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{pirate_ship}Pirate Ship {pirate_ship_descr}Pirates are a villainous band of disenfranchised men from thr oughout the Old World, from

the furthest Norscan villages in the Chaos Wastes to the southernmost provinces of the Empire and beyond. Driven together for all ma nners of reasons, ranging from greed to necessity, they make a living sailing th e seas and terrorising slow moving merchant ships and poorly defended coastal se ttlements. {pirate_ship_descr_short}Marauders looking for poorly defended prizes {Elven_big_ship}Large Warship {Elven_big_ship_descr}Larger than the standard warships of the High Elves , thes e vessels carry more tonnage as a result of being equipped with siege weapons su ch as the repeater bolt throwers, and having a larger complement of High Elven o arsmen and soldiers onboard. Their standard tactic is to disable the opposing sh ip's sails, then ram it and allow the Seaguard to board. {Elven_big_ship_descr_short}Mighty warship patrolling the oceans of the Old Worl d {Centigor}Centigors {Centigor_descr}Centigors are a disturbing cross between four-legged creatures, such as horses and oxen, and the bipedal beasts of Chaos, merged together by the warping powers of Chaos in ages past. They possess the hindquarters and foreleg s of their quadruped ancestors, granting them great speed and strength, but the upper body of a humanoid with which they wield brutal weapons. Strong, vital and crude, these beast-centaurs are powerful creatures. However, they are not espec ially agile, and while they have great strength they lack the dexterity to manip ulate objects with any skill or control. Centigors are bitter and spiteful, rese nting their clumsy, awkward nature, and harbour a deep jealousy of creatures who se minds and bodies are better matched. Centigors are incapable of fabricating t ools or weapons for themselves, and so they often make common cause with the war herds. When the brayherds are summoned it is not uncommon for Centigors to heed the call along with the Beastmen. While the chieftains enact the ritual of scrib ing their runes upon the herdstone, the barbaric Centigor chiefs can only defeca te at the stone's base to record their attendance. While the Beastmen chieftains observe the rituals of the brayheard, the Centigor strut and swagger about the clearing with vulgar bravado, swilling looted wine by the skinful and making out rageous boasts about their own vigour. Fortunately, the Beastmen largely ignore such displays, accepting them as part of the Centigor's nature. {Centigor_descr_short}Beastmen shock cavalry {Gor_Spear_Thrower}Ungor Raiders {Gor_Spear_Thrower_descr}Ungor Raiders are those Ungors tasked with the role of hunting out enemies for the warherds to prey upon. They have a knowledge of the wilderness that is unsurpassed by even the most intelligent Gor, and it is they who sow the seeds of mayhem that soon blossom into full-blown destruction as the rest of the warherd falls upon their victims. Bands of Ungor Raiders range ahea d of the warherd as it travels through lands, sending runners back and forth to ensure the main body of the Beastman army can bring its might to bear. It is the information brought by the Ungor Raiders that enables the warherds to encircle and trap the foe, to launch ambushes from hidden paths and moss-chocked vales, a nd to cut off the escape routes of those that believe there is still a route to safety. While the Raiders have no comprehension of formal tactics, they make a v ery efficient skirmish screen, charging enemy gun lines or firing volleys from t heir crudely-fashioned short bows before fleeing back to safety. {Gor_Spear_Thrower_descr_short}Skirmishers with short bows {DE_corsairs_bodyguard}Black Ark Corsairs Bodyguard {DE_corsairs_bodyguard_descr}To be a corsair is a great honour amongst the Druch ii, as it provides a chance to win riches and fame and capture slaves during rai ds. Corsairs normally serve in the Dark Fleet and embark constantly on numerous raids all across the world. No shore will ever be truly safe from the dreaded Dr uchii raiders who have mastered the seas in their majestic Black Arks. Corsairs are armed with two swords and the distinctive Sea Dragon cloak which is potent p

rotection in addition to their armour. These seafaring reavers excel at boarding other vessels, making them among the deadliest fighters in close combat. {DE_corsairs_bodyguard_descr_short}Ruthless seaborne raiders {DE_Assasin}ssassins {DE_Assasin_descr}While young Dark Elf girls taken by Khaine become Witch Elves, male children raised in the temples of Khaine are destined to be Assassins. The se are the most deadly and evil Dark Elves of all, masters of subtle and murdero us magic. The neophytes are raised in the blood fields of the temples, learning the arts of war and death. The merciless and deadly few that survive the first t en years of this training, killing their fellow adepts in face-to-face fighting or by more devious means, go to the great temples of Naggarond and Har Gareth, w here they learn the deepest mysteries of Khaine. Assassins are masters of using poison and coat their weapons with a variety of venoms - some of which are deadl y, others which paralyse or stupefy their victim so that they can be captured an d tortured for information or pleasure. {DE_Assasin_descr_short}Masters of leathal weapons {DE_warrior_bodiguard}Dark Elf Warriors Bodyguard {DE_warrior_bodiguard_descr}The bulk of most Dark Elf armies are made up of thes e citizen-soldiers. These soldiers are highly trained and are committed to servi ng the will of the Witch King and naturally, their own. Should the occasion aris e where the sacrifice of lesser beings is needed to achieve victory, these levy soldiers make ideal candidates. The long years of discipline and war have honed these guards into some of the finest warriors in the world. Victory gained throu gh their death is acceptable for the glory of Malekith; however, should you care lessly squander the lives of your troops, you will discover the wrath of the Wit ch King. It is common knowledge that females join the ranks of the citizen-soldi ers and few dare risk their fury by questioning their right to do so. These part icular companies are armed with a shield and a sword and make ideal light infant ry. {DE_warrior_bodiguard_descr_short}Dark Elves armed with a sword and a shield {DE_witch_elves}Witch Elves of Khaine {DE_witch_elves_descr}The Witch Elves drive themselves into an ecstatic fervour during their brutal ceremonies as they rip hearts from chests and fling them int o iron braziers, daub runes of Khaine onto their bodies with their victims' bloo d and decorate the altars of their bloodthirsty master with bones and entrails. They are no less vicious in battle. They are the most cruel of all the Dark Elve s, and the most bloodthirsty. Before battle, Witch Elves drink blood laced with poisonous herbs, which drives them into a frenzy of bloodlust. They do not carry shields, caring nothing for their own protection, and are armed with sharp swor ds and long knives whose edges are dipped in venom. Once battle begins, the Witc h Elves hurl themselves at their foes, ripping apart their enemies with a storm of poisoned blades. Those foes unfortunate enough not to succumb to their wounds are rounded up by the Witch Elves after the battle is over. These poor souls ar e torn apart in victory celebrations, their blood used as grateful libations to the Lord of Murder. {DE_witch_elves_descr_short}Beautiful and deadly combination {Great_Beer}Bugman's XXXXXX Keg {Great_Beer_descr}Josef Bugman is known for his splendid ales. His Bugman's XXXX XX and the notorious Troll Brew made him very rich. Unfortunately, at one time h is home and brewery were raided and destroyed by Goblins. Bugman and his compani ons swore vengeance on the Goblins for this foul deed and resolved to hunt them down. Sometimes Bugman and his band join up with Dwarf armies before a great bat tle, bringing with them his XXXXXX Keg. Such is the legend surrounding his ales that any Dwarf drinking from the Keg will be reminded of the glories of the past , refreshed and restored - ready to battle to the death. {Great_Beer_descr_short}Very powerful family heirloom {Bugman_axemens}Bugman's Rangers {Bugman_axemens_bodyguards}Bugman's Rangers Bodyguard {Bugman_axemens_bodyguards_descr}Josef Bugman was the most famous Dwarf Master B rewer of all time, before a Goblin raiding party destroyed his brewhouse in the

eastern forests of the Empire. Prior to this foul deed Bugman had acquired a con siderable reputation for the fine quality and potency of his ale. Triumphs like Bugman's XXXXXX and the notorious Troll Brew were a sad loss to the Old World. B ugman and his remaining companions swore terrible vengeance on all Goblins. Litt le has been heard of them since except rumours of cunning ambushes and night rai ds on Goblin camps. Sometimes the band will emerge from the wilds, tattered and blood-stained to join a Dwarf army before a great battle against Goblins. They a lways keep to themselves, huddling around their campfire, with a strange glint i n their eyes and their hands clasped around tankards of their precious ale. {Bugman_axemens_bodyguards_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {Bugman_axemens_descr}Josef Bugman was the most famous Dwarf Master Brewer of al l time, before a Goblin raiding party destroyed his brewhouse in the eastern for ests of the Empire. Prior to this foul deed Bugman had acquired a considerable r eputation for the fine quality and potency of his ale. Triumphs like Bugman's XX XXXX and the notorious Troll Brew were a sad loss to the Old World. Bugman and h is remaining companions swore terrible vengeance on all Goblins. Little has been heard of them since except rumours of cunning ambushes and night raids on Gobli n camps. Sometimes the band will emerge from the wilds, tattered and blood-stain ed to join a Dwarf army before a great battle against Goblins. They always keep to themselves, huddling around their campfire, with a strange glint in their eye s and their hands clasped around tankards of their precious ale. {Bugman_axemens_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {Elders}Elders {Elders_descr}Elders are even higher in the hierarchy of a Dwarf Clan than Longb eards. To become an Elder is the greatest honour a Dwarf can imagine. Elders are the oldest, the wisest and the most experienced of all the Dwarfs. Thanes and K ings ask them for their opinions on the most important matters regarding the saf ety of their holds. In times of war Elders advance slowly towards their enemies, setting an example for the rest of the army with their steadiness, valour and s tubborness. {Elders_descr_short}Finest dwarfen infantry {Dwarfs_greatbeards}Longbeards {Dwarfs_greatbeards_descr}Dwarfs are taught from an early age to respect their e lders, and the oldest Dwarfs in the Stronghold are accorded the greatest respect . Their beards must stretch down to the floor before they are given the prestigi ous title of Longbeard. In battle, Longbeards are able to demonstrate their time -won skills, disdainful of any minor shifts in fortune that would throw less exp erienced warriors into confusion, and woe betide any beardling who falters under their stern eye, for they will admonish him in no uncertain terms. Longbeards e xpect the worst, and spend many a long hour grumbling about the inadequacies of Dwarfs/weapons/Goblins these days, as they're not as brave/well made/scary as th ey were in the good old days. It takes a lot to prevent a Longbeard from having a good grumble. They are virtually immune to any panic that might infect an army . {Dwarfs_greatbeards_descr_short}Longbeards armed with shields and axes {orc_chariot}Ors Boar Chariots {orc_chariot_descr}Orcs use chariots as fast, mobile weapons of war. Not only ar e they powerful but they look good too! Chariot riders like to ride around at hi gh speeds, displaying their obvious superiority over more lowly greenskins. To m ake the chariots even more obviously important, the Orcs invariably strap the bi ggest banners they can find (as well as shields, tropheis and the heads of slain foes) to every surface of the chariot. The rest of the army either ignores thes e show-offs or throws things in their direction, like rocks, insults or the smal ler members of their unit. {orc_chariot_descr_short}Shock assault unit {Doom_diver}Doom Diver Catapult {Doom_diver_descr}Though the Doom Diver Catapult was first developed as a means of scouting out enemy positions, it didn't take long for some bright spark to tr y it out in a battle. In the dirty, brutal and often painfully short life of a G oblin, the chance to swoop through the air, cackling madly as he looks down at h

is former Orcish masters, is often considered just too good to miss. So impressi ve is the damage and the mess caused by such a plummetting Goblin, that this for m of warfare is now taken quite seriously and garners a ridiculous number of vol unteers. It doesn't seem to matter that their chances of survival are negligible , but then only the more crazed or deeply stupid Goblins would want to be propel led high into the air anyway. {Doom_diver_descr_short}An innovative but crude Greenskin contraption {Orc_shaman}Orc Shamans {Orc_shaman_descr}Shamans are dangerous to be around and other greenskins tend t o steer clear of them. Sometimes they are obliged to wear distinctive costumes s o they can be easily recognised (and avoided), whilst some are sent out beyond t he confines of the camp to commune alone with the gods. All greenskins believe t hat Shamans are possessed by Gork and Mork, the most powerful Orc gods, and shou ld therefore be respected and honoured...but preferably from a distance. In batt le many Waaagh! spells are in fact incantations to Gork and Mork, requesting ass istance from one or the other of the gods'. For example, Da Krunch is a spell wh ich calls upon Gork, to stamp his great big orcy foot down on the enemy. The spe ll Mork save Uz! calls upon Mork to protect his people from hostile magic, and s o forth. {Orc_shaman_descr_short}Crazy and violent magic users {Gob_shaman}Night Goblin Shamans {Gob_shaman_descr}Goblin Shamans are identified at an early age. Whenever his ma tes brawl or argue his head starts to hurt, lights flash in front of his eyes, a nd nearby objects explode and fly about. Sure enough, the young Shaman is easily spotted. He's the one with the sparks flying about his head, glowing red eyes, and noxious green smoke pouring from his mouth. Shamans spend a lot of their tim e watching the colourful hallucinations dance around their minds and talking to Gork and Mork. It is hardly surprising that they tend to be a little vague when it comes to discussing the real world and everyday things. They are convinced th at Gork and Mork are real as, after all, they have not only seen the Greenskin g ods but are on speaking terms. They believe they can call upon Gork and Mork and use the Waaagh! to perform great deeds of magic. {Gob_shaman_descr_short}Shamans under the influence of fungi {Giant}Giants {Giant_descr}Giants and greenskins have a long history of association and it is common to find that a greenskin horde includes a Giant brought along to add weig ht (and height) to the army's combat prowess. It's not altogether clear why gree nies and Giants should get on so well, but it is noticeable that Giants are one of the few races that are considerably bigger and dimmer that even the biggest, thickest Orc. To the greenskins, a Giant is a force of nature akin to a manifest ation of their god, Gork (or possibly Mork). Such is the sheer destruction unlea shed when a Giant charges that Orcs and Goblins are driven into a frenzy of glee ful cheering and whooping. To an Orc, there is no sight in the world so inspirin g as a big, angry giant laying waste to their enemies. {Giant_descr_short}Shock heavy assault unit {Trolls}Trolls {Trolls_descr}These are large creatures, very strong but also rather stupid. The re are many different kinds, because, like greenskins, Trolls vary a great deal in appearance. However it is fair to say they are universally big, ugly, hungry and best avoided where possible. All Trolls are rightly feared because of their unthinking ferocity and indiscriminate appetite. They will eat anything they can find, including flesh and bone, wood, rocks, bits of metal and even sprouts! In addition to their strength their rather single minded focus on eating makes it much less likely that they will turn tail and run, as compared to goblins in the same situation. Their appetite and dim-wittedness renders them into efficient k illing machines who wont realize theyre badly outnumbered until their head is seve red. {Trolls_descr_short}Strong but dim-witted assault troops {Orc_Boyz_body}Orc Boar Big Uns {Orc_Boyz_body_descr}The largest Orcs in a tribe, and therefore most important a

re known as Big Uns. These Big Uns are even stronger and meaner than other Orc s, and far more formidable on the battlefield. So it is not a rare sight when th ey fight on boars. War boars are evil-minded creatures that will take every oppo rtunity to maim, bite and kick the enemy and also their Orc masters. Breaking in a war boar can be a long and dangerous business, but Orcs have thick skulls and don t feel much pain. In fact, you never really train a war boar, you just lear n to hang on better while the creature goes crazy, goring and stamping, twisting and biting, and generally causing as much damage as it can. {Orc_Boyz_body_descr_short}Heavy Orc cavalry armed with spears and choppas {Grave_guard_bodygard}Grave Guard Bodyguard {Grave_guard_bodygard_descr}In ancient times, the people of the Old World buried their heroes under mounds of earth, laying their equipment alongside them. The foul Black Magic of Necromancers can resurrect these ancient warriors, turning t hem into the undead. Their flesh long since rotted, the magic of the necromancer s is strong enough to sustain their existence for centuries. They are guards wea ring rust eaten armor of bronze and black iron, thick with the dust of time. Com posed of soldiers who devoted their lives to fighting the Vampires, they tragica lly serve them in the afterlife as tireless, ever vigilant guards patrolling the walls of keeps like Drakenhof. Their arms bear an evil spell that can fell even the strongest of enemies. Elite units of skeletons composed of resurrected hero es, they fight with enchanted swords and wear heavy armor. {Grave_guard_bodygard_descr_short}Elite unit of the skeletons of former heroes {Blood_dragons_knights_bodygard}Blood Dragon Knights Bodyguard {Blood_dragons_knights_bodygard_descr}The Blood Knights are a macabre parody of the virtuous templars that Walach turned. Though they retain the dragon as their symbol, their armour is encrusted with images of death and slaughter. Their bla des are fell weapons inscribed with dark runes, chased with precious metals and fashioned in the likeness of evil beasts. The blazons and crests of Blood knight s do not ride flesh-and-blood horses, but charge upon evil Nightmares with fiery eyes and foetid breath, clad in thick barding painted with disturbing icons of necromantic power. They are the most fearsome knights in all of the Old World. T heir training and discipline in life is married with the unnatural speed and str ength of Undeath. The Blood Knights are nigh indestructible, and their bloodthir st makes them ferocious and implacable. Such is their honour that they will refu se no challenge, and will fight at the forefront of an army. It is said that eve n the fabled Grail Knights of Bretonnia cannot match the Blood Knights on the fi eld of battle. {Blood_dragons_knights_bodygard_descr_short}The best heavy cavalry in the Old Wo rld {Vampire_skeleton_crossbow}Skeleton Crossbows {Vampire_skeleton_crossbow_descr}Making up a vast majority of the ranks in a vam pire s army, skeletal warriors are equipped with the bare minimum of arms and ar mour. Completely mindless, lacking any and all emotions, these creatures are the perfect soldiers, obeying orders down to the last letter without question. Retr eat is not an option for them. Despite this, their martial skills are not what t hey might have been in life, and unless they severely outnumber their foe they a re unlikely to win a battle on their own. Clutching crossbows in their bony hand s, these skeletons now serve only to swell the ranks of their master s army by r aining down bolts on the enemy. {Vampire_skeleton_crossbow_descr_short}Skeletons in armour, armed with knives an d crossbows {Ghost}Spirit Hosts {Ghost_descr}The unquiet spirits of the dead can often be seen as mournful, swir ling mists, broken with wailing faces and grasping hands. Their touch draws some of a victim s soul into the underworld, dragging them into a coma or stealing t heir knowledge of who they are. Only a priest of Morr can restore the mind of a person who has had their spirit leeched by a ghost. The banished souls become gh osts and revenants, forced to haunt the homes and battlefields where they died. A Vampire can use its Necromantic power to call forth these spirits, channeling Dark Magic so that the roaming souls can manifest themselves. The most daring Ne

cromancers, so it is claimed, can even send their spirits to the underworld of M orr. Once there they can rescue a few souls, stealing them from under the gaze o f the God of the Dead. However, sometimes Morr catches these interlopers, impris oning them for eternity. Their body falls into a coma and then slowly rots away, while their soul suffers eternal anguish. {Ghost_descr_short}Undead ethereal creatures {banshee}Tomb Banshees {banshee_descr}Banshees are the restless spirits of evil women. Their shades lin ger in the material world, fearing to cross the void to face punishment for thei r evil deeds. Banshees howl in bitterness and remembrance of when the pleasures of life were theirs. Their wail is lethal to mortals and those who do not have a will of iron may die of sheer horror upon hearing it. Their visage is skull-lik e and twisted, eternally frozen in a grimace of agony and everlasting pain. Thei r great mane of hair flows around them like a black cloud. They float above the ground and are surrounded by an eerie glow of deadlights, shades of the men who they murdered during their lifetimes. {banshee_descr_short}Insubstantial creatures capable of magical missile attacks {Dire_Wolf}Dire Wolves {Dire_Wolf_descr}The land of Sylvania is plagued by giant wolves which emerge in winter from their lairs high in the Worlds Edge Mountains to destroy entire vil lages. The men of the Empire hunt these beasts mercilessly, but this is not alwa ys enough. Even from beyond the grave these awful creatures return to terrorise men. The carcasses of these wolves are buried in great pits, but the cursed eart h of Sylvania does not allow them to rest. Often they burrow their way through t he rotting layers of earth and emerge to hunt once more. These Undead wolves are the hunting packs of Vampires, and gather around the castles of the Vampire Lor ds to follow the Princes of Undeath to war. Dire Wolves have skull-like heads an d rotting black fur. Their eyes glow with an unnatural light and their bodies di ssolve into nothing when they are finally slain. The strongest wolves, the ones that in life led the packs, are called Doom Wolves. They are specially raised by Vampires to lead their own packs in an unending service of carnage and darkness . {Dire_Wolf_descr_short}Fast creatures used as scouts and flankers {Vampire_skeleton_khorne_warrior}Krell s Personal Guards {Vampire_skeleton_khorne_warrior_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leavi ng only bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evi l magic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bronze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silv er. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their afterlives. These ones were chosen to protect their leader - the same leader they pro tected centuries ago. {Vampire_skeleton_khorne_warrior_descr_short}Elite bodyguards {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_axe}Undead Destroyers of Chaos {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_axe_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leaving on ly bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil mag ic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of br onze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bronz e or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silver. T hey were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-lives . {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_axe_descr_short}Light infantry {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior}Undead Warriors of Chaos {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leavin g only bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil magic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour o f bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry b ronze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silve r. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-l ives.

{Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_descr_short}Heavy infantry {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_halberd}Undead Halberd Warriors of Chaos {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_halberd_descr}Although their bodies have decayed , leaving only bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil magic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bronze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold a nd silver. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-lives. {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_halberd_descr_short}Heavy halberd infantry {Vampire_skeleton_chaos}Undead Chaos Marauders {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leaving only b ones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil magic s o strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bronze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silver. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-lives. {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_descr_short}Light cavalry {Karshtain_foot}Von Carsteins {Karshtain_foot_bodygard}Von Carstein Bodyguard {Karshtain_foot_bodygard_descr}Vampires are known by many names. Bretonnians cal l them Nosferatu, while in Kislev these evil creatures are known as Upyr. The fo lk of Estalia know them, however, as Wamphyri. Of all the undead, Vampires are t he most abhorred. They are immortals who were once human, but now carry the curs e of vampirism in their veins. Vampires are human in appearance, but their blood is tainted with supernatural energy. They must feed on the blood of the living to sustain themselves, or else they will fade into nothing. Though their outward appearance can fool all but the wisest, Vampires are wholly unnatural. They are stronger than any living man, capable of wrestling down a bear or cleaving a fu lly armoured man in two with one blow. A wound that would leave a man dead on th e battlefield has little effect on a Vampire. They can see the dark wind of necr omantic magic and bend it to their will. Of all the Vampires that have ever been known to man, the cursed bloodline of the von Carsteins is the most infamous. H andsome, arrogant, charismatic and proud, the von Carsteins are the true aristoc racy of the night. It was Vlad von Carstein, the first of their line, who brough t vampirism to the unhappy land of Sylvania. He inflicted the dread curse on all the greatest and most powerful nobles of the land, bound them to his will, and became the undisputed ruler and master of an Undead kingdom at the very heart of the Empire. {Karshtain_foot_bodygard_descr_short}Elite personal guards {Karshtain_foot_descr}Vampires are known by many names. Bretonnians call them No sferatu, while in Kislev these evil creatures are known as Upyr. The folk of Est alia know them, however, as Wamphyri. Of all the undead, Vampires are the most a bhorred. They are immortals who were once human, but now carry the curse of vamp irism in their veins. Vampires are human in appearance, but their blood is taint ed with supernatural energy. They must feed on the blood of the living to sustai n themselves, or else they will fade into nothing. Though their outward appearan ce can fool all but the wisest, Vampires are wholly unnatural. They are stronger than any living man, capable of wrestling down a bear or cleaving a fully armou red man in two with one blow. A wound that would leave a man dead on the battlef ield has little effect on a Vampire. They can see the dark wind of necromantic m agic and bend it to their will. Of all the Vampires that have ever been known to man, the cursed bloodline of the von Carsteins is the most infamous. Handsome, arrogant, charismatic and proud, the von Carsteins are the true aristocracy of t he night. It was Vlad von Carstein, the first of their line, who brought vampiri sm to the unhappy land of Sylvania. He inflicted the dread curse on all the grea test and most powerful nobles of the land, bound them to his will, and became th e undisputed ruler and master of an Undead kingdom at the very heart of the Empi re. {Karshtain_foot_descr_short}Elite infantry

{Vlad_guard}Drakenhof Guard {Vlad_guard_descr}In ancient times, the people of the Old World buried their her oes under mounds of earth, laying their equipment alongside them. The foul Black Magic of Necromancers can resurrect these ancient warriors, turning them into t he undead. Their flesh long since rotted, the magic of the necromancers is stron g enough to sustain their existence for centuries. They are guards wearing rust eaten armor of bronze and black iron, thick with the dust of time. Composed of s oldiers who devoted their lives to fight the Vampires, they tragically serve the m in the afterlife as tireless, ever vigilant guards patrolling the walls of kee ps like Drakenhof. Their arms bear an evil spell that can fell even the stronges t of enemies. The Drakenhof Guard was and still is the personal guard of every V ampire Count in Sylvania, beginning with Vlad von Carstein. They are better equi pped and are tougher than other Grave Guard units. {Vlad_guard_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {Vampire_skeleton_mount_chaos}Undead Horsemen of Chaos {Vampire_skeleton_mount_chaos_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leaving only bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil m agic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bro nze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silver. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-liv es. {Vampire_skeleton_mount_chaos_descr_short}Light cavalry {Grail_knights}Knights of the Black Grail {Grail_knights_descr}Among the most powerful of the Undead, these beings consist of the re-animated remains of Bretonnian Grail Knights and their horses. Each a ppears as a heavily armoured black knight, with baleful eyes of smouldering red flame visible through its visor. They are extremely powerful warriors and fight relentlessly in service of the necromancer who summoned them from beyond the gra ve. Fortunately, these abominations are rare. The corpse of a Grail Knight is fa r from easy for a budding necromancer to accquire, most often guarded by bands o f fanatical Grail Pilgrims within the temples to the Lady of the Lake. {Grail_knights_descr_short}Heavy shock cavalry {VAM_mage}Necrarchs {VAM_mage_descr}Necrarchs are loners. They are alchemists and sorcerers whom few can match. In the arts of black sorcery they have no equals amongst Vampires, a nd this more than compensates for their fighting skills, which are poor in compa rison with others of their kind. Hidden in secluded towers and dens, protected b y sorcerous wards and guarded by their Undead servants, the Nercrachs devote the ir eternal lives to the study of Necromantic magic. Because of their rarity, man y scholars doubt whether the Necrarchs really exist. But in the dark places of t he world, hidden from the eyes of men, the Necrarchs continue their slow, insidi ous work. One day their labours will bear fruit, and the world will know horror unlike any before it. {VAM_mage_descr_short}Powerful Vampire spellcasters {Karshtain_mount}Von Carstein Cavalry {Karshtain_mount_descr}Vampires are known by many names. Bretonnians call them N osferatu, while in Kislev these evil creatures are known as Upyr. The folk of Es talia know them, however, as Wamphyri. Of all the undead, Vampires are the most abhorred. They are immortals who were once human, but now carry the curse of vam pirism in their veins. Vampires are human in appearance, but their blood is tain ted with supernatural energy. They must feed on the blood of the living to susta in themselves, or else they will fade into nothing. Though their outward appeara nce can fool all but the wisest, Vampires are wholly unnatural. They are stronge r than any living man, capable of wrestling down a bear or cleaving a fully armo ured man in two with one blow. A wound that would leave a man dead on the battle field has little effect on a Vampire. They can see the dark wind of necromantic magic and bend it to their will. Of all the Vampires that have ever been known t o man, the cursed bloodline of the von Carsteins is the most infamous. Handsome, arrogant, charismatic and proud, the von Carsteins are the true aristocracy of

the night. It was Vlad von Carstein, the first of their line, who brought vampir ism to the unhappy land of Sylvania. He inflicted the dread curse on all the gre atest and most powerful nobles of the land, bound them to his will, and became t he undisputed ruler and master of an Undead kingdom at the very heart of the Emp ire. {Karshtain_mount_descr_short}Elite cavalry {Grudgebr_arb}Grudgebringer Crossbows {Grudgebr_arb_descr}As part of the respected Grudgebringer mercenary army these troops are skilled in their art and loyal to their Commander. They are armed wit h powerful crossbows, which have a long range but require line of sight to their target. Although they wield their crossbows with considerable skill, they are n ot particularly effective in hand-to-hand combat. {Grudgebr_arb_descr_short}Professional mercenary crossbowmen {Grudgebr_can}Grudgebringer Cannon {Grudgebr_can_descr}This machine fires heavy cannonballs which can tear through enemy regiments and light buildings with ease, but is progressively more inaccur ate the further it fires. Its enormously long range is only equalled by Orc Rock Lobbers, but it requires line of sight to its target as the cannonball is fired in a very shallow arc. Armour offers no protection against a strike from a cann on. {Grudgebr_can_descr_short}Artillery battery at the heart of an army on campaign {Grudgebr_cav}Grudgebringer Cavalry {Grudgebr_cav_bodyguard}Morgan Bernhardt s Bodyguard {Grudgebr_cav_bodyguard_descr}Taking their name from their Commander s powerful sword Grudgebringer , these mercenaries form the core of the army known as the Grudgebringers. They are skilled in combat and ride into battle on mighty warhor ses. These men have been chosen to accompany their commander Morgan Bernhardt fo r their prowess and professionalism in the heat of battle. {Grudgebr_cav_bodyguard_descr_short}Loyal and deadly bodyguards {Grudgebr_cav_descr}Taking their name from their Commander s powerful sword Gru dgebringer , these mercenaries form the core of the army known as the Grudgebrin gers. They are skilled in combat and ride into battle on mighty warhorses. {Grudgebr_cav_descr_short}Professional mercenary cavalry {Grudgebr_inf}Grudgebringer Infantry {Grudgebr_inf_descr}These warriors are highly experienced and proficient fighter s led by Sergeant Gunther Schepke, Bernhardt s second in command. As part of the respected mercenary army known as the Grudgebringers they are completely loyal to their Commander. {Grudgebr_inf_descr_short}All-round medium mercenary infantry {Buccaneers_bodyguard}Van Klumpf s Buccaneers Bodyguard {Buccaneers_bodyguard_descr}Van Klumpf s Buccaneers are also known as the Murder ers out of Marienburg and the Scourge of the Reik. These sellswords arrived at t he Reiksport in 2545 and have been offering their services ever since. As they h ave carved a brutal name for themselves on both land and river, their fees have steadily gone up. It is rumoured that Bartholomeus van Klumpf is the dispossesse d son of a Marienburg noble. This may be true as the Buccaneers are lavishly equ ipped - or at least they once were, before time and hard duty took its toll. The Buccaneers wear ornate tabards in Marienburg colours, but the rest of their gar b is rather drab. {Buccaneers_bodyguard_descr_short}Mercenaries out of Marienburg {Trebuchet}rebuchet {Trebuchet_descr}A trebuchet is a very powerful and accurate siege engine. It is sometimes called a "counterweight trebuchet" or "counterpoise trebuchet" in ord er to distinguish it from an earlier weapon that relied on pulling men instead o f a counterweight. It can fire projectiles of up to three hundred and fifty poun ds at high speeds into enemy fortifications, or units for that matter. Heavier a nd more difficult to relocate from one place to another than a catapult it still is favoured by commanders for its punch. {Trebuchet_descr_short}Very powerful siege engine {base_catapult}Catapult

{base_catapult_descr}A catapult is a device used to throw or hurl a projectile a great distance without the aid of explosive devices. It s easy to transport and with a bit of luck, and adequate preparation, it shouldn t run out of ammunitio n. Catapults can be very useful during sieges but a good general will know how t o use them in a field battle as well. {base_catapult_descr_short}Powerful siege engine of destruction {bord_axe}Border Princes Axemen {bord_axe_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and cons tantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintain standing armies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles. These men fight with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option. After many blood y conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies and their equipment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with that of Imperial sol diers. {bord_axe_descr_short}Mercenary axemen {nov_boyar_axe}Border Princes Druzhina {nov_boyar_axe_bodygard}Border Princes Druzhina Guard {nov_boyar_axe_bodygard_descr}These are professional soldiers for whom the art o f war has become a living. They have fought in many battles and very strong bond s of friendship have appeared between them. Standing in a tight formation, shoul der to shoulder with their comrades, they will fight even when all others falter . Their weapon of choice is a two-handed axe. With these terrible weapons their strategy is brilliantly simple - strike hard, for no armour can withstand their blows. They wear strong mail, that does not hamper their movement and is quite c omfortable when compared with other suits of similar fashion. {nov_boyar_axe_bodygard_descr_short}Sturdy all-round infantry {nov_boyar_axe_descr}These are professional soldiers for whom the art of war ha s become a living. They have fought in many battles and very strong bonds of fri endship have appeared between them. Standing in a tight formation, shoulder to s houlder with their comrades, they will fight even when all others falter. Their weapon of choice is a two-handed axe. With these terrible weapons their strategy is brilliantly simple - strike hard, for no armour can withstand their blows. T hey wear strong mail, that does not hamper their movement and is quite comfortab le when compared with other suits of similar fashion. {nov_boyar_axe_descr_short}Sturdy all-round infantry {border_princes_crossbowmen}Border Princes Crossbowmen {border_princes_crossbowmen_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and constantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintai n standing armies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles . These men fight with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option . After many bloody conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies a nd their equipment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with th at of Imperial soldiers. {border_princes_crossbowmen_descr_short}Mercenary crossbowmen {rus_ohotnik_sp}Hunters {rus_ohotnik_sp_descr}Hunters are an integral part to any small force, and are a bsolutely invaluable to a larger one. They are skilled at following a snow-cover ed trail that is days old, and sneaking up on the enemy using nothing but flat e arth and grass for cover. Their long spears make them quite able to fight at clo se quarters if cornered as well. {rus_ohotnik_sp_descr_short}Nimble infantry armed with long spears {rus_razboinik_axe}Brigands {rus_razboinik_axe_descr}Brigands and robbers hide in the forests, plundering me rchant caravans and pilgrims. In the darkest of hours, however, when danger thre atens their own homes and families, these ruffians respond to the call of the pr inces and join the militia. Desperate, they know how it is important to win the day not for the fat priests and nobles but for themselves and their families. {rus_razboinik_axe_descr_short}Irregular unit of sturdy thugs

{carlsson_cav_body}Border Princes Heavy Cavalry {carlsson_cav_body_descr}Grizzled veterans covered in scars gained over a lifeti me of war. They are the finest warriors these lands have shaped and so they form the bodyguard of the powerful individuals who lead their armies into battle. Th ey can afford the best armour and weapons in order to unleash their fury on the enemies of their lands. {carlsson_cav_body_descr_short}Heavy mercenary cavalry {ICE_mage}Ice Mages {ICE_mage_descr}The rulers of Kislev are mighty warrior-sorcerers, practitioners of a brand of magic which is quite unlike that of the Wizards of the Colleges o f Magic. This magic draws its powers from the land, and is concerned with the ma nipulation of chill, frost, and biting winds. The winters of Kislev are savage, merciless, and cruelly long, and it is when the land lies under the grip of the ice that an ancient primeval force stirs in the heart of the nation. When the sp ring returns to the north the power of the Ice Mages of Kislev wanes, and they a re at their weakest at mid summer before it grows again with the coming of winte r. Of all the Ice Mages, the greatest is Katarin, daughter of the Tzar Bokha. {ICE_mage_descr_short}Powerful practitioners of ice magic {Kislev_War_wagon}Kislevite War Wagon {Kislev_War_wagon_descr}The nomadic tribes of Kislev often move across the stepp e using huge wagons pulled by many horses, and sometimes even white bears. When they are attacked these wagons form a defensive circle with the entire tribe ins ide. From this tradition the Kislevites have developed the military wagon - smal ler and better armoured than the original steppe wagons, armed with crossbows, b ows, handguns and crammed with warriors. On an open battlefield - such as the st eppes - these provide solid defensive barriers against the enemy s advance. {Kislev_War_wagon_descr_short}Mobile artillery unit {Kreml_guard_bodygard}Kreml Guard Bodyguard {Kreml_guard_bodygard_descr}Every ruler requires a bodyguard, a select group of dedicated soldiers who will defend him to the end. Long have the Tzars and Tzari nas been protected by the Kreml Guard, who watch over them as well as the palace of Kreml. Composed of men hand picked for their loyalty and martial skills, out fitted in armour crafted by Kislev s finest smiths, and wielding enormous axes, these men are to be avoided on the battlefield. {Kreml_guard_bodygard_descr_short}Heavy attack oriented infantry {Kislev_Spear}Kislev Spearmen {Kislev_Spear_descr}In times of war, every village and town in Kislev is expecte d to raise a company of soldiers. As opposed to most other militias, these men a re well trained and heavily armoured. In addition to this, they have endured a l ifetime of war and hardship and are thus more than capable of holding a line wit h their long spears and pushing back whatever spawn of chaos assaults their belo ved country. {Kislev_Spear_descr_short}Spear wielding soldiers {Kislev_Dragoon}Mounted Militia {Kislev_Dragoon_descr}These units are formed and funded by the Kislevite gentry. Their equipment is of a high standard and these men know how to use it in battl e. Their role is to harass the flanks of the enemy with their handguns, picking of officers and generally disrupting the line of battle. If it comes to hand com bat they can withstand much but eventually will be forced to retreat. {Kislev_Dragoon_descr_short}Mounted militia gunners {Kislev_Chekist_bodiguard}Chekists Bodyguard {Kislev_Chekist_bodiguard_descr}Chekists protect the people of Kislev from the f ilth of Chaos. Some might say that they act as the Imperial Inquisition but that is not the case. Instead of being overly visible to the public, they operate wi thout leaving a trace, maintaining order in the army and destroying the seeds of chaos in the lands of Kislev. They are the eyes and ears of the Tzar, and also serve as the personal bodyguards of high ranking government officials, protectin g them from heretics while also ensuring they do not succumb to the temptations of chaos. {Kislev_Chekist_bodiguard_descr_short}Mace bearing cavalrymen

{Sasha_bodyguard}Gryphon Legion Bodyguard {Sasha_bodyguard_descr}The most famed regiment of the Winged Lancers are the Gry phon Legion. Born to the highest ranking nobles, these knights travel far and wi de and operate as mercenaries when not called to battle by the Tzar himself. The regiment was founded as a token of eternal friendship between Kislev and the Em pire, and as such they are garrisoned in the Empire. Their name derives from an expedition during which their commander at the time, Vladic Dostov, slew a Gryph on single-handedly. They are famous for their uniforms which feature wings made from gryphon feathers upon their backs. {Sasha_bodyguard_descr_short}Best heavy cavalry Kislev has to offer {Kislev_Nobel_bodyguard}Sons of Ursun Bodyguard {Kislev_Nobel_bodyguard_descr}Ursun is the Father of Bears and the patron god of Kislev. High atop the sacred Ice Mountains stands a great temple dedicated to t he Great Spirit Bear. It is said that this fortress monastery was founded by Bor is Ursa; the Forever Tzar. Great White Bears guard the iron gates of this formid able place and the time of its inhabitants is devouted to learning the art of wa r. When the Sons of Ursun go to war and brandish their proud standards, Kislevit es take heart and their enemies flee before these mighty knights and their fears ome war bears. These men are hand picked by the Kislevite nobility to protect an d serve them. {Kislev_Nobel_bodyguard_descr_short}Fearsome warriors on mighty bears {HE_mage}High Elf Mages {HE_mage_descr}By the efforts of the High Elf Mages Ulthuan is kept from sinking beneath the waves and the dread powers of Chaos are kept at bay. The need for p owerful Mages and careful, scrupulous mastery of magic in High Elf society is as great as anywhere, and the Elves that devote their lives to magic are treated w ith the same respect and honour as lords. In times of strife, the Phoenix King w ill beseech the Tower of Hoeth for aid, and the Loremasters of Saphery never shr ink from their duty. The Mages who accompany the High Elf armies are truly maste rs of their art. With skill derived through arduous study they deflect the spell s of the enemy, becalming the Winds of Magic, as they put years of learning and lore into practice. A swiftly spoken incantation by a High Elven mage can embold en wavering allies, summoning the glory of the Golden Age of Ulthuan to the mind s of the High Elves and steadying fearful hearts. Likewise, a mage can immolate an entire regiment of enemy warriors - directing the vengeful fires of Asuryan a gainst the foe and blasting flesh from bone. {HE_mage_descr_short}Powerful spellcasters from the land of Saphery {HE_Swordmaster_bodyguard}Swordmasters of Hoeth Bodyguard {HE_Swordmaster_bodyguard_descr}Many are the paths to wisdoms. Some fast and med itate for years, others study obscure and arcane tomes, but for others the true path is martial prowess. These are the swordmasters, who learn to fight with the ir bare hands and any weapon they can get their hands on, especially their finel y balanced ceremonial greatswords. The centre of this cult is the White Tower of Hoeth, where they study the secret ways of battle, honing their bodies, minds, and skills to unbelievable levels. Legends abound of them fighting in complete d arkness, guided only by their foes breath; others say they can cut candles in ha lf and not disturb the flame. Whatever the truth, they are deadly opponents, eag er to practise their great skills in real combat, in the arena where there is no room for second best. This is the true test of their mettle, and the one they m ost eagerly seek. {HE_Swordmaster_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite infantry armed with greatswords {Phoenix_guard_bodygard}Phoenix Guard Bodyguard {Phoenix_guard_bodygard_descr}Of the many great warriors of Ulthuan, the most te rrifying to face are the Phoenix Guard. Silent guardians of the Shrine of Asurya n, their main duty is to defend the shrines and the pilgrims who travel there. M ost important is the Eternal Flame, which the Phoenix King must pass through to recieve Asuryan s blessing. The secret to their unnatural silence lies in the Ch amber of Days, a hidden room whose walls blaze with words of flame, writ on the naked stone itself. These stones tell the histories of the past, present, and fu ture Phoenix Kings, as well as their own furture. This wipes the joy from them,

setting their faces into grim expressions of doom. They are always where the fig hting is thickest and most desperate, already knowing if they shall succeed or f ail. {Phoenix_guard_bodygard_descr_short}Heavily armoured halberdiers {Champion_of_Slaanesh_bodygard}Slaanesh Chosen Bodyguard {Champion_of_Slaanesh_bodygard_descr}These men are devoted to the Dark Prince of Chaos, Slaanesh. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Cl ad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and m ore strongly built. The Warriors of Slaanesh most often wear fine silks wrapped around their armour, which is polished and has many different ornaments. Their s kin is tattoed and pierced with obscene sigils and runes. They fight with effort less grace and exquisite precision. The favoured of Slaanesh are beautiful to be hold, they are so adored by lesser men that they become more and more self absor bed the higher in the hierarchy they get. These Chosen ultimately strive to asce nd to the rank of the truly exalted of Slaanesh. They constantly seek more pleas ure in the forms of music, art and passion. Sadism, perversion and cruelty are a lso a way of pleasure to the followers of Slaanesh. The favourite excess of thes e men is in the field of battle, where they can bathe in the blood of their foes and rejoice in their screams of agony. {Champion_of_Slaanesh_bodygard_descr_short}Chosen armed with fell swords and lar ge shields {Champion_of_Nurgl_bodygard}Nurgle Chosen Bodyguard {Champion_of_Nurgl_bodygard_descr}These men are devoted to the Great Lord of Dec ay, Nurgle. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrio r. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more st rongly built. The Chosen of Nurgle have been granted gifts that allow them to su stain wounds that would fell all others. This, however, comes at a cost, as they are even more horrific to look upon then other Champions of Chaos, for their sk in is rent and torn and their stomachs bloated with corpse gas. A Chosen s ultim ate strife is to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted. A miasma of pestilence hangs around the warriors of Nurgle when they march to battle. Clouds of fat bo died flies surround the favoured of Father Nurgle, bathing in exposed sores and pustules, clustering into eyes, nostrils and ears. This sounds nauseating to the ears of a mortal but the favoured of the Plaguelord rejoice as it is a sign of his approval. Their rusted and pock marked blades bring their deadly gifts even closer to the foe in the battlefield. {Champion_of_Nurgl_bodygard_descr_short}Chosen armed with maces {TZ_mage_upg}Tzeentch Sorcerers on Discs {TZ_mage_upg_descr}Few of the followers of Tzeentch can reach the end of the lon g road that leads to the title of Champion, but those few become the most awesom e of all Champions of the Dark Gods. They are blessed with both exceptional warr ior skills and the mighty magical powers of the Lord of Magic. This deadly combi nation makes them very dangerous foes - cunning leaders and awesome warriors who command their armies with unerring prescience. These particular Champions use t he dreaded Discs of Tzeentch. These bizarre creations are neither daemon nor con struction, but a nightmarish blend of the two. Coruscating with mystical force, discs hover several feet above the ground, skimming gently forward upon the wind s of magic themselves. While the gibbering hordes of the Changing One leap and g ambol along the ground, the proud sorcerers of Tzeentch drift above them on the floating Discs, raining magical fire upon their foes. {TZ_mage_upg_descr_short}Powerful spellcasters on fast moving constructs {Champion_of_Tzeentch_bodygard}Tzeentch Chosen Bodyguard {Champion_of_Tzeentch_bodygard_descr}These men are devoted to the Changer of Way s, Tzeentch. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warri or. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more s trongly built. The Tzeentch Chosen differ from other Chosen of Chaos due to the mutations Tzeentch bestows upon them, including features like claws and feathers

, or an extra limb protruding from the chest. Tzeenetch constantly changes the p hysical form of his devotees, often forming grotesque appearances. The Chosen s ultimate aim is to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted. The Champions of Tze entch are blessed with great battle abilities as well as arcane powers. His warr iors are gifted with the preternatural ability to perceive and react to differen t futures. The armour and weapons of the Tzeentch Warriors are magically enchant ed by Tzeentch himself and a Chosen wields these weapons with great proficiency, bringing death towards his foes. When a battle host devoted to Tzeentch is pres ent the tide of battle tends to change in... drastic ways. An impenetrable fort ress might be transformed into a death trap, a hero might be reduced to a mere p easant. All that is certain is that things will change, and Tzeentch likes it so much better when the changes can be wrought in flesh or blood. For the transfor mation of life and death is the most profound of all. {Champion_of_Tzeentch_bodygard_descr_short}Chosen with two-handed weapons {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_juggernaut}Chosen Knights of Khorne on Juggernauts Bodyguard {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_juggernaut_descr}The Juggernauts of Khorne are mass ive armoured creatures that are part Daemon and part enchanted metal. Mighty bea sts of groaning iron and brass, they stand taller than a man, with fire for bloo d and a beating daemonic heart. They are forged in dark flames and bound with di re runes, their primordial rage barely held within a shell of metallic muscle an d bone. The most favoured Champions of Khorne ride atop a Juggernaut. The charge of a Juggernaut causes the ground itself to tremble, and the protection afforde d by the armoured bodies of these monsters ensures that the rider can plunge int o the thickest of enemy formations without fear. Few can stand before such an un holy union of warrior and unnatural mount. {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_juggernaut_descr_short}The elite butchers of the Ol d World on massive Juggernauts {Champion_of_Khorne_bodygard}Khorne Chosen Bodyguard {Champion_of_Khorne_bodygard_descr}These men are devoted to the Blood God, Khorn e. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plat e armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more strongly bu ilt. The armour of a Chosen of Khorne is decorated with the marks of the Blood G od. These Chosen have fully devoted themselves to the God of Skulls, granting th em exceptional prowess in battle. Savouring in the slaughter of his foes, each w arrior becomes an unstoppable war beast unlike any other in the Old World. The W arriors of Khorne keep a grim silence as they march, each embraced in waking dre ams of slaughter and carnage. The only desire of a Chosen of Khorne is to bring death upon his foes and contribute to the Skull Throne of Khorne. This is an ete rnal struggle as Khorne has an unquenchable thirst for blood and skulls. Many Ch osen bear blades that have tasted the blood of the noblest princes in the Empire , for a Chosen goes where he pleases, cutting down all who stand in his way. Bat tle lines have broken by the mere sight of Khorne Chosen closing in upon them, t heir blades raised under their war cry: Blood for the Blood God! {Champion_of_Khorne_bodygard_descr_short}Chosen wielding two axes {Chaos_War_Mammoth}Chaos War Mammoth {Chaos_War_Mammoth_descr}The huge War Mammoth is one of the most terrifying sigh ts to come from the frozen wastes. It is often seen on the frontlines, trampling and devouring its foes. Nothing deters an enraged Mammoth. It is massive, shaki ng the ground with its foot falls, bellowing and snorting as it crushes all befo re it. All those who see it tremble in fear and despair. The Mammoth just walks right into and over the enemy, crushing them beneath its massive feet, smashing them with its trunk and tusks and generally throwing its massive weight about. T his can have a devastating effect on densely packed troops. Once a Mammoth is ba dly wounded (which is highly improbable) it is likely to become uncontrollably w ild, and begin to rampage out of control, killing, smashing and trampling friend s and foes. {Chaos_War_Mammoth_descr_short}Massive beast of war {Warrior_of_chaos_bodygard}Chaos Warriors Bodyguard

{Warrior_of_chaos_bodygard_descr}Chaos Warriors hail from the northern tribes. I n the north every man worships the gods of Chaos in one way or another. These me n have devoted themselves completely to the gods, leaving behind petty things li ke love and comfort. They now wage a constant war in the name of the dark gods. His family are the warriors walking next to him and his bride is his blade. The strength of a Chaos Warrior is immense and his body is as hard as stone. He stan ds a head taller than those he once called brothers. They now look upon him with fear and awe. Each Chaos Warrior is held in great respect by the tribes of the north as he equals several combat-hardened mortal men in battle. A Chaos Warrior is a great resource to any army of chaos. They have no need for food, water or sleep and can march with an unchanged pace for weeks, ignoring any weather. In b attle he becomes an unstoppable beast, arrows deflected from his armour like rai n as he charges into the enemy formations crushing whatever resistance is given. {Warrior_of_chaos_bodygard_descr_short}Frenzied barbarian warriors {Norsk_wheelers}Whalers {Norsk_wheelers_descr}Whaling is an important trade for Norsca, and whalers are respected even among the warriors. Swimming through the dark currents of the Sea of Chaos are massive whales, many of which bear strange markings and odd colour ations, twisted and warped as they are by the power of Chaos. These monsters can capsize ships and swallow hunderds of men in a single gulp. Thus, whalers must be made of sterner stuff than ordinary fishermen. On the battlefield, whalers fo rm small units that run forward and harass the enemy lines with their javelins. Though they are more used to using them on the creatures of the Sea of Claws, an y target works just as fine. {Norsk_wheelers_descr_short}Light skirmishers {Norsk_bonds}Bondsmen {Norsk_bonds_descr}The Bondsman is a young fighter who is still inexperienced. H e is a warrior in service to a particular Jarl, expected to live in the Jarl s H all, share the Jarl s food, and be steadfastly loyal. In exchange for his pledge of loyalty, the Jarl rewards service with gifts, such as weapons and armour, an d to the very best, lands and a title. The worth of the gift is never measured i n actual value, but rather the prestige it bestows on the bondsman. It s importa nt to remember such gifts do not make the bondsman a mercenary; rather, it is a reward for constant and loyal service. The Norse also place great store in a war rior s ability with a bow. Bowmen are often recruited from the poorer warriors, as well as from those who are particularly good shots. The Norse practise all co mpetitive sports including archery, but most favour throwing weapons. {Norsk_bonds_descr_short}Light infantry {Norsk_huscarl}Huscarls {Norsk_huscarl_descr}The Huscarls form the warrior elite of the Norscan armies. They vary in background from accomplished veterans to minor nobles. Of all the N orse, the Huscarls have the most flexible tactical possibilities. They can charg e headlong into the foe with the rest of the army, or they can slowly advance un der the cover of a well made shield wall, allowing them to penetrate deep into t he enemy s battle line. The warriors of this force are highly trained and motiva ted, and although they are an informal unit they can act together with perfect c oordination, only achieved by years of battlefield experience and mutual trust. {Norsk_huscarl_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {free_company_heavy_bodyguard}Heavy Free Company {free_company_heavy_bodyguard_descr}Roving bands of mercenaries or bandits retur ning from such wild and lawless places as the Border Princes or the Wasteland ar e a plentiful source of irregular troops for an Elector Count. Battles in far-of f lands have forged these Men into hardened warriors, but most are unable to set tle back into normal society upon their return. They are hardy fighters and are well used to the rigours of war, but are uncouth, disreputable sorts, liable to cause trouble roaming around in dangerous, and often well-armed, bands. An Elect or Count might seek to recruit these mercenaries for their skill in battle, but also to bring them under some sort of control and thus prevent brigandage going unchecked in his land. Elector Counts are also known to throw such units into th e thickest fighting, knowing that dead mercenaries do not require paying.

