ABAPPartI MPT 2022 Set-14

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Module Test (Practical): ABAP Part I PROGRAMMING TEST Max Marks: 70 Duration: 3Hrs Assessment Parameters > Solution Completeness (including all requirements addressed) - 20% Working solution for each requirement -60% > Comments 10% > Coding standards ~10 > XK indcates any 4 dig/Name unique denier 1. Create a ZOOOOXVBAK table with the following specifications. (10 Marks] Field | Key | Data Element | Data Type | Length | Decimal | Short Description MANDT | YES | MANDT ant 3 Client VBELN | YES | ZXOGOQKVBELN | CHAR 10 Sales Document ‘AUART ‘AUART CHAR Sales Document Type VKORG VRORG CHAR ‘Sales Organization VIWEG VIWEG CHAR Distribution Channel SPART PART CHAR Division ‘The table should contain the following data and Insere records in the table using TMG. VBELN | AUART | VKORG | VIWEG | SPART ‘DOOODOSTOO | TA TOW | TE 0 [OOOOOOSTOT (7 TOO [To oO ‘DOU0OUSTOZ | TA Too [10 ow ‘000005104 | SO Too | 10 0 ‘DOOODOSTOS | SO Too | TE 0 ‘000005106 | TA Too [10 0 ‘0000005107 | TA Too | 10 0 ‘TOOODOSTOT | TA TOO | TE 0 [OOOOOOSTTON 7 TOO [To oO Capgemini Public ABAP Part I PROGRAMMING TEST 2. Create a ZXXXXXXVBAP table with the following specifications. [10 Marks] Sales Document: Kem Data Field | Key | Feey | Data Element [Data | Length | Decimal | Short Deserption Type MANDT | YES MANDT cant [3 Client VBELN | VES | Yes | ZXXRKXRVEELN | CHART Sales Document POSNR NUNC |é Sales Document Ieem MATNR CHAR [78 Piaceral Number MATKL CHAR [9 Material Group Enter details of Sales Item 10,20,30,40 Only. The table should contain the following data and Insert records in the table using TMG. VBELN | POSNR | MATNR | MATKL ‘0000005100 | 40 05 [002 ‘0000005107 | 10 M05 [002 ‘DOOOOOSTOZ | 40 DPCTOOT | 00210 ‘GOO0OOSTOF | 10 ToT | OOF TOOOOUSTOT | 30 F103) 0007 ‘0000005105 | 10 HD-1300 | 0207 Fooo000si06 To M14 | 00207 | ‘000005107 | 20 ‘00207 ‘0000005109 | 40 ‘00207 3. Display the Sales Document: Header Data on the basic list using the ZXXXXXXVBAK table. Ifa Sales Document Number is chosen on this list, then the line items of that Sales Document Number should be displayed in the next level from ZXXXXXXVBAP Table. [20 Marks} Basic List: Create 2 selection screen to accept the range of Sales Document Number. Display atleast 5 Sales Documents along with Sales Document Type and Sales Organization, Preserve the below details for all the screens to print the header: Client: 100 User: Sap login user id Date: System Date. Time: System Time. Basic ist Sales Document Details Client_[ 100" Date [27052001 User | Trained Time [ 01:14:40 Capgemini Public ABAP Part I PROGRAMMING TEST YVBELN | AUART | VKORG HXKK [HKKK | KKK XXX | XXKX | XXX Sales Document keem Details Client] 100 Date [27.05.2021 User _ | TraineeO) Time | 01:14:40 VBELN [| XXxX ‘VBELN | MATNR | MATKL HXKK POOKK | XXXK XX | XXKX | XKXX Note: XXX represents the data, 4. Create a Function Module ZXXX_GerSales with [20 Marks} a) Input parameter Sales Dcoument Number (VBELN)and Sales Dcoument Type(AURAT) b) Output parameter is an internal table of type table ZXXX_VBAK. ©) Write Logic in FM to fetch Sales Document detaills from table ZXXX_VBAK ‘Write a Program that accepts SalesNumber and Sales Document Type as input from the user. Program must call the Function Module ZXXX_GetSales, pass the Sales Document Number and Sales DocumentT ype to the Function Module and display the Sales information from table DOOVBAK 5. Create the Data Base View for the both the tables (ZXXX_VBAK and ZXXX_VBAP) and write ‘a program to display the data from the view. [10 Marks] Note: In View Calling Program, Declare Internal table with fields from both the tables and should not use select * statement, Capgemini Public

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