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Received 10 November 2023, accepted 20 December 2023, date of publication 22 December 2023,

date of current version 29 December 2023.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3346299

Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks

for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey
KHALED M. RABIE 4,5 , (Senior Member, IEEE), AND
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, 1250 Adana, Turkey
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, North South University, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Istanbul, Turkey
4 Department of Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), M15 GF Manchester, U.K.
5 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg 1809, South Africa

Corresponding author: Md. Najmul Mowla (

ABSTRACT The increasing food scarcity necessitates sustainable agriculture achieved through automation
to meet the growing demand. Integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
is crucial in enhancing food production across various agricultural domains, encompassing irrigation, soil
moisture monitoring, fertilizer optimization and control, early-stage pest and crop disease management,
and energy conservation. Wireless application protocols such as ZigBee, WiFi, SigFox, and LoRaWAN are
commonly employed to collect real-time data for monitoring purposes. Embracing advanced technology is
imperative to ensure efficient annual production. Therefore, this study emphasizes a comprehensive, future-
oriented approach, delving into IoT-WSNs, wireless network protocols, and their applications in agriculture
since 2019. It thoroughly discusses the overview of IoT and WSNs, encompassing their architectures and
summarization of network protocols. Furthermore, the study addresses recent issues and challenges related to
IoT-WSNs and proposes mitigation strategies. It provides clear recommendations for the future, emphasizing
the integration of advanced technology aiming to contribute to the future development of smart agriculture

Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks, wireless network protocols, smart agriculture applications.

I. INTRODUCTION primarily facilitating real-time information sharing across

In the agricultural sector, there has been substantial tech- independent networks. Within this framework, real-time
nological progress, integrating advanced innovations such data captured by intelligent computational sensors can be
as the Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensor Networks effortlessly transmitted to people worldwide via the internet,
(WSNs), Wireless Network Protocols, Unmanned Aerial regardless of time or location.
Vehicles (UAVs), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Agricultural Agriculture, a cornerstone of economic development,
Robotics, Big Data Analytics, and Blockchain systems. forms a significant portion of a developing country’s
The increasing global adoption of IoT systems signifies an gross domestic product (GDP) [1]. The imminent food
evolution towards innovative approaches, utilizing device- crisis, exacerbated by rapid population growth, necessitates
generated data to enhance productivity. IoT enables con- urgent measures to enhance production and meet the rising
nections between machines and humans on a broader scale, demands [2]. These challenges-food crisis and population
growth-pose threats to preserving the agricultural chain.
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and The global population is projected to reach 8.5 billion by
approving it for publication was Barbara Masini . 2030 and nearly 10 billion by 2050 [3], [4]. Researchers
2023 The Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
VOLUME 11, 2023 For more information, see 145813
M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

FIGURE 1. A process of IoT-based SA system.

actively explore and leverage advanced technologies such as In the context of SA, integration, and interaction among
WSNs and the IoT to boost agricultural productivity [5]. The intelligent entities are propelled by IoT, marking a trans-
integration of IoT with WSNs has revolutionized the agri- formation in a technologically advanced era [7], [25], [26],
cultural sector, improving production efficiency and resource [27]. This integration includes IoT combined with WSNs,
distribution, especially in SA [6]. The global IoT market is encompassing soil-embedded sensors for environmental
poised for significant expansion, offering new opportunities monitoring. It features diverse transceivers, microcontrollers,
for integrating agricultural applications, including irrigation, and communication protocols for efficient data transmission,
soil monitoring, pest control, and greenhouse environmental fundamental for control and monitoring. A vital component
monitoring [7], [8]. Beginning with an initial valuation of of this integration is WSN, embracing many sensors and
18.12 billion in 2021, the market witnessed a remarkable showcasing substantial advancements within SA [28]. How-
surge to 91.91 billion in 2022, followed by a precipitous ever, the rapid proliferation of sensor devices raises concerns
decline to 21.89 billion in 2023. Projections suggest a about energy consumption, prompting focused research [11].
sustained upward trend, reaching a valuation of 43.37 billion Given the vast agricultural landscape, efficient and extended
by 2030. This trajectory is supported by the anticipated operation of sensor nodes is imperative to meet specific
compound annual growth rate of 10.2% forecasted between application requirements. IoT-WSNs have become crucial,
2022 and 2030. [9]. Sensor-based devices facilitate data facilitating data provision to other layers and technological
collection and analysis, empowering informed decision- advancements. They are designed with multiple innovative
making for farmers, a crucial aspect in rural areas with limited battery-powered nodes, employing wireless connectivity for
power supply. seamless communication.
Recent WSNs have evolved, enriching human lives These nodes, enriched with advancements in Microelec-
through numerous applications, promising essential conve- tromechanical systems (MEMS), now have a smaller profile,
nience [10]. They have become a widespread and expanding reduced cost, and enhanced energy efficiency. They are strate-
network, finding broad utility in agriculture, environmental gically positioned across the landscape, diligently collecting
monitoring, industrial automation, and transportation sys- data from the farm and its surroundings, encompassing
tems [11]. Within the evolving landscape of WSNs, a key vital metrics such as soil moisture, temperature, humidity,
aspect is the global connectivity of access points, linking and crop well-being. In addition, embedded microcontrollers
to many wireless sensor nodes scattered across diverse within these nodes allow for essential data processing. The
locales, diligently gathering data on a spectrum of physical harvested data and insights reach a central hub or base station
parameters [5], [12]. Acquiring such data from remote through direct and indirect transmission. This dynamic
locations will be as effortless as managing cellular data flow of information brings about a marked enhancement in
online [13]. At the heart of this intricate IoT framework the decision-making apparatus shown in Figure 1. WSNs
lies its central monitoring infrastructure, WSNs [14]. Current offer substantial advantages and competencies, especially
research increasingly focuses on ensuring the sustainability in elevating monitoring precision, automation prowess, and
of IoT-WSNs, given their inherent resource limitations [8]. optimization finesse. This surge in potential has prompted

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TABLE 1. A comparative analysis of IoT-WSNs in the present and existing survey papers in the field of SA applications.

numerous scholars to delve into its promising applications this data equips farmers with the necessary insights to
within agriculture. prevent or minimize crop damage.
Integrating applications with WSNs in agriculture offers • Energy Saving and Power Consumption: WSNs facili-
significant advantages, covering various aspects such as tate monitoring energy consumption within agricultural
irrigation control, plant disease and pest monitoring, fertilizer operations, including irrigation systems. This monitor-
optimization, autonomous agricultural machinery, and UAVs ing capability empowers farmers to identify potential
for crop monitoring. These technological advancements syn- areas for energy conservation and optimize power usage,
ergize to drive agricultural automation, with the overarching leading to adopting more sustainable and efficient
objective of enhancing the long-term sustainability of food farming practices.
production in the agricultural sector. Key components such In the agricultural domain, IoT-WSNs collect precise and
as land evaluation, crop protection, and yield forecasting extensive real-time field data. Various communication proto-
are crucial in ensuring global food production. Real-time cols, including ZigBee, WiFi, SigFox, and LoRaWAN, find
monitoring of field conditions and effective agricultural field typical applications in SA. These technologies significantly
management are made possible through wireless sensors contribute to sustainable and precise agricultural produc-
and mobile networks. Additionally, technology empowers tion by ensuring long-distance coverage, low data packet
farmers to gather critical data and create accurate yield maps, loss, low power consumption, and effective connectivity.
facilitating precision agriculture and the production of high- In SA, leveraging IoT-WSNs and wireless communication
quality crops at an economical cost using WSNs. protocols is essential. Sensors strategically positioned across
WSNs with IoT play a fundamental role in SA by providing the agricultural landscape collect critical soil moisture,
essential information for specific systems and applications. temperature, and humidity data. These sensors connect to
A condensed overview of the main aspects includes: nodes equipped with the wireless communication protocol,
• Irrigation Systems: WSNs actively monitor water usage, forming an IoT-WSN. The collected data undergoes analysis
enabling farmers to manage water resources effectively to enable well-informed decision-making, facilitating precise
and prevent excessive irrigation. Furthermore, they resource allocation, automated irrigation, and timely actions
facilitate real-time monitoring of soil moisture content, to optimize crop growth. This integrated IoT-WSN strategy
allowing farmers to identify areas with drainage issues significantly enhances agricultural practices, ultimately pro-
or sub-optimal irrigation distribution. moting sustainable and efficient farming operations in the
• Soil Moisture Monitoring Systems: WSNs continu- long run.
ously measure and transmit soil moisture data at The IoT-WSN system represents a fusion of state-of-the-
various depths, empowering farmers to optimize irri- art technologies, integrating AI and its subsets to enhance
gation practices and mitigate under and over-watering operational efficiency within SA systems. Machine Learning
challenges. (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are particularly prevalent
• Fertilizer Optimization and Control: WSNs are valuable in IoT applications, especially in the SA domain. Ongoing
tools for monitoring soil nutrient levels and providing research efforts are focused on refining and streamlining
real-time information regarding the soil’s nutritional this architecture for optimal integration into SA applications.
status. Through thorough soil data analysis, WSNs assist Since IoT systems operate entirely online, privacy concerns
in fine-tuning fertilizer applications by offering precise emerge as a critical consideration. A robust big data
recommendations on quantities and optimal timings. system in SA is critical, enabling data-driven decision-
• Early Stage Control of Pest and Crop Diseases: WSNs making for farmers and stakeholders. While blockchain
gather essential data on temperature, humidity, and systems effectively address data privacy concerns, further
other factors affecting pest and disease development. advancements are essential. Current research findings are
By enabling early detection and timely intervention, significant, offering valuable insights, illuminating existing

