OI Central Staff Cost Repository Simver

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Central Staff Cost Repository (CSR)

for All OI offices

Reviews and Proposals (simplified version)

Prepared by Roti Chan

Last update on 7 Jan 2010

Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals
Table of Contents

1 Document······························································ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2 Background ···································································································- 2 -
3 Requirements·································································································- 3 -
4 Propositions ···································································································- 6 -
4.1 The Process·····························································································- 6 -
4.2 Configuration ·················································· Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3 Security ··································································································- 7 -
4.4 Data Required in CSR ······································· Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.5 Photo-type of Web Front Input Screen························································- 8 -
4.6 Interfaces ······················································· Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.7 Finance··························································· Error! Bookmark not defined.
5 Implementation······························································································- 9 -
Appendix - Calculation Logic ·················································································- 10 -
Appendix – Validation Reports ··············································································- 15 -

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

1 Background

Starting from March 2010, Otto International (OI) will adopt a single finance system
(Navision) for all OI offices. The system will reflect the latest OI hierarchy and
dimensions like entity, business unit (BU) and functions, in order to provide the
management the right pieces of information.

One of the key sets of data, the staff cost, needs to be allocated to the right dimensions
and fed into Navision as well. Because of the complexity, using manual way to perform
the new staff cost calculation and allocation will be a challenge. An automatic,
computer driven approach is necessary to ensure accuracy and efficiency and in order to
meet the tight accounting schedule every month.

To build different interfaces between Navision and the local payroll systems in individual
offices is another challenge. These interfaces will hardly be completed within such short
time frame (However, interfaces from the payroll system (IPL) used by the HK and
China offices have been implemented before and will be modified to suit the current
purpose). That is why this proposal comes up, to implement a single secured system
with simple user interface to collect data from all offices, to do the allocation and to post
data to Navision. This document provided a high level system design on this proposed
solution, the implementation details, costs involved and a rough time schedule.

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

2 Requirements

The below requirements are collected from our colleagues in HR, Accounts and IT
departments in HK.

in the
Type Requirements proposal Reference
Up-to-date staff cost allocation rates have to be maintained Yes HR need to
in the existing staff bank database. It should cover all the communicate the
staffs in OI dead line for
The existing local payroll process and local requirements Yes
should not be changed

Full payroll details of new joined staff and leaving staff must Yes HK HR confirmed
be entered into IPL and post to the centralized repository that this can be
(HK and China offices) achieved
Some staff costs need to be approved and realized in the Yes To be handled by
middle of a month are entered into Navision currently before a new
the payroll process start. A mechanism needs to be in place reimbursement
to ensure they are allocated to the new dimensions system

A centralized database storing the monthly staff payroll and Yes
expenses details. It should cover all OI staff as well

The formula of the staff cost allocation should be maintained to be proposed by

in a form that even non-technical people like the HR staffs developer, may be
can manage. shared with the
This new system should provide a flexible reporting tool for to be proposed by
the users to build their own reports and statistics developer

A user interface, preferably a web interface providing Excel to be proposed by

like input format, for OI offices to enter individual staff developer
payroll details into the centralized repository
The locale of local users should be considered to avoid to be proposed by
mistakes come from data format developer

The payroll details should be broken down into the sub- Yes 3.4
accounts of the five different staff cost categories, namely
salary, bonus, benefit, rental and utility, social security

The payroll details should include the relevant bank or cash Yes 3.4
accounts or third party accounts, payment date, relevant
posting month, currency, expatriate or local terms, full or
partial payment (for terminated staff), etc
A program to calculate and allocate the staff cost into the Yes Appendix –
new OI dimensions Calculation Logic

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals
in the
Type Requirements proposal Reference
This centralized repository must be independent from the Yes 3.3
existing IT environment that only HR staffs have
administrative access, not even the IT administrators
The user maintenance of this repository should be managed Yes 3.3
by HR only
The system implementation is preferably outsourced to an Yes 3.3
external company, for security reason
Users of each office can only access data of their own Yes 3.1
offices. Every month after posting they will no longer see
and print old data from the repository
The entity input from the offices will be adopted, instead of
using the entity from staff bank.

