Homeless Animals-1

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Homeless animals: solution proposals

Today I want to talk to you about a problem that concerns us all but sometimes
goes unnoticed: the situation of homeless animals; The National Institute of
statistics and Geography (INEGI) estimates that around 70% of dogs in Mexico live
on the Street, 70% this is an alarming statistic. These innocent beings suffer the
consequences of abandonment and human cruelty on a daily basis.
They deserve a dignified life, full of love and respect; They should have a roof over
their heads, food on their plate, and caresses that make them feel loved. They are
vulnerable, beings who are exposed to multiple risks, such as hunger, diseases,
traffic accidents, and human cruelty.
It is our responsibility as a society to do something about it, we cannot look the
other way while these animals suffer in silence, we must take steps to protect
them, care for them and give them a second chance. It's time to take action!
Here are my proposals:
• Adopt, don't buy, as buying encourages breeders to continue breeding
their animals.
• Sterilize your pets, to avoid overpopulation.
• Report animal abandonment and cruelty, this is a crime that should not go
• Collaborate with shelters and organizations that fight for animal rights,
either with donations or charity work.
• Promotes responsible adoption, to educate about an animal`s needs.
• Provide food, water and temporary shelter to stray animals, to prevent
more deaths.
Let's not ignore the sad reality, together we can make a difference. We can`t let
this little guys die on the streets! We have to do something, and we have to do it
now, This is not going to go unnoticed. Thank you!

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