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Action Success criteria

Pastoral program implementation. 40%

Effect a pastoral curriculum  Need to see current pastoral  
curriculum in use
that promotes high levels of  Committee comprising staff,
responsibility and work students, and parents to
ethics among students. review and update existing
 Conduct regular feedback
sessions and surveys to
identify areas of concern and
 Develop a comprehensive
communication plan to ensure
students, parents, and staff are
aware of the new policies.
 Train staff members to
effectively enforce and
communicate the policies.
 Conduct quarterly audits to
assess the implementation and
impact of policies.

a. Implementation of  Review recent student survey  Conduct regular audits and  90% of surveyed students, parents,
Policies and Procedures and incorporate feedback from assessments of existing policies and and staff report satisfaction with the
it, in consultation with implemented policies and procedures.
for Student Life - respective department
procedures related to student life.  Decrease in disciplinary incidents
Measured through personnel.  Gather feedback from students, related to student behavior by at least
regular audits and  Speak to learners to get a feel parents, and staff to identify areas for 20% compared to the previous year.
assessments, of their current well-being improvement.  Positive trends in student well-being
incorporating feedback to experiences and seek what  Collaborate with relevant stakeholders indicators, such as reported stress
they need done differently. levels and overall satisfaction.
enhance student well- to enhance student well-being and

being and optimize the optimize the student experience.
student experience.  Measure the effectiveness of
implemented policies through
qualitative and quantitative
 Continuously refine and adapt policies
based on feedback and outcomes.
b. Effective Management of  Visit boarding sections and  Establish a comprehensive boarding  Achieve a boarding program
Boarding Program and chat with staff on site to see program that ensures students' well- satisfaction rate of 95% among
how daily operations are students and parents through regular
Student Support- effected. Also chat with
being and personal development. feedback surveys.
monitoring daily  Monitor daily operations of the
operations, including learners to decipher the same, boarding program, including student  100% compliance with health and
student supervision, at different points of the day. supervision, meals, and facility safety standards in boarding facilities
 Visit kitchens and chat with and operations.
meals, and facility staff on site to see how meals
maintenance.  Decrease in student-reported feelings
maintenance, and are prepared  Coordinate a team of staff members to of homesickness or emotional distress
coordinating staff to  Oversee daily operations and provide medical attention and by 15%.
provide comprehensive student well-being. emotional assistance to students in 
care and support to all  Create a detailed supervision need.
schedule for staff to ensure
students, encompassing  Foster a supportive and inclusive
round-the-clock student
medical attention and support. environment within the boarding
emotional assistance.  Ensure systems and processes community.
in place work to provide  Regularly assess the impact of the
immediate medical attention. boarding program on student well-
 Organize regular workshops being and overall experience
and training for staff on
handling emotional and
psychological support.
 Implement a feedback
mechanism for students and
parents to express concerns
and suggestions.
Promote Quality Teaching, Learning, and Assessment-Special needs. (40%)
a. Develop and implement  Review current strategies in  Collaborate with the academic team to  80% of teachers actively incorporate
strategies that enhance place, identify strengths and develop strategies that enhance the newly learned strategies into their
gaps and how to address these. lesson plans.
the quality of teaching, quality of teaching, learning, and  Increase in student engagement
learning, and  Form professional learning assessment. during lessons, evidenced by class
assessment. communities.  Provide professional development participation rates and student
 Create a repository of opportunities for teachers to learn feedback.
resources, lesson plans, and about effective teaching strategies for  At least 75% of teachers regularly use
assessment tools tailored for technology and innovative methods to
diverse learners. cater to different learning styles.
diverse learners. Regularly
review and update the  Integrate technology and innovative 
repository based on feedback teaching methods to cater to various
and evolving needs. learning styles.
  Create a repository of resources and
 Organize workshops to train
best practices for teachers to reference
teachers on implementing
differentiated teaching
 Encourage peer collaboration
and sharing of best practices
among teachers.
b. Monitor and evaluate the  Conduct classroom  Conduct regular classroom  95% of observed classroom sessions
implementation of observations to see how observations to assess the demonstrate effective teaching
teachers implement teaching, strategies aligned with differentiated
effective teaching learning and assessment
implementation of effective teaching instruction.
strategies and strategies strategies.  At least 70% of students report
assessment practices  Evaluate assessment practices to improved understanding and
through classroom  Develop a comprehensive ensure alignment with learning retention of the material through
observations and observation schedule to cover objectives and differentiation for formative assessments.
various subjects and 
evaluations. classrooms.
special needs students.
 Use a standardized  Provide constructive feedback to
observation rubric to assess teachers based on observations and
the application of teaching evaluations.
strategies.  Implement a system for teachers to
 Provide immediate feedback to
teachers after each
reflect on their teaching methods and
observation. make improvements.
 Schedule quarterly meetings to
review the effectiveness of
assessment practices.
 Analyze assessment results to
identify trends and areas for

