20BCL0072 VL2022230501186 Pe003

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GRAVITY DAM Team Members
Albin Babu (20BCL0072)
Anaswara Sunil (20BCL0069)


1. Introduction
1.1 What is Non-Overflow Gravity Dam
1.2 Design Consideration
2. Design Problem
2.1. Problem
2.2. Solution
3. Inferences
3.1 Result
4. Drawings
4.1. Diagram
4.2. Sectional Elevation

1. Introduction
1.1) What is Non-Overflow Gravity Dam

A non-overflow gravity dam is a type of dam that uses its own weight to resist the water
pressure and hold back the water in the reservoir. Unlike an overflow dam, which has a
spillway to discharge excess water, a non-overflow dam has no spillway and is designed to
hold back all the water without any overflow.

The dam is built of heavy, dense materials such as concrete or masonry, and its base is
wider than the top, which gives it a triangular shape known as a trapezoidal cross-section.
The weight of the dam and its foundation on the solid rock or soil below provides the
stability needed to resist the hydrostatic pressure of the water.

One of the main advantages of a non-overflow gravity dam is that it provides a secure and
long-term storage for the water. The lack of spillway eliminates the possibility of excess
water causing damage to the dam or the surrounding area during a flood. Additionally, the
design of the dam makes it highly resistant to earthquakes, as the weight of the dam helps
to absorb the shock.

However, the construction of a non-overflow dam requires careful consideration of the site
and its foundation, as the stability of the dam depends on the solidity of the rock or soil
below. Additionally, non-overflow dams are typically more expensive to build than
overflow dams, as the absence of a spillway means that the dam must be built taller and

These dams are typically made of concrete or masonry and are constructed in such a way
that the weight of the dam helps to resist the horizontal force of the water that it holds back.
They have a sloping face and a wide base that provides stability against the hydrostatic
forces of the water.

1.2) Design Considerations for Non-Overflow Gravity Dam

There are several important design considerations for a non-overflow gravity dam,

Materials: The choice of materials is critical for the stability and longevity of the dam.
Concrete and masonry are commonly used materials for non-overflow gravity dams, due to
their strength and durability.

Foundation conditions: The foundation of the dam must be able to support the weight of
the structure, as well as any water pressure that may be applied. The geotechnical
properties of the foundation must be thoroughly investigated and considered in the design.

Hydrology: The design must take into account the expected water levels and flow
conditions, as well as the maximum probable flood, to ensure that the dam will be able to
withstand these conditions without overflowing.

Seismic activity: The design must consider the possibility of earthquakes or other seismic
activity that may impact the stability of the dam. The dam must be designed to withstand
the expected seismic forces.

Spillway: Non-overflow gravity dams do not have a spillway to allow excess water to
escape, so the design must ensure that the dam will not overtop and fail during large floods.
Drainage: Adequate drainage must be provided to prevent water from penetrating into the
dam and causing internal erosion.

Maintenance: The design must consider the ease of maintenance and the potential for
future upgrades, as well as the cost of maintenance over the lifetime of the dam.
By taking these factors into consideration, a well-designed non-overflow gravity dam can
provide a safe and reliable solution for water storage and management

2. Design Problem
3.2.1) Problem
The following data refer to the non-overflow section of a gravity dam:
R.L. of Top of dam = 315 m
R.L of bottom of dam = 260 m
Full reservoir level = 312 m
Top width of dam = 12 m
The u/s face is vertical & downstream face is vertical up to R.L. = 304m and
thereafter the d/s face has slope of 0.7H:1V up to the base.
Drain holes are located 8 m from the u/s face.
Considering only the weight of dam, water pressure and uplift pressure, check the stability of dam. There
is no tail water,
coefficient of friction = 0.8, safe shear stress = 140 t/m2 . Unit weight of dam material =2.4 t/m3 .

2.2) Solution

Unit weight of masonry, em=23 KN/m^3

Cross section area of dam = (12x11)+(12x44)+ 1/2 x(30.8x44) = 1337.6 m^2
Stability force = em x v = 23x1337.6x1 = 30764.8 KN
Dead weight of dam = Wm = 30764.8 KN

Destabilizing force or water pressure, Pw = ½ rw h^2 = ½ x 9.81 x 52^2 = 13263.12 KN

Pw acting at h/3 = 52/3 = 14m from the bottom

Centroid of dam = (12 x 44)x 22 +( ½ x 30.8 x 44 x 44/3)+ (12 x 11 x (44 x 11/2))/((12 x 44) +( ½ x 30.8
x 44) + (12 x 11)) = 20.9 m

→20.99 m from the bottom

Centrod from vertical face =

4.→11.20 m from vertical face

Factor of Safety against overturning = Wm(42.08-11.8)/Pw x 21 = 30764.8 (42.08-11.8)/ 13263.12 x 21=

Factor of Safety against sliding = M x Wm/Pw = 0.8 x 30764.8 /13263.12 = 1.85

(coefficient of friction, M= 0.8)

Eccentricity e = B/2- X’

X’ = ((30764.8 x 30.88) - (13263.12 x 21))/1337.6 x 21 = 21.827

Therefore, e = 42.08/2 – 21.827
=-0.787 m (towards hull)

Maximum principal stress in dam, Pmax = W/B [ 1+6e/B]

= 30764.8/42.08[1+(6 x 0.787/42.08]
=813.143 KN/m^3

Maximum pressure on foundation = (Wm^2 + Pw^2)^1/2

= ((307648)^2 + (13263.12)^2) = 33501.98 KN

3. Inferences
5.3.1) Result
• Factor of Safety against overturning = 3.41>1.5

• Factor of Safety against sliding =1.85>1.5

• Maximum principal stress in dam, Pmax = 813.143 KN/m^3

• Maximum pressure on foundation =33501.98 KN


4. Drawings
4.1) Diagram

All dimensions are in m


4.2) Sectional Elevation

All dimensions are in m

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