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Unlock Skills and

Closing Learning

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COVER PAGE................................................ ................................................ i

LIST OF CONTENTS................................................ ................................................................ ............ii

CHAPTER 1................................................ ................................................................ ...................... 1

INTRODUCTION................................................. ................................................................ ... 1

1.1 Background................................................ ................................................1

1.2 Problem Formulation............................................ ......................................... 1

1.3 Objectives................................................ ................................................................ .............1

1.4 Benefits of Paper............................................ ................................................ 1

CHAPTER 2................................................ ................................................................ ...................... 2

DISCUSSION................................................. ................................................................ ......2

2.1. Understanding................................................. ................................................................ ......2

2.2. Objective................................................. ................................................................ ........... 2

2.3. Principles................................................ ................................................................ 3

2.4. Components................................................ ................................................ 4

CHAPTER 3................................................ ................................................................ ...................... 7

CLOSING................................................. ................................................................ .............. 7

3.1. Conclusion................................................. ................................................................ ....7

3.2. Suggestion................................................. ................................................................ ............. 7

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................ ................................................................ 8

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A. Background
No matter how perfect or ideal the curriculum is, it doesn't depend on the teacher's ability
to implement it, the curriculum cannot be said to be optimal. In fact
Basic skills to become a teacher are very necessary. Teachers are not born, but first formed
First, forming good teacher performance requires basic skills. Skills
Basic skills are standard skills that every individual who works as a professional must have

This paper will describe the skills of Opening and Closing Learning
which can be implemented in the micro learning process that must be mastered by candidates

B. Problem Formulation

Based on this explanation, we can formulate the problem as follows: 1. What is

the meaning of opening and closing learning?
2. What is the purpose of Opening and Closing Learning?
3. What are the principles for opening and closing learning?
4. What components are needed to Open and Close Learning?

C. Goals
The purpose of this paper is not only to fulfill the assignments for our Micro Learning course,
but also to increase our insight into the skills of Opening and Closing Learning that we must have as
prospective teachers.

D. Benefits of the Paper

1. Increase knowledge insight in micro learning.

2. Become a reference for readers so they can apply Opening and Closing Learning skills correctly.

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A. Understanding

Opening Lessons
What is meant by lesson opening skills is the teacher's activities at the beginning
lessons to create an atmosphere of 'mental readiness' and attract students' attention
focused on the things to be learned.
Closing the lesson
Closing the lesson is an activity carried out by the teacher in ending it
learning activities by restating the main points of the lesson

B. Goals
The specific objectives of opening the lesson can be detailed as follows:

a. The emergence of students' attention and motivation to face learning tasks

which will be done
b. Students know the limits of the tasks to be carried out
c. Students have a clear picture of the approaches
may be taken in studying parts of the subject
d. Students know the relationship between the experiences they have mastered and the things they

new things to learn or things that are not yet known

e. Students can connect facts, skills or concepts
concepts included in an event
f. Students can find out their level of success in learning the lesson,
while teachers can find out the level of success in teaching (Hasibuan, et al.,
1991: 120)

Closing Learning Objectives:

1. Knowing the level of success of students in learning lesson material.

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2. Knowing the level of teacher success in the teaching and learning process.

3. Help students to understand the relationship between the experiences they have had
mastered the things he had just learned.
4. Organize all activities or lessons that have been studied into one
meaningful unity to understand the essence of the lesson.
C. Principles
Principles of Opening Learning

1. Meaningful Principle

The application of meaningful principles is to have value in achieving the intended use
lesson opening skills, meaning the teacher's way of selecting and implementing them
The skills component of opening a lesson has very appropriate value for students
in conditioning students' readiness and interest in participating in lessons. By
Therefore, in choosing the type of activity to open the lesson, it is necessary to consider
its relevance to the aim of opening the lesson.
2. Continuous (Continuous)
The use of lesson opening skills is continuous (continuous).
This means that there is no dividing line between the opening idea and the main topic. By
Therefore, the idea of opening with the subject matter in terms of material must be present
its relevance. It is recommended that the opening idea should have a certain level of inclusivity
higher/general than the subject itself. Especially ideas
opener in the form of a hook material.
3. Flexible (Flexible Use)
Flexible in this connection means use that is not rigid, in the sense of not being discontinuous.
broken or smooth. Fluency in the arrangement of ideas, ideas or stories can be
makes it easier for students to conceptualize the integrity of the opening concept and can also
easily anticipate the topics to be studied.
Important factors that can ensure smooth expression of ideas
the opener is mastery in the opener. Because of the extensive knowledge he has
by teachers can help mastery of the use of lesson opening skills. In

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context of flexibility to open this lesson, opening the lesson does not always have to be with
express ideas, but can do so by asking, bringing model objects, pointing
students to become models, provide puzzles, and the like that are relevant to the subject

