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Curriculum Vitae

YOUR NAME. MD.Sakib Hossen
Contact No: 01610898143
Educational Qualification:

Secondary School Certificate (SSC)

Institute : Kasiani G.C.pilot High School.
Group : General Electrcal works
Result/GPA : GPA- 4.32
Passing Year : 2019
Board : Dhaka
Personal Quality:
Believe in self-dignity, Well communication skill, Enthusiastic, Sincere and
Egger to learn.

Computer Literacy:
Operating Systems : Windows 98/2000/XP/7/8.1
Software Application : MS Word, Excel,
Internet Access Capability : Browsing, E-mail Checking, Chatting.

Language proficiency:
English : speaking and writing.
Bengali : Mother tongue.

Traveling, Reading, Playing Cricket, etc.

Name : Md. Sakib Hossen
Father’s Name : Md. Abu Bakar Musa
Mother’s Name : Tohura parvin
Date of Birth : 17/08/2003
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Permanent Address : Vill: Suryamani, P.O:Nurainpur P.S: Bauphal
Dist: Patuakhali.
Religion : Islam
Marital Status : Single

1. 2.Professors itmona
Mobile:- 017*************. E-mail-
Mobile:- 017************

I hereby assure you that all the information supplied in this curriculum vitae is true, and
if any inconsistency found then you have right to reject it.


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