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What is div? Compare class & ID.

In HTML, a <div> is a structural element that's used to logically group together other elements. It stands
for "division" and doesn't have any inherent meaning on its own. Instead, it's used to create sections or
divisions within a webpage, making it easier to organize and style content.

Here's a comparison between classes and IDs in HTML and CSS:


Classes are used to apply styles to multiple elements that share the same characteristics.

You can apply the same class to multiple elements on a page.

To define a class, you use the class attribute in HTML, followed by a class name. For example: <div

In CSS, you reference classes using a period (.) followed by the class name. For example: .my-class { /*
styles */ }.


IDs are used to uniquely identify a specific element on a webpage.

Each ID must be unique within the HTML document.

To define an ID, you use the id attribute in HTML, followed by an ID name. For example: <div id="my-

In CSS, you reference IDs using a hash (#) followed by the ID name. For example: #my-id { /* styles */ }.

What is XML document? Explain with example. Also discuss document prolog and document elements.

An XML (Extensible Markup Language) document is a text-based format for storing and
exchanging structured data. It consists of a hierarchical structure made up of elements, which are
enclosed within tags. Here's an explanation along with an example:

XML Document Structure:

1. Document Prolog:
 The document prolog is an optional part of an XML document that provides
information about the document itself. It typically includes the XML declaration
and optionally the document type declaration (DTD) or XML schema reference.
 The XML declaration specifies the version of XML being used and optionally the
character encoding. It begins with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> .
 The document type declaration (DTD) or XML schema reference defines the
structure and rules for the elements in the XML document. It's placed after the
XML declaration, if present.
2. Document Elements:
 Document elements are the building blocks of an XML document. They represent
the data and structure within the document.
 An element consists of an opening tag, content, and a closing tag. For example:
<book>Title of the Book</book> .
 Elements can be nested within each other to create a hierarchical structure, similar
to how folders can contain other folders and files in a file system.
 Elements can have attributes, which provide additional information about the
element. Attributes are specified within the opening tag. For example: <book
 Elements can be empty, meaning they have no content, but they still require an
opening and closing tag. For example: <emptyElement/>.

Example of an XML Document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE bookstore SYSTEM "bookstore.dtd">


<book category="fiction">

<title>The Great Gatsby</title>

<author>F. Scott Fitzgerald</author>



<book category="non-fiction">

<title>Thinking, Fast and Slow</title>

<author>Daniel Kahneman</author>



In this example:

 The XML declaration specifies that the document is using XML version 1.0 and UTF-8
character encoding.
 The document type declaration (DTD) reference points to an external DTD file named
 The root element is <bookstore>, which contains two <book> elements.
 Each <book> element has child elements <title>, <author>, and <year>.
 Each <book> element also has a category attribute specifying the genre of the book.

This XML document represents a simple structure of a bookstore with information about two

Write the different XML parameter value and parameter description give example for each

In XML, parameters are often used in various contexts, such as in XML documents, XML
processing instructions, or XML schemas. Parameters allow for customization and flexibility in
defining and processing XML data. Here are some common XML parameters along with their
descriptions and examples:

1]XML Version (version):

Description: Specifies the version of XML being used in the document.

Example: <?xml version="1.0"?>

2]Encoding (encoding):

Description: Specifies the character encoding used in the XML document.

Example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

3]Standalone Declaration (standalone):

Description: Indicates whether the XML document depends on external resources.

Example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

4]Namespace Prefix (xmlns):

Description: Defines a namespace prefix for elements and attributes in the XML document.

Example: <root xmlns:prefix="">

5]Namespace URI (xmlns):

Description: Associates a namespace URI with a namespace prefix.

Example: <prefix:element xmlns:prefix="">

6]Document Type Declaration (DOCTYPE):

Description: Specifies the document type declaration, including the root element and optional
external DTD reference.

Example: <!DOCTYPE rootElement SYSTEM "example.dtd">

7]XSLT Stylesheet Declaration (xml-stylesheet):

Description: Specifies an XSLT stylesheet to be applied to the XML document for


Example: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>

8]XML Schema Definition (xsi:schemaLocation):

Description: Specifies the location of an XML Schema (XSD) to validate the XML document.

Example: <root xmlns:xsi=""

xsi:schemaLocation=" schema.xsd">
9]Target Namespace (targetNamespace):

Description: Defines the target namespace URI for elements and attributes in an XML Schema.

Example: targetNamespace=""

These parameters provide various functionalities and metadata for XML documents, enabling
interoperability, validation, and transformation.

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