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1. Upgrade/ˈʌpɡreɪd/ (v): nâng cấp, thăng chức

# downgrade /'daʊngreid/: giáng cấp

2. Urban planner /ˈɜːbən 'plænə(r)/(n): người / chuyên gia quy hoạch đô thị

 urban /'ɜ:bən/ (a): ở đô thị

# rural /'rʊərəl/(a): [thuộc] nông thôn

3. Optimistic /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ (adj): lạc quan

 optimist /'ɒptimist/(n): người lạc quan

# pessimistic /'pesi'mistik/(a): bi quan

 pessimist /'pesimist/(n): người bi quan

4. Overcrowded /ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/ (adj): Quá chật, quá đông

5. Quality of life /'kwɒləti əv laɪf/ (n): chất lượng sống

6. Renewable /rɪˈnjuːəbl/ (adj): có thể tái tạo lại

# non-renewable (adj): không thể tái tạo

7. Inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ (n): cư dân, người dân

8. Detect /dɪˈtekt/ (v) = ferret out dò tìm, phát hiện ra

9. Metropolitan /,metrə'pɒlitən/ (a): [thuộc] thủ đô; ở thủ đô

10. Article /'ɑ:tikl/ (n): bài báo

 (+ to, with) cho học việc theo giao kèo với

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11. Card reader thiết bị đọc thẻ

12. City dweller /ˈsɪti - ˈdwelə(r)/ (n) người sống ở đô thị, cư dân thành

13. Cycle path làn đường dành cho xe đạp

14. Efficiently /i'fi∫ntli/ (adv) = effectively (adv) [một cách] có năng suất, [một cách]
có hiệu suất cao

15. High-rise (a): cao tầng, có nhiều tầng

16. Infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/ (n): cơ sở hạ tầng

17. Interact /,intər'ækt/(v): tác động qua lại

18. Liveable /'livəbl/ (a): đáng sống

19. Neighborhood (n) khu dân cư

 neighbouring /'neibəriŋ/(a): bên cạnh, láng giềng

20. Operate /'ɒpəreit/ hoạt động, vận hành, chạy (máy)

 operator /'ɒpəreitə[r]/(n): người vận hành; người phụ trách tổng

đài điện thoại

21. Pedestrian /pi'destriən/(n): người đi bộ, khách bộ hành

 pedestrian zones: khu vực dành cho người đi bộ

22. Privacy /'privəsi/ /'praivəsi/(n): sự riêng tư

 private /'praivit/(a): riêng; tư; cá nhân

23. Roof garden: vườn trên sân thượng

24. Sense of community (np): ý thức cộng đồng

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25. Sensor /'sensə[r]/ cảm biến

 smart sensor: cảm biến thông minh

26. Skyscraper /'skaiskreipə[r]/ (n): nhà chọc trời

27. Smart city thành phố thông minh

28. Sustainable /səs'teinəbl/ (a) = endurable /in'djʊərəbl/ có thể chịu đựng được

# Unsustainable /' ns s'tein bl/(a): không thể chống đỡ được, không

thể biện hộ được

29. Urban centre khu đô thị, trung tâm đô thị

30. Cosmopolitan /,kɒzmə'pɒlitən/ (a) gồm người từ nhiều nước, gồm

người tứ xứ

31. Public safety an toàn của cư dân

32. Identify /ai'dentifai/(v): nhận ra, nhận diện, nhận dạng

 identification /ai,dentifi'keiʃn/(n): sự nhận diện, sự nhận dạng

33. Fresh water Nước sạch

34. Insoluble /in'sɒljəbl/(a) không giải quyết được

# soluble /'sɒljʊbl/ (a): có thể giải quyết

solution /sə'lu:∫n/ (n): giải pháp

35. Carbon footprint khí thải carbon

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I. Stative verbs

1. Động từ stative verbs in continuous form là gì?

– Động từ stative verbs in continuous form là gì? là những từ diễn tả hành động hoặc trạng thái của
người, vật, hiện tượng.
Đúng như định nghĩa Stative and dynamic verbs là gì, động từ sẽ được chia ra làm 2 loại: động từ chỉ
hành động (Action verbs) và động từ chỉ trạng thái (State verbs).
Ngoài ra còn có cách phân loại Động từ thường – Trợ động từ (Ordinary – Auxiliary Verbs)
2. State verbs in continuous form nên biết:
2.1. Động từ chỉ hành động Action verbs
– Khi đã hiểu về state verbs in continuous form là gì chúng ta cùng tìm hiểu sâu hơn nữa.
Action verbs là những từ chỉ hành động và có 2 loai động từ :

Action verbs

intransitive verbs (nôi động từ) transitive verbs (ngoại động từ)

Action verbs là loại động từ phổ biến nhất trong tiếng Anh.

Động từ state verbs in continuous form là gì?

 là những từ diễn tả hành động hoặc trạng thái của người, vật, hiện tượng

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Eg: I am studying at the moment – hành động học
Arsenal will win Champion League in next 2 years – hành động giành phần thắng
2.2. Động từ chỉ trạng thái State verbs
– State verbs là các động từ dùng để chỉ trạng thái .
Các state verbs liên quan

Emotion Sense Belongings Thoughts/Opinion Measurement

(cảm xúc) (cảm giác) (sở hữu) (ý nghĩ/quan điểm) (để chỉ các số đo, kích cỡ)
Một lưu ý đặc biệt quan trọng: Động từ không được sử dụng ở thì tiếp diễn, mặc dù có những dấu hiệu rõ
ràng ở thì tiếp diễn, thay vào đó chúng ta chia động từ ở dạng hiện tại đơn.
Eg: Now, Henry loves her –> không dùng Now, Henry is loving her.
Now, we understand what you mean –> Không được dùng “Now, we are understanding what you mean.”
Tóm lại thì chúng ta sẽ có tổng hợp một số state verbs thường gặp:
agree, appear, believe, belong, concern, consist, contain, depend, deserve, disagree, dislike, doubt, feel =
have an opinion, fit, hate, hear, imagine, impress, include, involve, know, like, love, matter, mean, measure
= belong, mind, need, owe, own, prefer, promise, realize, recognize, remember, seem, sound, suppose,
surprise, understand, want, weigh = have weight, wish.
3. Một số động từ có 2 nghĩa: Action verbs và Stative verbs (quan trọng)
Các động từ sau có hai nghĩa vừa là động từ hành động vừa là động từ trạng thái. Theo nghĩa của một
động từ hành động, động từ này có thể được sử dụng ở dạng tiếp diễn. Chúng ta nên sử dụng ý nghĩa của
nó khác nhau tùy theo trường hợp. Một số trường hợp như vậy được liệt kê dưới đây
Have: + có, sở hữu cái gì đó (state verb) (Mr. John has a nice car-Anh John có một chiếc xe hơi đep.
+ dùng, làm (thường đi kèm các cụm – action verb): I am having dinner with my old friend tôi
đang dùng bữa tối với bạn cũ của tôi)
Think: + nghĩ rằng, cho rằng: I think that Henry is the most handsome boy -Tôi cho rằng là Henry
là cậu trai đẹp nhất.
+ nghĩ về cái gì đó, suy tính về chuyện gì đó: Mr. John is thinking about the plan for the next
school year - Anh John đang “toan tính” cho năm học sau.