{free_company_heavy_bodyguard_descr_short}Irregular troops wearing heavy leather armour {Halfling}Lumpin Croop s Fighting Cocks {Halfling_descr}Lumpin Croop and his band wear the time-honoured costume of Half ling poachers and gamekeepers. This consists of a leather coat and trousers, dec orated with plumes and furs. They also have distinctive fur caps made of fox-ski n, beaver, or the pelt of some other wild creature, with the tail dangling down the back. The Halflings carry packs, flasks and satchels full of provisions. The y also wear light, armoured jackets either beneath or over their leather coats a nd carry a shield, often strapped to their back to leave both hands free for sho oting. Lumpin s own shield has all the appearance of having once been the dartbo ard in the Old Pig and Bucket. {Halfling_descr_short}Light infantry armed with bows {steam_tank}Conqueror Steam Tank {steam_tank_descr}Steam Tanks are monstrous, smoke-belching creations that rumbl e towards the enemy, firing deadly cannonballs from their steam-powered guns. Th e advance of these iron behemoths is terrifying to behold, as arrows ricochet fr om the armoured hulls and enemy warriors are crushed beneath their immense bulk. Powered by a pressurised boiler that siphons steam through pipes and pistons, t he Steam Tank is the inspired design of the famed Leonardo of Miragliano. Twelve steam tanks were originally built, though only eight now remain, carefully main tained by the College of Engineers. In times of war, the College may sanction th e use of these rare and valuable machines should the threat be dire enough. {steam_tank_descr_short}The most powerful creation in the Imperial arsenal {Cursed_Company_bodyguard}The Cursed Company of Richter Kreugar {Cursed_Company_bodyguard_descr}The dark legend of Richter Kreugar the Damned an d his Cursed Company has been told for countless years across the Empire. A trag ic tale of betrayal, greed and revenge, the details and truth behind the stories have long become hazy and unclear as the story has been told and retold for gen erations. Richter was said to have allied with a powerful Necromancer, aiding hi m in his diabolical campaign against the Empire, terrorising the heavily foreste d area around Wolfenburg. After many months of fighting, the Imperial forces beg an to wear down the Necromancer and pushed him deeper into the forest. Seeing th e Necromancer faltering, Richter accepted the bribes of an Imperial agent, takin g a chance to make some easy money. During the battle Richter struck down the fo ul Necromancer, but to his horror he was placed under a curse which would change his life into a living hell. Richter was transformed into an undead abomination . And so it is that he stalks the Old World and beyond. Hundreds of years since his death he is still seeking oblivion and peace, yet he is never able to achiev e his final rest. He continues his doomed existence in the desperate hope that o ne time when his skeletal body is slain, he will finally know the relief of true death. {Cursed_Company_bodyguard_descr_short}Cursed company of skeletons {witch_hunters}Witch Hunters {witch_hunters_descr}The practice of magic beyond the structures of the Colleges of Magic in Altdorf is utterly forbidden and is a crime punished by the most pa inful death. Those that dare to employ fell sorcery are branded malevolent witch es and it is the duty of the much-feared witch hunters to hunt down and destroy such nefarious villains. This work is increadibly dangerous and is undertaken by only the boldest of souls who hold the faith of Sigmar close to their hearts, f or rogue sorcerers and witches are powerful enemies who gather all manner of vil e creatures of Chaos to them. Though given to a terse and brooding manner, witch hunters are seldom solitary individuals. Indeed, witch hunters often recruit wa rbands of warriors, priests and Wizards to accompany them in their travails, for the prey of a witch hunter is fought not only in the land of the physical, but also in the realms of the spiritual and magical. {witch_hunters_descr_short}Exceptional band of feared warriors {Huss_bodyguard}Luthor Huss s Bodyguard {Huss_bodyguard_descr}Luthor Huss is a renegade Warrior Priest who travels throu ghout the Empire preaching the word of Sigmar and bringing death to the follower

s of evil. Sent to Altdorf at an early age on a holy mission, Luthor was dismaye d to see that many of the Priests of Sigmar were clergymen more concerned with p olitics than the holy mission bestowed upon them by Sigmar; the fight against Ch aos. He rejected this and vowed to fight the corruption amongst the priests and the forces of chaos at the same time. Luthor appears most often wherever the for ces of Empire are facing evil and unholy enemies, be they the followers of the D ark Gods, Beastmen, Skaven or the Undead. All such abominations are blasphemies against Sigmar and must be destroyed by the faithful. He is accompanied by loyal warriors who will gladly fight for, and if necessary, die for him. {Huss_bodyguard_descr_short}Warrior Priest with his retinue {Ulrpriest}Warrior Priests of Ulric {Ulrpriest_descr}In Middenland, like nowhere else in the Empire, Sigmar falls se cond in worship to one of the Old Gods: Ulric, the wolf god of winter. In the no rth of the Empire life is harsh; the winters are freezing, the soil is poor, and the forests crawl with Goblins and Beastmen. Ulric is the state s patron becaus e he is as harsh as the land itself, and the strength and independence he expect s from his followers hardens the people to the austernity of their existence. Ul ric s Priests reflect this quality. All clerics of Ulric are ferocious fighters, for entry into the cult of Ulric is forbidden to those who do not follow a mart ial pursuit. This is because Ulric is a warrior first and foremost, expecting hi s followers to confront problems head-on and by force of arms whenever possible. In battle, the Priests of Ulric are the embodiment of the spirit of Ulric, swin ging their axes and swords and crying oaths to their enemies with the ferocity o f the Wolf God himself. The fighters around them are filled with courage, and th e faith and strength of the warriors of Ulric is indomitable. {Ulrpriest_descr_short}Powerful holy warriors fighting in the name of Ulric {Stirland_river_patrol_halberd}Stir River Patrol Halberdmen {Stirland_river_patrol_halberd_descr}Every province and each city state in the E mpire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In t he case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and i n the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops , these forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. The mighty Stir river runs from the Worlds Edge Mountains to the Reik, forming the border of St irland and a well-plied trade route. The watery highway must be constantly patro lled, as the wealthy merchant barges attract attention of the worst kind. Stirla nd send its best and bravest men to protect this vital route. {Stirland_river_patrol_halberd_descr_short}Professional infantry, excelling at f ighting in swampy and rugged terrain {Ostland_Handgunners} stland Hunters {Ostland_Handgunners_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these fo rces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. The province of Ostland i s heavily forested and the presence of the Middle Mountains means that much of t he region is rocky and barren, home to Orcs, Goblins and worse. As a result the people of Ostland are a hardy lot, and have a reputation across the Empire being tough. These men are trained to fight in the thick forest of Ostland, providing covering fire for other advancing units. {Ostland_Handgunners_descr_short}Sturdy, talented bowmen {dismounted_Reiksguard_bodygurad}Dismounted Reiksguard Bodyguard {dismounted_Reiksguard_bodygurad_descr}The Reiksguard Knights are the Emperor s best troops and, as such, form the core of his household guard. The Order is bar racked in the comparative comfort of Altdorf, and accompanies the Emperor on cam paign and during diplomatic tours throughout the Empire. In battle the Reiksguar d favour fighting in large regiments, the better to cow the enemy with the full might of a decisive charge. But there are times when these proud warriors must f ight on foot. Imperial history is full of references to great battles won by a s

talwart defence by the Reiksguard Foot. Hence, only fools would question the imp ortance of such a regiment. {dismounted_Reiksguard_bodygurad_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry of the Emperor {Nuln_enge}Nuln Master Engineers with Repeater Handguns {Nuln_enge1}Nuln Master Engineers with Hochland Long Rifles {Nuln_enge1_descr}Founded over five hundred years ago, the Imperial College of E ngineers was the brainchild of Leonardo of Miragliano, a mad genius from the fra ctious land of Tilea, and his patron, the Prince of Altdorf. This institution at tracted many forward thinking individuals, eager to develop the new science of e ngineering. Over the years, the college has grown larger, even attracting renega de Dwarf engineers cast from their halls for attempting to improve tried and t ested Dwarf technology. While they are not soldiers, Engineers are often found o n the battlefield, taking advantage of the fighting to field-test their latest i nventions or snipe at the enemy with a variety of powerful experimental handguns . The contraptions Engineers bring to battle range from utterly lethal devices, such as the Helblaster Volley Gun or the Repeater Handgun that has a high rate o f fire, to the downright bizarre, such as von Hugon s Terror Bell, the Thunder B arrel or the Herstel-Wenckler Pigeon Bombs. {Nuln_enge1_descr_short}Nuln Master Engineers using Leon Todmeister s fantabulou sly far-reaching harquebus of unforeseeable and unperceived bereavement {Nuln_enge_descr}Founded over five hundred years ago, the Imperial College of En gineers was the brainchild of Leonardo of Miragliano, a mad genius from the frac tious land of Tilea, and his patron, the Prince of Altdorf. This institution att racted many forward thinking individuals, eager to develop the new science of en gineering. Over the years, the college has grown larger, even attracting renegad e Dwarf engineers cast from their halls for attempting to improve tried and te sted Dwarf technology. While they are not soldiers, Engineers are often found on the battlefield, taking advantage of the fighting to field-test their latest in ventions or snipe at the enemy with a variety of powerful experimental handguns. The contraptions Engineers bring to battle range from utterly lethal devices, s uch as the Helblaster Volley Gun or the Repeater Handgun that has a high rate of fire, to the downright bizarre, such as von Hugon s Terror Bell, the Thunder Ba rrel or the Herstel-Wenckler Pigeon Bombs. {Nuln_enge_descr_short}Nuln Master Enginners using von Meinkopt s Whirling Caval cade of Death {blackguard}Ostland Black Guard {blackguard_descr}The Ostland Black Guard is a stalwart and highly experienced r egiment. Their exploits have earned them fame throughout their native state and beyond. With such a fierce reputation, and numerous deeds of honour and courage providing the narrative to their long history, it is little wonder these warrior s have fought in countless campaigns for many different electors. The Black Guar d regiment is stationed in the city of Wolfenburg. Soldiers of promise from othe r, less prestigious regiments are inducted into the ranks of the Black Guard pur ely on the basis of merit. A candidate must have proved himself to be not only a great fighter, but also to be a man with a stalwart soul and impervious courage in the heat of battle. The Black Guard are a professional infantry regiment pai d for by the state and kept at full fighting strength of some five hundred men a s part of the permanent standing army. {blackguard_descr_short}Ostland s elite regiment {Nuln_Pikeman}Nuln Pikemen {Nuln_Pikeman_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the pr ovinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regard less of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces ar e known as the State Troops or State Regiments. The province of Wissenland, bein g a southern state, has been heavily influenced by the fractious kingdoms of Til ea, and has adopted many of their customs. Perhaps the most distinctive feature borrowed has been the pike, replacing the traditional Imperial spear. It is from

these roots that the Nuln Pikemen were shaped, a paradox of a unit in a city mo re traditionally known for producing some of the finest gunners and artillery cr ews in the Empire thanks to the Imperial Gunnery School. Despite their seeming o ddity, these men are trained professionals, forming a solid hedge of bristling p ike tips as they march relentlessly towards the enemy. {Nuln_Pikeman_descr_short}Professional infantry armed with pikes {Nuln_guard}Nuln Guards {Nuln_guard_descr}The eighth son of Valmir von Raukov, the Elector Count of Ostl and, Boris left his homeland for Nuln seeking glory and distinction as an office r in the forces of the Empire. No doubt assisted by his noble bloodline, his you thful enthusiasm has secured him a position of command over this regiment of Hal berdiers. {Nuln_guard_descr_short}Profesional regiment of sturdy soldiers {horned_hunters}Horned Hunters {horned_hunters_descr}The Horned Hunters prowl the woods both within the crater walls of the Taalbaston and throughout Talabecland and claim allegiance only to Taal - the God of nature and the wilderness. The rites of Taal demand great ment al, physical and emotional fortitude from its practitioners. Some see the trappi ngs of civilisation - cities, courts, and the like - as a failing in the interpr etation of Taal s will. Followers of Taal avoid firearms and other works of scie nce, preferring to take pride in their strength and natural skill. {horned_hunters_descr_short}Expert infiltrators {Knight_Orden_Gold_Lion}Knights of the Gold Lion {Knight_Orden_Gold_Lion_descr}A secular Order, the Knights of the Gold Lion are unusual in that they were founded in Araby during the Crusades. A group of disen chanted Knights had fled to a backwater Arabian village after their army had suf fered a crushing defeat. There, these Knights began to despair of ever returning home. One Knight, Erich von Strommer, took it upon himself to restore their res olve. To prove the truth of their cause, he set out into the savanna to take the head of a man-eating lion. He claimed that should he succeed in this impossible task, it would be a sure sign of Sigmar s favor. Days passed, but return he did , near delirious, bearing the head of a massive lion. The Knights were filled wi th courage, renamed themselves in honor of the feat, forged out into the desert, and eventually met up with allies. Since then, the Order of the Gold Lion has s erved the Empire as one of its most loyal Knightly Orders. {Knight_Orden_Gold_Lion_descr_short}The Empire s finest knights {Marienburg_guard}Marienburg Guards {Marienburg_guard_descr}Marienburg is like an acrobat on a tightrope, constantly balancing a dozen spinning dishes on a pole while trying not to fall into a poo l of sharks. Should her leaders overbalance one way or another, the whole act wo uld collapse and she would be eaten alive by one or another of her powerful neig hbours. So far, the Directorate has shown itself to be a master of the high wire . Not that Marienburg relies solely on money to protect herself. Mercenaries, mo stly from Tilea, Kislev and Norsca, supplement the city s watch and levies on th e rare occasions that they have to take to the field. The Great Houses have prov ided both ships, for the suppression of piracy, and arms of the best known quali ty for their small private armies. Marienburg Guards are known for stubborness a nd great proficiency when it comes to fending of attackers. They are well paid f or their service by the Great Houses so no one can even think of bribing them. T hey obey only the Marienburg Guilder. {Marienburg_guard_descr_short}Disciplined all-round unit {Greatswords_bodyguard_mar}Burgomeister s Personal Guard {Greatswords_bodyguard_mar_descr}Marienburg is like an acrobat on a tightrope, c onstantly balancing a dozen spinning dishes on a pole while trying not to fall i nto a pool of sharks. Should her leaders overbalance one way or another, the who le act would collapse and she would be eaten alive by one or another of her powe rful neighbours. So far, the Directorate has shown itself to be a master of the high wire. Not that Marienburg relies solely on money to protect herself. Mercen aries, mostly from Tilea, Kislev and Norsca, supplement the city s watch and lev ies on the rare occasions that they have to take to the field. The Great Houses

have provided both ships, for the suppression of piracy, and arms of the best kn own quality for their small private armies. When you are an important figure in Marienburg you need the best possible bodyguards money can buy. These soldiers w ill defend you, and if need be, die for you, knowing they did everyhting to stop your enemies. Their protection comes at a high price but you can be sure you ve spent your money wisely. {Greatswords_bodyguard_mar_descr_short}Marienburburg s finest {Marienburg_archers}Marienburg Archers {Marienburg_archers_descr}Marienburg is like an acrobat on a tightrope, constant ly balancing a dozen spinning dishes on a pole while trying not to fall into a p ool of sharks. Should her leaders overbalance one way or another, the whole act would collapse and she would be eaten alive by one or another of her powerful ne ighbours. So far, the Directorate has shown itself to be a master of the high wi re. Not that Marienburg relies solely on money to protect herself. Mercenaries, mostly from Tilea, Kislev and Norsca, supplement the city s watch and levies on the rare occasions that they have to take to the field. The Great Houses have pr ovided both ships, for the suppression of piracy, and arms of the best known qua lity for their small private armies. Expert archers are the city s first line of defence, waiting on high, inpenetrable walls and greeting the enemies with voll ies of deadly arrows. Marienburg Archers are well paid soldiers ready to defend their rich patrons, and even die if the siutation calls for it. {Marienburg_archers_descr_short}Light unit with longbows {Redguard}Scarlet Guard {Redguard_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own arm y which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provin ces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the Cit y States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are kn own as the State Troops or State Regiments. The Scarlet Guard of Stirland played a decisive role in the battle of Hel Fenn (2145 IC). Armed with halberds, the G uard held back a terrible onslaught by the Undead long enough for the Imperial k nights to sweep in from the flank. This regiment is still in service today, wear ing bright red uniforms rather than the standard green and yellow. {Redguard_descr_short}Professional halberdiers {Marine}Nordland Marines {Marine_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the province s these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless o f whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are know n as the State Troops or State Regiments. Nordland is one of the less powerful p rovinces in the Empire, but is renowned for its navy and its heavily tolled coas tal roads which provide safe passage for rich merchants travelling to Marienburg . Some State Regiments, including the famous Nordland Marines, are experts at tr avelling and deploying swiftly by sea and are invaluable in intercepting fast-mo ving sea borne attackers. {Marine_descr_short}Swift and deadly light infantry {Greatswords_bodyguard}Greatswords Bodyguard {Greatswords_bodyguard_descr}Alongside the common infantry, Elector Counts and B urgomeisters can normally count on more specialised troops. These are the Greats words, an elite heavy infantry that forms the lord s personal guard. Members of the Greatswords are personally picked by the Elector Counts from among the champ ions of their troops. To gain such a promotion, a soldier must distinguish himse lf under the eyes of his commanding officers or accomplish some heroic feat of a rms. Greatswords form the garrison of the Count s castle and their personal body guard on the battlefield. Equipped with deadly two-handed swords and superb suit s of full plate armour made by Dwarf Smiths, Greatswords swear to never give gro und to the enemies of the Empire and to protect the Count at the cost of their o wn lives. The history of the Empire is rich with episodes where these brave sold iers were cut down to a man in a last stand around their Count after all the res

t of the army had been defeated. Such devotion is well rewarded, as veterans of this elite corp are sometimes knighted, a great honour for a humble warrior. {Greatswords_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite professional infantry {dismounted_Reiksguard_halberd}Dismounted Reiksguard Halberds {dismounted_Reiksguard_halberd_descr}The Reiksguard Knights are the Emperor s be st troops and, as such, form the core of his household guard. The Order is barra cked in the comparative comfort of Altdorf, and accompanies the Emperor on campa ign and during diplomatic tours throughout the Empire. In battle the Reiksguard favour fighting in large regiments, the better to cow the enemy with the full mi ght of a decisive charge. But there are times when these proud warriors must fig ht on foot. Imperial history is full of references to great battles won by a sta lwart defence by the Reiksguard Foot. Hence, only fools would question the impor tance of such a regiment. {dismounted_Reiksguard_halberd_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry of the Emperor, wielding halberds {sonsofmanann}Sons of Mannan {sonsofmanann_bodyguard}Sons of Mannan Bodyguard {sonsofmanann_bodyguard_descr}The Sons of Mannan worship the Empire s God of the Sea. They are a widespread Order with many temples in the northern coastal town s, where the sea god is entreated to calm the infamously treacherous Sea of Claw s. The Sons of Mannan are known particularly for the strength of their steeds, f or they train them in the surf of the northern shores. When the Knights go to wa r they wear turquoise and white enamelled armour and are often accompanied by a Priest of Mannan who will bless the Knights shortly before they charge into batt le. {sonsofmanann_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy cavalry dedicated to the Lord of the O ceans {sonsofmanann_descr}The Sons of Mannan worship the Empire s God of the Sea. They are a widespread Order with many temples in the northern coastal towns, where t he sea god is entreated to calm the infamously treacherous Sea of Claws. The Son s of Mannan are known particularly for the strength of their steeds, for they tr ain them in the surf of the northern shores. When the Knights go to war they wea r turquoise and white enamelled armour and are often accompanied by a Priest of Mannan who will bless the Knights shortly before they charge into battle. {sonsofmanann_descr_short}Heavy infantry dedicated to the Lord of the Oceans {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun}Knights of the Blazing Sun {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_bodyguard}Knights of the Blazing Sun Bodyguard {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_bodyguard_descr}The Knights of the Blazing Sun were cr eated after the Battle of Magritta in 1457 during the crusades which eventually freed the land of Estalia from the Arabian invaders. The battle was a great vico try for the Knights of the Old Worlds, made all the remarkable by a strange and prophetic occurence. During fierce street fighting around the temple of Myrmidia , the warrior goddess of Estalia, a group of knights found themselves surrounded by the dreaded Black Guard led by Emir Wasr the Cruel. Just as the Arabians clo sed in a sudden earth tremor shook the temple, dislodging a huge bronze statue o f the goddess which plummeted to the street below crushing the Emir and many of his troops. The event was to prove the turning point of the battle. Afterwards, the surviving knights established the Order of the Blazing Sun with Myrmidia as its patron and protector. The knights take great pride in their weapons and abil ities. They can often be seen charging on the battlefield in their highly polish ed and resplendent armour of black and gold. {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_bodyguard_descr_short}Excellent heavy cavalry {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_descr}The Knights of the Blazing Sun were created afte r the Battle of Magritta in 1457 during the crusades which eventually freed the land of Estalia from the Arabian invaders. The battle was a great vicotry for th e Knights of the Old Worlds, made all the remarkable by a strange and prophetic occurence. During fierce street fighting around the temple of Myrmidia, the warr ior goddess of Estalia, a group of knights found themselves surrounded by the dr eaded Black Guard led by Emir Wasr the Cruel. Just as the Arabians closed in a s udden earth tremor shook the temple, dislodging a huge bronze statue of the godd

ess which plummeted to the street below crushing the Emir and many of his troops . The event was to prove the turning point of the battle. Afterwards, the surviv ing knights established the Order of the Blazing Sun with Myrmidia as its patron and protector. The knights take great pride in their weapons and abilities. The y can often be seen charging on the battlefield in their highly polished and res plendent armour of black and gold. {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_descr_short}Excellent heavy cavalry {Black_guard}Black Guard of Naggarond {Black_guard_bodygard}Black Guard of Naggarond Bodyguard {Black_guard_bodygard_descr}The Black Guard is the personal guard of the Witch K ing Malekith. They are sometimes sent to armies as extensions of the Witch Kings will. The Black Guard are the soldiery of the Dark Elf capital Naggarond and rig htfully regarded as the fiercest fighters in all of the Land of Chill. Wondrousl y ruthless and efficient on the attack, and with an impenetrable defense, the Bl ack Guard are the bane of their enemies. However, any commander fielding these t roops should be careful never to forget that the Black Guard fight for the Witch King, and the Witch King alone. In the face of defeat the Black Guard will show no hesitation in executing the wrath of Malekith and ensuring that such failure never happens again. Failing the will of the Witch King is a sure path to a bru tal death at either the hands of the Black Guard or the dreaded assassins of Kha ine. {Black_guard_bodygard_descr_short}Personal Guard of King Malekith {Black_guard_descr}The Black Guard is the personal guard of the Witch King Malek ith. They are sometimes sent to armies as extensions of the Witch Kings will. The Black Guard are the soldiery of the Dark Elf capital Naggarond and rightfully r egarded as the fiercest fighters in all of the Land of Chill. Wondrously ruthles s and efficient on the attack, and with an impenetrable defense, the Black Guard are the bane of their enemies. However, any commander fielding these troops sho uld be careful never to forget that the Black Guard fight for the Witch King, an d the Witch King alone. In the face of defeat the Black Guard will show no hesit ation in executing the wrath of Malekith and ensuring that such failure never ha ppens again. Failing the will of the Witch King is a sure path to a brutal death at either the hands of the Black Guard or the dreaded assassins of Khaine. {Black_guard_descr_short}The elite infantry of the Dark Elves {Black_guard_rave}Knights of the Raven {Black_guard_rave1}Knights of the Raven Bodyguard {Black_guard_rave1_descr}The cult of Morr does have a number of priests, and at least two orders, the Order of the Shroud, which tends to Morr s funerary rites, and the Augurs, which tends to Morr s function as a source of divination and or acular foresight. There are also two Knightly Orders dedicated to Morr in the Em pire, the Raven Knights and the Knights of Morr. The first owns the small town S iegfriedhof which is situated near the border to Sylvania in Stirland, a perfect location to counter the evil forces of the Undead as far as these Knights are c oncerned. {Black_guard_rave1_descr_short}Knights armed with pistols {Black_guard_rave_descr}The cult of Morr does have a number of priests, and at l east two orders, the Order of the Shroud, which tends to Morr s funerary rites, and the Augurs, which tends to Morr s function as a source of divination and ora cular foresight. There are also two Knightly Orders dedicated to Morr in the Emp ire, the Raven Knights and the Knights of Morr. The first owns the small town Si egfriedhof which is situated near the border to Sylvania in Stirland, a perfect location to counter the evil forces of the Undead as far as these Knights are co ncerned. {Black_guard_rave_descr_short}Knights armed with bows {Encarmine}Knights Encarmine {Encarmine_bodyguard}Knights Encarmine Bodyguard {Encarmine_bodyguard_descr}Founded by the rich dilettante Frederici Tolscano in 2310, the Knights Encarmine are a flamboyant, foppish band of warriors. This may have something to do with the fact that the Order is comprised entirely of the rich and privileged. Still, wealth alone isn t a guarantee of entry, as there ar

e very strict and rigid guidelines concerning who may actually join the knightly order. Being a collection of rich and generally powerful individuals, the Knigh ts Encarmine hold much political clout. As such, they have the option to choose which campaigns they will take part in - often the ones which require little act ual dirty work to attain the most glory. Each member of the order maintains a br illiant suit of red armor topped by tricolor plumage of green, white, and red. A s the paint coating the armor chips away easily, the suit must be constantly rep ainted in order to maintain appearances. Members of the Knights Encarmine eschew the lowly shield as it is a "commoners defence" to hide behind a metallic barri er in battle. Instead, the Knights Encarmine practice a secretive two sword comb at technique. One sword acts as a deflection tool, while the other strikes the d eathblow. Despite their often intolerable nature, the Knights Encarmine are very welcome when battle is finally joined. As the members of the Order incessantly hone their two-sword technique, they are masters of the blade. Foes fall in drov es as the red-armored Knights plow through ranks of foot troops and mounted warr iors alike. As long as a general can stomach the tales of highly exaggerated bra very afterward, the Knights Encarmine are a valuable asset to any army of the Em pire. {Encarmine_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy cavalry {Encarmine_descr}Founded by the rich dilettante Frederici Tolscano in 2310, the Knights Encarmine are a flamboyant, foppish band of warriors. This may have some thing to do with the fact that the Order is comprised entirely of the rich and p rivileged. Still, wealth alone isn t a guarantee of entry, as there are very str ict and rigid guidelines concerning who may actually join the knightly order. Be ing a collection of rich and generally powerful individuals, the Knights Encarmi ne hold much political clout. As such, they have the option to choose which camp aigns they will take part in - often the ones which require little actual dirty work to attain the most glory. Each member of the order maintains a brilliant su it of red armor topped by tricolor plumage of green, white, and red. As the pain t coating the armor chips away easily, the suit must be constantly repainted in order to maintain appearances. Members of the Knights Encarmine eschew the lowly shield as it is a "commoners defence" to hide behind a metallic barrier in batt le. Instead, the Knights Encarmine practice a secretive two sword combat techniq ue. One sword acts as a deflection tool, while the other strikes the deathblow. Despite their often intolerable nature, the Knights Encarmine are very welcome w hen battle is finally joined. As the members of the Order incessantly hone their two-sword technique, they are masters of the blade. Foes fall in droves as the red-armored Knights plow through ranks of foot troops and mounted warriors alike . As long as a general can stomach the tales of highly exaggerated bravery after ward, the Knights Encarmine are a valuable asset to any army of the Empire. {Encarmine_descr_short}Heavy knightly cavalry {Bull_knights}Knights of the Bull {Bull_knights_bodyguard}Knights of the Bull Bodyguard {Bull_knights_bodyguard_descr}This Order was created by Marshal Leopold von Rauk ov, cousin to the Grand Elector of Ostland, His Grace Valmir von Raukov. He is a lso its Grand Master. The Knights of the Bull are mightily proud men - proud of their country, their province, their families, and most importantly, they are f iercely proud of the stubbornness and bravery of their fellow Ostlanders. Wieldi ng their great axes, they are always searching for new foes and driving the enem ies of the Empire from the forests they call home. Few have dared to stand befor e a "bull" charge made by these Knights! {Bull_knights_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy cavalry {Bull_knights_descr}This Order was created by Marshal Leopold von Raukov, Cousin to the Grand Elector of Ostland, His Grace Valmir von Raukov. He is also its Gr and Master. The Knights of the Bull are mightily proud men -- proud of their cou ntry, their province, their families, and most importantly, they are fiercely pr oud of the stubbornness and bravery of their fellow Ostlanders. Wielding their g reat axes, they are always searching for new foes and driving the enemies of the Empire from the forests they call home. Few have dared to stand before a "bull" charge made by these Knights!

{Bull_knights_descr_short}Heavy knightly cavalry {Knights_Innercircle}Inner Circle Knights {Knights_Innercircle_bodyguard}Inner Circle Knights Bodyguard {Knights_Innercircle_bodyguard_descr}Each Order has a very complex hierarchic st ructure, with each novice trained in martial virtue and the chivalric code until he is ready to take up the mantle of a fully-fledged Knight himself, but almost all of them are governed by an Inner Circle of Knights. These heroic warriors h ave accomplished a mighty feat of arms, distinguishing themselves and earning th e right to ascend to this important position. The Knights of the Inner Circle ar e the elite of the elite, certainly the best fighting men in all of the Empire. When the courageous Knights of the Inner Circle go to war it is only to fight th e most diabolical enemies, and their presence on the battlefield is worth many t imes their number. {Knights_Innercircle_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite heavy cavalry serving as bodygu ards {Knights_Innercircle_descr}Each Order has a very complex hierarchic structure, w ith each novice trained in martial virtue and the chivalric code until he is rea dy to take up the mantle of a fully-fledged Knight himself, but almost all of th em are governed by an Inner Circle of Knights. These heroic warriors have accomp lished a mighty feat of arms, distinguishing themselves and earning the right to ascend to this important position. The Knights of the Inner Circle are the elit e of the elite, certainly the best fighting men in all of the Empire. When the c ourageous Knights of the Inner Circle go to war it is only to fight the most dia bolical enemies, and their presence on the battlefield is worth many times their number. {Knights_Innercircle_descr_short}Elite heavy cavalry of the Empire {Alcatani}The Alcatani Fellowship {Alcatani_bodyguard}Rodrigo s Guards {Alcatani_bodyguard_descr}The life of a farmer, even a wealthy landowner, was ne ver an easy one in the war-torn land of Tilea. When Roderigo Delmonte found hims elf destitute he embarked upon the only course of action that remained to him; h e became a soldier. His workforce, faced with the unappealing option of starvati on, signed up without question. In Remas, Roderigo sold his last mule and bought some shoddy armour, helmets and a batch of slightly bent pikes. He and his men prepared themselves for their first battle. {Alcatani_bodyguard_descr_short}Excellent mercenary pikemen {Alcatani_descr}The life of a farmer, even a wealthy landowner, was never an eas y one in the war-torn land of Tilea. When Roderigo Delmonte found himself destit ute he embarked upon the only course of action that remained to him; he became a soldier. His workforce, faced with the unappealing option of starvation, signed up without question. In Remas, Roderigo sold his last mule and bought some shod dy armour, helmets and a batch of slightly bent pikes. He and his men prepared t hemselves for their first battle. {Alcatani_descr_short}Excellent pikemen {Armored_orcs}Ruglud s Armoured Orcs {Armored_orcs_bodyguard}Ruglud s Guards {Armored_orcs_bodyguard_descr}Ruglud Bonechewer is a powerful and wealthy Orc me rcenary who sells his services all across the known world, from the treacherous Badlands in the south up through the realm of the Border Princes and throughout the mountains surrounding the Empire. Rumours suggest that even the Empire itsel f has hired his services on occasion. Ruthless to the core, Ruglud s only loyalt y is to himself and he has been known to change sides during battle if offered m ore payment and a greater share of the loot and pillage. After every battle his company always takes crossbows and bolts which they prize very highly. {Armored_orcs_bodyguard_descr_short}Orcs equipped with heavy armour and armed wi th crossbows and choppas {Armored_orcs_descr}Ruglud Bonechewer is a powerful and wealthy Orc mercenary wh o sells his services all across the known world, from the treacherous Badlands i n the south up through the realm of the Border Princes and throughout the mounta ins surrounding the Empire. Rumours suggest that even the Empire itself has hire

d his services on occasion. Ruthless to the core, Ruglud s only loyalty is to hi mself and he has been known to change sides during battle if offered more paymen t and a greater share of the loot and pillage. After every battle his company al ways takes crossbows and bolts which they prize very highly. {Armored_orcs_descr_short}Orcs equpped with heavy armour and armed with crossbow s and choppas {Averland_heavy_halberdmen}Averland Heavy Halberdiers {Averland_heavy_halberdmen_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empir e has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the c ase of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in th e case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, th ese forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Averland has an eco nomy based on agriculture and thanks to this Averland is one the richest provinc es in the Empire. The only problem is the lack of state regiments to defend it. Instead of maintaining its own army Averland opens its coffers for many Dogs of War regiments to defend its borders from the Greenskins, but also from the borde ring Imperial provinces on occasion. There are however a few units maintained at all times like the Averland Heavy Halberdiers. Because of limited number of str ictly Imperial units those that exist have the best possible equipment available and are always ready to fight the enemies of the Empire and Averland. {Averland_heavy_halberdmen_descr_short}Soldiers armed with halberds and wearing heavy armour {Bestigor}Bestigors {Bestigor_bodyguard}Chief s Guards {Bestigor_bodyguard_descr}Bestigors are the strongest and most powerful Beastmen . Bestigors will stand up in fights no other Beastmen would and they are often s een charging into the more powerful units of an enemy army. Bestigors are also d isciplined and they tend to make use of formations with organised ranks. They ma ke use of the best armour and weapons available to them. These are taken from an yone weaker than they are. Some Bestigors bear the mark of a Chaos God. These ar e known as Khorngors, Tzaangors, Pestigors and Slaangors. They are among the mos t fearful and obscene creatures in the Old World as they bear the characteristic s and a portion of the power of the god they are marked by. {Bestigor_bodyguard_descr_short}The most powerful beastman unit {Bestigor_descr}Bestigors are the strongest and most powerful Beastmen. Bestigor s will stand up in fights no other Beastmen would and they are often seen chargi ng into the more powerful units of an enemy army. Bestigors are also disciplined and they tend to make use of formations with organised ranks. They make use of the best armour and weapons available to them. These are taken from anyone weake r than they are. Some Bestigors bear the mark of a Chaos God. These are known as Khorngors, Tzaangors, Pestigors and Slaangors. They are among the most fearful and obscene creatures in the Old World as they bear the characteristics and a po rtion of the power of the god they are marked by. {Bestigor_descr_short}The most powerful beastmen unit {Big_un_Orc_Boyz}Orc Big uns {Big_un_Orc_Boyz_descr}Orcs continue to grow throughout their lives. How big the y get has nothing to do with what or how much they eat but much more with their status. The more important they are the bigger they grow and the tougher they be come. Only when an Orc runs up against a bigger, tougher and meaner boss Orc who firmly puts him in his place does he stop growing. This useful trait makes it e asy for an orc to recognise other Orcs that are better than he is... they are bi gger! Amongst greenskins biggest is always best. The biggest Orcs are obviously the chieftains and their henchmen but the next largest are called Biguns. These a re Orcs on the way up (quite literally) and all hope to rise to become bosses on e day. In the meantime they form a cadre of the meanest and best of the tribes wa rriors. {Big_un_Orc_Boyz_descr_short}Elite Orc unit fielding only the strongest Orcs {Black_Orcs}Black Orcs {Black_Orcs_descr}Black Orcs are the biggest and strongest of all Orcs, and get

their name from their dour, grim demeanour as much as from the colour of their s kin, which is extremely dark green or black. They are bigger and stronger than n ormal Orcs and pride themselves on being the best fighters of all. They are more diciplined than other Orcs and have better equipment. Many of their fearsome we apons are captured in battle, and carried as a mark of their self-evident superi ority, while others are paid in tribute by subjugated tribes. The origins of the Black Orcs are shrouded in mystery, but some maintain they they were created by the Chaos Dwarfs of the Dark Lands, perhaps to serve as slaves or warriors. Cer tainly, the Black Orcs sturdy constitution would allow them to prosper in the h arsh land of the Chaos Dwarfs where other Greenskins workers would perish. They first appeared in the Old World during Sigmar s time, as a whole tribe crossed t he Worlds Edge Mountains and conquered other Orcs living in the hills to the nor thwest of Stirland. When Sigmar first united the Men of the middle Old World int o the Empire, he had first to drive out the Orcs and Goblins that lived there. T hose battles against the Black Orcs were by far the hardest fought, and only won at terrible cost to Sigmar s armies. Black Orcs regard other Orcs and Goblins w ith contempt, especially Goblins, who are always running away instead of standin g and fighting. In battle, Black Orcs keep a constant eye out for bickering in t he ranks, and it takes little more than a dark scowl or a throaty growl from a s ingle Black Orc to bring the lesser Greenskins into line. Should that fail, Blac k Orcs are perfectly willing, and exceptionally able, to wade in and smash some heads together, thus restoring order quick smart at the insignificant cost of th e lives of the wrongdoers. {Black_Orcs_descr_short}Elite Black Orc Infantry {Black_guard}Black Guard of Naggarond {Black_guard_bodygard}Black Guard of Naggarond Bodyguard {Black_guard_bodygard_descr}The Black Guard is the personal guard of the Witch K ing Malekith. They are sometimes sent to armies as extensions of the Witch Kings will. The Black Guard are the soldiery of the Dark Elf capital Naggarond and rig htfully regarded as the fiercest fighters in all of the Land of Chill. Wondrousl y ruthless and efficient on the attack, and with an impenetrable defense, the Bl ack Guard are the bane of their enemies. However, any commander fielding these t roops should be careful never to forget that the Black Guard fight for the Witch King, and the Witch King alone. In the face of defeat the Black Guard will show no hesitation in executing the wrath of Malekith and ensuring that such failure never happens again. Failing the will of the Witch King is a sure path to a bru tal death at either the hands of the Black Guard or the dreaded assassins of Kha ine. {Black_guard_bodygard_descr_short}Personal Guard of King Malekith {Black_guard_descr}The Black Guard is the personal guard of the Witch King Malek ith. They are sometimes sent to armies as extensions of the Witch Kings will. The Black Guard are the soldiery of the Dark Elf capital Naggarond and rightfully r egarded as the fiercest fighters in all of the Land of Chill. Wondrously ruthles s and efficient on the attack, and with an impenetrable defense, the Black Guard are the bane of their enemies. However, any commander fielding these troops sho uld be careful never to forget that the Black Guard fight for the Witch King, an d the Witch King alone. In the face of defeat the Black Guard will show no hesit ation in executing the wrath of Malekith and ensuring that such failure never ha ppens again. Failing the will of the Witch King is a sure path to a brutal death at either the hands of the Black Guard or the dreaded assassins of Khaine. {Black_guard_descr_short}The elite infantry of Dark Elves {Black_guard_rave}Knights of the Raven {Black_guard_rave1}Knights of the Raven Bodyguard {Black_guard_rave1_descr}The cult of Morr does have a number of priests, and at least two orders, the Order of the Shroud, which tends to Morr s funerary rites, and the Augurs, which tends to Morr s function as a source of divination and or acular foresight. There are also two Knightly Orders dedicated to Morr in the Em pire, the Raven Knights and the Knights of Morr. The first owns the small town S iegfriedhof which is situated near the border to Sylvania in Stirland, a perfect location to counter the evil forces of the Undead as far as these Knights are c

oncerned. {Black_guard_rave1_descr_short}Knights armed with pistols {Black_guard_rave_descr}The cult of Morr does have a number of priests, and at l east two orders, the Order of the Shroud, which tends to Morr s funerary rites, and the Augurs, which tends to Morr s function as a source of divination and ora cular foresight. There are also two Knightly Orders dedicated to Morr in the Emp ire, the Raven Knights and the Knights of Morr. The first owns the small town Si egfriedhof which is situated near the border to Sylvania in Stirland, a perfect location to counter the evil forces of the Undead as far as these Knights are co ncerned. {Black_guard_rave_descr_short}Knights armed with bows {Black_orcs_bodyguard}Black Orc Bodyguard {Black_orcs_bodyguard_descr}Black Orcs are the biggest and strongest of all Orcs , and get their name from their dour, grim demeanour as much as from the colour of their skin, which is extremely dark green or black. They are bigger and stron ger than normal Orcs and pride themselves on being the best fighters of all. The y are more diciplined than other Orcs and have better equipment. Many of their f earsome weapons are captured in battle, and carried as a mark of their self-evid ent superiority, while others are paid in tribute by subjugated tribes. The orig ins of the Black Orcs are shrouded in mystery, but some maintain they they were created by the Chaos Dwarfs of the Dark Lands, perhaps to serve as slaves or war riors. Certainly, the Black Orcs sturdy constitution would allow them to prospe r in the harsh land of the Chaos Dwarfs where other Greenskins workers would per ish. They first appeared in the Old World during Sigmar s time, as a whole tribe crossed the Worlds Edge Mountains and conquered other Orcs living in the hills to the northwest of Stirland. When Sigmar first united the Men of the middle Old World into the Empire, he had first to drive out the Orcs and Goblins that live d there. Those battles against the Black Orcs were by far the hardest fought, an d only won at terrible cost to Sigmar s armies. Black Orcs regard other Orcs and Goblins with contempt, especially Goblins, who are always running away instead of standing and fighting. In battle, Black Orcs keep a constant eye out for bick ering in the ranks, and it takes little more than a dark scowl or a throaty grow l from a single Black Orc to bring the lesser Greenskins into line. Should that fail, Black Orcs are perfectly willing, and exceptionally able, to wade in and s mash some heads together, thus restoring order quick smart at the insignificant cost of the lives of the wrongdoers. {Black_orcs_bodyguard_descr_short}Black Orcs armed with heavy two handed weapons . {Black_orcs_destroyer}Black Orcs Destroyers {Black_orcs_destroyer_descr}Black Orcs are the biggest and strongest of all Orcs , and get their name from their dour, grim demeanour as much as from the colour of their skin, which is extremely dark green or black. They are bigger and stron ger than normal Orcs and pride themselves on being the best fighters of all. The y are more diciplined than other Orcs and have better equipment. Many of their f earsome weapons are captured in battle, and carried as a mark of their self-evid ent superiority, while others are paid in tribute by subjugated tribes. The orig ins of the Black Orcs are shrouded in mystery, but some maintain they they were created by the Chaos Dwarfs of the Dark Lands, perhaps to serve as slaves or war riors. Certainly, the Black Orcs sturdy constitution would allow them to prospe r in the harsh land of the Chaos Dwarfs where other Greenskins workers would per ish. They first appeared in the Old World during Sigmar s time, as a whole tribe crossed the Worlds Edge Mountains and conquered other Orcs living in the hills to the northwest of Stirland. When Sigmar first united the Men of the middle Old World into the Empire, he had first to drive out the Orcs and Goblins that live d there. Those battles against the Black Orcs were by far the hardest fought, an d only won at terrible cost to Sigmar s armies. Black Orcs regard other Orcs and Goblins with contempt, especially Goblins, who are always running away instead of standing and fighting. In battle, Black Orcs keep a constant eye out for bick ering in the ranks, and it takes little more than a dark scowl or a throaty grow l from a single Black Orc to bring the lesser Greenskins into line. Should that

