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GPCB XGN ID :- 34425

Environment Statement
(For the year 2017-2018)

Formica laminates (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Block No.591/592
6th K.M.Stone, Kalol-Vamaj Road
Village-Piyaj, Tal:Kalol
Gandhinagar - 382721
Gujarat, India
T +91 2764 304000

HSE division
Formica laminates (I)Pvt. Ltd.
Kalol, India
(See Rule 14)
M/s. Formica Laminates (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Plot No. 591/592, 6th K.M. Stone,
Kalol – Vamaj Road,
Piyaj - 382 721.
Taluka: Kalol,
District: Gandhinagar.


Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector 10 A, Opp. Bij Nigam, Gandhinagar –
382 010

ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT for the financial year ending the 31st March 2018


(i) Name and address of the owner : Please see (Tag. a). (Pdf_DIR)
/ occupier of the industry
operation or process

(ii) Industry category - : Orange

Primary – (STC Code)
Secondary – (STC Code)

(iii) Production capacity Units : Products: NOC # CCA *

Decorative & 4,21000 4,21,000
Industrial Sheets / Sheets /
Laminates: * month month

Phenol Formaldehyde 1925 205

Resin (MT/Month) (MT/month)

Melamine 373 41
Formaldehyde (MT/Month) (MT/month)
* CCA amended from laminate sheet production capacity from 1,04,166 sheets/month to 4,21,000
sheets/month as per CCA letter No. AWH-70191, dated 07/05/2015 (without increasing resin plant
production capacity expansion). The validity of CCA is 17/03/2020.
Copy of the CCA attached. Tag: - b
# We have also obtained NOC for resin plant expansion with letter no. GPCB/GRN-
583(3)/ID34425/343194/date 30/01/16 (CTE no – 75251 valid up to 2020). We are waiting for
expansion of EC for resin plant expansion. Committee have already recommended our proposal, and
waiting for final EC copy.
Please see the EC recommended by the EIC as tag:- c
(v) Year of establishment : 2009

(vi) Date of the last Environment : 29/06/2017

Statement submitted

The Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 1993 of the Environment (Protection) Act,
1986 (29 of 1986) published vide Notification dated 22-4-1993 G.S.R 386 (E) in the Gazette
of India - Extraordinary – Part – II Section – 3 Subsection (i), No. 155 dated 28-4-1993 by the
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India; readwith the Notification dated
13- 2-1993 G.S.R 329 (E) of the Gazette of India – Extraordinary Part – II Section – 3
Subsection (i) No. 120 dated 13-3-1993.

“Every person carrying on an industry, operation or process requiring Consent under Section
- 25 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974) or under
Section - 21 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (14 of 1981) or both or
authorization under the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989
Published under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) shall submit an
Environmental Statement for the financial year ending the 31st March in Form V to the
concerned State Pollution Control Board on or before the Thirtieth day if September every
year, beginning 1993”


Water and Raw Material Consumption

(i) Water Consumption m3/day

Process – Nil m3/day

Cooling (make-up) – 6.2 m3/day
Domestic – 6.0 m3/day
Name of Product * Process water consumption per unit of product
During the previous During the current
financial year financial year
[April 2016 to March 2017] [April 2017 to March 2018]
(1) (2)
Laminated Sheets Nil Nil
Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Nil Nil
Melamine Formaldehyde Resin Nil Nil
*Our manufacturing process is such that no water is required for the process.

Note: Water use data is attached as (tag. d)

(ii) Raw material consumption

Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material per unit of output

Materials Products (MT/no. of sheet)
During the previous During the current
financial year financial year*
[April 2016 to March 2017] [April 2017 to March 2018]
Base Paper Decorative 0.0003 0.0003
Barrier and 0.00004 0.00004
paper/Tissue industrial
paper Laminated
Kraft paper Sheets 0.0027 0.0027
Phenol 0.0018 0.0018
Melamine 0.0004 0.0004
*Based on production of Nos. 979052 of sheets for this financial year.

