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The effect of harvesting stage on black pepper

Submitted to Department plant science and program horticulture degree

College of Agriculture in fulfillment of there rquirements for the course senior
By:Abrihet AregayAdvisor:Mbrahtom G (MSc)



Shire ,Ethiopia

Department of HorticulturePage 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.......................................................................................................................- 3 -
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................- 4 -
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................- 5 -
2.LITRATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................................................- 6 -
2.1.Effect Ofharvesting Stage On Some Cultivars................................................................................- 6 -
2.1.2 Results And Discussion...........................................................................................................- 8 -
3. CONCLUSION.....................................................................................................................................- 10 -
4. RECOMMENDATION..........................................................................................................................- 11 -
5. REFERENCES......................................................................................................................................- 12 -

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Above all, I owe my God a debt of praise for his presence with my in all ups and downs.
Next to that I feel a pleasure to extend my sincerely thanks to my advisor Mr. HABTAMU
for his unreserved advise and frequent checking in the entire work of my senior seminar
paper writing. I would like to express my great thanks to mekelle University College of
Agriculture and natural resources for preparing such type of learning activity. My
appreciation also goes for all librarian and computer center for their support to writing
this paper.

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Black pepper(Piper Nigrum L.) (familypiperaceae) is a perennial vine grown for its berries
extensively used as spice and medicine. India is one of the major producer, consumer, and
exporter of black pepper in the world. Black pepper is cultivated a large extent in kerela,
waraska, and karantaka.Black pepper enjoys distinction of ‘’king of spices’’ for its varied uses
and dominance in the global spice trade and also known as ‘’black gold’’ valued to its multiple
uses according Nybe and peter (2003) explained that black pepper has extensive culinary uses,
and in meat, soups and picks. So many Researches are done on black pepper for the purpose of
reviewing the effect of harvesting stage.

First harvest of black pepper is done during third year after planting. Black pepper starts
flowering even one year after planting but their removed forgetting good yield during subsequent
year. San ford (1952) stated that maximum yield was recorded during 5-7 years after planting
and then it gradually declines, however if the crop maintain well harvest extends to 15year From
the current result it is obvious that harvesting stage at maturity influenced quality parameters of
pepper verities. Earlier harvesting stages 3.5-4.5 month after 70% fruit setting gave good result
for extraction (essential oil and oleoresins).. , generally research effort are needed on mechanized
harvest which may increase the efficiency of harvesting.

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Pepper (P. nigrum L) is one of the oldest and the world’s most important spice. It belongs to the
family piperacae. It is perennial glabrous woody climber that grows to the height of 10m or more
clinging to its support. The crop was to Ethiopia dishes. Dried fruits of Schinusmolle L. (true
man tree) used as a true pepper substitute locally, where the pepper is not available or very
expensive (EOBSSA, 1998).Major products of pepper if black pepper (whole dried immature
fruit) and while pepper (wash dried ripe fruit) (I-SAN L.Nr 1994).

Black pepper enjoys distinction of ‘’king of spices’’ for its varied uses and dominance in the
global spice trade and also known as ‘’black gold’’ valued to its multiple uses according Nybe
and peter (2003) explained that black pepper has extensive culinary uses, and in meat soups,
picks, and while white pepper is used primarily in cases where dark particles are und3sirable;
such as in light –colored sources mayonnaise and cream soups. The essential oils and oleoresins
obtained from black pepper are mainly used for flavoring purpose; perfumed and in
pharmaceutical product (Borget 1993,I-san n R-1994 and perseglove et al,1991).could be
influenced number of factors ;intrinsic characteristics of variety and the stage of maturity of
berries at harvesting, processing methods, conditions and duration of storage.