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M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

gaps, and inspiring the conception of innovative technologies resilience to attacks and failures, location privacy, power
for future SA research. consumption, and cost and standardization. Potential
Additionally, farmers are interested in adopting novel, solutions to these challenges are also thoroughly exam-
advanced, and cost-effective systems into their agricultural ined.
operations, highlighting the importance of cost-effectiveness V. Furthermore, an extensive future recommendation
in IoT technology amalgamating modern systems. In this encompassing advanced architectures involving AI
context, comprehensive reviews and survey papers are key in and AGI systems, agri-robotics, Big Data, blockchain
observing research gaps, presenting a proactive technological analytics, 5G and 6G, and renewable energy that
roadmap, and guiding researchers toward effectively advanc- can be utilized for SA applications are addressed.
ing the SA system. These advancements hold the potential to create new
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in opportunities for sustainable, cost-effective, and user-
reviews and survey papers focusing on WSNs-based SA friendly agricultural systems for future farmers.
systems. Table 1 presents a detailed comparative analysis,
The subsequent sections of this paper are organized as
comparing the present review study and existing survey-
follows: Section II provides an extensive review of the
review publications. This analysis thoroughly investigates
existing literature. Section III discusses the architecture
past research contributions across four key sections: IoT-
of IoT and WSN for SA, encompassing its layers. In
WSNs and their communication protocols for SA systems,
addition, Section IV elucidates wireless communication
integration of AI with WSNs in SA applications, lever-
protocols for the WSN SA application and their respective
aging Artificial General Intelligence with IoT-WSNs in
properties. Furthermore, Section V delves into IoT-WSNs
SA applications, and critical factors in WSNs-based SA
with network protocols for SA applications. Afterword,
applications. The review extensively delves into IoT-WSN
Section VI comprehensively addresses the current challenges
architectures and their associated wireless network proto-
and limitations of IoT-WSNs. Following this, Section VII
cols, comprehensively assessing their applications across
explores future trends and research opportunities entailing
five prevalent SA domains since 2019. This exploration
advanced technology integration with IoT-WSNs. Finally,
emphasizes privacy considerations and challenges in inte-
Section VIII encapsulates the conclusion, summarizing the
grating IoT-WSNs into SA practices. Furthermore, the
study’s findings and insights.
study evaluates future trends and potential applications of
WSNs in conjunction with emerging technologies, aiming
to enhance the efficiency and productivity of SA practices II. RELATED WORK
by leveraging IoT-WSNs alongside state-of-the-art tech- The advent of the WSN produced a new direction of research.
nologies. The contribution of this research is summarized However, with a rapidly increasing number of studies based
as follows: on essential data information, relevant studies must be
I. This research extensively examines existing literature significantly studied and reviewed. Khanna et al. conducted
related to SA, focusing on the IoT, WSNs, and wireless an in-depth review of existing challenges within agricultural
communication technologies. The study involves a operations while simultaneously projecting potential research
thorough analysis, categorizing articles by publication advancements for emerging scholars. This approach aims
year since 2019, IoT-WSNs application area, and to enhance their comprehension of the constantly evolving
network protocols. The analysis sheds light on reviews landscape. The article meticulously delineates its origins
of IoT-WSN architectures and their associated network and evolution, explaining its growth and advancements.
protocols for SA systems. The study follows a systematic structure, commencing with
II. Examination of wireless communication protocols for foundational principles and progressively delving into func-
SA, including Zigbee, Wi-Fi, SigFox, and LoRaWAN, tional intricacies while acknowledging the constraints and
emphasizes their characteristics and practical applica- impediments in the agricultural domain. The findings present
tions. thorough and precise observations, examining precision
III. A comprehensive survey discusses five key applications agriculture using IoT and WSNs, aligning diligently with
within SA: irrigation systems, soil moisture monitoring, contemporary market imperatives. Furthermore, prospective
fertilizer optimization, pest and crop disease control, and research directions in IoT for precision agriculture are out-
energy optimization. Additionally, the survey explores lined, demonstrating thoughtful consideration of impending
integration with wireless communication protocols since challenges [16]. Shi et al. presented an organized literature
2019. review on IoT research and implementations within protected
IV. This study thoroughly explores the discussion regarding agriculture spanning the last decade. Their analysis enclosed
current challenges and open issues in SA technology. an assessment of the different inputs from various scholars
This involves addressing concerns about IoT-WSNs and entities. The study thoroughly reviewed diverse SA
scalability and reliability, data privacy and confiden- applications involving WSNs and sophisticated agricultural
tiality, network security and intrusion detection, data systems. Additionally, they explored the hurdles and potential
integrity and authenticity, user privacy and consent, directions for future research in this domain [29].

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Kumar et al. thoroughly examined and presented a study Sethi et al. discussed and reviewed the architecture of
on integrating IoT and WSNs for SA applications. The study IoT and WSNs in the context of SA applications. The
emphasized the design of intelligent techniques to enhance application of agricultural IoT in various sectors is also
agricultural processes, alleviating the instrumental role of addressed in this study. They explored the existing challenges
WSNs in advancing the SA. Additionally, they meticulously within agricultural IoT and provided a forecast for its future
explored a wide range of applications of WSN and IoT within growth. The key aspects covered in their work encompassed
the agricultural domain, with a particular emphasis on sensors the progress and design of IoT with WSNs, novel sensors,
utilized for crop management in the context of precision SA applications, and the utilization of data for screening
agriculture [30]. Kour et al. proposed and reviewed the role plant and animal life [37]. Pathmudi et al. conducted an
of advancing IoT technologies in SA systems. Their research extensive literature review, focusing on essential technologies
focuses on enhancing both hardware and software systems. for enabling SA architectures. They precisely compared
The scholarly article thoroughly investigates various projects and provided insights into various components such as
in the public and private sectors, aspiring to offer sustainable sensors, controllers, communication standards, and advanced
and intelligent solutions for agriculture. The study provided machinery. These sensors continuously collected substantial
a detailed summary of the current scenario, applications, data from agricultural fields, then transmitted to a centralized
potential research areas, limitations, and prospects in this SA control unit for comprehensive analysis, addressing the
field [17]. specific needs for water, fertilizer, pesticides, and more.
Tao et al. summarised scientifically validated publications The study emphasized elucidating the architecture and
on IoT communication technologies in SA to address significance of data analytics in agricultural IoT with WSNs.
this matter. This study applied a detailed investigation Furthermore, the research deeply analyzed critical challenges
from ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, and Scopus platforms. and unresolved issues about agricultural IoT technology [1].
94 research articles were inspected after the 886 titles were Adli et al. undertook a comprehensive literature review
reviewed for relevancy [31]. Abdollahi et al. introduced a on integrating AI and the IoT in the SA domain. The
review paper and demonstrated the contribution of WSN objective was to explain the current strides, applications, and
in agriculture applications based on current academic lit- advantages in the context of SA. The exploration involved a
erature. In this study, they applied bibliometric techniques; deep dive into AI and IoT, encompassing the utilization of
2444 publications were extracted from the Scopus database smart devices within IoT frameworks and the application of
and examined to specify the temporal distribution of WSN AI methodologies. Eventually, the research integrated into
research, the most productive journals, the most cited the challenges that hinder the effective implementation of
authors, the most influential studies, the most relevant AI in IoT technology for SA, offering valuable insights into
keywords [32]. potential improvements and solutions [38].
Avşar et al. introduced a research initiative that delves into This study’s primary objective was to explore academic
the remarkable features of wireless communication protocols articles between 2019 and 2023 focusing on IoT-WSN
such as ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Sigfox, NB-, and LoRaWAN. The applications in SA. The inclusion criteria encompassed
study outlines the technical attributes and real-world appli- openly accessible research papers, well-cited scientific pub-
cations of these protocols commonly employed in IoT appli- lications, and the latest research-based papers. The survey
cations and examines variations in technical specifications covered a wide spectrum, including journal articles and
reported across different sources. Furthermore, the study conference papers. The approach involved a comprehensive
addresses IoT wireless communication protocol’s privacy literature review to provide a landscape overview. The
implications and future trends in SA applications [33]. process comprised searching, selecting relevant studies, and
Pandey et al. have comprehensively reviewed available IoT conducting a detailed analysis. The central research questions
solutions, including soil health monitoring, crop health mon- guiding this review were:
itoring, smart irrigation, and real-time weather forecasting I. The role of IoT-WSN architectures in SA applications.
in the SA domain [34]. Gulati et al. reviewed the literature II. Integration of IoT-WSNs with wireless communication
with a precise awareness of WSN for energy preservation in SA applications.
and collection of data [35]. IoT and WSN constantly III. Leveraging advanced technology using IoT-WSNs for
demand internet connection; therefore, this architecture has SA.
a security issue. Sinha et al. presented and reviewed the IV. Challenges faced by IoT-WSN architecture in fulfilling
recent issues and challenges of IoT-based SA applica- this purpose.
tions [21]. Similarly, Xu et al. reviewed and summarised To compile related work addressing these research
the present crisis of IoT in the SA domain xu2022review. questions, keyword-based searches were executed across
ML and DL, a subset of AI, are also commonly applied reputable databases such as Google Scholar, Web of Science,
in SA. It helps to prevent the loss of agricultural yield. IEEE Xplore, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Multidisciplinary Dig-
Rahaman et al. proposed a review paper based on WSNs ital Publishing Institute (MDPI), and Springer. The emphasis
and ML and their applications, issues, and challenges in SA was on journal articles and conference papers. A carefully
platforms [36]. devised search term with relevant keywords was employed.

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M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

To streamline the literature review, clear inclusion and small-scale farmers or financially constrained organizations.
exclusion criteria were established. Articles must be pub- At the beginning of rapid advancements in IoT technologies,
lished in English, directly addressing the study objectives, it is significant to underscore the importance of selecting an
and indexed in selected databases. The search engine was adaptable architectural framework [48], [49]. This architec-
optimized using key phrases such as ‘‘IoT for SA,’’ ‘‘WSNs ture should incorporate emerging technologies and standards,
for SA,’’ ‘‘IoT-WSNs in agriculture,’’ and related variations, ensuring the enduring relevance and effectiveness of the IoT-
which had to appear in the title, abstract, or anywhere within based SA system without interruption. Emphasizing the need
the document. for this strategic preference ensures the system’s sustained
applicability and efficiency.
III. ARCHITECTURE OF IoT AND WSNS FOR SA The architecture of IoT technologies is employed based
APPLICATIONS on various methodologies, varying from application to
WSNs integrated with IoT technologies have rapidly application [50], [51], [52]. This results in diverse design
advanced across various agricultural domains. The IoT and deployment patterns. Instead, it must be customized
system serves as a network wherein physical devices, machin- based on specific needs. Typically, architecture is structured
ery, sensors, and objects communicate seamlessly without in a framework comprising three, four, and five layers
requiring human intervention. Within this framework, WSNs for SA applications [26], [49], [50], [52], [53], [54], [55],
are crucial, extending their influence across many real- [56]. Originating from a hierarchical framework of three to
time agricultural applications. These IoT and WSNs are five layers, the IoT architecture is conventionally described,
structured with multiple layers in the SA application, featuring primary and most common layers, including the
illuminated comprehensively in the subsequent subsections. perception layer, connectivity layer, and application layer for
The overview of IoT and WSN architectures is shown in the SA application [20], [33], [50], [57]. These layers are also
Figure 2 and 3. mentioned as the lower layer in the IoT architecture [21].
Furthermore, the other layers are the middleware and
A. IoT ARCHITECTURES processing layer [44], [58], [59]. In the below subsection,
The emergence of IoT is an essential feature in contem- we described the primary and main layer of IoT architecture
porary agriculture systems, driven by the rapid progression for the SA system.
of agricultural technology [39], [40]. IoT encompasses
several critical segments, including sensors and devices, 1) PERCEPTION LAYER
connectivity, action and automation, and user interface The perception layer, also known as the physical layer,
and interaction [1], [41]. These elements gather data from is a crucial component in the IoT framework [13], [60].
agricultural yields, allowing farmers to make informed It operates as a robust interface, enabling appropriate
decisions. Additionally, these elements are connected within interaction between the physical and digital domains [33].
various layers of IoT architectures for SA applications. This layer is essential for immediately collecting diverse
However, determining an architecture for -based SA poses data from sensors and devices [44]. It encompasses critical
challenges due to the extensive potential scale and specific environmental parameters such as weather conditions, wind
requirements, such as soil conditions, weather dynamics, and flow, humidity, etc. For example, Zeng et al deployed
geographical variations [13], [42], [43]. an ultrasonic water level gauge for measuring the water
Moreover, integrating IoT devices and systems into level of a smart irrigation system [57]. The perception
agricultural practices necessitates diligent efforts [44]. These layer within the SA application presents typical challenges
efforts encompass acquiring IoT devices and utilizing various due to complex requirements during crop and environmen-
protocols and standards to ensure seamless compatibility and tal monitoring, especially in unfavorable conditions [60].
integration. In agricultural IoT configurations, sensors and Enhancing the energy and communication infrastructure in
devices generate substantial data, heightening the complexity agricultural fields is crucial, and using wired power and
of real-time data management, processing, and analysis. The communication channels to connect IoT nodes is not practical
designated framework for this purpose should efficiently or cost-effective. Data collection processes have progressed,
facilitate structured data storage, efficient processing, and integrating various tools. For example, sensors and cameras
robust analytical capabilities [45]. The agricultural sec- use Bluetooth, wireless networks, and short-distance wireless
tor emphasizes precise and timely data, highlighting the and wired transmission methods to transmit data to the central
necessity of ensuring the selected architectural structure is gateway [1], [61]. The sensing layer employs relevant devices
trustworthy and robust. It must have the capacity to maintain to convert biological data into web-accessible information,
continuous collection and processing of data, even under constituting a foundational step in network control.
adverse environmental circumstances or in the presence of
challenges with network connectivity [46], [47]. 2) CONNECTIVITY LAYER
On the other hand, ensuring a balanced integration of The communication layer, recognized as the network and
envisioned architectural features, functionalities, and the transport layer, facilitates uninterrupted communication
designated budget is essential. This is especially critical for and data transfer across diverse devices, constituting the