An interface to send the allocated data in lump sum, but Yes 3.6
broken down by right chart of account (COA) and
dimensions, to Navision. No individual staff name will be
sent outside the centralized payroll repository

In the CSR-Navision interface, each voucher generated Yes Appendix –

should have one and only one record for the same bank Calculation Logic
Text description in vouchers should explain the details of the Should be
transactions OK
The exchange rate for local currency conversion should Yes Navision to
adopt the one from the corresponding book (in China their provide sp to
books maintain actual FX rate instead of budget rate, as access exchange
local government requested) rate in diff. books

Accrual records for profit sharing bonus, the 13th and 14th
month salaries to be generate automatically (HK offices)

Offset records for those accrual records to be generated

automatically (HK offices)
The accrual needs to be broken down into entity and BU
levels (HK offices)
The 13th and 14th month salaries need to allocate to
different COA (HK offices)

Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) will be posted with one

month delay (HK offices)
Secondment payrolls should be charged back to the offices Yes A table to record
that the staffs are seconded the book
The foreign currency remittance to second staff should be
Procedure to handle annual benefits like medical and May be handled
insurance expenses by the
Procedure to handle special case that one staff the payroll
splits to different offices

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals
in the
Type Requirements proposal Reference
late entries of staff costs should refer to the allocation rates Should be
of the corresponding month OK
to other
An automated system interface to post monthly payroll data Yes 3.1
from IPL HR system to the centralized repository, with all Data mapping will
required details, and a closing mechanism to make sure the be handled by
posted data is final CSR via SP in
The bank payment record will be generated by CSR. The
bank account is defined according to the auto-pay flag and
Staff headcount statistics will be derived from the monthly Should be
copy of staff allocations and will pass over to the budget and OK
reporting system (Clarity)
Process /
The payroll is not limited to monthly basis. Weekly payroll Yes 3.1
should also be possible. However, the closing will be done
every month to align with the accounting process.

A copy of the staff allocation rates to be saved every month Yes 3.1
for allocation and calculation of that month and for future
reference and reporting

A set of comprehensive reports for data verification after the Yes Appendix –
calculation and allocation Validation Reports

The offices need to make sure the staff costs entered into Yes 3.1
the centralized repository match with the actual payroll Finance teams
need to work out
some controlling
Ways to allocate benefit that cannot be separated by staff to Finance teams to
all BU in an entity provide details

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

3 Propositions
3.1 The Process

1. Managers of business unit (MBU) and Entity managers need to keep the staff
allocation details in Staff Bank up-to-date (but not the allocation for future).
2. An image of these allocation rules will be captured in the beginning of each month
and saved in CSR
3. All offices continue to prepare staff payroll in their existing systems, like HK and
China offices using the IPL HR system. The payroll is not limited to monthly basis.
Offices can perform weekly payroll or ad hoc payroll for staff that leaving in the
middle of a month.
4. Staff costs that need to be paid or reimburse in the middle of a month will be
entered into a new reimbursement system where the costs will be allocated
according to the image of current month allocation rules and then post to Navision
5. Final Payroll data in IPL will be posted to the Central Staff Cost Repository (CSR)
during a month-end process
6. Offices that are not using IPL will need to feed their final staff payroll details to the
CSR through a secured web front program (see 3.5 below).
7. The CSR will calculate the offices payroll data according to the allocation details and
generate lump sum figures per entity per business unit and function. The calculated
data will further be transformed to accounting requested format/breakdown and
upload to vouchers in Navision (see calculation logic in appendix).
8. The accounting teams will validate the uploaded payroll data against the information
sent from offices, before posting the vouchers into Navision. Once the posting is
done, the payroll data of that month in the CSR will be locked.

Non-IPL offices
MBU and Entity managers IPL offices (HK + China)
Prepare payroll in local
Update staff allocation in staff bank Prepare payroll in IPL
system or Excel

Bank Local payroll

Staff Bank IPL system report
allocation Individual staff
details payroll details

Non-IPL offices
Calculated staff staff
Input payroll data to
cost in Lump Sum Central payroll centralized repository
Payroll details

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

3.2 Security

Database and server: A single dedicated database will be setup solely for this
purpose. It will be resided in a server in the HK data centre, next to the Navision
server. The server, however, will be hosted independent from the OI domain

User access: Both the database and the server can only be accessed by authorized
users. HK HR department will be the only party to manage the user access, not the
IT administrators.

Connection: The connection from user workstations to the system will be encrypted
by SSL technology plus login control to ensure no data leak during data transmission.
Each user is limited to see his/her own data only.

Web front
input form

SSL Encrypted
Central Hong Kong
Payroll Repository Data Center



IPL Staff Bank

Allocation Rules

Hong Navision
OI Domain

Development team: The development and implementation of the CSR, the Web
Front Input Interface, the posting interfaces and user maintenance will all be
outsourced to external developers.

