Artifact 1 Project 1

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Wes D’Angio


Professor Hikari

April 26, 2024

Artifact 1: Movie Cover


This artifact is for a fictional movie that is coming out, it's an movie cover that they would

display at a theater. The audience for this would be the people already at the theater that want to

come to movies in the future. The purpose of this is to advertise the movie coming out so the

people who are creating it will profit and the purpose for the theater posing it is for people to

come to their theater and watch it. Obviously, the medium would be the cover that is displayed

on the wall. Some modality choices that were made when designing the cover, were the use of

the vast and ominous forest and mountains, to create some suspense for the movie, as well as the
big text in the middle with the title of the movie to make sure people see it clear in front of them.

This is also meant to appeal to ethos, when one can see the character standing there. Apealling to

pathos as well, the goal of the poster was to evoke a wonder in whoever is looking at it from the

descriptive words on the top. Then logos lets the audience logically figure out its a mountain

thriller from the photo of the mountains, the scary title and the mini campfires on the side. A

formality that the cover presents is the on the bottom it says “Coming 2025 to a theater near

you,” this is used on all movie covers to present when the movie will be released. Now along

with the banner being a great way to bring in customers, a constraint it faces is the fact that the

audience can't tell much about what the movie is about. Finally, the tone of the whole cover is

meant to be intense, with wors like “gruesome” and “final” this creates a suspensful tone.

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