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Lesson Plan – Reading & Writing Date:

Trainee Name: xxxxxx Lesson Model: Reading / Writing

Trainer’s Name: Anamika Sign:

Lesson Title: Professions

No. of students: 20

Language Level: Intermediate

Language(s) spoken/nationality(ies) of students: state any

language as may be/Indian

Average age of students: 12years

Duration: 1.5 hrs

Terminal Objective: At the end of the lesson students will be able to –

 answer the Correction and Completion Questions from the

Reading text.

 do a writing task based on the topic.

Enabling Objectives: At the end of each stage of the lesson students will be able to –
1. (Warmer) –feel comfortable and be energized.
2. (Context setting) –respond to the visual aid and predict the topic.
3. Pre-Reading – Skimming – match picture with the text.
4. While Reading – scan the Reading material and respond to the Correction, Completion and
‘Wh’ Questions asked.
5. Post reading – do a speaking activity based on the topic.

Introductory dialogue/Reading material: Attached (Professions from New Interchange)

Vocabulary Introduction:

 judge
 trials
 carpentry
 decisions
 prefabricated
 furniture
 homework
 salary
 excited
 students
 difficult

Vocabulary & Grammar Exercises:

Underline the Main verbs in the text – make / listen / try / know / plan/ work / build / talk / give /

Underline the auxiliary verbs in the text – am / are / is / do/ isn’t /

Reading Text: Attached

Conversation/Debate/Q&A based on reading text (practice on learned vocabularies &


Correction questions (True/False)

 As a judge Joseph Todd is in charge of trails. (true)

 Molly Swift works sometimes of the year. (false - all year)
 Benjamin Morse’s salary is great. (false – isn’t great)
 These days a lot of things are prefabricated – already made (true)
 Joseph Todd’s decisions are very easy.(false – very difficult)

Completion questions

 Joseph Todd’s decisions are sometimes very difficult.

 Molly Swift builds furniture and also builds _houses.
 These days a lot of things are prefabricated.
 Benjamin Morse plans __lessons__, give tests, grades homework_, talk to parents, help with
after school activities and of course __teaches__.
 Molly Swift’s work is sometimes ___difficult___ and ___dangerous_.

Wh questions :

 What is Joseph Todd in charge of? trails

 Whose decisions are difficult? Joseph Todd
 What is the meaning of ‘prefabricated’? already made
 What is Benjamin Morse’s profession? teacher
 Whose work is sometimes dangerous? Molly Swift

Writing (assignment):

Write 2-3 lines about your “Dream Profession”

YouTube Video Link (relevant to lesson):

Statement & Evidence of support material (images, fill in the blanks page, list of

1. Printout / photocopies of the text /script (as per head count and one for the teacher)
2. Projector, sound system and computer (checked for working condition)
3. Reading text
4. Homework assignment
5. Grammar exercise questionnaire
6. Printout of relevant Google images (in case of technical failure)
7. List of vocabularies taught

Homework/Follow-up task (assignment):

Lesson Procedure:

1. Warmer- Teacher greets students and models the warmer, She does one demo and the
students follow. (5 - 7 min)

2. Context setting - a picture with arrows showing directions was shown. The teacher
elicits response and writes the topic on the board (5 - 8 min) and reviews the vocabulary
written by emphasizing on the correct pronunciation

3. Pre – Reading (10 min)

 Teacher models demo of the Skimming activity on the board.
 Teacher distributes the envelops and instructs the students to match picture with the text.
 Teacher monitors while students do the activity.
 Teacher collects back the envelops after the task is completed.

4. While – Reading (15 min)

(Correction question)
 Teacher models a sample question on the board.
 Teacher asks the first correction question from the given text.
 Students scan for the response in the text and respond.
 Teacher elicits responses from the students and writes only the key word answers on the
 Teacher repeats the process for the next correction question.

(Completion question)
 Teacher models a sample question on the board.

 Teacher asks the first completion question from the given text
 Students scan for the response in the text and respond.
 Teacher elicits responses from the students and writes only the key word answers on the

 Teacher repeats the process for the next completion question.

5. Post Reading - Writing (10 min)

 Teacher samples the writing task on the board (about her “ Dream Profession”. Students
write about their “Dream Profession” as indicated by the teacher.

Differentiated tasks if any:










Anticipated Problems:

 Warmer:
 Teacher forgets to introduce herself.
 Teacher too tensed.

 Teacher does not smile
 Instructions for the warmer not clear
 No demonstration from the teacher
 Excessive teacher talk

Context setting:
 Teacher forgets to set context
 Context is unrealistic or unrelatable
 Irrelevant probing questions asked
 Teacher fails to acknowledge the responses
 Teacher forget to elicit topic on the board.

 Teacher forgets to put demo on the board
 Teacher distributes the envelopes before the demo
 Inadequate envelopes.

While Reading:
 Teacher forgets to model sample question on the board
 Sample questions are not relatable
 Questions do not match the text.
 Inadequate texts

Post Reading – Writing:

 Teacher forgets to put demo on the board
 Writing topic unrelated to the reading topic.
 Teacher does not monitor/check.

Self Evaluation/Reflections

Lesson Follow Up Relevant Personal Indicators

Achievement of objectives Confidence level

Student participation Classroom management

Concern/Problems Overall teaching experience

Reason(s) for deviation if any Scope for improvement

Aids Used


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