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Practical File

Computer Networking & Internet

(Subject Code - BBAN-504)
Branch/Semester – BBA /5th Sem

Session: 2021-24





S.No. Experiment / Topic Date Signature /
1. Introduction Of Network

2. OSI Modal & TCP/IP

3. Concept Of Internet


5. Internet as a Business Tool Design


Experiment No  1
Introduction Of Network

 In the rapidly advancing digital age, computer networks play a pivotal role in connecting
devices, facilitating communication, and enabling the seamless exchange of information. A
computer network is a complex system that interconnects various devices, such as
computers, servers, routers, and switches, allowing them to communicate and share
resources. This introduction will delve into the fundamental concepts of computer networks,
their types, and the essential components that make them function.

 What is a Computer Network?

• A computer network is a collection of interconnected devices and systems that are

capable of sharing data and resources. These networks can vary in size and complexity,
ranging from small local area networks (LANs) within a single building to vast global
networks like the Internet. The primary purpose of a computer network is to facilitate
communication and collaboration among users and devices.

 Key Components of a Computer Network:

1. Nodes :

• Nodes are the devices connected to the network, such as computers, servers, printers, and other
• Each node in the network has a unique identifier, often referred to as an IP address, which is crucial
for communication.

2. Links :

• Links represent the physical or wireless connections between nodes. These connections can take the
form of cables, fiber optics, or wireless signals.
• The efficiency and speed of data transfer depend on the type and quality of these links.

3. Switches and Routers:

 Switches and routers are critical components that manage and direct data traffic within a network.
 Switches operate at the data link layer and are responsible for forwarding data between devices within
the same network.
 Routers operate at the network layer and facilitate communication between different networks.

4. Protocols :

 Protocols are a set of rules and conventions that govern communication between devices on a
 Common protocols include TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), which is
the foundation of the Internet, and HTTP/HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol/Secure), used
for web communication.

 Types of Computer Networks:

 Computer networks can be classified based on their size, geographical scope, and the
purpose they serve. Here are some common types:

1. Local Area Network (LAN):

• LANs are confined to a specific geographical area, such as a single building or a campus.

• They are characterized by high data transfer rates and are commonly used in office

2. Wide Area Network (WAN):

 WANs cover a broader geographical area, connecting LANs across cities, countries, or even
 The Internet is the most extensive WAN, providing global connectivity.

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):

• MANs fall between LANs and WANs, covering a larger geographic area than a single city but smaller
than a wide area.
• They are often used to connect multiple LANs within a metropolitan area.

4. Wireless Networks:

• Wireless networks use radio waves or infrared signals to transmit data without physical cables.

• Examples include Wi-Fi networks for local wireless connectivity and cellular networks for mobile

5. Internet of Things (IoT):

• The IoT is a network of interconnected devices and systems that communicate and share data.

• It includes everyday objects embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity to exchange

 Importance of Computer Networks:

1. Resource Sharing:

• Computer networks enable the sharing of resources such as printers, files,

and internet connections among connected devices

2. Communication:

• Networks provide a platform for communication, allowing users to

send messages, emails, and collaborate on projects in real-time.

3. Data Access and Retrieval:

• Networks facilitate easy access to data stored on servers, whether locally or

over the Internet, promoting efficient data retrieval.

4. Cost Efficiency:

• Sharing resources through a network can lead to cost savings, as multiple

users can utilize a single printer, for example, instead of each having a
dedicated one.

5. Flexibility and Scalability:

• Networks can be easily expanded or modified to accommodate the

changing needs of an organization, making them flexible and scalable.

 Challenges and Security Concerns:

 While computer networks offer numerous advantages, they also pose

challenges and security concerns that must be addressed:

1. Security Threats:

• Networks are susceptible to various security threats, including

malware, phishing attacks, and unauthorized access. Implementing
robust security measures is crucial.

2. Reliability:

 Network reliability is essential for seamless communication and data

transfer. Downtime and disruptions can impact productivity and business

3. Bandwidth Limitations:
 As the demand for data transfer increases, network bandwidth may become
a bottleneck. Ensuring sufficient bandwidth is crucial for optimal

4. Scalability:

 The ability of a network to scale and accommodate growing demands is crucial. Inadequate
scalability can lead to performance issues.


In conclusion, computer networks are the backbone of the digital age, facilitating communication,
resource sharing, and collaboration on an unprecedented scale. Understanding the fundamental
concepts of networks, their types, and the key components involved is crucial in navigating the
intricacies of the interconnected world. As technology continues to advance, the importance of
robust and secure computer networks will only grow, shaping the way we connect, communicate,
and share information in the future.

