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1. Is a mood disorder that commences after giving birth. It can be serious and disabling and
interferes with the mother's ability to provide care for the baby and perform daily tasks. It
is often preceded by baby blues.

a. Postpartum Psychosis
b. Baby Blues
c. Postpartum Depression
d. Mood swings

2. Which among the statements regarding postpartum depression (PPD) is important for the
nurse to be aware of when attempting to make a plan of care?

a. PPD symptoms are consistently severe.

b. This syndrome affects only new mothers.
c. PPD can easily go undetected as the symptoms range from mild to severe.
d. Only mental health professionals should teach new parents about this condition.

3. Why is postpartum depression commonly a missed or under diagnosed problem?

a. Women usually do not report symptoms

b. Providers do not take reports from patients seriously.
c. Symptoms are masked by common experiences of new mothers (lack of sleep,
d. A and C

4. Which of the following is not a risk factor for postpartum depression?

a. Previous history of depression and anxiety

b. Giving birth to a male child
c. Stressful event during pregnancy
d. Previous history of Postpartum Depression

5. When helping a woman cope with postpartum blues, the nurse should offer what
appropriate suggestions?
a. Getting plenty of rest and encouraging self-care.
b. Encourage the patient to get out of the house occasionally and engage on social
c. Encourage patient to find support groups or community mental health centers
d. All of the above

6. Postpartum depression symptoms are similar to ________ symptoms.

a. Bipolar Disorder
b. Depression not related to childbirth
c. Anorexia Nervosa
d. Borderline Personality

7. Mood swings, paranoia, hallucinations are some of the symptoms of what condition?

a. Postpartum psychosis
b. Postpartum Depression
c. Baby blues
d. Borderline Personality Disorder

8. Which among the statements is incorrect about Postpartum Psychosis?

a. Is a rare illness, compared to the rates of postpartum depression or anxiety.

b. It affects 0.1 to 0.2% of mothers.
c. It is a serious mental illness that should be treated as a medical emergency with
symptoms including hallucinations and delusions.
d. It is a condition in which you have a period of abnormally elevated, extreme
changes in your mood or emotions, energy level or activity level

9. Which of the following is not a treatment for Postpartum Depression?

a. Electroconvulsive Therapy
b. Psychotherapy
c. Antidepressants
d. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

10. Which among them is not a nursing consideration for Postpartum Depression?

a. Carefully observing all new mothers for signs of depression

b. Educating on signs of mood disorder
c. Active listening and having a caring attitude
d. Restricting the patient’s activity and social activities

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