Landfill Leachate Treatment in Brazil - An Overview

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Journal of Environmental Management 232 (2019) 110–116

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Landfill leachate treatment in Brazil – An overview T

Alyne Moraes Costa, Raquel Greice de Souza Marotta Alfaia, Juacyara Carbonelli Campos
School of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 149 Athos da Silveira Ramos Avenue, Room E206, 21941-909, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil


Keywords: The management of municipal solid waste (MSW) presents an ever increasing and more complex challenge in
Municipal solid waste global terms. The disposal of MSW in landfills generates leachate, a liquid highly polluting to the aquatic en-
Sanitary landfill vironment. This review describes the state-of-the-art approaches to treatments applied to leachate in Brazil,
Leachate composition highlighting the new technologies and alternatives that are still in the research phase, and compares the leachate
Developing country
treatment technologies applied around the world with the current scenario in Brazil. In Brazilian landfills, along
Biological processes and membrane filtration
with other technologies, the biological process is commonly applied, since this is a simple and economical
approach and often it is the only technique used in small municipalities. The sanitary landfills in large Brazilian
cities located in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, invest in or outsource landfill activities, where apply
advanced treatment technologies, such as membrane filtration. The use of membrane filtration technology in
these cases reveals similarities with leachate treatments applied in the developed countries of North America and
Europe. Brazilian researchers have highlighted the need to use efficient and economically viable technologies for
the treatment of leachate in Brazilian landfills. However, the current scenario of MSW management in Brazil
shows deficiencies related to the monitoring of sanitary landfills and limited information is available on the
performance of leachate treatment systems.

1. Introduction 2017). For around 59,1% of this waste the final destination is sanitary
landfills, while around 40,9% of the MSW collected in the Brazilian
The production of municipal solid waste (MSW) is directly related to territory, that is, approximately 80 thousand tons/day are discarded
the development of human activity. Globally, accentuated technolo- inadequately in controlled landfills and open dumps (ABRELPE, 2017).
gical advances and urbanization has led to an increase in the con- According to Cerbato and Argolo (2012), controlled landfills can be
sumption of products by the population and, consequently, contributed considered as an intermediate form between open dumps and sanitary
to the expressive volume of waste that is discarded annually. Over one landfills. They are based on the isolation process of the old open dump
billion tons of wastes are produced worldwide and, according to sites but with the implementation of leachate and gas drainage systems,
Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata (2012), this volume is expected to increase the compaction of residues and the covering of the cells at the end of
over the years, reaching around 2.2 billion tons by 2025. the working day. However, the absence of base waterproofing and the
Solid waste generation can contribute to different scales of impacts treatment of leachate in controlled landfills leads to localized pollution,
related to public health and the environment. When incorrectly man- compromising the quality of surface water and groundwater (Lanza and
aged, MSW favors a spread of vector insects, the emission of toxic Carvalho, 2006).
pollutants, and the contamination of soil and water (Kjeldsen et al., Since the establishment of the National Solid Waste Policy (Brazil,
2002). 2010), efforts have been made to close the open dumps and to correctly
Several different methods are available for waste treatment and dispose of MSW in sanitary landfills. On the other hand, the countries of
disposal (landfill, incineration, composting, among others) (Hamer, the European Union and Japan are moving towards waste incineration
2003). In most countries, including Brazil, placing waste in sanitary or as a way of putting an end to sanitary landfills. This is driven by the
controlled landfills or open dumps is one of the main forms of the final reduced availability of large areas for their implantation and environ-
disposal of municipal solid waste. mental issues related to the generation of polluting effluents (Rabl
In Brazil, approximately 215 thousand tons of MSW is generated et al., 2008).
daily, which is equivalent to 1.033 kg per inhabitant per day (ABRELPE, The disposal of waste in landfills results in the generation of