fail, Black Orcs are perfectly willing, and exceptionally able, to wade in and s mash some heads together, thus restoring order quick smart at the insignificant cost of the lives of the wrongdoers. {Black_orcs_destroyer_descr_short}Elite infantry Black Orcs armed with two hande d weapons {Blood_dragons}Blood Dragons {Blood_dragons_descr}These are the Immortal sons of Abhorash. They call themselv es Blood Dragons, in memory of the great dragon that Abhorash defeated and drank blood from. The dragon blood liberated him from his thirst for human blood. The Blood Dragons main goal is to improve their combat abilities and skills to the point where they can survive without drinking blood, like their master Abhorash did before them, transforming into the ultimate warrior, an immortal man with t he skills of a vampire. When a Blood Dragon attains his goal Abhorash would call for him to join him, and they would go to war. It is said that Abhorash still a waits at the mountain peak where he defeated the dragon. Walach Harkon was the v ampire who took the Blood Dragons to the lands of the Empire by defeating the en tire Order Of the Blood Dragon on his own. Those deemed worthy were given a sip of his blood, passing his curse to them. Blood Dragons are usually fallen knight s from the realm of Bretonnia. They are the most skilled warriors in the old wor ld and many have several centuries of combat experience, making them superior to any mortal foe. {Blood_dragons_descr_short}Elite warriors wielding two-handed blades {Blood_dragons_knights}Blood Dragon Knights {Blood_dragons_knights_bodygard}Blood Dragon Knights Bodyguard {Blood_dragons_knights_bodygard_descr}The Blood Knights are a macabre parody of the virtuous templars that Walach turned. Though they retain the dragon as their symbol, their armour is encrusted with images of death and slaughter. Their bla des are fell weapons inscribed with dark runes, chased with precious metals and fashioned in the likeness of evil beasts. The blazons and crests of Blood knight s do not ride flesh-and-blood horses, but charge upon evil Nightmares with fiery eyes and foetid breath, clad in thick barding painted with disturbing icons of necromantic power. They are the most fearsome knights in all of the Old World. T heir training and discipline in life is married with the unnatural speed and str enght of Undeath. The Blood Knights are nigh indestructible, and their bloodthir st makes them ferocious and implacable. Such is their honour that they will refu se no challenge, and will fight at the forefront of an army. It is said that eve n the fabled Grail Knights of Bretonnia cannot match the Blood Knights on the fi eld of battle. {Blood_dragons_knights_bodygard_descr_short}The best heavy cavalry in the Old Wo rld {Blood_dragons_knights_descr}These are the Immortal sons of Abhorash. They call themselves Blood Dragons, in memory of the great dragon that Abhorash defeated a nd drank blood from. The dragon blood liberated him from his thirst for human bl ood. The Blood Dragons main goal is to improve their combat abilities and skill s to the point where they can survive without drinking blood, like their master Abhorash did before them, transforming into the ultimate warrior, an immortal ma n with the skills of a vampire. When a Blood Dragon attains his goal Abhorash wo uld call for him to join him, and they would go to war. It is said that Abhorash still awaits at the mountain peak where he defeated the dragon. Walach Harkon w as the vampire who took the Blood Dragons to the lands of the Empire by defeatin g the entire Order Of the Blood Dragon on his own. Those deemed worthy were give n a sip of his blood, passing his curse to them. Blood Dragons are usually falle n knights from the realm of Bretonnia. They are the most skilled warriors in the old world and many have several centuries of combat experience, making them sup erior to any mortal foe. {Blood_dragons_knights_descr_short}The best mounted warriors in the armies of th e Vampire Counts {Bloodthirster}Bloodthirster of Khorne {Bloodthirster_descr}A Greater Daemon of Khorne is known by many names. It is th e Blooded One, the Lord of Skulls, the Hihg-handed Slayer, War Given Form. Most

commonly, it is as the Bloodthirster that it is known. Monstrous in its size, th e daemon sweeps all before it with a rune-forged axe of screaming death, lashing the souls of its foes with a whip that burns with the fires of hell. Striding a cross the battlefield, bellowing with immortal rage, their bloodlust extends far beyond mortal comprehension, and they will attack anything within their reach w ith increadible ferocity. They do not know fear, other than of their dread maste r Khorne, and charge headlong into the foe, regardless of the cost or consequenc e, although the usual consequence is the death of those who stand before them. {Bloodthirster_descr_short}Demigod of Khorne {Bolt_Thrower}Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower {Bolt_Thrower_descr}Elves have no need for crude black powder weapons. Instead, they use the simple torsion powered bolt throwers of their forefathers, content with weapons that will not blow up in thier faces. Commonly refered to as "Eagle s Claw" as it is the commonest of these devices. Portable, light, and powerful, it s often found on both ship and shore, either firing Massive bolts or a flurry of tiny steel bolts for use against powerful knights and walls, or vast hordes respectively {Bolt_Thrower_descr_short}Repeater bolt thrower {Breton_peasant}Peasants {Breton_peasant_descr}Although typically a knight will not call upon his village rs to fight in battle, at times, it is often unavoidable, should the greenskins or the restless dead raid the lands. They are taken into his castle, and pressed with poor quality equipment, sometimes even just a stiff piece of wood with a f ire hardened tip for a spear. Sent to man the gates and walls, they do little bu t create a living barricade until the Knights or even the Men at Arms with rudim entary training arrive. {Breton_peasant_descr_short}Poorly equipped peasants {Bright_Wizard}Bright Wizards {Bright_Wizard_descr}The Lore of Fire, of Pyromancy, sears upon the Wind of Aqsh y and is the province of the Wizards of the Bright Order. The Key of Secrets is their symbol, representing the unlocking of hidden knowledge, and Wizards of the Order often carry bronze keys as signs of their authority. Bright Wizards are r uddy of skin and are frequently adorned with tattoes that writhe and change form to weave spells of fire. The energies of Aqshy are powerful where there is fire , and by means of their powers, Bright Wizards control smoke and flame. When it comes to battle, Bright Wizards are held above all others for theirs is one of t he most spectacular and destructive Lores of Magic. A Bright Wizard can wield fl ame like a sword, hurl fireballs and raise searing walls of fire to burn his ene mies. Such powers are incredibly destructive, and few ordinary folk would seek t he assistance of a Bright Wizard, for wherever their powers are employed, ruin a nd devastation are sure to follow. {Bright_Wizard_descr_short}Powerful spellcasters hurling flaming missiles toward s their enemies {Bronzino_Cannon}Bronzino s Galloper Guns {Bronzino_Cannon_bodyguard}Bronzino s Galloper Guns Bodyguard {Bronzino_Cannon_bodyguard_descr}Bronzino s Gallopers were first employed at the Battle of Pattio. These were, in fact, lightweight cannons removed from their m ountings on the galleys of Remas and fixed to specially made carriages. This was done on the instructions of the Master Gunner Bronzino who had been hired by Bo rgio the Besieger, Prince of Miragliano. This innovation contributed in no small measure to the vicotory and Bronzino proceeded to raise a battery of specially designed guns forged in the very same foundry as that used by Leonardo da Miragl iano to cast his colossal brass statues. Bronzino served Borgio well in many mor e battles, but following the Prince s assassination, and the uncertain state of affairs in Miragliano, Bronzino sought other employment. Since then the battery has turned up in the armies of several notorious mercenary generals, bringing th em victory and earning Bronzino enough gold to enable him to forge more and impr oved designs of lightweight cannon. {Bronzino_Cannon_bodyguard_descr_short}Mobile lightweight cannons {Bronzino_Cannon_descr}Bronzino s Gallopers were first employed at the Battle of

Pattio. These were, in fact, lightweight cannons removed from their mountings o n the galleys of Remas and fixed to specially made carriages. This was done on t he instructions of the Master Gunner Bronzino who had been hired by Borgio the B esieger, Prince of Miragliano. This innovation contributed in no small measure t o the vicotory and Bronzino proceeded to raise a battery of specially designed g uns forged in the very same foundry as that used by Leonardo da Miragliano to ca st his colossal brass statues. Bronzino served Borgio well in many more battles, but following the Prince s assassination, and the uncertain state of affairs in Miragliano, Bronzino sought other employment. Since then the battery has turned up in the armies of several notorious mercenary generals, bringing them victory and earning Bronzino enough gold to enable him to forge more and improved desig ns of lightweight cannon. {Bronzino_Cannon_descr_short}Mobile lightweight cannons {Buccaneers}Van Klumpfs Buccaneers {Buccaneers_bodyguard}Van Klumpfs Buccaneers Bodyguard {Buccaneers_bodyguard_descr}Van Klumpf s Buccaneers are also known as the Murder ers out of Marienburg and the Scourge of the Reik. These sellswords arrived at t he Reiksport in 2545 and have been offering their services ever since. As they h ave carved a brutal name for themselves on both land and river, their fees have steadily gone up. It is rumoured that Bartholomeus van Klumpf is the dispossesse d son of a Marienburg noble. This may be true as the Buccaneers are lavishly equ ipped - or at least they once were, before time and hard duty took its toll. The Buccaneers wear ornate tabards in Marienburg colours, but the rest of their gar b is rather drab. {Buccaneers_bodyguard_descr_short}Mercenaries out of Marienburg {Buccaneers_descr}Van Klumpf s Buccaneers are also known as the Murderers out of Marienburg and the Scourge of the Reik. These sellswords arrived at the Reikspo rt in 2545 and have been offering their services ever since. As they have carved a brutal name for themselves on both land and river, their fees have steadily g one up. It is rumoured that Bartholomeus van Klumpf is the dispossessed son of a Marienburg noble. This may be true as the Buccaneers are lavishly equipped - or at least they once were, before time and hard duty took its toll. The Buccaneer s wear ornate tabards in Marienburg colours, but the rest of their garb is rathe r drab. {Buccaneers_descr_short}Mercenaries out of Marienburg {Bugman_axemens}Bugman s Rangers {Bugman_axemens_bodyguards}Bugman s Rangers Bodyguard {Bugman_axemens_bodyguards_descr}Josef Bugman was the most famous Dwarf Master B rewer of all time, before a Goblin raiding party destroyed his brewhouse in the eastern forests of the Empire. Prior to this foul deed Bugman had acquired a con siderable reputation for the fine quality and potency of his ale. Triumphs like Bugman s XXXXXX and the notorious Troll Brew were a sad loss to the Old World. B ugman and his remaining companions swore terrible vengeance on all Goblins. Litt le has been heard of them since except rumours of cunning ambushes and night rai ds on Goblin camps. Sometimes the band will emerge from the wilds, tattered and blood-stained to join a Dwarf army before a great battle against Goblins. They a lways keep to themselves, huddling around their campfire, with a strange glint i n their eyes and their hands clasped around tankards of their precious ale. {Bugman_axemens_bodyguards_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {Bugman_axemens_descr}Josef Bugman was the most famous Dwarf Master Brewer of al l time, before a Goblin raiding party destroyed his brewhouse in the eastern for ests of the Empire. Prior to this foul deed Bugman had acquired a considerable r eputation for the fine quality and potency of his ale. Triumphs like Bugman s XX XXXX and the notorious Troll Brew were a sad loss to the Old World. Bugman and h is remaining companions swore terrible vengeance on all Goblins. Little has been heard of them since except rumours of cunning ambushes and night raids on Gobli n camps. Sometimes the band will emerge from the wilds, tattered and blood-stain ed to join a Dwarf army before a great battle against Goblins. They always keep to themselves, huddling around their campfire, with a strange glint in their eye s and their hands clasped around tankards of their precious ale.

{Bugman_axemens_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {Bull_knights}Knights of the Bull {Bull_knights_bodyguard}Knights of the Bull Bodyguard {Bull_knights_bodyguard_descr}This Order was created by Marshal Leopold von Rauk ov, cousin to the Grand Elector of Ostland, His Grace Valmir von Raukov. He is a lso its Grand Master. The Knights of the Bull are mightily proud men - proud of their country, their province, their families, and most importantly, they are f iercely proud of the stubbornness and bravery of their fellow Ostlanders. Wieldi ng their great axes, they are always searching for new foes and driving the enem ies of the Empire from the forests they call home. Few have dared to stand befor e a "bull" charge made by these Knights! {Bull_knights_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy knightly cavalry {Bull_knights_descr}This Order was created by Marshal Leopold von Raukov, cousin to the Grand Elector of Ostland, His Grace Valmir von Raukov. He is also its Gr and Master. The Knights of the Bull are mightily proud men -- proud of their cou ntry, their province, their families, and most importantly, they are fiercely pr oud of the stubbornness and bravery of their fellow Ostlanders. Wielding their g reat axes, they are always searching for new foes and driving the enemies of the Empire from the forests they call home. Few have dared to stand before a "bull" charge made by these Knights! {Bull_knights_descr_short}Heavy knightly cavalry {Centigor}Centigors {Centigor_descr}Centigors are a disturbing cross between four-legged creatures, such as horses and oxen, and the bipedal beasts of Chaos, merged together by the warping powers of Chaos in ages past. They possess the hindquarters and foreleg s of their quadruped ancestors, granting them great speed and strength, but the upper body of a humanoid with which they wield brutal weapons. Strong, vital and crude, these beast-centaurs are powerful creatures. However, they are not espec ially agile, and while they have great strength they lack the dexterity to manip ulate objects with any skill or control. Centigors are bitter and spiteful, rese nting their clumsy, awkward nature, and harbour a deep jealousy of creatures who se minds and bodies are better matched. Centigors are incapable of fabricating t ools or weapons for themselves, and so they often make common cause with the war herds. When the brayherds are summoned it is not uncommon for Centigors to heed the call along with the Beastmen. While the chieftains enact the ritual of scrib ing their runes upon the herdstone, the barbaric Centigor chiefs can only defeca te at the stone s base to record their attendance. While the Beastmen chieftains observe the rituals of the brayheard, the Centigor strut and swagger about the clearing with vulgar bravado, swilling looted wine by the skinful and making out rageous boasts about their own vigour. Fortunately, the Beastmen largely ignore such displays, accepting them as part of the Centigor s nature. {Centigor_descr_short}Beastmen shock cavalry {Champion_Knights_of_Tzeentch}Chosen Knights of Tzeentch {Champion_Knights_of_Tzeentch_Bodyguard}Champion Knights of Tzeentch Bodyguard {Champion_Knights_of_Tzeentch_Bodyguard_descr}These men act as bodyguards for a favoured Chaos Lord. All the men in this unit are great and renowned Champions. The truly favoured of the Lord of Change become the most otherworldly of all Cha os Champions. These men are bestowed with gifts more powerful than any other war rior in the Chaos army, apart from Daemon Princes or Chaos Lords. The lord prote cted by this regiment is one of the most favoured of Tzeentch. He is blessed wit h both exceptional warrior skills and arcane powers. This deadly combination mak es him an ideal leader who commands his armies with uncanny prescience. When a b attle host devoted to Tzeentch is present the tide of battle tends to change in. .. drastic ways. An impenetrable fortress might be transformed to a death trap, a hero might be reduced to a mere peasant. All that is certain is that things wi ll change, and Tzeentch likes it so much better when the changes can be brought in flesh or blood. For the transformation of life and death is the most profound of all. {Champion_Knights_of_Tzeentch_Bodyguard_descr_short}Champions of chaos {Champion_Knights_of_Tzeentch_descr}These men are devoted to Tzeentch, the chang

er of ways. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warri or. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more s trongly built. The Tzeentch Chosens differ from other Chosen of Chaos due to the mutations Tzeentch grants upon them, this includes features like claws and feath ers. Tzeenetch constantly changes the physical form of his devotees, often formi ng grotesque appearances. The Champions of Tzeentch are blessed with great battl e abilities aswell as arcane powers. The Chosens ultimate strife is to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted. The Champions of Tzeentch are blessed with great battle abilities as well as arcane powers. His warriors are gifted with pretern atural ability to perceive and react to different futures. The armour and weapon s of the Tzeentch Warriors are magically enhanted by Tzeentch himself and a Chos en wield these weapons with great proficiency bringing death towards his foes. W hen a battle host devoted to Tzeentch is present the tide of battle tends to cha nge in... drastic ways. An impenetrable fortress might be transformed to a deat h trap, a hero might be reduced to a mere peasant. All that is certain is that t hings will change, and Tzeentch likes it so much better when the changes can be brought in flesh or blood. For the transformation of life and death is the most profound of all.These men go to battle on daemonic steeds that are coal-black in colour, it is equally strong and fierce as their masters. The steed is clad in full plate armour and makes a formidable warrior by itself. Legend says that the se steeds are granted to their masters by the Dark Gods, in any case, the Chaos Knights is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. {Champion_Knights_of_Tzeentch_descr_short}Chosen Knights of Chaos armed with mag ic shield and sword, and wearing the best armour available to Chaos Knights {Champion_knights_of_chaos}Champion Knights Bodyguard {Champion_knights_of_chaos_descr}The sight of a Chaos Knight galloping through t he mist strikes fear into even the most battle hardened commander. Every Chaos K night is a paragon amongst his kin as he holds the favour of the Dark Gods. Chao s Knights answer only to a Chaos Lord or Daemon Prince as they consider themselv es to be above other warriors of Chaos. These men are all Champions handpicked b y a Chaos Lord to form his bodyguard. This unit is therefore formed by the most skilled warriors in the whole chaos army. Each part of their armour is crafted b y a master daemonsmith. They wield great pole arm looking lances designed to bot h impale and tear the flesh of their foe apart. In closer combat they use a one handed weapon flickering with dark energy. The steed of the Chaos Knight is coal -black in colour, it is of Daemonic blood and equally strong and fierce as their masters. The steed is clad in full plate armour and makes a formidable warrior by itself. Legend says that these steeds are granted to their masters by the Dar k Gods, in any case, the Chaos Knights is a force to be reckoned with on the bat tlefield. Under their horned helmet hides either a terrible steel fanged grin or a beauty that steals the breath, however, few have the chance to find out... {Champion_knights_of_chaos_descr_short}Champion Bodyguard {Champion_of_Khorne}Khorne Chosen {Champion_of_Khorne_bodygard}Khorne Chosen Bodyguard {Champion_of_Khorne_bodygard_descr}These men are devoted to the Blood God, Khorn e. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plat e armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more strongly bu ilt. The armour of a Chosen of Khorne is decorated with the marks of the Blood G od. These Chosen have fully devoted themselves to the God of Skulls, granting th em exceptional prowess in battle. Savouring in the slaughter of his foes, each w arrior becomes an unstoppable war beast unlike any other in the Old World. The W arriors of Khorne keep a grim silence as they march, each embraced in waking dre ams of slaughter and carnage. The only desire of a Chosen of Khorne is to bring death upon his foes and contribute to the Skull Throne of Khorne. This is an ete rnal struggle as Khorne has an unquenchable thirst for blood and skulls. Many Ch osen bear blades that have tasted the blood of the noblest princes in the Empire , for a Chosen goes where he pleases, cutting down all who stand in his way. Bat tle lines have broken by the mere sight of Khorne Chosen closing in upon them, t

heir blades raised under their war cry: Blood for the Blood God! {Champion_of_Khorne_bodygard_descr_short}Chosen of the Blood Good with two axes {Champion_of_Khorne_descr}These men are devoted to the Blood God, Khorne. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If one took a c loser look they would notice that he is taller and and more strongly built. The armour of a Chosen of Khorne is decorated with the marks of the Blood God. These Chosen have fully devoted themselves to the God of Skulls, granting them except ional prowess in battle. Savouring in the slaughter of his foes, each warrior be comes an unstoppable war beast unlike any other in the Old World. The Warriors o f Khorne keep a grim silence as they march, each embraced in waking dreams of sl aughter and carnage. The only desire of a Chosen of Khorne is to bring death upo n his foes and contribute to the Skull Throne of Khorne. This is an eternal stru ggle as Khorne has an unquenchable thirst for blood and skulls. Many Chosen bear blades that have tasted the blood of the noblest princes in the Empire, for a C hosen goes where he pleases, cutting down all who stand in his way. Battle lines have broken by the mere sight of Khorne Chosen closing in upon them, their blad es raised under their war cry: Blood for the Blood God! {Champion_of_Khorne_descr_short}Chosen of the Blood Good with two axes {Champion_of_Nurgl}Nurgle Chosen {Champion_of_Nurgl_bodygard}Nurgle Chosen Bodyguard {Champion_of_Nurgl_bodygard_descr}These men are devoted to the Great Lord of Dec ay, Nurgle. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrio r. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more st rongly built. The Chosen of Nurgle have been granted gifts that allow them to su stain wounds that would fell all others. This, however, comes at a cost, as they are even more horrific to look upon then other Champions of Chaos, for their sk in is rent and torn and their stomachs bloated with corpse gas. A Chosen s ultim ate strife is to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted. A miasma of pestilence hangs around the warriors of Nurgle when they march to battle. Clouds of fat bo died flies surround the favoured of Father Nurgle, bathing in exposed sores and pustules, clustering into eyes, nostrils and ears. This sounds nauseating to the ears of a mortal but the favoured of the Plaguelord rejoice as it is a sign of his approval. Their rusted and pock marked blades bring their deadly gifts even closer to the foe in the battlefield. {Champion_of_Nurgl_bodygard_descr_short}Chosen armed with maces, they strike fea r into the heart of all beholders! {Champion_of_Nurgl_descr} Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted de feat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for an y chaos warrior. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller a nd and more strongly built. These Chosen has fully devoted themselves to Nurgle , the Lord of all Things. The Chosen of Nurgle has been granted gifts that allow them to sustain wounds that would fell other. This however comes at a cost, the y are even more horrific to look upon then other Champions of Chaos, for their s kin is rent and torn and their stomachs bloated with corpse gas. A Chosens ultim ate strife is to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted. A miasma of pestilence hangs around the warriors of Nurgle when they march to battle. Clouds of fat bo died flies surround the favoured of Father Nurgle, bathing in exposed sores and pustule, clustering into eyes, nostrils and ears. This sound grim to the ears of a mortal but the favoured of the Plaguelord rejoice as it is a sign of his appr oval. Their rusted and pock marked blades bring their deadly gifts even closer t o the foe in the battlefield. {Champion_of_Nurgl_descr_short}Chosen armed with maces {Champion_of_Slaanesh}Slaanesh Chosen {Champion_of_Slaanesh_bodygard}Slaanesh Chosen Bodyguard {Champion_of_Slaanesh_bodygard_descr}These men are devoted to the Dark Prince of Chaos, Slaanesh. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Cl ad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and m

ore strongly built. The Warriors of Slaanesh most often wear fine silks wrapped around their armour, which is polished and has many different ornaments. Their s kin is tattoed and pierced with obscene sigils and runes. They fight with effort less grace and exquisite precision. The favoured of Slaanesh are beautiful to be hold, they are so adored by lesser men that they become more and more self absor bed the higher in the hierarchy they get. These Chosen ultimately strive to asce nd to the rank of the truly exalted of Slaanesh. They constantly seek more pleas ure in the forms of music, art and passion. Sadism, perversion and cruelty are a lso a way of pleasure to the followers of Slaanesh. The favourite excess of thes e men is in the field of battle, where they can bathe in the blood of their foes and rejoice in their screams of agony. {Champion_of_Slaanesh_bodygard_descr_short}Chosen armed with fell swords and lar ge shields. They know no fear! {Champion_of_Slaanesh_descr}These men are devoted to the Dark Prince of Chaos, S laanesh. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in ful l plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more stron gly built. The Warriors of Slaanesh most often wear fine silks wrapped around th eir armour, which is polished and has many different ornaments. Their skin is ta ttoed and pierced with obscene sigils and runes. They fight with effortless grac e and exquisite precision. The favoured of Slaanesh are beautiful to behold, the y are so adored by lesser men that they become more and more self absorbed the h igher in the hierarchy they get. These Chosen ultimately strive to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted of Slaanesh. They constantly seek more pleasure in th e forms of music, art and passion. Sadism, perversion and cruelty are also a way of pleasure to the followers of Slaanesh. The favourite excess of these men is in the field of battle, where they can bathe in the blood of their foes and rejo ice in their screams of agony. {Champion_of_Slaanesh_descr_short}Chosen armed with fell swords and large shield s {Champion_of_Tzeentch}Tzeentch Chosen {Champion_of_Tzeentch_bodygard}Tzeentch Chosen Bodyguard {Champion_of_Tzeentch_bodygard_descr}These men are devoted to the Changer of Way s, Tzeentch. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warri or. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more s trongly built. The Tzeentch Chosen differ from other Chosen of Chaos due to the mutations Tzeentch bestows upon them, including features like claws and feathers , or an extra limb protruding from the chest. Tzeenetch constantly changes the p hysical form of his devotees, often forming grotesque appearances. The Chosen s ultimate aim is to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted. The Champions of Tze entch are blessed with great battle abilities as well as arcane powers. His warr iors are gifted with the preternatural ability to perceive and react to differen t futures. The armour and weapons of the Tzeentch Warriors are magically enchant ed by Tzeentch himself and a Chosen wields these weapons with great proficiency, bringing death towards his foes. When a battle host devoted to Tzeentch is pres ent the tide of battle tends to change in... drastic ways. An impenetrable fort ress might be transformed into a death trap, a hero might be reduced to a mere p easant. All that is certain is that things will change, and Tzeentch likes it so much better when the changes can be wrought in flesh or blood. For the transfor mation of life and death is the most profound of all. {Champion_of_Tzeentch_bodygard_descr_short}Chosen with two-handed weapons {Champion_of_Tzeentch_descr}These men are devoted to the Changer of Ways, Tzeent ch. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full pla te armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If on e took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more strongly b uilt. The Tzeentch Chosen differ from other Chosen of Chaos due to the mutations Tzeentch bestows upon them, including features like claws and feathers, or an e xtra limb protruding from the chest. Tzeenetch constantly changes the physical f orm of his devotees, often forming grotesque appearances. The Chosen s ultimate

aim is to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted. The Champions of Tzeentch are blessed with great battle abilities as well as arcane powers. His warriors are gifted with the preternatural ability to perceive and react to different futures . The armour and weapons of the Tzeentch Warriors are magically enchanted by Tze entch himself and a Chosen wields these weapons with great proficiency, bringing death towards his foes. When a battle host devoted to Tzeentch is present the t ide of battle tends to change in... drastic ways. An impenetrable fortress migh t be transformed into a death trap, a hero might be reduced to a mere peasant. A ll that is certain is that things will change, and Tzeentch likes it so much bet ter when the changes can be wrought in flesh or blood. For the transformation of life and death is the most profound of all. {Champion_of_Tzeentch_descr_short}Chosen with two-handed weapons {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne}Chosen Knights of Khorne {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_Bodyguard}Champion Knights of Khorne Bodyguard {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_Bodyguard_descr}Champions of Khorne are the most dr eaded and bloodthirsty warriors in the chaos army. In battle, they become fully consumed by their eternal rage abandoning any thought of tactics. Khorne has gra nted many gifts upon these men making them amongst the most individually skilled fighters in the old world. They are extremely hardy wearing high quality armour . This makes them very tough opponents to kill and they will keep fighting even with several limbs broken or missing. Champions of Khorne are unpredictable figh ters due to their rage in battle and their exceptional skills. They ride mighty Juggernauts of Khorne into battle. Juggernauts are incredibly powerful steeds th at are half daemon and half enchanted metal. They hold a great rage that is equa l to their masters at least. The charge of a Juggernaut causes the ground itsel f to tremble. They plunge deep into the enemy battle line crushing everything st anding in their way. This retinue of champions is formed to protect a lord of Kh orne. He is powerful individual who enjoy the carnage of battle even more than h is followers. The followers of Khorne might lack the discipline and tactics of o ther armies, but they will certainly make up for this in brute strength. A war h ost of Khorne is a terrifying sight indeed, the air sparkling with energy genera ted from the restrained rage of thousands of warriors. The warriors of Khorne di slike all time spent off the battlefield for a day spent without adding skulls t o the throne of Khorne is a day wasted. {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_Bodyguard_descr_short}Champions {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_descr}The Warrior code of Khorne is simple: Blood a nd more blood, regardless of the source. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If one took a closer look they would notice tha t he is taller and and more strongly built. His armour is decorated with marks o f the Blood God. A Chosen of Khorne has fully devoted himself to the God of Bloo d granting him an exceptional prowess in battle. Savouring in the slaughter of h is foes, he becomes an unstoppable war beast unlike any other in the old world. The Warriors of Khorne keep a grim silence as they march, each embraced in wakin g dreams of slaughter and carnage. The only desire of a Chosen of Khorne is to b ring death upon his foes and contribute to the Skull Throne of Khorne. This is a n eternal struggle as Khorne has an unquenchable thirst for blood and the skulls .Many chosen bear blades that have tasted the blood of the noblest princes in th e old world, for a Chosen goes where he please cutting down all who stand in his way. These Chosen ride mighty Juggernauts of Khorne into battle. Juggernauts ar e incredibly powerful steeds that are half daemon and half enchanted metal. They hold a great rage that is equal to their masters at least. The charge of a Jug gernaut causes the ground itself to tremble. They plunge deep into the enemy bat tle line crushing everything standing in their way. {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_descr_short}Chosen Knights armed with two swords {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_juggernaut}Chosen Knights of Khorne on Juggernauts Bodyguard {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_juggernaut_descr}The Juggernauts of Khorne are mass ive armoured creatures that are part Daemon and part enchanted metal. Mighty bea sts of groaning iron and brass, they stand taller that a man, with fire for bloo

d and a beating daemonic heart. They are forged in dark flames and bound with di re runes, their primordial rage barely held within a shell of metallic muscle an d bone. The most favoured Champions of Khorne ride atop a Juggernaut. The charge of a Juggernaut causes the ground itself to tremble, and the protection afforde d by the armoured bodies of these monsters ensures that the rider can plunge int o the thickest of enemy formations without fear. Few can stand before such an un holy union of warrior and unnatural mount. {Champions_Knights_of_Khorne_juggernaut_descr_short}The elite butchers of the Ol d World on massive Juggernauts! {Champions_Knights_of_Nurgl}Chosen Knights of Nurgle {Champions_Knights_of_Nurgl_Bodyguard}Champion Knights of Nurgle Bodyguard {Champions_Knights_of_Nurgl_Bodyguard_descr}Champions of Nurgle are an awful sig ht to most men, their bodies are corrupted by pestilence and disease. Father Nur gle has granted them gifts that allow them to sustain wounds that would fell oth er Champions of the Dark Gods. This however comes at a great cost, they are even more horrific to look upon then other Champions of Chaos, for their skin is ren t and torn and their stomachs bloated with corpse gas. A miasma of pestilence ha ngs around the Champions of Nurgle when they march to battle. Clouds of fat bodi ed flies surround the favoured of Father Nurgle, bathing in exposed sores and pu stule, clustering into eyes, nostrils and ears. These men are the personal bodyg uards of a Lord of Nurgle. It is here that the clouds of insects and disease are as thickest. Most other warriors in the old world will falter only by the prese nce of these Champions, for the favoured of Nurgle are a repulsive sight indeed. {Champions_Knights_of_Nurgl_Bodyguard_descr_short}Champions {Champions_Knights_of_Nurgl_descr} These men are devoted to the Great Lord of De cay, Nurgle. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. Clad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warri or. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more s trongly built. The Chosen of Nurgle have been granted gifts that allow them to s ustain wounds that would fell all others. This, however, comes at a cost, as the y are even more horrific to look upon then other Champions of Chaos, for their s kin is rent and torn and their stomachs bloated with corpse gas. A Chosen s ulti mate strife is to ascend to the rank of the truly exalted. A miasma of pestilenc e hangs around the warriors of Nurgle when they march to battle. Clouds of fat b odied flies surround the favoured of Father Nurgle, bathing in exposed sores and pustules, clustering into eyes, nostrils and ears. This sounds nauseating to th e ears of a mortal but the favoured of the Plaguelord rejoice as it is a sign of his approval. Their rusted and pock marked blades bring their deadly gifts even closer to the foe in the battlefield. These men go to battle on daemonic steeds that are coal-black in colour, it is equally strong and fierce as their masters . The steed is clad in full plate armour and makes a formidable warrior by itsel f. Legend says that these steeds are granted to their masters by the Dark Gods, in any case, the Chaos Knights is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield . {Champions_Knights_of_Nurgl_descr_short}Chosen Knights armed with maces, riding armoured horses {Champions_Knights_of_Slaanesh}Chosen Knights of Slaanesh {Champions_Knights_of_Slaanesh_Bodyguard}Champion Knights of Slaanesh Bodyguard {Champions_Knights_of_Slaanesh_Bodyguard_descr}Champions of Slaanesh are majesti c and charismatic leaders adored by their followers. They are immensely proud of the gifts granted upon them, bathing in praise from lesser men. They are indivi duals with a beauty that goes beyond physical. Champions of Slaanesh are surroun ded by an aura that drives their followers to even greater deeds of loyalty and sacrifice. They stalk the battlefield with a calm and unhurried grace as they ta ste the fear of the enemy in the air. The truly devoted of Slaanesh has legions of acolytes willing to die for his cause and a great harem of women to bear his seed. The lord protected by these elite Slaaneshi Champions is such a man. The Champions protecting are loyal unto death for he is an individual of even greate r charisma and beauty than them. The lord is however is entirely focused on his own ambitions as he is completely self-absorbed. He will gladly sacrifice even h

is most skilled men and these men will ride into death for him without any thoug ht. {Champions_Knights_of_Slaanesh_Bodyguard_descr_short}Champions {Champions_Knights_of_Slaanesh_descr}These men are devoted to the Dark Prince of Chaos, Slaanesh. Legend says that the Chaos Chosen have never tasted defeat. C lad in full plate armour, at a distance a Chosen might be mistaken for any chaos warrior. If one took a closer look they would notice that he is taller and and more strongly built. The Warriors of Slaanesh are clad in full plate armour like any other warriors of chaos. There is however a great difference between them i n appearance. The Warriors of Slaanesh most often wear fine silks wrapped around their armour. Their armour is polished and has many different ornaments. Their skin is tattoed and pierced with obscene sigils and runes. They are immensely pr oud of the gift their God has given them. They fight with effortless grace and e xquisite precision. The favoured of Slaanesh are beautiful to behold, they are s o adored by lesser men that they become more and more self absorbed the higher i n the hierarchy they get. The Chosen of Slaaneshs ultimate strife is to ascend t o the rank of the truly exalted of Slaanesh. They constantly seek more pleasure in the forms of music, art and passion. Sadism, perversion and cruelty are also a way of pleasure to the followers of Slaanesh. They are noticed by pride, arrog ance and excess. The favourite excess of these men is in the field of battle, wh ere they can bathe in the blood of their foes and rejoice in their screams of ag ony. These men go to battle on daemonic steeds that are coal-black in colour, it is equally strong and fierce as their masters. The steed is clad in full plate armour and makes a formidable warrior by itself. Legend says that these steeds a re granted to their masters by the Dark Gods, in any case, the Chaos Knights is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. {Champions_Knights_of_Slaanesh_descr_short}Chosen Knights armed with shield and glaive. They know no fear! {Changer}Tzeentch Lord of Change {Changer_descr}No secret can be kept from the all-seeing gaze of a Lord of Chang e, for our own ambitions and woes are laid bare before its immortal stare. With bright, multi-coloured wings, and a gigantic bird-like face, a Lord of Change is the most bizarre of all Greater Daemons. Its skin writhes with unnatural energi es - magic courses through its warping body as blood pumps through a mortal. Mut ation, division, strife and discord are its goals, and many are the mortal, shor t-sighted fools who would follow the capricious Lord of Change, to be broken upo n their own convoluted scheming. As might be expected of a creature created from pure magic and bound to the will of the Master of Sorcery, a Lord of Change os a potent spellcaster. The winds of magic obey its every command, allowing it to summon whirling tempests of change and mutation, or blast the enemies of Tzeentc h with bolts of multi-coloured fire. {Changer_descr_short}Demigod of Tzeentch {Chaos_War_Mammoth}Chaos War Mammoth {Chaos_War_Mammoth_descr}The huge War Mammoth is one of the most terrifying sigh ts to come from the frozen wastes. It is often seen on the frontlines, trampling and devouring its foes. Nothing deters an enraged Mammoth. It is massive, shaki ng the ground with its foot falls, bellowing and snorting as it crushes all befo re it. All those who see it tremble in fear and despair. The Mammoth just walks right into and over the enemy, crushing them beneath its massive feet, smashing them with its trunk and tusks and generally throwing its massive weight about. T his can have a devastating effect on densely packed troops. Once a Mammoth is ba dly wounded (which is highly improbable) it is likely to become uncontrollably w ild, and begin to rampage out of control, killing, smashing and trampling friend s and foes. {Chaos_War_Mammoth_descr_short}Massive beast of war {Chaos_boat}Longboat {Chaos_boat_descr}Longboat {Chaos_boat_descr_short}Longboat {Chaos_dwarfs}Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss {Chaos_dwarfs_bodyguard}Chaos Dwarf Bodyguard

{Chaos_dwarfs_bodyguard_descr}The Chaos Dwarfs, or Dawi zharr, are an offshoot o f the Dwarfs tainted by the influence of Chaos. Unable to reach their former dwa rfen gods due to their taint, they turned to worship Hashut, the God of Fire and Darkness. They don t worship the four primary deities of chaos and mostly keep to themselves, ruling their underground empire built on industry and slave labou r. However, under the omen of the Storm of Chaos, the Dawi Zharr are said to hav e left their cities, in order to combine their might with the forces of Chaos. M uch like their southern relatives, they are sturdy and well armoured warriors. T hey also share their skill at craftsmanship and are excessive in their use of ha ndguns, arquebuses and cannons, making them valuable allies to the cause of the Chaos Gods. The most skilled of those dwarven Handgunners usually make up the bo dyguard of dwarfen generals. {Chaos_dwarfs_bodyguard_descr_short}Chaos Dwarf bodyguard armed with blunderbuss es {Chaos_dwarfs_descr}The Chaos Dwarfs, or Dawi zharr, are an offshoot of the Dwar fs tainted by the influence of Chaos. Unable to reach their former dwarfen gods due to their taint, they turned to worship Hashut, the God of Fire and Darkness. They don t worship the four primary deities of chaos and mostly keep to themsel ves, ruling their underground empire built on industry and slave labour. However , under the omen of the Storm of Chaos, the Dawi Zharr are said to have left the ir cities, in order to combine their might with the forces of Chaos. Much like t heir southern relatives, they are sturdy and well armoured warriors. They also s hare their skill at craftsmanship and make excessive use of handguns, arquebuses and cannons, making them valuable allies to the cause of the Chaos Gods. {Chaos_dwarfs_descr_short}Chaos Dwarfs armed with blunderbusses {Chaos_dwarfs_warriors}Chaos Dwarf Warriors {Chaos_dwarfs_warriors_descr}The Chaos Dwarfs, or Dawi zharr, are an offshoot of the Dwarfs tainted by the influence of Chaos. Unable to reach their former dwar fen gods due to their taint, they turned to worship Hashut, the God of Fire and Darkness. They don t worship the four primary deities of chaos and mostly keep t o themselves, ruling their underground empire built on industry and slave labour . However, under the omen of the Storm of Chaos, the Dawi Zharr are said to have left their cities, in order to combine their might with the forces of Chaos. Mu ch like their southern relatives, they are sturdy and well armoured warriors, mo re than capable of holding their ground against most foes. {Chaos_dwarfs_warriors_descr_short}Chaos Dwarf warriors {Chaos_hound}Chaos Hounds {Chaos_hound_descr}Chaos Hounds, most commonly sighted amongst the ranks of Khor ne, are terrible, feral daemons, vaguely resembling the shape of hounds. They ar e described as covered in blood red scales; around their neck is a collar of spi nes connected by an orange-red membrane, and rows of iron plates are driven into the flesh along their backs, held in place by brazen rivents in the shape of Kh orne s rune. Their eyes are milky white, their mouths are filled with huge fangs , and their two-toed feet end in razor sharp claws of iron. Whoever is foolish e nough to deny Khorne his blood by fleeing the battlefield is sure to bring the F lesh Hounds upon himself. {Chaos_hound_descr_short}Swift dogs of chaos {Chukka}Spear Chukka {Chukka_descr}Greenskins makes all kinds of contraptions, from crude wagons to c lanking mills and sturdy war engines, wood, iron and bone cheerfully lashed toge ther as required. If things fall apart they can quickly be stuck back together a gain with spit and string. Goblins are generally more nimble fingered when it co mes to this kind of work whereas Orcs, being bigger, are good at bossing them ab out. Thus nature has created the ideal workforce in the greenskin race. Stone th rowing machines and bolt throwers are common devices in the Orc and Goblin armie s. Both kinds of machine are usually powered by a twisted Squig hide ropes, crea ting the power required to hurl projectiles across the battlefield. Stone throwe rs sometimes use a counterweight mechanism to propel their missile. Regardless o f their design, greenskin refer to all stone throwers as Rock Lobbers and all bolt throwers as Spear Chukkas.

