De Vera ABM 129 Long Quiz

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De Vera, Ettore John U.

ABM 129(Take Home Quiz)

1. Ethics in a definitive and systematic way known as the science of the morality of human
conduct. Furthermore, it presented through several class session as a way of being that builds
the very character and existence of the person.

- Ethics is a scientific study related to what is right or wrong in human conduct. It guides a
person’s way of behaving in certain situations. For example, if a person is in need, we as human
beings are ethically responsible for helping them as it is considered what is morally right. It is
similar to a map that guides us to behave throughout our normal days and our professional lives.
Ethics is derived from the word "ethos", which stands for character. Ethics is divided into 3 main
components. Firstly, Metaethics is simply a bird's eye view of what ethics is. It studies the origin
and meaning of ethics. It covers certain issues such as whether or not morality can independently
exist without the existence of humans, and the basis of the mind when making moral decisions.
Another subject matter is Normative Ethics, which looks into what principles or questions to
undertake when making decisions. It is a study that finds out what is wrong or right. Lastly,
Applied Ethics talks about the application of normative ethics to real life. It usually applies to real
life. It can also be used to treat current issues or moral problems.
Aristotle's theory of ethics states that people "have a natural capacity for good character, and
it can be developed through practice.". A person's ethical beliefs or his dispositions develops his or
her character. A human being acts through his inherent qualities. As he acts more through his
beliefs, it starts to become a habit of his. His habits build upon his character, and it portrays how
he has existed in his life.

2. Ethics, understood in a historical manner such as in ancient era of doing philosophy: for
Socrates, ethics is the investigation of life. Then Plato suggested that, ethics is the supreme
purpose of human life, that is, the attainment of perfect happiness. However, for
Aristotle, Ethics is the development of virtuous character.

-The first person to focus on ethics practically and politically is Socrates. He believed that a
person becomes more ethical through maturity, gaining wisdom, and experiencing love. He
investigated life by conversing with people about principles. He thought that this was the best way
to learn and to be a good, ethical citizen. In the marketplace, he talked with many ordinary citizens
about matters like justice and righteousness. These interactions brought many things to the branch
of Philosophy. It can be said that this gave birth to modern philosophy, ethics, etc. His teachings
also helped give rise to perceptions of Ethics, particularly Aristotle and Plato. Socrates' student,
Plato thought that the highest aim of moral conduct is happiness. He believed that one can attain
happiness through virtues. Virtues can be summed up into 4 cardinal virtues, wisdom, courage,
moderation, and justice. For him, a wise person uses his mind to comprehend moral reality and
uses that wisdom to apply it to his/her life. Courage is about how a person faces adversity.
Moderation is about not letting your desires to destroy your character. Lastly, a just person is
someone who is more for reason than honor. Aristotle's views on ethics states that the
development of a person's virtuosity is a pre-condition for becoming happy. An act of virtuosity
requires a person to have a moral purpose. We need to have personal responsibility for our actions.
Virtue is to be attained through a moral act in society. This shows how politics and ethics can be
interconnected, as the purpose of politics is to create a society where one can live a good life and
with their full potential.

3. Ethics, understood in a historical manner such as in medieval era of doing philosophy: for
Saint Augustine, ethics is the attainment of the highest good of human life: That is
Happiness. Then St. Thomas Aquinas would emphasized that, Ethics points to what man
yearns for-that is, the acquisition of what is good that gives perfect happiness to man. The
best way to attain goodness is to abandon possessions and seek the life of God. Lastly, For
Islam, the Muslim’s life is a testimony and witness of faith in one God. Muslims believe in
the efficacy of good works.
-Love was the problem that hinders us from happiness. We place our love for the wrong
things and we forget to love our own God. Saint Augustine believed that to be truly happy, we
need to love properly. For us to love properly, we have to embrace the spiritual life. Augustine
introduced a moral philosophy to Christianity. Before him, Christianity only had moral orders
from scriptures. He developed Plato's idea of rational souls into Christianity. Similar to ancient
ethics, the ultimate goal was happiness but Saint Augustine thought of happiness as the unity of
the soul with God after death. Like Aristotle's beliefs, Saint Thomas Aquinas thinks that true
happiness does not equal material things, as they only provide temporary satisfaction. He sees that
through virtuous acts, one can realize happiness. For a man to discover true happiness, he must be
morally good out of habit. But similar to Saint Augustine, Aquinas does not think that true
happiness can be attained in this world. Happiness in the present life is imperfect. True happiness
can only be found in the afterlife, given to you by God. Love is the foundation of Islamic
Morality; love for God and his creations. Many of Islamic literature shows lessons and teachings
of morality. To please God, one must act morally and show respect to others. In the Quran and the
Hadith, it tells the Muslims to act with virtuosity. It emphasized more on being caring for people
and giving aid to the poor and in need. Following Allah's words in the Quran show your faith in
his existence.

4. Business are usually complex enterprises involving major activities like purchasing,
manufacturing, marketing advertising, selling and accounting. That all contributes to the
basic, objective of every business and that is, to earn profit. However, Business organization,
in principle should help in promotion of the common good and in the protection of person’s
rights and interests.

-A company’s main goal is to make a profit and they usually do it through major activities
such as selling, promoting, and manufacturing. Without profit, the business wouldn’t be able to
stay open or advance forward. That’s why businesses go through big measures to gain profit, yet
there’s a line that a company should never cross. Companies should avoid making decisions that
can badly affect society in general. They hold a social responsibility called CSR. The Corporate
Social Responsibility states that a company can balance profitability and benefiting society as a
whole, leading to an ethical balance that benefits everybody. CSR can be promoted through
helping people or helping preserve nature. There are many companies that adapt a green policy
and still manage to gain profit. Many companies worry that “going green” is expensive and
unprofitable, but many companies do so and still make money. Being more socially responsible as
a company also has benefits. It will improve your reputation in the business, and attract many
investors. The business also holds a bigger responsibility. The future will be harshly affected by
the decisions a company makes. Sure, we can keep on having factories that release large amounts
of smoke today, but what will happen to the future? They will be severely affected by what you
did years ago. You can be a company that neither affects the world in a bad nor in a good way, but
that company is also doing nothing. When society is already slowly depleting, you need to do
something about it. Every action, no matter how small it is, is very important for the development
and the benefit of society. People in the business should do good deeds or actions to help the
people who need it to make the world a better place to live.

5. The Role of Business Ethics is not only to prevent the Business sector into different Business
Illegal and malpractices but also preventing it to be part of socio-economic injustices and
moral degradation of our present society.

-You will find in the news stories of socio-economic problems. Issues like bribery, unequal
treatment of workers, and violating their rights are surprisingly common. Ethical dilemmas like
this show how important business ethics are in the business world. Business Ethics discusses the
best business policy or measures to take concerning these issues. The purpose of business ethics
is to help companies make responsible choices. It helps companies and their workers to avoid
committing such crimes. Most business problems like this hinder society from developing
through their economy. By developing strategies to stop these problems from happening, we are
essentially helping society to develop. The definition of moral degradation the loss of a person's
moral standards. It implies that a person does not care about what's good or bad anymore, and
seek self-interest. From a business standpoint, many companies focus on merely gaining profits,
not caring about others. This leads to the company's employees overworking, getting paid less,
and many more. Business Ethics sets rules that stop them from doing unethical actions like this.

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