Corresponding author. School of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
E-mail address: (J.C. Campos).
Received 12 April 2018; Received in revised form 29 October 2018; Accepted 1 November 2018
Available online 21 November 2018
0301-4797/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.M. Costa et al. Journal of Environmental Management 232 (2019) 110–116

leachate, a highly polluting effluent due to the complexity of its com- Table 1
position, which includes a high concentration of organic material Variation in the physicochemical composition of leachate in relation to the age
(biodegradable and refractory), in which the humic compounds con- of the landfill site (adapted from Farquhar, 1989 and Ziyang et al, 2009).
stitute an important group, as well as nitrogenous compounds, heavy Parameters (mg.L-1) Landfill leachate age (years)
metals and inorganic salts (Christensen et al., 2001; Ziyang et al.,
2009). 0–5 5–10 10–20 > 20
The treatment of leachate involves the removal of organic material
pH* 3–6 6–7 7–7.5 7.5
and ammoniacal nitrogen, in addition to other toxic components, as a BOD 10,000–25,000 1000–4000 50–1000 < 50
fundamental prerequisite in order to comply with the criteria for the COD 15,000–40,000 10,000–20,000 1000–5000 < 1000
discharge of leachates into recipient water bodies. Combinations be- TKN 1500–4500 400–800 75–300 < 50
NH4+-N 1500–4250 250–700 50–200 < 30
tween conventional and advanced treatments for the removal of con-
Cl- 1000–3000 500–2000 100–500 < 100
taminants from landfill leachate have been increasingly explored, since P 100–300 10–100 – < 10
a universal treatment is not applicable to this highly complex and Alkalinity 8000–18,000 4500–6000 – –
variable effluent (Wiszniowski et al., 2006; Renou et al., 2008). Conductivity (μ 15,000–41,500 6,000–14,000 – –
This review describes the current approaches to the treatment of SO42- 500–2000 200–1000 50–200 < 50
Fe2+ 500–1500 500–1000 100–500 < 100
landfill leachate in Brazil, describing present practices and the new
Zn2+ 100–200 50–100 10–50 < 10
alternatives and technologies that are still in the research phase in this Total dissolved solids 10,000–25,000 5000–10,000 2000–5000 < 1000
country. Leachate treatment technologies applied around the world are (TDS)
compare with the current scenario in Brazil.
To facilitate the reading and allow a better understanding, this ar- *Unit in mg.L-1 not applicable to pH parameter.
( - ) Not measured.
ticle is divided into sections. The generation and composition of landfill
leachate, with a focus on Brazilian cities, are introduced in section 2.
The leachate treatment technologies used in Brazil and around the The characteristics of landfill leachates is also dependent on the
world as well as studies carried out in Brazil that are focused on the physical-chemical parameters and those commonly used for the char-
treatment of landfill leachate are discussed in section 3 and, lastly, acterization of the leachate are pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
section 4 presents the conclusions. chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NeNH4+),
total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphorus, chloride, alkalinity, solids
2. Generation of leachate in landfills series and heavy metals (Kjeldsen et al., 2002; Bhatt et al., 2017).
Table 1 shows the variation in the data over time for the composi-
Landfill leachates are defined as liquid effluents generated as a re- tion of a North American leachate proposed by Farquhar (1989). The
sult of the percolation of rainwater through the solid waste disposed of concentrations of the chemical compounds at the start of operation of
in landfills, as well as the moisture present in the waste and the de- the landfill are high and over time (years), with the stabilization of the
gradation products of the residues (Salem et al., 2008). waste, these tend to decrease continuously, except the pH parameter.
The volume of leachate generated is directly related to factors such The data presented in Table 1 do not necessarily apply to other