c. Monitor the improvement   

in student performance
and learning outcomes
based on implemented
d. Measure student  Establish a data collection  Analyze academic records and  Demonstrate a 10% increase in the
progress and system to track the academic assessments to track student progress average academic performance of
progress of each student. students with special needs compared
achievement through  Compare performance data
over time. to the previous year.
academic records and across different periods to  Review the impact of curriculum  80% of students receiving learning
assessments, reviewing identify improvements. differentiation and learning support on support exhibit growth in academic
the impact of curriculum  Implement pre-and-post student learning outcomes. skills as measured by pre- and post-
differentiation and assessment practices to  Use data-driven insights to identify assessments.
measure learning growth.  Reduction in the achievement gap
learning support.  Collaborate with teachers to
trends, areas of improvement, and between special needs students and
develop personalized learning success stories. their peers in standardized tests by
plans for struggling students.  Collaborate with teachers to develop 20%.
 Conduct regular meetings to action plans for students who may need 
discuss progress, adjustments, additional support.
and further support strategies. 
1. Training and Mentorship for Curriculum
Differentiation. (10%)
a. Monitor teachers working  Identify teachers with  Provide ongoing training for teachers  100% of teachers working with
with students with expertise in differentiation to on curriculum differentiation special needs students receive
lead mentorship programs. targeted training and support.
identified needs through  Organize regular workshops
techniques.  Recognize and award at least three
tracking, assessments, and training sessions for  Monitor teachers' progress in teachers annually who demonstrate
and feedback to ensure teachers to enhance their implementing differentiated instruction outstanding differentiation practices.
optimal support and skills. for students with special needs.  Track a 15% improvement in
student success.  Implement a peer-observation  Offer mentorship and coaching to academic success indicators among
program where teachers can students who have benefited from
learn from each other's
teachers to ensure optimal support for curriculum differentiation.
practices. diverse learners. 
 Recognize and showcase  Recognize and celebrate teachers who
successful differentiation excel in implementing effective
strategies during staff differentiation strategies.
meetings. 
 Provide ongoing feedback and
coaching to teachers to ensure
sustained improvement.

