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Novalin Dwi Martina Siboro, ST

Jl. Harmonika No.58, Kec.Medan Baru – Medan

Hp : 0822 7718 5554
Medan, 18 April 2024

Hal : Permohonan Lamaran Kerja

Kepada Yth.
Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan
Universitas Negeri Medan
Di Tempat

Dengan hormat,

Sehubungan dengan informasi yang saya peroleh bahwa Universitas Negeri Medan
sedang membuka kesempatan untuk berkarir, maka saya sangat tertarik untuk bergabung dan
ikut mengembangkan .
Saya lulusan dari S1 Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jurusan Teknik Industri dengan IPK
3,10. Saya mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms.Office), mampu berkomunikasi dalam
Bahasa Inggris secara lisan dan tulisan. Saya orang yang ramah dan mampu bekerja secara
individu maupun dalam tim, memiliki sikap jujur, disiplin, pekerja keras, penuh semangat
dan bertanggung jawab.
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan, bersama dengan lamaran ini
saya lampirkan:
1. Surat Lamaran dan Curriculum Vitae
2. Pas Foto 4 x 6
3. Scanning KTP
4. Scanning SIM C
5. Scanning Kartu Keluarga
6. Scanning Surat Keterangan Pengalaman Kerja
7. Scanning Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai
8. Scanning Sertifikat
Demikianlah surat lamaran ini saya perbuat, dan besar harapan saya untuk dapat
dipanggil dan berkarya di Universitas Negeri Medan.
Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

(Novalin Dwi Martina Siboro, ST)

Novalin Dwi Martina Siboro, ST
● Jln. Harmonika No.58, Medan, North Sumatera
● Contact Number (Mobile) : +6282277185554
● E-mail :

Curriculum Vitae

Place/Date of Birth Kisaran / November 08th, 1989

Gender Female
Marital Status Single
Weight 57 kg
Height 157 cm
Nationality Indonesian
Religion Catholic
Hobbies Reading and Listening Music


 Responsible in work and commitment

 Ability to work independently or as a part of a team
 Enthusiastic, eager to learn newest and latest technologies
 High motivation and quick learner to develop skills, knowledge, and experience


1995 – 1996 Kindergarten School Degree

 TK Swasta Panti Budaya Kisaran, North Sumatera

1996 – 2002 Elementary School Degree

 SD Swasta Panti Budaya Kisaran, North Sumatera

2002 – 2005 Junior High School Degree

 SMP Swasta Panti Budaya Kisaran, North Sumatera

2005 – 2008 Senior High School Degree

 SMA Negeri 2 Kisaran, North Sumatera

 Major : Science (IPA)

2008 – 2011 Conversion of Energy Engineering Study Program

 State Polytechnic of Medan
 GPA : 3.28
 Final Project: “Design Of Bioetanol Producing Tools With Sugar Palm
And Corn Sap”

2013 – 2019 Industrial Engineering Study Program

 North Sumatera University
 GPA : 3.10
 Final Project: “Application of Theory of Constraint Method to
Optimize Bottleneck Workstation at PT. Indojaya Agrinusa”

Operating Systems Windows 10

Office Packages Auto-CAD, Ms.Office

Languages Indonesian (excellent)

English (intermediate)


2009 – 2010 Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik Santo Fransiskus Assisi (KMK)

 As Member of Society Relationship

2009 – 2011 The Choir “Animus Dei” at State Polytechnic of Medan

 As Member of Soprano

February 2012-May 2012 PT. PRAPAT TUNGGAL CIPTA

 As Purchasing
 Input PO (purchase order) daily
 Ensure every invoice has been sent for payment
 Coordinate with warehouse about the amount of
material to be ordered
 Do the stock opname at the end of month
 Keep the files regularly in file cabinet

July 2012-March 2013 PT.MULTI MEGAH MANDIRI

 As Admin
 Input PO (purchase order) from customer daily
 Input sales return daily
 Coordinate with accounting about the amount of
material to be ordered
 Keep the files regularly in file cabinet

January 2022-January 2023 PT.DJASA AUTOTRANS

 As Admin Staff (Account Receivable)
 Taking Cover Letter, checking and inputting the price
 Compiling Cover Letter based on the customer and its
 Checking cover letter that has returned every 3 days
 Create invoices to be billed by the costumer
 Inputting the invoice number into the computer as a
reminder for accounts receivable

“I here by bravery that all information above is true and correct to the best of my

Sincerely Yours,

(Novalin Dwi Martina Siboro, ST)

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