as precipitation, evapotranspiration, surface runoff, infiltration, regions of the world, such as South America (Brazil), where socio-
groundwater intrusion into the landfill and degree of compaction of the economic and climatic conditions, among other factors, can differ
waste (El-Fadel et al., 2002; Renou et al., 2008). Therefore, different considerably.
techniques (linings, waterproofing layers and cover layers) are applied
to control the entry of water into the landfill and, consequently, the 2.1. Characteristics of Brazilian landfill leachates
volume of leachate generated (Dajić et al., 2016).
The composition of landfill leachate is highly variable and hetero- In landfills, different physical, chemical and biological processes
geneous. However, it generally contains the following components: a occur which, in turn, constantly affect the composition of the leachate,
high concentration of dissolved organic material (volatile fatty acids influencing its characteristics (Qasin and Chiang, 1994).
and refractory organic compounds, such as humic and fulvic acids); In Brazil, the tropical climate, with elevated temperatures and vo-
macro inorganic components including ammoniacal nitrogen lumes of precipitation, favors the process of waste degradation and
(NeNH4+), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl−), calcium leachate formation (Monteiro et al., 2002; Tränkler et al., 2005). In
(Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), iron (Fe2+), manganese (Mn2+), sulfate turn, the leachate composition presents high concentrations of organic
(SO42−) and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3−); heavy metals such as cad- material, reflecting the consumption profile of Brazilians. According to
mium (Cd2+), nickel (Ni2+) chromium (Cr3+), lead (Pb2+), copper Alfaia et al. (2017), in all regions of Brazil over 50% of the total MSW
(Cu2+) and zinc (Zn2+); and xenobiotic organic compounds (e.g., generated is matter of organic origin.
aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols and pesticides) (Slack et al., 2005; Table 2 (supplementary material) shows the physical-chemical
Schiopu and Gavrilescu, 2010). According to Kjeldsen et al. (2002), the characteristics of the landfill leachates from different regions in Brazil
composition of the leachate varies significantly according to several and general data for the respective landfills studied.
factors, such as the composition of the waste received, the age of the In general, Brazilian leachates have a high concentration of organic
landfill and the climate. matter. However, some landfills, such as those in Rolândia, Belo
The age of the landfill is a determinant factor in the composition of Horizonte and Muribeca have low concentrations of biodegradable or-
the leachate since several parameters change as the landfill passes ganic material, expressed as BOD5, indicating that the largest fraction of
through the stabilization phases (Kulikowska and Klimiuk, 2008). Ac- organic material present in these landfills is comprised of recalcitrant
cording to Christensen et al. (2001), during the initial phase of the compounds (e.g., humic and fulvic acids). This can be explained by the
landfill, called the acid phase, the leachate presents low hydrogen ionic fact that these landfills are old and the biodegradability of landfill
potential (pH) and high concentrations of easily degraded organic material reduces over time.
matter and volatile acids. In mature landfills, which are in the metha- The ratio between BOD5 and COD values for old landfills is very low
nogenic phase, significant methane production is observed, the pH of (Assou et al., 2016), for instance, for the Muribeca landfill a ratio of
the leachate is high and the organic material is present as humic and 0.022 has been reported. This is consistent with a study by Kjeldsen
fulvic fractions (Kurniawan et al., 2006; Kulikowska and Klimiuk, et al. (2002), where landfills of advanced age, found to be in the me-
2008). thanogenic phase, had BOD to COD ratios of < 0.1. Also, it was noted