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4. Một số động từ có 2 nghĩa: Action verbs và Stative verbs (quan trọng)
 look: trông có vẻ như, đi theo sau là một tính từ (adj)
E.x: Johny looks cute dịch là Johny có vẻ kute phết hoặc nhìn ai đó hoặc ý nghĩa khác nhau khi đi
với giới từ khác nhau, đi theo sau là một trạng từ (adv) để bổ nghĩa: She is looking at me angrily
dịch là Cô ta nhìn tôi đầy tức giận

 smell: có mùi, theo sau là adj

E.x: These socks smell awful dịch là Những chiếc tất này có mùi tởm quá đi mất hoặc ngửi cái gì
đó, theo sau là adv: Hana is smelling her socks. dịch là Hana đang ngửi những chiếc tất của cô ấy

 taste: có vị, theo sau là adj

E.x: This food tastes delicious dịch là Món ăn này ngon quá đi mất hoặc nếm cái gì đó, theo sau là
adv: Henry is tasting his wife’s eel soup dịch là Henry đang nếm món cháo lươn của vợ anh ấy.

 weigh: có cân nặng

E.x: This baby weighs 7 kg dịch là đứa trẻ này nặng 7 kg hoặc cân cái gì đó The mother is weighing
her baby dịch là Người mẹ kia đang cân đứa trẻ

 measure: có độ dài
E.x: This table measures 80 cm dịch là cái bàn có độ dài là 80 cm hoặc đo kích cỡ, kích thước: The
man is measuring the window dịch là Người đàn ông đang đo cái cửa sổ.
5. State verbs in continuous form – Phân loại khác
1. Emotion – Cảm Xúc
2. Possession – Sở Hữu
3. Sense – Giác Quan
4. Thought – Tư Tưởng
Ví dụ:
doubt, dislike, understand, suspect,loathe, own, belong, know,like, need, want, seem,mean, believe, forget,

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remember prefer, hate, love, see.
Vài động từ có thể ở trong cả hai loại vừa state verbs và vừa là action verbs hay dynamic verb. Nghĩa sẽ
khác nhau.
Xem các ví dụ dưới đây
I have a house. – từ have ở đây là động từ trạng thái chỉ sở hữu cái nhà của tôi.
I think you are kind. – Từ think ở đây là một động từ thống kê Nó có nghĩa là theo tôi hoặc theo tôi
I am thinking about buying a new car. – Từ think ở đây là một động từ hành động có nghĩa là cân nhắc
hoặc xem xét cẩn thận – ‘to watching’.
I see what you mean – Từ see ở đây mang nghĩa trạng thái là hiểu.
I see her now, she’s just coming along the road – Từ see ở đây là trạng thái, có nghĩa là tận mắt chứng kiến
(see with your eyes)
Complete the sentences below
1. Henry a great time on the beach now. (have)
2. She a large plot of land. (own)
3. Many people that he is a good man. (believe)
4. She the dentist. (see)
5. I what you mean. (see)
6. Mr. Thomas like a nice guy. (seem)
7. I of going to the party tonight. (think)
8. She amazing in this new dress! (look)
9. This thing awful. (smell)
10. We some steak and french fries. (have)
11. The mother her baby. (weigh)
12. Today, I so unpleasant. (feel)
13. He his socks. (smell)
14. This baby 4.5 kg. (weigh)
15. This fish delicious. (taste)
16. I about buying a motorbike. (think)
17. I that ASEAN stands for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. (know)
18. This cake so delicious and pleasant, it makes my hunger stronger. (smell)
19. Henry about moving to the suburbs to live. (think)

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20. Hanna the softness of the pudding happily. (feel)
21. I a sharp pain when I touch the swollen tooth. (feel)
22. Minh a new dish he has just cooked. (taste)
23. This noodle like rotten. (taste)
24. Strawberry candies a mild sour taste. (have)
25. I a great lunch in Hawaii. (have)
Đáp án
1. is having 2. owns 3. believe 4. is seeing 5. see
6. seems 7. am thinking 8. looks 9. smells 10. are having
11. is weighing 12. feel 13. is smelling 14. weighs 15. tastes
16. am thinking 17. know 18. smells 19. is thinking 20. is feeling
21. feel 22. is tasting 23. tastes 24. have 25. am having


1. Linking verb là gì?

Linking verb hay còn được gọi là Động từ nối/Liên động từ là từ loại làm nhiệm vụ nối giữa chủ ngữ và vị
ngữ trong câu. Linking verbs không chỉ hành động, mà chỉ trạng thái của sự vật/hiện tượng/người được nói

Liên động từ dạng to-be: Động từ nối phổ biến nhất là dạng TO-BE như là is, are, was, were,…

Liên động từ phổ biến khác

Từ vựng Phiên âm Dịch nghĩa Ví dụ

Look /lʊk/ trông có vẻ He looked better today

Taste /teɪst/ nếm có vẻ, có vị This dish tastes delicious

Feel /fiːl/ cảm thấy I feel sorry for his lost

Sound /saʊnd/ nghe có vẻ This song sounds amazing

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2. Các Linking Verb dạng To-be

Từ vựng Ví dụ

Be (am, is, are, was, were, have been, has been, had I am 20 years old
been) She was born in England

Can be, could be: có thể Mary can be the new teacher’s assistant.

Will be, would be: sẽ It would be nice if you come with me

May be, might be: có thể She may be the first one to have that achievement

Should be, shall be: nên They should be happy forever.

Must be: phải It must be hard for you to get along with new

3. Các linking verb chỉ giác quan: smell, feel, look, taste, sound

Linking verb chỉ giác Phiên Dịch Ví dụ

quan âm nghĩa

Look /lʊk/ trông có vẻ Jax looks well today

Sound /saʊnd/ nghe có vẻ Your idea sounds brilliant

Smell /smel/ có mùi The eggs smell rotten

Taste /teɪst/ có vị The spaghetti tastes so delicious that I want to have


Feel /fiːl/ cảm thấy I felt sleepy after drinking a cup of coffee

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4. Các linking verb thường gặp khác

Linking verb khác Phiên âm Dịch nghĩa Ví dụ

Become /bɪˈkʌm/ trở thành, trở nên John became frightened when he saw the ghost

Grow /ɡroʊ/ trở nên Linda grows more beautiful.

Seem /siːm/ dường như, có vẻ She seems upset about her result

Appear /əˈpɪr/ hóa ra, xem ra The 1st chapter appeared to be the solution to the question

Stay /steɪ/ vẫn, giữ nguyên The students stay quiet when the teacher speaks

Go /ɡoʊ/ trở nên The dog went crazy when it saw me

Act /ækt/ tỏ ra Alex acted nervous when the teacher talked to him

Remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ giữ nguyên, vẫn The audience remained quiet when they were in the theatre

Turn /tɝːn/ trở nên The weather turned colder in December

Get /ɡet/ trở nên The stage gets darker when the show begins.

5. Phân biệt Linking Verb và Action Verb

Tùy theo cách sử dụng, một từ vừa có thể là Liên động từ hoặc Động từ,
ví dụ sau đây để nhận biết đúng cách dùng Liên động từ và tránh nhầm lẫn.
Ví dụ: The lunch smells burnt.
Tính từ “burnt” đứng sau “smell” là để diễn tả trạng thái của “The lunch”, vậy nên “smells” trong câu là
Liên động từ. Ngoài ra, khi thay thử “to-be” vào “smell” thì nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. (The lunch is
Ví dụ: I can smell the cat.
Động từ “smell” trong câu chỉ hành động của chủ thể vậy nên đây là Động từ.

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Dựa vào bối cảnh của câu hỏi và xác định đâu là Liên động từ
Ví dụ: Phân biệt Linking Verb và Action Verb trong các câu sau:
1. She looks like a movie star.
Phân biệt chủ ngữ và vị ngữ: “She” là chủ ngữ, “like a movie star” là vị ngữ.
Từ “looks” đứng giữa chủ ngữ và vị ngữ thể hiện trạng thái “trông có vẻ giống” của chủ ngữ vậy nên
“looks” trong câu là Linking Verb.
2. I looked for a word in the dictionary for hours.
“I” trong câu là chủ ngữ và “looked for a word” là vị ngữ.
Đứng sau động từ “looked” không phải là một cụm danh từ hoặc tính từ
Động từ "looked” kết hợp với giới từ “for" thể hiện hành động tìm kiếm của chủ thể
Vậy nên động từ "looked" ở đây là Action Verb
Sau Liên động từ là một tính từ hoặc cụm danh từ diễn tả trạng thái của chủ ngữ, người đọc hãy dựa vào
nghĩa của câu và xác định Liên động từ
Các lỗi thường mắc phải khi sử dụng Liên động từ:
Sử dụng Liên động từ với thì tiếp diễn: Đa phần các Liên động từ đều không thể chia dưới các thì tiếp diễn
vì nếu chia dưới thì tiếp diễn, Liên động từ trong câu sẽ trở thành Động từ.
 She is seeming to be sleepy today. (SAI)
 She seems sleepy today. (ĐÚNG)
1. Xác định các câu có liên động từ
1. The tomato smells rotten.
2. I was watching television when I smelled smoke.
3. The professor is absolutely sure.
4. The students are studying hard for the incoming exam.
5. My brother gets mad when he’s hungry.
6. My sister got a call from her boyfriend this morning.
7. Alice was thinking about her crush when he suddenly appeared.
8. Lean was tired until the caffeine kicked in.
9. Maria only stayed at home during the lockdown.
10. The company stays true to its founding principles.
11. This sweater feels itchy.

