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20000 词汇巅峰速记营

词汇记忆 第 99 节

词根 opt-, ops-, oc-, oci-, ocul-, -ow 的含义为 eye,to see = 眼睛,看见。与 eye 同

optic ['ɒptɪk] adj. 视觉的;视力的 15107

助记:opt-(= eye:眼睛)+ -ic(形容词后缀)→ 和眼睛相关的 → 视觉的;视
搭配:the optic nerve:视神经

optical ['ɒptɪk(ə)l] adj. 视力的; 光学的 5569

助记:optic (视觉的;视力的) + -al(形容词后缀)→ 视力的;光学的
搭配:optical instrument:光学仪器
optical experiment:光学实验

window ['wɪndəʊ] n. 窗;窗口;窗户 608

词源:该词源于古代斯堪的纳维亚语 vindauga (vindr 'wind' + auga 'eye'),亦即
opening for air to enter(空气入口)之意。
助记:to open/close the window:打开/关上窗户

windowless [ˈwɪndoʊləs] adj. 无窗的 16691

助记:window(窗户)+ -less(lacking:缺少的)→ 缺少窗户的 → 无窗的

windowsill ['wɪndəʊsɪl] n. 窗沿;窗台 14714

助记:window(窗户)+ -sill(窗台;门槛)→ 窗沿;窗台
搭配:a sunny windowsill:一个阳光充足的窗台上

atrocity [ə'trɒsɪtɪ] n.(尤指战争中的)残暴行为 8195

助记:atr-(=fire:火)+ -oc(= to see:看见)+-ity(名词后缀)→ 燃烧般的、
威胁性的行为 → 残暴行为
搭配:commit this atrocity:犯下此暴行
释义:An atrocity is a very cruel, shocking action. 暴行
例句:The killing was cold-blooded, and those who committed this atrocity should be
tried and punished. 这场杀戮非常残酷,那些犯下此暴行的人应该受到审

autopsy ['ɔːtɒpsɪ; 'ɔːtɒpsɪ] n. 验尸;尸体解剖 7919

助记:auto-(= self:自己的;亲自的)+ ops-(= a sight:看见)+ y(名词后缀)
→为查明死因,自己亲自查看尸体 → 验尸;尸体解剖
搭配:an autopsy report:验尸报告

to perform an autopsy:进行尸体剖验

前缀 auto-:自己
automatic adj. 自动的
automation n. 自动化

ferocious [fə'rəʊʃəs] adj. 凶猛的;残暴的;激烈的 11486

助记:fer-(= fierce = wild:狂暴的;野生的)+ -oci(= looking, appearing:看起
来) + -ous(形容词后缀,充满……的)→ 看起来狂暴的;野生的 → 凶
搭配:a ferocious beast/attack/storm:猛兽;猛烈的进攻;狂风暴雨
a man driven by ferocious determination:为强烈的决心所驱使的人
例句:By its very nature a lion is ferocious. 狮子本性凶残。

ferocity [fə'rɒsɪtɪ] n. 残暴;猛烈 16618

助记:feroc(= fierce:激烈的)+-ity(名词后缀)→ 残暴;猛烈
搭配:the ferocity of the attack:猛烈的进攻

daisy ['deɪzɪ] n. 雏菊 12791

它的花瓣清晨绽放,傍晚闭合,因此人们称它为 day’s eye(白天的眼睛),
后来演变为 daisy。


antler ['æntlə] n. 鹿角 12476

助记:ant-(=before:前边)+ -ler(= ocular = of the eyes:眼睛的;视觉的)→
在眼睛前边的角 → 鹿角

前缀 ante-, ant-:前
antecede v. 在……之前;领先

inoculate [ɪ'nɒkjʊleɪt] vt. 给...预防接种;打预防针 18821
助记:in- (= in:进入) + -ocul (= eye:眼睛;针眼;芽眼;芽孢 = bud) + -ate(动
词后缀)→ 把一种植物的芽孢种植到另外一种植物中 → 植入一种疾病
的致病菌以产生免疫力 → 给...预防接种;打预防针
搭配:inoculate every child:给每个孩子接种疫苗/打预防针
释义:To inoculate a person or animal means to inject a weak form of a disease into
their body as a way of protecting them against the disease. 给……(打入该轻
区别:immunize 和 vaccinate
immunize /ˈɪmjunaɪz/
~ sb/sth (against sth) to protect a person or an animal from a disease, especially
by giving them an injection of a vaccine (尤指通过注射疫苗)使免疫
vaccinate /ˈvæksɪneɪt/
V-T If a person or animal is vaccinated, they are given a vaccine, usually by
injection, to prevent them from getting a disease. 给…接种疫苗
vaccine /ˈvæksiːn/
N-MASS A vaccine is a substance containing a harmless form of the germs that
cause a particular disease. It is given to people, usually by injection, to prevent
them from getting that disease. 疫苗

