society are made fram the teachings of Islam. > It is characterized by respect for humanity, tolerance, justice, equity and peaceful coexistence. » People are bound to lead their lives according to the Islamic code of conduct in an Islamic Society, What are the sources of Islamic Ideology? Sources of Islamic Ideology are: + The Quran: It is a complete code of life and it is a permanent source of Islamic ideology and gives guidance to mankind in every walk of life. 7 The Sun nah All the words and deeds of the Prophet (S.A.W) comprise the Sunnah. It is the detailed explanation of the teachings of the Quran. » Traditions and Cultural Values: All the traditions and cultural values which are based on the Quran and the Sunnah provide a source of Islamic ideology. » Main Sources of Islamic Ideology: The main source of Islamic ideology are only the Quran and the Sunnah. PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEOLOSICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN — SHORT QUESTION ANSWERS. Q.4: Ans: ‘What is the significance / importance of ideology? ‘Significance! Important of Islamic Ideology: Ideology determines the way of people’s living, thinking and social interaction. > Itis a source of unity among the people. > It helps preserving freedom, culture and traditions. > Itgives impetus to make right decisions and make progress. » \t develops the feeling of love with religion and homeland. » \t prepare for every sacrifice at the time of need. ‘What are the contents of an ideology? ‘Contents of Ideology: Common Religion: Itis the binding force for people. Common Culture : Italso keeps the people united, Common Cause : It is also an important content of ideology. Pakistan was created through common cause. Dedication The dedication of people to some noble aims is an important content of ideology too. ‘What is the basis of ideology of Pakistan? Basis of Ideology of Pakistan: Doctrine of Faith: The most essential element of the faith is the unity of ALLAH and the Prophet hood of Hazrat Mahammad (5.4.W). Social Dealings: Justice and equity constitute the social system of Islam. Non- Discrimination: There are ng discrimination against any one In Islam. All are equal before the law. Islam: It is the basis of ideology of Pakistan. ‘What are the principles of democracy in Islam? Principles of Democracy in Islam: Justice : Islam puts great emphasis on justice as it makes any society peaceful and prosperous. Equality : Islamealls for equality among people. All are equal before law. Fraternity : It means brother hood. According to the Quran, all believers are brothers. to each other. Tolerance : Islam calls for tolerance. The best way to develop social relations is to practice tolerance. PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN — SHORT QUESTION ANSWERS Q.8: What were Allama Iqbal’s statements on the ideology of Pakistan? Ans: Allama Igbal’s statements on the Ideology of Pakistan: * Allama Iqbal made the demand for a separate state for the Muslims of India first of all in 1930. He said that the Muslim nation had a unique religion and culture so they should have their separate homeland. He said that Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Balochistan should be amalgamated into a single state. He said that North West Muslim state appeared to be the final destiny of the Muslims and his vision came true. He said that India was a sub-continent and not a country where people belonging to different religions and speaking different languages were inhabited. ‘What were Quaid-e-Azam’s statements on the ideology of Pakistan? ; Quaid-e-Azam's Statements on the Ideology of Pakistan: » Quaid-e-Azam said that it would be a dream to think that the Hindus and Muslims. would fram a common nation. He demanded Pakistan where the Muslims could practice a system based on Islamic principles. He said that the Hindus and the Muslims belonged to two different civilizations having different religious and social systems so they could not live together. He said that Pakistan had come into being the day the first non-Muslim was converted to Islam in India. He said that India had never been a single country. He also mentioned that difference on culture, Social and economic values was ideological in nature. What is the role of ideology in building national character? Role of Ideology in Building National Character: Firm Belief In the Ideology: It contributes to the development of national character. Our ideology stems from Islam Commitment: it means devotion. We should be committed to our country. Honesty and patriotism: We should be honest and patriotic to our country. These elements are necessary for building our national character. Hard work and National Interests: A hard working nation who has priority of national interests aver self-interests make great progress. PAKISTAN STUDIES NOTES IX IDEOLOGICAL BASIS OF PAKISTAN — SHORT QUESTION ANSWERS. Q.11: How is an Islamic society unique as compared to other societies? Ans: Islamic Society v/s other Societies: * An Islamic society is unique as compared to other societies as it is based an the Quran and the Sunnah. All rules and regulations of the Islamic society are framed on the teachings of Islam. The individuals lead their lives in conformity with the Islamic code of life in an Islamic society. Islamic society is characterized by the divine principles of respect fer humanity, tolerance, justice, equity and mutual coexistence. Islam is a universal religion and presents a complete code of life for the whole humanity. For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE Quizzes All Classes Chapter Wise Notes Punjab Boards| Sindh Boards | KPK Boards| Balochistan Boards AJK Boards | Federal Boards LIF oft dP bl LF 7d LI IMSAP IL Bah 9th Class Notes | Past Papers WWW._EASYMCQS.COM 11th Class fim 12th Class a a MSO ocdesteen igs ae ier ggei 4 Lute” uh tae ALES Ke WWW.USMANWEB.COM

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