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12. He felt a hand on his shoulder.
13. The sculpture looks strange.
14. They looked at their new sculpture carefully.
15. I can smell the perfume on her hair.
16. The dinner smells wonderful.
17. That doorbell sounds broken.
18. You don’t sound the ‘b’ in the word ‘comb’.
19. This soup tastes delicious.
20. I can’t really taste anything with this cold.
KEY: Câu 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19.
2. Chọn Liên từ đúng (Linking verbs) trong mỗi câu, chỉ chọn liên từ, không chọn động từ hành
1. I have a cold and I feel miserable.
2. That movie looks good; we should go to see it.
3. “Romeo and Juliet” is my father favorite’s play; he has seen it six times.
4. These oranges look very bright and taste exceptionally sweet.
5. These jeans feel too tight; they must belong to my little sister.
6. Lan’s car was blue until she damaged it and had it repainted.
7. Those monsters seem scary, but they won’t hurt anyone.
8. She appeared to be in her late thirties.
9. I smell the delicious aroma of a mushroom and papaya pizza baking in the oven.
10. The blue jay appeared happy to see the bird feeder.
KEY: 1-feel 2-looks 3-is 4-look 5-feel
6-was 7-seem 8-appeared 9-smell 10-appeared.
3. Điền động từ nối thích hợp vào chỗ trống và chia động từ

become sound feel look

appear grow seem getting

1. beautiful in that white dress.

2. A. What about going to the Italian restaurant?

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B. That.............great!

3. She wants to...............a fashion designer like Victoria Beckham in the future.

4. I..............painful in my stomach after eating that cake.

5. It.............interesting that he didn’t like anything except that bowl.

6. Teenagers like to make their own choice when they.............older.

7. Turn on the fan. It is.............hotter and hotter.

KEY: 1. looks 2. sounds 3. become 4. felt 5. sounded 6. grow 7. getting


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. sustainable B. upgrade C. interact D. operate

2. A. metropolitan B. sensor C. soluble D. solution

3. A. house B. cloud C. blouse D. coupon

4. A. visited B. sensored C. detected D. needed

5. A. letters B. groups C. systems D. goods

6. A. hope B. hour C. home D. inhabitant

7. A. private B. public C. city D. interact
8. A. solar B. infrastructure C. designer D. focus
9. A. technology B. cheap C. exchange D. choice
10. A. privacy B. sustainable C. infrastructure D. water

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.

1. A. government B. prediction C. pollution D. discussion

2. A. community B. technology C. environment D. infrastructure
3. A. apartment B. emission C. location D. harmony
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4. A. article B. privacy C. quality D. solution
5. A. detect B. downgrade C. explain D. emit
6. A. assignment B. harmony C. quality D. habitant
7. A. insoluble B. optimistic C. pessimistic D. overcrowded
8. A. footprint B. planner C. effect D. carbon
9. A. environment B. limitation C. efficiency D. community
10. A. interactive B. controllable C. responsible D. renewable

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1. The project aims to improve the city’s old by creating more pedestrian zones and cycle

A. building B. apartment C. block D. infrastructure

(Cited: phần looking back, student book)

2. A large portion of the air pollution in cities is caused by vehicle .

A. emissions B. smokes C. gases D. smog

3. Cities in the future will have a lower carbon footprint and will be more .

A. changeable B. believable C. sustainable D. controllable

(Cited: phần looking back, student book)

4. Smart technologies have made lives of city more convenient.

A. investors B. protestors C. planners D. dwellers

(Cited: phần looking back, student book)

5. Many people in Ho Chi Minh said that its public is better and cheaper than before.

A. transport B. trip C. trek D. travel

6. My city was ranked as the most city in the country thanks to its excellent facilities and clean

A. livable B. living C. life D. lives

(Cited: phần looking back, student book)

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7. Local authorities should find ways to limit the use of private cars and encourage city to use
public transport.

A. commuters B. planners C. dwellers D. people

8. This eco-city, which is around 90 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, was built around a central park
and was intended for every resident to be able to walk to a commercial .

A. place B. region C. location D. center

9. The cities of the future will be ‘smarter’ and more sustainable to cope a growing population
and improve people’s lives.

A. with B. for C. in D. on

(Cited: phần reading skill, student book)

10. People from all over the world come together in London, which is a global .

A. district B. town C. city D. metropolis

metropolis /mi'trɒpəlis/ : thủ đô, thủ phủ

11. The new technologies can help save time by predicting changes in the traffic and warning people of
possible .

A. traffic jams B. road regulations C. rush hour D. climate change

(Cited: phần reading skill, student book)

12. The city gives its residents an nightlife, in contrast to the country where the day finishes
relatively early in the evening.

A. activity B. action C. active D. acting

13. The roads are terrible every day. Therefore, I'm always getting in traffic on the way to

A. stuck B. mad C. tired D. late

(Get stuck in/into something" = bị mắc kẹt vào cái gì)

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14. Yoga practice and physical activity, according to several researchers, can enhance people's
of life.

A. quality B. infrastructure C. habitat D. pace

15. In London (UK), you do not have to buy public transport tickets. You can just touch your bank card on
the card reader you get on and off the bus or the underground to pay for your trip.

A. when B. what C. why D. where

Cited: phần Communication and culture/ CLIL trong student book

16. We are already dealing with the effects of rapid urbanization and population as we
approach the year 2050.

A. imigrant B. development C. reduction D. expansion

(population expansion: giãn dân)

17. Making room for biodiversity and nature can be done in ways including underground and
rooftop farming, green roofs, and roof gardens.

A. various B. vary C. variety D. variable

(Cited: phần reading skill, student book)

18. In addition, more for walking and cycle paths will be made available for people in all

A. dead zone B. time zone C. industrial zone D. pedestrian zones

Đáp án: D

A. vùng chết

B. múi giờ

C. khu công nghiệp

D. khu dành cho người đi bộ

(Cited: phần reading skill, student book)

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19. If Susan needs any help from you, please make no to make her change the thinking about
city life.

A. hesitation B. reluctance C. shyness D. embarrassment

make no hesitation to do ST là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “đừng ngần ngại làm việc gì”

20. The main purpose of planning is to supply people with a better and healthier environment to
live well in the city.

A. surburb B. urban C. rural D. sustainable

21. The mobile app you to locate a nearby car park easily, book a parking space,
and make a payment in Singapore.

A. allows B. suggests C. bans D. stops

Cited: phần Communication and culture/ CLIL trong student book

22. Smartphones and laptops are both wonderful examples of the of AI for controlling city
working systems.

A. application B. discovery C. creation D. invention

23. The latest Al robots are supposed to be able to do all the for us in the future.

A. charity work B. shopping C. washing up D. household chores

Cited: phần Communication and culture/ CLIL trong student book

24. We will require modern technology to produce energy and use it in safe, clean ways.

A. clean B. controlled C. renewable D. green

25. In Toronto (Canada), you can also receive and any other documents you need from doctors,
all online.

A. prescriptions B. annoucements C. appointments D. confessions

Cited: phần Communication and culture/ CLIL trong student book

26. The project aims to the city’s old infrastructure by creating more pedestrian zones and
cycle paths.
Page | 17
A. improve B. build C. resurface d. change

Cited: phần Looking back trong student book

27. is basic systems such as transport, banks, etc. needed for a city, country or organization
to run smoothly.

A. city dweller B. roof garden C. infrastructure d. skyscraper

Cited: phần language trong student book

28. is an area in a city where a large number of people live.