Part – C

Pollution discharged to environment / unit of output

(Parameter as specified in the Consent issued)

Pollutants Quantity of pollutants Concentrations of Percentage of

discharged pollutants in variation from
(Kg / day) discharges prescribed
standards with
(a) Not applicable as waste water generated from our unit is completely
Water evaporated in our ETP.
Quarterly water monitoring report for STP is attached in environment
monitoring data.
(b) Air Stack attached to Yearly Stack attached to Yearly average
Rotary type FBC average DG set results
boiler (permissible) results (permissible)

SPM <150 mg/Nm3 85.4 <150 mg/Nm3 80.2

SO2 <100 ppm 10.9 <100 ppm 10.4
NOx <50 ppm 7.1 <50 ppm 6.2

Note: See the attached third party report for periodical monitoring of various point source
(STACK) and AAQM stations.

Minimum, maximum and Average results of environment monitoring data is as per (Tag. e)
Part – D

[As specified under Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989]

Hazardous Wastes Total Quantity generated

During the previous During the current
financial year financial year
[April 2016 to March 2017] [April 2017 to March 2018]
a) From Process
-Used Oil 0.0 MT 1.6 MT
Discarded plastic drums 70 numbers 16 numbers
- Discarded plastic liners
- Resin Waste 5.0 MT* 18.37 MT*
b) From pollution control facilities
Chemical sludge from ETP 1.5MT* 0.0 MT*
 *Resin waste and chemical sludge from ETP were sent and disposed to the TSDF of
M/s. Saurashtra Enviro Projects Pvt. Ltd, Bhachau
 ETP waste quantity generated during this financial year is very less, and We have
sent all ETP and Process waste to incineration disposal for environmental protection.
 See the hazardous waste disposal statement for the year 2017-18. (Tag. f.)

Part – E

SOLID WASTES Total Quantity

During the previous During the current
financial year financial year
[April 2016 to March 2017] [April 2017 to March 2018]
a) From Process Not applicable
b) From pollution control
c) (1) Quantity recycled or
Within the unit.
(2) Sold
(3) Disposed
Part – F
Please specify the characterizations (in terms of composition and quantum) of hazardous as
well as solid wastes and indicate disposal practice for both these categories of wastes

Description of Hazardous Physical Mode of Disposal

/Solid Wastes Form
Used oil Liquid Have been collected and
stored within premises and
will be sold to authorised
recycler after appropriate
quantity to be sold gets
Discarded plastic drums Solid --do--
Discarded plastic liners Solid --do--
- Resin Waste Solid to Semi solid Sent to the TSDF of M/s.
Saurashtra Enviro Projects
Pvt. Ltd. Please see
Hazardous waste return.
Chemical sludge from ETP Solid to Semi solid Chemical sludge from ETP
was also Sent to the TSDF of
M/s. Saurashtra Enviro
Projects Pvt. Ltd, Bhachau.
Also disposed same as
landfill waste, but
considering very small
quantity and little mix
contamination property, we
have disposed ETP waste as
per resin waste disposal i.e.
incineration waste. For this
financial year only.

Impact of the pollution abatement measures taken on conservation of natural resources
and on the cost of production.
 We have adopted an alternate source of water (i.e. piyaj gram Panchayat used water) to
meet the utility water requirement, we have received very creative and eco-friendly
proposal for piyuj gram w.r.t. “Aadarsh gram yojana”.
 Piyujgram panchayat asked us to initiate some project for used water disposal program for
village as corporate social responsible company, and we had welcomed their very good
proposal and accepted to use their village used water as our industrial water (i.e. utility and
greenbelt development water) after required water treatment. Which is very good alternate
source of ground water.
 We have done legal agreement with PIYAJ GRAM PANCHAYAT for used water (sewage water)
from village oxidation pond our utility purpose.
 Such initiative will definitely reduce the ground water dependency and conserve the natural
 We are happy to inform you that, our product is also complied with GREEN GUARD
certifications along with ISO 14001 and 9001 certified manufacturing facility
Additional measures/investment proposal for environmental protection
including abatement of pollution prevention of pollution.

 Please find the pollution abatement measures taken in year 2017-18 as tag-g
This is an overall cost sheet depicting environment, health and safety management
actions taken during financial year 2017-18.

Any other particulars for improving the quality of the environment.

 We have reduced significant quantity of methanol use in our resin production. That
will resulted in very less VOC in exhaust air from PF treater. We are in process of
reducing further and our research/trial is going on. We will update the further
development after achieving optimum quantity of methanol required for the process.

 Also we would like to inform you that, In the month of February 2018, we have
changed all 110 filter bags; as preventive maintenance of air pollution control
equipment attached to high pressure hot water generator which play major roll to
control particulate matter emission from stack.