A.M. Costa et al. Journal of Environmental Management 232 (2019) 110–116

that the pH values of the landfills analyzed were high (average value of biodegradable material (Bulc and Justin, 2007). However, this ap-
8.11), which may be associated with the presence of high alkalinity proach is not applicable to mature landfills (> 10 years), which are in
values, considering that landfills had reached the methanogenic phase. the methanogenic phase, where the leachate contains compounds
Regarding the values for ammoniacal nitrogen, the Seropédica which are not easily degraded, such as humic and fulvic acids, and the
landfill showed a concentration of 2185 mg.L−1, the highest observed BOD5/COD ratio is < 0.1 (Christensen et al., 2001; Kurniawan et al.,
among the landfills studied. The main source of ammoniacal nitrogen 2006).
found in leachate is the degradation of proteins, which can constitute The search for efficient technologies for the treatment of mature
0.5% of the dry mass of the residue (Senior and Balba, 1987; Jokela landfills has been intensifying, seeking to obtain final effluents that
et al., 2002). According to Ehrig (1988), high concentrations of am- comply with the current environmental standards. According to Ahmed
moniacal nitrogen are found in old landfills, since it is not significantly and Lan (2012), a membrane treatment process combined with biolo-
reduced over the years. Therefore, stabilized landfill leachates are rich gical treatment, carried out in a membrane bioreactor (MBR), presents
in ammoniacal nitrogen and thus they can be a major source of pollu- high efficiency for the removal of COD, BOD, ammonia and the micro
tion in the long term, requiring the application of technologies aimed at pollutants in leachate produced by mature landfills.
their removal (Schiopu and Gavrilescu, 2010). The most advanced leachate treatment technologies are not feasible
Heavy metals are found in leachates as a result of the different in some countries due to, for instance, the high cost of implantation and
wastes that are discarded in landfills, such as: lamps, batteries, paints, maintenance and the volumes of leachate to be treated (Vital et al.,
packaging used for chemicals and pharmaceuticals (Monteiro, 2001). 2014). In Brazil, there is a notable contrast between the leachate
According to Baun and Christensen (2004), heavy metals have the ca- treatment technologies applied at metropolitan landfills and at small
pacity to form complexes with molecules of organic material, salts and landfills, which will be discussed in the following section.
alkalinity, which are commonly found in leachates. Table 3 (supple-
mentary material) shows the characterization of metals present in 3.1. Treatment of leachate in Brazil
landfill leachates from different regions in Brazil.
According to Table 3, the concentrations of heavy metals in the In Brazil, control over the discharge of effluents began in the 1970s.
leachates from landfill sites in Brazil are low and this is due to the low In 1986, with the formulation of CONAMA Resolution n° 20 (Brazil,
solubility of metals at alkaline pH. This is consistent with a report by 1986), the first classification and categorization of water bodies in
Kulikowska and Klimiuk (2008) that heavy metal concentrations tend Brazil was carried out. The most recent version, which is currently in
to be high in landfill leachates in the initial phase of operation, due to force, is Resolution n° 430 (Brazil, 2011). This Resolution deals with the
the low pH value and over the years, as the residues stabilize and the conditions, parameters, standards and guidelines for the management
landfill reaches the methanogenic phase, the high pH value reduces the of effluent discharge in receiving water bodies. In this resolution, the
solubility of the metals. effluent from solid waste landfills (leachate) was included, with release
According to Ghost et al. (2017), knowledge of the toxic potential of conditions and standards distinct from those established for sanitary
a leachate is essential before its discharge into water bodies, since sewage treatment systems.
pollutants in high concentrations can, individually or in combination, For the discharge of a leachate to recipient water bodies, it must
lead to high levels of toxicity. Since landfill leachates contain con- adhere to the guidelines established by current federal legislation, but
taminants that can be harmful to the environment and human health, a the state and municipal environmental agencies can supplement this
detailed overview of the treatments which can be applied to this pol- according to particular circumstances. Minas Gerais State was the
luting effluent is provided below. pioneer in Brazil in terms of presenting a specific normative delibera-
tion for the discharge of effluents from leachate treatment systems for
3. Leachate treatment technologies sanitary landfills (COPAM/CERH, 2008).
The treatment of landfill leachate in Brazil by means of a biological
Currently, several different technologies are available for the process is the most common and economically viable approach, pre-
treatment of landfill leachate, aimed at achieving the standards estab- senting high efficiency in the removal of biodegradable organic mate-
lished by legislation. The treatment of a leachate can be carried out rial (Morais et al., 2006). An example of this type of treatment is the
through biological processes (activated sludge, aerobic and anaerobic stabilization lagoon, which is widely used in rural areas due to climatic
stabilization lagoons and biological filters); physical-chemical processes conditions and the availability of areas for the treatment of leachate
(flotation, coagulation/flocculation, adsorption, chemical precipitation, (Martins et al., 2010; Maia et al., 2015).
air stripping, pH adjustment, chemical oxidation, ion exchange, elec- In order to illustrate the diversity of technologies available for the
trochemical treatment); membrane filtration (microfiltration, ultra- treatment of landfill leachates, those applied in some Brazilian cities are
filtration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis), advanced oxidative detailed in Table 5 (supplementary material).
treatments (Fenton process and ozonization) and natural systems In Table 5, it can be observed that most Brazilian cities employ
(wetlands) (Wiszniowski et al., 2006; Renou et al., 2008; Raghab et al., conventional treatment techniques such as lagoon systems, biological
2013). filters, activated sludge and wetlands. Of particular note are the cities of
The schematic in Fig. 1 shows which parameters should be eval- Muribeca, Palmas and Dourados, where leachate treatment is per-
uated in the choice of a treatment for a landfill leachate. formed with the application of only biological treatment techniques.
According to Fig. 1, for a leachate containing a high concentration It should be noted that in Brazil, the use of biological treatment in
of organic material (> 10,000 mg.L−1) the most appropriate approach landfill leachates was a way of reproducing the model consolidated for
is biological treatment. However, for leachates with a high concentra- decades in sewage treatment plants (Gomes, 2009). Due to lack of
tion of ammoniacal nitrogen and a low biodegradability, the most knowledge about the characteristics of the leachate, the use of the same
suitable approach is a physical-chemical process, possibly in combina- techniques and design parameters used for the sewage treatment have
tion with biological treatment. been applied in leachate treatment plants and many of these plants still
Table 4 shows the types of treatments applied to leachates and an operate with the same conditions until nowadays, even though biolo-
evaluation of the treatment efficiency according to the age of the MSW. gical process is not the indicated technique for old and low biode-
It can be observed in Table 4 that biological processes are highly gradability leachates. In general, this situation can also be observed in
efficient for the treatment of leachates from young landfills (< 5 years). small landfills operated by the prefectures, where little investment is
Due to its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, biological treatment is ap- destined for the leachate treatment.
plied when the leachate presents a high concentration of easily The process of phytoremediation, that is, treatment of effluent