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FIGURE 2. Architecture of IoT for SA application systems.

fundamental framework of IoT architectures [62], [63], agricultural production, utilizing data analysis from the
[64], [65]. A profound understanding of the sophistication connectivity layer [73]. It also possesses related equipment
of the communication layer is critical to optimizing IoT to achieve SA management [9]. Given the complexity of
networks, fostering scalability, resilience, and secure data crop data and climate change, technology proves pivotal in
exchange, thus propelling the potential and applications of identifying agricultural production process issues aligning
IoT technologies across various domains. As the key element with user needs.
of the entire system, this layer delivers data transmission
from the perception layer to the application layers [66]. The
data transmission channels, encompassing wired or wireless,
short or long-distance mechanisms, serve as foundational WSNs are essential in IoT technology because they collect
components. These channels effectively utilize both network and transmit data from various physical phenomena and
infrastructure and wireless sensors. Attaining consistent and environments. They operate as the information-gathering
reliable performance in data transmission is paramount, infrastructure of IoT by capturing real-time data through
especially in light of the substantial interference prevalent diverse sensors placed across different locations [74]. This
in the complex agricultural production environment and collected data is relayed to centralized systems for analysis,
frequent climate changes that continually challenge this interpretation, and informed decision-making. Especially
technology [67], [68]. within the SA system, WSNs manifest as a connected
network of sensor nodes utilizing wireless connections.
These nodes possess diverse functionalities, encompassing
3) APPLICATION LAYER processing, transmission, and sensing capabilities, empower-
IoT has revolutionized the SA system, fundamentally trans- ing them for self-organization, self-configuration, and self-
forming agriculture and agribusiness approaches. The IoT diagnosis [75]. The categorization of WSNs is contingent
application layer, central to this transformation, drives the upon their deployment contexts, with notable classifications
functionality and intelligence of IoT applications, particularly being terrestrial WSNs (TWSNs), wireless underground
in intelligent agriculture [69], [70]. This layer integrates data sensor networks (WUSNs), underwater WSNs (UWSNs),
from diverse sensors and devices in agricultural settings, wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs), and mobile
enabling insightful analysis and informed actions [48], wireless sensor networks (MWSNs) [76], [77], [78]. TWSNs
[66]. Advanced technologies within this layer, such as and UWSNs are commonly utilized in SA applications [23],
ML algorithms and predictive analytics, drive precision [79]. In contrast, WUSNs are positioned underground, requir-
farming, optimizing resource allocation crop management, ing a higher node density due to the restricted communication
and fostering sustainable agricultural practices [71]. The range caused by soil attenuation of higher frequencies [77],
application layer processes information and makes critical [80]. Scholarly literature extensively explores the various
decisions [72]. It closely integrates IoT technology with applications of WSNs in agriculture, encompassing activities

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FIGURE 3. WSNs architecture for SA application.

such as managing irrigation, assessing water quality, and encrypting data, and detecting signals [87]. This layer encom-
monitoring the environment. Exploring these applications passes the definition of transmission medium specifications
underscores the pivotal role of WSNs in propelling advance- and intricately involves establishing the network topology,
ments in agricultural practices. incorporating the crucial functions of encoding and decoding
A WSN typically comprises five foundational layers within signals.
its architecture: the physical, data link, network, transport,
and application layers [81], [82]. The details of these layers 2) DATA LINK LAYER
are given below.
The layer above the physical layer is the data link layer,
which establishes reliable and secure connections between
1) PHYSICAL LAYER adjacent nodes in the network [81]. In the context of SA,
this layer ensures error-free communication among sensors,
The physical layer is the foundation of a WSN, encom-
the central base station, and sensor nodes, allowing for
passing crucial hardware components and communication
precise monitoring of field conditions and crop health [88],
interfaces. In the SA domain, this layer holds various sensors
[89]. It handles multiple functions, including multiplexing
meticulously designed to measure essential environmental
data streams, frame detection, MAC, and error control
parameters such as temperature, soil moisture, and sunlight
implementation [90]. Additionally, the data link layer ensures
exposure [64], [83]. These sensors play a pivotal role by
the dependability of both point-to-point and multi-point
converting these physical parameters into electrical signals,
channel access strategies through efficient scheduling and
forming the bedrock for comprehensive data collection
proficient buffer management [91].
within the agricultural environment. For WSNs, the most
relevant and widely recognized set of standards is the IEEE
802.15 family [84]. Specifically, the IEEE 802.15.4 standard 3) NETWORK LAYER
defines the physical and Medium access control layer (MAC) The network layer is positioned higher within the WSN
specifications for low-rate wireless personal area networks architecture and is crucial in overseeing routing and data
(LR-WPANs) extensively utilized in WSNs [85], [86]. This packet progression among diverse sensor nodes [92]. It opti-
standard is crafted to deliver low-cost, low-power, and low- mizes data flow significantly from sensors scattered across
data rate communication, catering to diverse applications, extensive farmlands to the central server or gateway, making
including WSNs. efficient routing a vital aspect for well-informed decisions
On the other hand, in the data flow, sensor nodes actively in SA, particularly in irrigation, pest control, and resource
collect data and transmit it to a centralized node, ensuring management. The network layer’s primary function lies
processing aligns with user requirements. The physical layer in routing, establishing a pathway through intermediary
is entrusted with transmitting bitstreams, carefully selecting nodes from the source to the destination node [93].
frequencies, generating carrier frequencies, modulating data, Research in this layer primarily focuses on developing highly

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efficient routing protocols that meet various constraints, The network protocol is also classified into long-range and
encompassing energy efficiency, quality of service (QoS), short-range protocols depending on their area coverage and
and robustness. Moreover, the network layer integrates the properties. For this purpose, long-range network protocols
communication network protocol selected from the existing can convey data over a long distance; in contrast, short ranges
network protocols for WSN, encompassing features relevant can transmit within a short distance [33], [99]. The essential
to precision agriculture applications. features and attributes of these four protocols are shown in
Table 1. The short-range and long-range protocols are given
The transport layer assumes a critical role, ensuring reliability
and effectively managing congestion to prevent or mitigate A. SHORT-RANGE PROTOCOLS
it. Specific protocols are in place within this layer to 1) ZIGBEE
serve these essential functions, employing either upstream The Alliance has introduced ZigBee technology based on
or downstream techniques [94]. These protocols can be the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, employing a wireless com-
categorized as packet-driven and event-driven [95]. The munication approach that conserves power and integrates a
collaborative capabilities demonstrated by sensor nodes are high-speed, energy-efficient standard protocol [84], [100].
the fundamental basis for the operations of this vital layer. ZigBee operates within multiple radio frequency bands,
In addition, the transport layer is crucial in maintaining end- including 2.4 GHz, 915 MHz, and 868 MHz, achieving an
to-end communication and data integrity [96]. In the context impressive transmission speed of 250 kbps. Notably, ZigBee
of advanced agricultural applications, this layer can ensure can function in a low-power sleep mode using batteries
the consistent and reliable transmission of data packets from for extended periods [23]. It supports various network
sensors to the application layer. It efficiently manages data techniques, encompassing star, tree, and mesh topology,
flow, meticulously maintains packet sequencing, and applies resulting in three primary Zigbee network types: star, tree,
necessary error correction measures to ensure that crucial and wireless mesh network topology [101].
agricultural data reaches the applications with the highest Zigbee wireless networks facilitate autonomous wireless
accuracy and precision. data transmission in the agricultural IoT-WSNs domain.
It ensures convenient and stable remote data transmission
5) APPLICATION LAYER through successive integration with wired data transmis-
In the domain of SA, the application layer holds great sion. Continuous advancements in IoT-WSNs microproces-
significance. It supports various applications crucial for sor research and development are evident, especially in
optimizing agricultural practices, enhancing yields, and integrating wireless sensing, control, communication, and
promoting sustainable farming methods [97]. Farmers and data processing functions within the microprocessor [27].
analysts can easily visualize field data on their mobile Concerning real-time monitoring in agricultural production,
devices and computers through this layer, aiding in informed utilize intelligence systems for precise functional and mon-
decision-making. This layer also plays a pivotal role in itoring tasks in field cultivation, irrigation and fertilizer,
analyzing field data, providing valuable insights [83]. More- and well-established production processes. Agricultural IoT
over, the application layer controls essential management supports enriched planting experiences and precise crop
functionalities within the WSN. It efficiently manages traffic, management.
offers software for diverse applications, and converts data Remarkable strides have been taken in the development
into understandable formats. These functions encompass of high-precision information monitoring and diagnostic
network management, query processing, communication, equipment, significantly advancing the application of IoT
time synchronization, and localization [98]. in agriculture. Currently, equipment for acquiring crop and
plant information, monitoring environmental information,
and tracking animal behavior plays a pivotal role in the
SA system. The vital data required for crop monitoring is
gathered using various Zigbee sensors in battery self-powered
WSN developed various wireless sensing devices placed
mode, forming a wireless sensor network [102], [103], [104].
over a broad location. These appliances include distributed
Given the substantial number of Zigbee nodes required
communication network protocols that gather data from the
in production, establishing a robust network topology is
agricultural yield and centralize adequately to commission
essential to facilitate fast communication between network
the collected data. The state-of-the-art WSN comprises
nodes [105].
several affordable sensing devices utilizing low-power com-
munications network protocols, such as ZigBee, SigFox,
WiFi, and LoRaWAN. WSNs are distinguished functionally 2) WIFI
from the usual sensing device collection by their network Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), officially introduced by the Wire-
capabilities, which allow performance between sensing less Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) in the late
assets. 1990s [106], [107], represented a significant advancement