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

3.3 Photo-type of Web Front Input Screen

We propose to use an MS Excel like interface for the input screen. It requires less
training and is more flexible for data editing and copying.

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

4 Implementation

Item Implementation Activities Responsible Duration


1 Review and finalize requirement specifications OI IT 19-25/Nov/2009

2 Request proposal from external consultants OI IT 26-16/Dec/2009
3 Confirm a proposal OI IT 17-18/Dec/2009
4 System design and implementation Consultant 1/Jan-31/Jan/2010
5 Hardware server installation OI IT 10/Jan-20/Jan/2010
6 Setup security components OI IT 10/Jan-25/Jan/2010
7 User demo and feedback collection OI IT 20/Jan-5/Feb/2010
8 Setup production environment Consultant 1/Feb-10/Feb/2010
9 User Training OI IT 25/Feb-10/Mar/2010
10 UAT and system tuning OI IT, Consultant 11-20/Mar/2010
11 Live run OI IT 22/Mar/2010

Last update on 7 Jan 2010
Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

Appendix - Calculation Logic

Case 1 – a new join staff works with 2 BU, 1 Function

Staff allocation in Staff Bank

business bu function
entity staff id unit name allocation % function name allocation %
OI HK Test4.Sun 3Suisses 50 Sourcing 100
OI HK Test4.Sun Bon Prix 50 Sourcing 100

Monthly Payroll Details input by Offices in CSR

Entity: Otto International (HK) Ltd
COA of Description
Expat- Debit Description Bank / of Bank /
riate Payment Curr- Payment COA of of Payment other other New joiner
Staff ID Term Date ency Amount Payment COA accounts accounts join date

HKD bank
Test4.Sun No 25/Nov/10 HKD 1,200 4011001 Salary 1502501 account 10/Nov/10

HKD bank
Test4.Sun No 25/Nov/10 HKD 600 4011201 Bonus 1502501 account 10/Nov/10

Detailed Staff Cost after Allocation in CSR

COA of Description
Pay- Debit Description Bank / of Bank /
Payment Business Curr- ment COA of of Payment other other
Staff ID Date Book Unit Function ency Amount Payment COA accounts accounts

HKD bank
Test4.Sun 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing HKD 600 4011001 Salary 1502501 account

HKD bank
Test4.Sun 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing HKD 300 4011201 Bonus 1502501 account

HKD bank
Test4.Sun 25/Nov/10 OI HK 3Suisses Sourcing HKD 600 4011001 Salary 1502501 account

HKD bank
Test4.Sun 25/Nov/10 OI HK 3Suisses Sourcing HKD 300 4011201 Bonus 1502501 account

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Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals
Case 2 – a staff works with 2 internal functions and left the company in
the middle of a month

Staff allocation in Staff Bank

business bu allocation function
entity staff id unit name % function name allocation %

OI HK Test5.Au 999 100 Admin - General 50

OI HK Test5.Au 999 100 Finance and Accounting 50

Monthly Payroll Details input by Offices in CSR

Entity: Otto International (HK) Ltd

Credit COA Description Leaving

Expat- Debit Description of Bank / of Bank / staff
riate Payment Curr- Payment COA of of Payment other other Termination
Staff ID Term Date ency Amount Payment COA accounts accounts Date Remarks
Accrual Offset accrual for 13th
account for HKD bank month salary in HK
Test5.Au No 9/Nov/10 HKD 100 2302300 local staff 1502501 account 9/Nov/10 offices
HKD Cash
Test5.Au No 9/Nov/10 HKD 300 4011001 Salary 1502599 account 9/Nov/10
HKD Cash
Test5.Au No 9/Nov/10 HKD 150 4011201 Bonus 1502599 account 9/Nov/10
Social other short HK MPF to be paid next
Test5.Au No 9/Nov/10 HKD 30 4011601 Security 2302500 term liability 9/Nov/10 month

Detailed Staff Cost after Allocation in CSR

COA of
Pay- Debit Description Bank / Description of
Payment Business Curr- ment COA of of Payment other Bank / other
Staff ID Date Book Unit Function ency Amount Payment COA accounts accounts
account for HKD bank
Test5.Au 9/Nov/10 OI HK 999 Admin - General HKD 50 2302300 local staff 1502501 account
HKD bank
Test5.Au 9/Nov/10 OI HK 999 Admin - General HKD 150 4011001 Salary 1502501 account
HKD bank
Test5.Au 9/Nov/10 OI HK 999 Admin - General HKD 75 4011201 Bonus 1502501 account