{Chukka_descr_short}A crude Goblin made bolt thrower unleashing massive bolts at the enemy. {Cold_one_knights}Cold One Knights {Cold_one_knights_bodyguard}Veteran Cold One Knights {Cold_one_knights_bodyguard_descr}The nobility of the Druchii ride into war atop mighty reptiles known as Cold Ones. Only a few can ever become a Cold One Knigh t as the lizards instinctively attack any warm-blooded creature approaching them . However, by drinking the poisonous slime secreted by the creatures, the riders become more like their mounts, which is no small price to pay. They are forever unable to taste food or feel a touch. This is a path that many choose regardles s of the consequences, as the charge of the Cold One Knights is furious and leav e few standing. The knights themselves are heavily armoured and wield a long lan ce known as Kheitain (Soul Eater). While few in number the strength of the mount s combined with the ruthless efficiency of the Knights make them perfect tools f or breaking enemy formations. This particular group consists of the most experie nced knights who have banded around the general to form his bodyguard. Atop thei r might Cold Ones they will strive to protect the general wherever he might need to be on the battlefield. {Cold_one_knights_bodyguard_descr_short}Generals bodyguard of veteran Cold One Kn ights {Cold_one_knights_descr}The nobility of the Druchii ride into war atop mighty re ptiles known as Cold Ones. Only a few can ever become a Cold One Knight as the l izards instinctively attack any warm-blooded creature approaching them. However, by drinking the poisonous slime secreted by the creatures, the riders become mo re like their mounts, which is no small price to pay. They are forever unable to taste food or feel a touch. This is a path that many choose regardless of the c onsequences, as the charge of the Cold One Knights is furious and leave few stan ding. The knights themselves are heavily armoured and wield a long lance known a s Kheitain (Soul Eater). While few in number the strength of the mounts combined with the ruthless efficiency of the Knights make them perfect tools for breakin g enemy formations. {Cold_one_knights_descr_short}Dark Elf nobles riding Cold Ones {Company_of_Honour}Altdorf s Company of Honour {Company_of_Honour_descr}Altdorf s Company of Honour, also known as the Sons of the Reik, are a familiar sight throughout the city. The formation recruits exclu sively from other Altdorf regiments, picking only the best and bravest troops ou t of the many units that garrison the city walls and watch. Other soldiers insta ntly recognise the yellow plume and black steel armour of the Altdorf Company of Honour, for the regiment s reputation is well established, its battlefield hist ory steeped in glory. Traditionally led by the youngest son of one of the city s noble houses, the current captain is Otto Helstein - a valiant warrior eager to make his mark. Every Altdorf native knows the distinctive trumpet blast that an nounces when the regiment leaves the city gates on campaign and all offer praise to Sigmar to ensure the safe return of Altdorf s favoured sons. {Company_of_Honour_descr_short}Altdorf s finest company {Cursed_Company}The Cursed Company {Cursed_Company_bodyguard}The Cursed Company of Richter Kreugar {Cursed_Company_bodyguard_descr}The dark legend of Richter Kreugar the Damned an d his Cursed Company has been told for countless years across the Empire. A trag ic tale of betrayal, greed and revenge, the details and truth behind the stories have long become hazy and unclear as the story has been told and retold for gen erations. Richter was said to have allied with a powerful Necromancer, aiding hi m in his diabolical campaign against the Empire, terrorising the heavily foreste d area around Wolfenburg. After many months of fighting, the Imperial forces beg an to wear down the Necromancer and pushed him deeper into the forest. Seeing th e Necromancer faltering, Richter accepted the bribes of an Imperial agent, takin g a chance to make some easy money. During the battle Richter struck down the fo ul Necromancer, but to his horror he was placed under a curse which would change his life into a living hell. Richter was transformed into an undead abomination . And so it is that he stalks the Old World and beyond. Hundreds of years since

his death he is still seeking oblivion and peace, yet he is never able to achiev e his final rest. He continues his doomed existence in the desperate hope that o ne time when his skeletal body is slain, he will finally know the relief of true death. {Cursed_Company_bodyguard_descr_short}Cursed company of skeletons {Cursed_Company_descr}The dark legend of Richter Kreugar the Damned and his Curs ed Company has been told for countless years across the Empire. A tragic tale of betrayal, greed and revenge, the details and truth behind the stories have long become hazy and unclear as the story has been told and retold for generations. Richter was said to have allied with a powerful Necromancer, aiding him in his d iabolical campaign against the Empire, terrorising the heavily forested area aro und Wolfenburg. After many months of fighting, the Imperial forces began to wear down the Necromancer and pushed him deeper into the forest. Seeing the Necroman cer faltering, Richter accepted the bribes of an Imperial agent, taking a chance to make some easy money. During the battle Richter struck down the foul Necroma ncer, but to his horror he was placed under a curse which would change his life into a living hell. Richter was transformed into an undead abomination. And so i t is that he stalks the Old World and beyond. Hundreds of years since his death he is still seeking oblivion and peace, yet he is never able to achieve his fina l rest. He continues his doomed existence in the desperate hope that one time wh en his skeletal body is slain, he will finally know the relief of true death. {Cursed_Company_descr_short}Cursed company of skeletons {DE_Assasin}ssassins {DE_Assasin_descr}While young Dark Elf girls taken by Khaine become Witch Elves, male children raised in the temples of Khaine are destined to be Assassins. The se are the most deadly and evil Dark Elves of all, masters of subtle and murdero us magic. The neophytes are raised in the blood fields of the temples, learning the arts of war and death. The merciless and deadly few that survive the first t en years of this training, killing their fellow adepts in face-to-face fighting or by more devious means, go to the great temples of Naggarond and Har Gareth, w here they learn the deepest mysteries of Khaine. Assassins are masters of using poison and coat their weapons with a variety of venoms - some of which are deadl y, others which paralyse or stupefy their victim so that they can be captured an d tortured for information or pleasure. {DE_Assasin_descr_short}Masters of lethal weapons {DE_Executioner}Har Ganeth Executioners {DE_Executioner_descr}These elite Dark Elf warriors hail from the city of Har Ga neth, simply known as the cursed place by slaves. The city is largely devoted to the execution aspect of Khaine. This has lead to the rise of the dreaded execut ioners, skilled killers armed with massive great swords. It is only fools who op pose the Lords of Har Ganeth, as those who do tend to have their necks caressed by their deadly blades. Their experience in killing have made them ideal for use on the battlefield where they are sure to deliver a rain of lethal blows upon t he enemies of the Dark Elves. {DE_Executioner_descr_short}Elite warriors armed with great swords {DE_Shades}Shades {DE_Shades_descr}While most of the Druchii live in the great cities there are ex ceptions. Clan Shade has instead chosen to live high in the inhospitable Blacksp ine Mountains. The Shades are a silent and deadly brotherhood of warriors who wa tch over the mountain passes in the west. While apart from the rest of Druchii s ociety, they are just as eager to visit death upon the enemies of the Witch King . Many noble and proud traditions of ancient Naggarythe are kept alive by these isolated warriors in the mountains. One of the rituals requires that a newborn b e left outside the tent the first night of their life. If the newborn survive it is worthy of being raised among the Shades. The Shadow Brotherhood are often us ed as scouts and infiltrators, though when battle is joined they will unleash ha ils of deadly bolts upon their enemies and harry their flanks. {DE_Shades_descr_short}Highly trained scouts armed with repeating crossbows. {DE_Spearmen}Dark Elf Spears {DE_Spearmen_descr}The bulk of most Dark Elf armies are made up of these citizen

-soldiers. These soldiers are highly trained and are committed to serving the wi ll of the Witch King and naturally, their own. Should the occasion arise where t he sacrifice of lesser beings is needed to achieve victory, these levy soldiers make ideal candidates. The long years of discipline and war have honed these gua rds into some of the finest warriors in the world. Victory gained through their death is acceptable for the glory of Malekith; however, should you carelessly sq uander the lives of your troops, you will discover the wrath of the Witch King. It is common knowledge that females join the ranks of the citizen-soldiers and f ew dare risk their fury by questioning their right to do so. These particular co mpanies are armed with the infamous Drannach (the Sky-Piercer), a long, heavy-bl aded spear. {DE_Spearmen_descr_short}Dark Elves armed with deadly spears {DE_corsairs}Black Ark Corsairs {DE_corsairs_bodyguard}Black Ark Corsairs Bodyguard {DE_corsairs_bodyguard_descr}To be a corsair is a great honour amongst the Druch ii, as it provides a chance to win riches and fame and capture slaves during rai ds. Corsairs normally serve in the Dark Fleet and embark constantly on numerous raids all across the world. No shore will ever be truly safe from the dreaded Dr uchii raiders who have mastered the seas in their majestic Black Arks. Corsairs are armed with two swords and the distinctive Sea Dragon cloak which is potent p rotection in addition to their armour. These seafaring reavers excel at boarding other vessels, making them among the deadliest fighters in close combat. {DE_corsairs_bodyguard_descr_short}Ruthless seaborne raiders {DE_corsairs_descr}To be a corsair is a great honour amongst the Druchii, as it provides a chance to win riches and fame and capture slaves during raids. Corsai rs normally serve in the Dark Fleet and embark constantly on numerous raids all across the world. No shore will ever be truly safe from the dreaded Druchii raid ers who have mastered the seas in their majestic Black Arks. Corsairs are armed with two swords and the distinctive Sea Dragon cloak which is potent protection in addition to their armour. These seafaring reavers excel at boarding other ves sels, making them among the deadliest fighters in close combat. {DE_corsairs_descr_short}Ruthless seaborne raiders {DE_crossbowmen}Dark Elf Crossbows {DE_crossbowmen_descr}The bulk of most Dark Elf armies are made up of these citi zen-soldiers. These soldiers are highly trained and are committed to serving the will of the Witch King and naturally, their own. Should the occasion arise wher e the sacrifice of lesser beings is needed to achieve victory, these levy soldie rs make ideal candidates. The long years of discipline and war have honed these guards into some of the finest warriors in the world. Victory gained through the ir death is acceptable for the glory of Malekith; however, should you carelessly squander the lives of your troops, you will discover the wrath of the Witch Kin g. It is common knowledge that females join the ranks of the citizen-soldiers an d few dare risk their fury by questioning their right to do so. These particular companies are armed with the notorious Urathien (the Deathrain), a repeating cr ossbow able to launch several bolts in the same time a normal crossbow would hav e taken to fire just one. {DE_crossbowmen_descr_short}Dark Elves armed with repeating crossbows {DE_mage}Dark Elf Sorceresses {DE_mage_descr}The dreaded armies of the Dark Elves do not only solely rely upon their arms and amour to fight a battle. Often the very winds of Chaos are bent to the will of their ruthless commanders. It is shaped into a massive force of d estruction and death in the beautiful hands of the Sorceresses. These powerful w omen speak words of unmatched magical power and unleash it upon the enemies of t he Druchii. Be ever mindful of any dealings with these maidens of Chaos as there is always a price to pay for their invaluable service. Always. {DE_mage_descr_short}Powerful Sorceresses capable of launching deadly magical en ergies upon their enemies. {DE_ship}Druchii Warship {DE_ship_descr}It is in these ships that the Druchii sail the oceans of the Old World, searching for the smallest sign of weakness that will allow them to strik

e at a settlement, pillaging and burning and carting away its residents to fears ome Naggaroth. {DE_ship_descr_short}Warship on the prowl for fresh slaves {DE_warrior}Dark Elf Warriors {DE_warrior_bodiguard}Dark Elf Warriors Bodyguard {DE_warrior_bodiguard_descr}The bulk of most Dark Elf armies are made up of thes e citizen-soldiers. These soldiers are highly trained and are committed to servi ng the will of the Witch King and naturally, their own. Should the occasion aris e where the sacrifice of lesser beings is needed to achieve victory, these levy soldiers make ideal candidates. The long years of discipline and war have honed these guards into some of the finest warriors in the world. Victory gained throu gh their death is acceptable for the glory of Malekith; however, should you care lessly squander the lives of your troops, you will discover the wrath of the Wit ch King. It is common knowledge that females join the ranks of the citizen-soldi ers and few dare risk their fury by questioning their right to do so. These part icular companies are armed with a shield and a sword and make ideal light infant ry. {DE_warrior_bodiguard_descr_short}Dark Elves armed with a sword and a shield {DE_warrior_descr}The bulk of most Dark Elf armies are made up of these citizensoldiers. These soldiers are highly trained and are committed to serving the wil l of the Witch King and naturally, their own. Should the occasion arise where th e sacrifice of lesser beings is needed to achieve victory, these levy soldiers m ake ideal candidates. The long years of discipline and war have honed these guar ds into some of the finest warriors in the world. Victory gained through their d eath is acceptable for the glory of Malekith, however, should you carelessly squ ander the lives of your troops, you will discover the wrath of the Witch King. I t is a common knowledge that females join the ranks of the citizen-soldiers and few dare risk their fury by questioning their right to do so. This particular co mpanies are armed with a shield and a sword and make ideal light infantry. {DE_warrior_descr_short}Dark Elves armed with a sword and a shield {DE_witch_elves}Witch Elves of Khaine {DE_witch_elves_descr}The Witch Elves drive themselves into an ecstatic fervour during their brutal ceremonies as they rip hearts from chests and fling them int o iron braziers, daub runes of Khaine onto their bodies with their victims' bloo d and decorate the altars of their bloodthirsty master with bones and entrails. They are no less vicious in battle. They are the most cruel of all the Dark Elve s, and the most bloodthirsty. Before battle, Witch Elves drink blood laced with poisonous herbs, which drives them into a frenzy of bloodlust. They do not carry shields, caring nothing for their own protection, and are armed with sharp swor ds and long knives whose edges are dipped in venom. Once battle begins, the Witc h Elves hurl themselves at their foes, ripping apart their enemies with a storm of poisoned blades. Those foes unfortunate enough not to succumb to their wounds are rounded up by the Witch Elves after the battle is over. These poor souls ar e torn apart in victory celebrations, their blood used as grateful libations to the Lord of Murder. {DE_witch_elves_descr_short}Beautiful and deadly combination {Daemon_Prince}Daemon Prince {Daemon_Prince_descr}If becoming a Chosen Knight favoured by his god is the ulti mate goal of every Chaos Warrior, becoming a Daemon Prince is a goal even the mi ghties of the Chosen can only dream to achieve. After an already unnaturaly exte nded lifetime of War in the Name of Chaos, exeptional Chosen might be raised so high in the favour of their deities, that they are named Daemon Prince, thus loo sing every last connection to their human past, gaining the ultimate prize in im mortality, near-godlike strength and the promise of an eternity of bloody Murder in the name of their gods. A Deamon Prince is the most devastating entity one c an whitness on the battlefield, believed to be even more powerful than the great daemons, as they share their power, but still retain their former individuality and cunning, making them truly the most terrifying servants of Chaos. {Daemon_Prince_descr_short}Great Daemon Prince of Chaos {Dark_Riders}Dark Riders

{Dark_Riders_descr}These swift and lightly armoured riders are known as the hera lds of Naggaroth. They are greatly valued by any commander for being the eyes an d ears of the army on the move in hostile territory. In addition to this they ar e expert missile cavalry and have mastered wielding repeater crossbows in full g allop. They also carry long cavalry spears so if need be they can deliver a leth al charge into the flanks or rear of an enemy force. The Dark Elves ride fierce dark steeds stolen from the stables of Ellyrion. The otherwise docile steeds of Ellyrion have been bred to be the fierce and spirited dark steeds they are now. {Dark_Riders_descr_short}Fast cavalry armed with repeater crossbows and cavalry spears {Death_Heads}The Death's Heads {Death_Heads_descr}The Death's Heads of Ostermark were formed during the reign o f Vlad von Carstein. Subjugating Sylvania was not enough for the Vampire Count a s he spread his realm, preparing to launch what history would call the Vampire W ars. Those who dared to defy his draconian rule disappeared. Informers were ever ywhere. In the town of Essen those willing to fight left behind their old purple and yellow regiments and formed a new unit garbed in sombre black and red. Mask s were worn to keep their identities secret. After freeing Essen the unit gained notoriety on many battlefields, taking the fight into Sylvania after the great victory of Hel Fenn. To this day, the regiment of the Death's Heads still mainta ins their reputation for battlefield bravery along with their distinctive black and red colour scheme and ominous masks. {Death_Heads_descr_short}Masked cavalrymen {Deathjacks}The Deathjacks {Deathjacks_descr}The Deathjacks are renowned archers who can track a foe at spe ed through any forest. First recorded on the Wurtbad roll of honour in the year 2004, the Deathjacks were hired to scout ahead of the main Stirland army during the civil wars between the Three Emperors. The Deathjacks have continued to be o f service - ambushing opposing scouts and finding hidden paths from which to tak e the foe unaware. To this day the Deathjacks still recruit out of the Great For est as the rough country breeds canny archers with excellent woodscraft. Used to fending for themselves, the Deathjacks have been dubbed the Mutton-stickers or Thievingjacks by their own comrades, as baggage trains and supplies mysteriously go missing in their presence. All is forgiven, however, when the archers return from a scouting mission, waving their banner to signify enemies ahead, or blari ng the all-clear on their hunting horns. {Deathjacks_descr_short}Stealthy trackers and marksmen {Dire_Wolf}Dire Wolves {Dire_Wolf_descr}The land of Sylvania is plagued by giant wolves which emerge in winter from their lairs high in the Worlds Edge Mountains to destroy entire vil lages. The men of the Empire hunt these beasts mercilessly, but this is not alwa ys enough. Even from beyond the grave these awful creatures return to terrorise men. The carcasses of these wolves are buried in great pits, but the cursed eart h of Sylvania does not allow them to rest. Often they burrow their way through t he rotting layers of earth and emerge to hunt once more. These Undead wolves are the hunting packs of Vampires, and gather around the castles of the Vampire Lor ds to follow the Princes of Undeath to war. Dire Wolves have skull-like heads an d rotting black fur. Their eyes glow with an unnatural light and their bodies di ssolve into nothing when they are finally slain. The strongest wolves, the ones that in life led the packs, are called Doom Wolves. They are specially raised by Vampires to lead their own packs in an unending service of carnage and darkness . {Dire_Wolf_descr_short}Fast creatures used as scouts and flankers {Doom_diver}Doom Diver Catapult {Doom_diver_descr}Though the Doom Diver Catapult was first developed as a means of scouting out enemy positions, it didn't take long for some bright spark to tr y it out in a battle. In the dirty, brutal and often painfully short life of a G oblin, the chance to swoop through the air, cackling madly as he looks down at h is former Orcish masters, is often considered just too good to miss. So impressi ve is the damage and the mess caused by such a plummetting Goblin, that this for

m of warfare is now taken quite seriously and garners a ridiculous number of vol unteers. It doesn't seem to matter that their chances of survival are negligible , but then only the more crazed or deeply stupid Goblins would want to be propel led high into the air anyway. {Doom_diver_descr_short}An innovative but crude Greenskin contraption {Drakwald_patrol}The Drakwald Patrol {Drakwald_patrol_descr}The Drakwald forest covers Hochland with a canopy of dark ness. Roads theoretically connect the far-flung towns and logging camps, but con tact is tenuous at best. The vast tracts of wilderness that separate villages ar e akin to hostile territory. For protection a series of forts, fortified inns an d watchtowers are stationed along the highways. Patrols regularly travel between stations, rotating garrison duty with other regiments. Occasionally troops will band together to mount an expedition into the forest to seek out and destroy ba ndits, nests of Forest Goblins, or Beastmen strongholds. {Drakwald_patrol_descr_short}Sturdy halberdiers {Dwarfs_Miners}Miners {Dwarfs_Miners_descr}Dwarfs have an insatiable thirst for gold, and construct de ep shafts into the hearts of their mountains in their quest to acquire the valua ble metal. They also mine for ores and gemstones, and are very skilled at diggin g tunnels at incredible speeds. Dwarfs are ideally suited to be miners, their st rength and endurance making them excellent wielders of pick, hammer and shovel. They also have an instinct for the stone, knowing where best to dig and when to pause to shore up a section of tunnel. Collapses and other accidents are rare. W hen a Dwarf hold goes to war, many mining clans will send their warriors to batt le. As a gesture of pride in their profession, they will tend to carry picks rat her than axes, striking at their foes with the same vigour they might use on the more durable walls of a cave. {Dwarfs_Miners_descr_short}Strong but unprofessional infantry {Dwarfs_axemens}Dwarf Axes {Dwarfs_axemens_descr}Dwarfs are immensely strong and resilient, broad of should er, wide of girth, with big hands and broad feet. They are ideally adapted to co pe with demanding physical work, and can dig or tunnel for hours without tiring. Their extreme physical endurance also enables them to carry heavy loads without any notable loss in speed. As well as being physically robust they are also men tally tough. To say that a Dwarf knows his own mind is something of an understat ement. Dwarfs live in family units called clans. In times of war these clans mus ter together any Dwarf old enough to fight and form into regiments. The warriors of these regiments are expected to maintain their own armour and weapons, which are often ancient family heirlooms which have been handed down through the gene rations and presented to the Dwarf when he comes of age. These warriors fight us ing great axes ready to cut their enemies in two. {Dwarfs_axemens_descr_short}Dwarfen Warriors armed with heavy axes {Dwarfs_bolt_thrower}Dwarf Bolt Thrower {Dwarfs_bolt_thrower_descr}Bolt Throwers are simply larger versions of the cross bow, able to fire heavier bolts over greater distances. Engineers still vie with each other to invent Bolt Throwers with greater range, loading speed or accurac y. Practical to a fault, the Dwarfs place more trust in an old, proven Bolt Thro wer that has fired reliably for generations. The Bolt Thrower remains an importa nt part of the Dwarf arsenal because it can be built and maintained cheaply and is accurate enough to bring down monsters such as Wyverns or Trolls with a welljudged shot. Its direct trajectory of fire and uncomplicated mechanism also enab le it to be used effectively underground, and without obscuring everything aroun d it in chocking smoke. {Dwarfs_bolt_thrower_descr_short}Long range engine of war {Dwarfs_cannon}Dwarf Cannon {Dwarfs_cannon_descr}Only the most knowledgeable Engineers have the range of ski lls needed to make a proper cannon. They can be made quickly in brass of course, with a simple mould and a wooden frame, but sooner or later they will crack lik e the shoddy things they are. Only a master can make a gun from steel because on ly a master can create the machines and tools that will make the cannon. Even th

en, the finest gun can be betrayed by poor powder. Mixing the components in the right quantities and fixing it so that it detonates consistently is an art in it self. Proving a cannon can take centuries, by which time it is a part of the cla n that made it; like a favourite daughter, attention is lavished upon it and the cannon carries their pride on its broad wheels. {Dwarfs_cannon_descr_short}Artillery battery at the heart of an army on campaign {Dwarfs_greatbeards}Greatbeards {Dwarfs_greatbeards_descr}Dwarfs are taught from an early age to respect their e lders, and the oldest Dwarfs in the Stronghold are accorded the greatest respect . Their beards must stretch down to the floor before they are given the prestigi ous title of Greatbeard. In battle, Greatbeards are able to demonstrate their ti me-won skills, disdainful of any minor shifts in fortune that would throw less e xperienced warriors into confusion, and woe betide any beardling who falters und er their stern eye, for they will admonish him in no uncertain terms. Longbeards expect the worst, and spend many a long hour grumbling about the inadequacies o f Dwarfs/weapons/Goblins these days, as they're not as brave/well made/scary as they were in the good old days. It takes a lot to prevent a Greatbeard from havi ng a good grumble. Greatbeards are virtually immune to any panic that might infe ct an army. {Dwarfs_greatbeards_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {Dwarfs_grudge_thrower}Grudge Thrower {Dwarfs_grudge_thrower_descr}Grudge Throwers were originally simple stone throwe rs, used to command the approaches to Dwarf holds. It was during the War of Veng eance that the practice of inscribing grudges on the rocks to be used as ammunit ion developed, so great was the fury of the Dwarfs at the betrayal of the Elves. Even after the war there was no peace for the Dwarfs as hold after hold fell to the Greenskins or Rat-men. New chapters were added to the Book of Grudges every year as the Dwarfs fell back to the surviving holds. They brought with them sto ne fragments of their lost realms and, reviving the older custom, inscribed them with runes describing the injustices done to them and laying curses upon their enemies. During the long siege of Karak Azgul the Dwarfs used these stones as am munition, literally hurling their grudges back at their enemies. Since then it h as become commonplace to carefully select and prepare the stones that are to be fired, with many skilled Engineers espousing their belief that the engine is onl y as good as the rock it throws. {Dwarfs_grudge_thrower_descr_short}Powerful catapult {Dwarfs_hammers}Hammerers {Dwarfs_hammers_bodyguard}Hammerers Bodyguard {Dwarfs_hammers_bodyguard_descr}Hammerers are the King's personal guard and so a re accorded a high status within the stronghold. They are very skilled warriors and are personally selected by the King himself. If a Dwarf should prove himself courageous enough over the course of many battles he may be selected to join th e Hammerers. Skill, strength and courage alone, however, are not enough. A Hamme rer must be willing to give his complete loyalty to his liege and dedicate himse lf totally to protecting him from harm. Amongst a folk known throughout the worl d for their stubborness, Hammerers are regarded as being stubborn by even other Dwarfs. Duty to King and hold is a sacred thing to Dwarfs. A Dwarf bound by an o ath to serve a king will give his life rather than face the dishonour of failure . The symbol of the bond between a Lord and his Hammerers is the weapon they car ry. Each bears a heavy, but perfectly balanced, great hammer. It is the gift of the hammer to the warrior that seals the oath between him and his Lord. In battl e, the sight of the great hammers rising and falling around the King's banner is an inspiration to the rest of the throng who will typically redouble their own efforts to keep up. {Dwarfs_hammers_bodyguard_descr_short}Dwarfen bodyguards bearing great hammers {Dwarfs_hammers_descr}Hammerers are the King's personal guard and so are accorde d a high status within the stronghold. They are very skilled warriors and are pe rsonally selected by the King himself. If a Dwarf should prove himself courageou s enough over the course of many battles he may be selected to join the Hammerer s. Skill, strength and courage alone, however, are not enough. A Hammerer must b

e willing to give his complete loyalty to his liege and dedicate himself totally to protecting him from harm. Amongst a folk known throughout the world for thei r stubborness, Hammerers are regarded as being stubborn by even other Dwarfs. Du ty to King and hold is a sacred thing to Dwarfs. A Dwarf bound by an oath to ser ve a king will give his life rather than face the dishonour of failure. The symb ol of the bond between a Lord and his Hammerers is the weapon they carry. Each b ears a heavy, but perfectly balanced, great hammer. It is the gift of the hammer to the warrior that seals the oath between him and his Lord. In battle, the sig ht of the great hammers rising and falling around the King's banner is an inspir ation to the rest of the throng who will typically redouble their own efforts to keep up. {Dwarfs_hammers_descr_short}Dwarfen bodyguards bearing great hammers {Dwarfs_mortar}Dwarf Mortar {Dwarfs_mortar_descr}Dwarfs are known as the best engineers and smiths throughou t the Old World. And these mortars are good examples of their expertise. They ar e equally capable of decimating entire regiments of infantry or cavalry, and des troying building with one well aimed shot. {Dwarfs_mortar_descr_short}Artillery firing in arching trajectory {Dwarfs_rangers}Dwarf Rangers {Dwarfs_rangers_descr}Not all Dwarfs live in great holds under the mountains. So me clans dwell above ground, trading with Men and operating their own business s uch as mines and breweries. To protect their lands Dwarfs band together into spe cialized groups called Rangers. Rangers watch over the mountain passes that snak e their way through the Dwarf realms. They keep watch for approaching dangers an d hunt down Goblins and Orcs. When they spot an approaching army they will send signals to the watch posts of the stronghold, and once their Karak has been warn ed, they will gather together at an elected meeting place. Once all their number have arrived, they get into battle formation and hound the invading army using their great axes and crossbows. {Dwarfs_rangers_descr_short}Dwarfs firing crossbows and wielding two handed axes {Dwarven_warriors}Dwarf Warriors {Dwarven_warriors_descr}Dwarfs are immensely strong and resilient, broad of shou lder, wide of girth, with big hands and broad feet. They are ideally adapted to cope with demanding physical work, and can dig or tunnel for hours without tirin g. Their extreme physical endurance also enables them to carry heavy loads witho ut any notable loss in speed. As well as being physically robust they are also m entally tough. To say that a Dwarf knows his own mind is something of an underst atement. Dwarfs live in family units called clans. In times of war these clans m uster together any Dwarf old enough to fight and form into regiments. The warrio rs of these regiments are expected to maintain their own armour and weapons, whi ch are often ancient family heirlooms which have been handed down through the ge nerations and presented to the Dwarf when he comes of age. {Dwarven_warriors_descr_short}Dwarfen Warriors armed with traditional shields an d axes {Elders}Elders {Elders_descr}Elders are even higher in the hierarchy of a Dwarf Clan than Longb eards. To become an Elder is the greatest honour a Dwarf can imagine. Elders are the oldest, the wisest and the most experienced of all the Dwarfs. Thanes and K ings ask them for their opinions on the most important matters regarding the saf ety of their holds. In times of war Elders advance slowly towards their enemies, setting an example for the rest of the army with their steadiness, valour and s tubborness. {Elders_descr_short}Finest dwarfen infantry {Elven_Flagship}Elven Flagship {Elven_Flagship_descr}Elven flagships are the most advanced and heavily armed wa rships one can find at sea. Nothing can defend againt them. {Elven_Flagship_descr_short}Most powerful vessel in the High Elven navy {Elven_big_ship}Large Warship {Elven_big_ship_descr}Larger than the standard warships of the High Elves , thes e vessels carry more tonnage as a result of being equipped with siege weapons su

ch as the repeater bolt throwers, and having a larger complement of High Elven o arsmen and soldiers onboard. Their standard tactic is to disable the opposing sh ip's sails, then ram it and allow the Seaguard to board. {Elven_big_ship_descr_short}Mighty warship patrolling the oceans of the Old Worl d {Elven_small_ship}Light Ship {Elven_small_ship_descr}A swift High Elven ship, with one row of oars and a silk sail. It is unmatched in its speed by anything else afloat, except for the Blac k Ships of Druchii. {Elven_small_ship_descr_short}Lightly armed elven patrol ship {Elven_war_ship}Warship {Elven_war_ship_descr}The vessel that forms the bulk of the High Elven navy, the se ships have been carefully crafted by masters of their trade, to speed through the water and stay afloat in the roughest storm. It carries a small complement of the Lothern Seaguard onboard. {Elven_war_ship_descr_short}Standard vessel of the High Elven navy {Empire_Cannon}Empire Great Cannon {Empire_Cannon_descr}Cannons are dangerous if sometimes unpredictable weapons wh ose manufacture is limited to a few groups of human and Dwarf experts. When they work cannons can shatter the most determined enemy, pouring shot into massed fo rmations, levelling cities and toppling huge monsters. But cannons often go wron g. Weaknesses in the casting methods can leave minute cracks or other deficienci es which cause them to explode when fired. Gunpowder can fail to ignite or explo de prematurely. Despite the occasional spectacular accident, cannons are extreme ly deadly weapons that have been instrumental in winning more than one battle on behalf of their users. {Empire_Cannon_descr_short}Artillery battery at the heart of an army on campaign {Empire_Mortar}Empire Mortar {Empire_Mortar_descr}Mortars are shorter, heavier weapons than cannons, designed to lob an explosive shell high into the air so that it drops down onto the targ et from the sky. Unlike the solid cannon ball a mortar shell is hollow and fille d with gunpowder. The crew light the fuse before dropping the mortar shell into the mortar. While a cannon ball may plough through a line of troops and kill two or three victims, a mortar shell explodes with a tremendous bang, scattering mu d, dirt, and bits of shell over a wide area. A well placed mortar shell can kill a great many victims at once. {Empire_Mortar_descr_short}Artillery firing in arching trajectory {Empire_Pikemen}Empire Spearmen {Empire_Pikemen_chaos}Heretic Spearmen {Empire_Pikemen_chaos_descr}Hidden under the respectable veneer of civilised lif e in the Empire lurk cults dedicated to destruction and vice. Banned by the Empi re, membership in them is punished by death. Yet people still join these cults, despite the risks to life and reputation. Some seek power, others revenge or to satisfy perverse desires. Others join out of desperation, turning to banned gods when the legal cults provide no help or protection. Thus a mother invokes Nurgl e to spare her child when leprosy strikes and the Shallyans can do nothing. Or a lecherous old man prays to Slaanesh for power over the young woman who rebuffed him. The forbidden cults make sweet promises and offer an easy path to a worshi pper's heart's desire, but their fee is damnation and death. Even among the prof essional Imperial Army there are those who worship the Chaos gods and wait for t he right opportunity to strike their former comrades when the time comes and the 'true' gods come to free the Empire from the false deities. These spearmen are perfect at fighting cavalry and protecting light armoured troops. {Empire_Pikemen_chaos_descr_short}Heretics equipped with shields and spears {Empire_Pikemen_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its o wn army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of t he City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Rega rdless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. A formation of spears makes an

excellent defensive regiment. Enemies who charge a unit of spearmen are faced w ith an impassable wall of sharp steel points. Spearmen are more common in the no rthern provinces. In the southern provinces, which are influenced by nearby Tile a where the pike is the infantry's weapon of choice, the traditional Imperial sp ears are often replaced by similar pole weapons, commonly called half-pikes. {Empire_Pikemen_descr_short}Soldiers equipped with spears and shields {Empire_archers}Empire Archers {Empire_archers_chaos}Heretic Archers {Empire_archers_chaos_descr}Hidden under the respectable veneer of civilised lif e in the Empire lurk cults dedicated to destruction and vice. Banned by the Empi re, membership in them is punished by death. Yet people still join these cults, despite the risks to life and reputation. Some seek power, others revenge or to satisfy perverse desires. Others join out of desperation, turning to banned gods when the legal cults provide no help or protection. Thus a mother invokes Nurgl e to spare her child when leprosy strikes and the Shallyans can do nothing. Or a lecherous old man prays to Slaanesh for power over the young woman who rebuffed him. The forbidden cults make sweet promises and offer an easy path to a worshi pper's heart's desire, but their fee is damnation and death. Even among the prof essional Imperial Army there are those who worship Chaos gods and wait for the r ight opportunity to strike their former comrades when the time comes and the 'tr ue' gods come to free the Empire from the false deities. These fallen crossbowme n rain death upon their righteous former brothers. {Empire_archers_chaos_descr_short}Heretics using bows {Empire_archers_descr}Empire archers are part of Militia Regiments. These are re giments recruited to fight as required, and no one can foretell how many men wil l answer the count's muster. Some of these troops will be grim mercenaries or me n used to living by the strength of their sword arm or their keen eye. Imperial archers are normally organised into small groups of skirmishers who support the regimented units in battle. Trappers and hunters from the wilder, less 'civilise d' provinces, such as Ostland and the Ostermark, are often called to serve in sp ecial units called Huntsmen. These masters of the wilderness scout ahead of the main body of the army to gather intelligence, disrupt enemy movements and pick o ff war machine crews with deadly accurate bowfire. {Empire_archers_descr_short}Soldiers with bows {Empire_crossbowmen}Empire Crossbowmen {Empire_crossbowmen_chaos}Heretic Crossbowmen {Empire_crossbowmen_chaos_descr} Hidden under the respectable veneer of civilise d life in the Empire lurk cults dedicated to destruction and vice. Banned by the Empire, membership in them is punished by death. Yet people still join these cu lts, despite the risks to life and reputation. Some seek power, others revenge o r to satisfy perverse desires. Others join out of desperation, turning to banned gods when the legal cults provide no help or protection. Thus a mother invokes Nurgle to spare her child when leprosy strikes and the Shallyans can do nothing. Or a lecherous old man prays to Slaanesh for power over the young woman who reb uffed him. The forbidden cults make sweet promises and offer an easy path to a w orshipper's heart's desire, but their fee is damnation and death. Even among the professional Imperial Army there are those who worship Chaos gods and wait for the right opportunity to strike their former comrades when the time comes and th e 'true' gods come to free the Empire from the false deities. These fallen arche rs rain death upon their righteous former brothers. {Empire_crossbowmen_chaos_descr_short}Heretics equipped with crossbows and sword s {Empire_crossbowmen_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has i ts own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these for ces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Crossbows are not popular weapons in the Empire, though Tilean mercenaries are often recruited to augment the firepower of a Count's army. Some Counts from the southern provinces retain

units of crossbowmen as part of their personal household troops. Crossbows may l ack the penetrative power of handguns, but are just as accurate in the hands of an expert and are far more easily produced. {Empire_crossbowmen_descr_short}Soldiers armed with crossbows and swords {Encarmine}Knights Encarmine {Encarmine_bodyguard}Knights Encarmine Bodyguard {Encarmine_bodyguard_descr}Founded by the rich dilettante Frederici Tolscano in 2310, the Knights Encarmine are a flamboyant, foppish band of warriors. This may have something to do with the fact that the Order is comprised entirely of the rich and privileged. Still, wealth alone isn't a guarantee of entry, as there ar e very strict and rigid guidelines concerning who may actually join the knightly order. Being a collection of rich and generally powerful individuals, the Knigh ts Encarmine hold much political clout. As such, they have the option to choose which campaigns they will take part in - often the ones which require little act ual dirty work to attain the most glory. Each member of the order maintains a br illiant suit of red armor topped by tricolor plumage of green, white, and red. A s the paint coating the armor chips away easily, the suit must be constantly rep ainted in order to maintain appearances. Members of the Knights Encarmine eschew the lowly shield as it is a "commoners defence" to hide behind a metallic barri er in battle. Instead, the Knights Encarmine practice a secretive two sword comb at technique. One sword acts as a deflection tool, while the other strikes the d eathblow. Despite their often intolerable nature, the Knights Encarmine are very welcome when battle is finally joined. As the members of the Order incessantly hone their two-sword technique, they are masters of the blade. Foes fall in drov es as the red-armored Knights plow through ranks of foot troops and mounted warr iors alike. As long as a general can stomach the tales of highly exaggerated bra very afterward, the Knights Encarmine are a valuable asset to any army of the Em pire. {Encarmine_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy knightly cavalry {Encarmine_descr}Founded by the rich dilettante Frederici Tolscano in 2310, the Knights Encarmine are a flamboyant, foppish band of warriors. This may have some thing to do with the fact that the Order is comprised entirely of the rich and p rivileged. Still, wealth alone isn't a guarantee of entry, as there are very str ict and rigid guidelines concerning who may actually join the knightly order. Be ing a collection of rich and generally powerful individuals, the Knights Encarmi ne hold much political clout. As such, they have the option to choose which camp aigns they will take part in - often the ones which require little actual dirty work to attain the most glory. Each member of the order maintains a brilliant su it of red armor topped by tricolor plumage of green, white, and red. As the pain t coating the armor chips away easily, the suit must be constantly repainted in order to maintain appearances. Members of the Knights Encarmine eschew the lowly shield as it is a "commoners defence" to hide behind a metallic barrier in batt le. Instead, the Knights Encarmine practice a secretive two sword combat techniq ue. One sword acts as a deflection tool, while the other strikes the deathblow. Despite their often intolerable nature, the Knights Encarmine are very welcome w hen battle is finally joined. As the members of the Order incessantly hone their two-sword technique, they are masters of the blade. Foes fall in droves as the red-armored Knights plow through ranks of foot troops and mounted warriors alike . As long as a general can stomach the tales of highly exaggerated bravery after ward, the Knights Encarmine are a valuable asset to any army of the Empire. {Encarmine_descr_short}Heavy knightly cavalry {Estalian_Bandolleros}Bandolleros Gringos {Estalian_Bandolleros_bodyguard}Kotrez's Guards {Estalian_Bandolleros_bodyguard_descr}Estalia is dominated by two powerful port cities, Bilbali and Magritta. The rivalry between the two - and between each and their Tilean neighbors, for that matter - has endured for centuries. Estalians take great offense at being referred to as Tileans, or at being addressed in the Tilean language by accident. The peninsula is renowned for its Diestros, skille d duelists, and Bandolleros Gringos, the notorious mercenary company of arquebus iers recurited from among the local banditry but including fugitives and freeboo

ters from many lands, who ply their skills across the Old World. {Estalian_Bandolleros_bodyguard_descr_short}Estalian mercenaries {Estalian_Bandolleros_descr}Estalia is dominated by two powerful port cities, Bi lbali and Magritta. The rivalry between the two - and between each and their Til ean neighbors, for that matter - has endured for centuries. Estalians take great offense at being referred to as Tileans, or at being addressed in the Tilean la nguage by accident. The peninsula is renowned for its Diestros, skilled duelists and Bandolleros Gringos, the notorious mercenary company of arquebusiers recuri ted from among the local banditry but including fugitives and freebooters from m any lands, who ply their skills across the Old World. {Estalian_Bandolleros_descr_short}Estalian mercenaries {Firelogues}The Fireloques of Ferlangen {Firelogues_descr}The Fireloques of Ferlangen are a troop of deadly accurate han dgunners that have fought throughout Ostland, often under the army banner of Ele ctor Count von Raukov himself. Wearing the black and white of their home provinc e, the Fireloques of Ferlangen bear no formal insignia, but superstitiously deco rate their hats and uniforms with the bones of fallen comrades and other good lu ck charms. Even amongst the stubborn Ostlanders, the Fireloques of Ferlangen hav e gained a reputation for tenacity, holding their firing line and unleashing vol ley after volley of fire into approaching foes. Their refusal to surrender the f lank against marauders from the north during the three-day Battle of the Littere d Bones earned them the nickname of Skull Clubbers, as without gunpowder for the entire last day they resorted to using their beloved handguns as blunt weapons to stem the tide of attackers. {Firelogues_descr_short}Tenacious handgunners from Ostland {Flagellants}Flagellants {Flagellants_descr}The Old World is a dangerous and often cruel place, where the plague and the vagaries of nature can destroy whole towns and force their inhab itants to become beggars, vagabonds and brigands. It is probably no wonder that many are driven mad by the terrible hardships that they suffer. Many see their c ondition as a sign that the realms of men are about to collapse, that they are l iving in the last days of a dying world. It is quite common for these hordes of penniless zealots to band together under the leadership of some ranting madman, a preacher of apocalyptic doom. These bands travel the towns and cities of the O ld World spreading their nightmarish vision of the world. When they hear there i s a battle brewing Flagellants gather together in anticipation of the final apoc alyptic conflict. As the armies clash they throw themselves into the fray in a g esture of sacrifice and doom. Thanks to their constatnt hardships, many self-inf licted, Flagellansts feel almost no pain and are difficult to kill. They are als o completely fearless-havng long since confronted their own vision of world dest ruction, nothing holds any terror for them any longer. {Flagellants_descr_short}Fearless and savage fanatics {Flamers}Flamers of Tzeentch {Flamers_descr}Flamers are strange beings, even by the peculiar standards of Dae mons. Their semi-solid tubular bodies sprout gnashing faces and grimacing maws, whilst gangly arms splay into orifices spattering magical flame. Though somewhat ungainly in their bizarre appearance, Flamers are capable of a fair turn of spe ed, expelling gaseous ichor through the pinkish fungoid 'skirt' at their base to bound and leap across the ground with considerable gusto. The Flamer uses its b urning limbs to hurl bolts of yellow and blue magical flame at its foes. This ma gical fire of Tzeentch burns not only flesh but reality itself, and its caress c an shatter the sense as completely as it chars and burns the body. The Flamer is no less deadly in close combat as it can also focus its pyrotechnic power to sc orch enemies in melee - a deadly attack against which even the armour of a knigh t is of scant protection. {Flamers_descr_short}Daemonic unit spouting fire {Flamme_cannon}Flame cannon {Flamme_cannon_descr}The Dwarf Engineers Guild is one the most secretive of all Dwarfen institutions and over the centuries its members have honed their skills of precision engineering to a fine art. Most of their inventions are practical a

nd functional; pumps to clear water from mine workings, engines to draw cages up vertical shafts, and steam-powered hammers to beat out sheet metal. Ever since the guild's founding they have also developed machines for battle, initially beg inning with the simple Bolt Thrower and Stone Thrower, but they soon mastered th e art of cannon founding. One of the more unusual but highly effective of these weapons is the Flame Cannon. A volatile concoction of hot oil and molten tar is mixed in the barrel until the pressure inside is very great and the barrel is al most ready to burst. At precisely the right moment the Dwarfs place a burning oi ly wick into the nozzle and release the pressure inside. The mixture catches fir e as it spurts from the barrel and burning oil arcs into the air towards the ene my ranks. With a bit of luck, the flaming oil lands right in the middle of an en emy unit, spraying fire and boiling tar over the target. {Flamme_cannon_descr_short}Short ranged deadly weapon {Foot_Knight_wolf}Teutogen Guard {Foot_Knight_wolf_descr}The Teutogen Guard are the personal bodyguards of Al-Ulr ic in his role as an Elector of the Empire, accompanying him both at state occas ions and on the battlefield. They are named after the great Teutogen tribe that in the time of Sigmar helped the man-god drive the Orc and Goblin invaders from the lands of Men. However, unlike the Greatswords who are drawn from the state a rmy, the Teutogen Guard are instead selected from the ranks of the Templars of U lric - the Knights of the White Wolf. Each year the Teutogen Guard is renewed, w ith its members selected by the Grand Master and Ar-Ulric himself. They are ofte n memebers of the Order's Inner Circle, although the selection process takes acc ount only of merit, not rank, and ordinary brethren are just as likely to be cho sen. Being selected for a tour of duty in the Teutogen Guard is one of the highe st accolades a Knight of the White Wolf can receive, and the warrior's already f earsome resolve is strengthened still further by the weight of the honour and du ty he bears. {Foot_Knight_wolf_descr_short}Elite ecclesiarchal infantry {Frigate}Frigate {Frigate_descr}Frigate {Frigate_descr_short}Frigate {Ghost}Spirit Hosts {Ghost_descr}The unquiet spirits of the dead can often be seen as mournful, swir ling mists, broken with wailing faces and grasping hands. Their touch draws some of a victim's soul into the underworld, dragging them into a coma or stealing t heir knowledge of who they are. Only a priest of Morr can restore the mind of a person who has had their spirit leeched by a ghost. The banished souls become gh osts and revenants, forced to haunt the homes and battlefields where they died. A Vampire can use its Necromantic power to call forth these spirits, channeling Dark Magic so that the roaming souls can manifest themselves. The most daring Ne cromancers, so it is claimed, can even send their spirits to the underworld of M orr. Once there they can rescue a few souls, stealing them from under the gaze o f the God of the Dead. However, sometimes Morr catches these interlopers, impris oning them for eternity. Their body falls into a coma and then slowly rots away, while their soul suffers eternal anguish. {Ghost_descr_short}Undead ethereal creatures {Giant}Giants {Giant_descr}Giants and greenskins have a long history of association and it is common to find that a greenskin horde includes a Giant brought along to add weig ht (and height) to the army's combat prowess. It's not altogether clear why gree nies and Giants should get on so well, but it is noticeable that Giants are one of the few races that are considerably bigger and dimmer that even the biggest, thickest Orc. To the greenskins, a Giant is a force of nature akin to a manifest ation of their god, Gork (or possibly Mork). Such is the sheer destruction unlea shed when a Giant charges that Orcs and Goblins are driven into a frenzy of glee ful cheering and whooping. To an Orc, there is no sight in the world so inspirin g as a big, angry giant laying waste to their enemies. {Giant_descr_short}Shock heavy assault unit {Gob_shaman}Night Goblin Shamans