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M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

TABLE 2. Overview and characteristics of ZigBee, WiFi, SigFox, and LoRaWAN.

in wireless technology. Functioning as a wireless local base station, especially when combined with the Chirp
area network (WLAN) technology, it effectively replaced Spreading Spectrum. The D-BPSK modulation is relatively
Ethernet, granting devices the ability to connect to the internet straightforward to implement [116], [117]. Moreover, SigFox
without being tethered by wires or cables. Operating in handles small data packets, typically composed of 12 bytes,
compliance with the IEEE 802 communication standard, and operates within a bandwidth of 100 Hz [118]. A key
devices equipped with WiFi communicate via radio signals strength of SigFox lies in its outstanding power efficiency,
across the airwaves with an access point (AP), an essential capable of sustaining operations for up to an impressive
piece of networking hardware connected to a wired or cellular 15 years on a single battery charge [119]. This network
network [108]. This technology covers a range of radio technology operates in a frequency band between 860 and
frequencies, spanning from 2.4 to 60 GHz, and precisely 920 MHz [120]. The coverage range spans 10 to 40 km,
defines the structure of data packets [23], [33]. WiFi is widely and the information transfer speed can reach 600 bits per
adopted across a spectrum of devices, primarily due to its second [121].
coverage range, typically 3-7 km, with a large transmitting Owing to Sigfox’s advanced network protocol features,
antenna and its potential to achieve information transfer it finds extensive applications within -WSN-based SA
speeds of up to 700 Mbps [109], [110]. systems [7]. It is notably used to implement cloud-based
In the IoT applied in SA, integrating computing and WiFi- WSNs for irrigation systems, real-time agricultural data
based long-distance networks facilitates connectivity within collection, and energy harvesting [118]. Moreover, SigFox
agricultural and farming processes, particularly in rural areas. has been utilized to develop solar-powered autonomous sen-
It is used to transmit information within the system due sor nodes, effectively collecting meteorological parameters
to its high throughput and ease of integration with web- and demonstrating successful assessment, particularly in
based services. WiFi integration is essential while measuring vineyard environments [118].
critical field parameters such as water quantity, soil humidity,
and temperature [111]. It is ideal for establishing communi- 2) LORAWAN
cation between the sink nodes and gateways or connecting LoRaWAN is a low-power, wide-area networking protocol
to the cloud via the internet. WiFi finds specific applications developed to enable communication among low-energy
in agricultural IoT, encompassing crop disease detection, devices in various IoT applications [101]. It operates over
precision greenhouse farming, and remote diagnosis [112], unlicensed radio frequencies, allowing for long-distance
[113]. communication with minimal power consumption [122]. The
technology uses chirp spread spectrum modulation, making it
B. LONG-RANGE PROTOCOLS ideal for connecting devices over several kilometers in urban
1) SIGFOX or rural environments [123]. This wireless communication
SigFox is a Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) tech- technology consumes energy infrequently and operates in an
nology designed to transmit minimal data volumes, typically unlicensed band [124]. Its coverage range is about 20 km,
ranging from a few bytes to hundreds of kilobytes [114]. and the information transfer speed can reach 100 kbps [125],
The core modulation technique employed is Differential [126].
Binary Phase-Shift Keying (D-BPSK), operating within a Additionally, LoRaWAN utilizes various spreading factors
fixed bandwidth of 100Hz and achieving efficient spectrum (SF) from SF7 to SF12, strategically managing the trade-
utilization [25], [33]. The transmission speed varies, offering off between transmission range and data rate [127]. Among
rates of 100bps in Europe and a higher 600bps in the them, SF12 achieves an extensive communication range at
U.S.A. region. Operating within the unlicensed frequency the cost of a lower data rate [128]. LoRa is the fundamental
spectrum below 1GHz, SigFox utilizes 868MHz in Europe physical technique integrated with the LoRaWAN MAC
and 915MHz in the U.S. [115]. This Ultra-Narrow Band mod- layer, serving as a foundation for various applications [129].
ulation, known for its minimal power consumption, is ideal The architectural design of LoRaWAN nodes is structured
for establishing robust connections between nodes and the into three distinct classes: A, B, and C [130]. Class A nodes

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exhibit minimal power consumption, efficiently transmitting Vandome et al. proposed low energy consumption and cost-
a limited number of data packets to the gateway and effectiveness wireless soil moisture sensors, making them
spending most of their time idle [131]. In contrast, Class accessible both from a technical and economic perspective.
B nodes, in addition to the reception windows resembling This innovative sensor employs a precise calibration method
Class A, open specific reception windows during scheduled based on a single parameter, enabling real-time monitor-
time slots [130]. Meanwhile, Class C nodes maintain a ing of irrigation water requirements. Importantly, it was
perpetually open window for reception, except during data intentionally designed to meet the specific needs of water
transmission, resulting in higher energy consumption than users and was successfully implemented within a Tunisian
their counterparts in the other two classes [132]. irrigation scheme, effectively addressing significant water
use efficiency challenges. They evaluated the sensor by
V. IoT-WSNS IN SA APPLICATION testing the WSN on pilot plots throughout a growing season
Agriculture is essential for any nation and a pillar of the econ- and comparing its performance to commercial sensors.
omy. SA is a significant aspect and rising contemporary topic Notably, Wi-Fi technology was skillfully employed for
for all nations. The world’s inhabitants are rapidly increasing, communication within the network. Furthermore, the authors
and the demand for food boosts as the population extends. provided valuable insights by advocating for using these cost-
The production of food and recovering the individual’s effective sensors for real-time irrigation monitoring and as a
fundamental needs can only be possible by concentrating pivotal tool for improving water resource management [283].
on the agriculture sectors. Thus, automation should be Fernández et al. proposed an economical cloud-based
incorporated into agriculture and reformed from traditional irrigation system that relies on WSN-based micro-controller
to SA. For this purpose, IoT-WSN is frequently utilized ESP32-Lora and internet connectivity via the SigFox net-
in SA applications. Several agricultural applications are work. The results obtained validate the system’s stability
discussed In the following subsections. WSN-integrated IoT- and robustness. This system had various sensors to measure
based SA applications utilizing wireless network protocols different irrigation parameters, encompassing hydraulic net-
are summarised in Table 3. work and environmental variables, including air temperature,
humidity, irradiance, wind speed, precipitation, and soil vari-
A. IRRIGATION SYSTEM ables such as humidity, temperature, pH, and matric potential.
The smart irrigation system (SIS) is a scientific domain The study demonstrated the effectiveness of an IoT-based
that uses data-intensive approaches to improve agricul- solution for irrigation control and management, offering
tural productivity while decreasing environmental impact. scalability suitable for diverse agricultural contexts. The
Advanced agricultural processes generate data from different deployment of cost-effective SigFox technology addresses
sensors, leading to a better understanding of the operational the connectivity and energy availability challenges of SA
circumstances and process activities. It allows extra accurate systems in rural areas [291].
and efficient decision-making. The SIS improves perfor- Mathew et al. developed an IoT-based system to enable
mance and is an emerging approach that automates irrigation farmers to estimate irrigation water requirements. This
systems and conserves water usage. This process modifies innovative system employs sensors to detect soil moisture
irrigation based on actual soil and weather conditions, and temperature, with the collected data transmitted to the
allowing farmers to fulfill their needs with a recently adopted LoRaWAAN system for comprehensive analysis, including
method that preserves the water for the irrigation process. evapotranspiration calculation. The determination of global
Hence, WSN and wireless network protocols are utilized in evapotranspiration is facilitated through Cropwat software,
the irrigation system to achieve this facility [133]. while the sensor data undergoes examination, enabling
Routis et al. have presented an innovative IoT-based precise estimations tailored to microclimate conditions.
prototype system for precise crop irrigation. This system The chosen Rx-MCU is the ESP32 MCU, equipped with
utilizes microprocessors and a Single-Board Computer integrated Wi-Fi connectivity to ensure uninterrupted internet
(SBC) to collect sensor data, monitoring essential soil gateway connection, facilitating seamless data streaming into
parameters, including soil moisture, humidity, temperature, application layer services. This approach is firmly grounded
and ultraviolet (UV) light. A significant feature is Raspberry in WSNs, significantly enhancing the efficiency of both data
devices, which incorporate powerful 4-core CPUs operating collection and transmission [284].
at 1.5GHz, underscoring their computational efficiency
compared to the Arduino UNO’s operation at 16MHz. The
system integrates various sensors, including Capacitive Soil B. SOIL MOISTURE MONITORING SYSTEM
Moisture sensors, the DHT22 sensor for measuring air Soil moisture plays an important role in an agricultural field
humidity and temperature, and the VEML6070 UV sensor, that massively contributes to crop growth [493], [494]. It is
which is essential for monitoring UV radiation and its recognized as one of the major drivers for plant ecosystems
influence on crop growth. This study substantially contributes and a significant state variable for the irrigation system of the
to agricultural technology and IoT applications for crop agriculture field [495]. Soil moisture is strongly variable and
management [201]. depends on various soil properties and terrain attributes [496].

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M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

TABLE 3. IoT-WSNs-based applications with wireless network protocols.