A. City dweller B. Urban center C. Infrastructure d. Skyscraper

Cited: phần language trong student book

29. The attracts people’s attention because of its unusual architecture.

A. city dweller B. roof garden C. infrastructure d. skyscraper

Cited: phần language trong student book

30. The new underground has allowed to get around more easily.

A. city dwellers B. roof gardens C. infrastructure d. skyscrapers

Cited: phần language trong student book
31. Someone who is is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.
A. powerful B. optimistic C. stagnant D. pessimistic
32. There will be powerful network of computers which may come from a single computing that
is worn on or in the body.
A. device B. machinery C. equipment D. vehicle
33. A is a spacecraft that is designed to travel into space and back to earth several times.
A. plane B. corporation C. telecommunication D. shuttle
34. In the future, the number of tiny but computers you encounter every day will number in the
thousands, perhaps millions.
A. power B. powerful C. powerfully D. powered
35. What will the bond between computing and bring us over the next 20 years?
A. science B. scientific C. scientifically D. scientist
36. Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and when being asked about their future.
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A. depress B. depression C. depressing D. depressed
37. is the technology of sending signals and messages over long distances using electronic
equipment, for example by radio and telephone.
A. Telecommunication B. Telegraph
C. Multifunction D. Information technology
A. Viễn thông
B. Điện báo
C. Đa năng
D. Công nghệ thông tin
38. Strict measures are in force in the city to protect it from terrorism.
A. science B. average C. transportation D. security
39. In the future, maybe all cars that run on petrol will be by solar cars, which have been
around for a while
A. replaced B. bought C. controlled D. run

40. The rapid growth of the population has caused daunting problems for city planners, such as

A. empty B. dangerous C. overcrowded D. scattered

41. Singapore has been chosen as the most city in the world several times.

A. ecological friendly B. eco-friendly C. ecologically soundly D. friendly ecologically

42. Be for overcrowded streets and shopping malls when you visit big cities like Hong Kong
and Beijing.

A. prepared B. preparing C. being prepared D. have prepared

 be prepared for: sẵn sàng cho, chuẩn bị cho

43. The local government is making plans to sensors and cameras in the city centre to detect
traffic problems and help drivers to avoid traffic jams in the rush hours.

A. delete B. discharge C. control D. install

44. City dwellers can enjoy better health care than people living in the , but they are usually

Page | 19
busier and more stressed because of the city's fast pace of life.

Page | 20
A. countryside B. city C. urban D. island

45. My English is improving a lot. It is getting .

A. well B. good C. much well D. clearly

46. The chef tasted the food before he took it to the customers.

A. delicious B. more delicious C. deliciously D. much deliciously

47. She tired and I told her to take a nap.

A. became B. got C. looked D. appeared

48. The dish smelled but he refused to eat because he had a big lunch an hour ago.

A. bad B. good C. well D. worse

49. She went upstairs to check on her children. They to be sleeping, so she went to the kitchen
to have some tea.

A. appeared B. were C. grew D. seemed

50. July is the soup her mother has just made.

A. smell B. smells C. smelled D. smelling

51. Sorry for what I said. I so bad. Please forgive me.

A. seem B. feel C. remain D. do

52. This food tasted . I stopped eating it.

A. awful B. awfully C. more awfully D. as awful

53. John seemed when I talked to him through Zalo.

A. angry B. angrily C. to be angry D. to be angrily

54. The city garden looks since it was tidied up.

A. better B. well C. more good D. more well

55. Most of teenagers like to make their own choice when they older.

A. seem B. grow C. remain D. do

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following sentences.

1. She gets her son do his homework by promising him ice cream when he's finished
Get someone to Vb

2. Weather and geographical conditions may determine the type of transportation using in a region.

using in => used in
3. It is believed that robots in the near future will be used to doing things such as cooking and
cleaning. A B C D
S(vật)+be used to +vb
4. If you have some sufficient knowledge of English, you can make yourself understand almost
Ta có cụm “make oneself understood”: làm cho người ta hiểu mình
understand => understood

5. Many living organisms depend largely on the environment for the satisfaction of its needs.
its => their
6. Mr.Merlin, that dies at the end of the film Kingsman, is really good at computing and technology.
Trước that k có dấu phẩy nên that  who
7. Several people have apparent tried to change the man’s mind, but he refuses to listen.
Sửa apparent thành apparently
8. That Super Junior appears sudden at the end of concert makes its fans overjoyed.
Sửa sudden thành suddenly
9. The teacher had the students to write the answers on the whiteboard and read louder their answers then.
Have someone Vb  bỏ to của câu C
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10. After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.
Sửa eaten thành had eaten

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.

1. Tom and Hana are talking together.

Tom: “Would you bother if I had a look at your apartment in HCM city?”

Hana: “ .”

A. Well, actually I’d rather you didn’t B. oh, I didn’t realize it

C. You’re welcome D. That’s a good idea
2. Eden and Edward are chatting after work. Eden suggests something.
Eden. “Shall we organize a trip to the city center tomorrow, Edward?”
Edward. !”
A. That’s all right B. That’s a great idea
C. It is very kind of you. D. You are very welcome.
3. Sue and Anne are talking about their future plans.

Sue: “I am not interested in the idea of taking a gap year and going backpacking in Tokyo city in Japan.”
Anne: “Well, .”
A. I am B. help yourself C. neither do I D. that’s life
4. A passer-by asked Peter on the street.
Passer-by: “Excuse me. where is the parking lot?”
Peter: “ ”
A. You missed the turn. It's back that way. B. Do you get lost? I do too.
C. You are going the wrong way. It's not here D. Why do you ask me? I don't know.
5. Hoa is asking Hai, who is sitting at a corner of the City Hall, seeming too shy.
Hoa: "Why aren't you taking part in our activities?” “ ”
Hai: "Yes, I can. Certainly!"
A. Shall I take your hat off? B. Can you help me with this decoration?
C. Can I help you? D. Could you please show me how to get the nearest post office?
6. This situation happened in a restaurant in the city.

Page | 22
Customer: “Excuse me!”
Waiter: “Yes, sir. How can I help you?”
Customer: “I don’t want to make a scene but there’s a fly in my
soup.” Waiter: “ ”
A. I’m so sorry! I will get you another one.
B. What can I do to help?
C. You are right. I will get you another one.
D. You could be right but I don’t think it is a fly.
7. Alice and Mary have just finished watching a movie in the Diamond Plaza
Alice: “Endgame is such a wonderful movie. I have never seen such a good film like that before.”
Mary: “ ”
A. I couldn’t agree more. B. I don’t like your saying.
C. I didn’t say anything. D. I’m a huge fan of Marvel.
8. Amy and Jacob are talking about the two-day excursion at the end of the school year to another city.
Amy: “You look so sad. ”
Jacob: “I couldn’t get my parents’ permission to go to Da Lat City for a night away from home.”
A. Can you help me? B. How do you deal with it?
C. What should I do? D. What’s the problem?
9. Hana and Rina are talking about Lucy.
Hanna: “Lucy has lost her purse on the street this morning!”
Rina: “ ”
A. Tough luck. B. Congratulations! C. Never mind. D. I will take it for her.
A. Thật không may B. Chúc mừng nhé
C. Đừng bận tâm D. Để tôi đem nó về cho cô ấy
10. Lucia wants to borrow her friend’s bike to deliver the document.
Lucia: “Would you mind if I used your bike?”
Lucia’s friend: “ ”
A. I do not want to use your bike. B. Sure, go ahead.
C. Sorry, no, I will not do it. D. Please accept it with my best wishes.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Page | 23
1. In the future, many large corporations in the city might be wiped out and millions of jobs can be lost.
A. companies B. services C. supermarkets D. farms
Corporations(n): tập đòan, công ty =A
2. The medical community of our country continues to make progress in the fight against cancer soon.
A. speed B. expectation C. improvement D. treatment
progress /'prəʊgres/(N): sự tiến tới, sự tiến bộ; sự tiến triển = improvement

3. A nuclear station which is about 50 miles from the city center may take risk going off due to unexpected
A. demolishing B. exploding C. developing D. running
Go off: Nổ bom, rung chuông, đồ ăn bị hỏng =B
4. Domestic chores will no longer be a burden thanks to the inventions of laborsaving devices.
A. Official B. Household C. Schooling D. Foreign
Domestic(A): [thuộc] gia đình, [thuộc] việc nhà =B

5. Telecommunication is bound to have a huge influence on various aspects of our lives not only in the city
but also in the countryside.
A. depression B. technique C. expect D. impact
6. Pollution in our country will reach to disastrous levels in the future if we don’t develop cleaner power
sources to replace instead.
A. alternative B. catastrophic C. modern D. elementary
disastrous /di'zɑ:strəs/ /di'zæstrəs/: tai họa, thảm hại = catastrophic
7. We had never experienced such discourtesy towards the elderly as it occurred at this center in the city.