{Gob_shaman_descr}Goblin Shamans are identified at an early age. Whenever his ma tes brawl or argue his head starts to hurt, lights flash in front of his eyes, a nd nearby objects explode and fly about. Sure enough, the young Shaman is easily spotted. He's the one with the sparks flying about his head, glowing red eyes, and noxious green smoke pouring from his mouth. Shamans spend a lot of their tim e watching the colourful hallucinations dance around their minds and talking to Gork and Mork. It is hardly surprising that they tend to be a little vague when it comes to discussing the real world and everyday things. They are convinced th at Gork and Mork are real as, after all, they have not only seen the Greenskin g ods but are on speaking terms. They believe they can call upon Gork and Mork and use the Waaagh! to perform great deeds of magic. {Gob_shaman_descr_short}Shamans under the influence of fungi {Goblin_wolf_rider}Goblin Wolf Riders {Goblin_wolf_rider_descr}Many Goblin tribes are nomadic in nature, traversing th e wilderness of the Badlands and the steppes to the east in huge, ramshackle car avans, raiding, stealing from, or at a push, trading with, other greenskins they meet along the way. Roaming Wolf Riders goblins mounted upon the backs of swift , snarling giant wolves precede these snacking trains of scummy Goblinhood. Pack s of wolf riders scout out the land ahead and pounce upon any foe foolish enough to be caught alone in the wide open spaces. Wolf riders perform a similar task in battle, using their speed and agility to harry the flanks of enemy units and chasing down those already beaten and fleeing the battlefield. Being goblins, wo lf riders like to pick on the weak, the isolated and those already bleeding to d eath, and their preferred victims are the likes of the crews of enemy war machin es, small units of scouts and the few who are smaller and weaker than themselves . {Goblin_wolf_rider_descr_short}Swift Goblin Cavalry armed with bows {Goblins}Goblins {Goblins_bowmen}Goblin Archers {Goblins_bowmen_descr}Goblins are small, vicious, mean-spirited and generally un pleasant creatures. They fight among themselves both on and off the battlefield. They feel little sense of loyalty to their own kin, let alone anyone else, and will cheerfully maim, kill or even eat their comrades if they think they can get away with it, often just for a laugh. Most Goblins live among their large Orcis h cousins, but others live in great nomadic tribes. They generally serve as slav es to the Orcs, as the Orcs are much larger and rarely pass up an opportunity to remind the Goblins of that very fact. Due to the oppressive nature of their Orc masters most goblins live short, miserable lives usually ending under the feet or in the mouth of an Orc. There are a few Goblin tribes which have managed to a void Orc leadership, though that is mostly only until Orcs find them. However, G oblins are numerous, much more numerous than even Orcs. It seems that no matter how many perish or are eaten there are always plenty of them around. These parti cular Goblins are armed with bows and have gathered in a fighting regiment. Whil e Goblin marksmanship is a standing joke among the midwives of the Empire, it is no joke for the soldiers caught under the true rain of arrows launched by hundr eds of goblins.One should hold no illusions; goblins normally only fight when Or cs have forced them to. They will likely try to escape the battle at the first c hance they get. {Goblins_bowmen_descr_short}Goblin archers with poor morale but great numbers {Goblins_descr}Goblins are small, vicious, mean-spirited and generally unpleasan t creatures. They fight among themselves both on and off the battlefield. They f eel little sense of loyalty to their own kin, let alone anyone else, and will ch eerfully maim, kill or even eat their comrades if they think they can get away w ith it, often just for a laugh. Most Goblins live among their large Orcish cousi ns, but others live in great nomadic tribes. They generally serve as slaves to t he Orcs, as the Orcs are much larger and rarely pass up an opportunity to remind the Goblins of that very fact. Due to the oppressive nature of their Orc master s most goblins live short, miserable lives usually ending under the feet or in t he mouth of an Orc. There are a few Goblin tribes which have managed to avoid Or c leadership, though that is mostly only until Orcs find them. However, Goblins

are numerous, much more numerous than even Orcs. It seems that no matter how man y perish or are eaten there are always plenty of them around. These particular G oblins are armed with simple close combat weapons and have gathered in a fightin g regiment. One should hold no illusions; goblins normally only fight when Orcs have forced them to. They will likely try to escape the battle at the first chan ce they get. {Goblins_descr_short}Goblin light infantry with poor morale but great numbers {Goblins_spearmen}Goblin Spears {Goblins_spearmen_descr}Goblins are small, vicious, mean-spirited and generally unpleasant creatures. They fight among themselves both on and off the battlefiel d. They feel little sense of loyalty to their own kin, let alone anyone else, an d will cheerfully maim, kill or even eat their comrades if they think they can g et away with it, often just for a laugh. Most Goblins live among their large Orc ish cousins, but others live in great nomadic tribes. They generally serve as sl aves to the Orcs, as the Orcs are much larger and rarely pass up an opportunity to remind the Goblins of that very fact. Due to the oppressive nature of their O rc masters most goblins live short, miserable lives usually ending under the fee t or in the mouth of an Orc. There are a few Goblin tribes which have managed to avoid Orc leadership, though that is mostly only until Orcs find them. However, Goblins are numerous, much more numerous than even Orcs. It seems that no matte r how many perish or are eaten there are always plenty of them around. These par ticular Goblins are armed with spears and have gathered in a fighting regiment. One should hold no illusions; goblins normally only fight when Orcs have forced them to. They will likely try to escape the battle at the first chance they get. {Goblins_spearmen_descr_short}Goblin spearmen with poor morale but great numbers {Gor}Gors {Gor_Spear_Thrower}Ungor Raiders {Gor_Spear_Thrower_descr}Ungor Raiders are those Ungors tasked with the role of hunting out enemies for the warherds to prey upon. They have a knowledge of the wilderness that is unsurpassed by even the most intelligent Gor, and it is they who sow the seeds of mayhem that soon blossom into full-blown destruction as the rest of the warherd falls upon their victims. Bands of Ungor Raiders range ahea d of the warherd as it travels through lands, sending runners back and forth to ensure the main body of the Beastman army can bring its might to bear. It is the information brought by the Ungor Raiders that enables the warherds to encircle and trap the foe, to launch ambushes from hidden paths and moss-chocked vales, a nd to cut off the escape routes of those that believe there is still a route to safety. While the Raiders have no comprehension of formal tactics, they make a v ery efficient skirmish screen, charging enemy gun lines or firing volleys from t heir crudely-fashioned short bows before fleeing back to safety. {Gor_Spear_Thrower_descr_short}Skirmishers with short bows {Gor_descr}The more powerful Beastmen are called Gors. They are stronger and mor e intelligent than the Ungors. All Beastmen are, as the name suggests, creatures with the features of both man and beast. To the outside world, all Beastmen app ear the same. However, there are endless different combinations of Beastmen as t he powers of chaos will make each mutate in strange ways. It is not uncommon for them to have the heads of horses or insects. The Gors are recognised by their h orns. A true Gor has large, perfectly shaped horns and is free of mutations. Bea stmen consider horns to be the ultimate rank of power and their leaders tend to have the largest and most spectacular horns of them all. Before they go to battl e they smear their horns with blood to make them look even more fearsome. {Gor_descr_short}Large and powerful beastmen {Gor_spear}Ungors with spears {Gor_spear_descr}The Ungors are much weaker than the Gors. Their horns are not a s large or numerous and they are physically weaker and less intelligent. Due to their small stumps of horns they are not considered to be real Beastmen by their larger cousins. Ungors are very cruel creatures and as they can't put up much o f a fight to most opponents on the battlefield they take out their cruelty on ca

ptives and the weakest of their kind. On the battlefield they fight alongside th e Gors. As the Gors are stronger they always push their way to the front line wh ere the fight is thickest. This is why Ungors favour the use of spears as it ena bles them to jab between the larger Gors. {Gor_spear_descr_short}Ungors armed with spears {Gotrek_Slayers}Gotrek Gurnissons Slayers {Gotrek_Slayers_descr}Gotrek Gurnisson is the greatest Dwarfen Slayer ever to ha ve lived. A vision of Arek Demonclaw shows that after returning from his first i ncursion into the Chaos Wastes, Gotrek found his wife and children dead. The vis ion then shows Gotrek in the court of an unnamed dwarf lord, and Gotrek arguing with the said lord. Afterwards the dwarf lord sentences Gotrek to an unnamed fat e, at which Gotrek kills the Lord and his bodyguard and all others that do not f lee. Wracked with guilt and shame, Gotrek shaved his hair, becoming a Slayer. It is rumored that in the early days of his wandering he ventured into the Chaos W astes and returned with his axe. This weapon may be one of the reasons Gotrek ha s lived so long. Its power rivals that of the legendary Axe of Grimmir born by t he Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer. Since acquiring the axe Gotrek has bec ome all but invincible in battle. {Gotrek_Slayers_descr_short}Psychopathically dangerous Dwarfs with two axes {Graal_knights}Grail Knights {Graal_knights_descr}Only when a Questing Knight has proven his valour and purit y beyond all doubt does the Lady of the Lake appear to him in a vision, rewardin g him not only with a sight of the Grail, but also permitting him to drink from it. It is only a few who survive long enough, and an even smaller number who are deemed pure of heart enough to sup from it. Even then, the trial has not yet fi nished, for the waters are poisonous for all except those paragons of virtue who truly do fight for all that is right. The Chalice is said to grant a far larger life span, and a fey disposition. It is said that a Grail Knight can bury both his son, and his son's son's before the call of the grave takes this grand warri or from this world. More often though, they suffer the fate that awaits all warr iors on the battlefield. Still living the lonely hermit's life, to better their dedication to protecting the holy land of the Lady of the Lake, it is they who w ill fight the ever more desperate battle against Chaos, where beastmen and green skins and vampires and necromancers seek to despoil all that is honourable. Howe ver, it is good, then, that a Knight who has drunk from the Grail itself is as s trong as the monsters he fights - the aura of the lady manifests itself as a shi mmering golden hue, and each one is revered as a living saint, both in life and death. {Graal_knights_descr_short}Finest of the Bretonnian Knights {Grail_knights}Knights of the Black Grail {Grail_knights_descr}Among the most powerful of the Undead, these beings consist of the re-animated remains of Bretonnian Grail Knights and their horses. Each a ppears as a heavily armoured black knight, with baleful eyes of smouldering red flame visible through its visor. They are extremely powerful warriors and fight relentlessly in service of the necromancer who summoned them from beyond the gra ve. Fortunately, these abominations are rare. The corpse of a Grail Knight is fa r from easy for a budding necromancer to accquire, most often guarded by bands o f fanatical Grail Pilgrims within the temples to the Lady of the Lake. {Grail_knights_descr_short}Heavy shock cavalry {Grave_guard}Grave Guard {Grave_guard_bodygard}Grave Guard Bodyguard {Grave_guard_bodygard_descr}In ancient times, the people of the Old World buried their heroes under mounds of earth, laying their equipment alongside them. The foul Black Magic of Necromancers can resurrect these ancient warriors, turning t hem into the undead. Their flesh long since rotted, the magic of the necromancer s is strong enough to sustain their existence for centuries. They are guards wea ring rust eaten armor of bronze and black iron, thick with the dust of time. Com posed of soldiers who devoted their lives to fighting the Vampires, they tragica lly serve them in the afterlife as tireless, ever vigilant guards patrolling the walls of keeps like Drakenhof. Their arms bear an evil spell that can fell even

the strongest of enemies. Elite units of skeletons composed of resurrected hero es, they fight with enchanted swords and wear heavy armor. {Grave_guard_bodygard_descr_short}Elite units of the skeletons of former heroes {Grave_guard_descr}In ancient times, the people of the Old World buried their he roes under mounds of earth, laying their equipment alongside them. The foul Blac k Magic of Necromancers can resurrect these ancient warriors, turning them into the undead. Their flesh long since rotted, the magic of the necromancers is stro ng enough to sustain their existence for centuries. They are guards wearing rust eaten armor of bronze and black iron, thick with the dust of time. Composed of soldiers who devoted their lives to fighting the Vampires, they tragically serve them in the afterlife as tireless, ever vigilant guards patrolling the walls of keeps like Drakenhof. Their arms bear an evil spell that can fell even the stro ngest of enemies. Elite units of skeletons composed of resurrected heroes, they fight with enchanted swords and wear heavy armor. {Grave_guard_descr_short}Elite unit of the skeletons of former heroes {Grave_guard_halberd}Grave Guard Halberdiers {Grave_guard_halberd_descr}In ancient times, the people of the Old World buried their heroes under mounds of earth, laying their equipment alongside them. The f oul Black Magic of Necromancers can resurrect these ancient warriors, turning th em into the undead. Their flesh long since rotted, the magic of the necromancers is strong enough to sustain their existence for centuries. They are guards wear ing rust eaten armor of bronze and black iron, thick with the dust of time. Comp osed of soldiers who devoted their lives to fighting the Vampires, they tragical ly serve them in the afterlife as tireless, ever vigilant guards patrolling the walls of keeps like Drakenhof. Their arms bear an evil spell that can fell even the strongest of enemies. These elite units are heavily armored and wield enchan ted halberds. {Grave_guard_halberd_descr_short}Elite halberd units of the skeletons of former heroes {Great_Beer}Bugman's XXXXXX Keg {Great_Beer_descr}Josef Bugman is known for his splendid ales. His Bugman's XXXX XX and the notorious Troll Brew made him very rich. Unfortunately, at one time h is home and brewery were raided and destroyed by Goblins. Bugman and his compani ons swore vengeance on the Goblins for this foul deed and resolved to hunt them down. Sometimes Bugman and his band join up with Dwarf armies before a great bat tle, bringing with them his XXXXXX Keg. Such is the legend surrounding his ales that any Dwarf drinking from the Keg will be reminded of the glories of the past , refreshed and restored - ready to battle to the death. {Great_Beer_descr_short}Very powerful family heirloom {Great_Cross}War Altar of Sigmar {Great_Cross_descr} When war calls the High Priests of Sigmar to battle, it is a n awe-inspiring sight to see them ride at the head of an army atop the mighty Wa r Altar of Sigmar. Fashioned in the time of Magnus the Pious, the War Altar is a colossal chariot, ornate and gleaming with a towering effigy of a golden grypho n carried upon it. The gryphon was the symbol of Magnus and is a source of raw m agic, seething with potent energies that a High Priest of Sigmar can draw upon t o devastating effect. Bellowing unforgiving verses from the Canticle of the Held enhammer, the Arch Lector imbues the army's soldiers with a profound and righteo us fury, his inspirational presence shielding their souls against the manifold h orrors that the world throws at them. {Great_Cross_descr_short}Morale boosting platform of war {Greatswords}Greatswords {Greatswords_bodyguard}Greatswords Bodyguard {Greatswords_bodyguard_descr}Alongside the common infantry, Elector Counts and B urgomeisters can normally count on more specialised troops. These are the Greats words, an elite heavy infantry that forms the lord's personal guard. Members of the Greatswords are personally picked by the Elector Counts from among the champ ions of their troops. To gain such a promotion, a soldier must distinguish himse lf under the eyes of his commanding officers or accomplish some heroic feat of a rms. Greatswords form the garrison of the Count's castle and their personal body

guard on the battlefield. Equipped with deadly two-handed swords and superb suit s of full plate armour made by Dwarf Smiths, Greatswords swear to never give gro und to the enemies of the Empire and to protect the Count at the cost of their o wn lives. The history of the Empire is rich with episodes where these brave sold iers were cut down to a man in a last stand around their Count after all the res t of the army had been defeated. Such devotion is well rewarded, as veterans of this elite corp are sometimes knighted, a great honour for a humble warrior. {Greatswords_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite professional infantry {Greatswords_bodyguard_mar}Burgomeister's Personal Guard {Greatswords_bodyguard_mar_descr}Marienburg is like an acrobat on a tightrope, c onstantly balancing a dozen spinning dishes on a pole while trying not to fall i nto a pool of sharks. Should her leaders overbalance one way or another, the who le act would collapse and she would be eaten alive by one or another of her powe rful neighbours. So far, the Directorate has shown itself to be a master of the high wire. Not that Marienburg relies solely on money to protect herself. Mercen aries, mostly from Tilea, Kislev and Norsca, supplement the city's watch and lev ies on the rare occasions that they have to take to the field. The Great Houses have provided both ships, for the suppression of piracy, and arms of the best kn own quality for their small private armies. When you are an important figure in Marienburg you need the best possible bodyguards money can buy. These soldiers w ill defend you, and if need be, die for you, knowing they did everyhting to stop your enemies. Their protection comes at a high price but you can be sure you've spent your money wisely. {Greatswords_bodyguard_mar_descr_short}Marienburburg's finest {Greatswords_descr}Alongside the common infantry, Elector Counts and Burgomeiste rs can normally count on more specialised troops. These are the Greatswords, an elite heavy infantry that forms the lord's personal guard. Members of the Greats words are personally picked by the Elector Counts from among the champions of th eir troops. To gain such a promotion, a soldier must distinguish himself under t he eyes of his commanding officers or accomplish some heroic feat of arms. Great swords form the garrison of the Count's castle and their personal bodyguard on t he battlefield. Equipped with deadly two-handed swords and superb suits of full plate armour made by Dwarf Smiths, Greatswords swear to never give ground to the enemies of the Empire and to protect the Count at the cost of their own lives. The history of the Empire is rich with episodes where these brave soldiers were cut down to a man in a last stand around their Count after all the rest of the a rmy had been defeated. Such devotion is well rewarded, as veterans of this elite corp are sometimes knighted, a great honour for a humble warrior. {Greatswords_descr_short}Elite professional infantry {Grudgebr_arb}Grudgebringer Crossbows {Grudgebr_arb_descr}As part of the respected Grudgebringer mercenary army these troops are skilled in their art and loyal to their Commander. They are armed wit h powerful crossbows, which have a long range but require line of sight to their target. Although they wield their crossbows with considerable skill, they are n ot particularly effective in hand-to-hand combat. {Grudgebr_arb_descr_short}Professional mercenary crossbowmen {Grudgebr_can}Grudgebringer Cannon {Grudgebr_can_descr}This machine fires heavy cannonballs which can tear through enemy regiments and light buildings with ease, but is progressively more inaccur ate the further it fires. Its enormously long range is only equalled by Orc Rock Lobbers, but it requires line of sight to its target as the cannonball is fired in a very shallow arc. Armour offers no protection against a strike from a cann on. {Grudgebr_can_descr_short}Artillery battery at the heart of an army on campaign {Grudgebr_cav}Grudgebringer Cavalry {Grudgebr_cav_bodyguard}Morgan Bernhardt's Bodyguard {Grudgebr_cav_bodyguard_descr}Taking their name from their Commander's powerful sword 'Grudgebringer', these mercenaries form the core of the army known as the Grudgebringers. They are skilled in combat and ride into battle on mighty warhor ses. These men have been chosen to accompany their commander Morgan Bernhardt fo

r their prowess and professionalism in the heat of battle. {Grudgebr_cav_bodyguard_descr_short}Loyal and deadly bodyguards {Grudgebr_cav_descr}Taking their name from their Commander's powerful sword 'Gru dgebringer', these mercenaries form the core of the army known as the Grudgebrin gers. They are skilled in combat and ride into battle on mighty warhorses. {Grudgebr_cav_descr_short}Professional mercenary cavalry {Grudgebr_inf}Grudgebringer Infantry {Grudgebr_inf_descr}These warriors are highly experienced and proficient fighter s led by Sergeant Gunther Schepke, Bernhardt's second in command. As part of the respected mercenary army known as the Grudgebringers they are completely loyal to their Commander. {Grudgebr_inf_descr_short}All-round medium mercenary infantry {Grundel_defenders}Grndel's Defenders {Grundel_defenders_descr}Grndel's Defenders was first raised after the disastrous battles of the year 2421 when the Goblin Warlord Grom the Paunch of Misty Mount ain led an invasion through Blackfire Pass and savagely ransacked Nuln before sw eeping through the heart of the Empire. Better coordination was needed between a rtillery and infantry, and in the wake of the devastation new regiments were for med into battalions that trained and fought together. Baron Albrecht Grndel first named and equipped those under his command and his sons have continued the trad ition to this day. Tasked with protecting the batteries of cannon and mortar fro m the enemy, Grndels Defenders have never failed in their honoured duty. Discount ing witchcraft and a few ill-fated misfires, Grndels Defenders have yet to lose o ne of their precious war machines to a foe - a matter of great pride to the regi ment. {Grundel_defenders_descr_short}Infantry tasked with guarding artillery pieces {HE_Spearmen}High Elf Spears {HE_Spearmen_descr}The majority of warriors in an elven army are a citizen milit ia. The militia is a form of part-time army in which all take their turn to serv e. These elves have already experienced the horrors of war from a distance as ar chers, and after the decades of war are ready to don the armor and responsibilit ies of spearmen. Extensively trained to fight together, spearman are expected to fight bravely on the frontline and die if necessary to protect Ulthuan and her colonies. {HE_Spearmen_descr_short}Ulthuan citizen militia armed with spears and thick shi elds {HE_Swordmaster}Swordmasters of Hoeth {HE_Swordmaster_bodyguard}Swordmasters of Hoeth Bodyguard {HE_Swordmaster_bodyguard_descr}Many are the paths to wisdoms. Some fast and med itate for years, others study obscure and arcane tomes, but for others the true path is martial prowess. These are the swordmasters, who learn to fight with the ir bare hands and any weapon they can get their hands on, especially their finel y balanced ceremonial greatswords. The centre of this cult is the White Tower of Hoeth, where they study the secret ways of battle, honing their bodies, minds, and skills to unbelievable levels. Legends abound of them fighting in complete d arkness, guided only by their foes breath; others say they can cut candles in ha lf and not disturb the flame. Whatever the truth, they are deadly opponents, eag er to practise their great skills in real combat, in the arena where there is no room for second best. This is the true test of their mettle, and the one they m ost eagerly seek. {HE_Swordmaster_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite infantry armed with greatswords {HE_Swordmaster_descr}Many are the paths to wisdoms. Some fast and meditate for years, others study obscure and arcane tomes, but for others the true path is ma rtial prowess. These are the swordmasters, who learn to fight with their bare ha nds and any weapon they can get their hands on, especially their finely balanced ceremonial greatswords. The centre of this cult is the White Tower of Hoeth, wh ere they study the secret ways of battle, honing their bodies, minds, and skills to unbelievable levels. Legends abound of them fighting in complete darkness, g uided only by their foes breath; others say they can cut candles in half and not disturb the flame. Whatever the truth, they are deadly opponents, eager to prac

tise their great skills in real combat, in the arena where there is no room for second best. This is the true test of their mettle, and the one they most eagerl y seek. {HE_Swordmaster_descr_short}Elite infantry armed with greatswords {HE_mage}High Elf Mages {HE_mage_descr}By the efforts of the High Elf Mages Ulthuan is kept from sinking beneath the waves and the dread powers of Chaos are kept at bay. The need for p owerful Mages and careful, scrupulous mastery of magic in High Elf society is as great as anywhere, and the Elves that devote their lives to magic are treated w ith the same respect and honour as lords. In times of strife, the Phoenix King w ill beseech the Tower of Hoeth for aid, and the Loremasters of Saphery never shr ink from their duty. The Mages who accompany the High Elf armies are truly maste rs of their art. With skill derived through arduous study they deflect the spell s of the enemy, becalming the Winds of Magic, as they put years of learning and lore into practice. A swiftly spoken incantation by a High Elven mage can embold en wavering allies, summoning the glory of the Golden Age of Ulthuan to the mind s of the High Elves and steadying fearful hearts. Likewise, a mage can immolate an entire regiment of enemy warriors - directing the vengeful fires of Asuryan a gainst the foe and blasting flesh from bone. {HE_mage_descr_short}Powerful spellcasters from the land of Saphery {Halberdmen}Empire Halberdiers {Halberdmen_chaos}Heretic Halberdiers {Halberdmen_chaos_descr}Hidden under the respectable veneer of civilised life in the Empire lurk cults dedicated to destruction and vice. Banned by the Empire, membership in them is punished by death. Yet people still join these cults, desp ite the risks to life and reputation. Some seek power, others revenge or to sati sfy perverse desires. Others join out of desperation, turning to banned gods whe n the legal cults provide no help or protection. Thus a mother invokes Nurgle to spare her child when leprosy strikes and the Shallyans can do nothing. Or a lec herous old man prays to Slaanesh for power over the young woman who rebuffed him . The forbidden cults make sweet promises and offer an easy path to a worshipper 's heart's desire, but their fee is damnation and death. Even among the professi onal Imperial Army there are those who worship Chaos gods and wait for the right opportunity to strike their former comrades when the time comes and the 'true' gods come to free the Empire from the false deities. These soldiers fight with h alberds that allow them to keep the enemy at bay. {Halberdmen_chaos_descr_short}Heretics armed with halberds and equipped with shi elds {Halberdmen_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own a rmy which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the prov inces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the C ity States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardle ss of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. A halberd is a long-hafted weapon with a heavy blade that is capable of smashing through heavy armour or the tough hides of creatures such as Orcs and Beastmen. Regiments of Halberdiers are the most numerous state soldiers, thanks to the Emperor's requirement that each Elec tor Count maintain a standing force of Halberdiers, but also due to their versat ility and strength in battle. {Halberdmen_descr_short}Light infantry armed with halberds and shields {Halfling}Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks {Halfling_descr}Lumpin Croop and his band wear the time-honoured costume of Half ling poachers and gamekeepers. This consists of a leather coat and trousers, dec orated with plumes and furs. They also have distinctive fur caps made of fox-ski n, beaver, or the pelt of some other wild creature, with the tail dangling down the back. The Halflings carry packs, flasks and satchels full of provisions. The y also wear light, armoured jackets either beneath or over their leather coats a nd carry a shield, often strapped to their back to leave both hands free for sho oting. Lumpin's own shield has all the appearance of having once been the dartbo ard in the Old Pig and Bucket.

{Halfling_descr_short}Light infantry armed with bows {Handgunners}Handgunners {Handgunners_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the pro vinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardl ess of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Handgunners are highly effective troops armed with long-barrelled blackpowder weapons. These weapons are known as handguns and are manufactured in Nuln. The withering volleys of Handgunners' le ad shot can break the most determined Orc Waaagh! or unhorse even a heavily armo ured Chaos Knight. Often the best marksmen among them get to use of deadly exper imental weapons created by the Engineers' Guild. {Handgunners_descr_short}Soldiers armed with handguns {He_guard}High Elf Bodyguard {He_guard_descr}Handpicked by the general himself for their skill and valour, th ey are fearless warriors willing to follow orders to whatever end. Given the bes t equipment Ulthuan can provide, they are assigned but one task; to keep their l ord safe. {He_guard_descr_short}Heavy cavalry bodyguards {Hellblaster_Volley_Gun}Helblaster Volley Gun {Hellblaster_Volley_Gun_descr}The Volley Gun, or as it is called by the Engineer s, the 'Von Meinkopt's macro-mainspring of multitudinous precipitation of pernic ious lead', has nine seperate barrels, divided into three decks of three barrels , fixed on a circular crank. It can fire several shots at once in a devastating volley which will rip through the toughest regiment causing immense casualties i n the blink of an eye. The disadvantages of the Helblaster is that it is incline d to jam or misfire, and once it has misfired it can be useless. In fact the cha nces of being able to fire for a prolong time are very slim, as the weapon is ve ry likely to jam, misfire or simply explode. As a result, those crewmen who oper ate a machine so prone to catastrophically blowing them to tiny pieces tend to b e paid up with the priests of Morr. {Hellblaster_Volley_Gun_descr_short}Multibarrelled gun capable of volley fire {Hellcannon_of_chaos}Hellcannon of Chaos {Hellcannon_of_chaos_descr}Part daemon, part war machine, the Hellcannon of Chao s is a massive construct of iron and brass that growls and shakes with diabolic sentience. In battle these arcane engines heave great blasts of daemonic energy that arc through the air toward their targets, incandescent explosions liquefyin g anything they touch and sending the survivors screaming in all directions. The se hell-forged beasts are guided rather than crewed by a team of corrupt and twi sted Chaos Dwarfs, in whose volcanic furnaces the Hellcannons are created. It is their duty to retrain the Hellcannon in the fires of battle, as the daemons bou nd within each war-construct constantly hunger for a banquet of warm flesh and h ot blood laced with the taste of fear. Such is the strength and bloodlust of the daemonic machine that it must be chained to the ground to prevent it from rampa ging toward the enemy lines, intent on gorging itself on hot flesh. Even these p recautions prove inadequate should the enemy draw too close; it is whispered tha t there is nothing that can truly stay a Hellcannon's insatiable lust for destru ction. With entire batteries of these snarling, spitting daemon-machines at his command, it it only a matter of time before the Lord of the End Times conquers a ll who stand before him. {Hellcannon_of_chaos_descr_short}Living chaos siege cannon {High_elf_Archers}High Elf Archers {High_elf_Archers_descr}The majority of warriors in an elven army are a citizen militia. The militia is a form of part-time army in which all take their turn to serve. Fresh from training, these keen-eyed elves stand ready to support their brethren , and experience the horrifying beauty of war from a safe distance. {High_elf_Archers_descr_short}Ulthuan citizen militia armed with bows and swords {Hochland_Handgunners}Hochland Marksmen {Hochland_Handgunners_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has

its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case o f the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the cas e of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City . Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these f orces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Hochland marksmen are th e finest in the entire Empire. The famous Hochland Long Rifle was developed from weapons used by the hunters of that land. These men know what is expected of th em and as in the Drakwald forest there is often only time for a single volley be fore foes are upon them, the Hochland Marksmen have learnt to make each shot cou nt. {Hochland_Handgunners_descr_short}Handgunners with long range of fire {Horrors}Horrors of Tzeentch {Horrors_descr}Tzeentch is Change incarnate and so are his daemons. Horrors are the most prolific of those, an ever-shifting mass of flesh, limbs, and flame-spe wing orifices. In battle, the horrors of Tzeentch dance amidst their enemies in jovial laughter, spitting flames and curses, squealing and howling praises to th e Lord of Change. They are a maddening sight and the main reason why the Empire is lacking precise information on them is that even if there are any survivors o f a Horror-attack, they are often unable to offer anything but incoherent babbli ng and screams. {Horrors_descr_short}Lesser Daemons of Tzeentch {Huss_bodyguard}Luthor Huss's Bodyguard {Huss_bodyguard_descr}Luthor Huss is a renegade Warrior Priest who travels throu ghout the Empire preaching the word of Sigmar and bringing death to the follower s of evil. Sent to Altdorf at an early age on a holy mission, Luthor was dismaye d to see that many of the Priests of Sigmar were clergymen more concerned with p olitics than the holy mission bestowed upon them by Sigmar; the fight against Ch aos. He rejected this and vowed to fight the corruption amongst the priests and the forces of chaos at the same time. Luthor appears most often wherever the for ces of Empire are facing evil and unholy enemies, be they the followers of the D ark Gods, Beastmen, Skaven or the Undead. All such abominations are blasphemies against Sigmar and must be destroyed by the faithful. He is accompanied by loyal warriors who will gladly fight for, and if necessary, die for him. {Huss_bodyguard_descr_short}Warrior Priest with his retinue {ICE_mage}Ice Mages {ICE_mage_descr}The rulers of Kislev are mighty warrior-sorcerers, practitioners of a brand of magic which is quite unlike that of the Wizards of the Colleges o f Magic. This magic draws its powers from the land, and is concerned with the ma nipulation of chill, frost, and biting winds. The winters of Kislev are savage, merciless, and cruelly long, and it is when the land lies under the grip of the ice that an ancient primeval force stirs in the heart of the nation. When the sp ring returns to the north the power of the Ice Mages of Kislev wanes, and they a re at their weakest at mid summer before it grows again with the coming of winte r. Of all the Ice Mages, the greatest is Katarin, daughter of the Tzar Bokha. {ICE_mage_descr_short}Powerful practitioners of ice magic {Ironbreakers}Ironbreakers {Ironbreakers_descr}Most of Karaz Ankor lies beneath the ground, from the toweri ng vaults and labyrinthine galleries of the holds to the endless tunnels of the Underway. Adjoining these are the shafts of countless mines and the dark, danger ous warrens of the Goblins and Skaven. This is a part of the Everlasting Realm t hat remains a mystery to all but the Dwarfs and their ancestral enemies. All man ner of fell creatures lurk below and the Ironbreakers guard the deep abandoned t unnels from those that would otherwise invade the hold. They spend much of their time below ground in the deepest, least visited parts of the stronghold. In the se dark places, ambushes and rockfalls are commonplace hazards and survival is o ften dependent on wearing the right armour. Accordingly, Ironbreakers wear fine suits of gromril armour, crafted by the smiths of the hold and worn as a badge o f honour by this select band of warriors. {Ironbreakers_descr_short}Outstanding fighters, heavy infantry {Juggernauts}Bloodcrushers of Khorne

{Juggernauts_descr}Bloodcrushers are Khorne's shock cavalry, a deadly combinatio n of a battle-frenzied Bloodletter and the unstoppable crushing mass of a bull-h eaded Juggernaut of Khorne. When the legions of Chaos go to war, hordes of Blood crushers stampede across the battlefield, thundering hooves pounding the ground and trampling Khorne's foes into an unrecognisable pulp. The Steeds of Khorne, t he Juggernauts, are massive armoured creatures that are part-daemon and part-enc hanted steel and sinew. They are mighty beasts of groaning iron and brass, stand ing taller that a man, riverred and clad in sheets of metal, but with fire for b lood and a beating daemonic heart. They are forged in dark fires and bound with dire runes, their primordial rage tamed within a shell of artificial metallic mu scle and bone. The most favoured Champions of Khorne ride atop a Juggernaut. The charge of a Juggernaut causes the ground itself to tremble, and few can stand b efore such an unholy union of awesome warrior and unnatural mount trampling into their midst. {Juggernauts_descr_short}Powerful Daemonic cavalry {Karroburg_greatswords}Carroburg Greatswords {Karroburg_greatswords_descr}Alongside the common infantry, Elector Counts and B urgomeisters can normally count on more specialised troops. These are the Greats words, an elite heavy infantry that forms the lord's personal guard. Imperial hi story is full of famous battles where previously unnamed regiments wrote their n ames in the pages of history, as was with the Carroburg Greatswords. This elite regiment first earned its reputation during the Siege of Carroburg in 1865, wher e its soldiers successfully defended the walls of their city against the Count o f Middenland's vast army. Despite the horrific casualties and many wounds they s uffered during the battle, the Greatswords fought on resolutely and by battle's end, their white Reikland uniforms were drenched in blood. From that moment onwa rds, the Carroburg Greatswords have worn dark red uniforms in remembrance of tha t bloody battle. {Karroburg_greatswords_descr_short}Elite professional infantry {Karshtain_foot}Von Carsteins {Karshtain_foot_bodygard}Von Carstein Bodyguard {Karshtain_foot_bodygard_descr}Vampires are known by many names. Bretonnians cal l them Nosferatu, while in Kislev these evil creatures are known as Upyr. The fo lk of Estalia know them, however, as Wamphyri. Of all the undead, Vampires are t he most abhorred. They are immortals who were once human, but now carry the curs e of vampirism in their veins. Vampires are human in appearance, but their blood is tainted with supernatural energy. They must feed on the blood of the living to sustain themselves, or else they will fade into nothing. Though their outward appearance can fool all but the wisest, Vampires are wholly unnatural. They are stronger than any living man, capable of wrestling down a bear or cleaving a fu lly armoured man in two with one blow. A wound that would leave a man dead on th e battlefield has little effect on a Vampire. They can see the dark wind of necr omantic magic and bend it to their will. Of all the Vampires that have ever been known to man, the cursed bloodline of the von Carsteins is the most infamous. H andsome, arrogant, charismatic and proud, the von Carsteins are the true aristoc racy of the night. It was Vlad von Carstein, the first of their line, who brough t vampirism to the unhappy land of Sylvania. He inflicted the dread curse on all the greatest and most powerful nobles of the land, bound them to his will, and became the undisputed ruler and master of an Undead kingdom at the very heart of the Empire. {Karshtain_foot_bodygard_descr_short}Elite personal guards {Karshtain_foot_descr}Vampires are known by many names. Bretonnians call them No sferatu, while in Kislev these evil creatures are known as Upyr. The folk of Est alia know them, however, as Wamphyri. Of all the undead, Vampires are the most a bhorred. They are immortals who were once human, but now carry the curse of vamp irism in their veins. Vampires are human in appearance, but their blood is taint ed with supernatural energy. They must feed on the blood of the living to sustai n themselves, or else they will fade into nothing. Though their outward appearan ce can fool all but the wisest, Vampires are wholly unnatural. They are stronger than any living man, capable of wrestling down a bear or cleaving a fully armou

red man in two with one blow. A wound that would leave a man dead on the battlef ield has little effect on a Vampire. They can see the dark wind of necromantic m agic and bend it to their will. Of all the Vampires that have ever been known to man, the cursed bloodline of the von Carsteins is the most infamous. Handsome, arrogant, charismatic and proud, the von Carsteins are the true aristocracy of t he night. It was Vlad von Carstein, the first of their line, who brought vampiri sm to the unhappy land of Sylvania. He inflicted the dread curse on all the grea test and most powerful nobles of the land, bound them to his will, and became th e undisputed ruler and master of an Undead kingdom at the very heart of the Empi re. {Karshtain_foot_descr_short}Elite infantry {Karshtain_mount}Von Carstein Cavalry {Karshtain_mount_descr}Vampires are known by many names. Bretonnians call them N osferatu, while in Kislev these evil creatures are known as Upyr. The folk of Es talia know them, however, as Wamphyri. Of all the undead, Vampires are the most abhorred. They are immortals who were once human, but now carry the curse of vam pirism in their veins. Vampires are human in appearance, but their blood is tain ted with supernatural energy. They must feed on the blood of the living to susta in themselves, or else they will fade into nothing. Though their outward appeara nce can fool all but the wisest, Vampires are wholly unnatural. They are stronge r than any living man, capable of wrestling down a bear or cleaving a fully armo ured man in two with one blow. A wound that would leave a man dead on the battle field has little effect on a Vampire. They can see the dark wind of necromantic magic and bend it to their will. Of all the Vampires that have ever been known t o man, the cursed bloodline of the von Carsteins is the most infamous. Handsome, arrogant, charismatic and proud, the von Carsteins are the true aristocracy of the night. It was Vlad von Carstein, the first of their line, who brought vampir ism to the unhappy land of Sylvania. He inflicted the dread curse on all the gre atest and most powerful nobles of the land, bound them to his will, and became t he undisputed ruler and master of an Undead kingdom at the very heart of the Emp ire. {Karshtain_mount_descr_short}Elite cavalry {Kislev_Aleb}Kislev Halberdiers {Kislev_Aleb_descr}In times of war, every village and town in Kislev is expected to raise a company of soldiers. As opposed to most other militias, these men ar e well trained and heavily armoured. In addition to this, they have endured a li fetime of war and hardship, which only serves to make them swing their halberds with all the more force, cutting through any armour protecting the enemy. It is the weapon of choice of many soldiers. {Kislev_Aleb_descr_short}Halberd wielding soldiers {Kislev_Ar_Spear}Kislev Spearmen {Kislev_Ar_Spear_descr}In times of war, every village and town in Kislev is expe cted to raise a company of soldiers. As opposed to most other militias, these me n are well trained and heavily armoured. In addition to this, they have endured a lifetime of war and hardship and are thus more than capable of holding a line with their long spears and pushing back whatever spawn of chaos assaults their b eloved country. {Kislev_Ar_Spear_descr_short}Spear wielding soldiers {Kislev_Chekist}Chekists {Kislev_Chekist_bodiguard}Chekists Bodyguard {Kislev_Chekist_bodiguard_descr}Chekists protect the people of Kislev from the f ilth of Chaos. Some might say that they act as the Imperial Inquisition but that is not the case. Instead of being overly visible to the public, they operate wi thout leaving a trace, maintaining order in the army and destroying the seeds of chaos in the lands of Kislev. They are the eyes and ears of the Tzar, and also serve as the personal bodyguards of high ranking government officials, protectin g them from heretics while also ensuring they do not succumb to the temptations of chaos. {Kislev_Chekist_bodiguard_descr_short}Mace bearing cavalrymen {Kislev_Chekist_descr}Chekists protect the people of Kislev from the filth of Ch

aos. Some might say that they act as the Imperial Inquisition but that is not th e case. Instead of being overly visible to the public, they operate without leav ing a trace, maintaining order in the army and destroying the seeds of chaos in the lands of Kislev. They are the eyes and ears of the Tzar, and also serve as t he personal bodyguards of high ranking government officials. {Kislev_Chekist_descr_short}Mounted gunners {Kislev_Cossar}Kossars {Kislev_Cossar_descr}The Kossars are a fierce tribe inhabiting the northernmost part of Kislev. As such, they are constantly having to fight off marauding bands of Norse and chaos warriors, seeking plunder and slaves. This border war has on ly served to increase the natural aggression of these warrior people, and has im bued them with a deep set hatred of the Lords of Chaos and all their servants. W henever a major Chaos invasion is underway, the Kossars serve as a thorn in the side of the force, harassing them with their signature swift yet brutal attacks and then disappearing back into the desolate landscape, serving to delay the mar ch and allow the Tzar of Kislev to gather his armies together. {Kislev_Cossar_descr_short}Nimble archers, capable of holding their own in a mel ee {Kislev_Dragoon}Mounted Militia {Kislev_Dragoon_descr}These units are formed and funded by the Kislevite gentry. Their equipment is of a high standard and these men know how to use it in battl e. Their role is to harass the flanks of the enemy with their handguns, picking of officers and generally disrupting the line of battle. If it comes to hand com bat they can withstand much but eventually will be forced to retreat. {Kislev_Dragoon_descr_short}Mounted militia gunners {Kislev_Droyshki}Droyashki {Kislev_Droyshki_descr}The last sight of many an enemy of Kislev has been these ruthless warriors striding towards them, whirling their enormous swords with unc anny ease. Scorning the use of armour, they rely on their skill with their blade s to deflect any blow. These grim men tattoo themselves to immortalise significa nt achievements or events in their lives, such as participating in a legendary b attle or slaying an opposing champion. {Kislev_Droyshki_descr_short}Shock troops wielding a deadly blade in each hand {Kislev_Grifon_legio}Gryphon Legion {Kislev_Grifon_legio_descr}The most famed regiment of the Winged Lancers are the Gryphon Legion. Born to the highest ranking nobles, these knights travel far an d wide and operate as mercenaries when not called to battle by the Tzar himself. The regiment was founded as a token of eternal friendship between Kislev and th e Empire, and as such they are garrisoned in the Empire. Their name derives from an expedition during which their commander at the time, Vladic Dostov, slew a G ryphon single-handedly. They are famous for their uniforms which feature wings m ade from gryphon feathers upon their backs. {Kislev_Grifon_legio_descr_short}Best heavy cavalry Kislev has to offer {Kislev_Kvas}Kvassnics {Kislev_Kvas_descr}Drinking and fighting are two integral parts of a Kislevite's life. Thus, it was only a matter of time before they were done simultaneously. Kvassnics are wild and more than a little tipsy warriors, armed with pitchers co ntaining an alcoholic concoction that explodes when shattered. Taking an occasio nal swig from the bottles, these men roar taunts and insults at their enemies, t he curses made all the more colourful by their inebriation. {Kislev_Kvas_descr_short}Ranged unit throwing pitchers of explosive material {Kislev_Nobel}Sons of Ursun {Kislev_Nobel_bodyguard}Sons of Ursun Bodyguard {Kislev_Nobel_bodyguard_descr}Ursun is the Father of Bears and the patron god of Kislev. High atop the sacred Ice Mountains stands a great temple dedicated to t he Great Spirit Bear. It is said that this fortress monastery was founded by Bor is Ursa; the Forever Tzar. Great White Bears guard the iron gates of this formid able place and the time of its inhabitants is devouted to learning the art of wa r. When the Sons of Ursun go to war and brandish their proud standards, Kislevit es take heart and their enemies flee before these mighty knights and their fears

ome war bears. These men are hand picked by the Kislevite nobility to protect an d serve them. {Kislev_Nobel_bodyguard_descr_short}Fearsome warriors on mighty bears {Kislev_Nobel_descr}Ursun is the Father of Bears and the patron god of Kislev. H igh atop the sacred Ice Mountains stands a great temple dedicated to the Great S pirit Bear. It is said that this fortress monastery was founded by Boris Ursa; t he Forever Tzar. Great White Bears guard the iron gates of this formidable place and the time of its inhabitants is devouted to learning the art of war. When th e Sons of Ursun go to war and brandish their proud standards, Kislevites take he art and their enemies flee before these mighty knights and their fearsome war be ars. {Kislev_Nobel_descr_short}Fearsome warriors on mighty bears {Kislev_Spear}Kislev Spearmen {Kislev_Spear_descr}In times of war, every village and town in Kislev is expecte d to raise a company of soldiers. As opposed to most other militias, these men a re well trained and heavily armoured. In addition to this, they have endured a l ifetime of war and hardship and are thus more than capable of holding a line wit h their long spears and pushing back whatever spawn of chaos assaults their belo ved country. {Kislev_Spear_descr_short}Spear wielding soldiers {Kislev_Strelec}Streltsy {Kislev_Strelec_descr}Firearms were first introduced to Kislev by the famed Prin ce Boydinov of Eregrand. Their potential was quickly realised and so the strelts y were born. In his last will, Prince Boydinov ordered that a considerable part of his fortune be used for the upkeep of a regiment of Hand Gunners. This tradit ion endures to this day, but since Kislev is a relatively poor country, only the city of Erengrad is able to support a regiment of streltsy. Though not of the c alibre of the gunners of the dwarves, or even the Empire, they still form an int egral part of any Kislevite army. {Kislev_Strelec_descr_short}Riflemen used to deliver devastating volleys of lead {Kislev_Ungol}Ungols {Kislev_Ungol_descr}Comprised of tribesmen who can trace their family's history back to pre-Gospodar times, these warriors fight as their ancestors did centurie s before them. During times of peace, they patrol the northern reaches of Kislev . Fierce and reckless in battle, they lack the discipline that comes from milita ry training. Despite this, they are a valuable asset to any commander, trained a s they are to loose arrows from the back of a horse from an early age. They deli ght in running rings around their opponents, peppering them with arrows and dodg ing away before the enemy can retaliate. Perhaps the most skilled human ranged c avalry in the Old World. {Kislev_Ungol_descr_short}Swift, lightly armed horse archers {Kislev_War_wagon}Kislevite War Wagon {Kislev_War_wagon_descr}The nomadic tribes of Kislev often move across the stepp e using huge wagons pulled by many horses, and sometimes even white bears. When they are attacked these wagons form a defensive circle with the entire tribe ins ide. From this tradition the Kislevites have developed the military wagon - smal ler and better armoured than the original steppe wagons, armed with crossbows, b ows, handguns and crammed with warriors. On an open battlefield - such as the st eppes - these provide solid defensive barriers against the enemy's advance. {Kislev_War_wagon_descr_short}Mobile Artillery unit {Kislev_Winged}Winged Lancers {Kislev_Winged_descr}The mainstay of Kislev's cavalry are the Winged Lancers. Th ey are so named for the large feathered wings they wear on their backs, which em it a whistling sound as the wind blows through them when the force charges, unne rving those opposing them. Using tactics unchanged since their Gospodar forebear ers arrived in what is now Kislev, a charge by these heavy cavalrymen is sure to break the enemy's lines. They are the Kislevite equivalent of the knights of th e Empire and Bretonnia. {Kislev_Winged_descr_short}Heavy cavalry armed with lances and shields