Therefore, a modern, sustainable, automatic, low-cost, and a virtual soil moisture sensor. This virtual sensor utilizes
power-efficient soil moisture monitoring process is required. data collected by other transducers on the same node.
Soil moisture monitoring systems can be performed with They utilized the ESP32 system-on-a-chip microcontroller
various procedures. In these terms, WSN is one of the to efficiently process and transmit data to a centralized
most utilized approaches to monitoring soil condition and gateway through the WiFi protocol. The WSN consists of
moisture [84], [497]. Based on this, several works have ten independent sensor nodes, each equipped with an array
been done to monitor the soil nutrient, PH, and moisture of environmental sensors for air temperature, humidity, soil
monitoring by using WSN. temperature, soil moisture, and radiation. An essential chal-
Mohammed et al. introduced a real-time, fully automated lenge addressed in this work was measuring soil humidity.
WSN prototype for irrigation systems. This innovative In response, the study introduced a sophisticated soft sensing
system relies on automated WSN technology to respond algorithm based on the DL algorithm, resulting in a virtual
to soil conditions, particularly soil moisture, for informed soil moisture sensor capable of overcoming the limitations
irrigation decisions. It utilizes the ZigBee protocol integrated of physical sensors and enhancing precision in soil moisture
into the XBee module and incorporates a cost-effective measurements [379].
capacitive soil moisture sensor to measure soil moisture Wu et al. presented a soil quality monitoring system to
levels at each ZigBee node. Integrated with the low-cost enhance agricultural practices. This system designated users
soil moisture sensor, this system demonstrated promise to conduct real-time monitoring of their farmland via a
in enhancing agricultural practices and conserving water mobile application, providing a convenient means to establish
resources [203]. and customize soil parameter thresholds. Their research
Patrizi et al. submitted WSN architecture that leverages offered a novel approach to integrating IoT technology
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) technology to develop into agricultural soil measurements, incorporating multiple

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sensors for temperature and moisture, a microprocessor, using Agrinex NPK soil testing tablets and an LDR color
a microcomputer, a cloud platform, and a dedicated mobile sensor for soil sample analysis, with results stored in Firebase
application. The wireless sensors efficiently collect and cloud storage. Interconnected through the ESP8266 Wi-Fi
transmit real-time soil information, with the mobile app module and Arduino microcontroller, sensor nodes formed
serving as a central monitoring hub through the cloud a low-power, efficient wireless network. The pivotal FC28
platform. Data transmission facilitated by the LoRa module soil moisture sensor significantly enhanced the IoTSNA-CR
ensures precise measurements that closely align with those model’s effectiveness by evaluating soil water content [112].
obtained through calibration equipment. Field experiments Doan et al. proposed a WSN framework employing
have showcased the system’s ability to predict soil moisture LoRa technology for remote monitoring within agricultural
and temperature with enhanced accuracy, drawing upon data settings. This network consisted of three strategically placed
from various soil layers. This system equipped users with the LoRa sensor nodes within separate rice fields, tailored to
necessary tools to promptly assess soil conditions, enabling different crops and utilizing various tillage and fertilization
routine checks for changes in soil quality [406]. methods. These nodes gathered essential environmental indi-
cators for effective monitoring, encompassing temperature,
air humidity, soil moisture, water pH, CH4, and NH3 levels.
C. FERTILISER OPTIMIZATION AND CONTROL Research findings underscored the system’s effectiveness in
The world faces a food supply crisis, with less food monitoring the rice cultivation environment, ensuring robust
production than population growth [498]. Besides, there and comprehensive data transmission, network security, and
needs to be more integration and utilization of state-of- impressive long-range signal transmission of up to 3.5 km at
the-art technology in agricultural applications [499]. The a reasonable cost. The framework demonstrated proficiency
annual food production is also damaged due to a lack of soil in long-distance data transmission, maintaining secure data
fertility, moisture, and fundamental nutrients of NPK [500]. transfer from source nodes to the central gateway, ensuring
On the other hand, conventional methods are even applied high reliability, and facilitating seamless deployment for
to measure the soil nutrients and apply a fertilizer that is extensive agricultural monitoring [347].
also harmful to crops and soil. The excessive volume of
fertilizer can damage the standard scale of PH and the
soil nutrition of agricultural land [501]. To address this D. EARLY STAGE CONTROL OF PEST AND CROP DISEASES
challenge, it becomes essential to form a precision agriculture Damaging crop production due to various factors, pests, and
exercise through IoT with the involvement of IoT and crop diseases is one significant issue, as a large quantity
WSN. Soil nutrient and fertilizer investigation using WSN of crop is wasted every production cycle by affecting pests
allows different applications, including remote soil fertility and diseases [84], [502]. Thus, an early-stage sustainable
monitoring. decision support system is mandatory to enable the farmer
Contreras et al. introduced SAgric-IoT, an SA system to carry out proper actions in profitable harvesting [503].
integrating IoT and DL technologies. This sophisticated A smart monitoring system should employ state-of-the-art
system aims to monitor environmental conditions, swiftly sensor technology to solve plant diseases and pest-related
detect diseases, and automate irrigation and fertilization concerns. WSN systems can collect data and store them in a
processes within greenhouses. It comprises four key compo- cloud platform with the help of network protocols and process
nents: WSN for environmental monitoring, cameras for visual them, which helps to make early decisions to prevent pest and
data, a gateway for centralized control, and a processing crop diseases [36], [47].
and storage unit. The gateway operates using three distinct Additionally, Crop disease detection is a massive challenge
communication protocols–ZigBee for sensor connectivity, in precision agriculture applications since crop diseases
Wi-Fi for cameras, and a cellular interface for transmitting cannot be accurately predicted by analyzing individual
data to the central unit. Notably, SAgric-IoT demonstrates disease causes. Azfar et al. introduced an IoT sensor system
remarkable efficiency in minimizing packet loss, thereby explicitly designed for pest detection and control, real-time
significantly conserving energy [105]. detection of Cotton Flying Moths. This system experienced
Senapaty et al. introduced the IoTSNA-CR model, utilizing rigorous testing in controlled and uncontrolled environments
IoT technology to analyze soil nutrients and suggest optimal to evaluate its accuracy and efficiency. The innovative
crops, aiming to enhance productivity while reducing fertil- prototype integrated a series of precise infrared sensors,
izer usage. The model begins with IoT sensors collecting data a communication module based on Zigbee technology,
in cultivation areas, followed by real-time storage in cloud an Arduino 2560 Mega board, a lithium polymer battery to
services, accessible via an Android app, and undergoing power the sensor, a gateway device, and a UAV configured
subsequent data processing and analysis. A cost-effective to act as a pesticide sprayer upon detecting pests. The pest
WSN sensory system integrated various sensors to monitor detection algorithm, embedded within the system, monitors
soil attributes—temperature, moisture, pH, GPS, and color— changes in reflected light to identify the presence of flying
efficiently gathering diverse data, including NPK values, insects. Upon detection, the system sends an alert to the
timestamps, and geolocation specifics. Research advised gateway device, which transmits the detection coordinates to

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M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

the drone/UAV. Subsequently, the drone responds by spraying been demonstrated that LoRaWAN demanded less power
pesticide in the identified pest-infested area [440]. than other protocols within agricultural monitoring systems
Strawberry cultivation is a significant agricultural venture, where power consumption and legibility of the network are
offering considerable advantages over various vegetable considered. The experimental results recommended selecting
crops [504], [505]. Despite its prominence, the sensitivity wireless technology for future agricultural monitoring appli-
of strawberries renders them highly susceptible to diverse cations [464].
pests and diseases. Resorting to chemicals and pesticides Similarly, Arshad et al. introduced a study based on a
for protection significantly hampers production efficiency smart sensor module with an advanced irrigation system
due to this sensitivity. To address this challenge, integrating and supervised fertilizer architectures. The system has
deep computer vision architectures has been pivotal. Cruz incorporated WSN, cloud-utilizing decision support layers,
and colleagues introduced a novel approach, employing and networking-based DSS to recommend cautiousness
the Yolo V5 computer vision architecture within an IoT for optimum sustainable agricultural field and production.
system designed for strawberry disease detection. This For this purpose, A WSN node is equipped with an
innovative system utilizes LoRaWAN and WiFi protocols MCU LoRaWAN wireless module. The sensor node with
for internal data transmission and employs the Message LoRaWAN is connected to solar panels for stored energy
Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol for data uploading to since LoRaWAN can achieve enormous distances with low
the internet [403]. energy [267], [403].
Hnatiuc et al. developed an innovative IoT sensor network
paired with a LoRaWAN-based system designed precisely VI. ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF IoT-WSNS-BASED SA
for intelligently detecting grapevine diseases and collecting SYSTEMS
essential environmental and plant-related data. This tech- Despite the remarkable progress in integrating -WSN-based
nology was deployed within the experimental plots of the methods within SA, significant limitations must be carefully
Research Station for Viticulture and Enology (SDV) to offer considered and addressed through proactive mitigation strate-
early insights into grapevine health. Data transmission across gies. These obstacles manifest in various aspects, encom-
the Wi-Fi network was facilitated through the LoRaWAN- passing the system’s infrastructure, the devices utilized,
EU868 protocol. The study is balanced to extend its the network structure, and the crucial element of securing
investigation to analyze results from IoT sensors trialed the data [64]. Constructing an adequate architecture for
across vineyards in diverse regions [446]. IoT-WSNs-based SA systems is challenging, requiring the
continuous integration of diverse devices, sensors, actuators,
and communication interfaces into a unified and efficient
E. ENERGY SAVING AND POWER CONSUMPTION framework [513]. Striking the right balance between integra-
Advanced agriculture uses new processes, such as precision tion, system reliability, and scalability presents a considerable
agriculture, to optimize the workflow under environmental challenge [514].
aspects. For this purpose, WSN is incorporated with IoT, and Moreover, the diverse range of devices employed in IoT-
network protocols combined with systems are used. Various WSNs-based SA systems, such as sensors for measuring
required WSN nodes and actuators are also equipped. Such soil moisture, drones for aerial surveillance, and automated
equipment requires a continuous power supply to achieve irrigation systems, continuously pose challenges related to
non-stop services [506]. In the PA-based WSN, energy con- careful selection, setup, and maintenance. Factors such as
sumption may differ due to additional parameters, i.e., active device compatibility, power efficiency, durability, and cost-
computational overload or sensor density deviations [507]. effectiveness are critical considerations in their deployment,
The existing conventional energy harvesting strategy cannot representing ongoing challenges within this technological
serve under such a requirement while harvesting and thus framework. Addressing the complexities of the network
may reduce the overall lifespan of the network and entire architecture in IoT-WSNs-based SA setups is equally essen-
system. To meet the energy requirements, a significant energy tial, requiring the establishment of a strong, low-latency, and
harvesting design is required [508]. high-bandwidth network capable of managing the constant
Recent advancements and development of technology flow of data generated by numerous devices. Deliberate
with low-power consumption, IoT, and WSN have been planning for scalability and reliability is vital to meet
tremendously utilized and deployed for various SA appli- the heightening demand for real-time data processing and
cations. WSN has improved agricultural productivity and decision-making in profound SA applications.
efficiency in agriculture yield. However, the energy and
power shortage of WSNs is a major issue as instantly A. SCALABILITY AND RELIABILITY
charging batteries is usually demanded [509], [510], [511], Substantial dual challenges exist within the domain of SA
[512]. Sadowski et al. proposed an agricultural monitoring propelled by -WSN technology. These challenges encompass
system with energy harvesting regarding these factors. The ensuring scalability and defending reliability, significantly
study presented a comparison arrangement between ZigBee, influencing the system’s efficacy and enduring sustainability.
WiFi, and LoRaWAN wireless network protocols. It has Scalability emerges as a central concern due to the increasing

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TABLE 4. A summary of issues and challenges of IoT-WSNs based SA domain.