synopsis [sɪ'nɒpsɪs] n. 概要,大纲 19885

助记:syn- (= same:共同、整体,一起 altogether:整个) + ops (看) + is(名词后
缀)→ 整体来看,全视图,概貌 → 概要;大纲
搭配:a brief synopsis of the book:该书的简短提要
释义:N-COUNT A synopsis is a summary of a longer piece of writing or work. 提要
区别:outline /ˈaʊtlaɪn/
释义:1)a description of the main facts or points involved in sth 概述;梗概
This is a brief outline of the events. 这就是事件的简要情况。
You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay. 你应该为文章草拟个计划
2)the line that goes around the edge of sth, showing its main shape but not the
details 轮廓线;略图

see 表示“看见”

see [siː] vt.&vi. 看见;看出 vt. 观看;明白;认为 67

seeing ['siːɪŋ] n. 视觉;观看;看见 17987

unseen [ʌn'siːn] adj. 久未见过的;看不见的 8164

助记:un(= not)+ seen(看见的)→ 看不见的;许久未见的
搭配:unseen forces:无形的力量
unseen dangers:未预见的危险

foresee [fɔː'siː] vt. 预知;预见,预料 7747
助记:fore-(= before:之前)+ see (看见) →在看见之前就已经知道…会发生→
搭配:could not have been foreseen:始料未及的

前缀 for-, fore-:前
forehead n. 前额
former adj. 以前的 (the former 前者)

foreseeable [fɔː'siːəbl] adj. 能预测的;可预知的 11928

助记:foresee(预知)+ -able(能够…的)→可预知的
搭配:for/in the foreseeable future:在可预见的将来
foreseeable risk:可预料的风险

unforeseen [ʌnfɔː'siːn] adj. 出乎意料的;未预见到的 15852

助记:un- (= not:不) + foreseen(预见,foresee 的过去分词形式) → 未预见到的;
搭配:unforeseen circumstances/events/changes etc.:意料之外的情况/事件/变化
unforeseen problems/difficulties/delays:未预见到的问题/困难/延误

sight [saɪt] n. 视力;看见;景象;风景(复数) vt. (在一瞬间) 突然看见 1638

助记:sigh(see:看见)+ t(无意义)→ 看见;视力;风景
搭配:lose one’s sight (= to become blind):失明
catch sight of:瞬间/突然看见某人
in sight/out of sight:看得见/看不见
set sights on:以某事为奋斗目标
例句:We’d toured the sights of Paris. 我们已游览了巴黎的名胜/景点。

Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见心不烦。

sighted ['saɪtɪd] adj. 看得见的;有视力的 19239


sighting ['saɪtɪŋ] n. 看见;目睹(不寻常或短暂出现的事物) 9288

搭配:the sighting of a rare sea bird at…:在某地见到一种珍稀海鸟

insight ['ɪnsaɪt] n. 深刻见解;洞察力,洞悉 2863

助记:in-(向内;深入)+ sight(看;见解)→ 深入看(见解)→ 深刻见解;

搭配:keen insight into the nature of technology:对技术本质有着敏锐的洞察
considerable insight:非凡的洞察力
gain an insight into:看透,识破

insightful ['ɪnsaɪtf(ʊ)l] adj. 有深刻见解的;富有洞察力的 13036

sightseeing['saɪtsiːɪŋ] n. 观光;游览 16740

助记:sight(景象;风景)+ seeing(看)→ 看风景 → 观光;游览
搭配:go sightseeing:去观光

eyesight ['aɪsaɪt] n. 视力;目力 15144

助记:eye(眼睛)+ sight(视力;看见)→ 眼睛能看见的能力 → 视力;目力

foresight ['fɔːsaɪt] n. 先见之明;预见;深谋远虑 14847

词源:fore-(在前)+ sight(看;视野)→ insight obtained beforehand:事情未发
生之前获得的视野和看见 → 先见之明;深谋远虑
搭配:lack of foresight:缺乏远见

hindsight [ˈhaɪndsaɪt] n. 事后聪明;事后的领悟 11429

助记:hind(后面的 = behind)+ sight(看)→ 事情发生之后看见、领悟的 →
搭配:hindsight effect:事后诸葛效应
例句:With hindsight, we’d all do things differently. 事后想来,我们可能都会以不

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