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mandatory, optional fields not as per the requirement. Kindly refer

All the given sheet
I am able to go back and forth by passing the login if I logged out and
Redirections clcied on back arrow in chrome
Header steps : 1,2,3 - transitions not as per design
Decrese the size of airpay logo, user profile icon, and the blank padding in
that section – it should not consume so much screen space
login Remove the Mobile Number - only email and password to be there
when clicked on submit, it is showing success message then
redirecting to the leads list page. Do not show this success message
The background image behind the login form is not aligned as per
design. Showing half image from top
Footer - Company name to be changed to
Airpay Payment Services Private Limited - Dubai Branch
social media links to be provided

Search button padding and button size to be reduced. Too much

Spaces between text and button border is there.

leads list
Add button padding to be reduced. Too much Spaces between text
and button border is there.
Shift the Add button to Extreme RHS, same margin as search box
from RHS
Rename + Add to “+ New Lead:
The language options text size is looking greater than normal texts, text
color is looking darker,
The language dropdown should show English, Arabic
User icon size to be reduced
User icon should have 2 options Username, Logout
Dropdown size is too big,
Logout font size to be reduced, grey color not black color

search box border showing gaps

Search box size to be increased
Search box placeholder : Search by email/mobile no/company
Search Box – Loader within the button to be added when data is loading
Error : “No Entries Found “to be shown if no data could be searched
Each row should be clickable
Pagination should be added. Each page will have only 25 entries.
Remove assigned to column, email, affiliate
When searching by email/mobile no/company – It should be a like search,
Should not be case sensitive
When search box is backspaced and empty – it is showing Required error.

+Add button not working

Remove assigned to column
Remove affiliate, campaign column,
Remove # column
remove email id column
remove search dropdown
increase the size of search button and mention search by
email/mobile no/name
search should not be case sensitive
search should be based on like,
Pending since column has ago. Remove “ago”
Registered date to be renamed to Created date
Table Scroll should be added. Thus, when a users scrolls the list, entire
browser will not be scrolled only the leads list will be scrolled and header of
the table will be sticked.

Business Merge : Entity details and communication details. Make Enity Details as 1
details heading. Communication details as heading 2.
Details shown in the leads list are not prepopulated in business
details office phone number should have contact number prefilled,
official email address to be filled,
Add a back arrow on the business details page to go back on the
leads list page
Entity Type Dropdown size should be reduced to half size
Remove VAT number from business details since it is taken in docs list
Place Trade license number next to entity type
Entity type dropdown – even if all options are in alphabetical order,
"Others” option should be at last
Entity type value color should be like other texts.. showing in light
Entity type values should be as per UAE
On clicking next button, if there are any validations error, why entire
page is loading?
Office telephone should be editable
Office email address should be non editable and greyed out.
Next button, Previous button size should be reduced for all pages
all dropdowns should be in alphabetical
add business category field in business details

Place Politically expose person field next to contact for daily

Signatory operations

minus symbol not available

add business category dropdown field in business details
All bank fields should be pre populated from bank details but all
Other details should be editable

list Click here to view image – text size should be reduced
Remove (wherever applicable) from Power of Attorney

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