implementation of -WSN devices, resulting in a burgeoning privacy of data [98]. As SA systems become more intercon-
network interconnecting various intelligent devices, sensors, nected, significant volumes of sensitive data are gathered,
and actuators [9], [23]. This growth presents challenges in encompassing information on crop yields, weather patterns,
effectively managing the expanding array of devices and the and details about farmers and consumers [520]. Ensuring
resulting surge in data traffic, potentially causing network this data is covered from unauthorized access, breaches,
congestion, delays in data transmission, and diminished or misusage is essential [13]. Privacy concerns emerge
overall system performance [22], [47]. Simultaneously, due to the potential risk of identifying individuals or
guaranteeing reliability is pivotal, ensuring a consistent businesses through data analysis [21]. Furthermore, the
and precise data flow, an indispensable component for distributed deployment of -WSN devices, often across remote
well-informed agricultural decision-making. Aspects such agricultural sites, challenges establishing robust encryption,
as irregular network connections, device malfunctions, and effective authentication, and appropriate access control
power disruptions can undermine the system’s trustwor- measures [521]. Insufficient security measures may lead to
thiness. Effectively addressing these hurdles necessitates unauthorized data access, tampering, or intentional harm.
a comprehensive and integrated strategy encompassing Striking a balance between leveraging data analytics to
well-optimized network blueprints, resilient communica- improve agricultural productivity and upholding individual
tion protocols, effective power management techniques, privacy and data security is a multifaceted yet vital objective.
and dependable failover mechanisms [21], [515], [517], Addressing these challenges necessitates a comprehensive
[518], [519]. Achieving a meticulous balance between approach encompassing encryption protocols, secure data
scalability and reliability becomes critical, fostering a transmission methods, routine security assessments, and
sustainable and resilient -WSN-based SA system capable educational initiatives on privacy best practices for all IoT-
of adeptly meeting the evolving requisites of contemporary WSNs-based SA ecosystem stakeholders [46], [68], [513],
agriculture [9], [516]. [522], [557], [580], [581], [582].


Incorporating -WSN technology into the sphere of SA The advent of -WSN technology in SA has significantly
introduces significant barriers concerning the security and enhanced data collection and decision-making processes.

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However, this integration has introduced a crucial con- techniques to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the
cern about location privacy. IoT-WSNs often necessitate data [13], [93], [550]. Techniques such as digital signatures,
the deployment of sensor nodes in agricultural fields to message authentication codes, and integrity checks can be
monitor various parameters and activities. These nodes can implemented to verify the authenticity and integrity of the
precisely track the location of farming equipment, livestock, data collected from sensor nodes [548], [551], [552], [553].
and even the farmers themselves [1], [64], [522], [523].
While this location data is indispensable for optimizing F. USER PRIVACY AND CONSENT
farming practices, it raises substantial privacy challenges. In IoT-WSNs-based SA, preserving user privacy and obtain-
Unauthorized access to precise location data can violate ing informed consent is essential. These systems gather
the privacy of farmers and stakeholders, potentially leading a wide range of user data, encompassing personal and
to misuse or security breaches [521], [524], [525]. Robust operational data, raising valid concerns regarding data
privacy-preserving mechanisms and compliance with privacy privacy [554], [555]. Users have a rightful expectation
regulations are essential to address these concerns and ensure that their data will be handled ethically, securely, and
the responsible and ethical use of location data in IoT-WSNs- in compliance with privacy regulations [556]. Obtaining
based SA [72], [526], [527]. informed consent poses a significant challenge due to the
diverse and often distributed nature of data collection in
D. NETWORK SECURITY AND INTRUSION DETECTION SA. Users must be fully informed about the data being
The inherent interconnectivity of IoT-WSNs renders them collected, its intended use, and who will have access
susceptible to a range of security risks, including node to it. Striking a balance between optimizing agricultural
compromise, tampering, and malicious attacks [525], [528], practices through data utility and safeguarding user pri-
[529]. Threats such as unauthorized access, data breaches, vacy is crucial [28]. Implementing transparent data usage
and cyber-attacks pose significant data integrity and con- policies, employing robust anonymization techniques, and
fidentiality risks as data transits these networks [13], empowering users with control over their data are vital steps
[530], [531]. Addressing these challenges involves devel- in addressing these privacy and consent challenges [526],
oping robust encryption techniques, secure communication [550], [557], [558]. Effective communication of the purpose
protocols, and efficient access controls for safeguarding of data collection, the intended use, and potential risks to
sensitive data from unauthorized access [33], [61], [532], stakeholders is essential to obtain informed consent from
[533], [534], [535], [536], [537]. Additionally, the limited users [13], [550], [559].
resources of sensor nodes in WSNs add complexity to
implementing robust security measures while maintaining G. RESILIENCE TO ATTACKS AND FAILURES
energy efficiency. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are SA depends significantly on the uninterrupted operation
crucial in identifying and mitigating potential security of IoT-WSNs [97], [560]. The reliability of this domain
breaches [69], [538], [539], [540]. However, adapting IDS is crucial, as any compromise or failure can severely
to suit the specific characteristics and limitations of IoT- disrupt agricultural operations and impact productivity.
WSNs remains a significant challenge. The right balance Implementing redundancy, fault tolerance mechanisms and
between formidable security measures and energy-efficient backup systems are vital to mitigate these risks [561],
operations is paramount for establishing a secure and reliable [562]. Redundancy ensures the maintenance of critical
IoT-WSNs-based SA architecture [131], [498], [541]. functions by providing backup paths or components in case
of failures, ensuring continuous system operation. Fault
E. DATA INTEGRITY AND AUTHENTICITY tolerance mechanisms detect and manage failures, enabling
Maintaining data integrity and authenticity is critical for quick recovery and continued functioning without significant
reliable decision-making in SA. Manipulation or tampering performance drops [97], [563]. Backup systems act as safety
with sensor data can lead to erroneous conclusions and nets, preserving critical data and functionalities accessible in
potentially harmful actions. Considering the massive amounts case of failure [49], [564]. These actions collectively enhance
of data generated and transmitted across these networks, the resilience of IoT-WSNs against potential attacks and
ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data becomes failures, ensuring continuous monitoring and data availability
imperative [542], [543], [544]. Potential challenges stem for optimal agricultural outcomes.
from attempts at data tampering, unauthorized alterations,
or introducing fabricated data into the system [545], [546], H. MITIGATION OF POWER CONSUMPTION
[547]. Maintaining data integrity, ensuring it remains accurate Efficient power management is essential in IoT-WSNs-based
and unaltered throughout its lifecycle, presents a formidable SA. These systems are crucial for applications such as in-
challenge [548], [549]. Equally critical is validating data field monitoring and real-time tracking of field conditions,
authenticity, confirming that the data originates from a significantly reducing yield losses caused by unforeseen
credible and genuine source [548], [550]. Effective solu- circumstances. However, despite their importance in agricul-
tions necessitate the development of robust data validation tural contexts, persistent challenges stem from fixed battery
methods, secure authentication processes, and cryptographic life, high hardware costs, and limited bandwidth [33], [68],

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M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

[205], [565]. A significant aspect of these challenges is needs mandates a significant financial commitment to
energy shortages, necessitating regular battery recharging organize to the specific demands of individual farmers.
to maintain an uninterrupted power supply [334], [566], Transparent data policies are equally vital and assurance rein-
[567]. Insufficient power provision can disrupt the entire forcement through regional research endeavors. A systematic
system, causing interruptions in seamless farmland moni- approach involves the meticulous implementation of a well-
toring. IoT-WSNs comprise numerous sensors with limited structured roadmap for the development of SA systems. This
energy resources deployed based on specific requirements. journey initiates with establishing a foundational architecture
Therefore, in developing an energy-efficient routing protocol, comprising essential components and more streamlined
renewable energy implementation in SA can be an essential functionalities.
requirement [568], [569], [570], [571], [572]. Current routing
systems often feature complex architectures, underscoring A. AI IN SA APPLICATION
the need for proactive approaches to address this concern and The agriculture landscape is rapidly expanding, presenting
enhance power efficiency. various future trends and prospects. At the forefront of
this expansion is the digital strategy, which encompasses a
I. COST EFFECTIVENESS AND STANDARDIZATION range of advanced technologies. AI is a computer system
In IoT and WSNs applied in SA, a primary global research advancement standard aiming to replicate human intelligence
focus is optimizing hardware and software costs to improve and facilitate intricate decision-making processes. It assumes
system efficiency [23]. This focus is particularly vital in a critical position within SA, where the IoT-WSNs play
developing nations seeking to reduce expenses associated a prominent role. Its capabilities extend into meticulous
with imported agricultural devices [573]. While international sensor data analysis, empowering stakeholders to make well-
farming entities have made technological advancements, informed decisions regarding crop management, resource
the challenge of further reducing costs remains a notable optimization, and predictions concerning future agricultural
gap in current research [523], [574]. Standardization is trends.
important in IoT as numerous studies need more standardized
data representation and operational procedures, hindering
1) ML
seamless integration [575]. Emphasizing standardization
becomes pivotal for driving IoT advancements alongside As a subset of AI, ML is intricately focused on nurturing
cost-effectiveness. Its potential lies in reducing initial computer systems capable of learning and evolving through
barriers, addressing interoperability issues, and fostering experiences. When applied to IoT-WSNs in agriculture,
healthy competition among various products and services. ML algorithms meticulously analyze historical and real-time
The evolution of security, communication, and identification data [583]. The objective is to optimize irrigation patterns,
standards within IoT demands a suitable approach to predict and proactively address crop diseases, and automate
developing new technologies [21], [27]. Collaborative efforts various agricultural processes [36], [584]. This integration
among researchers are essential to define industry-specific significantly enhances efficiency and overall productivity
guidelines and establish necessary standards for effective IoT within the agricultural landscape [36], [522].
implementation [576], [577]. This collective endeavor will
pave the way for a more robust and efficient IoT framework 2) DL
formed specifically for SA applications [576], [578], [579]. DL, an advanced ML technique, employs neural networks
with multiple layers to replicate the intricate structure of the
VII. FUTURE PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES human brain. DL algorithms emerge as indispensable tools
State-of-the-art digital technologies have significantly pro- in IoT-WSNs tailored for SA [27], [585]. They engage in
gressed, integrating seamlessly with IoT-WSNs to augment sophisticated data analysis, excel in image recognition, and
the sustainability of SA applications. This integration unravel complexities in NLP. The application of DL leads
substantially optimizes the entire scope of agricultural to a comprehensive understanding of agricultural processes.
processes, from cultivation to harvest, encompassing the Computer Vision is pivotal in empowering machines to
entire agricultural sector. These visionary initiatives stand on interpret and comprehend visual information extracted from
the point of a substantial transformation in the agricultural images or videos. Its integration within IoT-WSNs for
landscape. agricultural purposes amplifies the potential for monitoring
The customization of digitization necessitates a substantial crop health, swiftly detecting diseases, and accurately assess-
financial expenditure to align with the specific needs of ing growth stages through meticulous analysis of imagery
individual farmers. To enhance the reliability of this dig- data [586], [587]. This, in turn, enables timely and well-
itization, embracing government-backed initiatives, grants, informed interventions in agricultural practices, promoting
strategic public-private partnerships, and open data policies efficiency and yield.
becomes essential. These initiatives should be accompanied In recent years, integrating state-of-the-art AI technologies
by regionally focused research efforts to reinforce their with the -WSN has emerged as a beacon of transformative
effectiveness. Precision in composing digitization to unique potential within the agricultural sector. This integration

