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Lab #14 Date:

Title: Electrolysis
Aim: To identify electrolytes from non-electrolytes.
Apparatus: beakers, stand, sodium nitrate, sulphuric acid, power supply,
solution X, solution Y, copper sulphate, distilled water, paper clip, bulb, wires,
sodium chloride, electrolyte cell.
The electrolyte cell was set up; Electrodes were then placed in a solution of
sodium nitrate. Observations were recorded; the procedure was repeated for
Ethanol, sulphuric acid, distilled water, sodium chloride, solution X, solution Y
and copper (II) sulphate.

Observation: Table showing results

Solution At the Anode At the Cathode
NaNO3 Effervescence given off Effervescence given off
Ethanol No visible reaction No visible reaction
H2SO4 Effervescence given off Effervescence given off
Distilled water No visible reaction No visible reaction,
however the bulb was
NaCl Effervescence was given Effervescence was given
off and a green vapour off
was given up
Solution X No visible reaction No visible reaction
Solution Y Effervescence was given Effervescence was given
off; bulb was lit off; bulb was lit
CuSO4 Effervescence was given Effervescence was given
off off and black deposit
was produced.

Electrolysis is a process that allows electric currents to pass through a substance

that can cause it to chemically decompose. This electric current can pass
through molten salt, metals and aqueous salts. Electrolytes are liquid that can
conduct heat using the movements of ions while liquids that don't conduct
electricity, are call non electrolytes. Electric currents will pass through a
substance if it has mobile electrons if it's charged. There are two types of
electrolytes, a strong electrolyte and a weak electrolyte. Strong electrolytes are
substances that can be completely ionised when dissolved or molten. One
example of this is sodium chloride. These electrolytes have high conductivity.
Weak electrolytes are substances that can only be partially ionised when
dissolved. One example of this is water (H2O). These electrolytes have low
Diagram showing the Electrolyte cell

In the electrolyte cell there are electrodes. Electrodes are pieces of metal which
carry the currents in and out of the electrolyte. There are two electrodes; anode
(+ve) and electrode (-ve). The electrolyte contains cathode (+ve ions) and
anions (-ve ions). When the currents are closed, the electrons on the patterns
and wires begin to move, this causes the anode to acquire a positive charge
while the Cathode is negative. At the cathode cations are attracted and move
towards A. Here, the cations gain electrons to become neutral atoms. At the
anode, anions are attracted to A and moved towards it. Therefore, then ions lose
their electrons to become neutral atoms. The first electron flew around the
cathode. The result of electrolysis was the breakdown of a compound into its
constituent elements which are either discharged or liberated at the electrodes.
In this experiment electrodes were first placed into a solution of nitrate. it was
observed that effervescence was given off from both the cathode and the anode:

At the cathode: 2H+ + 2e- --------- H2 (g)

At the anode: 4OH- - 4e- ------------ 2H2O (l) + O2 (g)

Hydrogen ions were neutralised and at both the anode and the cathode hydrogen
ions were neutralised. The solution was completely ionised making it a strong
electrolyte. No visible reaction took place in the second solution (ethanol). This
further proves that Ethanol is a non-electrolyte as it does not conduct electricity
anions were liberated at both the anode and cathode. When the electrodes were
placed in the third solution, sulphuric acid, effervescence was given off at both
the anode and cathode. The hydrogen ions went to the cathode where it was
neutralised to form hydrogen gas and hydrogen ions. Both elements went to the

At the cathode: 2H + 2e --------- H2 (g)

At the anode: 4OH- - 4e ------------ 2H2O (l) + O2 (g)

It can be assumed that sulphuric acid is a strong electrolyte as a solution was

completely ionised. No visible reaction took place at the anode, when did
electrodes were placed in distilled water; at the cathode, the bulb lit up.

At the cathode: 2H+ + 2e- --------- H2 (g)

It can be assumed that distilled water is a weak electoral act as it was partially
ionised. No visible reaction took place at the anode and cathode. When the
electrodes were placed in solution X, it can be assumed to be a non-electrolyte
because it does not conduct electricity. Electrodes were placed in solution Y,
effervescence occurred at both the anode and the cathode and the bulb lit.
Solution Y is a strong electrolyte as it was completely ionised. Lastly,
electrodes were placed in the copper (II) sulphate solution and effervescence
was given off at the anode and cathode, effervescence was also present under
black deposit was visible:

At the cathode: Cu2+ + 2e- --------- Cu (s)

At the anode: 4OH- - 4e- ------------ 2H2O10 + O2 (g)

The black deposit formed is copper deposits. This happened as positive copper
ions attracted to the negative. Copper (II) so fit is a strong electrolyte and was
completely ionised and has high conductivity. When the electrodes were placed
in sodium chloride solution, effervescence was observed at both electrodes with
a green vapour at the anode. Chlorine ions were oxidised to form chlorine gas.
The green vapour was chlorine gas escaping into the atmosphere. Sodium
chloride solution is a strong electrolyte because it was completely ionised and
has high conductivity.

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