Spells - Cantrips

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Player's Handbook

0 Acid Splash

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 60ft / 18mts

You hurl a bubble of acid.
One creature (or two creatures within 5ft/1,5mts of each
other) you can see within range, must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw or take 1D6 acid damage.

Higher Levels: Damage increases to 2D6 at level 5, 3D6 at level

11, 4D6 at level 17.

Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard Conjuration

Player's Handbook

0 Blade Ward

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

1 Round Self
You extend your hand and trace a sigil of warding in the air.
Until the end of your next turn, you have resistance against
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon

Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Abjuration

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

0 Booming Blade

1 Action Somatic-Material

1 Round Self - 5ft (1,5mts) radius

Material: a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp.
You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and make a
melee attack with it against one creature within 5ft/1,5mts of
you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack's normal
effects and then becomes sheathed in booming energy until
the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves
5ft/1,5mts or more before then, the target takes 1D8 thunder
damage, and the spell ends.

Higher Levels: melee attack deals extra 1D8 thunder damage at

level 5 and moving damage increases to 2D8. Increase both
dice pools by 1D8 (cumulative) at levels 11 (2D8 & 3D8) and 17
(3D8 & 4D8)

Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Evocation

Player's Handbook

0 Chill Touch

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

1 Round 120ft (36mts)

You create a ghostly, skeletal hand in the space of a creature
within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the creature
to assail it with the chill of the grave. On a hit, the target takes
1D8 necrotic damage, and it can't regain hit points until the
start of your next turn. Until then, the hand clings to the target.
If you hit an undead target, it also has disadvantage on attack
rolls against you until the end of your next turn.

Higher Levels: damage increases to 2D8 at level 5, 3D8 at level

11, and 4D8 at level 17

Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Necromancy

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Control Flames

1 Action Somatic

Instantaneous / 1 Hour 60ft (18mts)

You choose nonmagical flame that you can see within range
and that fits within a 5ft/1,5mts cube. You affect it in one of
the following ways:
·instantaneously expand the flames 5ft/1,5mts in one direction,
provided fuel (e.g. wood) is present.
·instantaneously extinguish flames within the cube.
·double or halve the area of bright and dim light cast by the
flame, change its color, or both. Change lasts for 1 hour.
·cause simple shapes, such as the vague form of a creature, an
inanimate object, or a location, to appear within the flames
and animate as you like. Apparitions last for 1 hour.

If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of
its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can
dismiss such an effect as an action.

Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard Transmutation

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Create Bonfire

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

1 Minute 60ft (18mts)

Create a bonfire on ground that you can see within range. Until
the spell ends, the bonfire fills a 5ft/1,5mts cube.
Any creature in the bonfire’s space when you cast the spell,
entering the bonfire’s space for the first time, or ending its turn
within the bonfire’s space, takes 1D8 fire damage on a failed
Dexterity saving throw.

Higher Levels: damage increases to 2D8 at level 5, 3D8 at level

11, and 4D8 at level 7

Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Conjuration

Player's Handbook

0 Dancing Lights

1 Action Verbal-Somatic-Material

1 Minute 120ft (36mts)

Material: a bit of phosphorus or wychwood, or a glowworm
Create up to four torch-sized lights within range, making them
appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs that hover in the
air for the duration. You can combine the four lights into one
glowing vaguely humanoid form of Medium size.
Whichever form you choose, each light sheds dim light in a
10ft/3mts radius.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the lights up to

60ft/18mts to a new spot within range. A light must be within
20ft/6mts of another light created by this spell, and a light
winks out if it exceeds the spell’s range.

Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Evocation

Player's Handbook

0 Druidcraft

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 30ft (9mts)

Whispering to the spirits of nature, you create one of the
following effects within range:
·create a tiny, harmless sensory effect that predicts what the
weather will be at your location for the next 24 hours. The
effect might manifest as a golden orb for clear skies, a cloud for
rain, falling snowflakes for snow, and so on. This effect persists
for 1 round.
·instantly make a flower blossom, a seed pod open, or a leaf
bud bloom.
·create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as
falling leaves, a puff of wind, the sound of a small animal, or
the faint odor of skunk. The effect must fit in a 5ft/1,5mts cube.
·instantly light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small

Druid Transmutation
Player's Handbook

0 Eldritch Blast

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 120ft (36mts)

A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within
range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit,
the target takes 1D10 force damage.