 We have well established environment monitoring plan and every three month, we
are monitoring our stacks (point source pollution point s) , ambient air monitoring
program, work place monitoring program, domestic waste water analysis and noise
monitoring program. During these monitoring and results found that, our plant is very
maintained in term of environment protection. All parameters are well within the
permissible limits.

 We have covered the whole coal handling area and dust collector area by metal sheet
constructed sheds, to minimise the chances of any fugitive dust emission.

 We have completed remaining 20% close pipeline network for material transfer to
manufacturing area. (our three major chemicals-formalin, phenol (Above ground tanks)
and methanol (underground tank) stored and transfer to manufacturing facility by
pipeline only). Our next close pipeline material movement program we have planned
in next financial year is close resin handling system specifically melamine
formaldehyde resin.

 We have started receiving used water from piyaj by tanker and we are collecting and
treating this water in our in-house treatment facility and started utilising this treated
water for utility purpose. Sewage recycling plant is already been constructed and
commissioned in Sep 2017.
 100% RCC internal roads construction work is over to control fugitive dust emission
during internal road transport. This action also helps to silt free quality rain water, to
recharge to rain water harvesting system.

 We take this opportunity to inform you that, from last one year we have achieved very
good figures in water consumption and waste water generation.

 We have taken measures to stop leakages from storage tank & cooling tower. Also
efforts were taken to reduce evaporation of water from cooling tower.

 We do not use water in our manufacturing process therefore with full capacity
utilization of plant; water consumption will not go up.

 Our Boiler / Hot water generator is close loop system, requires very small quantity of
water to make it up in the system for minor loses.

 Boiler / HPHW consumption is reduced due to repair/ modification of system / leakage


 We are using STP plant to treat domestic sewage water and treated water is being use
for gardening/ utility.

 We have also established new ETP plant, i.e. close type of evaporation system
replacing existing open type of evaporator. This new ETP also having FENTON process
to reduce organic load to the evaporation.. The condensate water generation after
treating our effluent by evaporator plant is being used for utility and also used as
scrubber water makeup in PF dryer. So all the water generation after treating waste
water of ETP evaporation is recycle in process only to achieve zero discharge water
treatment facility

 In this financial year, We have added 150 more tree in the plant premises, and many
more we are planning along with our project progress. Now total trees are 830
numbers. And in next finacial year ddring environment day 5 th June 2018, we have
planned 500 trees within premises and at piyaj gram Panchayat’s various location. We
have also received proposal for 1100 tree plantation in coming monsoon in two
different campus of piyaj village schools.

 We are happy to inform you that, we are also working on Five S program for
housekeeping and for this financial year also. As a results, we could achieve 2nd S (S1-
Short and S2-Set module over) level improvements, and this program will continue to
adopt and practice best housekeeping in manufacturing plant in next FY also. For next
financial year we have planned 3rd- shine and 4th S- standardise of housekeeping

 Along with the Five S drive, we have also introduced affords towards waste reduction
and with the them of “PRAYAS- towards zero waste campaign” we are now working
on total waste reduction at all level. At first phase, we are getting significant
improvement for in process losses and finished goods rejections. Such project also
helps to conserve natural resources in terms of energy (thermal, electrical) , raw
material, finished product, waste disposal cost etc.

 For overall EHS improvement, we have also implemented EHS suggestion scheme,
which is also part of “PRAYAS- towards zero waste campaign” and five S-drive. We
have also received valuable suggestions from all levels of employees and we are doing
best to satisfy the suggestions received.

 We have constructed full-fledged fire hydrant network within premises. It can cater
1.5 hours to 2 hours fire fighting capacity with three hydrant post at a time in
operation. And this much capacity is sufficient for our plant.

 We have valid PLI policy

 For employee health and wellbeing, we have annual medical surveillance program for
all workman including contract workman and company employees. We have also
agreement with visiting doctor at site for routine medical monitoring of employees. As
part of Environment monitoring program; work place monitoring program as per
Gujarat factories rules form 37. Results shows that, our manufacturing site work place
environment condition is healthy and resulted no any negative sign during employee
health monitoring program. Good employee health and work place monitoring is
always active indicator of good environment condition at site

 In this financial year our company is now ISO 14001:2015 (environment management system )
and ISO 9001:2015 (quality management system) certified company.

 All the plant is white washed as per Gujarat factory rules requirement and this steps
also improve overall housekeeping of the plant.

