SMO Reflective 3

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Re ect on your clinical experience in this rotation? How did you improve your skills?

How will you improve these skills

throughout the rest of your career?

Clinical rotations are an essential part of any healthcare professional's journey, providing a bridge between classroom
knowledge and real-world practice. I am happy to say that my recent clinical rotation has been a pivotal experience, one that
has not only exposed me to the intricate world of healthcare but has also signi cantly contributed to my skill development.

As I embarked on this clinical rotation, I carried with me a mix of excitement and anxiety. I had certain expectations, shaped by
textbooks and lectures but I was well aware that the real world of healthcare could be quite di erent.
My rotation was marked by diverse experiences. From the very rst day at Steve Biko, we were thrust into the dynamics of a
bustling healthcare setting and on my rst day of rotations we got to witness a NVD. My expectations of merely observing and
assisting were quickly shattered as I found myself actively involved in patient care. This hands-on approach was both thrilling
and challenging. I encountered a wide array of cases, each demanding a unique set of skills and a deep understanding of the
patient's needs. It was a journey of adaptability and rapid learning, where every moment presented an opportunity to grow.

I feel a large improvement in my skills came from the observation of others in my rotation group. Sharing knowledge and skills
with colleagues and aspiring healthcare professionals for me is a form of skill re nement. I managed to stick to my goals of
active participation and found myself constantly involved throughout rotations. Another aspect of skill improvement was
continuous learning. I realized that learning in healthcare is a lifelong journey. I constantly asked questions and sought to
understand the "why" behind treatments and interventions. This thirst for knowledge was crucial in my development.

The improvement of these skills throughout my career I feel will come from numerous aspects. Mentorship being one, I will
actively seek mentorship from experienced professionals in my eld. Learning from their insights and experiences will be
invaluable. Setting clear goals is another aspect in the further improvement of skills. I will de ne speci c goals for each stage
of my career, focusing on the skills I want to enhance. This will provide me with a sense of direction and purpose.

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