Higher Levels: Create two beams at level 5, three beams at

level 11, and four beams at level 17. You can direct the beams
at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack
roll for each beam.

Warlock Evocation
Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica

0 Encode Thoughts

1 Action Somatic

8 Hours Self
You pull a memory, an idea, or a message from your mind and
transform it into a tangible string of glowing energy called a
thought strand, which persists for the duration or until you cast
this spell again. The thought strand appears in an unoccupied
space within 5ft/1,5mts of you as a Tiny, weightless, semisolid
object that can be held and carried like a ribbon. It is otherwise

If you cast this spell while concentrating on a spell or an ability

that allows you to read or manipulate the thoughts of others
(such as detect thoughts or modify memory), you can
transform the thoughts or memories you read, rather than
your own, into a thought strand.

Casting this spell while holding a thought strand allows you to

instantly receive whatever memory, idea, or message the
thought strand contains. (Casting detect thoughts on the
strand has the same effect.)

Wizard Enchantment
Player's Handbook

0 Fire Bolt

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 120ft (36mts)

You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range.
Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the
target takes 1D10 fire damage. A flammable object hit by this
spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.

Higher Levels: damage increases to 2D10 at level 5, 3D10 at

level 11, and 4D10 at level 17.

Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard Evocation

Player's Handbook

0 Friends

Time Somatic-Material

1 Minute Self
Material: small amount of makeup applied to the face as this
spell is cast
For the duration, you have advantage on all Charisma checks
directed at one creature of your choice that isn't hostile toward
you. When the spell ends, the creature realizes that you used
magic to influence its mood and becomes hostile toward you. A
creature prone to violence might attack you. Another creature
might seek retribution in other ways (at the DM's discretion),
depending on the nature of your interaction with it.

Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Enchantment

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Frostbite

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 60ft (18mts)

You cause numbing frost to form on one creature that you can
see within range. On a failed Constitution saving throw, the
target takes 1D6 cold damage, and it has disadvantage on the
next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next

Higher Levels: Damage increases to 2D6 at level 5, 3D6 at level

11, and 4D6 at level 17.

Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Artificer Evocation

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything / Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

0 Green-Flame Blade

1 Action Somatic-Material

Instantaneous Self - 5ft (1,5mts) radius

Material: a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp.
You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and make
a melee attack with it against one creature within 5ft/1,5mts of
you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal
effects, and you can cause green fire to leap from the target to
a different creature of your choice that you can see within
5ft/1,5mts of it. The second creature takes fire damage equal
to your spellcasting ability modifier.

Higher Levels: At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1D8
fire damage to the target on a hit, and the fire damage to the
second creature increases to 1D8 + your spellcasting ability
modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1D8 at 11th level (2D8
and 2D8) and 17th level (3D8 and 3D8).

Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Evocation

Player's Handbook

0 Guidance

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

1 Minute Touch
You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the
target can roll a D4 and add the number rolled to one ability
check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the
ability check. The spell then ends.

Artificer, Cleric, Druid Divination

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Gust

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 30ft (9mts)

You seize the air and compel it to create one of the following
effects at a point you can see within range:
·one Medium or smaller creature that you choose is pushed up
to 5ft/1,5mts away from you on a failed Strength saving throw.
·create a small blast of air capable of moving one object that is
neither held nor carried and that weighs no more than 5
pounds/0,5Kg. The object is pushed up to 10ft/3mts away from
you. It isn’t pushed with enough force to cause damage.
·create a harmless sensory affect using air, such as causing
leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters shut, or your clothing to
ripple in a breeze.

Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard Transmutation

Unearthed Arcana 36 - Starter Spells

0 Hand of Radiance

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 5ft (1,5mts)

You raise your hand, and burning radiance erupts from it. Each
creature of your choice that you can see within 5ft/1,5mts of
you takes 1D6 radiant damage on a failed Constitution saving

Higher Levels: Damage increases to 2D6 at level 5, 3D6 at level

11, and 4D6 at level 17.

Cleric Evocation
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Infestation

1 Action Verbal-Somatic-Material

Instantaneous 30ft (9mts)

Material: a living flea
You cause a cloud of mites, fleas, and other parasites to appear
momentarily on one creature you can see within range. On a
failed Constitution saving throw, the target takes 1D6 poison
damage and moves 5ft/1,5mts in a random direction if it can
move and its speed is at least 5ft. Roll a D4 for the direction: 1,
north; 2, south; 3, east; or 4, west. This movement doesn't
provoke opportunity attacks, and if the direction rolled is
blocked, the target doesn't move.

