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Summary of Scores in Statistics and Probability

3rd Quarter Grading

Name: Ralph Aaron Dela Cruz Section: HUMSS 11- 3M

PETA (50%) Items Your Score

1 50 50
2 8 8
3 20 5
68-95-99.7 Rule 10 9
Attendance 100 90
Robotics 20 20
TOTAL 208 182

Written Works (25%) Items Your Score

LAS 1 10 7
LAS 2 6 5
LAS 3 20 17
LAS 4 15 13
Measures Exercise 20 20
Unit Test 23 6
Filler Quiz 15 6
Filler Exer.1 10 6
Filler Exer.2 10 8
Filler Exer.3 10 8
Filler Exer.4 14 14
Filler Exer.5 15 15
Assessment Task 50 5
Book page 8 28 24
Act 8.1-8.5 50 25
TOTAL 292 179

Quarterly Exam (25%) Items Your Score

Q3 Examination 35 16
TOTAL 35 16

My Initial Grade Computation:

For Written Works & QE = Score / Items * 100 *.025 = 15.32%
For Q. Exam = Score / Items * 100 *0.25 = 11.42%
For PETA = Score / Items *100 *0.50 = 43.75%
Last Step: Add them
My IG (Initial Grade) 70.49%

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