A.M. Costa et al. Journal of Environmental Management 232 (2019) 110–116

Fig. 1. Parameters considered in the selection of the appropriate treatment for leachate (Adapted from Forgie, 1988 and Renou et al., 2008).

Table 4 implementation and operation of landfill sites. According to CONAMA

Leachate treatment efficiency according to leachate age (adapted from Qasin Resolution n° 430 (Brazil, 2011), which establishes standards for the
and Chiang, 1994; Abbas et al., 2009). discharge of effluents in water bodies, municipal wastewater treatment
Leachate Treatment Leachate age (years) plant that receive landfill leachate effluents are not be required to
comply with the ammoniacal nitrogen standard. Thus, following the
Young Medium Old (> 10) introduction of this resolution, many cities opted for this alternative,
(< 5) (5–10)
which is potentially hazardous for the environment.
Combined treatment with domestic A B C In the case of large sanitary landfills, such as the waste treatment
wastewater plants located in Seropédica, São Gonçalo, Gramacho, Campos, Rio
Recycling A B C Claro and Osasco there was investment in the outsourcing of services
Aerobic process (suspended growth) A B C for the disposal and treatment of waste. In addition, these cities have
Aerobic process (fixed film) A B C
Anaerobic process (suspended A B C
their own leachate treatment stations within their facilities, with ad-
growth) vanced treatment technologies, such as membrane filtration.
Anaerobic process (fixed film) A B C
Natural evaporation A A A
Coagulation/flocculation C B B 3.2. Comparison of the treatment of leachate from Brazil and other
Chemical precipitation C B C countries
Carbon adsorption C B A
Oxidation C B B
Air stripping C B B Investment in advanced technologies for the treatment of leachate is
Ion exchange A A A directly related to the purchasing power of cities/countries. Thus, stark
Microfiltration C – – contrasts are observed in terms of MSW management approaches and
Ultrafiltration C – –
leachate treatment systems when comparing the developed countries of
Nanofiltration A A A
Reverse Osmosis A A A North America and Europe with developing countries in South America
and Asia (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). In Brazil this contrast is
Legend: A-Good; B-Fair; C-Poor. observed within its territory.
Most Brazilian sanitary landfills and controlled landfills still use the
through the use of aquatic plants and microorganisms in a natural ha- biological system as a single treatment option for leachate, where it is
bitat to reduce the levels of pollutants, is carried out in five cities in highlighted the techniques with activated sludge, lagoons system, bio-
Table 5: Muribeca and Curitiba. According to studies by Mannarino logical filter and wetlands.
et al. (2006), the implantation of wetlands is feasible in Brazilian mu- Wetlands have been the target of many researchers seeking viable
nicipalities with few resources due to their low cost, simple operation alternatives for the treatment of sanitary landfill leachate in temperate
and availability of areas for their installation. In addition, the tropical and subtropical areas, and it is estimated that there are more than
climate favors the evapotranspiration process. 10,000 wetlands in North America (Wu et al., 2015).
Plants in some of the cities analyzed, such as São Pedro da Aldeia The treatment of leachate in wetlands is also studied in countries
and Jaboticabal apply the combined treatment of the leachate with the located in tropical regions, such as those in Central and South America
domestic sewage. In the country's largest capital São Paulo, is common (e.g., Costa Rica and Colombia).
the sanitary landfills perform the treatment of leachate in conjunction University researchers in Costa Rica have studied the applicability
with sewage treatment, only 3% of the capital's sanitary landfills have a of wetlands to the treatment of various effluents, such as wastewater
leachate treatment station their own facilities (Sproviere and Contrera, from cattle farms, dairy plants, paper production plants and leachate
2017). from sanitary landfills. Nahlik and Mitsch (2006) noted in their studies
According to Campos et al. (2013), the combined treatment of that the choice of wetland design and hydraulic retention time are
leachate with sanitary sewage in a municipal wastewater treatment important factors to be adjusted depending on the effluent to be treated.
plant is a strategy aimed at minimizing the costs associated with the In the case of Costa Rica, where the economy is based on ecological