Higher Levels: Damage increases to 2D6 at level 5, 3D6 at level

11, and 4D6 at level 17.

Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Conjuration

Player's Handbook

0 Light

1 Action Verbal-Material

1 Hour Touch

Class Evocation
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

0 Lighting Lure

1 Action Verbal

Instantaneous Self - 15ft (4,5mts) radius


Class Evocation
Player's Handbook

0 Mage Hand

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

1 Minute 30ft (9mts)


Class Conjuration
Xanathar's Guide to Everything / Elemental Evil Player's Companion

0 Magic Stone

1 Bonus Action Verbal-Somatic

1 Minute Touch

Class Transmutation
Player's Handbook

0 Mending

1 Minute Verbal-Somatic-Material

Instantaneous Touch

Class Transmutation
Player's Handbook

0 Message

1 Action Verbal-Somatic-Material

1 Round 120ft (36mts)


Class Transmutation
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

0 Mind Sliver

1 Action Verbal

1 Round 60ft (18mts)


Class Enchantment
Player's Handbook

0 Minor Illusion

1 Action Somatic-Material

1 Minute 30ft (9mts)


Class Illusion
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Mold Earth

1 Action Somatic

Instantaneous / 1 Hour 30ft (9mts)


Class Transmutation
Player's Handbook

0 Poison Spray

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 10ft (3mts)


Class Conjuration
Player's Handbook

0 Prestidigitation

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

1 Hour 10ft (3mts)


Class Transmutation
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Primal Savagery

1 Action Somatic

Instantaneous Self

Druid Transmutation
Player's Handbook

0 Produce Flame

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

10 Minutes Self

Class Conjuration
Player's Handbook

0 Ray of Frost

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 60ft (18mts)


Class Evocation
Player's Handbook

0 Resistance

1 Action Verbal-Somatic-Material

1 Minute Touch

Class Abjuration
Player's Handbook

0 Sacred Flame

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 60ft (18mts)


Class Evocation
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

0 Sapping Sting

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 30ft (9mts)


Class Necromancy
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Shape Water

1 Action Somatic

Instantaneous / 1 Hour 30ft (9mts)


Class Transmutation
Player's Handbook

0 Shillelagh

1 Bonus Action Verbal-Somatic-Material

1 Minute Touch

Druid Transmutation
Player's Handbook

0 Shocking Grasp

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous Touch

Class Evocation
Player's Handbook

0 Spare the Dying

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous Touch

Class Necromancy
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

0 Sword Burst

1 Action Verbal

Instantaneous Self - 5ft (1,5mts) radius


Class Conjuration
Player's Handbook

0 Thaumaturgy

1 Action Verbal

Special 30ft (9mts)


Cleric Transmutation
Player's Handbook

0 Thorn Whip

1 Action Verbal-Somatic-Material

Instantaneous 30ft (9mts)


Class Transmutation
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Thunderclap

1 Action Somatic

Instantaneous Self - 5ft (1,5mts) radius


Class Evocation
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Toll the Dead

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

Instantaneous 60ft (18mts)


Class Necromancy
Player's Handbook

0 True Strike

1 Action Somatic

1 Round 30ft (9mts)


Class Divination
Player's Handbook

0 Vicious Mockery

1 Action Verbal

Instantaneous 60ft (18mts)


Bard Enchantment
Unearthed Arcana 36 - Starter Spells

0 Virtue

1 Action Verbal-Somatic

1 Round Touch

Class Abjuration
Critical Role

0 Wristpocket

1 Action Somatic

Instantaneous Touch
You flick your wrist with a flourish, causing a single object that
weighs no more than 5 pounds (2,25kg) that you (and only you)
hold in your hand to vanish. The object is transported and
stored within a small extradimensional personal pocket plane.
The object remains there until this cantrip is cast again, upon
which it is immediately transported back into your grasp. You
cannot store an object while one already occupies the
extradimensional pocket.

Class Conjuration
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

0 Word of Radiance

1 Action Verbal-Material

Instantaneous 5ft (1,5mts)


Class Evocation


Time Verbal-Somatic-Material

Duration Range

Class School

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