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Industrial Mathematics:

What is it and why should we do it?

Dr Ben Goddard
What is Industrial Maths?
Key characteristic: The origin of the problem lies in industry.
Aim: Gain insight through mathematical analysis and numerics.

What is Industrial Maths?
Key characteristic: The origin of the problem lies in industry.
Aim: Gain insight through mathematical analysis and numerics.
We (here, and in SoM) interpret this broadly both in area:
and in type:
International companies
SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)
Government agencies
Some general examples

Application of Data Assimilation to Ocean and

Climate Prediction

Avalanche Defence Schemes

The Reduction of Sound from Aircraft Engines

Cost-Effective Simulation and Prediction of

Explosions for Military and Public Safety

Some Mathematics for Splashes: Sea-Wave Impact

on Coastal Structures

[UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics, Editors: Aston, Philip J., Mulholland,
Anthony J., Tant, Katherine, Springer, 2016]

Some personal examples

WEST Brewery

Why do it? (Industry POV)
What is the alternative?
make a prototype;
test how it works;
use trial and error to improve it.

Why do it? (Industry POV)
What is the alternative?
make a prototype;
test how it works;
use trial and error to improve it.
But this is completely impractical:
incredibly expensive (in money and time)!
may not be able to measure required quantities.

Why do it? (Industry POV)
What is the alternative?
make a prototype;
test how it works;
use trial and error to improve it.
But this is completely impractical:
incredibly expensive (in money and time)!
may not be able to measure required quantities.
Mathematical models:
are relatively efficient and inexpensive;
can test a wide range of situations;
can be adjusted in only prescribed aspects;
trial and error can be replaced by optimisation.

Why do it? (Industry POV)
What is the alternative?
make a prototype;
test how it works;
use trial and error to improve it.
But this is completely impractical:
incredibly expensive (in money and time)!
may not be able to measure required quantities.
Mathematical models:
are relatively efficient and inexpensive;
can test a wide range of situations;
can be adjusted in only prescribed aspects;
trial and error can be replaced by optimisation.

Often mathematical models are the only way to test new designs

Why do it? (Maths POV)

For mathematics as a whole:

applications are a driving force;
modern technology is very amenable to modelling;
mathematics is universal.
[The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, Wigner,
Eugene, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 13, 1–14, 1959]

Why do it? (Maths POV)

For mathematics as a whole:

applications are a driving force;
modern technology is very amenable to modelling;
mathematics is universal.
[The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, Wigner,
Eugene, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 13, 1–14, 1959]

For you:
go past the idea that applied maths is just a load of methods
to solve problems of particular forms;
less mathematics is being taught in applied science courses;
excellent opportunity to expand your horizons.

What are the differences from University maths?

not presented with a set of equations to be analysed;

get a practical problem;

need to translate;

this is a difficult step, especially when you start;

should involve insight from subject experts;

however, the basic principles of good mathematical modelling

are universal.

What skills do you need / will you learn?

Technical knowledge:
the modelling process (coming next!);
mathematical analysis;
how to combine them to best understand a problem.

What skills do you need / will you learn?

Technical knowledge:
the modelling process (coming next!);
mathematical analysis;
how to combine them to best understand a problem.
How to work on industrial problems:
real-world problems are large, messy, and often vaguely stated;
almost never worth your time to produce a ‘complete’ solution;
look at ‘clean’ sub-problems.

What skills do you need / will you learn?

Technical knowledge:
the modelling process (coming next!);
mathematical analysis;
how to combine them to best understand a problem.
How to work on industrial problems:
real-world problems are large, messy, and often vaguely stated;
almost never worth your time to produce a ‘complete’ solution;
look at ‘clean’ sub-problems.
Writing for a non-specialist audience;
Determining what the crucial message is;
Working in teams.


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