Social other short

Test5.Au 9/Nov/10 OI HK 999 Admin - General HKD 15 4011601 Security 2302500 term liability
account for HKD bank
Test5.Au 9/Nov/10 OI HK 999 Finance and Accounting HKD 50 2302300 local staff 1502501 account
HKD bank
Test5.Au 9/Nov/10 OI HK 999 Finance and Accounting HKD 150 4011001 Salary 1502501 account
HKD bank
Test5.Au 9/Nov/10 OI HK 999 Finance and Accounting HKD 75 4011201 Bonus 1502501 account

Social other short

Test5.Au 9/Nov/10 OI HK 999 Finance and Accounting HKD 15 4011601 Security 2302500 term liability

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Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals
Case 3 - an expatriate staff with rental arrangement

Staff allocation in Staff Bank

business bu function
entity staff id unit name allocation % function name allocation %
OI HK Test2.Wong Bon Prix 100 Sourcing 100

Monthly Payroll Details input by Offices in CSR

Entity: Otto International (HK) Ltd
COA of
Expat- Debit Description Bank / Description of
riate Payment Curr- Payment COA of of Payment other Bank / other
Staff ID Term Date ency Amount Payment COA accounts accounts Remarks

OI on behalf of staff to pay to

landlord (this tx will be handled by
Test2.Wong Yes 5/Nov/10 USD 500 1703200 Prepaid 1502502 USD bank account the new reimbursement system)

Accrual Offset accrual for 13th month

account for salary in HK offices, can be
Test2.Wong Yes 25/Nov/10 USD 2,000 2302200 expat staff 1502502 USD bank account generated by IPL

Test2.Wong Yes 25/Nov/10 USD 2,000 4011002 Salary 1502502 USD bank account can be generated by IPL

Test2.Wong Yes 25/Nov/10 USD 1,000 4011202 Bonus 1502502 USD bank account can be generated by IPL
Offset to rent prepayment, can be
Test2.Wong Yes 25/Nov/10 USD 500 4011302 Rental 1703200 Prepaid account generated by IPL

Test2.Wong Yes 25/Nov/10 USD 100 4011452 Benefits 1502502 USD bank account can be generated by IPL

Social other short term HK MPF to be paid next month,

Test2.Wong Yes 25/Nov/10 USD 100 4011601 Security 2302502 liability can be generated by IPL

Detailed Staff Cost after Allocation in CSR

Credit COA
Pay- Debit COA Description of Bank /
Payment Business Curr- ment of of Payment other Description of Bank /
Staff ID Date Book Unit Function ency Amount Payment COA accounts other accounts

Test2.Wong 5/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing USD 500 1703200 Prepaid 1502502 USD bank account

account for
Test2.Wong 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing USD 2,000 2302200 expat staff 1502502 USD bank account

Test2.Wong 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing USD 2,000 4011002 Salary 1502502 USD bank account

Test2.Wong 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing USD 1,000 4011202 Bonus 1502502 USD bank account

Test2.Wong 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing USD 500 4011302 Rental 1703200 Prepaid account

Test2.Wong 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing USD 100 4011452 Benefits 1502502 USD bank account

Test2.Wong 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing USD 100 4011602 Security 2302500 other short term liability

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Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

Case 4 – a staff seconded from HK to DG office

Staff allocation in Staff Bank

business unit bu allocation function

entity staff id name % function name allocation %

OI HK Test1.Chan Bon Prix 100 Sourcing 100

Staff Secondment Arrangement in CSR

Payroll entity staff id Payroll book Book in Seconded entity

OI HK Test1.Chan OI HK OI DG

Monthly Payroll Details input by Offices in CSR

Entity: Otto International (HK) Ltd
Credit COA
Expat- Debit Description of Bank / Description of
riate Payment Curr- Payment COA of of Payment other Bank / other
Staff ID Term Date ency Amount Payment COA accounts accounts Remarks

Accrual Offset accrual for 13th month salary

account for HKD bank in HK offices, can be generated by
Test1.Chan No 25/Nov/10 HKD 1,000 2302300 local staff 1502501 account IPL
HKD bank
Test1.Chan No 25/Nov/10 HKD 1,000 4011001 Salary 1502501 account can be generated by IPL
HKD bank
Test1.Chan No 25/Nov/10 HKD 500 4011201 Bonus 1502501 account can be generated by IPL

Social other short term HK MPF to be paid next month, can

Test1.Chan No 25/Nov/10 HKD 100 4011601 Security 2302500 liability be generated by IPL

