Naskah Soal PTS Ganjil English 9 20-21

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28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

Kategori Soal PTS Ganjil B. Inggris 2021 Kelas 9

1. Edo : Happy birthday, Lia.

Lia : Thank you Edo. You are the rst who congratulate me.

Edo : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.

Lia : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.

Why does Edo give Lia a present?

A. Because Lia likes present

B. Because today is Lia’s birthday

C. Because Edo has a lot of money

D. Because Lia is having her birthday today

2. Tina : Alhamdulillaah, I've got an A for my Math test. But, I don't know the result of my English test, yet.

Bayu : ... on the result of your math test! I hope you get an A for the English test, too.

A. help me

B. thanks

C. congartulation

D. sorry 1/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

3. Ms. Renata : Congratulations on the opening of your new pharmacy!

Ms. Alya : Thank you. It is my rst business and I hope it runs well.

Ms. Renata : Wish you luck! Anyway, starting a business is hard work. Did you quit from the hospital?

Ms. Alya : No. I still work there.

Ms. Renata : If you are still there, you must be very busy. How do you manage your time?

Ms. Alya : I don’t run the pharmacy by myself. Instead, I run it with my cousin.

Ms. Renata : I see.

Who runs the pharmacy?

A. Ms. Alya

B. Ms. Renata

C. Ms. Renata and her cousin

D. Ms. Alya and her cousin

4. Siti : You sing like a real singer, ... all the best to be a professional singer.

Dayu : Thank you. That's very nice of you.

A. I wish you

B. I thank you

C. I hate you

D. I know you 2/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

5. Dedi : Alhamdulillah, Thank God I've graduated now, and I want to study in a vocational school.

Budi : You're great, Dedi. Anyway, are you sure about your school option?

Dedi : Well, I know that it's not a popular one. But I want to have more technical skills. Do you have
any suggestion?

Budi : I'm thinking of a regular senior high school like SMA Al Muttaqin. What do you think about it?

Dedi : Thanks, Budi. I will think about your idea. I hope I can have the best one.

Budi : I hope so, good luck!

What expression does Budi say to wish Dedi for his school choice?

A. Anyway

B. Good luck

C. You are great

D. What do you think?

6. Dedi : Alhamdulillah, Thank God I've graduated now, and I want to study in a vocational school.

Budi : You're great, Dedi. Anyway, are you sure about your school option?

Dedi : Well, I know that it's not a popular one. But I want to have more technical skills. Do you have
any suggestion?

Budi : I'm thinking of a regular senior high school like SMA Al Muttaqin. What do you think about it?

Dedi : Thanks, Budi. I will think about your idea. I hope I can have the best one.

Budi : I hope so, good luck!

What can you infer from the dialog above?

A. Dedi will possibly continue his study in a regular senior high school

B. Budi will accompany Dedi to study in a vocational school

C. Dedi might choose a vocational school for his next study

D. Budi might study in a regular senior high school. 3/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::


The writer of the card is Mrs Ra ka’s ...

A. son

B. friend

C. cousin

D. nephew


Anita sent the card in order to ... Ilyas.

A. support

B. cure

C. examine

D. accompany 4/20
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What happens to Ilyas?

A. He is in sorrow

B. He is sick

C. He just had an accident

D. He is in recovery process

10. Ha z : Fawwaz, wish me luck. I will join in bike race to celebrate the Independence Day.

Fawwaz : Of course. …..

What is the best expression to ll the blank space?

A. You will do great

B. Me and you will be lucky

C. I wish you luck, friend

D. I can join it too


Why does Melisa send the card?

A. She congratulates Arka on his recovery

B. She wants to cheer up Arka on his sad moment.

C. She motivates Arka who is feeling down.

D. She wants to show her sympathy. 5/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

12. Bayu : How was your tryout?

Rika : I ranked second at my school. And you?

Bayu : That’s great! I actually ranked rst in my class, but only fth at school.

Rika : Not bad. You need to study more.

Bayu : I guess so. I hope I receive the best mark for the next tryout and nal examination.

Rika : I hope so. I have to study hard because I intend to achieve the best mark, to enter the best
vocational school in our town.

Bayu : I intend to study at the best senior high school.

From the dialog, we can conclude that Bayu and Rika ....