 New ergonomic designed waste bin were provided within plant premises to segregate
general waste and stored in general recyclable waste storage facility.

 We have agreement with NEPRA foundation (lets recycle, Ahmedabad) for general
waste management. This agency collect, segregate and disposed general office waste
/paper waste etc. to the recycler and disposed our waste in scientific way. Because of
this initiative, our general waste is now diverted to recycler rather than load the

 We have also launched our Global fletcher building program on EHS i.e. PROTECT. This
program focus on environment, health of the employee and safety of the site. By this
program, we could achieve significant employee awareness on EHS programs and
overall EHS improvement in Formica India

 For CER we have worked on -Water management program, Rode surfacing and
community awareness program for health and hygiene at piyaj gram Panchayat,
Date:28/06/2018, Kalol
(Signature of a person carrying out an
industry, operation or process)

Name: Anand Ranade

Designation : Manufacturing & technical head
Address: Formica Laminates (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Block No.591/592, 6th K.M.Stone, Kalol-Vamaj Road
Village-Piyaj, Tal:Kalol , Gandhinagar – 382721, Gujarat, India, T +91 2764 304000
(Tag. a.) (Pdf_DIR)


Full Name Present Residential Address Designation Date of Date of Birth


Mr. Richard Simon Cedarwood Grange, Director 28.09.2011 27 June 1961
Pollington Bainbridge Lane, Eshott,
Morpeth, NE659FD,
United Kingdom
Th nd
Mr. Leigh Jeffrey 224 E 8 St, Apt 610, Director 28.09.2011 22 Sep 1955
Box Cincinnati,
Ohio – 45202.
United States of America
Mr. Sumit Bidani B 13, 3rd Floor, Swasthya Managing 17.07.2015 15 Sep 1970
Vihar, Delhi 110 092. Director

Mr. Anil Sachdeva 158-A Pocket-1, Mayur Vihar Additional 20.10.2016 01 Oct, 1971
phase-1, New Delhi-110091 Director
Tag – b

CCA and NOC copy Depicting increased permission for laminate sheet expansion project
(submitted in hard copy)

Tag –c
Status of EC expansion EC recommendation from expert appraisal committee, New Delhi
And minutes of meeting for final EC recommendation
(submitted in hard copy)

(Tag. d.)

Permitt 104166 205000 41000

ed sheets/ kg/ kg/
limits month month month
Cooling Domes
month Production Water Consumed per month Effluent discharge per month boiler tic Use
PF Resin MF resin
Sheets Meter reading Meter reading
Initial end Initial end
Apr-17 94406 183015 40827 31131 31517 386 975.8 993.2 17.4 190 196

May-17 61652 114597 26867 31517 31831 314 993.2 1003.7 10.5 180 134

Jun-17 37859 93447 23109 31831 32235 404 1004 1014 9.8 190 214

Jul-17 70893 152696 39648 32235 32655 420 1013.5 1026.8 13.3 210 210

Aug-17 85589 165665 39655 32655 33070 415 1026.8 1039.8 13.0 250 165

Sep-17 103650 193151 39326 33070 33486 416 1039.8 1055.2 15.4 255 161

Oct-17 98851 185714 39315 33486 33871 385 1055.2 1072.7 17.5 220 165

Nov-17 105343 200500 40050 33871 34180 309 1072.7 1091.6 18.9 224 85

Dec-17 121418 202053 39637 34180 34559 379 1091.6 1112 20.4 150 229

Jan-18 76925 98700 30208 34559 34844 285 1112 1121.8 9.8 160 125

Feb-18 56414 117042 31152 34844 35172 328 1121.8 1132.4 10.6 120 208

Mar-18 66052 103305 27376 35172 35503 331 1132.4 1143.6 11.2 80 251

Total water
annual consump
producti 979052 1809885 417170 tion in
on m3 2055 2294
M3 of
Avg water Av
producti g. per
on per month ---
month 81588 150824 34764 -- 186 179

Per day 6.2 6.0

(Tag. e.)
Tag -e Stack/ process stack monitoring

EMP- Environment monitoring program

YR 17-
Formica Laminates (India) Pvt. Ltd. Kalol 18
Block No.591/592, 6th K.M. Stone, Kalol-Vamaj Road
Village: Piyaj, Taluka: Kalol - 382721
District: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Stack/ process stack monitoring