b. Implement and evaluate   
recognition and incentive
programs that foster
student motivation and
academic achievement,
tracking participation and
analyzing academic
records to gauge the
impact on student
2. Special contributions –  Create a marketing team to  Develop marketing strategies to  Increase in inquiries and applications
Marketing, Co- plan and execute promotional showcase the school's unique programs by 25% due to effective marketing
campaigns. strategies.
Curricular, Innovation  Develop engaging content
and student achievements.  Achieve a 15% growth in social
(10%) showcasing student  Utilize various channels such as social media engagement and website traffic
achievements, campus media, website, and events to highlight related to showcasing school
facilities, and unique the school's strengths. programs and achievements.
programs.  Collaborate with the admissions team 
 Utilize social media platforms,  Offer a diverse range of co-curricular
website updates, and open
to attract prospective students and
activities, with participation rates
houses to reach prospective families. exceeding 70% of the student
families.  Enhance the variety and quality of co-
 Collaborate with the curricular activities offered to students.
 Document and present at least three
admissions team to align  Collaborate with teachers, students, and
success stories showcasing students'
marketing efforts with parents to identify interests and preferences.
personal growth and skill
enrollment goals.  Monitor the participation and impact of co-
development through co-curricular
 Regularly review and analyze curricular activities on students' personal
growth and skills development.
the effectiveness of different  Foster a culture of innovation and creativity 
marketing channels. among staff and students.  Implement a minimum of two
 Form a committee comprising  Encourage the exploration of new teaching innovative teaching methods or
teachers, students, and parents methods, technologies, and educational technologies per academic year.
to identify popular activities. practices.  Establish a feedback loop for sharing
 Diversify the range of  Establish a platform for sharing innovative innovative ideas, resulting in the
activities offered to cater to ideas and best practices among the school adoption of at least one impactful
various interests and talents. community. idea annually.
 Create a structured schedule  
for co-curricular sessions to
ensure consistency.
 Monitor participation rates
and gather feedback to adjust
offerings as needed.
 Showcase students'
achievements and experiences
through newsletters and
 Establish an innovation hub or
committee to oversee creative
 Encourage teachers to
propose innovative teaching
methods, technologies, and
 Allocate resources for pilot
programs and experimental
 Schedule regular
brainstorming sessions and
discussions on innovative
 Recognize and celebrate
successful innovative
contributions during school-
wide events.
Dean of Students Action Plan: Fostering Responsibility, Work Ethics, and Academic Excellence (August 2023-January 2024)
Objective 1: Effect a Pastoral Curriculum that Promotes Responsibility and Work Ethics
Task Action Timeline Success Criteria
Target 1: Implementation of  Ensure that there’s a Policies and  30 th
September 2023 a. Implementation of Policies and
Policies and Procedures for Procedures Task Force comprising Procedures for Student Life
staff, parents, and student  Policies and procedures are regularly
Student Life representatives. reviewed and updated based on
 Conduct an initial assessment of  30th September 2023 feedback and changing needs.
existing policies and identify gaps  Decreased number of policy
and areas for improvement. violations and disciplinary incidents
 Share the policies with stakeholders  30th September 2023 over time.
through workshops, meetings, and  Positive feedback from students,
online platforms. parents, and staff about the clarity
 Initiate regular audits and  From September 2023 and effectiveness of policies.
assessments to ensure policy
adherence and gather feedback.
Target 2: Effective Management  Oversee daily boarding operations.  Termly, from August 28th 2023 b. Effective Management of Boarding
of Boarding Program and  Ensure that the boarding operations  30th September, 2023 Program and Student Support
manual outlines student supervision,  High levels of student satisfaction and
Student Support meal routines, and facility well-being in the boarding program.
maintenance.  Minimal disruptions in daily
 Train staff on their roles in providing  From September to December, 2023 operations due to effective
comprehensive care, including coordination and supervision.
medical and emotional support.  Timely access to medical and
 Establish a feedback mechanism for  From September to December, 2023 emotional support, with a decrease in
students and parents to communicate instances of unmet needs.
boarding experience.
 Conduct monthly meetings to review  From September to December, 2023
operations, address concerns, and
propose improvements.
Objective 2: Promote Quality Teaching, Learning, and Assessment for Special Needs
Target 1: Develop and  Form a Teaching Strategies Team  30th September, 2023 Develop and Implement Teaching and
Implement Teaching and with experienced teachers and Assessment Strategies
learning specialists.  Increased variety of teaching
Assessment Enhancement  Compile a range of differentiated  30th September, 2023 strategies implemented across
Strategies teaching strategies and assessment classrooms.
techniques relevant to the different  Integration of technology and
school sections. innovative approaches in at least
 Create a professional development  30th September, 2023 80% of lessons.
plan to train teachers on these  Teachers regularly accessing and
strategies. utilizing professional development
 Incorporate technology tools and  From August, 2023 resources related to special needs
resources to facilitate personalized education.
 Establish a feedback loop for  From August, 2023
teachers to share their experiences
and success stories.
 PD library?
Target 2: Monitor and Evaluate  (Design and) use an observation  30th September 2023 Monitor and Evaluate Teaching
Effective Teaching Strategies protocol to assess classroom Strategies and Assessment Practices
implementation of effective teaching  Positive feedback from teachers
and Assessment Practices strategies. about the impact of observations and
 Schedule regular classroom  From September 2023 feedback on their teaching practices.
observations to provide constructive  Regular sharing of successful
feedback. teaching practices among teachers.
 Collect data on student engagement,  September-October 2023  Improved alignment between
participation, and academic progress. assessment methods and diverse
 Analyze assessment results to identify  Check assessment calendar learning styles.
trends and areas for improvement. Monitor Student Performance and
 Organize quarterly meetings to  From next assessment date Learning Outcomes
discuss observations, insights, and  Demonstrated improvement in
adaptations. academic performance and learning
outcomes for students with special
 Positive trends in assessment data,
showcasing growth over time.
 Higher participation rates in
formative and summative