A.M. Costa et al. Journal of Environmental Management 232 (2019) 110–116

tourism and agriculture, the treatment of effluents through wetlands pollutants can exceed the requirements of the legislation for the dis-
can provide an ecological and low-cost solution to the growing pro- posal of these effluents and advanced technologies and consequently
blems of water pollution arising from the intensification of agricultural higher costs in relation to the treatment of leachate will be necessary
activity (Mitsch et al., 2008). (Castilhos Junior et al., 2009, Kawahigashi et al., 2014).
Madera and Valencia-Zuluaga (2009) studied leachate treatment in Thus, there is a need for the association of complementary treat-
subsurface flow wetlands in a pilot plant located in the President Re- ments together with the biological processes and many research activ-
gional landfill in the city of Cali, Colombia. The authors demonstrated ities related to this important theme have been performed.
that wetlands showed high adaptability in tropical environments, pro- Treatment with activated carbon has been successfully applied to
moting the removal of pollutants, such as heavy metals. landfill leachates around the world, due to its high efficiency in the
In Brazil, the incorrect disposal of MSW in open dumps represents removal of organic compounds and ammoniacal nitrogen, both found in
about 18% of the waste generated, that is 35,368t of MSW/day abundance in landfill leachate (Foo and Hameed, 2010). In Brazil, the
(ABRELPE, 2017). This practice of disposition is also very common in applicability of powdered (or granular) activated carbon combined
developing Asian countries. According to Yadav and Samadder (2018), with the activated sludge process, known as the powdered activated
the final disposal of waste in open dumps represents on average 60% of carbon treatment (PACT) system, has been studied in recent years, as a
waste collected in India, 50% in Bangladesh, 85% in Sri Lanka, 80% in pre-treatment or post-treatment stage in leachate treatment (Mendes
Pakistan and 40% in Indonesia. Considering these percentages, it is et al., 2013; Da Silva et al., 2014; Bou et al., 2015).
observed that Brazil is a country that, even in slow steps, is investing in A study on the PACT process, which combines biological oxidation
the correct disposal of waste, and this has been verified since the ex- in activated sludge with adsorption onto activated carbon powder, was
pansion of coverage of collection services, closure of open dumps and carried out in bench scale by Bou et al. (2015), in order to evaluate the
development of research in the area. color and turbidity removal in the combined treatment of sanitary
And in relation to the development of leachate treatment technol- landfill leachate and domestic sewage. The removal efficiencies ob-
ogies, Brazilian sanitary landfills located in large metropolitan areas tained were 77.8% for color and 68.2% for turbidity. However, in re-
have chosen to outsource their services, favoring the modernization of lation to turbidity, the PACT process obtained lower levels of removal
the technologies used, with the use the membranes (MBR, ultrafiltra- than the conventional activated sludge process (72.3%). According to
tion, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis), reflecting the trend that has the authors, the PACT process obtained greater efficiency in the re-
been used by developed countries. moval of color, since the activated carbon preferentially removes dis-
Membrane filtration technology is one of the highly applicable solved solids and therefore did not influence significantly the removal
treatments in North America, for municipal and industrial wastewater of the turbidity.
and also sanitary landfill leachate (Yang et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2012). Another alternative for the use of activated carbon is the reactive
MBR and reverse osmosis (RO) systems have been successfully applied barrier technique with the addition of activated carbon, which has been
to the removal of organic, inorganic and heavy metal compounds from studied by Lins et al. (2011) employing the leachate of the Muribeca