Pollutants Stack attached to

height EMP 1 EMP 2 EMP 3 EMP 4
DG set Maximum minimum Avg.
12mX18 in May 17 Sep 17 Nov 17 Mar 18
SPM <150 mg/Nm3 90.2 93.15 73.2 64.4 93.15 64.4 80.2
SO2 <100 ppm 10.5 14.24 8.6 8.2 14.24 8.2 10.4
NOx <50 ppm 5.4 7.32 6.8 5.1 7.32 5.1 6.2

height 30m HPHW Maximum minimum Avg.
May 17 Sep 17 Nov 17 Mar 18
X 4 ft Ø
SPM <150 mg/Nm3 77.7 87.96 87.3 88.5 88.5 77.7 85.4
SO2 <100 ppm 12.36 12.44 8 10.6 12.44 8 10.9
NOx <50 ppm 7.19 9 5.8 6.57 9 5.8 7.1

height 15m PF scrubber Maximum minimum Avg.
May 17 Sep 17 Nov 17 Mar 18
X 4ft Ø
SPM <150 mg/Nm3 22 28 27 34.5 34.5 22 27.9

height EMP 1 EMP 2 EMP 3 EMP 4
12m X 1 ft Dust collector Maximum minimum Avg.
May 17 Sep 17 Nov 17 Mar 18
SPM <150 mg/Nm3 33.3 36.48 38.5 29 38.5 29 34.3

Monitoring is done by NABL approved environment laboratory

year 2017-18 EMP

EMP 1 ` May-17 result 2 ((13/05/2017)
EMP 2 Sep-17 result 2 (05/09/2017)
EMP 3` Nov-17 result 3 (29/11/2017)
EMP 4 Mar-18 result 4 (30/03/2018)

remarks results are satisfactory and well within permissible limits

Tag -e page 2 Ambient air quality Monitoring

Environment monitoring program

Formica Laminates (India) Pvt. Ltd. Kalol YR 17-18

Block No.591/592, 6th K.M. Stone, Kalol-Vamaj Road

Village: Piyaj, Taluka: Kalol - 382721
District: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Ambient air quality Monitoring

Locations parameters PM 10 PM2.5 SO2 Nox

Quarter/ month of 100 60 80 80

PGPCB permissible limits monitoring μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3
location 1 Near main gate EMP 1 (may 17) 79.71 42.5 17.5 40.2
EMP 2 (sep 17) 81.5 43.91 13.51 31.6
EMP 3 (Nov 17) 82.7 41.4 15.7 42.6
EMP 4 (Mar 18) 83.3 41.6 11.1 27.3
Minimum 79.7 41.4 11.1 27.3
maximum 83.3 43.9 17.5 42.6
Average 81.8 42.4 14.5 35.4
remarks nil nil nil nil

location 2 Near ADM building EMP 1 (may 17) 73.3 35.17 13.8 37.9
EMP 2 (sep 17) 85.3 45.16 14.81 28.33
EMP 3 (Nov 17) 79.6 43.6 14.6 35.8
EMP 4 (Mar 18) 76.8 46.7 13.7 24.5
Minimum 73.3 35.2 13.7 24.5
maximum 85.3 46.7 14.8 37.9
Average 78.8 42.7 14.2 31.6
remarks nil nil nil nil

Location 3 Near MF treater EMP 1 (may 17) 85.1 38.7 12.5 17.7
or Near PF Treater EMP 2 (sep 17) 88.6 44.47 16.11 34.48
EMP 3 (Nov 17) 89.8 50 16.4 27.8
EMP 4 (Mar 18) 94.8 53 15.4 38.2
(work place location) Minimum 85.1 38.7 12.5 17.7
maximum 94.8 53.0 16.4 38.2
Average 89.6 46.5 15.1 29.5
remarks nil nil nil nil
Monitoring is done by NABL approved environment laboratory

year 2017-18 EMP

EMP 1 ` May-17 Result 1 (13/05/2017)
EMP 2 Sep-17 Result 2 (05/09/2017)
EMP 3` Nov-17 result 3 (29/11/2017)
EMP 4 Mar-18 result 4 (30/03/2018)
remarks Above all results are satisfactory and well within permissible limits
tag -e page 3 STP water monitoring

Environment monitoring program

Formica Laminates (India)