Experiment No  2

OSI Modal & TCP/IP

 In the realm of computer networking, two fundamental frameworks serve as the underpinnings for
communication protocols: the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model and the TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) suite. These frameworks provide a structured
approach to understanding and implementing the complex interactions that occur across networks. In
this detailed exploration, we will delve into the OSI model and TCP/IP suite, examining their layers,
functions, and the roles they play in facilitating seamless communication in the digital world.

OSI Model: Unraveling the Layers of Communication

1. Introduction to OSI Model:

 The OSI model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a telecommunication or
computing system into seven abstraction layers. Each layer serves a specific purpose and
communicates with adjacent layers, fostering a modular and hierarchical approach to network design
and troubleshooting.

2. OSI Model Layers:

a) Physical Layer (Layer 1):

 The physical layer deals with the physical connection between devices. It defines the hardware
elements, such as cables, connectors, and the transmission medium.
 The primary focus is on the transmission and reception of raw bit streams over a physical medium.

b) Data Link Layer (Layer 2)

 The data link layer is responsible for creating a reliable link between two directly connected nodes. It
frames the raw bits into frames and ensures error detection and correction.
 It is divided into two sub-layers: Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control (MAC).

c) Network Layer (Layer 3):

 The network layer facilitates end-to-end communication between devices across different networks. It
is responsible for logical addressing, routing, and forwarding of packets.
 IP (Internet Protocol) operates at this layer.

d) Transport Layer (Layer 4):

 The transport layer ensures reliable communication between devices. It provides error detection, flow
control, and segmentation and reassembly of data.
 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) operate at this layer.

e) Session Layer (Layer 5):

 The session layer establishes, maintains, and terminates connections between applications. It manages
dialog control and synchronization between devices.

f) Presentation Layer (Layer 6):

 The presentation layer ensures that data is presented in a readable format for the application
layer. It handles data encryption, compression, and formatting.

g) Application Layer (Layer 7):

 The application layer serves as the interface between the user and the network. It provides
network services directly to end-users or applications.

3. Interactions Between OSI Layers:

 Communication between layers is achieved through well-defined interfaces, ensuring modularity and
ease of implementation.
 Each layer only interacts directly with the layers immediately above and below it.

4. Advantages of OSI Model:

 Clear separation of concerns makes troubleshooting and design more manageable.

 Facilitates interoperability by defining standardized protocols at each layer.

5. Limitations of OSI Model:

 Can be seen as overly theoretical and complex.

 TCP/IP, a more widely adopted model, has overshadowed OSI in practical


 The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a foundational

suite of communication protocols that forms the backbone of the Internet and
most local and wide area networks. It provides a standardized set of rules and
conventions for the exchange of data between devices in a network. The TCP/IP
suite is named after its two main protocols: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
and Internet Protocol (IP). Together, these protocols enable reliable and efficient
communication in diverse network environments.

 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):

• TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that ensures the reliable and orderly

delivery of data between devices on a network. It operates at the transport layer of
the TCP/IP model and is responsible for breaking down large messages into
smaller packets, numbering them for sequencing, and reassembling them at the
destination. TCP also includes mechanisms for error detection, retransmission of
lost packets, and flow control to prevent overwhelming the receiving device. This
reliability comes at the cost of increased overhead, making TCP suitable for
applications where data integrity and sequencing are critical, such as file transfers
and web browsing.

 Internet Protocol (IP):

1. IP, operating at the network layer of the TCP/IP model, is responsible for
addressing and routing data packets between devices in a network. It assigns
unique IP addresses to each device, allowing for proper identification and location
in the network. IP uses a hierarchical addressing scheme, with different classes of
IP addresses facilitating efficient routing across local and global networks.

Additionally, IP handles the fragmentation and reassembly of data packets and

interfaces with higher-layer protocols like TCP and UDP. Unlike TCP, IP is
connectionless, meaning it does not establish a dedicated connection before
transmitting data. This feature enhances the scalability and flexibility of the

Advantages of TCP/IP:

1. Widespread Adoption:
• TCP/IP has become the de facto standard for networking and is the foundation of
the global Internet.

2. Flexibility and Scalability:

• The modular design of TCP/IP allows for easy integration of new technologies and
supports the dynamic growth of the Internet.

3. Simplicity:
• TCP/IP is known for its simplicity, making it easier to implement, configure, and

4. Decentralized Nature:
• The TCP/IP suite reflects the decentralized and interconnected nature of the Internet,
allowing for a distributed and resilient network architecture.

Experiment No  3
Concept Of Internet

 Introduction:
 The Internet, a ubiquitous and transformative entity in the modern world, has
revolutionized the way individuals, businesses, and societies interact,
communicate, and share information. As a global network of interconnected
computers, the Internet transcends geographical boundaries, creating a virtual
space where ideas, commerce, and culture converge. This comprehensive
exploration delves into the multifaceted concept of the Internet, tracing its origins,
understanding its infrastructure, examining its impact on various facets of life, and
addressing the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Origins and Evolution

 Birth of the Internet:

 The roots of the Internet can be traced back to the 1960s when the U.S. Department of Defense
initiated a research project called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).
ARPANET aimed to create a decentralized and robust communication network that could withstand
disruptions, such as those caused by a nuclear attack. The network, which used packet-switching
technology, laid the groundwork for the interconnected and distributed nature of the modern Internet.

