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1. What was the objective or purpose of the case study?

- The purpose of the case study was to show how IKEA successfully opened its largest store
in the Philippines despite challenges like the pandemic. It explains how IKEA used research
and strategies to attract customers and launch its loyalty program. The case study aims to
help others understand how businesses can overcome obstacles and succeed in new
2. What were the key findings or results of the case study?
- The key findings of the case study show that IKEA's strategies worked well in the
Philippines. They attracted many customers even before opening the store. Their research
helped them understand what customers wanted, and they used this knowledge to plan
their marketing and loyalty program. As a result, many people joined the IKEA loyalty
program, and the store had a lot of customers from the beginning. Overall, IKEA's efforts
paid off, and they were successful in the new market.
3. What challenges or limitations were encountered during the case study?
- During the case study, IKEA faced some challenges or limitations. These included dealing
with pandemic-related issues and supply chain problems. Additionally, they had to figure
out how to attract customers to a new store in a new market. This meant they had to do
a lot of research to understand what people in the Philippines wanted. It was also
important for them to track how many people signed up for their loyalty program and to
make sure they were reaching their goals. Overall, these challenges required IKEA to work
hard and be creative to overcome them.
4. How do the findings of the case study contribute to existing knowledge or
understanding in the field?
- The findings of the case study add to what we already know about how businesses can
succeed in new markets, especially during challenging times like a pandemic. IKEA's
strategies show us that doing research and understanding customers' needs are important
for attracting people to a new store. Their success in getting many people to sign up for
their loyalty program also teaches us about the importance of offering incentives to
customers. Overall, the case study helps us learn more about how businesses can
overcome obstacles and be successful in new places.
5. Are there any ethical considerations that arose during the conduct of the case study,
and if so, how were they addressed?
- During the case study, there may have been ethical considerations related to how IKEA
collected and used customer data, as well as how they marketed their products and loyalty
program. To address these concerns, IKEA likely ensured that they followed legal and
ethical guidelines for data privacy and protection. They may have obtained consent from
customers before collecting their data and used it only for the purposes stated.
Additionally, IKEA may have been transparent in their marketing efforts, providing
accurate information to customers and avoiding deceptive practices. Overall, by adhering
to ethical standards and regulations, IKEA aimed to conduct the case study in a responsible
and respectful manner.
6. what have you learned in the case study?
- From the case study, I've learned that opening a new store in a new place can be
challenging, especially during difficult times like a pandemic. However, by doing research
and understanding what customers want, businesses like IKEA can still be successful. It's
also important to offer incentives like loyalty programs to attract customers and keep
them coming back. Overall, the case study has shown me the importance of planning and
adapting to different situations to achieve success in business.
7. How did Ikea overcome the challenges it faced?
- IKEA overcame the challenges it faced by using several strategies. First, they did thorough
research to understand the new market in the Philippines. This helped them tailor their
marketing and communication plans to attract customers. Second, they launched their
loyalty program early, which encouraged people to sign up before the store even opened.
This helped them build a customer base before the launch. Finally, they used a data
dashboard to track their progress and make changes as needed. These strategies helped
IKEA overcome challenges and succeed in the new market.

8. what is the case study all about?

- The case study is about how IKEA, a big furniture store, opened its largest store in the
Philippines. Even though there were challenges like the pandemic and supply issues, IKEA
still managed to open the store successfully. They did research to understand what people
in the Philippines wanted, and they launched a loyalty program to attract customers. The
case study shows how IKEA overcame these challenges and was able to succeed in the
new market.

9. What things can you adopt or learn from this case study as a student?
- As a student, there are several things you can adopt or learn from this case study:
1. Research Skills: Learn how to conduct thorough research to understand new markets or
topics. This can help you gather important information and make informed decisions.
2. Adaptability: Understand the importance of being adaptable and flexible, especially when
faced with challenges or unexpected situations. This can help you overcome obstacles and
achieve your goals.
3. Strategic Planning: Learn how to develop strategic plans and strategies to address specific
objectives or problems. This can help you think critically and creatively about solutions to
complex problems.
4. Customer Focus: Recognize the importance of understanding customer needs and
preferences. This can help you tailor your products or services to better meet the needs
of your target audience.
5. Data Analysis: Develop skills in data analysis and interpretation to track progress and
make informed decisions. This can help you identify trends, opportunities, and areas for

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