Pvt. Ltd. Kalol YR 17-18
Block No.591/592, 6th K.M. Stone, Kalol-Vamaj Road
Village: Piyaj, Taluka: Kalol - 382721
District: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

STO water monitoring

Result Result result result
parameters units 1 2 3 4 Avg. method used GPCB limit
PH @ 25degree --- 7.3 7.2 7.8 7.3 7.4 IS3025 (part 11) ---
Total suspended solid mg/l 14 16 22 15.2 16.8 IS3025 (part 17) < 20 mg/l
BOD mg/l 15.2 16.2 28 10.1 17.4 IS3025 (part 44) < 30 mg/l
residual chlorine mg/l 1.1 1 2.1 1.1 1.3 APHA 4500B 0.5 PPM

result 1(13/05/2017) may 2017 monitoring

result 2 (05/09/2017) Sep 2017 monitoring
result 3 (29/11/2017) Nov 2017 monitoring
result 4 (30/03/2018) March 2018 monitoring

operating condition of
STP : Satisfactory
Tag –e page 4 Noise monitoring

Environment monitoring program

Formica Laminates (India) Pvt. Ltd. Kalol YR 17-18

Block No.591/592, 6th K.M. Stone, Kalol-Vamaj
Village: Piyaj, Taluka: Kalol - 382721
District: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Noise monitoring
Area Unit results 1 result 2 results 3 result 4 Average
parking area dB(A) 64.3 63.2 -- 58.2 62
PF area dB(A) 71.8 58.2 -- -- 65
store room dB(A) 62.3 -- -- 62
near main gate dB(A) 61.2 64.6 65.8 57.9 62
boiler area dB(A) 72.5 67.8 70.3 68.4 70
MF area dB(A) 54.3 --- -- 54
near duct collector dB(A) 73.6 --- 69.6 -- 72
near scrubber dB(A) 69.4 --- 64.1 69.1 68
near DG set dB(A) 73.9 --- 72.6 73
Near ETP dB(A) 67.4 --- 67.3 60.7 65
sampling method : IS 9989:1991
GPCB limit: 75 dB(A)

day time : 06:00 AM to 10 PM

night time 10 PM to 06:00 AM

result 1 (13/05/2017) may 2017 monitoring

result 2 (05/09/2017) Sep 2017 monitoring
result 3 (29/11/2017) Nov 2017 monitoring
result 4 (30/03/2018) March 2018 monitoring

operating condition of the noise source : satisfactory

(Tag. f.)
Hazardous waste return for the year 2017-18.

Form 4

[See rule 5(6), 13 (8), 16(6) and 20(2)]



[To be submitted to state pollution control board by 30 day of June of every year of the preceding period April 2016 to
march 2017.]

1. Name and address of the facility : Formica Laminate (India) Private Limited
Block No.591/592, 6th K.M.Stone, Kalol-Vamaj Road
Village-Piyaj, Tal:Kalol, Gandhinagar - 382721
Gujarat, India
2. Authorization No. and date of : AWH- 70191, validity 17/03/2020

3. Name of the authorized person Mr. Anand Ranade- Head –Technical

and full address with telephone , As Above
fax number and email : Ph- 91 2764 304011
Cell no. +91 9099962972
4. Production during the year Name of product Consent Quantity
(product wise), wherever Quantity manufactured
applicable 1 Decorative and industrial 50,52,000 979052 sheets/yr
laminate sheets sheets/yr
2 Phenol formaldehyde resin 2460 MT/Yr 1809.885 MT/yr
3 Melamine formaldehyde 492 MT/yr 417.170 MT/yr
Part A: to be filled by hazardous waste generator
1 Total quantity of waste generated : Hazardous Waste Quantity of waste generation
category wise Used oil 1.6
Discarded containers/ barrels/ liners 16 number
ETP Sludge 0.0 tones
Process residue 18.37 tons
2. Quantity dispatched : Types of the hazardous waste Quantity in dispatched in
Matric Tones
a. To disposal facility 18.37
b. To recycler or co-processor or 0.00
pre processor
c. Other 0.00
3. Quantity utilized in house, if any… Not applicable
4. Quantity of storage at the end of : Hazardous Waste Quantity of waste storage at
the year end of the year
Used oil 0.0 MT
Discarded containers/ barrels/ liners 16 number
ETP Sludge- 0.0 tones
Process residue 0.1 tones