 Development of Protocols:
 The foundation of the Internet's communication protocols was laid with the development
of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) in the 1970s. This
TCP/IP protocol suite became the standard for data transmission, enabling different
networks to communicate seamlessly. The adoption of these protocols marked a pivotal
moment, allowing for the integration of various networks into a cohesive system.

 Commercialization and Global Expansion:

 In the 1990s, the Internet underwent a significant transformation with the advent of the
World Wide Web (WWW). Tim Berners-Lee's creation of the first web browser and the
establishment of user-friendly interfaces marked the beginning of the Internet's widespread
accessibility. Commercialization ensued, leading to the emergence of online businesses, e-
commerce platforms, and a surge in the number of Internet users. The global reach of the
Internet expanded rapidly, connecting people and organizations across continents.

Infrastructure and Architecture

 Internet Backbone and Network Structure:

 At its core, the Internet relies on a vast and intricate infrastructure known as the Internet
backbone. The backbone consists of high-capacity, long-distance communication links
that interconnect major data centers and network access points. These data centers house
the physical servers and routers that facilitate the routing of data across the Internet.

 The Internet's architecture follows a decentralized model, embodying a network of

networks. This structure allows for resilience and scalability, as disruptions in one part of
the network don't necessarily affect the entire system. The decentralized nature of the
Internet is a key factor in its robustness and adaptability.

 Internet Service Providers (ISPs):

 Internet Service Providers play a crucial role in the Internet ecosystem. ISPs are entities
that provide access to the Internet for end-users and connect them to the broader network.
They vary in scale, from large telecommunications companies to local providers, but all
contribute to the essential function of facilitating connectivity.

 Domain Name System (DNS):

 The Domain Name System is a critical component of the Internet's infrastructure that
translates human-readable domain names into numerical IP addresses. This hierarchical
system ensures that users can access websites and services using familiar names,
simplifying the user experience.

 Data Transmission and Protocols:

 The transmission of data across the Internet is facilitated by a combination of hardware
and software protocols. TCP/IP remains the foundational protocol suite, governing the
reliable and efficient transfer of data packets. Other protocols, such as HTTP/HTTPS
(Hypertext Transfer Protocol/Secure), govern specific applications like web browsing.

Impact on Society and Culture

1. Communication and Social Interaction:
 One of the Internet's most profound impacts is on communication. It has revolutionized
how individuals connect, fostering real-time communication through email, instant
messaging, and social media platforms.

The democratization of information allows people worldwide to engage in discussions, share experiences, and

2. Information Access and Knowledge Dissemination:

 The Internet serves as a vast repository of information, providing unprecedented access
to knowledge. Online libraries, databases, and educational resources empower
individuals to learn, research, and acquire skills from the comfort of their homes. This
democratization of information has the potential to bridge educational gaps and
promote lifelong learning.

3. Economic Transformation:
 The Internet has reshaped the global economy, giving rise to the digital age. E-
commerce, online marketplaces, and digital payment systems have transformed
traditional business models. Small businesses can reach a global audience, and
entrepreneurs can innovate and launch startups with minimal barriers to entry.

4. Entertainment and Media:

 From streaming services to online gaming, the Internet has revolutionized the entertainment
industry. The availability of diverse content on platforms like YouTube, Netflix, and Spotify has
changed how people consume media. User-generated content has become a driving force, allowing
individuals to express themselves and share their creativity.

Challenges and Opportunities

1. Cybersecurity:
 The interconnected nature of the Internet exposes it to various cybersecurity threats. Malware,
phishing attacks, and data breaches pose significant risks to individuals, businesses, and
governments. The ongoing challenge is to develop robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard data
and privacy in this digital landscape.

2. Digital Divide:
 Despite the Internet's pervasive influence, a digital divide exists, with disparities in access to
technology and connectivity. Access to the Internet is not uniform globally, creating inequalities in
education, economic opportunities, and information access. Bridging this divide remains a
challenge for policymakers and stakeholders.

3. Privacy Concerns:

 The collection and utilization of personal data on the Internet raise privacy concerns. Issues such
as online tracking, data mining, and surveillance challenge the balance between convenience and
individual privacy. Striking the right balance requires ongoing efforts in legislation, regulation,
and technological innovation.

Future Trends and Innovations

1. Internet of Things (IoT):

 The Internet of Things represents a paradigm shift where everyday objects are embedded with
sensors, software, and connectivity. This interconnected web of devices has the potential to
revolutionize sectors such as healthcare, transportation, and infrastructure, creating a more
efficient and interconnected world.