4. Enthusiasm and Warmth in Communicating Ideas

Enthusiasm indicates a high level of motivation from the teacher and this will result
It also has an effect on high motivation for students. Enthusiasm and warmth
can be shown, for example, asking how students are doing, asking why friends
they can't enter, or tell little stories that can touch on feelings, or activities
others who show sympathy and empathy in order to create enthusiasm and
5. Technical Principles in Using Lesson Opening Skills
The technical principles in opening lessons can be described as follows:
a. Short, dense and clear
b. Skills are not repetitive or complicated
c. Use language that is easy for children to understand
d. Accompany examples or illustrations as necessary

e. Attract children's attention

Principles of Closing Learning
1. Meaningful

Efforts to attract students' attention or motivate students must be in accordance with the content and

lesson objectives. Short stories or jokes that have nothing to do with the lesson
should be avoided.
2. Sequential and continuous
This activity is carried out by the teacher to introduce or summarize again
lessons as part of a unified whole. The embodiment of the principle of sequential and
This continuity requires the existence of an appropriate, appropriate arrangement of learning materials
with student interest, there is a logical connection between one part and another, so that it can be arranged

clear and precise chain of cognition.

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D. Components
Components of lesson opening skills include:
1. Arouse students' attention/interest
Several methods are used by teachers to arouse students' attention and interest
in following the lesson:
a. Variations in the teacher's teaching style, for example by standing in the middle and then
walk backwards or sideways by choosing a different activity from the previous one
normal and intonation and expression in teaching are very helpful in teaching.
b. Use of teaching aids such as illustrations, models, schemes, newspapers and
c. Variations in interaction patterns for example teachers in learning occur frequently
conducting questions and answers between teachers and students and teachers must be able to provide feedback

Students should be creative in asking questions so that small discussions can be created between teachers and students

2. Create motivation

Student motivation in the teaching and learning process always changes due to
internal and external factors such as boring teaching methods and so on.
Some ways to increase student motivation include:
a. Being enthusiastic and enthusiastic means that the teacher must appear enthusiastic in teaching, teacher

able to condition a problem with their profession, teachers must be visible

bright, friendly, authoritative and clear in pronouncing words intonation when teaching.
b. Arouse curiosity, for example in teachers during ongoing learning
often tells an actual event that raises a question or
by showing a model or picture that can stimulate students
to ask.
c. Bringing up seemingly contradictory ideas, for example the teacher proposed
The following problem is that every student has a dream but why
Students still tend to be lazy in trying? Every student has something
the desire to learn but why are you still lazy to learn? And why
Sometimes students who study are still not sure what they are learning
well... why is that?

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d. Pay attention to and take advantage of things that concern students, for example
When starting or in progress the teacher often talks about
an event that is being hotly discussed by the public, be it

an event or fashion, so that in this case the teacher is required to be involved

following developments from TV, internet, newspapers, magazines and so on
3. Providing a reference or structure means that the teacher should start the lesson
briefly state the basic competencies, the things needed in
learning, and the methods that will be taken in learning the material. So that
Students have a clear picture of what they will learn. give
References or structures that can be implemented by teachers include:

a. Expresses basic competencies, learning indicators, and task boundaries.

b. Provide instructions or suggestions about activity steps
c. Ask leading questions

Components in closing learning

1. Reviewing (reviewing)
Reviewing students' level of mastery or understanding of the material that has been
presented as feedback by:
a. Summarizing, basically takes place during the learning process. This can be done by
the teacher together with the students or by the students themselves with the
teacher's guidance.
b. Making a summary of the main points of the lesson is a way to strengthen mastery
students towards the lesson material.
2. Evaluate (judge)
Evaluating the integrity of students' insight can be done by: a.
Verbal questions and
answers b. Demonstrate skills based on understanding c.
Applying understanding to new situations d.
Expressing opinions about the issues discussed (making comments) e.
Providing written questions that students work on in writing 3.
Providing follow-up
Provide follow-up by providing: a. Tasks that can
be done individually (eg homework) b. Group assignments to design
or solve problems based on theory
just learned.

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1. Conclusion
From the explanation explained above, it can be concluded that the skill of opening and closing a lesson is one of
the important things for a teacher in carrying out the learning process. Opening a lesson is the beginning of the learning process,
if this is done well and correctly it will have a positive impact on the success of the next activity process. To find out whether the
process is carried out well and correctly, there is one skill that must be carried out by the teacher, namely the skill of closing the

2. Suggestions

As a teacher, in carrying out the learning process, you must have the skills to open and close learning. Therefore, teachers
should continue to practice to be more skilled, creative and have ideas on how to teach their students so that they don't get bored.

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Dr. Sri Anitah W. et al. (2012, 05 28). Retrieved from


Drs.Ainal Asril, M. (2010, April). Micro Teaching accompanied by learning experience guidelines, Jakarta

Elinady. (2013, July 10). Retrieved from


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