Part B: to be filled by treatment, storage and disposal facility operation

1. Total quantity received : ----

2. Quantity in stock at the beginning : ----

of the year

3. Quantity treated : ----

4. Quantity disposed in landfill as : ----

such and after treatment

5. Quantity incinerate (if applicable) : ----

6. Quantity processed other than : ----

specified above

7. Quantity in storage at the end of : ----

the year

Part C: to be filled by recyclers or co processors or other users

1 Quantity of waste received during : ----

the year

i) Domestic source : ----

ii) Imported (if applicable) : ----

2. Quantity in stock at the beginning : ----

of the year

3. Quantity recycled or co processed : ----

or used

4. Quantity of product dispatched : ----

(where ever applicable)

5. Quantity of waste generated : ----

6. Quantity of waste disposed : ----

7. Quantity re-exported (wherever : ----


8. Quantity in storage at the end of : ----

the year

Date :24/06/2018 Signature of the occupier or

Operator of the disposal facility
Place : kalol

S# Particular Year 2016-17 (last year)

Year 2017-18
A Scientific treatment cost for ETP, STP Total A: 11,00,000/- Total A: 13,00,000/-
B Power Consumptions(APC, ETP, STP) Total B: 12,00,000/- Total B: 18,00,000/-
C Disposal cost of sludge at common SEPPL: 1,29,150/- SEPPL- 362558/-
disposal facility- SEPPL , membership, Gurukrupa transport:- 8000/- Gurukrupa transport – 16000/-
and transportation cost Total C:137150 /- Total C:3,78,558 /-
D Manpower cost of ETP STP, green belt Total D: 16,25,000/- Total D: 18,00,000/-
and HSE manager
E Green belt development + gardener Total E: 1,00,000/- Total E:2,25,000 /-
F Rain water harvesting structure ---- ---
G Environment management :
a. APC :Scrubber at PF treater, bag APC : 24,981/- Scrubber and dust collector :
filters at HPHWS, dust collector of Govind industries - 297360/-
sanding and cutting Total G(a) - 24,981/- Total G(a):2,97,360 /-
b. Water pollution Control STP new pump: 70,000/- New pump standby STP- 16000/-
installations Color work: 10,000/- Color work at STP and ETP- 18000/-
Piyaj Water recycling : Piyaj water recycling – 898560/-
3,36,960/- New ETP and STP- 4707026/-
UG tank cleaning : 21000/- Fire/STP/ETP/W&H civil-53,00000/-
Total G(b) : 4,37,960/- Total G(b) :1,09,39,586/-
c. Occupational Health New OHC: 2,00,000/- Occupational surveillance : 233500/-
Occupational surveillance : Doctor visit
Total G(c) : 2,27,750 Total G(c) 2,33,500/- :
d. Employee safety and wellbeing
safety aspects of the workers Personal PPES: 4,90.479/- PPES: 3,56,694/-
protective equipment, training, fire GFR testing: 1,01,565/- GFR testing: 13,650/-
safety, safety study, survey, Fire safety capex: 30,61,057/- Fire safety capex: 6,15,343/-
promotional material , Gujarat Fire safety revenue: 70,995/- Fire safety revenue: 81,836/-
factories rules compliance , and CSR EHS signage’s: 56,218/- EHS signage’s: 1,44,017/-
Analytical : 6,300/- Analytical (*gvt) : 12,000/-
Enviro monitoring equipment : Misc. CSR (piyaj soilfilling): 1,44,650/-
Misc. CSR: 1,20,000/-
Total G(d) : 38,41,214/- Total G(d) : 13,68,190/-
E Legal fees and other legislative Environment monitoring : Environment monitoring : 58,812/-
expenditure 56000/- Insurance : 1,11,479/-
Insurance : 1,11479/-
Total E: 1,67,479/- Total F: 1,70,291/-
F HSE related consultant charges Envi consultancy : 5,65,607/- Envi consultancy : 2,10,000/-
Other legal cons: 26125/- Other legal cons (NEPRA):33143 /-
ISO: 44625/- ISO: 35400/-
HAZOP study: 48,000/- HAZOP study: 00/-
Machine guarding: 1,05,000/- Machine guarding(Pilz):1809000/-
Methanol rel. consultancy : Methanol related consultancy- 59000/-
Total F: 8,67,207/- Total F: 21,46,543/-
TOTAL COST OF THE YEAR for EHS year 16-17) : 99,06,779/- Year 17-18

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