A. politeness B. rudeness C. encouragement D. measurement

discourtesy /dis'kɜ:tsi/(N): sự bất lịch sự, sự khiếm nhã=B
8. The government decided to pull down the old building after asking for the ideas from the local

A. renovate B. purchase C. maintain D. demolish

pull down: Phá hủy=D
9. She was brought up in a well-off family in the city. She can’t understand the problems in the countryside
we are facing.

A. broke B. wealthy C. kind D. poor

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10. The football final at the national stadium in the city center has been postponed until next Sunday due
to the heavy snowstorm.
A. cancelled B. changed C. delayed D. continued
postpone /pə'spəʊn/ (v): hoãn =C
11. In order to live in the city, we’ll have to tighten our belt to avoid getting into debt.

A. earn money B. save money C. sit still D. economize

“to tighten one’s belt” (thành ngữ): thắt lưng buộc bụng,tiết kiệm = D
12. Mary was promoted to manager of the Ajinomoto compay in Japan, as she was the most able
and efficient worker for the job.

A. trustworthy B. reliable C. competent D. experienced

Đáp án C. compe
Giải thích: able and efficient = competent (adj): có khả năng, hiệu quả
Các đáp án khác:
A. trustworthy (adj): đáng tin
B. reliable (adj): đáng tin cậy
D. experienced (adj): có kinh nghiệm
Dịch nghĩa: Mary được thăng chức lên làm quản lý của công ty Ajinomoto tại Nhật Bản vì cô ấy là
người làm việc có khả năngvà hiệu quả nhất đối với công việc đó.
13. He accused her of talking through her hat and refused to accept a word of what she said.

A. talking sense B. talking too low C. talking non-sense D. talking tough

Đáp án C. talking non-sense
Giải thích: talk through one's hat = talk non-sense: nói nhảm nhí, huênh hoang, linh tinh
Các đáp án khác:
A. talk sense: nói có lý
B. talk too low: nói quá nhỏ
D. talk tough: nói khó khăn
Dịch nghĩa: Anh ấy bảo cô ấy nói chuyện nhảm nhí và không chấp nhận bất cứ lời nào mà cô ấy nói.
14. Did Mary get the better of you in the debate about sea and island situation between Vietnam
and China?
A. try to beat B. gain a disadvantage over
C. gain an advantage over D. try to be better than
Đáp án C. gain an advantage over
Giải thích: to get the better of = gain an advantage over: áp đảo, có những điểm lợi hơn
Các đáp án khác:
A. try to beat: cố gắng đánh bại
Page | 25
B. gain a disadvantage over: bất lợi hơn ai đó/cái gì
D. try to be better than: cố gắng tốt hơn
Dịch nghĩa: Có phải Mary áp đảo bạn trong cuộc tranh luận về tình hinh biển đảo giữa Việt Nam và Trung
Quốc ?
15. John told her clearly and definitely not to write anything crazy about ASEAN’s economy.

A. considerably B. thoroughly C. significantly D. specifically

Đáp án B. thoroughly
Giải thích: clearly and definitely = thoroughly (adv): rõ ràng, hoàn toàn
Các đáp án khác:
A. considerably (adv): thận trọng
C. significantly /sig'nifikəntli/(adv) [một cách] đầy ý nghĩa
D. specifically (adv): cụ thể
Dịch nghĩa: John đã nói với cô ấy rõ ràng rằng không viết bất cứ điều gì điên rồ về nền kinh tế của

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. A smart city is a modern urban area that uses a range of technologies to provide services, solve
problems, and support people better.

A. remote B. deserted C. suburban D. rural

2. Making room for biodiversity and nature can be done in various ways including underground
and rooftop farming, green roofs, and roof gardens.

A. unchanged B. alternative C. diverse D. divergent

alternative =divergent = diverse

3. You can also receive prescriptions and any other documents you need, all online.

A. obtain B. get C. take D. give

4. Private vehicles will be replaced by more efficient and sustainable public transport systems.

A. Public B. Personal C. particular D. isolated

5. More green spaces and parks in the future cities improve the quality of life and mitigate the effects of
climate change

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A. minimize B. reduce C. maximize D. decrease

Mitigate= minimize= reduce= decrease: làm giảm

6. We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money within Asian countries in less than 24 hours.

A. slow B. open C. unsure D. uninterested

Đáp án C. unsure
Giải thích: secure (adj): an toàn, được bảo mật >< unsure (adj): không an toàn
Các đáp án khác:
A. slow (adj): chậm
B. open (adj): mở
D. uninterested (adj): không hứng thú
Dịch nghĩa: Chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ chuyển tiền nhanh chóng và an toàn trong các quốc gia châu Á
trong vòng chưa đầy 24 giờ.
7. People become worried because their personal information might not be protected.

A. conserved B. saved C. harmed D. preserved

8. This apartment is not a luxurious apartment by any means but it's livable in.

A. enjoyable B. uninhabitable C. habitable D. prosperous

"livable” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “có thể sống được", trái nghĩa với "uninhabitable”, mang nghĩa “không thể
tồn tại/sống được"

9. In summary, living in a smart city has both advantages and disadvantages.

A. benefits B. potential C. priorities D. drawbacks

10. Smart cities are built on new technologies to improve people's lives.

A. boost B. enhance C. lower D. develop

11. My older brother lives in New York city, so we can only see each other once in a blue moon.
A. occasionally B. rarely C. seldom D. frequently
Đáp án : D “Once in a blue moon” (thành ngữ): hiếm khi xảy ra. # frequently (adv): thường xuyên
A. occasionally: thi thoảng
B. rarely: hiếm khi = C: seldom
D. frequently: thường xuyên

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12. Jose had a hard time comparing HCM city to Ha Noi city because to him they were apples and
A. containing too many technical details B. very similar
C. completely different D. very complicated
Đáp án B
apples and oranges: hoàn toàn khác nhau, so sánh với các phương án:
A. containing too many technical details: chứa quá nhiều chi tiết kỹ thuật
B. very similar: rất tương đồng
C. completely different: hoàn toàn khác nhau
D. very complicated: rất phức tạp
13. When he passes the entrance exam to HCM University in HCM city, his parents will be walking on air.
A. extremely sad happy B. extremely light
C. feeling extremely unhappy D. feeling extremely airy
Đáp án C
“Be walking on air” (thành ngữ): cực kì vui/ cực kì hạnh phúc, - feeling extremely unhappy: cảm thấy cực
kì không vui/ bất hạnh - là trái nghĩa với thành ngữ bài cho.
A. cực kì vui vẻ hạnh phúc B. cực kì nhẹ
C. cảm thấy cực kì không vui/ bất hạnh D. cảm thấy vô cùng tự tin

14. Despite the traffic hold-ups, we were able to arrive at the airport in the nick of the time just before the
check-in counter closed.
A. in a terrible condition B. with all out luggage
C. at the very last moment D. with much time to spare
Đáp án D
in the nick of the time = at the very last moment: sát giờ, đến vào phút chót >< with much time to spare:
đến sớm, còn thừa nhiều thời gian.
A. in a terrible condition: trong điều kiện tồi tệ
B. with all our luggage: với tất cả hành lý của chúng tôi
Tạm dịch. Mặc dù giao thông tắc nghẽn nhưng chúng tôi vẫn đến sân bay vào phút chót trước khi quầy
check-in đóng cửa

15. Both universities in Ha Nôi and Ho Chi Minh speak highly of the programme of student exchange

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and hope to cooperate more in the future.

Page | 29
A. express disapproval of B. voice opinions on
C. find favor with D. resolve a conflict over
speak highly of something: khen ngợi, đề cao điều gì
A. express disapproval of: thể hiện sự không đồng tình về
B. voice opinions on: nêu ý kiến về
C. find favor with: tìm sự ủng hộ
D. resolve a conflict over: giải quyết các mâu thuẫn
Bài tìm từ trái nghĩa nên express disapproval of trái nghĩa với speak highly of. Đáp án A.
Tạm dịch: Cả hai trường đại học ở Hn và HCM đều đề cao vể chương trình trao đổi sinh viên và hy vọng
sẽ hợp tác nhiều hơn trong tương lai.


Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Researchers recently gave 1,000 people a questionnaire about ‘Cities of The Future’. To answer the
questions, the people had to imagine and describe (1) they thought our cities might look like in
the year 2050. Interestingly, a large number of people were anxious that they would become ‘dark,
dangerous places’, which had endless traffic jams (2) very few green spaces. This group also
predicted an increase in the level of (3) and thought people would always need to wear
facemasks in order to breathe. They also believed that it would be less safe to walk on the street as there
would be ‘more stealing’ and other criminal behavior. A smaller number thought cities might become a lot
cleaner, and might be built (4) more interesting materials. They were also looking forward to
new technology such as flying cars and moving pavements. In general, they believed that the cities of the
future would offer a much more convenient way of living. (5) people were uncertain; for
example, they thought the size of apartments might reduce as the population of the city grew, but they also
thought that public transport would become better.

1. A. what B. when C. why D. where

2. A. so B. and C. but D. since

3. A. pollution B. population C. waste D. vehicle

4. A. out B. in C. from D. at

5. A. A little B. little C. Few D. A few

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Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

The cities of the future will see a large number of intelligent homes that can communicate (1)
their owners. In fact, things that were earlier considered science fiction are already coming to life in smart
cities (2) Masdar in the United Arab Emirates, where (3) automated underground
transport network fully by solar power is already running circuits. With smart technology, the possibility of
having huge savings on electricity and power is within our reach. Sensors are being developed so that street
(4) of the future will switch on only when you are close by. The smart technology in self-driven
cars will enable you to save on gas and other non-renewable energy sources. In fact, smart cities will aim to
neutralize the use of fossil fuels completely. The cities of the future will have to adapt quickly to rapid
(5) advancements in IT and engineering.

1. A. with B. on D. in

2. A. as B. since C. because D. such as

3. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

4. A. machines B. lights C. vendors D. food

5. A. technological B. technology C. technologist D. technologically

Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Now is the year 2060. Barbara is an engineer working for Hi-tech Operation Centre of Superstar City. Her
job is to detect and analyze any threats to public safety such as floods, earthquakes, and even pollution.
(1) various sensors installed in every home and public place, Barbara's center can predict
probable disasters, identify their locations and send a rescue team to help the people in (2) .
Barbara's husband, Mark, is working for Eco Infrastructure Network, (3) main function is to deal
with urban environmental problems to make Superstar City greener, cleaner and more sustainable. Mark
and his colleagues are city planners. They design and carry (4) projects aiming to reduce fossil
fuel consumption, find renewable fuels for public transport, and promote other clean air efforts. These
projects have proved to be very effective in dealing with global climate change, which was considered
(5) insoluble problem in the first thirty years of this century.

1. A. Thanks to B. Due to C. Compared with D. In addition to

2. A. length B. danger C. need D. all

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3. A. whose B. who C. which D. when

4. A. over B. in C. out D. at

5. A. an B. a C. the D. 0

Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Vietnam is considered a third world country; its people live (1) poverty by the millions. After the
(2) , Vietnam's economy remained dominated by small-scale production, low labor productivity,
(3) , material and technological shortfalls, and insufficient food and consumer goods. The Doi
Moi reforms (4) were instated in 1986 have shed new light and added new features to the
Vietnamese economy. The Vietnamese Communist Party plays a leading role in establishing the
foundations (5) principles of communism, mapping strategies for economic development, setting
growth targets, so launching reforms.
1. A. for B. in C. on D. of
2. A. liberate B. liberation C. liberator D. liberal
3. A. application B. salary C. profession D. unemployment
4. A. that B. who C. whose D. whom
5. A. and B. but C. and D. as
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The problem of homelessness is an international one. In the capital cities of the world, the sight of
people begging on the streets is becoming increasingly rare. But all over the world, homeless people are
taking the future into their own (1) . By selling "street papers" they no longer need to beg
for a (2) .
The concept of the street paper is simple. It is sold by homeless and ex-homeless people (3)
buy it at a fixed price of 30p and sell it to the public for 70p, keeping 40p for themselves. If they have no
money, then they can get the first ten copies on credit and pay (4) them later. Every paper seller
receives training and is given a special identity badge.
The paper itself contains articles of general and (5) interest, film and book reviews, cartoons
and the occasional celebrity interview. Advertising and sales provide most of the income, and all profits go
back into helping homeless people.
1. A. heads B. shoulders C. mouths D. hands
2. A. living B. life C. lively D. live
3. A. whom B. who C. which D. whose
4. A. of B. in C. for D. at
5. A. socialize B. society C. socially D. social
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.

Social media marketing has increased due to the growing active user rates on social media sites. For
example, Facebook currently has 2.2 billion users, Twitter has 330 million active users and Instagram has
800 million users.
One of the main uses is to interact with audiences to create awareness of the brand or service, with the
main idea of creating a two-way communication system where the audience and/or customers can interact
back; providing feedback as just one example. Social media can be used to advertise; placing an advert on
Facebook's Newsfeed, for example, can allow a vast number of people to see it or targeting specific
audiences from their usage to encourage awareness of the product or brand. Users of social media are then
able to like, share and comment on the advert, becoming message senders as they can keep passing the
advert's message on to their friends and onwards. The use of new media put consumers on the position of
spreading opinions, sharing experience, and has shift power from organization to consumers for it allows
transparency and different opinions to be heard.
Media marketing has to keep up with all the different platforms. They also have to keep up with the
ongoing trends that are set by big influencers and draw many peoples attention. The type of audience a
business is going for will determine the social media site they use.
(Retrieved from
1. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Advertisements on social media B. New types of marketing
C. Let listen to our customers D. Two-way communication
Giải thích: Dựa vào câu chủ đề của đoạn 2 (đoạn chính của bài)
One of main uses is to interact with audiences to create awareness of the brand or service: Một trong những
tác dụng chính của mạng xã hội là để tạo ra nhận thức về thương hiệu và dịch vụ.
2. The word “vast” in the second paragraph is CLOSEST in meaning to
A. enormous B. definite C. small D. certain
3. According to the second paragraph, users can do the followings with the adverts on social media
A. like B. share C. pass D. adjust
Giải thích: Dựa vào câu Users of social media are then able to like, share and comment on the advert,
becoming message senders as they can keep passing the advert's message on to their friends and onwards.
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4. According to the third paragraph, what do media marketing have to keep up with?
A. The type of audience B. The new trends set by every normal user
C. All the various platforms D. Other types of media
Giải thích:
Dựa vào câu: Media marketing has to keep up with all the different platforms
Diffent (a) gần nghĩa với various
5. What is the benefit of creating a two-way communication system?
A. It allows customers interact back B. It provides examples for users
C. Users can create their own adverts D. More and more people visit the sites
Giải thích:
Dựa vào câu: with the main idea of creating a two-way communication system where the audience and/or
customers can interact back – với ý tưởng chính là tạo ra một hệ thống giao tiếp hai chiều giúp người dùng
có thể tương tác ngược trở lại.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.

Scientists have dreamed for a long time about building a 'flying train' which can float through the
air above the tracks. With Maglev technology, their dreams are now a reality. Maglev trains have no
wheels. Instead, powerful magnets lift them into the air and push them forward, at speeds of up to 500 km
per hour.

As well as speed, Maglev has a number of advantages over other transport systems. The trains are
quieter and the journey is smoother because they don't have wheels. They are also greener because they
don't use fuel and so create less pollution. Right now there is only one high-speed Maglev train system in
the world. It carries passengers from Shanghai city centre to the airport. However, work has started on a
new, longer Maglev track in Japan. Trains will go from Tokyo to Nagoya in 40 minutes. But don't expect
to ride on it on your next trip to Japan. It won't open until 2027! Then, in 2045, the line will extend to

There is one major problem with Maglev technology: it is incredibly expensive to build the tracks.
Transport planners predict that the Tokyo to Osaka line will cost 91 billion dollars. The high cost means
that Maglev technology probably won't replace other forms of transport in the near future. However, the

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technology is still in development and somebody might find a cheaper and simpler way to build the tracks.
And then, who knows? In the future, some of us might fly to work by train.

(Adapted from Navigate by Caroline Krantz and Julie Norton)

1. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. The End of Trains? B. Flying by Train

C. Train System in Shanghai D. The Next Generation of Technology

 Đoạn văn nói về ước mơ tàu bay của các nhà khoa học và thực tế về công nghệ tàu bay Maglev hiện
2. The word “powerful” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .

A. heavy B. simple C. standard D. strong

3. According to paragraph 2, Maglev trains .

A. aren’t harmful to the environment B. require a special type of fuel

C. travel faster than other vehicles D. may cause some noise

 They are also greener because they don't use fuel and so create less pollution.

4. The word they in paragraph 2 refers to .

A. wheels B. transport systems C. Maglev trains D. advantages

As well as speed, Maglev has a number of advantages over other transport systems. The trains are
quieter and the journey is smoother because they don't have wheels.

5. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. A high-speed Maglev train system was first developed in Shanghai.

B. The cost of building Maglev train tracks can be enormous.

C. Maglev train system in Japan will come into operation in 2045.

D. Maglev trains can travel at an incredibly fast speed.

+ Đoạn 2: Right now there is only one high-speed Maglev train system in the world. It carries
passengers from Shanghai city centre to the airport. (Hiện trên thế giới chỉ có một hệ thống tàu Maglev
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tốc độ cao. Nó vận chuyển hành khách từ trung tâm thành phố Thượng Hải đến sân bay.)
→ A đúng
+ Đoạn 4: There is one major problem with Maglev technology: it is incredibly expensive to build the
tracks. Transport planners predict that the Tokyo to Osaka line will cost 91 billion dollars. (Có một vấn
đề lớn về công nghệ Maglev: việc xây dựng đường ray cực kỳ tốn kém. Các nhà hoạch định hạ tầng giao
thông dự đoán rằng tuyến Tokyo đến Osaka sẽ tốn 91 tỷ đô la.)
→ B đúng
+ Đoạn 1: Instead, powerful magnets lift them into the air and push them forward, at speeds of up to 500
km per hour. (Thay vào đó, các nam châm cực mạnh nhấc chúng lên không trung và đẩy chúng về phía
trước, với tốc độ lên đến 500 km/giờ.
→ D đúng
+ Đoạn 3: However, work has started on a new, longer Maglev track in Japan. Trains will go from
Tokyo to Nagoya in 40 minutes. But don't expect to ride on it on your next trip to Japan. It won't open
until 2027! (Tuy nhiên, Nhật Bản đã bắt đầu công trình xây dựng đường ray Maglev mới và dài hơn. Đoàn
tàu sẽ đi từ Tokyo đến Nagoya trong vòng 40 phút. Nhưng đừng kỳ vọng sẽ được ngồi trên đó vào chuyến
đi tiếp theo đến Nhật của bạn. Phải đến năm 2027 thì nó mới đi vào hoạt động!)
→ C sai

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
The rules of etiquette in American restaurants depend upon a number of factors the physical location
of the restaurant, eg., rural or urban; the type of restaurant, e.g., informal or formal; and certain standards
that are more universal. In other words, some standards of etiquette vary significantly while other standards
apply almost anywhere. Learning the proper etiquette in a particular type of restaurant in a particular area
may sometimes require instruction, but more commonly it simply requires sensitivity and experience. For
example, while it is acceptable to read a magazine in a coffee shop, it is inappropriate to do the same in a
more luxurious setting. And, if you are eating in a very rustic setting it may be fine to tuck your napkin
into your shirt, but if you are in a sophisticated urban restaurant this behavior would demonstrate a lack of
manners. It is safe to say, however, that in virtually every restaurant it is unacceptable to indiscriminately
throw your food on the floor. The conclusion we can most likely draw from the above is that while the
types and locations of restaurant determine etiquette appropriate to them, some rules apply to all restaurant.
1. With what topic is this passage primarily concerned?
A. Rules of etiquette. B. Instruction in proper etiquette.
C. The importance of good manners. D. Variable and universal standards of etiquette.
rules of etiquette: các quy tắc của nghi thức
instruction in proper etiquette: lời hướng dẫn nghi thức thích hợp.

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the importance of good manners: tầm quan trọng của cách cư xử tốt.
variable and universal standards of etiquette: các tiêu chuẩn phổ cập và luôn biến đổi của nghi thức.
Sau khi hoàn thành 6 câu khác trong bài, chúng ta thấy rằng mục đích của tác giả là muốn đơn giản hóa,
nêu ra quy tắc ứng xử được áp dụng chung.
Vậy đáp án đúng là D. variable and universal standards of etiquette.
2. According to the passage, which of the following is a universal rule of etiquette?
A. Tucking a napkin in your shirt. B. Not throwing food on the floor.
C. Reading a magazine while eating. D. Eating in rustic settings.
Phân tích đáp án: Yêu cầu của đề bài là tìm ra nghi thức (etiquette) ăn trong nhà hàng được chấp nhận
rộng rãi.
tucking a napkin in your shirt: cài khăn ăn vào áo
not throwing food on the floor: không ném thức ăn ra sàn nhà
reading a magazine while eating: đọc tạp chí trong khi ăn
eating in rustic settings: ăn ở một nơi ngoại thành
Ta loại được đáp án D vì đây không phải là nghi lễ khi ăn. Đáp án A và C lần lượt không phải là những
hành động được chấp nhận rộng rãi vì vẫn có những trường hợp ngoại lệ, không phù hợp (tham khảo clue
2, 3). Đáp án chính xác là B. not throwing food on the floor: không ném thức ăn ra sàn nhà vì hầu như
toàn bộ (virtually every) nhà hàng chấp nhận điều này.
3. What does the word “it” in line 5 refer to?
A. learning the proper etiquette B. clear instruction
C. knowing the type of restaurant D. sensitivity
Phân tích Clue, ta thấy ở vế trước việc “learning the proper etiquette” đòi hòi sự chi dẫn, còn vế sau từ “it”
đòi hỏi sự nhạy cảm và trải nghiệm. Do đó ta thấy từ “ít” tương ứng với đáp án A. learning the proper
4. Which of the following words is most similar to the meaning of “rustic” in line 7?
A. agricultural B. ancient C. unsophisticated D. urban
Clue: “And, if you are eating in a very rustic setting it may be fine to tuck your napkin into your shirt, but
if you are in a sophisticated urban restaurant this behavior would demonstrate a lack of manners”: Nếu như
bạn đang ăn ở một chỗ mộc mạc, bạn có thể cài khăn ăn vào áo. Thể nhưng nếu như bạn đang ở trong một
nhà hàng lịch sự trong thành phố, hành động đó biến bạn thành một người không biết cư xử.

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Dựa và Clue ta thấy từ rustic phải mang ý nghĩa ngược lại với từ sophisticated → Đáp án chính xác là C.
unsophisticated (adj): tự nhiên, cơ bản, đơn giản, không phức tạp
5. What is the author’s main purpose in this passage?
A. To assist people in learning sophisticated manners.
B. To describe variations in restaurant manners.
C. To simplify rules of restaurant etiquette.
D. To compare sophisticated and rustic restaurants.
các đáp án:
to assist people in learning sophisticated manners: để giúp đỡ mọi người trong việc học những cách cư xử
có văn hóa.
to describe variations in restaurant manners: miêu tả sự đa dạng trong văn hóa ăn uổng ở nhà hàng
to simplify rules of restaurant etiquette: đơn giản hóa những quy tẳc ứng xử trong nhà hàng
to compare sophisticated and rustic restaurants: so sánh nhà hàng văn hóa và nhà hàng mộc mạc Qua Qua
Clue, chúng ta thấy rằng tác giả kết luận và nhấn mạnh vào những quy tắc áp dụng vào trong mọi nhà hàng.
Mục đích của người viết là muốn miêu tả những nguyên tắc chung, đơn giản cho mọi nhà hàng chứ không
phải miêu tả những đặc điểm của từng loại khác nhau.
Do đó đáp án chính xác là C. to simplify rules of restaurant etiquette.

Choose the correct words in the bracket to complete the sentences.

innovation availability urbanization detectors inhabitants

sustainability developments investment creation optimistic
1. Songdo is unique, offering city something they have never had access to before.
2. The city officials are that the downtown will continue to be a green population center.
3. The information will be collected through the .
4. Cities need to make full use of land in order to achieve urban .
5. Some of the other problems predicted for the near future include limited and diminishing arable land,
deforestation, , and degradation of land and water.
6. For South Korea, Songdo is more than a hi-tech business district, but a temple for future .
7. Songdo is the prototype for the green the Korean government wants to build the economy
on in the future.
8. The pace of is happening fast in the United States.
9. I think the cities of tomorrow also need to consider the of open space.
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10. Cities at their best are social environments where and human developments go hand in
1. inhabitants 6. developments
2. optimistic 7. investment
3. detectors 8. innovation
4. sustainability 9. availability
5. urbanization 10. creation

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following sentences.