leachate as an additional step to conventional physical-chemical and landfill (Pernambuco State). This technique is based on a combined
biological treatments (Robinson, 2005; Renou et al., 2008; Ahmed and system of soil, plants, microorganisms and activated carbon, to remove
Lan, 2012). and degrade toxic substances from the leachate. The study was carried
An example of the application of membranes is the Seneca Meadows out in pilot scale, as a tertiary treatment phase, after chemical pre-
landfill, which is the largest active landfill located in New York State, cipitation and ammonia stripping. The efficiency in terms of organic
United State. According to Baker et al. (2015), reverse osmosis tech- matter removal of was > 80%. It was concluded that the application of
nology is used for the treatment of leachate at this landfill since it offers the reactive barrier technique is economically feasible and easy to op-
the advantages a low capital cost and the ability to treat large volumes erate, reaching high values of efficiency in the removal of BOD and
to within the limits for effluents permitted by legislation, with the re- COD.
moval of more than 95% of pollutants. Many advances have been made in relation to advanced oxidative
According to Robinson (2005), membrane-based leachate treatment processes (AOPs), following intensive research, and those in which
technologies, such as the MBR system, have been used in landfills in Fenton's reagent is employed are considered the most cost-effective
several European countries (e.g., Germany) since the 1990s. An ex- (Englehardt et al., 2006).
ample is the treatment of leachate from the Hannover landfill in Ger- The Fenton process was also studied by Lima et al. (2017) for the
many consists of an MBR system with oxygen injection, followed by removal of recalcitrant organic matter from the leachate generated in
ultrafiltration membranes (Löblich, 2015). the stabilized landfills of Gericinó and Gramacho and a landfill in op-
Finally, evidence shows a lack of availability of data on leachate eration at Seropédica, all located in Rio de Janeiro State. The levels for
treatment systems over the life of Brazilian landfills. That occurs due to the removal of recalcitrant substances reached in the study were 88%
the lack of availability of information by the private companies that for the Gericinó leachate, 85% for the Gramacho leachate and 76% for
manage the large sanitary landfills, but also by the lack of requirement the Seropédica leachate. In relation to the fractions of humic sub-
by the government and the management of this information, as a way of stances, the fulvic acids showed higher levels of removal than the humic
making them public. acids, reaching 92% removal for the Gramacho leachate.
A possible alternative for percolation effluents with a high compo-
3.3. The future for leachate treatment: studies in Brazil sition of recalcitrant compounds, generally associated with old or
closed landfills, is the use of an oxidation process with ozone as a
According to Contrera et al. (2014), many Brazilian cities present treatment step (Kurniawan et al., 2006).
difficulties in relation to treating wastewaters from sanitary landfills. In Scandelai et al. (2014) evaluated the applicability of ozonation in
practice, the application of only anaerobic and aerobic stabilization combination with catalytic metal oxides (O3/TiO2 and O3/ZnO) to the
lagoons has proved not to be the most appropriate treatment for old leachate of the Maringá landfill (Paraná State). The study showed that
sanitary landfill leachates. ozone treatment with the addition of 1.0 g/L ZnO at pH 1 obtained
The treatment of the leachate should be initiated together with the removal efficiencies of 63% for COD and 98.2% for true color. Ac-
start of operation of the landfill, because in the young landfills, the cording to the authors, catalytic ozonation with ZnO provided better
biological treatment has high efficiency of removal of biodegradable removal efficiencies compared with conventional ozonation.
organic matter. But as the age of the landfill advances, it becomes Biological reactor systems with membranes (MBRs) are also widely
harder to remove refractory compounds and the concentration of researched for the treatment of effluents in Brazil. According to Ahmed