 Plenty of valuable spices introduce and collected since long are also being maintained,
adaptation and evaluation of the major low land spices has been conducted. Distribution
planting material selected material has been under taken moreover, quality analyses of
extraction (oleoresin and volatile oil )were also assessed for major low land spices
research center evaluated that dry yield of pepper was recorded(Q. ha) 19.7-28.5. Even
though research and extension activities on these sector has not been developed as
expected due to various constraints. A number of achievementshave been conducted in

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2.1.Effect Ofharvesting Stage On Some Cultivars

Black pepper (P.nigrum L.) is the most important valuable crop among these consequents
introduction and adaptation trail. Effects of stage of maturity at harvest quality of five pepper
cultivars at the time gap between fruit setting and harvesting stage increased. But the quality of
black pepper is evaluated based on the demand of end user and as physical observation of the
product indicated that important quality parameters such as black color, bold size and higher
percent out tarn in ratio were found higher as harvesting stage was extended. So, it is
recommended that it it’s for use in whole or ground form, harvesting at 5.5 months after fruit
setting or if it is intended for extraction harvesting at 3.5 months. After fruit setting is preferable
(Girma, 2006).


The first harvest of black pepper is done during third year after planting.Black pepper starts
flowering even one year after planting but their removed forgetting good yield during subsequent
year. Sanford (1952) stated that maximum yield was recorded during 5-7 years after planting and
then it gradually declines, however if the crop maintain well harvest extends to 15year.

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Govandarajan (1777) mentioned that vines bear well even at the age of 30-50 year or more.
Afterflowering, it takes about 8-9monthes fir maturity.The symptom maturity is whenberries
easily separate from spikes up on rubbing between the hands (Govandarajan 1777) or when one
or more berries turn red on a spike. Spike length and number of berries per spike vary with
variety and there is considerable variation in the fullness of the spikes.

In ideal bench the berries are closely pressed together, with no empty, space between and all the
berries are full sized or nearly so,and all approximately of the same development stage improper
filling is due to presence of un fertilizerflowers, imperfect fertilization and pest attack. Single
bamboo ladder( Indonesia) ,tripod ladder (Malaysia) ,and sort of plat form ladder (Ghana)are
used for harvesting.

Normally a single harvest is done in India,however multiple harvest have been reported in
Malaysia (Sanford 1952).Harvesting is done ones a week during harvesting period in
Sarawak(Sanford 1952).Where as it is twice a week in Ghana (Pospisil et al 1972) and in
Indonesia it 4-5 times every 1-2 week (wahid and sitepu 1977),

the stage of harvest depend on usage of the crop (white,black,oleoresin and oil etc.). During the
last harvest the spikes whether they are ripe or not, should be collected to ensure even and
uniform bearing during next season. Sanford(1952) stated that in Sarawak after final harvest has
been completed, the leaves should be plucked and the vines heavily manure, however leaves
plucking is not required in India where the harvest ends at the commencement of summer and the
leaves will shed automatically.

For preparation of black pepper, the berries are just matured but before fully ripening.
Afterharvest spikes are kept as such for a day or so,therefore the berries are directly dried in sun
for a few days on mats on clean concrete floors, they are then turned over and later the berries
are removed. When completely dried, the outer skin berries become dark brown to black and
shrink. The yield of black pepper is generally about 33% and white pepper is 25 to 28%.

The yield of black pepper varies greatly in different production center in thiland(2018 kg/ha),
Malaysia (1853 kg/ha), brazil (833 kg/ha), Indonesia (239 kg/ha), and India (310 kg/ha) (IPC
1994). Productivity depends on elevation, temperature, rainfall, soil fertility and climatic
condition during flowering, fruit set and development. Plant character like green berry, spike

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number, spike length, and angle of insertion of Plagiotrophs has direct positive effect on yield
(sujatha and namboodiri 1995). Visual scoring for yield was found to be an easy method to
estimate black pepper yields (balakrishnan and Abraham 1986).

2.1.2 Results And Discussion

From the current result it is obvious that harvesting stage at maturity influenced quality
parameters of pepper verities. Earlier harvesting stages 3.5-4.5 month after 70% fruit setting
gave good result for extraction (essential oil and oleoresins).While late harvest stages 5.5 month
and above gave good record of pepper qualities for whole or crushed home use.