A. are classmates

B. intend to study at the same school

C. achieve the best marks at their schools

D. are ninth grade students


What can you tell about Randy?

A. He wants to play with the baby.

B. He has already met the baby.

C. He just has a new cousin.

D. He will show the baby to his uncle and aunt. 6/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::


Raka receives the congratulations card because ...

A. he becomes the world class dancer

B. he won a dance competition

C. he would join a dance competition

D. his aunt teaches him dancing

15. Mia : Nice trophy!

Adib : Thank you.

Mia : Why didn’t you tell me that you entered a music festival? If I knew, I would come to see and support

Adib : Sorry, I forgot. Besides, I know that you will always support me even though you’re not around.

Mia : Yes, you bet. I hope you become a great musician in the future.

What does Mia wish for Adib?

A. being a musician

B. performing music with her

C. being her great supporter

D. attending in every music festival

16. Edo : The government plans to raise the water bill next month.

Rita : _____ It will increase the number of poor people.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. I agree with you

B. I totally disagree

C. I don’t disagree

D. I agree 7/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

17. Mother : You know that Ilyas always takes sleeping lately to solve his problems.

Father : That’s wrong. It can be dangerous for his life if he doesn’t change his bad habit.

The underlined expression expresses …

A. Sympathy

B. Possibility

C. Disagreement

D. Agreement

18. You need to drink more water ________ you are not dehydrated.

A. in order to

B. have to

C. has to

D. so that

19. Father needs to ride a motorcycle __________ avoid the tra c jam on the busy road.

A. have to

B. has to

C. so that

D. in order to

20. Bela ________ stay in her grandma’s house because it’s getting late at night.

A. so that

B. in order to

C. has to

D. have to 8/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::


What does Scott's Emulsion NOT contain?

A. Orange juice

B. Calcium

C. Cod liver oil

D. Apple juice


What vitamin can we get from the Scott's Emulsion?

A. K & D

B. A & B

C. A & C

D. D & A 9/20
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How much can you have this emulsion if you are 15 years old?

A. 1/2 tablespoonful/day

B. 2 tablespoonfuls/day

C. 3 tablespoonfuls/day

D. 1 tablespoonful/day


What are you suggested by the label?

A. To keep it in a dry place

B. To shake the emulsion well before use

C. To have it soon after the cap opened

D. o mix it with tea 10/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

25. Read the label below then answer the following question

What product is the label for?

A. Drink

B. Food

C. Medicine

D. Vitamin

26. Read the label below to answer the following question

What fruits is this made of?

A. Apple, pear, strawberry, peach

B. Pear, apple, grapes, cherry

C. Grapes, pear, strawberry, peach

D. Peach, pear, plum, grapes 11/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

27. Read the label below to answer the following question

What ingredients are not used in the product?

A. Acid

B. Preservative

C. Water

D. Juice

28. Read the text to answer the following question

What does the word arti cial mean?

A. Dangerous

B. Original

C. Not natural

D. Product 12/20
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“Ingredients: sugar, cashew, milk solids…etc.” The underlined word means: …. Needed to make something.

A. The steps

B. The goals

C. The methods

D. The materials 13/20
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Why should the product be drunk within one day only?

A. Because it may be deteriorated after opening

B. Because it does not contain preservatives

C. Because it is a natural product

D. Because it needs refrigerating 14/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

31. How to Make Mango Juice


Some mangoes

A half glass of water

A glass of iced cube

A spoon of sugar

3 spoons of condensed milk

Steps: First, peel the mango and clean it. Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the
juicer. Then, put the water, ice, sugar, and milk. After that, turn on the juicer and wait about 15
seconds. Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and it ready to be served.

What should we do before we put the mango into the juicer?

A. Cut them into pieces

B. Pour the mango juice into the glass

C. Add water, ice, sugar, and milk

D. Turn on the juicer 15/20
28/9/2020 Sekolah Pintar Indonesia ::

32. How to Make Mango Juice


Some mangoes

A half glass of water

A glass of iced cube

A spoon of sugar

3 spoons of condensed milk

Steps: First, peel the mango and clean it. Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the
juicer. Then, put the water, ice, sugar, and milk. After that, turn on the juicer and wait about 15
seconds. Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and it ready to be served.