2. 5G Technology:
 The advent of 5G technology promises faster and more reliable Internet connectivity. With
increased bandwidth and reduced latency, 5G could pave the way for innovations in augmented
reality, virtual reality, and the widespread adoption of IoT devices.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration:

 The integration of AI with the Internet could lead to more personalized and intelligent online
experiences. From personalized content recommendations to AI-driven customer service, the
synergy between AI and the Internet is poised to redefine how individuals interact with digital

 Introduction:
 HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, serves as the backbone of the World Wide Web,
providing a standardized way to structure and present content on web pages. Developed by Sir Tim
Berners-Lee in 1991, HTML has undergone several revisions, with HTML5 being the latest and
most widely adopted version. This comprehensive exploration delves into the fundamentals of
HTML, its syntax, structure, evolution, and its crucial role in shaping the digital landscape.

The Basics of HTML

1. What is HTML?
 HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of content on the web. It consists
of a series of elements, each represented by a tag, which instructs the browser on how to
display the content. HTML is not a programming language but rather a markup language
focused on the presentation of information.

2. HTML Documents:
 An HTML document is a text file with a ".html" extension.
 The basic structure includes an opening <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, an <html> element
containing <head> and <body> sections.

3. HTML Elements and Tags:

 HTML elements consist of a start tag, content, and an end tag.
 Some elements, like line breaks and images, are self-closing and don't have an end tag.

5. Attributes:
 HTML elements can have attributes that provide additional information.
 Attributes are included in the opening tag and usually come in name/value pairs.

HTML Document Structure

1. Head Section:
 The <head> section contains meta-information about the document, such as the title, character set,
and links to external resources.

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My Web Page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

2. Body Section:
 The <body> section contains the content of the web page, including text, images, links, and other

HTML Elements in Detail

• Headings:
 HTML provides six levels of headings, <h1> to <h6>, with <h1> being the highest and <h6> the

<h1>This is Heading 1</h1>

<h2>This is Heading 2</h2>
<!-- ... -->
<h6>This is Heading 6</h6>

• Paragraphs:
 Paragraphs are represented by the <p> element.

• Links:
 Links are created using the <a> (anchor) element.

<a href="" target="_blank">Visit</a>

 The href attribute specifies the destination URL, and the target="_blank" attribute opens the link
in a new tab or window.

• Images:
 Images are added using the <img> element.

 The src attribute points to the image file, and the alt attribute provides alternative text for

• Lists:
 HTML supports ordered and unordered lists.

• Tables:
 Tables are created using the <table> element, with additional elements for rows (<tr>), headers
(<th>), and data cells (<td>).

<th>Header 1</th>
<th>Header 2</th>
<td>Data 1</td>
<td>Data 2</td>

• Forms:
 Forms are used to collect user input and are created using the <form> ele

HTML5 Features and Enhancements

 HTML5, the latest version of HTML, introduced several features and enhancements to
meet the demands of modern web development .

1. Semantic Elements:
 HTML5 introduced semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, <footer>, etc.,
providing a clearer structure to web documents.
 Html

2. Multimedia:
 HTML5 introduced native support for audio and video elements .

Internet as a Business Tool Design
 Abstract:
 The Internet has revolutionized the way businesses operate, transforming the global marketplace
into a dynamic and interconnected ecosystem. This comprehensive exploration delves into the
multifaceted role of the Internet as a business tool, highlighting its impact on various aspects of
modern enterprises. From communication and collaboration to marketing and data analytics, this
discussion elucidates the profound influence of the Internet on organizational efficiency,
innovation, and growth.

1. Introduction:
 The Internet has emerged as an indispensable tool for businesses, reshaping traditional practices
and fostering an era of unparalleled connectivity. This section provides an overview of the
transformative role of the Internet in the business landscape, setting the stage for an in-depth
analysis of its diverse applications.

2. Communication and Collaboration:

a) Email and Messaging Platforms:

 The evolution of email and messaging platforms for efficient intra and inter-organizational
 Case studies on how businesses leverage real-time messaging apps to enhance collaboration
and streamline communication.

b) Virtual Meetings and Conferencing:

 The rise of virtual meeting platforms and their impact on remote collaboration.
 Examination of tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet in facilitating global

c) Project Management Software:

 The role of project management tools in coordinating tasks, tracking progress, and improving
team collaboration.
 Illustrative examples of businesses utilizing platforms such as Asana, Trello, and Jira.

3. Marketing and E-commerce:

a) Online Presence and Branding:

 Strategies for building a strong online presence and brand identity.

 The significance of social media platforms in brand promotion and customer engagement.

b) E-commerce Platforms:

 Examination of popular e-commerce platforms (e.g., Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento) and

their impact on online retail.
 Case studies showcasing successful e-commerce implementations and their business outcomes.

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