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presents an unparalleled opportunity to optimize farming crop classification systems for precision agriculture is a
practices, enhance resource utilization, and significantly promising approach to tackling farmers’ challenges. DRL-
boost agricultural output. The subsequent sections compre- based advanced agricultural techniques effectively filter out
hensively delve into several AI-based technologies that can suboptimal choices, significantly enhancing crop production
be effectively utilized to further the cause of sustainable agri- within the crop recommendation system [598]. Furthermore,
culture, discussing their potential impact and contributions to RL is essential in addressing the area coverage problem
the agricultural landscape. related to monitoring crop health in semi-structured farm
settings [639]. RL agents adeptly learn from environmental
3) FEDERATED LEARNING (FL) feedback provided by sensors, ultimately enhancing precision
A federated learning approach is promising for AI based and efficiency in crop management [499].
on -WSN. It allows models to be trained across multiple
edge devices or servers while keeping data localized [588]. 6) GRAPH NEURAL NETWORKS (GNNS)
In agriculture, where data privacy is crucial, this technique GNNs demonstrate high effectiveness in unraveling complex
enables collaborative model training without centralized data relationships within agricultural data. Particularly in the IoT-
storage [589]. Farmers can contribute to a global model WSNs in SA, GNNs excel in capturing and modeling the
without sharing sensitive data, improving model accuracy interconnectivity among various factors that significantly
for various agricultural tasks. The federated deep learning impact crop health and yield. Leveraging data from multiple
approach enhances resource usage and data privacy, leading sources, such as sensors, weather patterns, and soil condi-
to classification results comparable to the fundamental ML tions, GNNs deliver valuable insights for optimized crop
setup. Applying this sophisticated learning method involves analysis and management. Additionally, GNNs find practical
incorporating IoT technology to identify crop diseases application in field-road classification methods based on
precisely [590], [591]. Furthermore, encryption techniques GNSS recordings from agricultural machinery [599]. These
can be employed when sharing trained models to address methods enhance revolution classification accuracy, designed
privacy issues in the federated setting [592]. explicitly for farming machines [600]. Another significant
application involves employing GNN models to predict
4) EXPLAINABLE AI (XAI) the concentration of heavy metals in both soil and crops,
Transparency in AI is fundamental for establishing trust including staple crops such as rice [601].
and comprehensibility of AI systems, especially within the
domain of SA [593]. XAI integration is key in ensuring that 7) GENERATIVE ADVERSARIAL NETWORKS (GANS)
AI models provide clear and understandable explanations GANs demonstrate the capability to simulate the growth
for their decisions. Within SA, XAI demonstrates diverse and development of crops under a diverse range of envi-
applications, encompassing critical tasks such as monitoring ronmental conditions. This simulation proves invaluable for
crop growth, assessing crop health, and efficiently managing farmers as it equips them with the foresight to anticipate
pests and diseases through integration with IoT-WSNs [594], crop responses in various circumstances, aiding in making
[595]. Consequently, this framework becomes imperative for informed decisions concerning planting strategies, resource
farmers and stakeholders, enabling them to learn AI-driven allocation, and risk management [602], [603]. Furthermore,
insights and recommendations concerning crucial aspects AI leveraging DL is fundamentally transforming the analysis
such as crop management and resource allocation within and modeling of agricultural images. Image augmentation
agricultural processes. Moreover, the fusion of XAI-based is essential in enhancing the precision of DL models while
models with state-of-the-art feature optimization techniques reducing the need for manual efforts in image collection and
can significantly enhance real-time malware detection in annotation [604]. This augmentation is accomplished through
SA applications [596]. By explaining the insights derived the algorithmic generation and expansion of datasets. Moving
from AI model data and demystifying the indistinct nature beyond traditional data augmentation methods, Generative
of black box predictions, XAI effectively bridges the Adversarial Networks (GANs) in Computer Vision introduce
understanding gap by shedding light on the rationale behind innovative approaches to acquire effective data represen-
these predictions-an aspect often elusive in conventional AI tations and generate highly realistic samples [605]. The
models [597]. potential of GANs to synthesize authentic and diverse images
presents novel opportunities to enhance the performance
5) REINFORCEMENT LEARNING (RL) of DL models tailored for agricultural applications. These
RL involves training AI agents to make sequential decisions advancements are particularly advantageous in scenarios
to maximize rewards, making it a viable solution for where extensive labeled image datasets are inaccessible.
data-deprived scenarios. In SA, RL opens up extensive Additionally, utilizing GAN-based data augmentation tech-
opportunities. Particularly, when integrated with IoT-WSN, niques enhances imaging classification tasks by generating
RL can optimize crucial crop management decisions, includ- artificial images, effectively doubling the training data for
ing irrigation schedules, pesticide application, and harvest existing classes, thereby improving classification perfor-
timing [14]. Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning within mance [606].

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TABLE 5. A summary of future perspective and recommendation for IoT-WSNs-based SA system.

8) SELF-SUPERVISED LEARNING AGI, especially in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and

Self-supervised learning is gaining prominence in SA, Agri-Robotics, can enhance crop yields, reduce waste, and
especially when access to labeled data is scarce. This promote sustainable farming practices [613], [640], [641].
methodology empowers AI models to determine and extract This prowess uniquely positions AGI as a promising solution
meaningful features from extensive collections of unlabeled to the intricate challenges faced by the agricultural sector.
data, presenting a notable advantage in situations where
annotating data demands substantial resources [607]. Inte- 1) HUMAN-IN-THE-LOOP AI
grating self-supervised learning techniques proves especially Human-in-the-loop AI is a symbolic integration of human
advantageous in -WSN-based systems, emphasizing effi- expertise with AI systems, facilitating collaborative decision-
ciency and optimal resource utilization [608]. This avenue making [612]. Human experts contribute by providing input,
allows for robust data processing, extracting valuable insights validating AI-generated insights, and guiding AI models to
without heavy reliance on extensive labeled datasets [609]. ensure precise and dependable outcomes. This collaboration
Consequently, it amplifies the capacity for well-informed significantly enhances the accuracy and relevance of AI-
decision-making in precision agriculture. driven insights within SA [613], [614].


APPLICATION Conversational AI, representing a pinnacle of technological
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is positioned at the advancement, entails the development of AI systems highly
cutting edge, demonstrating the substantial potential to proficient in engaging with humans using natural language.
wield a profound influence across various sectors, and Its specific application in SA is exemplified through Agri-
agriculture is a prominent domain in this regard [610], [611]. Chat Applications, effectively interacting with farmers [642].

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These applications provide real-time assistance, share invalu- diagnose diseases, and tailor the agricultural environment
able insights, and offer essential crop management and pest to meet the specific needs of the crops. Ultimately, this
control guidance. Particularly, technologies such as ChatGPT innovative technology substantially improves crop yield
have the capability to analyze agricultural data, presenting and the overall quality of agricultural produce, presenting
immense potential for various agricultural applications such a promising path for sustainable and efficient farming
as crop forecasting, soil analysis, crop disease and pest practices.
identification, precision farming, and efficient irrigation
scheduling [615]. The profound importance of these appli- 6) AI-DRIVEN MARKET ANALYSIS AND PRICE PREDICTION
cations lies in their significant contribution to knowledge The application of AI-driven Market Analysis represents a
dissemination and the facilitation of seamless communication significant advancement, employing complex algorithms to
within the agricultural community. analyze market dynamics such as trends, consumer behavior,
and economic indicators [645], [646]. Predictive models
3) VOICE ASSISTANTS FOR FARM MANAGEMENT are central in foreseeing market prices, estimating demand-
Voice-activated assistants, designed explicitly for farm man- supply dynamics, and predicting trade fluctuations [616].
agement, herald a transformative stride in operational effi- These data-driven insights empower farmers and stakehold-
ciency. They empower farmers to seamlessly structure their ers, enabling them to make strategic decisions and adapt to
schedules, oversee equipment, and stay instantly informed the dynamic nature of the market effectively. This approach
through simple voice commands. These tools not only enhances their resilience and ability to thrive in a constantly
enhance accessibility to information but can also play a evolving market landscape.
crucial role in promptly notifying farmers about any issues
with the crops. Such immediate notifications enable farmers C. AGRI-ROBOTICS
to take timely actions, potentially leading to a successful Agri-robotics involves the integration of robotic systems
harvest [643], [644]. Consequently, this hands-free approach and automation technologies into agricultural practices.
substantially amplifies productivity and streamlines the day- Combined with IoT-WSNs, these robotic systems are further
to-day management of farms. Farmers can now redirect enhanced by integrating sensor data optimizing tasks such
their precious time and resources towards other critical as precise planting, monitoring, and harvesting [7]. This
agricultural tasks, advancing efficiency in the agricultural ultimately enhances efficiency and productivity in agricul-
landscape. ture. These robots possess precise supratemporal resolutions
due to their specialized sensing and actuation capabilities,
4) COLLABORATIVE AI PLATFORMS FOR KNOWLEDGE potentially reducing labor while improving agricultural
SHARING processes [515]. Additionally, drones are crucial in pesticide
Innovative, collaborative AI platforms serve as sophisti- spraying, irrigation, crop harvesting, seed sowing, and soil
cated mediums to cultivate a culture of knowledge shar- cultivation, essential in transforming traditional farming
ing and collaboration among farmers, researchers, and practices [617].
experts within the agricultural domain. These platforms
facilitate collective problem-solving, exchanging worthwhile D. UAVS
insights, and disseminating best practices. By leveraging UAVs, commonly referred to as drones, are equipped with a
the collective expertise of the agricultural community, suite of cameras and sensors, establishing them as essential
these platforms empower individuals to optimize processes tools for data collection and monitoring within the agricul-
and elevate overall productivity. This concerted effort tural sector. When integrated with IoT-WSNs, UAVs facilitate
leads to implementing sustainable agricultural practices, aerial data collection, providing a real-time and in-depth
aligning with ecological and agricultural sustainability understanding of the agricultural landscape [431], [620]. This
principles. integration significantly contributes to the precise assessment
of crops and efficient agricultural management. Considerable
5) EMOTION ANALYSIS FOR CROP MONITORING research studies have investigated the potential of UAVs
Emotion Analysis technology marks a significant advance- in data collection for agriculture, underscoring the efficacy
ment in monitoring the health of crops. It thoroughly of UAV-WSN systems in SA. For instance, researchers
assesses plant well-being and stress levels through a have explored a UAV-enabled agricultural system, wherein
detailed analysis of physiological and growth patterns. the UAV acts as a decode-and-forward relay, enhancing
This analytical method provides crucial insights into how communication between controllers and multiple robots.
crops respond to their environment, such as understanding Additionally, UAVs have been utilized to design optimal
human emotions. It allows a more profound comprehension flight paths, generating UAV trajectories for efficient data
of their health and reactions to environmental factors. collection from sensor nodes with non-uniform distributions,
With such insights, agricultural practitioners can implement thus enhancing the overall effectiveness of data gather-
timely interventions to optimize growth conditions, promptly ing [621], [622], [623].