…and put them into the juicer.” (step 2) The underlined word refers to…

A. Sugar and mango

B. Pieces of mango

C. Sugar and milk

D. Ice and water

33. How To Use A Toaster

1. Insert a slice of bread into each toaster slot.

2. Choose the toasting level, usually it is from the lightest to the darkest. This will allow you to choose
how dark the toast to be.

3. Wait until the toasting process nished, usually the process only take a minute.

4. Pick the bread when the toasting process is nished and the bread pops up from the toaster slot.

5. The toasted bread is ready. Then, you can put it on a plate and put some butter on it.

6. And last, don't forget to unplug the toaster cable to evade the chance of electrical shock.

What is the text mainly discussed?

A. How to turn on a toaster

B. How to x a toaster

C. How to operate a toaster

D. How to turn o a toaster 16/20
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34. How To Use A Toaster

1. Insert a slice of bread into each toaster slot.

2. Choose the toasting level, usually it is from the lightest to the darkest. This will allow you to choose
how dark the toast to be.

3. Wait until the toasting process nished, usually the process only take a minute.

4. Pick the bread when the toasting process is nished and the bread pops up from the toaster slot.

5. The toasted bread is ready. Then, you can put it on a plate and put some butter on it.

6. And last, don't forget to unplug the toaster cable to evade the chance of electrical shock.

What should we do when the bread pops up from the toaster slot?

A. Inserting a slice of bread into the toaster

B. Putting some butter on the bread

C. Putting the bread on a plate

D. Picking the bread from the toaster

35. How To Use A Toaster

1. Insert a slice of bread into each toaster slot.

2. Choose the toasting level, usually it is from the lightest to the darkest. This will allow you to choose
how dark the toast to be.

3. Wait until the toasting process nished, usually the process only take a minute.

4. Pick the bread when the toasting process is nished and the bread pops up from the toaster slot.

5. The toasted bread is ready. Then, you can put it on a plate and put some butter on it.

6. And last, don't forget to unplug the toaster cable to evade the chance of electrical shock.

Which statement is true based on the text?

A. If we don't unplug the toaster cable from the wall socket, it will shut down automatically

B. If we don't unplug the toaster cable from the wall socket, it will not save the power

C. If we want the light toast on the bread, we should choose the light toasting level

D. If we want the dark toast on the bread, we should choose the light toasting level 17/20
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36. How To Use A Toaster

1. Insert a slice of bread into each toaster slot.

2. Choose the toasting level, usually it is from the lightest to the darkest. This will allow you to choose
how dark the toast to be.

3. Wait until the toasting process nished, usually the process only take a minute.

4. Pick the bread when the toasting process is nished and the bread pops up from the toaster slot.

5. The toasted bread is ready. Then, you can put it on a plate and put some butter on it.

6. And last, don't forget to unplug the toaster cable to evade the chance of electrical shock.

"Insert a slice of bread into each toaster slot". The word "insert" has similar meaning with ...

A. turn in

B. pull in

C. put in

D. switch in

37. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage.

How to Insert SIM Card

1. Put the battery and align it until it snaps into its place.

2. Switch on the cell phone; and it’s ready to use.

3. Remove the battery.

4. Slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the bevel corner

5. Slide or open the cover then lift it of the phone.

6. Slide the cover forward to close it until it locks into place

A. 2-1-4-5-3-6

B. 5-3-4-1-6-2

C. 4-5-6-3-2-1

D. 3-5-4-1-5-2 18/20
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38. How to Use Mixer

Insert the beaters of kneading hooks. It may be necessary to turn the beaters of kneading hooks a little
while doing so.

Put the ingredients in a bowl.

Lower the beaters of kneading hooks into the ingredients.

Switch the mixer on with correct speeding setting.

After use, depress ejector knob to release the beaters of kneading hooks

What is the synonym of the word “depress” in the last step?

A. Press down

B. Depressed

C. Pull

D. Disconnect

39. How to make “Instant Co ee”

1. Add some hot water

2. Put the instant co ee into a glass

3. The co ee is ready to serve

4. Stir them well

The right order of the procedure above is ….

A. 2, 1, 4, 3

B. 4, 1, 2, 3

C. 2, 3, 4, 1

D. 2, 4, 1, 3 19/20
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40. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions

What is the text about?

A. Describing the way to make a laptop

B. Illuminating how to activate a laptop

C. Describing how to fetch a laptop

D. Telling the way to turn o a laptop 20/20

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