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As explained in detail quality is measured based on the intended of the end users. As a result of
this if the final product of black pepper is to be used in whole or ground form, harvesting at 5.5
month after 70% fruit setting can be recommended. Whereas if it is intended for extraction
purpose for the production of essential oil and oleoresin, harvesting at 3.5 or 4 months after 70%
fruit setting is preferable.

The first harvest of black pepper is done during third year after planting and maximum yield was
recorded during 5 to 7 years (Sanford 1952). The symptom of maturity is recorded when berries
are easily separate from spikes up on rubbing between the hands or when one or more berries
turn red on spike (Govindarajan 1977).

Productivity is depending on elevation, temperature, rainfall, soil fertility and climatic condition
during flowering, fruit set and development. Plant character like green berry, spike number,
spike length and angle of insertion of plagiotrophs has direct positive effect on yield (sujatha and
namboothini). Visual scoring for yieldwas found was to be an easy method to estimate black
pepper yield ( balakrishnan and Abraham 1986).The yield of black pepper is generally about
33%.Production of black pepper is the highest valuable crop and dominance in global spice
trade. It is also known as <black gold> that is the highest valuable multi uses.

Black pepper(Piper Nigrum L.) (familypiperaceae) is a perennial vine grown for its berries
extensively used as spice and medicine.Black pepper is cultivated a large extent in kerela,
waraska, and karantaka . Black pepper enjoys distinction of ‘’king of spices’’ for its varied uses

Department of HorticulturePage 9
and dominance in the global spice trade and also known as ‘’black gold’’ valued to its multiple
uses.maximum yield was recorded during 5-7 years after planting and then it gradually
declines,Earlier harvesting stages 3.5-4.5 month after 70% fruit setting gave good result for
extraction (essential oil and oleoresins). Generally research effort are needed on mechanized
harvest which may increase the efficiency of harvesting.

Emphasis should be given to research plan on screening different harvesting stage requirement.
Detailed studies are needed on the maximum production process in order to get high yield.
Attention should be given and studied on integrated important disciplines such as protections,
laboratory for quality analysis, and processing and biotechnology expansion of research capacity

Department of HorticulturePage 10
ongrowth, development and yield of black pepper.Organically grown black pepper fetches
premium price at international market, the technology to produce organic and value added
products need to be evolved. Literature on the use of different organics on black pepper yield and
quality are limited, so, generally research effort was needed on mechanized harvest which may
increase the efficiency of harvesting.

Balekrishnan r and Abrham j 1986 a tecnnique for estimating yield in blackpepper,j,plant,crop

Edossa.E.1998.spice research achievements and experiences. Research report No: 33

G1994(Ed)spices, herbs and edible fungi, kpp.469-479 Elsevier sciences

Girma and Degafie ; 2006.spice Achievement and experiences Teppi Agricultural sub-center

Department of HorticulturePage 11
Govindaraja VS 1977 pepper chemistry, technology and quality evaluation, critical rev, foodsci,
nutr, 9 115-225.

International pepper community (Ipc) 1994 pepper stastical year book 1993, international pepper
community, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Institute of Agriculture Research, Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

M. Borget, 1993 botany and ecology, In rene’ coste(ed.) spice plants, CTA.

Nybe’ EV’and peter K.V.2003 harness the potential for difersitied uses for pepper (P.
nigrum .L)

Popsil,f, e 1972 black pepper and its potential as spice in Ghana, Ghana farmer 16(2) 70-81

San Lin R, 1994. Pharmacological properties and medical use of pepper; Incharalambous

Sanford H 1952 pepper in Sarawak, Malaysian agric, j ,35 208-224.

sujatha,r and namboodiri KMN 1995 influnce of plant character on yield in black pepper ( piper
nigrum l ),j,trop,agric 33 11-15

wahid p and sitepu d 1987 current status and future prospect of pepperdevelopment in Indonesia.

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