{Knight_Orden_Gold_Lion}Knights of the Gold Lion {Knight_Orden_Gold_Lion_descr}A secular Order, the Knights of the Gold Lion are unusual in that they were founded in Araby during the Crusades. A group of disen chanted Knights had fled to a backwater Arabian village after their army had suf fered a crushing defeat. There, these Knights began to despair of ever returning home. One Knight, Erich von Strommer, took it upon himself to restore their res olve. To prove the truth of their cause, he set out into the savanna to take the head of a man-eating lion. He claimed that should he succeed in this impossible task, it would be a sure sign of Sigmar's favor. Days passed, but return he did , near delirious, bearing the head of a massive lion. The Knights were filled wi th courage, renamed themselves in honor of the feat, forged out into the desert, and eventually met up with allies. Since then, the Order of the Gold Lion has s erved the Empire as one of its most loyal Knightly Orders. {Knight_Orden_Gold_Lion_descr_short}The Empire's finest knights {Knight_Orden_Panther}Knights Panther {Knight_Orden_Panther_bodyguard}Knight Panther Bodyguard {Knight_Orden_Panther_bodyguard_descr}The Knights Panther trace their origins to the wars against Araby, when returning crusaders brought back outlandish animal s from the east. Some of these Knights adopted the panther as their emblem, crea ting the Order of the Knights Panther. In contrast to the Knights of the White W olf, the armour and weapons of the Knights Panther are of a more traditional nat ure - they wear full battle armour and carry tall lances as their main weapon. T he Knights Panther ride horses with a blood-lineage from the great steeds of Ara by, thus making them the fastest Knightly Order in the entire Empire. {Knight_Orden_Panther_bodyguard_descr_short}The fastest Knightly Cavalry availab le to Imperial Generals {Knight_Orden_Panther_descr}The Knights Panther trace their origins to the wars against Araby, when returning crusaders brought back outlandish animals from the east. Some of these Knights adopted the panther as their emblem, creating the O rder of the Knights Panther. In contrast to the Knights of the White Wolf, the a rmour and weapons of the Knights Panther are of a more traditional nature - they wear full battle armour and carry long lances as their main weapon. The Knights Panther ride horses with a blood-lineage from the great steeds of Araby, thus m aking them the fastest Knightly Order in the entire Empire. {Knight_Orden_Panther_descr_short}The fastest heavy cavalry in the Empire {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun}Knights of the Blazing Sun {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_bodyguard}Knights of the Blazing Sun Bodyguard {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_bodyguard_descr}The Knights of the Blazing Sun were cr eated after the Battle of Magritta in 1457 during the crusades which eventually freed the land of Estalia from the Arabian invaders. The battle was a great vico try for the Knights of the Old Worlds, made all the remarkable by a strange and prophetic occurence. During fierce street fighting around the temple of Myrmidia , the warrior goddess of Estalia, a group of knights found themselves surrounded by the dreaded Black Guard led by Emir Wasr the Cruel. Just as the Arabians clo sed in a sudden earth tremor shook the temple, dislodging a huge bronze statue o f the goddess which plummeted to the street below crushing the Emir and many of his troops. The event was to prove the turning point of the battle. Afterwards, the surviving knights established the Order of the Blazing Sun with Myrmidia as its patron and protector. The knights take great pride in their weapons and abil ities. They can often be seen charging on the battlefield in their highly polish ed and resplendent armour of black and gold. {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_bodyguard_descr_short}Excellent heavy cavalry {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_descr}The Knights of the Blazing Sun were created afte r the Battle of Magritta in 1457 during the crusades which eventually freed the land of Estalia from the Arabian invaders. The battle was a great vicotry for th e Knights of the Old Worlds, made all the remarkable by a strange and prophetic occurence. During fierce street fighting around the temple of Myrmidia, the warr ior goddess of Estalia, a group of knights found themselves surrounded by the dr eaded Black Guard led by Emir Wasr the Cruel. Just as the Arabians closed in a s udden earth tremor shook the temple, dislodging a huge bronze statue of the godd

ess which plummeted to the street below crushing the Emir and many of his troops . The event was to prove the turning point of the battle. Afterwards, the surviv ing knights established the Order of the Blazing Sun with Myrmidia as its patron and protector. The knights take great pride in their weapons and abilities. The y can often be seen charging on the battlefield in their highly polished and res plendent armour of black and gold. {Knight_Orden_blazing_sun_descr_short}Excellent heavy cavalry {Knight_wolf_mounted}Knights of the White Wolf {Knight_wolf_mounted_bodyguard}Knights of the White Wolf Bodyguard {Knight_wolf_mounted_bodyguard_descr}The Knights of the White Wolf are one of th e most numerous and powerful of the Knightly Orders. They are based in the city of Middenheim, where they were founded following a great victory against Chaos o utside the city walls. The Knights are all followers of the god Ulric, who is wo rshipped throughout the Empire, but most notably in the northern provinces, espe cially Middenland. The Knights wear mantles of wolf skins over their red-coloure d armour. They carry neither shield nor helm, and ride to battle bare-headed to show off their long hair and beards. Their weapon is a mighty cavalry hammmer wh ich they swing round their heads, knocking enemy horsemen from their saddles and pounding in the skulls of foes on foot. {Knight_wolf_mounted_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy shock cavalry serving as bodygu ards {Knight_wolf_mounted_descr}The Knights of the White Wolf are one of the most num erous and powerful of the Knightly Orders. They are based in the city of Middenh eim, where they were founded following a great victory against Chaos outside the city walls. The Knights are all followers of the god Ulric, who is worshipped t hroughout the Empire, but most notably in the northern provinces, especially Mid denland. The Knights wear mantles of wolf skins over their red-coloured armour. They carry neither shield nor helm, and ride to battle bare-headed to show off t heir long hair and beards. Their weapon is a mighty cavalry hammmer which they s wing round their heads, knocking enemy horsemen from their saddles and pounding in the skulls of foes on foot. {Knight_wolf_mounted_descr_short}Heavy shock cavalry {Knights_Innercircle}Inner Circle Knights {Knights_Innercircle_bodyguard}Inner Circle Knights Bodyguard {Knights_Innercircle_bodyguard_descr}Each Order has a very complex hierarchic st ructure, with each novice trained in martial virtue and the chivalric code until he is ready to take up the mantle of a fully-fledged Knight himself, but almost all of them are governed by an Inner Circle of Knights. These heroic warriors h ave accomplished a mighty feat of arms, distinguishing themselves and earning th e right to ascend to this important position. The Knights of the Inner Circle ar e the elite of the elite, certainly the best fighting men in all of the Empire. When the courageous Knights of the Inner Circle go to war it is only to fight th e most diabolical enemies, and their presence on the battlefield is worth many t imes their number. {Knights_Innercircle_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite heavy cavalry serving as bodygu ards {Knights_Innercircle_descr}Each Order has a very complex hierarchic structure, w ith each novice trained in martial virtue and the chivalric code until he is rea dy to take up the mantle of a fully-fledged Knight himself, but almost all of th em are governed by an Inner Circle of Knights. These heroic warriors have accomp lished a mighty feat of arms, distinguishing themselves and earning the right to ascend to this important position. The Knights of the Inner Circle are the elit e of the elite, certainly the best fighting men in all of the Empire. When the c ourageous Knights of the Inner Circle go to war it is only to fight the most dia bolical enemies, and their presence on the battlefield is worth many times their number. {Knights_Innercircle_descr_short}Elite heavy cavalry of the Empire {Knights_of_chaos}Chaos Knights {Knights_of_chaos_descr}The sight of a Chaos Knight galloping through the mist s trikes fear into even the most battle hardened commander. Every Chaos Knight is

a paragon amongst his kin as he holds the favour of the Dark Gods. Chaos Knights answer only to a Chaos Lord or Daemon Prince as they consider themselves to be above other warriors of Chaos. Each part of their armour is crafted by a master daemonsmith. They wield great pole arm looking lances designed to both impale an d tear the flesh of their foe apart. In closer combat they use a one handed weap on flickering with dark energy. The steed of the Chaos Knight is coal-black in c olour; it is of Daemonic blood and just as strong and fierce as its master. The steed is clad in full plate armour and makes a formidable warrior by itself. Leg end says that these steeds are granted to their masters by the Dark Gods; in any case, the Chaos Knights is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Unde r their horned helmet hides either a terrible steel fanged grin or a beauty that steals the breath. However, few have the chance to find out... {Knights_of_chaos_descr_short}Knights of Chaos Undivided, they ride to battle on heavy armoured horses {Kreml_guard}Kreml Guard {Kreml_guard_bodygard}Kreml Guard Bodyguard {Kreml_guard_bodygard_descr}Every ruler requires a bodyguard, a select group of dedicated soldiers who will defend him to the end. Long have the Tzars and Tzari nas been protected by the Kreml Guard, who watch over them as well as the palace of Kreml. Composed of men hand picked for their loyalty and martial skills, out fitted in armour crafted by Kislevs finest smiths, and wielding enormous axes, t hese men are to be avoided on the battlefield. {Kreml_guard_bodygard_descr_short}Heavy attack oriented infantry {Kreml_guard_descr}Every ruler requires a bodyguard, a select group of dedicated soldiers who will defend him to the end. Long have the Tzars and Tzarinas been protected by the Kreml Guard, who watch over them as well as the palace of Kreml . Composed of men hand picked for their loyalty and martial skills, outfitted in armour crafted by Kislevs finest smiths, and wielding enormous axes, these men are to be avoided on the battlefield. {Kreml_guard_descr_short}Heavy attack oriented infantry {Leader_Miners}Miners Guildmaster's Guard {Leader_Miners_descr}Dwarfs have an insatiable thirst for gold, and construct de ep shafts into the hearts of their mountains in their quest to acquire the valua ble metal. They also mine for ores and gemstones, and are very skilled at diggin g tunnels at incredible speeds. Dwarfs are ideally suited to be miners, their st rength and endurance making them excellent wielders of pick, hammer and shovel. They also have an instinct for the stone, knowing where best to dig and when to pause to shore up a section of tunnel. Collapses and other accidents are rare. W hen a Dwarf hold goes to war, many mining clans will send their warriors to batt le. As a gesture of pride in their profession, they will tend to carry picks rat her than axes, striking at their foes with the same vigour they might use on the more durable walls of a cave. {Leader_Miners_descr_short}Bodyguards to the Miners Guildmaster {LongDrong}Long Drong's Slayer Pirates {LongDrong_bodyguard}Long Drong's Guards {LongDrong_bodyguard_descr}Long Drong (who as his name suggests, was a rather ta ll Dwarf and claimed a dubious line of descent from Drong the Hard, a legendary Dwarf hero known from many sagas), began his career as a Dwarf seafarer in Barak Varr. He worked his way up from cabin Dwarf to captain. That was until one terr ible voyage around the coast of Sartossa. A storm blew up, the worst in a hundre d years, and the ship foundered on the treacherous rocks, with the entire cargo of rare Dwarfen ale lost. This disaster was something no Dwarf could bear, and n o self-respecting Dwarf captain would wish to survive. Long Drong knew his caree r as a Dwarf trader was over. He resolved to become a Slayer on the seven seas a nd to seek a heroic end worthy of a saga. His crew, who were just as shamed by t he loss of the cargo as their captain, followed his example and swore upon their ancestors to lead a life of roving Sea Slayers until a worthy death ended their shame and redeemed them in legend. {LongDrong_bodyguard_descr_short}Pirate Slayer bodyguard {LongDrong_descr}Long Drong (who as his name suggests was a rather tall Dwarf an

d claimed a dubious line of descent from Drong the Hard a legendary Dwarf hero k nown from many sagas), began his career as a Dwarf seafarer in Barak Varr. He wo rked his way up from cabin Dwarf to captain. That was until one terrible voyage around the coast of Sartossa. A storm blew up, the worst in a hundred years, and the ship foundered on the treacherous rocks, with the entire cargo of rare Dwar fen ale lost. This disaster was something no Dwarf could bear, and no self-respe cting Dwarf captain would wish to survive. Long Drong knew his career as a Dwarf trader was over. He resolved to become a Slayer on the seven seas and to seek a heroic end worthy of a saga. His crew, who were just as shamed by the loss of t he cargo as their captain, followed his example and swore upon their ancestors t o lead a life of roving Sea Slayers until a worthy death ended their shame and r edeemed them in legend. {LongDrong_descr_short}Pistol and cutlass wielding Slayers {Longbeards_axemens}Longbeards with Axes {Longbeards_axemens_descr}Dwarfs are taught from an early age to respect their e lders, and the oldest Dwarfs in the Stronghold are accorded the greatest respect . Their beards must stretch down to the floor before they are given the prestigi ous title of Longbeard. In battle, Longbeards are able to demonstrate their time -won skills, disdainful of any minor shifts in fortune that would throw less exp erienced warriors into confusion, and woe betide any beardling who falters under their stern eye, for they will admonish him in no uncertain terms. Longbeards e xpect the worst, and spend many a long hour grumbling about the inadequacies of Dwarfs/weapons/Goblins these days, as they're not as brave/well made/scary as th ey were in the good old days. It takes a lot to prevent a Longbeard from having a good grumble. They are virtually immune to any panic that might infect an army . These Longbeards fight using great axes ready to cut their enemies in two. {Longbeards_axemens_descr_short}Longbeards armed with two-handed axes {Longbeards_warriors}Longbeards {Longbeards_warriors_descr}Dwarfs are taught from an early age to respect their elders, and the oldest Dwarfs in the Stronghold are accorded the greatest respec t. Their beards must stretch down to the floor before they are given the prestig ious title of Longbeard. In battle, Longbeards are able to demonstrate their tim e-won skills, disdainful of any minor shifts in fortune that would throw less ex perienced warriors into confusion, and woe betide any beardling who falters unde r their stern eye, for they will admonish him in no uncertain terms. Longbeards expect the worst, and spend many a long hour grumbling about the inadequacies of Dwarfs/weapons/Goblins these days, as they're not as brave/well made/scary as t hey were in the good old days. It takes a lot to prevent a Longbeard from having a good grumble. They are virtually immune to any panic that might infect an arm y. {Longbeards_warriors_descr_short}Longbeards armed with shields and axes {Lost_legion_cros}Pirazzo's Lost Legion Crossbowmen {Lost_legion_cros_descr}Pirazzo's Lost Legion are all that remain of an expediti on sent to Lustria by the merchants of Tobaro. The regiment was one of three rec ruited in Tobaro from amongst the reckless and poverty-stricken youths of the ci ty. The promise of untold wealth to be found in the jungles of Lustria was a tem ptation none could resist and they joined the colours in droves. {Lost_legion_cros_descr_short}The remaining part of a failed Estalian expedition to Lustria. {Lost_legion_pike}Pirazzo's Lost Legion Pikemen {Lost_legion_pike_bodyguard}Pirazzo's Guards {Lost_legion_pike_bodyguard_descr}Pirazzo's Lost Legion are all that remain of a n expedition sent to Lustria by the merchants of Tobaro. The regiment was one of three recruited in Tobaro from amongst the reckless and poverty-stricken youths of the city. The promise of untold wealth to be found in the jungles of Lustria was a temptation none could resist and they joined the colours in droves. {Lost_legion_pike_bodyguard_descr_short}The remaining part of a failed Estalian expedition to Lustria {Lost_legion_pike_descr}Pirazzo's Lost Legion are all that remain of an expediti on sent to Lustria by the merchants of Tobaro. The regiment was one of three rec

ruited in Tobaro from amongst the reckless and poverty-stricken youths of the ci ty. The promise of untold wealth to be found in the jungles of Lustria was a tem ptation none could resist and they joined the colours in droves. {Lost_legion_pike_descr_short}The remaining part of a failed Estalian expedition to Lustria {Lothern_archers}Lothern Seaguard Archers {Lothern_archers_descr}The province of Eataine does not have a citizen militia l ike the rest of Ulthuan. Instead, it provides the Lothern Seaguard. Full time wa rriors, they guard the harbors and coast of Ulthuan from pirates and druchii inv asions with the eagle's claw bolt throwers. While defending the coast is one of their duties, they also provide the marine corps, serving as a ship's guard. As space aboard a ship is at a premium, they are armed with a bow and spear so tha they may fight with twice the power their small numbers may suggest. {Lothern_archers_descr_short}Coastal seaguard equipped with bows {Lothern_eagle}Lothern Eagle {Lothern_eagle_descr}The Lothern Eagle - the largest warship of the Elves of Ult huan, with three rows of oars and a multilayered deck, where the repeater bolt t hrowing Eagle's Claw are positioned. These ships also contain a large contingent of the famed Lothern Seaguard, for both defensive and offensive boarding action s. {Lothern_eagle_descr_short}The jewel of the High Elven navy {Lothern_seaguard}Lothern Seaguard {Lothern_seaguard_descr}The province of Eataine does not have a citizen militia like the rest of Ulthuan. Instead, it provides the Lothern Seaguard. Full time w arriors, they guard the harbors and coast of Ulthuan from pirates and druchii in vasions with the eagle's claw bolt throwers. While defending the coast is one of their duties, they also provide the marine corps, serving as a ship's guard. As space aboard a ship is at a premium, they are armed with a bow and spear so tha they may fight with twice the power their small numbers may suggest. {Lothern_seaguard_descr_short}Coastal seaguard equipped with pikes, swords and l arge shields {Marauder_axe}Marauder Desolators {Marauder_axe_descr}Marauders are the core around which a chaos army is built. T hey are drawn from the tribes of northmen when a Chaos Lord needs to bolster the numbers of his army before an invasion. When not part of an invading force they are often seen mercilessly plundering and pillaging coastal settlements. The me n of the north live and grow up in harsh conditions, and this makes for hardy an d natural fighters. They are heavily built and physically capable in comparison to the average man of the Empire, and thus favour tactics where their brute stre ngth is put to use. They are unlikely to ever turn tail and run as fear is despi sed by their gods and the ambition of many marauders is to earn the favour of th e Gods and ascend the ranks, to eventually become a warrior of chaos or even mor e. These marauders fight with a variety of melee weapons. {Marauder_axe_descr_short}Marauders armed with two-handed axes, hammers and mace s {Marauder_axe_thrower}Marauder Axe Throwers {Marauder_axe_thrower_descr}Marauders are the core around which a chaos army is built. They are drawn from the tribes of northmen when a Chaos Lord needs to bol ster the numbers of his army before an invasion. When not part of an invading fo rce they are often seen mercilessly plundering and pillaging coastal settlements . The men of the north live and grow up in harsh conditions, and this makes for hardy and natural fighters. They are heavily built and physically capable in com parison to the average man of the Empire, and thus favour tactics where their br ute strength is put to use. They are unlikely to ever turn tail and run as fear is despised by their gods and the ambition of many marauders is to earn the favo ur of the Gods and ascend the ranks, to eventually become a warrior of chaos or even more. These marauders fight with throwing axes. {Marauder_axe_thrower_descr_short}Marauders armed with throwing axes {Marauders}Marauders {Marauders_descr}Marauders are the core around which a chaos army is built. They

are drawn from the tribes of northmen when a Chaos Lord needs to bolster the nu mbers of his army before an invasion. When not part of an invading force they ar e often seen mercilessly plundering and pillaging coastal settlements. The men o f the north live and grow up in harsh conditions, and this makes for hardy and n atural fighters. They are heavily built and physically capable in comparison to the average man of the Empire, and thus favour tactics where their brute strengt h is put to use. They are unlikely to ever turn tail and run as fear is despised by their gods and the ambition of many marauders is to earn the favour of the G ods and ascend the ranks, to eventually become a warrior of chaos or even more. These marauders fight with a shield and one handed axe or blade. {Marauders_descr_short}Marauders armed with a shield and an axe {Marienburg_archers}Marienburg Archers {Marienburg_archers_descr}Marienburg is like an acrobat on a tightrope, constant ly balancing a dozen spinning dishes on a pole while trying not to fall into a p ool of sharks. Should her leaders overbalance one way or another, the whole act would collapse and she would be eaten alive by one or another of her powerful ne ighbours. So far, the Directorate has shown itself to be a master of the high wi re. Not that Marienburg relies solely on money to protect herself. Mercenaries, mostly from Tilea, Kislev and Norsca, supplement the city's watch and levies on the rare occasions that they have to take to the field. The Great Houses have pr ovided both ships, for the suppression of piracy, and arms of the best known qua lity for their small private armies. Expert archers are the city's first line of defence, waiting on high, inpenetrable walls and greeting the enemies with voll ies of deadly arrows. Marienburg Archers are well paid soldiers ready to defend their rich patrons, and even die if the siutation calls for it. {Marienburg_archers_descr_short}Light unit with longbows {Marienburg_guard}Marienburg Guards {Marienburg_guard_descr}Marienburg is like an acrobat on a tightrope, constantly balancing a dozen spinning dishes on a pole while trying not to fall into a poo l of sharks. Should her leaders overbalance one way or another, the whole act wo uld collapse and she would be eaten alive by one or another of her powerful neig hbours. So far, the Directorate has shown itself to be a master of the high wire . Not that Marienburg relies solely on money to protect herself. Mercenaries, mo stly from Tilea, Kislev and Norsca, supplement the city's watch and levies on th e rare occasions that they have to take to the field. The Great Houses have prov ided both ships, for the suppression of piracy, and arms of the best known quali ty for their small private armies. Marienburg Guards are known for stubborness a nd great proficiency when it comes to fending of attackers. They are well paid f or their service by the Great Houses so no one can even think of bribing them. T hey obey only the Marienburg Guilder. {Marienburg_guard_descr_short}Disciplined all-round unit {Marine}Nordland Marines {Marine_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the province s these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless o f whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are know n as the State Troops or State Regiments. Nordland is one of the less powerful p rovinces in the Empire, but is renowned for its navy and its heavily tolled coas tal roads which provide safe passage for rich merchants travelling to Marienburg . Some State Regiments, including the famous Nordland Marines, are experts at tr avelling and deploying swiftly by sea and are invaluable in intercepting fast-mo ving sea borne attackers. {Marine_descr_short}Swift and deadly light infantry {Marksmen_miragliano}Marksmen of Miragliano {Marksmen_miragliano_bodyguard}Maximilian's Guards {Marksmen_miragliano_bodyguard_descr}One of the most famous regiments to use the crossbow is known simply, but aptly, as the Marksmen. The Marksmen have been go ing for a hundred years or more, under several different Captains. As one Captai n fell in battle or retired, the most senior surviving Marksman would assume lea

dership. The regiment always recruits its soldiers from Miragliano. Any recruit must prove his marksmanship by shooting a bolt through the head of the Prince on a gold ducat. The coin is placed in the centre of a target set at a range of 30 0 paces. {Marksmen_miragliano_bodyguard_descr_short}Crossbowmen from Miragliano {Marksmen_miragliano_descr}One of the most famous regiments to use the crossbow is known simply, but aptly, as the Marksmen. The Marksmen have been going for a hundred years or more, under several different Captains. As one Captain fell in battle or retired, the most senior surviving Marksman would assume leadership. T he regiment always recruits its soldiers from Miragliano. Any recruit must prove his marksmanship by shooting a bolt through the head of the Prince on a gold du cat. The coin is placed in the centre of a target set at a range of 300 paces. {Marksmen_miragliano_descr_short}Crossbowmen from Miragliano {Men_at_Arms}Men At Arms {Men_at_Arms_descr}The peasantry of the land aren't exactly known for their skil l at arms, but the feudal system sees them swear allegiance to their liege lord, who in turn swears to the Barons and Lords, who themselves answer to the King. While some are pressed into service at times of need, most are taken into the ke ep of the knight they serve. In midsummer, the strongest, tallest, and fittest s ons of age will be taken into the castle, and given basic training and equipment , coloured in their Lord's heraldry. It is not an easy life, but at least here t he millitiamen have a guarantee of food, a place to sleep in the dry, and a good wage. Some knights however, prefer to let the militia pay for their own equipme nt, food and board, however, and in reality, a Man at Arms often ends up in debt , just for being taken into the Lord's house. Armed with a voulge, or strengthen ed farming implements, they are not particularly skillfull, but what they lack i n weapon handling, they make up for in sheer ferocity when the eyes of the knigh ts are upon them. In times of peace, or when the Lord and his household are away campaigning, they complete the routine patrols and guard the castle and its gro unds. {Men_at_Arms_descr_short}Heavy armoured feudal levy {NU_mage}Sorcerers of Nurgle {NU_mage_descr}Those Champions of Chaos who seek mastery over the magical arts a re known as Chaos Sorcerers, and they are madmen and malcontents all. Sorcerers of Nurgle wield the power of Plague itself, spreading it to better serve the wil l of Grandfather Nugrle. A word and a gesture from a Sorcerer of Nurgle can stri p a man's flesh from his bones, curse a man to a painful death by decay, or caus e a regiment to fall victim to a newly created pestilence conjured by these walk ing, bloated plague mages. {NU_mage_descr_short}Spreaders of the plague {Night_Goblin_Netters}Night Goblin Netters {Night_Goblin_Netters_descr}Night Goblins are a sub breed of Goblins, who live b eneath the mountains of the Old World. They live off a special breed of fungus w hich they grow in their damp and cool caves underneath the roots of the Old Worl d. These fungi have had a rather special effect on the Goblins which has truly s et them apart from their above ground cousins. Night Goblins dress predominately in black, and will only come out into the sunlight when they are suitably reinf orced by considerable amounts of fungusbeer. The Night Goblins spend the majorit y of their time fighting each other, Dwarfs, or Skaven, as all three species com pete for the same territories. The Night Goblins have had considerable success i n their battles with the Dwarfs, having even conquered a portion of Karak Eight Peaks, the most ancient and awe inspiring Dwarf city. These particular bands of Night Goblins are experts at hunting and capturing the many dangerous types of C ave Squig that lurk in the tunnels beneath their mountains. To this end they use strong weighted nets together with a variety of heavy clubs and other blunt ins truments to stun the Squigs once netted. These Netters are accomplished hunters and really quite brave as Goblins go. Because of this they sometimes join the Ni ght Goblin warbands in their battles to apply their hunting techniques on other unfortunate victims. {Night_Goblin_Netters_descr_short}Night Goblins hurling nets before they charge

{Night_Goblin_Squig}Night Goblins Squig Herd {Night_Goblin_Squig_bodyguard}Squig Herd Bodyguard {Night_Goblin_Squig_bodyguard_descr}One of the deadliest creatures to be found i n the deepest crevasses of a cave is a Squig. These are improbable, hybrid creat ures, part fungus and part flesh, with tough, ball shaped bodies, clumsy taloned feet and huge gaping maws. Night Goblins hunt Cave Squigs using long sturdy for ks called prodders to goad the Squigs from their hiding places and to keep the enr aged beasts at bay. In battle, the herders goad their charges into a state of fr enzy before unleashing them in the general direction of the enemy. {Night_Goblin_Squig_bodyguard_descr_short}Herd of angry squigs {Night_Goblin_Squig_descr}One of the deadliest creatures to be found in the deep est crevasses of a cave is a Squig. These are improbable, hybrid creatures, part fungus and part flesh, with tough, ball shaped bodies, clumsy taloned feet and huge gaping maws. Night Goblins hunt Cave Squigs using long sturdy forks called p rodders to goad the Squigs from their hiding places and to keep the enraged beast s at bay. In battle, the herders goad their charges into a state of frenzy befor e unleashing them in the general direction of the enemy. {Night_Goblin_Squig_descr_short}A pack of deadly Squigs {Night_Goblin_Squig_rider}Squig Hoppers {Night_Goblin_Squig_rider_bodyguard}Squig Hoppers Bodyguard {Night_Goblin_Squig_rider_bodyguard_descr}These Night Goblins ride the fearsome cave Squigs into battle. The Squigs used by the Night Goblins as mounts are larg er, stronger and more powerful than the normal cave Squig. The goblins grab on t o the Squigs and bounce along as it moves. Riding a Squig into battle is very di fficult as they are unpredictable creatures. Only the most skilled Night Goblins ride Squigs. They are able to direct the Squig towards the enemy but he have no control of how fast or far it will go. {Night_Goblin_Squig_rider_bodyguard_descr_short}Night Goblin bodyguards riding S quigs {Night_Goblin_Squig_rider_descr}These Night Goblins ride the fearsome cave Squig s into battle. The Squigs used by the Night Goblins as mounts are larger, strong er and more powerful than the normal cave Squig. The goblins grab on to the Squi gs and bounce along as it moves. Riding a Squig into battle is very difficult as they are unpredictable creatures. Only the most skilled Night Goblins ride Squi gs. They are able to direct the Squig towards the enemy but he have no control o f how fast or far it will go. {Night_Goblin_Squig_rider_descr_short}Night Goblin Squig Riders {Night_Goblin_bowmen}Night Goblin Archers {Night_Goblin_bowmen_descr}Night Goblins are a sub breed of Goblins, who live be neath the mountains of the Old World. They live off a special breed of fungus wh ich they grow in their damp and cool caves underneath the roots of the Old World . These fungi have had a rather special effect on the Goblins which has truly se t them apart from their above ground cousins. Night Goblins dress predominately in black, and will only come out into the sunlight when they are suitably reinfo rced by considerable amounts of fungusbeer. The Night Goblins spend the majority of their time fighting each other, Dwarfs, or Skaven, as all three species comp ete for the same territories. The Night Goblins have had considerable success in their battles with the Dwarfs, having even conquered a portion of Karak Eight P eaks, the most ancient and awe inspiring Dwarf city. These particular bands of N ight Goblins are armed with bows and ready to rain arrows upon their enemies as well as they are able with their limited archery skills. {Night_Goblin_bowmen_descr_short}Night Goblin archers {Night_Goblins}Night Goblins {Night_Goblins_descr}Night Goblins are a sub breed of Goblins, who live beneath the mountains of the Old World. They live off a special breed of fungus which th ey grow in their damp and cool caves underneath the roots of the Old World. Thes e fungi have had a rather special effect on the Goblins which has truly set them apart from their above ground cousins. Night Goblins dress predominately in bla ck, and will only come out into the sunlight when they are suitably reinforced b y considerable amounts of fungusbeer. The Night Goblins spend the majority of th

eir time fighting each other, Dwarfs, or Skaven, as all three species compete fo r the same territories. The Night Goblins have had considerable success in their battles with the Dwarfs, having even conquered a portion of Karak Eight Peaks, the most ancient and awe inspiring Dwarf city. These particular groups of Night Goblins are armed with crude hand to hand weapons and with their large numbers t hey are prepared to swarm their enemies. {Night_Goblins_descr_short}Night Goblin light infantry. {Night_Goblins_spearmen}Night Goblin Spears {Night_Goblins_spearmen_descr}Night Goblins are a sub breed of Goblins, who live beneath the mountains of the Old World. They live off a special breed of fungus which they grow in their damp and cool caves underneath the roots of the Old Wo rld. These fungi have had a rather special effect on the Goblins which has truly set them apart from their above ground cousins. Night Goblins dress predominate ly in black, and will only come out into the sunlight when they are suitably rei nforced by considerable amounts of fungusbeer. The Night Goblins spend the major ity of their time fighting each other, Dwarfs, or Skaven, as all three species c ompete for the same territories. The Night Goblins have had considerable success in their battles with the Dwarfs, having even conquered a portion of Karak Eigh t Peaks, the most ancient and awe inspiring Dwarf city. These particular groups of Night Goblins are armed with spears and with their large numbers they are pre pared to swarm their enemies. {Night_Goblins_spearmen_descr_short}Night Goblin spearmen {Nordland_crossbowmen}Nordland Heavy Crossbowmen {Nordland_crossbowmen_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case o f the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the cas e of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City . Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these f orces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Nordland is one of the l ess powerful provinces in the Empire but is renowned for its navy. Some State Re giments, including the famous Nordland Heavy Crossbowmen, are experts at travell ing and deploying swiftly by sea and are invaluable in intercepting fast-moving sea borne attackers with their deadly volley fire. {Nordland_crossbowmen_descr_short}Soldiers armed with crossbows and swords, wear ing heavy armour {Norsk_bonds}Bondsmen {Norsk_bonds_descr}The Bondsman is a young fighter who is still inexperienced. H e is a warrior in service to a particular Jarl, expected to live in the Jarl's H all, share the Jarl's food, and be steadfastly loyal. In exchange for his pledge of loyalty, the Jarl rewards service with gifts, such as weapons and armour, an d to the very best, lands and a title. The worth of the gift is never measured i n actual value, but rather the prestige it bestows on the bondsman. It's importa nt to remember such gifts do not make the bondsman a mercenary; rather, it is a reward for constant and loyal service. The Norse also place great store in a war rior's ability with a bow. Bowmen are often recruited from the poorer warriors, as well as from those who are particularly good shots. The Norse practise all co mpetitive sports including archery, but most favour throwing weapons. {Norsk_bonds_descr_short}Light infantry {Norsk_huscarl}Huscarls {Norsk_huscarl_descr}The Huscarls form the warrior elite of the Norscan armies. They vary in background from accomplished veterans to minor nobles. Of all the N orse, the Huscarls have the most flexible tactical possibilities. They can charg e headlong into the foe with the rest of the army, or they can slowly advance un der the cover of a well made shield wall, allowing them to penetrate deep into t he enemy's battle line. The warriors of this force are highly trained and motiva ted, and although they are an informal unit they can act together with perfect c oordination, only achieved by years of battlefield experience and mutual trust. {Norsk_huscarl_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {Norsk_wheelers}Whalers {Norsk_wheelers_descr}Whaling is an important trade for Norsca, and whalers are

respected even among the warriors. Swimming through the dark currents of the Sea of Chaos are massive whales, many of which bear strange markings and odd colour ations, twisted and warped as they are by the power of Chaos. These monsters can capsize ships and swallow hunderds of men in a single gulp. Thus, whalers must be made of sterner stuff than ordinary fishermen. On the battlefield, whalers fo rm small units that run forward and harass the enemy lines with their javelins. Though they are more used to using them on the creatures of the Sea of Claws, an y target works just as fine. {Norsk_wheelers_descr_short}Light skirmishers {Nuln_Cannon}Nuln Great Cannon {Nuln_Cannon_descr}The Empire's artillery is the finest in the human portions of the Old World, and its manufacture and maintanance are controlled by the Empero r himself. The Imperial Gunnery School at Nuln is the biggest cannon foundry in the world, and it is here that the Emperor's gunners receive their training and the mightiest cannons are crafted. They are the terror of the Empire's foes, row after row of thunderous cannon fire sending iron balls hammering into the ranks of enemy warriors, each impact ploughing bloody furrows through tightly packed regiments. The greatest and most powerful of these weapons is the Nuln Great Can non, which commands the respect of even the mightiest creatures. This was ably d emonstrated at the Siege of Middenheim, when Master Gunner Pumhart von Steyr dec apitated a rampaging Dragon with a single well-placed shot. {Nuln_Cannon_descr_short}The most powerful cannon in the Old World {Nuln_Pikeman}Nuln Pikemen {Nuln_Pikeman_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the pr ovinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regard less of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces ar e known as the State Troops or State Regiments. The province of Wissenland, bein g a southern state, has been heavily influenced by the fractious kingdoms of Til ea, and has adopted many of their customs. Perhaps the most distinctive feature borrowed has been the pike, replacing the traditional Imperial spear. It is from these roots that the Nuln Pikemen were shaped, a paradox of a unit in a city mo re traditionally known for producing some of the finest gunners and artillery cr ews in the Empire thanks to the Imperial Gunnery School. Despite their seeming o ddity, these men are trained professionals, forming a solid hedge of bristling p ike tips as they march relentlessly towards the enemy. {Nuln_Pikeman_descr_short}Professional infantry armed with pikes {Nuln_enge}Nuln Master Engineers with Repeater Handguns {Nuln_enge1}Nuln Master Engineers with Hochland Long Rifles {Nuln_enge1_descr}Founded over five hundred years ago, the Imperial College of E ngineers was the brainchild of Leonardo of Miragliano, a mad genius from the fra ctious land of Tilea, and his patron, the Prince of Altdorf. This institution at tracted many forward thinking individuals, eager to develop the new science of e ngineering. Over the years, the college has grown larger, even attracting renega de Dwarf engineers cast from their halls for attempting to 'improve' tried and t ested Dwarf technology. While they are not soldiers, Engineers are often found o n the battlefield, taking advantage of the fighting to field-test their latest i nventions or snipe at the enemy with a variety of powerful experimental handguns . The contraptions Engineers bring to battle range from utterly lethal devices, such as the Helblaster Volley Gun or the Repeater Handgun that has a high rate o f fire, to the downright bizarre, such as von Hugon's Terror Bell, the Thunder B arrel or the Herstel-Wenckler Pigeon Bombs. {Nuln_enge1_descr_short}Nuln Master Engineers using Leon Todmeister's fantabulou sly far-reaching harquebus of unforeseeable and unperceived bereavement {Nuln_enge_descr}Founded over five hundred years ago, the Imperial College of En gineers was the brainchild of Leonardo of Miragliano, a mad genius from the frac tious land of Tilea, and his patron, the Prince of Altdorf. This institution att racted many forward thinking individuals, eager to develop the new science of en gineering. Over the years, the college has grown larger, even attracting renegad

e Dwarf engineers cast from their halls for attempting to 'improve' tried and te sted Dwarf technology. While they are not soldiers, Engineers are often found on the battlefield, taking advantage of the fighting to field-test their latest in ventions or snipe at the enemy with a variety of powerful experimental handguns. The contraptions Engineers bring to battle range from utterly lethal devices, s uch as the Helblaster Volley Gun or the Repeater Handgun that has a high rate of fire, to the downright bizarre, such as von Hugon's Terror Bell, the Thunder Ba rrel or the Herstel-Wenckler Pigeon Bombs. {Nuln_enge_descr_short}Nuln Master Enginners using von Meinkopt's Whirling Caval cade of Death {Nuln_guard}Nuln Guards {Nuln_guard_descr}The eighth son of Valmir von Raukov, the Elector Count of Ostl and, Boris left his homeland for Nuln seeking glory and distinction as an office r in the forces of the Empire. No doubt assisted by his noble bloodline, his you thful enthusiasm has secured him a position of command over this regiment of Hal berdiers. {Nuln_guard_descr_short}Profesional regiment of sturdy soldiers {Ogres}Ogres {Ogres_descr}Ogres are big brutish monsters that excel at two things: eating and fighting. An ogre is easily recognised by his massive frame and boulder-like gu t, but any who comes across one would do well to stay out of its path for an Ogr e will, more often than not, club to death and messily devour any living thing i t can catch. They travel the world fighting as mercenaries and picking on those weaker than themselves, which, to be frank, is nearly everybody. In battle, a si ngle Ogre is more than a match for a half dozen normal men. A full grown Ogre Bu ll stands over ten feet tall and is almost half as wide at the gut. Ogres have b een described by scholars as "thick as two short planks". They have also been de scribed as having enough intelligence to nail the planks together and beat the o bserver to a bloody pulp. To the dismay of civilised races, the Ogre populations in the mountains have grown so large that they have begun to foray into the out side world, no longer in groups of two and three, but in their hundreds. {Ogres_descr_short}Brutish shock Infantry {Orc_Arrer}Orc Arrer Boyz {Orc_Arrer_descr}Orcs are the dreaded warmongering plague of the Old World. They are found in every corner of the world and they're always numerous and thirsty for violence. What Orcs have in unmistakable abundance is brute strength, made a ll the more dangerous by generous lashings of ignorance. To make matters even wo rse, Orcs feel almost no pain and care little about discomfort, physical injurie s, or even death. They enjoy nothing more than violence and will happily face de ath in battle just so long as they get a chance to put up a good fight first. Or cs are without doubt most dangerous when gathering in large numbers. When they d o they unite in a Waaagh!. This is a terrible, gigantic green horde united by th e sheer strength and power of one Warboss. Typically this is an Orc kicking, kil ling and yelling everybody else into submission, though Goblin Warbosses are not unheard of either. Ironically, this unhindered aggression cam work to their dis advantage, as Orcs will plunge heedlessly into combat against a vastly superior enemy rather than retreating as would any sensible human. In short Orcs are crea tures of war and when embarking on a Waagh! the best course of action is to get as far away as possible. These particular Orcs use shoddily made bows to unleash volleys of arrows. Though while the Orcs are deadly in close combat they are no t exactly marksmen so usually it is more about getting as many arrows into the a ir and hoping they fall down somewhere near an enemy. {Orc_Arrer_descr_short}A crude and brutal band of Orcs armed with bows. In addit ion to firing arrows they also do a lot better than their goblin counterparts in close combat. {Orc_Boyz}Orc Boyz {Orc_Boyz_body}Orc Boar Big 'Uns {Orc_Boyz_body_descr}The largest Orcs in a tribe, and therefore the most importa nt ones are known as Big 'Uns. These Big 'Uns are even stronger and meaner that other Orcs, and far more formidable on the battlefield, so it is not a rare sigh

t when they fight atop boars. War boars are evil-minded creatures that will take every opportunity to maim, bite and kick the enemy, as well as their Orc master s. Breaking in a war boar can be a long and dangerous business, but Orcs have th ick skulls and don't feel much pain. In fact, you never really train a war boar, you just learn to hang on better while the creature goes crazy, goring and stam ping, twisting and biting, and generally causing as much damage as it can. {Orc_Boyz_body_descr_short}Heavy Orc cavalry armed with spears and choppas {Orc_Boyz_bodyguard}Orc Big'uns Bodyguard {Orc_Boyz_bodyguard_descr}Orcs are the dreaded warmongering plague of the Old Wo rld. They are found in every corner of the world and they're always numerous and thirsty for violence. What Orcs have in unmistakable abundance is brute strengt h, made all the more dangerous by generous lashings of ignorance. To make matter s even worse, Orcs feel almost no pain and care little about discomfort, physica l injuries, or even death. They enjoy nothing more than violence and will happil y face death in battle just so long as they get a chance to put up a good fight first. Orcs are without doubt most dangerous when gathering in large numbers. Wh en they do they unite in a Waaagh!. This is a terrible, gigantic green horde uni ted by the sheer strength and power of one Warboss. Typically this is an Orc kic king, killing and yelling everybody else into submission, though Goblin Warbosse s are not unheard of either. Ironically, this unhindered aggression cam work to their disadvantage, as Orcs will plunge heedlessly into combat against a vastly superior enemy rather than retreating as would any sensible human. In short Orcs are creatures of war and when embarking on a Waagh! the best course of action i s to get as far away as possible. These Orcs are the biggest, loudest brutes in the horde, chosen precisely because of these attributes to protect their chiefta in. {Orc_Boyz_bodyguard_descr_short}A band of Orcs protecting the chieftain. {Orc_Boyz_descr}Orcs are the dreaded warmongering plague of the Old World. They are found in every corner of the world and they're always numerous and thirsty f or violence. What Orcs have in unmistakable abundance is brute strength, made al l the more dangerous by generous lashings of ignorance. To make matters even wor se, Orcs feel almost no pain and care little about discomfort, physical injuries , or even death. They enjoy nothing more than violence and will happily face dea th in battle just so long as they get a chance to put up a good fight first. Orc s are without doubt most dangerous when gathering in large numbers. When they do they unite in a Waaagh!. This is a terrible, gigantic green horde united by the sheer strength and power of one Warboss. Typically this is an Orc kicking, kill ing and yelling everybody else into submission, though Goblin Warbosses are not unheard of either. Ironically, this unhindered aggression cam work to their disa dvantage, as Orcs will plunge heedlessly into combat against a vastly superior e nemy rather than retreating as would any sensible human. In short Orcs are creat ures of war and when embarking on a Waagh! the best course of action is to get a s far away as possible. These particular Orcs have equipped themselves with an a rray of the crude axes known as Choppas, which don't require skill so much as br ute strength to use. {Orc_Boyz_descr_short}A crude and brutal band of Orcs armed with simple Choppas {Orc_shaman}Orc Shamans {Orc_shaman_descr}Shamans are dangerous to be around and other greenskins tend t o steer clear of them. Sometimes they are obliged to wear distinctive costumes s o they can be easily recognised (and avoided), whilst some are sent out beyond t he confines of the camp to commune alone with the gods. All greenskins believe t hat Shamans are possessed by Gork and Mork, the most powerful Orc gods, and shou ld therefore be respected and honoured...but preferably from a distance. In batt le many Waaagh! spells are in fact incantations to Gork and Mork, requesting ass istance from one or the other of the gods'. For example, Da Krunch is a spell wh ich calls upon Gork, to stamp his great big orcy foot down on the enemy. The spe ll Mork save Uz! calls upon Mork to protect his people from hostile magic, and s o forth. {Orc_shaman_descr_short}Crazy and violent magic users {Orc_spear_boyz}Orc spear Boyz

{Orc_spear_boyz_descr}Orcs are the dreaded warmongering plague of the Old World. They are found in every corner of the world and they're always numerous and thi rsty for violence. What Orcs have in unmistakable abundance is brute strength, m ade all the more dangerous by generous lashings of ignorance. To make matters ev en worse, Orcs feel almost no pain and care little about discomfort, physical in juries, or even death. They enjoy nothing more than violence and will happily fa ce death in battle just so long as they get a chance to put up a good fight firs t. Orcs are without doubt most dangerous when gathering in large numbers. When t hey do they unite in a Waaagh!. This is a terrible, gigantic green horde united by the sheer strength and power of one Warboss. Typically this is an Orc kicking , killing and yelling everybody else into submission, though Goblin Warbosses ar e not unheard of either. Ironically, this unhindered aggression cam work to thei r disadvantage, as Orcs will plunge heedlessly into combat against a vastly supe rior enemy rather than retreating as would any sensible human. In short Orcs are creatures of war and when embarking on a Waagh! the best course of action is to get as far away as possible. These particular Orcs have been armed with crude s pears to combat mounted enemies and the delicious horses they ride. {Orc_spear_boyz_descr_short}A crude and brutal band of Orcs armed with spears {Orcs_boar_boyz}Orc Boar Boyz {Orcs_boar_boyz_descr}Orc Boar Boys are rough, tough and very determined. On the other hand the giant boars of the Old World are ferocious and loudly flatulentl y animals noted for their ill-tempered and uncompromisingly vicious nature. Cros sing these two types you get the dreaded Orc Boar Boyz. Breaking in a war boar c an be a long and dangerous business (more so for the goblin tenders and the snot ling fodder), but Orcs have thick skulls and don't feel much pain. In fact, you never really train a war boar, you just learn to hang on better while the creatu re goes crazy, goring and stamping, twisting and biting, and generally causing a s much damage as it can. {Orcs_boar_boyz_descr_short}Heavy Orc cavalry armed with spears and choppas {Organ_gun}Organ Gun {Organ_gun_descr}The Dwarf Enginners Guild has developed a multi-barelled cannon called an Organ Gun or Organ Cannon. Its name derives from the pipes of a music al organ which the array of barrels resembles. The Organ Cannon's barrels are sm aller and lighter than those of an ordinary cannon, which means it lacks the ran ge and hitting power, but the gun does have the advantage of being able to fire several shots at once with devastating effect. Organ Guns are stoutly made fron iron and can sustain considerable damage before being destoyed. It is similar in design to the Empire Helblaster Volley Gun but is more reliable than the latter , due to the master craftsmen of the guild. {Organ_gun_descr_short}Multi-barrelled miniature cannon {Ostland_Handgunners} stland Hunters {Ostland_Handgunners_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these fo rces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. The province of Ostland i s heavily forested and the presence of the Middle Mountains means that much of t he region is rocky and barren, home to Orcs, Goblins and worse. As a result the people of Ostland are a hardy lot, and have a reputation across the Empire being tough. These men are trained to fight in the thick forest of Ostland, providing covering fire for other advancing units. {Ostland_Handgunners_descr_short}Sturdy, talented bowmen {Ostland_spearman}Ostland Spearmen {Ostland_spearman_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of th e provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Re gardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these force s are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. The province of Ostland is h

eavily forested and the presence of the Middle Mountains means that much of the region is rocky and barren, home to Orcs and Goblins and worse. As a result, the people of Ostland are a hardy lot, and have a reputation across the Empire for being tough. The province itself is rather poor and its armies rely mainly on sp earmen units as it is quite easy and cheap to produce this weapon en masse. The main difference between Ostland Spearmen and other similar units from the Empire is that even if there are fewer units available to muster, Count Valmir von Rau kov makes sure they are fully armoured and prepared to fight to the death. {Ostland_spearman_descr_short}Heavily armoured soldiers equipped with spears and swords {Phoenix_guard}Phoenix Guard {Phoenix_guard_bodygard}Phoenix Guard Bodyguard {Phoenix_guard_bodygard_descr}Of the many great warriors of Ulthuan, the most te rrifying to face are the Phoenix Guard. Silent guardians of the Shrine of Asurya n, their main duty is to defend the shrines and the pilgrims who travel there. M ost important is the Eternal Flame, which the Phoenix King must pass through to recieve Asuryan s blessing. The secret to their unnatural silence lies in the Ch amber of Days, a hidden room whose walls blaze with words of flame, writ on the naked stone itself. These stones tell the histories of the past, present, and fu ture Phoenix Kings, as well as their own furture. This wipes the joy from them, setting their faces into grim expressions of doom. They are always where the fig hting is thickest and most desperate, already knowing if they shall succeed or f ail. {Phoenix_guard_bodygard_descr_short}Heavily armoured halberdiers {Phoenix_guard_descr}Of the many great warriors of Ulthuan, the most terrifying to face are the Phoenix Guard. Silent guardians of the Shrine of Asuryan, their main duty is to defend the shrines and the pilgrims who travel there. Most impor tant is the Eternal Flame, which the Phoenix King must pass through to recieve A suryan s blessing. The secret to their unnatural silence lies in the Chamber of Days, a hidden room whose walls blaze with words of flame, writ on the naked sto ne itself. These stones tell the histories of the past, present, and future Phoe nix Kings, as well as their own furture. This wipes the joy from them, setting t heir faces into grim expressions of doom. They are always where the fighting is thickest and most desperate, already knowing if they shall succeed or fail. {Phoenix_guard_descr_short}Heavily armoured halberdiers {Pistoliers}Pistoliers {Pistoliers_descr}Alongside the common infantry, Elector Counts and Burgomeister s can normally count on more specialised troops. These are the Pistoliers, a ver y effective light cavalry unit. They are nobles sons who are not yet old or exp erienced enough to win their spurs as knights. In battle, they outflank the enem y and disrupt his lines with sudden hit-and-run attacks. Being rather young and inexperienced, pistoliers are inclined to be hot-headed and rather wild, bravely dashing into the jaws of danger where a more experienced warrior might bide his time. Such fiery courage is only to be expected of pistoliers, and indulging in it is seen as a good way of tempering their wildness into something more depend able. The armour and weapons carried by a pistolier are provided by his family. His allegiance is to his father, his family and ultimately to his Count and Empe ror. {Pistoliers_descr_short}Mounted gunners with short range of fire {Quarrellers}Quarrellers {Quarrellers_descr}Since the Dwarfs first came to the Worlds Edge Mountains the crossbow has ever been their ranged weapon of choice. It will easily outrange th e puny bows of the Goblins and is powerful enough to drop even a Black Orc in hi s tracks. In more recent times, devotees of the handgun have grown in numbers to the extent that the crossbow is no longer entirely the dominant weapon. The cro ssbow will never disappear entirely though. The Quarrellers that remain are a st ubborn bunch, preferring to trust their own estimates of range and wind than rel y on a new-fangled sight. If nothing else, many of them begrudge the cost of pow der when a bit of elbow grease will propel a quarrel as far as a bullet. {Quarrellers_descr_short}Dwarfs firing crossbows

