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= the fact of being enough

= a person or animal that goes from place to place

searching for things that they can eat or use


= choose · select · pick out · pick ·

take · decide on · settle on

= to think carefully about the advantages or

disadvantages of a situation before making a decision

= a substance to improve the taste

= to gradually develop a liking for something = to put into effect; cause to be used
a taste for

of or belonging to an
= ancient ancient period in history/
= to balance one influence against an old-fashioned
opposing influence so that no great difference results = an improvement
+ a resemblance to = to have or continue to have something
+ to
= to be connected with
+ of = making you remember or
+ to = having the same amount + of sb/sth = making you remember sb/ sth imagine sth pleasant

= almost
=to make something seem less important = to receive blame/ criticism

= to (cause something to) end or stop = to stop sth

= the fact of not voting in favour of or against

= behaviour in which you refuse to someone or something
obey someone or something: + from
+ Take = + act/gesture of defiance against
= to continue as planned

+ sth
to be comprised of sth + from = to get something, especially after an effort


= someone involved in a skilled job or activity

Preventive/ Preventative

= not having enough

deformity/ -ities = the situation in which a part of the body has not developed
in the normal way or with the normal shape





= be stopped from moving

servitude = the state of being under the control of someone else and of having no freedom:

= the organization of something in a way intended to make a profit

= not usually liking or trusting change



= continuing for a long time


= a situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each other for the same thing

Type your text

= answering questions in a way that is not direct or clear




=very important because of effects on

future events

= to deceive someone for a long time about what you are really intending to do





= to take an opportunity to have or do something in a very willing and excited way


= illegal, bad, or dishonest behaviour, especially = to find and get rid of the thing or person that is causing a problem:
by people in positions of power:



= to remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something


= spending too much money, or using too much of something =to be able to live or deal with a situation
with difficulty

= used to refer to very heavy rain

= nothing except
= to fail to keep a promise, or to change a decision or agreement
own = to admit that you have done something wrong


= to cost sb a large amount of sth


1. What right have you got to order me about ?

2. If you happen to come across the missing file let me know at once, please.

The statement boils down to making the public aware of the present

Sally has a strong distrust of modern technology.

5. He has been sentenced to seven years in prison.

We all had confidence that Tom would succeed in passing his final exams.

Being too shy, Julia won't speak to the boy first.

It was three years ago that / when Michael painted his last picture.

9.1 owe my precious life to the lifeguard.

We are indebted to all those ...

= to be, or do something, better than someone else

=to reduce someone or something to a lower rank or position

= an occasion when a problem that has been worrying you stops

= due to

= to prevent sth from being as usual

= to remove fears, doubts and false ideas

= to have a negative effect on how something works

bear witness to = to say you know from your own experience that something happened or is true

= To attach a particular quality to something is to consider it to have that quality:

= to understand sth difficult

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