The Film Wonder (2017), Written by Stephen Chbosky

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This film tells the story of a boy born with a facial malformation. The many surgeries he has undergone meant
that during his childhood he was unable to attend a school where he could interact, learn, and make friends. Now,
high school is starting, and he will have to face a class in which he will have to fit in.
And during this road of learning and self-discovery, he will meet cruel people, but he will also meet wonderful
people, making friendship, bullying and inclusion the most important themes of the film.
I have chosen this film because it deals with issues that nowadays, unfortunately, still happen and quite a lot,
such as bullying and the lack of acceptance towards people who are 'different/weird'.
The protagonist, Auggie, has a facial malformation due to the numerous operations he has undergone, so when
the kids at high school see him, most of them don't want to approach him or talk to him, because they think he
is 'a freak' simply because of his appearance.
I think that most people today, whether children or adults, tend to be prejudiced about other people based on
how they look, or what others say about them, when most of the time, those people are not what we imagine
them to be in our heads.
With respect to bullying, it is a problem that has not yet been solved, and it occurs in most schools. There is
always a child, or a group of them, who believe that they are 'the kings of the school' and that they can do
whatever they want to do with the rest of the children, so they bully kids they see as vulnerable, or those who
are new to school, and take advantage of the situation.

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