{Questing_knights}Questing Knights {Questing_knights_descr}Since the days of Gilles the Uniter the Grail has been t he ultimate symbol of Bretonnian Chivalry, and the ultimate goal of any true kni ght. Should a knight decide to relinquish all of his earthly pleasures, leaving his wife, children, homelands, and wealth behind, to continue with this nigh imp ossible task, then they will set aside the sign of a knight - his lance - and ta ke up the sword. A trusted household knight will take over his lands in his stea d, knowing full well that he will most likely never return. Driven by visions of the Lady of the Lake, the so called Keeper of the Grail, they will live a lones ome life. The visions may take him to the far places of the world; the Chaos Was tes, the Worlds Edge Mountains, or even Araby, for the Lady will brook no weakne ss. With shield and greatsword, they take the fight to the most fearsome foes of the Old World, from Beastmen Herds to Skeleton Graveyards, and emerge victoriou s. To survive against such deadly foes on their own gives testament to their str ength. However, when amassed into lances, the foe beware! {Questing_knights_descr_short}Knights driven by visions of the Lady and of the G rail {Ragnar_wolves}Ragnar s Wolves {Ragnar_wolves_bodyguard}Ragnar s Wolves Bodyguard {Ragnar_wolves_bodyguard_descr}Eric Ragnar is a famed leader of mercenaries from the cold lands of Norsca. He and his Wolves, a band of horsemen who wield vicio us axes in combat, have fought for the Empire against Undead hordes and the forc es of Chaos. They have battled through many campaigns and have gained a reputat ion for ferocity in combat and for the effectiveness of their charge. Ragnar ha s moulded the unit into an extension of his will and has made it a powerful weap on to be wielded as he wishes. Ragnar is a consummate axeman and a fine horsema n. He rides his great grey stallion at the head of his troops and inspires them with the ferocity with which he fights in hand to hand combat and with his darin g deeds. Ragnar has a knack for choosing the right generals to hire out to and has made a very successful career off the warrior s craft. {Ragnar_wolves_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite of the band chosen for Ragnar s retin ue {Ragnar_wolves_descr}Eric Ragnar is a famed leader of mercenaries from the cold lands of Norsca. He and his Wolves, a band of horsemen who wield vicious axes in combat, have fought for the Empire against Undead hordes and the forces of Chao s. They have battled through many campaigns and have gained a reputation for fe rocity in combat and for the effectiveness of their charge. Ragnar has moulded the unit into an extension of his will and has made it a powerful weapon to be w ielded as he wishes. Ragnar is a consummate axeman and a fine horseman. He ride s his great grey stallion at the head of his troops and inspires them with the f erocity with which he fights in hand to hand combat and with his daring deeds. Ragnar has a knack for choosing the right generals to hire out to and has made a very successful career off the warrior s craft. {Ragnar_wolves_descr_short}Skilled Norscan mercenaries riding mighty warhorses {Reaper}Reaper Bolt Thrower {Reaper_descr}The Reaper Bolt Thrower is a murderous instrument of war utilised very often by the Druchii in combat. In particular they make it the primary weap on of almost every Dark Elf naval vessel. The war machine itself is a canny cons truction of counterweights and strings making it simple to use. Its deadly bolts are often used to clear off the decks of enemy vessels before the Corsairs boar d. Likewise they are very useful on land to scythe down entire ranks of unfortun ate victims. However, especially cunning Druchii commanders use the Reaper Bolt Throwers with care as the barbed bolts cause great agony and ultimately death fo r most who are hit by it. Needless to say such victims make poor slaves and thus garner a significantly lower profit . Often victims are simply left in the ten der care of the Witch Elves since most are already dying. {Reaper_descr_short}An efficient bolt thrower capable of shooting massive bolts long distances {Redeemers}Helhunten s Redeemers {Redeemers_descr}Led by the zealous witch-hunter Joseph von Helhunten, the Redee

mers are Vampire-hunters. Hailing from the region around Siegfriedhof in Stirlan d, the Redeemers shun the green and yellow of their home province, choosing inst ead black and tan. All the members in the regiment have experienced loss at the hands of the undead and have vowed revenge. The Redeemers bear neck-protecting a rmour and many carry ritual stakes. A Priest of Sigmar accompanies the unit as t he fight takes place on both the physical and spiritual planes. {Redeemers_descr_short}Band of fanatical vampire hunters {Redguard}Scarlet Guard {Redguard_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own arm y which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provin ces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the Cit y States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are kn own as the State Troops or State Regiments. The Scarlet Guard of Stirland played a decisive role in the battle of Hel Fenn (2145 IC). Armed with halberds, the G uard held back a terrible onslaught by the Undead long enough for the Imperial k nights to sweep in from the flank. This regiment is still in service today, wear ing bright red uniforms rather than the standard green and yellow. {Redguard_descr_short}Professional halberdiers {Reiksguard}Reiksguard Knights {Reiksguard_bodyguard}Reiksguard Knights Bodyguard {Reiksguard_bodyguard_descr}When a noble assumes his title and feudal responsibi lities he becomes a memeber of one of the select brotherhoods of Knightly Orders . There are many of these brotherhoods throughout the Empire. The Grand Order of the Reiksguard is one of them and forms the bodyguard of the Emperor. The Order was founded during the reign of Wilhelm, the first Emperor of the lineage of th e Princes of Altdorf. As the best troops available to the Emperor, the Reiksguar d form the core of the Imperial household guard, both on the field of battle as well as at other, more stately, functions. Their Grand Master is known as the Re iksmarshal, and he is second only to the Emperor himself in matters of war. The Reiksguard includes men from all the provinces from as far as Ostland and Nordla nd, Wissenland and Ostermark. Its ranks include the heirs to many of the most po werful noble houses in the Empire, including the sons of Elector Counts. {Reiksguard_bodyguard_descr_short}Excellent heavy cavalry serving as bodyguards {Reiksguard_descr}When a noble assumes his title and feudal responsibilities he becomes a memeber of one of the select brotherhoods of Knightly Orders. There ar e many of these brotherhoods throughout the Empire. The Grand Order of the Reiks guard is one of them and forms the bodyguard of the Emperor. The Order was found ed during the reign of Wilhelm, the first Emperor of the lineage of the Princes of Altdorf. As the best troops available to the Emperor, the Reiksguard form the core of the Imperial household guard, both on the field of battle as well as at other, more stately, functions. Their Grand Master is known as the Reiksmarshal , and he is second only to the Emperor himself in matters of war. The Reiksguard includes men from all the provinces from as far as Ostland and Nordland, Wissen land and Ostermark. Its ranks include the heirs to many of the most powerful nob le houses in the Empire, including the sons of Elector Counts. {Reiksguard_descr_short}Excellent heavy cavalry {Republican_Guard_Pikeman}Ricco s Republican Guard {Republican_Guard_Pikeman_bodyguard}Ricco s Guards {Republican_Guard_Pikeman_bodyguard_descr}With Ricco at their head, the regiment marched out of Remas with their loot. The citizens cheered them from the roofto ps, and a few tears were shed by the ladies of Remas who threw silken scarves an d handkerchiefs which the troopers tied about their arms and helmets as a mement o of the hospitality they had enjoyed. They marched from Tilea to Sartosa and tr avelled over the sea to Estalia, Bretonnia, the Empire, Kislev and the beleaguer ed Border Princes, where the regiment has continued to win fame and renown ever since. {Republican_Guard_Pikeman_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite unit wearing the best armo ur of the Old World {Republican_Guard_Pikeman_descr}With Ricco at their head, the regiment marched o

ut of Remas with their loot. The citizens cheered them from the rooftops, and a few tears were shed by the ladies of Remas who threw silken scarves and handkerc hiefs which the troopers tied about their arms and helmets as a memento of the h ospitality they had enjoyed. They marched from Tilea to Sartosa and travelled ov er the sea to Estalia, Bretonnia, the Empire, Kislev and the beleaguered Border Princes, where the regiment has continued to win fame and renown ever since. {Republican_Guard_Pikeman_descr_short}Elite unit wearing the best armour availab le in the Old World {Rock_Lobba}Da Rock Lobba {Rock_Lobba_descr}Greenskins makes all kinds of contraptions, from crude wagons to clanking mills and sturdy war engines, wood, iron and bone cheerfully lashed together as required. If things fall apart they can quickly be stuck back togeth er again with spit and string. Goblins are generally more nimble fingered when i t comes to this kind of work whereas Orcs, being bigger, are good at bossing the m about. Thus nature has created the ideal workforce in the greenskin race. Ston e throwing machines and bolt throwers are common devices in the Orc and Goblin a rmies. Both kinds of machine are usually powered by a twisted Squig hide ropes, creating the power required to hurl projectiles across the battlefield. Stone th rowers sometimes use a counterweight mechanism to propel their missile. Regardle ss of their design, greenskin refer to all stone throwers as Rock Lobbers and all bolt throwers as Spear Chukkas. {Rock_Lobba_descr_short}A makeshift stone thrower which throws massive chunks of rock at the enemy surprisingly well {Rocket_Launcher}Helstorm Rocket Battery {Rocket_Launcher_descr}After watching the spectacular fireworks of a Cathayan em issary to Altdorf, Master Engineer Herman Faulkstein was inspired to transform t his eastern technology into a weapon. His early research blew apart entire labor atories of the College of Engineers while he attempted to discover the secrets o f rocket-powered flight, but the permanently soot-blackened Engineer never lost faith that his designs had military value. The rockets were wildly inaccurate, a nd the only sure thing about them was that they would hit the ground at some poi nt. After the Elector Count of Middenland was almost blown to smithereens by an errant volley of rockets (but was a very long way from the intended target) they were nicknamed Helstorm rockets after the colourful language used by the Coun t on the poor Engineer. {Rocket_Launcher_descr_short}Artillery firing propellant rockets {Sasha_bodyguard}Gryphon Legion Bodyguard {Sasha_bodyguard_descr}The most famed regiment of the Winged Lancers are the Gry phon Legion. Born to the highest ranking nobles, these knights travel far and wi de and operate as mercenaries when not called to battle by the Tzar himself. The regiment was founded as a token of eternal friendship between Kislev and the Em pire, and as such they are garrisoned in the Empire. Their name derives from an expedition during which their commander at the time, Vladic Dostov, slew a Gryph on single-handedly. They are famous for their uniforms which feature wings made from gryphon feathers upon their backs. {Sasha_bodyguard_descr_short}Best heavy cavalry Kislev has to offer {Savage_Orcs_arrer}Savage Orc Arrer Boyz {Savage_Orcs_arrer_descr}Due to the addling effects of heat and strong sunlight on the Orchish brain, the Orcs of the Southlands and other equatorial regions ar e reckoned a complete bunch of primitives even by Orc standards. They use mostly stone or bone weapons and go around half naked or worse! In the Badlands, tribe s of both Savage and Common Orcs intermingle. The Savage Orcs eschew armour in f avour of warpaint, tattoos and lucky charms. Many of these charms take the form of teeth and bones removed from evidently less lucky creatures. These grim token s are worn around their necks or pushed through their lips, ears and noses. Sava ge Orcs are notoriously wild and ferocious, even more so than other Orcs and the ir enemies regard them as by far the most dangerous of their kind. These particu lar Orcs use shoddily made bows to unleash volleys of arrows. Though while the O rcs are deadly in close combat they are not exactly marksmen so usually it is mo re about getting as many arrows into the air and hoping they fall down somewhere

near an enemy. {Savage_Orcs_arrer_descr_short}Savage Orc Archers know how to fire an arrow but they are also quite deadly in hand to hand combat {Savage_Orcs_boar_boyz}Savage Boar Boyz {Savage_Orcs_boar_boyz_bodyguard}Savage Boar Boyz Bodyguard {Savage_Orcs_boar_boyz_bodyguard_descr}Due to the addling effects of heat and st rong sunlight on the Orchish brain, the Orcs of the Southlands and other equator ial regions are reckoned a complete bunch of primitives even by Orc standards. T hey use mostly stone or bone weapons and go around half naked or worse! In the B adlands, tribes of both Savage and Common Orcs intermingle. The Savage Orcs esch ew armour in favour of warpaint, tattoos and lucky charms. Many of these charms take the form of teeth and bones removed from evidently less lucky creatures. Th ese grim tokens are worn around their necks or pushed through their lips, ears a nd noses. Savage Orcs are notoriously wild and ferocious, even more so than othe r Orcs and their enemies regard them as by far the most dangerous of their kind. This particular bunch has formed an effective bodyguard for their chieftain ato p war boars and are ready to rip any enemies to shreds should they get too close . {Savage_Orcs_boar_boyz_bodyguard_descr_short}Savage Orc bodyguards are brutal in close combat though they wear little in the way of armour {Savage_Orcs_boar_boyz_descr}Savage Orc Boar Boys are rough, tough and very dete rmined. On the other hand the giant boars of the Old World are ferocious and lou dly flatulently animals noted for their ill-tempered and uncompromisingly viciou s nature. Crossing these two types you get the dreaded Savage Orc Boar Boyz. In contrast to their cousins the Savage Orcs have also taken to carrying javelins. These are hurled with great strength before they finally charge home with the fe ared fury of the Savage Orcs. Breaking in a war boar can be a long and dangerous business (more so for the goblin tenders and the snotling fodder), but fortunat ely Savage Orcs have thick skulls and dont feel pain much. In fact you never real ly train a war boar, you just learn to hang on better while the creature goes cr azy, goring and stamping, twisting and biting, and generally causing as much dam age as it can. Unsurprisingly, Savage Orcs and war boars get on famously well, s haring as they do an almost identical world view and personal hygiene regimen. {Savage_Orcs_boar_boyz_descr_short}Savage Orc heavy cavalry with javelins to thr ow before charge. {Savage_Orcs_boyz}Savage Orc Boyz {Savage_Orcs_boyz_descr}Due to the addling effects of heat and strong sunlight o n the Orchish brain, the Orcs of the Southlands and other equatorial regions are reckoned a complete bunch of primitives even by Orc standards. They use mostly stone or bone weapons and go around half naked or worse! In the Badlands, tribes of both Savage and Common Orcs intermingle. The Savage Orcs eschew armour in fa vour of warpaint, tattoos and lucky charms. Many of these charms take the form o f teeth and bones removed from evidently less lucky creatures. These grim tokens are worn around their necks or pushed through their lips, ears and noses. Savag e Orcs are notoriously wild and ferocious, even more so than other Orcs and thei r enemies regard them as by far the most dangerous of their kind. {Savage_Orcs_boyz_descr_short}These creatures are quite dumb, though they make u p for this in strength of body {Screaming_skull_catapult}Screaming Skull catapult {Screaming_skull_catapult_descr}These catapults fire the heads of executed foes back at the ranks of their former owners, enchanted to emit the death scream of the enemy. The skulls are also daubed in resins that burst into eerie ethereal f lames. {Screaming_skull_catapult_descr_short}Siege machine firing flaming heads {Screemer}Screamers of Tzeentch {Screemer_descr}Screamers of Tzeentch are ray-like, flying creatures that swoop down on foes and cut them apart with their sharp tusks, only to soar back up int o the sky the very next moment. Unlike most other daemons, Screamers act much li ke animals, driven by simple instincts and roaming for mortal souls to devour. W herever the veil between the mortal realm and the Warp grows thin, they appear,

gathering in shoals and hunting for their terrified prey. {Screemer_descr_short}Fell Daemonic creatures driven only by instinct - tearing their prey to shreds in an eyeblink. {Shadow_warrior}Shadow warriors {Shadow_warrior_descr}The Shadow Warriors are the loyal High Elven remnants of t he province of Nagarythe. Since most Dark Elves are descendants of Nagarythe bet rayers, Shadow Warriors are tainted by this distant association to the Witch Kin g and the violent madness of Aenarion. The survivors of Naragarythe are a very d ifferent kind of Asur: their home destroyed, they are rootless nomads who bear a n intense hatred for the druchii. They are intense, brooding, pround and warlike , and this leads them to be distrusted by many other elves. But they are among t he most loyal of the Phoenix King s subjects, and will heedlessly lay their live s down for their king, and a chace to get even with the Dark Elves. {Shadow_warrior_descr_short}Finest elven archers, remnants of the loyalists of N agarythe {Silver_Helms}Silver Helms {Silver_Helms_descr}Named for thier tall helmets, these are the sons of the nobl e elven houses, made to learn the ways of war as well as poetry and music. These warriors are drawn from all corners of Ulthuan, trained from birth to fight and able to afford the most expensive armor and weapons. They are pround and will a lways let their foes know who is was that spelt their doom. {Silver_Helms_descr_short}Heavy but fast-moving noble cavalry {Skaven_Jezzali}Warplock Jezzails {Skaven_Jezzali_descr}Warplock Jezzails are long-barrelled rifles that require a two-Skaven team to load and fire. Aided by its tremendous length, the Warplock Jezzail is capable of hitting targets at a distance greater than conventional bo w or handgun fire. The Jezzail fires a high velocity bullet made of refined warp stone. It strikes with a force capable of punching through the shield, breastpla te, and body of an armoured knight. Should the glowing green projectile pass thr ough or embed itself in flesh, the damage can be considerable, due, in part, to the highly toxic nature of warpstone. Although moving too quickly to be seen, th e bullets fired by a Warplock Jezzail leave behind a faint green streak. {Skaven_Jezzali_descr_short}Long-barrelled death-bringer {Skaven_Pavise}Clanrats {Skaven_Pavise_descr}The bulk of most Skaven armies are formed of Clanrats - a v ast and verminous horde of ratmen that make up the warrior class. These Skaven b elong to any one of thousands of clans scattered throughout the underground burr ows, strongholds, and bursting cavern-cities that make up the Under-Empire. Of a ll the teeming masses, only the worker dregs, the shiftless Skavenlaves, are mor e numorous that the Clanrats. They are slightly smaller than man-sized, standing four to five feet high. They range between lithe and scrawny and are possessed of a constant energy, most commonly seen in a nervous twitching of their hairles s, worm-like tails. When a Warlord gathers his might for war the Clanrats are fr ont and centre, occupying a key place in the battleline. They form into great bl ocks to overwhelm a foe with their weight of numbers and the fury of their attac k. {Skaven_Pavise_descr_short}Horde of lightly armed and fast infantry {Skaven_Ratogre}Rat Ogres {Skaven_Ratogre_descr}The hulking monstrosities known as Rat Ogres are one of th e most successful of Clan Moulder s numberless creations. The Master Moulders ha ve found the perfect blend of a death-dealing creature through a mixture of foul crossbreeding and dark sorcerous surgery. In their artificial making, many beas ts are literally stitched together, the impossible feat accomplished through the fusing powers of a powerful warpstone-derived balm, the infamous skalm. The Rat Ogre combines the speed and ferocity of a Skaven with the sheer brawn of an Ogr e. In battle a Rat Ogre pack is horryfying to behold. The Rat Ogres become wholl y consumed by an insatiable instinct to kill, rip, and tear, and it takes a Pack master to steer their ferocious charges. {Skaven_Ratogre_descr_short}Ferocious hybrid beasts of sorcery {Skaven_Stormvermin}Stormvermin

{Skaven_Stormvermin_descr}The Stormvermin are the fighting elite of the Skaven W arlord clans. They are easily distinguishable from their scrawnier litter-mates - often standing a full head taller, with thick muscular necks and a powerful bu ild. Most Stormvermin are marked at birth, as their size and darker fur colour i s immediately recognisable. As the largest and most aggressive, young Stormvermi n-to-be typically outfight the rest of their litter for precious food. Should th ey survive the traumatic politics and back-stabbing as their litter-pack jockey for a position, the strongest Skaven will be assigned to regiments of Stormvermi n. They are outfitted with the best gear of war in the clan s armoury and their duties may include forming a retinue or bodyguard for anyone from a minor Chieft ain to the mighty ruling Clan Warlord himself. {Skaven_Stormvermin_descr_short}Skaven shock troops {Skaven_Warpfire}Warpfire Thrower {Skaven_Warpfire_descr}The Warpfire Thrower hurls a blast of unnatural flame at the enemy s ranks. One crew members carries a fuel vat and the other aims the no zzle. A flip of a switch and powdered warpstone mixes with onrushing chemicals, bursting into unholy flame. The hellish gout can turn an entire formation into a twitching, throbbing pile of smouldering goo. {Skaven_Warpfire_descr_short}Deadly magical weapon team {Slayers}Slayers {Slayers_descr}Dwarfs are very proud individuals and do not cope well with failu re or personal loss. When a tragedy occurs, a Dwarf may be driven to take the oa th of the Slayer. He will break all ties with his Hold and his clan and seek dea th by hunting down and fighting a monstrous beast. Slayers dye their hair bright orange, and stiffen it with pig grease so that is sticks out at alarming angles . Their way of life invariably means that many achieve their ambition and are sl ain at the hands of whatever ferocious beast they have confronted. Others, the l east successful ones in a sense, tend to survive either because they are the tou ghest, the fastest or most determined. This process of natural selection weeds o ut all those who do not have exceptional abilities, so you can be fairly sure th at any Slayer you meet is exceptionally tough, violent, and psychopathically dan gerous. Slayers are a fascinating sub-cult of Dwarfen society, and many famous S layers have achieved deeds of exceptional valour. Younger Slayers often band tog ether, sometimes under the tutelage of an older master, so that they can learn t he arts of monster slaying. Slayers spend as much time as possible improving the ir warrior skills. Although they seek death, Dwarfs are incapable of deliberatel y fighting to lose, and so always enter the fray to win. {Slayers_descr_short}Psychopathically dangerous Dwarfs with great axes {Squires}Mounted Squires {Squires_descr}All knights will have footmen, to clean their armour, and perfrom a variety of menial tasks - effectively manservants. Once those tasks are compl ete, they often are employed as gaolers, tax collector heavies, or militia serge ants, and this is usually the highest rank a peasant can ever hope to aspire to. {Squires_descr_short}Light cavalry in the sevice of a knight {Sterntower_marksmen}Sterntower Marksmen {Sterntower_marksmen_descr}The Sterntower Marksmen are a newly formed regiment o ut of Steingart. They are garrisoned as part of the line of sentry posts and sig nal towers that guard the low foothills of eastern Wissenland, under the shadow of the Black Mountains. Always at the ready to launch the signal flares to sign ify an invasion, the watchtowers are essential for border defence. The region is rife with greenskins and monsters, and recently packs of Trolls have taken to w andering down in search of prey. The Marksmen share the Sterntower with several other regiments - halberdiers and spearmen - with whom they have established a f ront-line camaraderie. Sergeant-at-arms Hans Schwarzblut is the tower officer, i n command of the Sterntower Marksmen and a unit each of halberdiers and spearmen . He is a veteran of many battles against marauding Orcs and his tight disciplin e keeps all the troops at high alert. Unwilling to sit and wait, Schwartzblut of ten orders patrols up into the narrow mountain passes. {Sterntower_marksmen_descr_short}Marksmen guarding the borders of Wissenland

{Stirland_river_patrol}Stir River Patrol {Stirland_river_patrol_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire ha s its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the ca se of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the Cit y. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. The mighty Stir river r uns from the Worlds Edge Mountains to the Reik, forming the border of Stirland a nd a well-plied trade route. The watery highway must be constantly patrolled, as the wealthy merchant barges attract attention of the worst kind. Stirland send its best and bravest men to protect this vital route. {Stirland_river_patrol_descr_short}Professional infantry, excelling at fighting in swampy and rugged terrain {Stirland_river_patrol_halberd}Stir River Patrol Halberdmen {Stirland_river_patrol_halberd_descr}Every province and each city state in the E mpire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In t he case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and i n the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops , these forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. The mighty Stir river runs from the Worlds Edge Mountains to the Reik, forming the border of St irland and a well-plied trade route. The watery highway must be constantly patro lled, as the wealthy merchant barges attract attention of the worst kind. Stirla nd send its best and bravest men to protect this vital route. {Stirland_river_patrol_halberd_descr_short}Professional infantry, excelling at f ighting in swampy and rugged terrain {Swords_of_Ulric}The Swords of Ulric {Swords_of_Ulric_descr}The Swords of Ulric are one of the many regiments formed by and paid for by the Temple of Ulric in Middenheim. The formidable training of the Swords of Ulric consists not of marches or weapons practice, but instead of patrols and war parties led out of the city into the surrounding Drakwald. Init iates hoping to join the unit must accompany such excursions - only those that f ight alongside them and survive are admitted. It is left to each soldier to equi p himself in the blue and white colours of Middenheim. Since the regiment s foun ding, in the days when Count Mandrcd rallied the Empire behind him and became Em peror, the sons of Ulric have borne yellow shields to battle. By tradition, each shield bears a variation of the same device - a red wolf, signifying Ulric emba ttled. The grim northerners have little room for formal ceremony but what they l ack in parade-ground discipline they make up for with savagery on the battlefiel d. {Swords_of_Ulric_descr_short}Savage light infantry unit {Swordsmen_of_Empire}Empire Swordsmen {Swordsmen_of_Empire_chaos}Heretic Swordsmen {Swordsmen_of_Empire_chaos_descr} Hidden under the respectable veneer of civilis ed life in the Empire lurk cults dedicated to destruction and vice. Banned by th e Empire, membership in them is punished by death. Yet people still join these c ults, despite the risks to life and reputation. Some seek power, others revenge or to satisfy perverse desires. Others join out of desperation, turning to banne d gods when the legal cults provide no help or protection. Thus a mother invokes Nurgle to spare her child when leprosy strikes and the Shallyans can do nothing . Or a lecherous old man prays to Slaanesh for power over the young woman who re buffed him. The forbidden cults make sweet promises and offer an easy path to a worshipper s heart s desire, but their fee is damnation and death. Even among th e professional Imperial Army there are those who worship Chaos gods and wait for the right opportunity to strike their former comrades when the time comes and t he true gods come to free the Empire from the false deities. These soldiers fi ght with shield and sword and are deadly opponents. {Swordsmen_of_Empire_chaos_descr_short}Professional infantry {Swordsmen_of_Empire_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of

the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these fo rces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Swordsmen are expert fenc ers. They are regarded as romantic and dashing figures, often bravely engaging t he best enemy regiments. Their great ability with the sword makes them a tough c hallange for even the most powerful opponents. A skilled swordman can attack a f oe s weak points while simultaneously defending himself with his shield. {Swordsmen_of_Empire_descr_short}Professional swordsmen, protected by a shield {Swordsmen_of_Empire_mounted}Empire Mounted Swordsmen {Swordsmen_of_Empire_mounted_bodyguard}Empire Mounted Swordsmen {Swordsmen_of_Empire_mounted_bodyguard_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expen se. In the case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Coun t, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomei sters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city stat e troops, these forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Swordsm en are expert fencers. They are regarded as romantic and dashing figures, often bravely engaging the best enemy regiments. Their great ability with the sword ma kes them a tough challange for even the most powerful opponents. A skilled sword man can attack a foe s weak points while simultaneously defending himself with h is shield. Mounted on fine horses, these soldiers play a vital role on the battl efield, as their elevated position allows them to fight the larger beasts they f ace on slightly more equal terms. {Swordsmen_of_Empire_mounted_bodyguard_descr_short}Mounted Imperial swordsmen bo dyguard {Swordsmen_of_Empire_mounted_descr}Every province and each city state in the Emp ire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of t he City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Swordsmen are exp ert fencers. They are regarded as romantic and dashing figures, often bravely en gaging the best enemy regiments. Their great ability with the sword makes them a tough challange for even the most powerful opponents. A skilled swordman can at tack a foe s weak points while simultaneously defending himself with his shield. Mounted on fine horses, these soldiers play a vital role on the battlefield, as their elevated position allows them to fight the larger beasts they face on sli ghtly more equal terms. {Swordsmen_of_Empire_mounted_descr_short}Mounted Imperial swordsmen {Swordsmen_of_Talabecland}Talabecland Swordmasters {Swordsmen_of_Talabecland_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the ca se of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, the se forces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. Talabecland is one o f the most sparsely populated provinces in the Empire because of the Great Fores t, which stretches through most parts of this province. It is a very dangerous p lace to live because of the many Beastmen raiders attacking from within the fore st. In order to fight this threat Talabecland fields many specialised units - on e of which are the Talabecland Swordmasters. Fighting in a forest is very diffic ult and there is little space to operate so a short sword is a perfect weapon to cut off a Bestigor s head. These men know the art of war and the hardships of t he Great Forest give them the strength to fight. {Swordsmen_of_Talabecland_descr_short}Professional infantry, masters of sword fe ncing {TZ_mage}Sorcerers of Tzeentch {TZ_mage_descr}Forever changing the world in the name of their god Tzeentch, the se figures are blessed by the mutations of their lord that strengthen their bodi

es and make them even more powerful. They can rain powerful destructive magic fl ames upon their enemies on the battlefield which makes them some of Tzeentch s m ost powerful human peons in his everlasting game of fate. {TZ_mage_descr_short}Sorcerers of Tzeentch {TZ_mage_upg}Tzeentch Sorcerers on Discs {TZ_mage_upg_descr}Few of the followers of Tzeentch can reach the end of the lon g road that leads to the title of Champion, but those few become the most awesom e of all Champions of the Dark Gods. They are blessed with both exceptional warr ior skills and the mighty magical powers of the Lord of Magic. This deadly combi nation makes them very dangerous foes - cunning leaders and awesome warriors who command their armies with unerring prescience. These particular Champions use t he dreaded Discs of Tzeentch. These bizarre creations are neither daemon nor con struction, but a nightmarish blend of the two. Coruscating with mystical force, discs hover several feet above the ground, skimming gently forward upon the wind s of magic themselves. While the gibbering hordes of the Changing One leap and g ambol along the ground, the proud sorcerers of Tzeentch drift above them on the floating Discs, raining magical fire upon their foes. {TZ_mage_upg_descr_short}Powerful spellcasters on fast moving constructs {Thunderers}Thunderers {Thunderers_descr}Some clans are rich enough to purchase handguns from the Engin eers Guild. Extremely proud of these weapons, they go to great lengths to mainta in them. The Dwarfs who specialise in the handgun have come to be known as Thund erers. Being naturally methodical as well as mechanically gifted, they will cont inue to load and fire in a disciplined manner, even when the enemy are right on them, rarely suffering the misfires that would afflict less-disciplined troops. Some Thunderers will have crafted their own handguns, incorporating additional i mprovements of their own or the latest ideas form noted Engineers. Dwarf handgun s are exceptional works of craftmanship and are more accurate than the shoddy co nstructions of the Empire. {Thunderers_descr_short}Dwarfs armed with outstanding muskets {Tilean_Crossbowmen}Tilean Crossbowmen {Tilean_Crossbowmen_descr}Mercenary armies of Dogs of War fight all over the wor ld. They are drawn to places where fortunes can be won by ruthless adventurers a nd daring deeds. The world is truly awash with ragtag armies of sell-swords who nurture wishful dreams of wealth. Although Dogs of War ply their bloody trade at every point of the compass, the most notorious breeding ground for mercenaries is the land of Tilea where they can be assured of ready and profitable employmen t. Crossbows are the preferred weapon of choice for these men. The bulk of the m issile troops in a Dogs of War army are formed by crossbowmen from Tilea, Estali a and the Border Princes. Easy to manufacture and operate they are very deadly i n the hands of an expert. {Tilean_Crossbowmen_descr_short}Professional mercenary crossbowmen {Tiranoc_chariot}Tiranoc Chariots {Tiranoc_chariot_descr}A few charioteers are all that remain of the ancient trad itions of the realm of Tiranoc. Warriors competed to see who was the fastest, or who could loose an arrow accurately from the back of a speeding chariot. Huge r aces were once held in Tiranoc, along with herds of the finest horses. Then the Sundering came, and the land was drowned beneath the crashing waves. Not all was lost however, as many of the finest warriors were away at war. Since that fatal day, they have focused solely on tending the herds and preparing for war. They serve in any army, but especially those that fight their dark kin, in a vain att empt to avenge their drowned land. {Tiranoc_chariot_descr_short}Elven charioteers wielding bows {Trebuchet}rebuchet {Trebuchet_bre}Bretonian Trebuchet {Trebuchet_bre_descr}Perhaps the least chivalrous weapon in the Bretonnian arsen al, a field trebuchet is nonetheless an essential element to any army planning o n laying siege to the foe or holding an enemy at bay. Wealthy Dukes and Barons w ill sometimes commission a tradesman to craft them a Field Trebuchet of their ow n, although the operation of it is invariably left to a trusted Yeoman - no Knig

ht would ever dream of stooping to operating such a weapon. {Trebuchet_bre_descr_short}A long range siege engine {Trebuchet_descr}A trebuchet is a very powerful and accurate siege engine. It is sometimes called a "counterweight trebuchet" or "counterpoise trebuchet" in ord er to distinguish it from an earlier weapon that has come to be called the "trac tion trebuchet", the original version with pulling men instead of a counterweigh t. It can fire projectiles of up to three hundred and fifty pounds at high speed s into enemy fortifications or units for that matter. Heavier and more difficult to relocate from one place to another than a catapult it still is favoured by c ommanders for its punch. {Trebuchet_descr_short}Very powerful siege engine {Troll}Troll {Troll_descr}These are large creatures, very strong but also rather stupid. Ther e are many different kinds, because, like greenskins, Trolls vary a great deal i n appearance. However it is fair to say they are universally big, ugly, hungry a nd best avoided where possible. All Trolls are rightly feared because of their u nthinking ferocity and indiscriminate appetite. They will eat anything they can find including flesh and bone, wood, rocks, bits of metal and even sprouts! In a ddition to their strength their rather single minded thoughts about eating make it much less likely that they turn tail and run than say the goblins in the same place. One could say their appetite and dim-wittedness renders them to efficien t killing machines who wont realize theyre badly outnumbered before their head is severed. {Troll_descr_short}Strong but dim-witted assault troops {Trolls}Trolls {Trolls_descr}These are large creatures, very strong but also rather stupid. The re are many different kinds, because, like greenskins, Trolls vary a great deal in appearance. However it is fair to say they are universally big, ugly, hungry and best avoided where possible. All Trolls are rightly feared because of their unthinking ferocity and indiscriminate appetite. They will eat anything they can find including flesh and bone, wood, rocks, bits of metal and even sprouts! In addition to their strength their rather single minded thoughts about eating make it much less likely that they turn tail and run than say the goblins in the sam e place. One could say their appetite and dim-wittedness renders them to efficie nt killing machines who wont realize theyre badly outnumbered before their head is severed. {Trolls_descr_short}Strong but dim-witted assault troops {Tzar_guard}Tzar Guard {Tzar_guard_descr}The ruler of a nation needs to be protected by the finest sold iers the nation can provide, and thus the Tzar s Guard was born. Comprised of ve terans who have served in the ranks of the boyars and the Gryphon Legion, they g o through a brutal training process which weeds out the unworthy until only the best of the best - those who have accomplished an heroic feat, such as surviving a battle with a ferocious beast or besting an orc warlord in single combat, and thus proving his strength and loyalty to the Tzar and to Kislev are left standi ng. These ferocious warriors, riding on enormous bears and wielding two-handed s words bring death and destruction to the ranks of their enemies. Those who stand in their way court certain death. {Tzar_guard_descr_short}Mighty warriors mounted on towering bears {Ulrpriest}Warrior Priests of Ulric {Ulrpriest_descr}In Middenland, like nowhere else in the Empire, Sigmar falls se cond in worship to one of the Old Gods: Ulric, the wolf god of winter. In the no rth of the Empire life is harsh; the winters are freezing, the soil is poor, and the forests crawl with Goblins and Beastmen. Ulric is the state s patron becaus e he is as harsh as the land itself, and the strength and independence he expect s from his followers hardens the people to the austernity of their existence. Ul ric s Priests reflect this quality. All clerics of Ulric are ferocious fighters, for entry into the cult of Ulric is forbidden to those who do not follow a mart ial pursuit. This is because Ulric is a warrior first and foremost, expecting hi s followers to confront problems head-on and by force of arms whenever possible.

In battle, the Priests of Ulric are the embodiment of the spirit of Ulric, swin ging their axes and swords and crying oaths to their enemies with the ferocity o f the Wolf God himself. The fighters around them are filled with courage, and th e faith and strength of the warriors of Ulric is indomitable. {Ulrpriest_descr_short}Powerful holy warriors fighting in the name of Ulric {Unclean_One}Great Unclean One of Nurgle {Unclean_One_descr}Most foetid and plagued of all creations of the Dark Gods, th e Great Unclean Ones are bulbous and bloated, with skin stretched taut over writ hing guts, torn and rent in places by disease, pustuled and bloodied sores spot their thick hides. Some know them as the Stench Lords, for their very presence i nfects the air with every contagion known to man and beast. Great Unclean Ones r egard their flocks of Nurglings, Plagueberers and mortal Champions in a fatherly way. They take great pride in the achievements of their fellow creatures, procl aiming vociferously the splendours of poxes and sores evidenced by those around them. They laugh heartily at the destruction wrought in Nurgle s name, for all d eath and destruction is pleasing to the Decayed Ones. {Unclean_One_descr_short}Demigod of Nurgle {Uragan}Uragan Mortar {Uragan_descr}The artillery of Kislev cannot be compared to the vasts arsenals o f the Dwarfs or the Empire. However, the army of the Tzars is still equipped wit h fine mortars, for the mountains that surround Kislev yield quality metals. Thi s device is named the Urugan Mortar because of the sharp, screeching sound that it makes when fired. {Uragan_descr_short}Squat mortar firing a virtual hail of lead shot {VAM_mage}Necrarchs {VAM_mage_descr}Necrarchs are loners. They are alchemists and sorcerers whom few can match. In the arts of black sorcery they have no equals amongst Vampires, a nd this more than compensates for their fighting skills, which are poor in compa rison with others of their kind. Hidden in secluded towers and dens, protected b y sorcerous wards and guarded by their Undead servants, the Nercrachs devote the ir eternal lives to the study of Necromantic magic. Because of their rarity, man y scholars doubt whether the Necrarchs really exist. But in the dark places of t he world, hidden from the eyes of men, the Necrarchs continue their slow, insidi ous work. One day their labours will bear fruit, and the world will know horror unlike any before it. {VAM_mage_descr_short}Powerful Vampire spellcasters {Vampire_black_knights}Vampire Black Knights {Vampire_black_knights_descr}The most notorious of the Grave Guard fight on hors eback. Known as the Black Knights, their steeds are much like themselves, long s ince dead and dubbed Nightmares. A Nightmare is brought back to life through bla ck magic and makes an excellent fighting unit all by itself. With flames flicker ing in their eyes, their decomposed bodies produce horror and disgust amongst th e foe on a scale unmatched by any other abomination. The smell of death emanates from them as they ride into battle, weakening the enemy and sapping their will. {Vampire_black_knights_descr_short}Excellent cavalry, using heavy armour, magic blades, lances and shields {Vampire_count_bodiguard}Vampire Count Bodyguard {Vampire_count_bodiguard_descr}These are the Immortal sons of Abhorash. They cal l themselves Blood Dragons, in memory of the great dragon that Abhorash defeated and drank blood from. The dragon blood liberated him from his thirst for human blood. The Blood Dragons main goal is to improve their combat abilities and ski lls to the point where they can survive without drinking blood, like their maste r Abhorash did before them, transforming into the ultimate warrior, an immortal man with the skills of a vampire. When a Blood Dragon attains his goal Abhorash would call for him to join him, and they would go to war. It is said that Abhora sh still awaits at the mountain peak where he defeated the dragon. Walach Harkon was the vampire who took the Blood Dragons to the lands of the Empire by defeat ing the entire Order Of the Blood Dragon on his own. Those deemed worthy were gi ven a sip of his blood, passing his curse to them. Blood Dragons are usually fal

len knights from the realm of Bretonnia. They are the most skilled warriors in t he old world and many have several centuries of combat experience, making them s uperior to any mortal foe. {Vampire_count_bodiguard_descr_short}Vampire Count Bodyguard {Vampire_skeleton}Skeleton Warriors {Vampire_skeleton_archer}Skeleton Archers {Vampire_skeleton_archer_descr}Making up a vast majority of the ranks in a vampi res army, skeletal warriors are equipped with the bare minimum of arms and armou r. Completely mindless, lacking any and all emotions, these creatures are the pe rfect soldiers, obeying orders down to the last letter without question. Retreat is not an option for them. Despite this, their martial skills are not what they might have been in life, and unless they severely outnumber their foe they are unlikely to win a battle on their own. {Vampire_skeleton_archer_descr_short}Skeletons in armour, armed with knives and longbows {Vampire_skeleton_chaos}Undead Chaos Marauders {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_axe}Undead Destroyers of Chaos {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_axe_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leaving on ly bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil mag ic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of br onze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bronz e or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silver. T hey were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-lives . {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_axe_descr_short}Light infantry {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leaving only b ones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil magic s o strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bronze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silver. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-lives. {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_descr_short}Light cavalry {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior}Undead Warriors of Chaos {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leavin g only bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil magic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour o f bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry b ronze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silve r. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-l ives. {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_descr_short}Heavy infantry {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_halberd}Undead Halberd Warriors of Chaos {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_halberd_descr}Although their bodies have decayed , leaving only bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil magic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bronze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold a nd silver. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-lives. {Vampire_skeleton_chaos_warrior_halberd_descr_short}Heavy halberd infantry {Vampire_skeleton_crossbow}Skeleton Crossbows {Vampire_skeleton_crossbow_descr}Making up a vast majority of the ranks in a vam pire s army, skeletal warriors are equipped with the bare minimum of arms and ar mour. Completely mindless, lacking any and all emotions, these creatures are the perfect soldiers, obeying orders down to the last letter without question. Retr eat is not an option for them. Despite this, their martial skills are not what t hey might have been in life, and unless they severely outnumber their foe they a re unlikely to win a battle on their own. Clutching crossbows in their bony hand s, these skeletons now serve only to swell the ranks of their master s army by r aining down bolts on the enemy.

{Vampire_skeleton_crossbow_descr_short}Skeletons in armour, armed with knives an d crossbows {Vampire_skeleton_descr}Making up a vast majority of the ranks in a vampire s ar my, skeletal warriors are equipped with the bare minimum of arms and armour. Com pletely mindless, lacking any and all emotions, these creatures are the perfect soldiers, obeying orders down to the last letter without question. Retreat is no t an option for them. Despite this, their martial skills are not what they might have been in life, and unless they severely outnumber their foe they are unlike ly to win a battle on their own. {Vampire_skeleton_descr_short}Low-quality but numerous fighters. Use shield and sword {Vampire_skeleton_khorne_warrior}Krell s Personal Guards {Vampire_skeleton_khorne_warrior_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leavi ng only bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evi l magic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bronze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silv er. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their afterlives. These ones were chosen to protect their leader - the same leader they pro tected centuries ago. {Vampire_skeleton_khorne_warrior_descr_short}Elite bodyguards {Vampire_skeleton_mount}Mounted Skeletons {Vampire_skeleton_mount_chaos}Undead Horsemen of Chaos {Vampire_skeleton_mount_chaos_descr}Although their bodies have decayed, leaving only bones and tattered flesh, these Undead warriors are held together by evil m agic so strong that it can last for many centuries. They wear ancient armour of bronze and black iron, corroded by time and dusty with the years. They carry bro nze or steel weapons inlaid with evil runes and glistering with gold and silver. They were butchers during their lives, they are butchers during their after-liv es. {Vampire_skeleton_mount_chaos_descr_short}Light cavalry {Vampire_skeleton_mount_descr}Making up a vast majority of the ranks in a vampir e s army, skeletal warriors are equipped with the bare minimum of arms and armou r. Completely mindless, lacking any and all emotions, these creatures are the pe rfect soldiers, obeying orders down to the last letter without question. Retreat is not an option for them. Despite this, their martial skills are not what they might have been in life, and unless they severely outnumber their foe they are unlikely to win a battle on their own. {Vampire_skeleton_mount_descr_short}Low-quality but numerous fighters {Vampire_skeleton_spears}Skeleton Spears {Vampire_skeleton_spears_descr}Making up a vast majority of the ranks in a vampi re s army, skeletal warriors are equipped with the bare minimum of arms and armo ur. Completely mindless, lacking any and all emotions, these creatures are the p erfect soldiers, obeying orders down to the last letter without question. Retrea t is not an option for them. Despite this, their martial skills are not what the y might have been in life, and unless they severely outnumber their foe they are unlikely to win a battle on their own. {Vampire_skeleton_spears_descr_short}Low-quality but numerous fighters. Use shie ld and spear {Vlad_guard}Drakenhof Guard {Vlad_guard_descr}In ancient times, the people of the Old World buried their her oes under mounds of earth, laying their equipment alongside them. The foul Black Magic of Necromancers can resurrect these ancient warriors, turning them into t he undead. Their flesh long since rotted, the magic of the necromancers is stron g enough to sustain their existence for centuries. They are guards wearing rust eaten armor of bronze and black iron, thick with the dust of time. Composed of s oldiers who devoted their lives to fight the Vampires, they tragically serve the m in the afterlife as tireless, ever vigilant guards patrolling the walls of kee ps like Drakenhof. Their arms bear an evil spell that can fell even the stronges t of enemies. The Drakenhof Guard was and still is the personal guard of every V

ampire Count in Sylvania, beginning with Vlad von Carstein. They are better equi pped and are tougher than other Grave Guard units. {Vlad_guard_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry {Warpriests}Warrior Priests of Sigmar {Warpriests_descr}Sigmar is a warrior god, and to follow his creed is to live a life of battle. The Cult of Sigmar demands that its followers must fight all for ms of evil with strength of arm and sword as well as faith, and many of its prie sts accompany the Empire s armies as they march to war. In this role they not on ly lead and inspire troops in battle, but also minister to their spiritual wellbeing. On many occasions, a rousing speech or tour of camp by a Warrior Priest o f Sigmar has restored faith, brought hope or stayed mutiny when the words of eve n the most respected general has fallen on deaf ears. In battle, the power of Si gmar stirs within their breast and divine might is theirs to command, allowing t hem to perform miracles in the name of their god. A Priest of Sigmar can unleash his wrath to smite creatures of darkness, call upon divine protection or return a wounded comrade from the brink of death. {Warpriests_descr_short}Powerful warriors ready to strike fear into enemies of t he Empire {Warrior_of_chaos}Chaos Warriors {Warrior_of_chaos_bodygard}Chaos Warriors Bodyguard {Warrior_of_chaos_bodygard_descr}Chaos Warriors hail from the northern tribes. I n the north every man worships the gods of Chaos in one way or another. These me n have devoted themselves completely to the gods, leaving behind petty things li ke love and comfort. They now wage a constant war in the name of the dark gods. His family are the warriors walking next to him and his bride is his blade. The strength of a Chaos Warrior is immense and his body is as hard as stone. He stan ds a head taller than those he once called brothers. They now look upon him with fear and awe. Each Chaos Warrior is held in great respect by the tribes of the north as he equals several combat-hardened mortal men in battle. A Chaos Warrior is a great resource to any army of chaos. They have no need for food, water or sleep and can march with an unchanged pace for weeks, ignoring any weather. In b attle he becomes an unstoppable beast, arrows deflected from his armour like rai n as he charges into the enemy formations crushing whatever resistance is given. {Warrior_of_chaos_bodygard_descr_short}Warriors of Chaos Undivided armed with on e-handed weapon and large shield {Warrior_of_chaos_descr}Chaos Warriors hail from the northern tribes. In the nor th every man worships the gods of Chaos in one way or another. These men have de voted themselves completely to the gods, leaving behind petty things like love a nd comfort. They now wage a constant war in the name of the dark gods. His famil y are the warriors walking next to him and his bride is his blade. The strength of a Chaos Warrior is immense and his body is as hard as stone. He stands a head taller than those he once called brothers. They now look upon him with fear and awe. Each Chaos Warrior is held in great respect by the tribes of the north as he equals several combat-hardened mortal men in battle. A Chaos Warrior is a gre at resource to any army of chaos. They have no need for food, water or sleep and can march with an unchanged pace for weeks, ignoring any weather. In battle he becomes an unstoppable beast, arrows deflected from his armour like rain as he c harges into the enemy formations crushing whatever resistance is given. {Warrior_of_chaos_descr_short}Warriors of Chaos Undivided armed with one-handed weapon and large shield {Warrior_of_chaos_halberd}Chaos Warriors Halberds {Warrior_of_chaos_halberd_descr}Chaos Warriors hail from the northern tribes. In the north every man worships the gods of Chaos in one way or another. These men have devoted themselves completely to the gods, leaving behind petty things lik e love and comfort. They now wage a constant war in the name of the dark gods. H is family are the warriors walking next to him and his bride is his blade. The s trength of a Chaos Warrior is immense and his body is as hard as stone. He stand s a head taller than those he once called brothers. They now look upon him with fear and awe. Each Chaos Warrior is held in great respect by the tribes of the n orth as he equals several combat-hardened mortal men in battle. A Chaos Warrior