A.M. Costa et al. Journal of Environmental Management 232 (2019) 110–116

and Lan (2012), MBR technology is promising because it is an advanced Brazil and around the world reveals similarities in terms of the use of
biological process that does not make use of a conventional sedi- the following technologies: MBR, reverse osmosis, wetlands, Fenton
mentation unit as in activated sludge processes, but instead a mem- process and air stripping. Also, in some cases, the more advanced
brane separation unit is employed. A unit comprised of an anaerobic techniques, such as membrane filtration, widely used at landfills in
bioreactor with microfiltration membranes was used by Dacanal and North America and Europe, are also used in Brazil, for example, at the
Beal (2010) to treat the leachate of the São Giácomo landfill, in the city landfills of Seropédica, São Gonçalo, Gramacho and Campos in Rio de
of Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul State). The researchers evidenced Janeiro State, Rio Claro and Osasco in São Paulo State.
that the presence of membranes in the reactor increased the efficiency Regarding the future of leachate treatment in Brazil, considerable
of the conventional biological process, allowing 90.4% removal of the efforts have been made to implement efficient technologies for the re-
organic material, compared with 21.5% obtained with the use of the moval of pollutants and achieve compliance with the standards estab-
biological filter alone. lished by environmental legislation. These approaches also need to be
Membrane separation processes (MSP), mainly reverse osmosis economically viable in order to be accessible to all municipalities in the
treatment, have been considered the most suitable approach for country.
treating leachates to a standard that is compliant with the legislation, as Recent research studies highlight the following leachate treatments
well as being more efficient and adaptable (Hasar et al., 2009). How- for application in Brazil: activated carbon, reactive barriers, advanced
ever, for this process to be successfully applied at a treatment center, an oxidative processes and membrane separation processes.
appropriate pretreatment needs to be selected in order to reduce the Finally, it can be concluded that, in Brazil, the monitoring of sani-
formation of fouling on the membranes (Renou et al., 2008). tary landfills is scarce, resulting in little information on the perfor-
The fate of the concentrate generated during treatment applying the mance of leachate treatment systems. The need for investment from the
membrane separation process is an issue that has yet to be satisfactorily collection of solid waste to the treatment of the effluents generated by
resolved. Currently, it is generally treated and/or returned to the them; in research related to the subject and in environmental inspection
landfill. Other solutions include solidification of the concentrate by still represent great obstacles faced in the country.
mixing it with the sludge from conventional treatment systems with
subsequent discharge to the landfill itself, or more costly procedures Declarations of interest
such as transportation to an incineration plant designed to receive ha-
zardous liquid waste (Renou et al., 2008). Thus, less costly ways of None.
treating and correctly discarding the concentrate generated in the
membrane separation process need to be developed. Acknowledgement

4. Conclusions This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de

Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES).
Sanitary landfill leachates are effluents of high polluting potential.
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fluenced by factors such as the climate, geology and age of the landfill.
Thus, finding a single treatment that can be applied to all leachates Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
remains a challenge worldwide.
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