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M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey


Big data analytics in IoT-based agriculture leverages
advanced data analysis methodologies to extract valuable
insights from the extensive data generated by IoT devices
within agricultural settings [14], [74], [624]. These IoT
devices, furnished with various sensors, actively gather
diverse data concerning soil health, prevailing weather con-
ditions, crop growth patterns, equipment performance, and
more. The process of big data analytics involves discerning
patterns, trends, and correlations within this data, all of which
are critical for informed, data-driven decision-making aimed
at enhancing agricultural practices. This analytical approach
anticipates future trends and conditions by analyzing his-
torical and real-time data, empowering proactive decision-
making. It optimizes the usage of vital resources, such as
water, fertilizers, and pesticides, by precisely tailoring their
application to the specific requirements of the crops. The role
of big data analytics in assisting farmers in making informed
choices regarding the cultivation of diverse crops, considering
seasonal variations such as winter and summer, cannot be
overstated [23], [625], [626]. This analytical approach has
demonstrated high cost-effectiveness, especially for small- FIGURE 5. Yearly evolution of research contributions in IoT-WSN within
SA applications.
scale farmers, and exhibits potential for indoor application
within households.

FIGURE 4. Progression of IoT-WSNs and network protocols in SA systems.

FIGURE 6. Research contribution distribution in IoT-WSN with their

network protocols in SA applications.
The advancement of 5G and the promising revolution of
6G within IoT-WSNs bear substantial implications for the refining coordination among devices in agricultural applica-
agricultural sector. 5G, constituting the fifth generation of tions [538], [627]. Looking ahead, 6G technology, still in
wireless technology, represents a remarkable leap forward, its developmental phase, holds the potential to revolutionize
offering significant enhancements such as accelerated data data collection and analysis, potentially achieving speeds
speeds, diminished latency, and improved connectivity. in the range of terabits per second, thereby ensuring
These enhancements translate to heightened real-time mon- exceptionally timely and precise insights for farmers [628],
itoring and faster transmission of sensor data, ultimately [631]. Incorporating 5G and the envisioned capabilities

VOLUME 11, 2023 145833

M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

FIGURE 7. Annual research contribution rates in SA application areas.

FIGURE 8. Annual wireless network protocol rates in IoT-WSN research within SA Applications.

of 6G within IoT-WSNs for agriculture holds immense 6G- communication technologies sets the groundwork for the
promise. This combination facilitates real-time monitoring of future of intelligent and sustainable agriculture [629]. 6G-
critical factors such as soil conditions, crop health, weather technology pledges to enable the interconnection of various
patterns, and equipment performance, empowering opti- extensive sensors, granting farmers the capacity to gather
mized decision-making. The present generation of intelligent intricate, plant-specific information. This transformative
agricultural applications, relying on a relatively restrained potential fueled by 6G- technology is poised to revolutionize
number of wireless sensors, necessitates improved accuracy SA, ensuring precise data collection, advanced robotics,
and effectiveness. However, the ongoing development of and precision agriculture in remote locations, rendering

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agriculture significantly more efficient, sustainable, and cost- low-power alternatives such as LoRaWAN, outperforming
effective. Wi-Fi due to its efficiency, network coverage, and minimal
power requirements in SA, as shown in Figure 6.
G. BLOCK CHAIN SYSTEMS Moreover, SigFox, operating on narrowband technology
Blockchain technology, a decentralized and highly secure and offering extensive coverage with fewer base stations,
digital ledger, plays a crucial role in documenting transactions remains an area of interest for IoT research in agricultural
across a network. When integrated with IoT-WSNs, it ensures systems. Although its usage has maintained a 1% rate since
secure and transparent record-keeping within the domain 2019, as shown in Figure 6, SigFox and LoRaWAN, both
of SA, particularly benefiting supply chains, traceability, with low power consumption, differ in flexibility. LoRaWAN,
and transactions. This integration significantly strengthens due to its greater flexibility, is better suited for specific
trust and operational efficiency throughout the agricultural agricultural setups requiring increased control or distinct
ecosystem by assuring data integrity and fortifying defense coverage patterns.
against potential threats. One notable application involves A detailed analysis of research contributions emphasizes a
countering data manipulation attacks, where crucial infor- significant focus on irrigation systems, soil monitoring, and
mation about crops with minimal pesticide usage is securely energy optimization. Soil monitoring saw a slight decrease
stored within the blockchain’s immutable ledger [627], [634], post-2021, while by the end of 2022, as shown in Figure 7,
[635]. This advancement ensures the integrity and reliability there was an increase in fertilizer optimization through IoT,
of essential agricultural data, ultimately contributing to along with applications for energy savings and plant pest
enhanced decision-making processes. and disease control in SA. Regarding network protocols,
the rise of LoRaWAN significantly impacted the dominance
H. RENEWABLE ENERGY INTEGRATION of ZigBee and Wi-Fi from 2020 to 2022, securing a 35%
Incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar and share over the past five years, as shown in Figure 8. This
wind power into IoT-WSNs for agriculture is crucial, aiming positions LoRaWAN as a promising protocol for efficient
to establish sustainable and environmentally friendly energy resource utilization in SA. Simultaneously, Wi-Fi retains its
solutions for powering devices and systems in remote popularity due to widespread availability and short-range
agricultural regions [63]. Integrating renewable energy con- capabilities.
tributes to energy efficiency and environmental sustain-
ability within the agricultural landscape. By incorporating
energy from renewable sources into the IoT-based SA VIII. CONCLUSION
observation systems, sustainability and cost-effectiveness are Integrating IoT with WSNs in SA aims to maximize yield
markedly enhanced [637]. Using solar or wind power to and optimize agricultural processes. This comprehensive IoT
energize the system diminishes reliance on conventional with WSNs architecture facilitates effective monitoring and
power sources, consequently reducing energy expenses and control of agricultural fields, enabling valuable data collec-
decreasing carbon emissions. Additionally, the scalability of tion to address current challenges. Wireless communication
this integrated system makes it viable for adoption by small- protocols are essential in efficiently transmitting the collected
scale farmers who may lack access to conventional power data to the system.
sources. Integrating WSNs with IoT and wireless network protocols
has proven cost-effective and efficient in SA applications,
I. IoT-WSNS AND THEIR PROTOCOLS IN FUTURE SA minimizing agricultural expenses. Notably, these integrated
APPLICATIONS AREAS systems exhibit low cost, low power consumption, and
In recent years, the integration of the IoT has led to significant enhanced efficiency. This survey presents a detailed review
advancements in agriculture, as shown in Table 3. Notably, of the state-of-the-art IoT technology and the deployment of
there has been a 2.4% increase in IoT’s growth, currently WSNs with wireless network protocols for SA applications
rising by 1.5%, as shown in Figure 4, which has captured since 2019.
substantial attention within the agricultural community. The study extensively explores the architecture of IoT-
Farmers have extensively adopted IoT frameworks through- WSN integration with network protocols in the SA domain,
out the agricultural process, particularly in irrigation systems. shedding light on prominent network protocols such as
They are renowned for their precision, efficiency, remote ZigBee, WiFi, SigFox, and LoRaWAN. These protocols
monitoring, and data-driven decision-making, as shown in have found significant utility in IoT-WSNs SA applications,
Figure 5. including irrigation systems, soil moisture monitoring, fer-
IoT has notably enhanced agricultural efficiency by linking tilizer optimization and control, early-stage pest and crop
devices, instruments, and stakeholders, reducing labor costs disease management, and energy-saving measures. The study
and increasing overall productivity. Farmers seek reliable, deliberates on current challenges and issues in this domain,
cost-effective, and power-efficient IoT devices seamlessly aiming to provide insights and potential solutions for further
integrating with WSNs. The landscape of wireless network advancements in integrating IoT-WSNs for the future of SA
protocols is evolving, witnessing a significant shift towards systems.

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VOLUME 11, 2023 145851

M. N. Mowla et al.: IoT and WSNs for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Survey

NEAZMUL MOWLA is currently pursuing the KHALED M. RABIE (Senior Member, IEEE)
B.Sc. degree with the Department of Computer received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
Science and Engineering, North South Univer- and electronic engineering from the University
sity. His academic pursuits and enthusiasm are of Manchester, in 2011 and 2015, respectively.
primarily directed toward artificial intelligence, He is currently a Reader with the Department of
encompassing machine learning and deep learn- Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University
ing. He is deeply engrossed in research about smart (MMU), U.K. He has a part in several large-
agriculture and smart health applications. scale industrial projects and has published more
than 200 journals and conference articles (mostly
IEEE). He is a fellow of the U.K. Higher Education
Academy (FHEA) and a fellow of the European Alliance for Innovation
(EAI). He regularly serves on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) for
several major IEEE conferences, such as GLOBECOM, ICC, and VTC.
He has received many awards over the past few years in recognition of the
A. F. M. SHAHEN SHAH (Senior Member, research contributions, including the Best Paper Awards from the 2021 IEEE
IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree in electronics CITS and the 2015 IEEE ISPLC and the IEEE ACCESS Editor of the Month
and telecommunication engineering from Daffodil Award, in August 2019. He is currently serving as an Editor for IEEE
International University, Bangladesh, in 2009, the COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, an Editor for IEEE Internet of Things Magazine.
M.Sc. degree in information technology from the
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2011, and the
Ph.D. degree in electronics and communication
engineering from Yildiz Technical University,
Turkey, in 2020. He is currently an Associate THOKOZANI SHONGWE (Senior Member,
Professor with the Department of Electronics and IEEE) received the B.Eng. degree in electronic
Communication Engineering, Yildiz Technical University. He is the author of engineering from the University of Swaziland,
a book. He has published many research papers in international conferences Swaziland, the M.Eng. degree in telecommuni-
and journals. His research interests include wireless communication, cations engineering from the University of the
artificial intelligence, 6G, and blockchain. He is a Life Member of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, and the D.Eng.
Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). He has been a TPC member degree from the University of Johannesburg, South
of several IEEE conferences and a regular reviewer for various IEEE Africa. He is currently an Associate Professor of
journals. For the Ph.D. work, he received a Gold Medal from the 32nd telecommunications and the Head of the School of
International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2021). Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University
He is currently serving as an Editor for the Open Transportation Journal of Johannesburg. His research interests include digital communications,
(Bentham) and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Cyber Security visible light communications (VLC), and security.
Technology (Taylor & Francis).

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