1. Even though it was raining heavily, the visitors decided to continue their trip around the city.
A. It rained so heavily that the visitors could not continue their trip around the city.
B. The visitors put off their trip around the city due to the heavy rain.
C. The heavy rain could not prevent the visitors from continuing their trip around the city.
D. If it had rained heavily, the visitors would not have continued their trip around the city.
2. He had worked very hard for the future but he failed.
A. Though he worked very hard for the future, he failed.
B. Thanks to his hard work for the future, he failed.
C. He did not succeed because of his being hard working for the future.
D. Even though being hard working for the future, he failed.
3. I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend.
A. unless I knew it was my friend, I would not answer the door.
B. I knew it was my friend, but I did not answer the door.
C. Only when I answered the door did I knew it was my friend.
D. I answered the door since I knew it was my friend.
4. The last time when I saw her in HCM city was three years ago.
A. I have often seen her in HCM city for the last three years.
B. About three years ago, I used to meet her in HCM city.
C. I have not seen her in HCM city for three years.
D. I saw her in HCM city three years ago and will never meet her again.

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5. It is the earth's gravity that gives us our weight.
A. If there were not the earth's gravity, we would be weightless.
B. Due to the earth's gravity we cannot weigh anything.
C. We are overweight because of the earth's 'gravity.
D. The earth's gravity is given weight by people.
6. Both Peter and Mary enjoy scientific expedition.
A. It is not Peter, but Mary, that enjoys scientific expedition.
B. Peter enjoys scientific expedition. Therefore, does Mary.
C. However Peter enjoys scientific expedition and Mary does.
D. Peter enjoys scientific expedition, and so does Mary.
7. He cannot afford a new computer.
A. The new computer is so expensive that he cannot buy it.
B. Therefore, he would buy a new computer.
C. So, he would buy a new computer.
D. The new computer is so expensive but he can buy it
8. “Have you seen this movie before?” asked my roommate.
A. My roommate asked me if had I seen that movie before.
B. My roommate asked me if have I seen that movie before.
C. My roommate asked me if I had seen that movie before.
D. My roommate asked me if I have seen that movie before.
9. He has not taken a day off from work for months.
A. It’s months since he didn’t take a day off from work.
B. He has a day off from work to take every month.
C. He has taken a day off from work monthly.
D. He last took a day off from work months ago.
10. It’s likely that we'll be stuck in traffic for hours.
A. We needn’t be stuck in traffic for hours. B. We might be stuck in traffic for hours.
C. We must be stuck in traffic for hours. D. We can’t be stuck in traffic for hours.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given.

1. I have tried hard. However, I can’t earn enough money to live well in the city.

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A. Although I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money to live well in the city.
B. In spite of I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money to live well in the city.
C. Despite I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money to live well in the city.
D. Although I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money to live well in the city.
2. My Tam is a pop star. She has many famous songs.
A. My Tam, who has many famous songs, is a pop star.
B. My Tam, that has many famous songs, is a pop star.
C. My Tam, whose has many famous songs, is a pop star.
D. My Tam, which has many famous songs, is a pop star.
3. I’m not rich. I can’t help other people.
A. If I am rich, I can help other people. B. If I were rich, I can help other people.
C. If I am rich, I could help other people. D. If I were rich, I could help other people.
4. The coffee was very strong. He couldn’t drink it.
A. The coffee was so strong that he could drink it.
B. He couldn’t drink the strong coffee before.
C. The coffee was not weak enough for him to drink.
D. The coffee was too strong for him to drink.
5. The weather was very hot. The boys continued playing football in the schoolyard.
A. Because of the weather was hot, the boys continued playing football in the schoolyard.
B. Because the hot weather, the boys continued playing football in the schoolyard.
C. In spite of the hot weather, the boys continued playing football in the schoolyard.
D. Despite the weather was hot, the boys continued playing football in the schoolyard.
6. She helped us a lot with our project. We could not continue without her.
A. Unless we had her contribution, we could continue with the project.
B. But for her contribution, we could have continued with the project.
C. If she had not contributed positively, we couldn’t have continued with the project.
D. Provided her contribution would not come, we couldn’t continue with the project.
7. He is likely to go to the capital. He would like to find a better job.
A. He is likely to go to the capital in order to he likes a better job.
B. He is likely to go to the capital in view of finding a better job.
C. He is likely to go to the capital with a view to finding a better job.

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D. He is likely to go to the capital considering a better job.
 With a view to doing sth: với mục đích làm gì
8. Mary was trying to swim in the sea alone. She should never have been allowed to do so.
A. When Mary left to swim in the sea alone, she said she knew what she was doing.
B. It would probably be wrong to let Mary swim in the sea on her own.
C. No one could have stopped Mary from trying to swim in the sea by herself.
D. Someone should have stopped Mary from attempting to swim in the sea on her own.
9. Fast-food restaurants in District 1 attract children. They offer toys and a party atmosphere.
A. If fast-food restaurants in District 1 offer toys and a party atmosphere, they will attract children.
B. Whenever fast-food restaurants in District 1 offer toys and a party atmosphere, they attract children.
C. To attract children to their restaurants in District 1, fast-food restaurants offer toys and
a party atmosphere.
D. By attracting children, fast-food restaurants in District 1 offer toys and a party atmosphere.
10. I deeply regret having spoken to her so severely yesterday. She was badly hurt.
A. If only I could apologize to her for having spoken to her so severely yesterday.
B. I wish I had not spoken to her so severely yesterday.
C. She must have been badly hurt because I had spoken to her so severely yesterday.
D. If I hadn’t spoken to her so severely yesterday, she wouldn’t be badly hurt.
How to write Article in English
Bài viết thành công luôn gồm các phần chính là:
 – Headline/ title: Tiêu đề ngắn gọn, nêu rõ nội dung của toàn bộ bài viết.
 – Phần giới thiệu: Tác giả thường phải dùng vài câu để giới thiệu về chủ đề muốn chia sẻ. Bạn
cũng cần đưa ra tuyên bố luận án cho bài Article in English.
 – Phần thân bài: Phần này thường dài từ 3 đến 5 đoạn tùy theo chủ đề được chọn. Với mỗi phần,
bạn có thể dùng tiêu đề phụ để làm nổi bật nội dung muốn chia sẻ. Hơn nữa, sinh viên luôn cần
đảm bảo sự liên kết, logic giữa các phần.
 – Phần kết luận: Tóm tắt lại chủ đề hoặc đưa ra một quan điểm, đề xuất nào đó.
Write an article (200 words) about other advantages and disadvantages of living in a smart city. Use
the suggested ideas in 1, the sample in 2, and the outline below to help you.


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Smart cities are built on new technologies to improve people's lives. The idea of living in one of them
sounds very exciting. But is a life controlled by smart technologies good or bad for us?

Let’s start with the advantages.

What about the disadvantages?

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages of living in a smart city. In my opinion,



New technologies are used to construct "smart cities" that will enhance peoples' lives. Living in one of
them sounds like so much fun. But is a life controlled by sophisticated technologies beneficial or harmful
to us?
Let's begin with the benefits. The great level of ease that smart cities provide is one of their biggest
benefits. People can easily and rapidly access information and services thanks to smart technologies.
People can save a ton of time and live more efficiently as a result of this. Additionally, green areas and
public transportation choices are included in the design of smart cities to help them be more
environmentally friendly.
How about the drawbacks? The possible loss of privacy is one of the key issues individuals have with
smart cities. Sensitive data might be gathered and shared if sensors and cameras were to continuously
record people's movements. This may cause a lack of trust and a sense of perpetual vigilance. In addition,
there are worries about the possibility of technological malfunctions and the dangers posed by hackers.

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages of living in a smart city. In my opinion, the
benefits of smart technologies outweigh the drawbacks. However, it is important that measures are put in
place to protect people's privacy and ensure the safety of their personal information. As long as these
concerns are addressed, smart cities have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work.

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