is a great resource to any army of chaos. They have no need for food, water or s leep and can march with an unchanged pace for weeks, ignoring any weather. In ba ttle he becomes an unstoppable beast, arrows deflected from his armour like rain as he charges into the enemy formations crushing whatever resistance is given. These Warriors fight with halberds, gaining force at the expense of defense. {Warrior_of_chaos_halberd_descr_short}Warriors of Chaos Undivided armed with hea vy halberds {White_lions}White Lions {White_lions_descr}Since the reign of Caledor the First, the closest bodyguards of the Phoenix Kings come from the forest wilds of Chrace. Brave young elves of Chrace are chosen for the honor of serving the Phoenix King by ancient rites. No t all are worthy to serve, and each elf must demonstrate his skill and bravery b y hunting down one of the White lions of Chrace and killing it in hand-to-hand c ombat. They then wear the pelt as a sign of their dauntless courage and as a tok en that they may serve the Phoenix King as one of his bodyguard. In battle, the White Lions wield the woodsman s axe of Chrace. Each is a finely crafted weapon, balanced and sharp enough to slice a man in half with one swing. {White_lions_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry, guards of the Phoenix King {Wraith}Cairn Wraiths {Wraith_descr}Wraiths are the souls of evil wizards who desecrated the study of necromancy. They desperately cling to the mortal world, and use sorcery to bind their souls to it in a semblance of life. Some succeed and become necromancers. However, most lack the willpower to sustain this physical form. In time the body fades, leaving a void. They cling on to their miserable existence as ghosts, no w serving a vampire lord. {Wraith_descr_short}Terrible brood of Necromancy {Yeoman_Archers}Yeomen {Yeoman_Archers_descr}The Men at Arms who are skilled at archery - typically the sons of fletchers or hunters, are occasionally brought into the Lord s Castle, and there they are given access to a small range where they can hone their skill s. They also meet older members of the Lord s Yeomen Archers, who teach them how to make a new, more powerful bow, and constant drilling improves their draw str ength and firing speed. Their keen eyes are typically used in Watch Towers, and as part of scouting parties, but in battle, it is they who provide a covering ra in of steel tipped death while sheltering behind sharpened stakes embedded in th e ground, complete safety from enemy cavalry. {Yeoman_Archers_descr_short}Elite archers armed with longbows {banshee}Tomb Banshees {banshee_descr}Banshees are the restless spirits of evil women. Their shades lin ger in the material world, fearing to cross the void to face punishment for thei r evil deeds. Banshees howl in bitterness and remembrance of when the pleasures of life were theirs. Their wail is lethal to mortals and those who do not have a will of iron may die of sheer horror upon hearing it. Their visage is skull-lik e and twisted, eternally frozen in a grimace of agony and everlasting pain. Thei r great mane of hair flows around them like a black cloud. They float above the ground and are surrounded by an eerie glow of deadlights, shades of the men who they murdered during their lifetimes. {banshee_descr_short}Insubstantial creatures capable of magical missile attacks {base_catapult}Catapult {base_catapult_descr}A catapult is a device used to throw or hurl a projectile a great distance without the aid of explosive devices. It s easy to transport and with a bit of luck, and adequate preparation, it shouldn t run out of ammunitio n. Catapults can be very useful during sieges but a good general will know how t o use them in a field battle as well. {base_catapult_descr_short}Powerful siege engine of destruction {besiegers}Braganza s Besiegers {besiegers_bodyguard}Braganza s Guards {besiegers_bodyguard_descr}The famed regiment of the Besiegers was originally em ployed by the ingenious Borgio The Besieger , Prince of Miragliano, as a specia l siege unit of crossbowmen. Borgio wanted marksmen who could pick off defenders

on the walls at close range in the face of a hail of enemy missiles, or provide missile support for advancing units. Braganza s troops soon proved their worth and turned out to be equally good as a rearguard in open battles. {besiegers_bodyguard_descr_short}Braganza s Besiegers {besiegers_descr}The famed regiment of Besiegers was originally employed by the ingenious Borgio The Besieger , Prince of Miragliano, as a special siege unit o f crossbowmen. Borgio wanted marksmen who could pick off defenders on the walls at close range in the face of a hail of enemy missiles, or provide missile suppo rt for advancing units. Braganza s troops soon proved their worth and turned out to be equally good as a rearguard in open battles. {besiegers_descr_short}Mercenary crossbowmen specialising in sieges {black_guard_morr}Black Guard of Morr {black_guard_morr_bodyguard}Black Guard of Morr Bodyguard {black_guard_morr_bodyguard_descr}Encased in obsidian black armour and deathly s ilent when on battlefield, they are the dark guardians of the Empire. When paren ts wish to get their children to sleep at night they tell them the Knights of Mo rr will come for them unless they rest. Held in a mixture of fear and respect by the Imperial military and the other Knightly Orders, no one can doubt their mar tial prowess as they dispatch enemies with silent efficiency. The Black Knights of Morr are fearless and can stand against the most horrific creatures the Old W orld can throw at them. They do not know fear and terror because it is they who spread it in the hearts of their enemies. {black_guard_morr_bodyguard_descr_short}Black Guard of Morr Bodyguard {black_guard_morr_descr}Encased in obsidian black armour and deathly silent when on battlefield, they are the dark guardians of the Empire. When parents wish to get their children to sleep at night they tell them the Knights of Morr will co me for them unless they rest. Held in a mixture of fear and respect by the Imper ial military and the other Knightly Orders, no one can doubt their martial prowe ss as they dispatch enemies with silent efficiency. The Black Knights of Morr ar e fearless and can stand against the most horrific creatures the Old World can t hrow at them. They do not know fear and terror because it is they who spread it in the hearts of their enemies. {black_guard_morr_descr_short}Knight-templars of the God of Death Morr {blackguard}Ostland Black Guard {blackguard_descr}The Ostland Black Guard is a stalwart and highly experienced r egiment. Their exploits have earned them fame throughout their native state and beyond. With such a fierce reputation, and numerous deeds of honour and courage providing the narrative to their long history, it is little wonder these warrior s have fought in countless campaigns for many different electors. The Black Guar d regiment is stationed in the city of Wolfenburg. Soldiers of promise from othe r, less prestigious regiments are inducted into the ranks of the Black Guard pur ely on the basis of merit. A candidate must have proved himself to be not only a great fighter, but also to be a man with a stalwart soul and impervious courage in the heat of battle. The Black Guard are a professional infantry regiment pai d for by the state and kept at full fighting strength of some five hundred men a s part of the permanent standing army. {blackguard_descr_short}Ostland s elite regiment {bloodletters}Bloodletters of Khorne {bloodletters_descr}The Bloodletters, Khak akamshy y in the dark tongue, are the lesser demons of Khorne and truly a terryfying sight to behold. Their horned, g rinning heads singing horrible hyms to the god of destruction and slaughter, the ir thick hide, the colour of old blood, making them oblivious to all but the hea viest injuries and their wicked swords and axes covered with the remains of gene rations of dead soldiers, they instill fear in the hearts of even the most harde ned veterans. Khorne himself is looking upon this battle - woe to all who dare o ppose him. {bloodletters_descr_short}Lesser Daemons of Khorne {bord_axe}Border Princes Axemen {bord_axe_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and cons tantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the

region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintain standing armies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles. These men fight with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option. After many blood y conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies and their equipment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with that of Imperial sol diers. {bord_axe_descr_short}Mercenary axemen {bord_bow}Border Princes Archers {bord_bow_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and cons tantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintain standing armies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles. These men fight with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option. After many blood y conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies and their equipment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with that of Imperial sol diers. {bord_bow_descr_short}Mercenary archers {bord_spe}Border Princes Spearmen {bord_spe_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and cons tantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintain standing armies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles. These men fight with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option. After many blood y conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies and their equipment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with that of Imperial sol diers. {bord_spe_descr_short}Mercenary spearmen {border_princes_crossbowmen}Border Princes Crossbowmen {border_princes_crossbowmen_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and constantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintai n standing armies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles . These men fight with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option . After many bloody conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies a nd their equipment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with th at of Imperial soldiers. {border_princes_crossbowmen_descr_short}Mercenary crossbowmen {bowmen}Peasant Archers {bowmen_descr}Much like other peasants, they are merely sheltering from the mara uding enemies of the Breton s. However, with past experience as poachers or hunt ers, they prove useful in providing a shower of arrows, forcing the heads of the ir enemies down. However, unlike their trained Yeomen counterparts, they aren t equipped with armour, or bows with the power to send an arrow with enough force to punch through chainmail. In the end, they are merely a useful distraction. {bowmen_descr_short}Peasants armed with bows {brodnikk}Border Princes Levy {brodnikk_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and cons tantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintain standing armies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles. These men fight with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option. After many blood y conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies and their equipment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with that of Imperial sol diers. {brodnikk_descr_short}Cheap but weak infantry {caravel}Caravel {caravel_descr}A small, highly manoeuvrable, three-masted ship used for long vo yages of exploration. Lightly armed compared to other ships, but capable of unde rtaking and surviving long voyages on the open sea, making it possible to discov er far off places.

{caravel_descr_short}A small, highly manoeuvrable, three-masted ship used for lo ng voyages of exploration {carlsson_cav}Border Princes Cavalry {carlsson_cav_body}Border Princes Heavy Cavalry {carlsson_cav_body_descr}Grizzled veterans covered in scars gained over a lifeti me of war. They are the finest warriors these lands have shaped and so they form the bodyguard of the powerful individuals who lead their armies into battle. Th ey can afford the best armour and weapons in order to unleash their fury on the enemies of their lands. {carlsson_cav_body_descr_short}Heavy mercenary cavalry {carlsson_cav_bodyguard}Border Princes Guard {carlsson_cav_bodyguard_descr}Grizzled veterans covered in scars gained over a l ifetime of war. They are the finest warriors these lands have shaped and so they form the bodyguard of the powerful individuals who lead their armies into battl e. They can afford the best armour and weapons in order to unleash their fury on the enemies of their lands. {carlsson_cav_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy mercenary cavalry {carlsson_cav_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and constantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintain standing arm ies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles. These men fi ght with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option. After many b loody conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies and their equip ment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with that of Imperial soldiers. {carlsson_cav_descr_short}Light mercenary cavalry {carlsson_inf}Border Princes Infantry {carlsson_inf_descr}The Border Princes are at the frontier of the Old World and constantly under assault by Greenskins and Beastmen. Many Dogs of War hail from the region of the Border Princes and few of the Princedoms maintain standing arm ies, preferring instead to hire mercenaries to fight their battles. These men fi ght with ferocious tenacity, knowing that retreat is not an option. After many b loody conflicts they can fight on equal terms with their enemies and their equip ment is the best they can afford, but it cannot be matched with that of Imperial soldiers. {carlsson_inf_descr_short}Mercenary swordsmen {chariot_of_chaos}Chaos Chariots {chariot_of_chaos_descr}The most successful amongst the warriors of Chaos who ha ve not yet been chosen often ride to war in mighty battle chariots. Their ironcl ad wheels are adorned with cruel spikes, crushing and cutting a bloody path thro ugh enemy formations. The chariots are a sign of power, as well as devotion, and often decorated with runes, symbols, skulls and banners telling the story of bl oody conquest. {chariot_of_chaos_descr_short}Fearsome Chaos chariots {daemonettes}Daemonettes of Slaanesh {daemonettes_descr}Daemonettes, often called Children of Slaanesh or Q tlahs i tsu aksho , in the dark tongue are the lesser daemons of the Dark Prince. They a re the embodiment of lust and debauchery, owning a perverse beauty, unnatural an d disturbing, but at the same time undeniably potent. They are deadly and agile creatures, dancing amidst their enemies in a whirl of pain and ecstasy. {daemonettes_descr_short}Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh and the most numerous of all his daemonic servants {dismounted_Reiksguard}Dismounted Reiksguard {dismounted_Reiksguard_bodygurad}Dismounted Reiksguard Bodyguard {dismounted_Reiksguard_bodygurad_descr}The Reiksguard Knights are the Emperor s best troops and, as such, form the core of his household guard. The Order is bar racked in the comparative comfort of Altdorf, and accompanies the Emperor on cam paign and during diplomatic tours throughout the Empire. In battle the Reiksguar d favour fighting in large regiments, the better to cow the enemy with the full might of a decisive charge. But there are times when these proud warriors must f

ight on foot. Imperial history is full of references to great battles won by a s talwart defence by the Reiksguard Foot. Hence, only fools would question the imp ortance of such a regiment. {dismounted_Reiksguard_bodygurad_descr_short}Elite bodyguards of the Emperor {dismounted_Reiksguard_descr}The Reiksguard Knights are the Emperor s best troop s and, as such, form the core of his household guard. The Order is barracked in the comparative comfort of Altdorf, and accompanies the Emperor on campaign and during diplomatic tours throughout the Empire. In battle the Reiksguard favour f ighting in large regiments, the better to cow the enemy with the full might of a decisive charge. But there are times when these proud warriors must fight on fo ot. Imperial history is full of references to great battles won by a stalwart de fence by the Reiksguard Foot. Hence, only fools would question the importance of such a regiment. {dismounted_Reiksguard_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry of the Emperor, wielding halberds {dismounted_Reiksguard_halberd}Dismounted Reiksguard Halberds {dismounted_Reiksguard_halberd_descr}The Reiksguard Knights are the Emperor s be st troops and, as such, form the core of his household guard. The Order is barra cked in the comparative comfort of Altdorf, and accompanies the Emperor on campa ign and during diplomatic tours throughout the Empire. In battle the Reiksguard favour fighting in large regiments, the better to cow the enemy with the full mi ght of a decisive charge. But there are times when these proud warriors must fig ht on foot. Imperial history is full of references to great battles won by a sta lwart defence by the Reiksguard Foot. Hence, only fools would question the impor tance of such a regiment. {dismounted_Reiksguard_halberd_descr_short}Elite heavy infantry of the Emperor, wielding halberds {dragon_boat}Dragonboat {dragon_boat_descr}Dragonboat {dragon_boat_descr_short}Dragonboat {dragon_princes}Dragon Princes of Caledor {dragon_princes_descr}In the ancient days long since past, the Princes of Caledo r rode astride mighty dragons. Few were the foes that could stand before their c harge. Now the great dragons sleep, and are rarely roused. Though they no longer ride dragons their armor and weapons carry a reminder of the glorious days past , as every item carries a blason of a dragon wing or fire, and is often finely c raft from dragon scale itself! The proundest of the Phoenix King s armies, they do not bow their banner to salute him. Such is their arrogance, that "Prince of Caledor" is a common insult among High Elves of other lands. However, as more an d more Dragons awake... who is to say the princes might not ride into battle onc e more atop their deadly steeds? {dragon_princes_descr_short}Great Elven princes, heavest cavalry Ulthuan can fie ld {dwarven_steamship}Dwarfen Steamship {dwarven_steamship_descr}Dwarfen craftmanship at its peak. This iron monster nee ds no sails to move in water. Its belly hides a highly advanced steam engine. {dwarven_steamship_descr_short}Ironclad dwarfen battleship {ellyrian_reaver}Ellyrian Reavers {ellyrian_reaver_descr}Descendants of generations of mounted warriors, these lig ht cavalrymen are experts at scouting, and often form the eyes and ears of High Elven armies. They provide critical information on enemy positions, ambush locat ions, and advantageous sites to defend or assualt, and often engage the opposing scouts, then moving to attack the vulnerable flank or rear of the enemy as the front is engaged. When the Witch King Malekith roamed through Ulthuan slaughteri ng all who would not join his banner, Caledor called for horseman to scout the l and, watch enemy movements and carry messages of hope and news to his loyal foll owers. Though many came, the most by far were from Ellyrian, still famed for its lush pasture, its mighty steeds and its expert riders. To this day Ellyrian elv es pride themselves on the valiant manner in which they came to the Phoenix King s aid, and how they continue to serve as scouts, messengers, and warriors.

{ellyrian_reaver_descr_short}Excellent horse Archers {free_company}Free Company {free_company_archers}Free Company Archers {free_company_archers_descr}Roving bands of mercenaries or bandits returning fro m such wild and lawless places as the Border Princes or the Wasteland are a plen tiful source of irregular troops for an Elector Count. Battles in far-off lands have forged these Men into hardened warriors, but most are unable to settle back into normal society upon their return. They are hardy fighters and are well use d to the rigours of war, but are uncouth, disreputable sorts, liable to cause tr ouble roaming around in dangerous, and often well-armed, bands. An Elector Count might seek to recruit these mercenaries for their skill in battle, but also to bring them under some sort of control and thus prevent brigandage going unchecke d in his land. Elector Counts are also known to throw such units into the thicke st fighting, knowing that dead mercenaries do not require paying. {free_company_archers_descr_short}Irregular troops with bows wearing heavy leath er armour {free_company_descr}Roving bands of mercenaries or bandits returning from such w ild and lawless places as the Border Princes or the Wasteland are a plentiful so urce of irregular troops for an Elector Count. Battles in far-off lands have for ged these Men into hardened warriors, but most are unable to settle back into no rmal society upon their return. They are hardy fighters and are well used to the rigours of war, but are uncouth, disreputable sorts, liable to cause trouble ro aming around in dangerous, and often well-armed, bands. An Elector Count might s eek to recruit these mercenaries for their skill in battle, but also to bring th em under some sort of control and thus prevent brigandage going unchecked in his land. Elector Counts are also known to throw such units into the thickest fight ing, knowing that dead mercenaries do not require paying. {free_company_descr_short}Irregular troops wearing heavy leather armour {free_company_heavy_bodyguard}Heavy Free Company {free_company_heavy_bodyguard_descr}Roving bands of mercenaries or bandits retur ning from such wild and lawless places as the Border Princes or the Wasteland ar e a plentiful source of irregular troops for an Elector Count. Battles in far-of f lands have forged these Men into hardened warriors, but most are unable to set tle back into normal society upon their return. They are hardy fighters and are well used to the rigours of war, but are uncouth, disreputable sorts, liable to cause trouble roaming around in dangerous, and often well-armed, bands. An Elect or Count might seek to recruit these mercenaries for their skill in battle, but also to bring them under some sort of control and thus prevent brigandage going unchecked in his land. Elector Counts are also known to throw such units into th e thickest fighting, knowing that dead mercenaries do not require paying. {free_company_heavy_bodyguard_descr_short}Irregular troops wearing heavy leather armour {fregar}The Fair Fregar {fregar_descr}Having thus taken the Slayer oath, Long Drong, now known as Long D rong Slayer, trekked inland to his destiny, which was to become the most notorio us pirate ever to lurk on Sartosa. His first act was to storm the stronghold of the dreaded pirate Capitano Sisicco and capture his ship and treasure stash. Wit h the latter, Long Drong hired Dwarf craftsmen to rebuild the flimsy vessel into something a Dwarf could be proud of, not sparing the iron! He also hired Dwarf smiths to forge cannons for the vessel, which Long Drong named The Fair Fregar , after a famous Dwarf maiden of Barak Varr, rumored to be very beautiful. The c rew carved a figurehead representing her. Unfortunately, neither Long Drong nor any of his crew had ever seen a real life Dwarf maiden, so they had to rely on t heir imagination and hearsay. The result, parts of which were shod in brass, mad e an awesome ram on the prow of the ship! {fregar_descr_short}Long Drong s mighty pirate vessel {galeon}Carrack {galeon_descr}Perhaps the most commonly found ship in the Old World, the carrack is a four-masted vessel, stable in heavy seas, and roomy enough to carry provis ions for long voyages. These sturdy ships are well armed, sporting broadside fir

ing cannon arrays, as well as large compliments of marines onboard. {galeon_descr_short}Large ocean-going warship of the Empire {horned_hunters}Horned Hunters {horned_hunters_descr}The Horned Hunters prowl the woods both within the crater walls of the Taalbaston and throughout Talabecland and claim allegiance only to Taal - the God of nature and the wilderness. The rites of Taal demand great ment al, physical and emotional fortitude from its practitioners. Some see the trappi ngs of civilisation - cities, courts, and the like - as a failing in the interpr etation of Taal s will. Followers of Taal avoid firearms and other works of scie nce, preferring to take pride in their strength and natural skill. {horned_hunters_descr_short}Expert infiltrators {knights_errant}Knights Errant {knights_errant_descr}It is said that a noble of Bretonnia is born in the saddle . While not strictly true, it must seem as such for their foes when facing Knigh ts Errant. Before a son can claim his right as a Knight of the Realm, he, and ma ny other likeminded young men, having barely reached manhood, will band together in battle and must perform deeds of virtue and valour, bringing reknown to both himself and his family. Occasionally, this leads to rashness, and getting drawn out of the battle line, but with the strength of both youth and an eagerness fo r glory, few can stand before a lance of such warriors, armed with lance and swo rd. {knights_errant_descr_short}Knight errant is the lowest noble rank in Bretonnian hierarchy {knights_of_realm}Knights of the Realm {knights_of_realm_bodyguard}Knights of the Realm Bodyguard {knights_of_realm_bodyguard_descr}Once a Knight Errant has been deemed worthy, h e is accepted as a fully spurred Knight of the Realm, and it is these skilled wa rriors who form the largest fighting strength of the Bretonnian knights. As a kn ight, he has duties to his Lord, much like those peasants who work his land have their duties to him. In battle, he often leads his Men at Arms into battle, who fight under his colours, while he forms into a lance with his brother Knights o f the Realm. Even in battle, they abide by the Knights Vow. Taken when they are of age, they disdain the use of missile weaponry, and honour dictates that they must vanquish their foes in hand to hand combat. {knights_of_realm_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy armoured fully spurred Knight of t he Realm {knights_of_realm_descr}Once a Knight Errant has been deemed worthy, he is accep ted as a fully spurred Knight of the Realm, and it is these skilled warriors who form the largest fighting strength of the Bretonnian knights. As a knight, he h as duties to his Lord, much like those peasants who work his land have their dut ies to him. In battle, he often leads his Men at Arms into battle, who fight und er his colours, while he forms into a lance with his brother Knights of the Real m. Even in battle, they abide by the Knights Vow. Taken when they are of age, th ey disdain the use of missile weaponry, and honour dictates that they must vanqu ish their foes in hand to hand combat. {knights_of_realm_descr_short}Heavy armoured fully spurred Knight of the Realm {ladya}Lad ya {ladya_descr}The Ladya is a ship akin to a cog crossed with a longboat. First bu ilt in Kislev, the craftsmen borrowed its best features from the vessels of thei r Imperial and Norscan neighbours, and the design soon spread throughout the reg ion. Equipped to carry soldiers as well as catapults, this ship is a deadly vess el against ill defended targets. {ladya_descr_short}Light ship that carries soldiers and catapults for raiding la nd and smashing sea targets {leopards}Leopold s Leopard Company {leopards_bodyguard}Leopold s Guards {leopards_bodyguard_descr}After much hard campaigning Leopold s regiment had bee n mauled in many unlucky battles. The superstitious soldiers regarded this as th e vengeance of the leopard which they had sworn to protect and whose temple they had pillaged. Leopold called a meeting and told his men that they must regain t

he favour of the gods. So they voted to appease the leopard by sending back a po rtion of everything they captured as loot to the temple in Luccini. The next bat tle ended in overwhelming victory against all odds. Leopoldo earned the nickanme di Lucci meaning the fortunate . After every victorious battle the regiment always sends something back for the priests of the temple at Luccini. {leopards_bodyguard_descr_short}Mercenary pikemen robed in leopard s hide {leopards_descr}After much hard campaigning Leopold s regiment had been mauled i n many unlucky battles. The superstitious soldiers regarded this as the vengeanc e of the leopard which they had sworn to protect and whose temple they had pilla ged. Leopold called a meeting and told his men that they must regain the favour of the gods. So they voted to appease the leopard by sending back a portion of e verything they captured as loot to the temple in Luccini. The next battle ended in overwhelming victory against all odds. Leopoldo earned the nickanme di Lucci meaning the fortunate . After every victorious battle the regiment always sen ds something back for the priests of the temple at Luccini. {leopards_descr_short}Mercenary pikemen robed in leopard s hide {mounted_daemonettes}Mounted Daemonettes {mounted_daemonettes_bodyguard}Mounted Daemonettes Bodyguard {mounted_daemonettes_bodyguard_descr}Daemonettes, often called Children of Slaa nesh or Q tlahs itsu aksho , in the dark tongue are the lesser daemons of the D ark Prince. They are the embodiment of lust and debauchery, owning a perverse be auty, unnatural and disturbing, but at the same time undeniably potent. They are deadly and agile creatures, dancing amidst their enemies in a whirl of pain and ecstasy. Some daemonettes ride into battle on reptile-like mounts, increasing t heir speed manifold and sometimes acting as bodyguard for Tzeentch s most favour ed servants. {mounted_daemonettes_bodyguard_descr_short}Elite light daemon cavalry bodyguard {mounted_daemonettes_descr}Daemonettes, often called Children of Slaanesh or Q tlahs itsu aksho , in the dark tongue are the lesser daemons of the Dark Prince . They are the embodiment of lust and debauchery, owning a perverse beauty, unna tural and disturbing, but at the same time undeniably potent. They are deadly an d agile creatures, dancing amidst their enemies in a whirl of pain and ecstasy. Some daemonettes ride into battle on reptile-like mounts, increasing their speed manifold. {mounted_daemonettes_descr_short}Elite light daemon cavalry {mounted_marauders}Chaos Marauder Horsemen {mounted_marauders_descr}Marauders are the core around which a chaos army is bui lt. They are drawn from the tribes of northmen when a Chaos Lord needs to bolste r the numbers of his army before an invasion. When not part of an invading force they are often seen mercilessly plundering and pillaging coastal settlements. T he men of the north live and grow up in harsh conditions, and this makes for har dy and natural fighters. They are heavily built and physically capable in compar ison to the average man of the Empire, and thus favour tactics where their brute strength is put to use. They are unlikely to ever turn tail and run as fear is despised by their gods and the ambition of many marauders is to earn the favour of the Gods and ascend the ranks, to eventually become a warrior of chaos or eve n more. These marauders are nomadic tribesmen born on horseback and so they natu rally favour the use of horses in combat. They have an incredible skill at maneu vering their steeds and are superior to other cavalry in the Old World when it c omes to handling the animals. They use heavy javelins and prefer to stay at a sa fe distance from their opponents to weaken their formations before they call in the final charge. They are brave and hardy like any other men of the north, howe ver they will not stand up in a close quarter engagement with superior foes. {mounted_marauders_descr_short}Marauders on horseback with throwing javelins {nov_boyar_axe}Border Princes Druzhina {nov_boyar_axe_bodygard}Border Princes Druzhina Guard {nov_boyar_axe_bodygard_descr}These are professional soldiers for whom the art o f war has become a living. They have fought in many battles and very strong bond s of friendship have appeared between them. Standing in a tight formation, shoul der to shoulder with their comrades, they will fight even when all others falter

. Their weapon of choice is a two-handed axe. With these terrible weapons their strategy is brilliantly simple - strike hard, for no armour can withstand their blows. They wear strong mail, that does not hamper their movement and is quite c omfortable when compared with other suits of similar fashion. {nov_boyar_axe_bodygard_descr_short}Sturdy all-round infantry {nov_boyar_axe_descr}These are professional soldiers for whom the art of war has become a living. They have fought in many battles and very strong bonds of frie ndship have appeared between them. Standing in a tight formation, shoulder to sh oulder with their comrades, they will fight even when all others falter. Their w eapon of choice is a two-handed axe. With these terrible weapons their strategy is brilliantly simple - strike hard, for no armour can withstand their blows. Th ey wear strong mail, that does not hamper their movement and is quite comfortabl e when compared with other suits of similar fashion. {nov_boyar_axe_descr_short}Sturdy all-round infantry {nurglings}Nurglings {nurglings_descr}Nurgling swarms are chattering, screeching and squabbling carpe ts of filth spewed from the rancid guts of Father Nurgle himself. These diminuti ve daemons are like rotten boils with legs and teeth, that pick and tear, and in fect with filfth-encrusted claws. They delight in petty acts of vile mischievous ness, curdling milk, souring cream and causing wounds to fester. A Nurgle host i s accompanied by untold hundreds of the creatures, hiding in the folds of robes, nestling in gaping wounds, and hitching rides in the diseased stomachs of Chaos steeds and pestilent hounds. In battle they gather like coalescing puddles of n oisy grime, surrounded by a miasma of filthy disease. They overwhelm their foes in a tide of tiny grabbing hands, plucking at eyes, hitting and scratching until the enemy succumbs. {nurglings_descr_short}Filthy swarms {orc_chariot}Ors Boar Chariots {orc_chariot_descr}Orcs use chariots as fast, mobile weapons of war. Not only ar e they powerful but they look good too! Chariot riders like to ride around at hi gh speeds, displaying their obvious superiority over more lowly greenskins. To m ake the chariots even more obviously important, the Orcs invariably strap the bi ggest banners they can find (as well as shields, tropheis and the heads of slain foes) to every surface of the chariot. The rest of the army either ignores thes e show-offs or throws things in their direction, like rocks, insults or the smal ler members of their unit. {orc_chariot_descr_short}Shock assault unit {peasant_spearmen}Peasant Spearmen {peasant_spearmen_descr}Although typically a knight will not call upon his villa gers to fight in battle, at times, it is often unavoidable, should the greenskin s or the restless dead raid the lands. They are taken into his castle, and press ed with poor quality equipment, sometimes even just a stiff piece of wood with a fire hardened tip for a spear. Sent to man the gates and walls, they do little but create a living barricade until the Knights or even the Men at Arms with rud imentary training arrive. {peasant_spearmen_descr_short}Peasants armed with spears {pirate_ship}Pirate Ship {pirate_ship_descr}Pirates are a villainous band of disenfranchised men from thr oughout the Old World, from the furthest Norscan villages in the Chaos Wastes to the southernmost provinces of the Empire and beyond. Driven together for all ma nners of reasons, ranging from greed to necessity, they make a living sailing th e seas and terrorising slow moving merchant ships and poorly defended coastal se ttlements. {pirate_ship_descr_short}Marauders looking for poorly defended prizes {plaguebearers}Plaguebearers {plaguebearers_descr}Plaguebearers are the rank and file of Nurgle s legions. Th ese loathsome Lesser Daemons are crafted from the blighted soul-stuff of mortals who have been slain by Nurgle s Rot. Their faces twisted with hunger and despai r, their bellies swollen and covered with a variety of dark blotches and visible intestines, they shamble purposefully to a chosen foe before hacking him apart

with their plagueswords. They care little about opposition, for their decayed bo dies feel no pain and regenerate taken wounds at a frightening rate. Unlike othe r deamons, only existing for bloodshed, Plaguebearers also serve as herders for the armies of Nurgle, kindly administering diseases amongst grateful allies and somewhat less grateful enemies. {plaguebearers_descr_short}Lesser Daemons of Nurgle, herding his rotten armies. {rus_ohotnik_sp}Hunters {rus_ohotnik_sp_descr}Hunters are an integral part to any small force, and are a bsolutely invaluable to a larger one. They are skilled at following a snow-cover ed trail that is days old, and sneaking up on the enemy using nothing but flat e arth and grass for cover. Their long spears make them quite able to fight at clo se quarters if cornered as well. {rus_ohotnik_sp_descr_short}Nimble infantry armed with long spears {rus_razboinik_axe}Brigands {rus_razboinik_axe_descr}Brigands and robbers hide in the forests, plundering me rchant caravans and pilgrims. In the darkest of hours, however, when danger thre atens their own homes and families, these ruffians respond to the call of the pr inces and join the militia. Desperate, they know how it is important to win the day not for the fat priests and nobles but for themselves and their families. {rus_razboinik_axe_descr_short}Irregular unit of sturdy thugs {siege_middle_tower_chaos}Marauders with Large Siege Tower {siege_middle_tower_chaos_descr}Marauders are the core around which a chaos army is built. They are drawn from the tribes of northmen when a Chaos Lord needs to bolster the numbers of his army before an invasion. When not part of an invadin g force they are often seen mercilessly plundering and pillaging coastal settlem ents. The men of the north live and grow up in harsh conditions, and this makes for hardy and natural fighters. They are heavily built and physically capable in comparison to the average man of the Empire, and thus favour tactics where thei r brute strength is put to use. They are unlikely to ever turn tail and run as f ear is despised by their gods and the ambition of many marauders is to earn the favour of the Gods and ascend the ranks, to eventually become a warrior of chaos or even more. {siege_middle_tower_chaos_descr_short}Marauders pushing a large siege tower {siege_middle_tower_orks}Orcs with Large Siege Tower {siege_middle_tower_orks_descr}Orcs are the dreaded warmongering plague of the O ld World. They are found in every corner of the world and they re always numerou s and thirsty for violence. What Orcs have in unmistakable abundance is brute st rength, made all the more dangerous by generous lashings of ignorance. To make m atters even worse, Orcs feel almost no pain and care little about discomfort, ph ysical injuries, or even death. They enjoy nothing more than violence and will h appily face death in battle just so long as they get a chance to put up a good f ight first. Orcs are without doubt most dangerous when gathering in large number s. When they do they unite in a Waaagh!. This is a terrible, gigantic green hord e united by the sheer strength and power of one Warboss. Typically this is an Or c kicking, killing and yelling everybody else into submission, though Goblin War bosses are not unheard of either. Ironically, this unhindered aggression cam wor k to their disadvantage, as Orcs will plunge heedlessly into combat against a va stly superior enemy rather than retreating as would any sensible human. In short Orcs are creatures of war and when embarking on a Waagh! the best course of act ion is to get as far away as possible. {siege_middle_tower_orks_descr_short}Orcs pushing a large siege tower {siege_tower_chaos}Marauders with Siege Tower {siege_tower_chaos_descr}Marauders are the core around which a chaos army is bui lt. They are drawn from the tribes of northmen when a Chaos Lord needs to bolste r the numbers of his army before an invasion. When not part of an invading force they are often seen mercilessly plundering and pillaging coastal settlements. T he men of the north live and grow up in harsh conditions, and this makes for har dy and natural fighters. They are heavily built and physically capable in compar ison to the average man of the Empire, and thus favour tactics where their brute strength is put to use. They are unlikely to ever turn tail and run as fear is

despised by their gods and the ambition of many marauders is to earn the favour of the Gods and ascend the ranks, to eventually become a warrior of chaos or eve n more. {siege_tower_chaos_descr_short}Marauders pushing a siege tower {siege_tower_goblins}Goblins with Siege Tower {siege_tower_goblins_descr}Goblins are small, vicious, mean-spirited and general ly unpleasant creatures. They fight among themselves both on and off the battlef ield. They feel little sense of loyalty to their own kin, let alone anyone else, and will cheerfully maim, kill or even eat their comrades if they think they ca n get away with it, often just for a laugh. Most Goblins live among their large Orcish cousins, but others live in great nomadic tribes. They generally serve as slaves to the Orcs, as the Orcs are much larger and rarely pass up an opportuni ty to remind the Goblins of that very fact. Due to the oppressive nature of thei r Orc masters most goblins live short, miserable lives usually ending under the feet or in the mouth of an Orc. There are a few Goblin tribes which have managed to avoid Orc leadership, though that is mostly only until Orcs find them. Howev er, Goblins are numerous, much more numerous than even Orcs. It seems that no ma tter how many perish or are eaten there are always plenty of them around. These particular Goblins are armed with simple close combat weapons and have gathered in a fighting regiment. One should hold no illusions; goblins normally only figh t when Orcs have forced them to. They will likely try to escape the battle at th e first chance they get. {siege_tower_goblins_descr_short}Goblins pushing a siege tower {siege_tower_orks}Orcs with Large Siege Tower {siege_tower_orks_descr}Orcs are the dreaded warmongering plague of the Old Worl d. They are found in every corner of the world and they re always numerous and t hirsty for violence. What Orcs have in unmistakable abundance is brute strength, made all the more dangerous by generous lashings of ignorance. To make matters even worse, Orcs feel almost no pain and care little about discomfort, physical injuries, or even death. They enjoy nothing more than violence and will happily face death in battle just so long as they get a chance to put up a good fight fi rst. Orcs are without doubt most dangerous when gathering in large numbers. When they do they unite in a Waaagh!. This is a terrible, gigantic green horde unite d by the sheer strength and power of one Warboss. Typically this is an Orc kicki ng, killing and yelling everybody else into submission, though Goblin Warbosses are not unheard of either. Ironically, this unhindered aggression cam work to th eir disadvantage, as Orcs will plunge heedlessly into combat against a vastly su perior enemy rather than retreating as would any sensible human. In short Orcs a re creatures of war and when embarking on a Waagh! the best course of action is to get as far away as possible. {siege_tower_orks_descr_short}Orcs pushing a large siege tower {sonsofmanann}Sons of Mannan {sonsofmanann_bodyguard}Sons of Mannan Bodyguard {sonsofmanann_bodyguard_descr}The Sons of Mannan worship the Empire s God of the Sea. They are a widespread Order with many temples in the northern coastal town s, where the sea god is entreated to calm the infamously treacherous Sea of Claw s. The Sons of Mannan are known particularly for the strength of their steeds, f or they train them in the surf of the northern shores. When the Knights go to wa r they wear turquoise and white enamelled armour and are often accompanied by a Priest of Mannan who will bless the Knights shortly before they charge into batt le. {sonsofmanann_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy cavalry dedicated to the Lord of the O ceans {sonsofmanann_descr}The Sons of Mannan worship the Empire s God of the Sea. They are a widespread Order with many temples in the northern coastal towns, where t he sea god is entreated to calm the infamously treacherous Sea of Claws. The Son s of Mannan are known particularly for the strength of their steeds, for they tr ain them in the surf of the northern shores. When the Knights go to war they wea r turquoise and white enamelled armour and are often accompanied by a Priest of Mannan who will bless the Knights shortly before they charge into battle.

{sonsofmanann_descr_short}Heavy infantry dedicated to the Lord of the Oceans {spawn}Spawn {spawn_descr}Heroes of chaos whose bodies and minds cannot cope with the gifts o f the Dark Gods eventually become the twisted abominations commonly known as Spa wns. There is nothing remotely human left in them and they are driven only by th e most basic instincts. Unleashed in the midst of battle, there are few forces a ble to stop them. Some Spawn of Chaos are even more remarkable, possessing parti cular traits of the gods. The Beast of Nurgle drip with slime that burns the gro und, their lashing tentacles and rasping tongues infecting their foes with a sin gle caress. Spawn with long serpentine bodies and many writhing sinuous tentacle s are known as Fiends of Slaanesh. Such creatures race across the field of battl e, ensnaring the enemies of Chaos with their flailing arms and vicious talons. {spawn_descr_short}Horrible Mutants, twisted by chaotic energy {steam_tank}Conqueror Steam Tank {steam_tank_descr}Steam Tanks are monstrous, smoke-belching creations that rumbl e towards the enemy, firing deadly cannonballs from their steam-powered guns. Th e advance of these iron behemoths is terrifying to behold, as arrows ricochet fr om the armoured hulls and enemy warriors are crushed beneath their immense bulk. Powered by a pressurised boiler that siphons steam through pipes and pistons, t he Steam Tank is the inspired design of the famed Leonardo of Miragliano. Twelve steam tanks were originally built, though only eight now remain, carefully main tained by the College of Engineers. In times of war, the College may sanction th e use of these rare and valuable machines should the threat be dire enough. {steam_tank_descr_short}The most powerful creation in the Imperial arsenal {tortoise_ram_DE}Dark Elves with ram {tortoise_ram_DE_descr}The bulk of most Dark Elf armies are made up of these cit izen-soldiers. These soldiers are highly trained and are committed to serving th e will of the Witch King and naturally, their own. Should the occasion arise whe re the sacrifice of lesser beings is needed to achieve victory, these levy soldi ers make ideal candidates. The long years of discipline and war have honed these guards into some of the finest warriors in the world. Victory gained through th eir death is acceptable for the glory of Malekith; however, should you carelessl y squander the lives of your troops, you will discover the wrath of the Witch Ki ng. It is common knowledge that females join the ranks of the citizen-soldiers a nd few dare risk their fury by questioning their right to do so. These particula r companies are armed with the infamous Drannach (the Sky-Piercer), a long, heav y-bladed spear. {tortoise_ram_DE_descr_short}Dark Elves pushing a ram {tortoise_ram_beast}Gors with ram {tortoise_ram_beast_descr}The more powerful Beastmen are called Gors. They are s tronger and more intelligent than the Ungors. All Beastmen are, as the name sugg ests, creatures with the features of both man and beast. To the outside world, a ll Beastmen appear the same. However, there are endless different combinations o f Beastmen as the powers of chaos will make each mutate in strange ways. It is n ot uncommon for them to have the heads of horses or insects. The Gors are recogn ised by their horns. A true Gor has large, perfectly shaped horns and is free of mutations. Beastmen consider horns to be the ultimate rank of power and their l eaders tend to have the largest and most spectacular horns of them all. Before t hey go to battle they smear their horns with blood to make them look even more f earsome. {tortoise_ram_beast_descr_short}Gors pushing a ram {tortoise_ram_chaos}Marauders with ram {tortoise_ram_chaos_descr}Marauders are the core making up a chaos army. They ar e drawn from tribes of northmen when a Chaos Lord needs to fill up the numbers o f his army before an invasion. When not a part of an invading force they are oft en seen mercilessly plundering and pillaging coastal settlements. The men of the north live and grow up in hard conditions, this makes them hardy and natural fi ghters. Every man in the north is a tough and capable warrior. Comparing these m en with the men of the south is like comparing a wolf with a sheep. They are hea vily build and physically capable in comparison to the men of the Empire. They f

avour tactics where a straightforward melee fight is given. They will not turn t ail and run in the first place as fear is despised by their gods and the ambitio n of many Marauders is to earn greater favour of the Gods and ascend to become a warrior of chaos or even further. These Marauders fight with a shield and one h anded axe or blade. Most of them wear only pelts but some use semi-plate armour. They are brave and tough but will not stand up in a prolonged fight against eli te units. {tortoise_ram_chaos_descr_short}Marauders pushing a ram {tortoise_ram_dwarfs}Dwarfs with ram {tortoise_ram_dwarfs_descr}Dwarfs are immensely strong and resilient, broad of s houlder, wide of girth, with big hands and broad feet. They are ideally adapted to cope with demanding physical work, and can dig or tunnel for hours without ti ring. Their extreme physical endurance also enables them to carry heavy loads wi thout any notable loss in speed. As well as being physically robust they are als o mentally tough. To say that a Dwarf knows his own mind is something of an unde rstatement. Dwarfs live in family units called clans. In times of war these clan s muster together any Dwarf old enough to fight and form into regiments. The war riors of these regiments are expected to maintain their own armour and weapons, which are often ancient family heirlooms which have been handed down through the generations and presented to the Dwarf when he comes of age. {tortoise_ram_dwarfs_descr_short}Dwarfs pushing a ram {tortoise_ram_elf}Elves with ram {tortoise_ram_elf_descr}The majority of warriors in an elven army are a citizen militia. The militia is a form of part-time army in which all take their turn to serve. These elves have already experienced the horrors of war from a distance as archers, and after the decades of war are ready to don the armor and responsi bilities of spearmen. Extensively trained to fight together, spearman are expect ed to fight bravely on the frontline and die if necessary to protect Ulthuan and her colonies. {tortoise_ram_elf_descr_short}Elves pushing a ram {tortoise_ram_empire}Imperials with ram {tortoise_ram_empire_descr}Every province and each city state in the Empire has its own army which is equipped and maintained at its own expense. In the case of the provinces these forces fall under the command of the Count, and in the case of the City States they are under the control of the Burgomeisters of the City. Regardless of whether they are provincial troops or city state troops, these fo rces are known as the State Troops or State Regiments. {tortoise_ram_empire_descr_short}Imperials pushing a ram {tortoise_ram_orks}Goblins with ram {tortoise_ram_orks_descr}Goblins are small, vicious, mean-spirited and generally unpleasant creatures. They fight among themselves both on and off the battlefie ld. They feel little sense of loyalty to their own kin, let alone anyone else, a nd will cheerfully maim, kill or even eat their comrades if they think they can get away with it, often just for a laugh. Most Goblins live among their large Or cish cousins, but others live in great nomadic tribes. They generally serve as s laves to the Orcs, as the Orcs are much larger and rarely pass up an opportunity to remind the Goblins of that very fact. Due to the oppressive nature of their Orc masters most goblins live short, miserable lives usually ending under the fe et or in the mouth of an Orc. There are a few Goblin tribes which have managed t o avoid Orc leadership, though that is mostly only until Orcs find them. However , Goblins are numerous, much more numerous than even Orcs. It seems that no matt er how many perish or are eaten there are always plenty of them around. These pa rticular Goblins are armed with simple close combat weapons and have gathered in a fighting regiment. One should hold no illusions; goblins normally only fight when Orcs have forced them to. They will likely try to escape the battle at the first chance they get. {tortoise_ram_orks_descr_short}Goblins pushing a ram {tortoise_ram_vampire}Skeletons with ram {tortoise_ram_vampire_descr}Making up a vast majority of the ranks in a vampire s army, skeletal warriors are equipped with the bare minimum of arms and armour.

Completely mindless, lacking any and all emotions, these creatures are the perf ect soldiers, obeying orders down to the last letter without question. Retreat i s not an option for them. Despite this, their martial skills are not what they m ight have been in life, and unless they severely outnumber their foe they are un likely to win a battle on their own. {tortoise_ram_vampire_descr_short}Skeletons pushing a ram {venators}Voland s Venators {venators_bodyguard}Voland s Guards {venators_bodyguard_descr}Voland came to Tilea from the Empire. At the time he w as just one of many mercenaries hired by the Tileans in their wars. He rose to p rominence as the leader of a band of mercenary knights called the Venators, whic h means "hunters" in low Tilean. The motives of Voland and his knights could not have been more different from the Bretonnian or even the Imperial traditions of knighthood. They were soldiers of fortune interested only in two things, namely money and spending it. They are expert cavalrymen whose thunderous charge can s catter the deepest enemy formations. {venators_bodyguard_descr_short}Heavy mercenary cavalry armed with lances and sw ords {venators_descr}Voland came to Tilea from the Empire. At the time he was just on e of many mercenaries hired by the Tileans in their wars. He rose to prominence as the leader of a band of mercenary knights called the Venators, which means "h unters" in low Tilean. The motives of Voland and his knights could not have been more different from the Bretonnian or even the Imperial traditions of knighthoo d. They were soldiers of fortune interested only in two things, namely money and spending it. They are expert cavalrymen whose thunderous charge can scatter the deepest enemy formations. {venators_descr_short}Heavy mercenary cavalry armed with lances and swords {witch_elves}Witch Elves of Khaine {witch_elves_descr}The worship of Khaine, the bloody-handed God of War and Death , is completely dominant in the lands of the Witch King. Every major settlement has several large temples devoted to the murderous god. One slave in ten brought back to Naggarond belongs to the temple, where a great honour awaits them as th ey are sacrificed to Khaine. After opening their chests with knives purified by dark venom, the Hags bathe in their blood to restore their pact with the Lord of Murder. Few slaves understand or appreciate this great privilege. Witch Elves a re the maiden-elves who belong only to Khaine himself, and being a jealous god h e is not keen to share. Many are willing to die (and indeed often do) to see a s mile on their lips. These warriors march alongside the armies of the Druchii, ea ger to prove their devotion to their god. Crazed by drugs they throw themselves into the fray, laughing as the screams of the dying resemble praises sung in the ir dark temples. Indeed, facing these brides of Khaine is a deed few escape to b oast of. {witch_elves_descr_short}Bloodthirsty maiden-priests of Khaela Mensha Khaine {witch_hunters}Witch Hunters {witch_hunters_descr}The practice of magic beyond the structures of the Colleges of Magic in Altdorf is utterly forbidden and is a crime punished by the most pa inful death. Those that dare to employ fell sorcery are branded malevolent witch es and it is the duty of the much-feared witch hunters to hunt down and destroy such nefarious villains. This work is increadibly dangerous and is undertaken by only the boldest of souls who hold the faith of Sigmar close to their hearts, f or rogue sorcerers and witches are powerful enemies who gather all manner of vil e creatures of Chaos to them. Though given to a terse and brooding manner, witch hunters are seldom solitary individuals. Indeed, witch hunters often recruit wa rbands of warriors, priests and Wizards to accompany them in their travails, for the prey of a witch hunter is fought not only in the land of the physical, but also in the realms of the spiritual and magical. {witch_hunters_descr_short}Exceptional band of feared warriors {zombies}Zombies {zombies_descr}Zombies are usually raised by necromancers just before the start of a battle due to their slow, shambling gait that would otherwise slow an army

down, as well as their tendency to literally fall apart after a certain period o f time, making them impractical for longer campaigns. The countless bodies that litter the Old World provide a ready source of warriors for an army in desperate need of additional numbers. Much like a skeleton, a zombie is but an animated s hell, without independent thought. {zombies_descr_short}Weak warriors, best used to swarm the enemy

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