Detailed Staff Cost after Allocation in CSR

Credit COA
Pay- Debit of Bank /
Payment Business Curr- ment COA of Description of other Description of Bank / other
Staff ID Date Book Unit Function ency Amount Payment Payment COA accounts accounts

C/A account of
Test1.Chan 25/Nov/10 OI HK Bon Prix Sourcing HKD 2,600 262000 OI DG 1502501 HKD bank account

account for
Test1.Chan 25/Nov/10 OI DG Bon Prix Sourcing HKD 1,000 2302300 local staff 242016 C/A account of OI HK

Test1.Chan 25/Nov/10 OI DG Bon Prix Sourcing HKD 1,000 4011001 Salary 242016 C/A account of OI HK

Test1.Chan 25/Nov/10 OI DG Bon Prix Sourcing HKD 500 4011201 Bonus 242016 C/A account of OI HK

Test1.Chan 25/Nov/10 OI DG Bon Prix Sourcing HKD 100 4011601 Social Security 242016 C/A account of OI HK

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Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

The allocated staff costs of all the above cases will be transformed to a
Navision Voucher in this structure:

Posting Document Account Account BU Function Currency Amount

Company Date No. Type No. Description Code Code Code Amount (LCY)
OI DG 26/Nov/10 DGSC101121 Account 2302300 Acc.for bonus - Local 006000 10411 HKD 1,000.00 1,130.35
OI DG 26/Nov/10 DGSC101121 Account 4011001 Salaries - Local 006000 10411 HKD 1,000.00 1,130.35
OI DG 26/Nov/10 DGSC101121 Account 4011201 Misc. Bonuses - Local 006000 10411 HKD 500.00 565.18
G/L Misc. Pension
OI DG 26/Nov/10 DGSC101121 Account 4011601 Expenses - Local 006000 10411 HKD 100.00 113.04
OI DG 26/Nov/10 DGSC101121 Customer 242016 ADVANCEMENT HKD 2,600.00 -2,938.92
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011001 Salaries - Local 011000 10411 HKD 600.00 600.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011201 Misc. Bonuses - Local 011000 10411 HKD 300.00 300.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Customer 262000 ADVANCEMENT 006000 10411 HKD 2,600.00 2,600.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011001 Salaries - Local 006000 10411 HKD 600.00 600.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011201 Misc. Bonuses - Local 006000 10411 HKD 300.00 300.00
G/L Acc.for bonus -
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 2302200 Expatriates 006000 10411 USD 2,000.00 15,557.12
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011002 Salaries - Expatriates 006000 10411 USD 2,000.00 15,557.12
G/L Misc. Bonuses -
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011202 Expatriates 006000 10411 USD 1,000.00 7,778.56
Additional Housing
G/L Allowance -
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011302 Expatriates 006000 10411 USD 500.00 3,889.28
G/L Misc. Benefits -
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011452 Expatriates 006000 10411 USD 100.00 777.86
G/L Misc. Pension
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011601 Expenses - Local 006000 10411 USD 100.00 777.86
G/L Other prepayment -
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 1703200 staff 006000 10411 USD 500.00 3,889.28
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 2302300 Acc.for bonus - Local 028000 21031 HKD 50.00 50.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011001 Salaries - Local 028000 21031 HKD 150.00 150.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011201 Misc. Bonuses - Local 028000 21031 HKD 75.00 75.00
G/L Misc. Pension
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011601 Expenses - Local 028000 21031 HKD 15.00 15.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 2302300 Acc.for bonus - Local 028000 30831 HKD 50.00 50.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011001 Salaries - Local 028000 30831 HKD 150.00 150.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011201 Misc. Bonuses - Local 028000 30831 HKD 75.00 75.00
G/L Misc. Pension
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 4011601 Expenses - Local 028000 30831 HKD 15.00 15.00
SCB HKD 447-1-661- -
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Bank 793500 196-4 HKD 4,950.00 -4,950.00
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Bank 793502 44716612030 USD 5,600.00 43,559.94
G/L Other prepayment -
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 1703200 staff USD -500.00 -3,889.28
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 2302500 Acc.for MPF USD -100.00 -777.86
OI HK 26/Nov/10 HKSC101121 Account 2302500 Acc.for MPF HKD -30.00 -30.00

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Central Staff Cost Repository – Reviews and Proposals

Appendix – Validation Reports

Payroll detail list per Entity
Payroll summary per Entity
Allocated staff cost detail per Entity
Allocated staff cost summary
Allocated staff cost with detail COA mapping
Allocated staff cost summary by COA

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