Target 3: Training and  Identify teacher mentors experienced  30th September, 2023 Measure Curriculum Differentiation
Mentorship for Curriculum in curriculum differentiation. Impact
 Assign mentor teachers to support  30th September, 2023  Improved academic records and
Differentiation colleagues working with students with assessment results for students
special needs. receiving tailored support.
 Conduct initial training sessions to  31st October 2023  Consistent positive feedback from
introduce differentiation techniques students and parents about
to all teachers. personalized learning experiences.
 Regularly assess the impact of  Termly, from September term  Evidence of adjustment and
mentorship through surveys and refinement of differentiation
progress reports. strategies based on feedback and
assessment outcomes.
Monitor Teacher Support for
Students with Special Needs
 Regular tracking indicates increased
teacher interactions and support for
students with identified needs.
 High levels of satisfaction among
students, parents, and teachers
regarding the provided support.
Implement Recognition and Incentive
 Increased participation in recognition
and incentive programs among
 Academic records show a positive
correlation between curriculum
differentiation and student success.
 Consistent improvement in students'
motivation, engagement, and
academic achievement.
Objective 3: Special Contributions - Marketing, Co-Curricular, Innovation
Target 1: Marketing and  Utilize social media platforms,  Weekly updates and whenever  Positive feedback from the school
Promotion website updates, and open houses for anything special happens community about the effectiveness
promotion. and appeal of marketing initiatives.
 Ensure teachers, students, and staff 
are engaged in marketing.
 Review existing marketing plan that
highlights the school's unique
programs and achievements. 
 Review and adjust the marketing
strategy based on feedback and
 Regularly evaluate the effectiveness
of marketing efforts through
engagement metrics.
 Create a calendar for classroom
contributions? Assemblies?
 Newsletter to parents?
Target 2: Co-Curricular  Survey students and teachers to  From September, 2023  Diverse and well-attended co-
Activities identify interests and preferences for curricular activities with active
potential activities. student and teacher participation.
 Design a diverse co-curricular  Enrolment data available upon
calendar offering a wide range of request
 Monitor participation rates and
gather feedback on activity
 Host showcases and events to
celebrate student achievements in co-
Target 3: Innovation and  Encourage staff to propose innovative Regular showcasing of innovative
Continuous Improvement ideas related to teaching, learning, projects, products, or initiatives
and operations. developed by students and staff.
 Allocate resources for pilot projects
and initiatives aimed at improving the
school environment.
 Hold regular brainstorming sessions
and workshops to generate new ideas.
 Evaluate the impact of implemented
innovations on student engagement
and performance.
Successful completion of the probation period is six months evidenced by achievement
of :
a. overall target performance of at least 95%
b. subject target results of mean grade of 80% in KCPE/CBC
c. subject target results of mean grade of B in (8-4-4) KCSE
d. subject target results of mean grade of 75% grade A* to C in IGCSE

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