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The cats in the hats

Adaptation by 7th B


The sun did not shine.

It was too wet to play.

So they sat in the house

All that cold, cold, wet day.

They sat there , Sally

And Wally and Mally.

They sat there, they three

And they said:

The three kids :

“How we wish

We had something to play!

The bird sang outside:

“Oh, how I wish I could stop the rain,

I really really want to play.

But because it is a rainy day,

I can't fly and go away!”

Kid 1: Too wet to go out

Kid 2 :And too cold to play ball.

Baby : So we sat in the house.

The three kids : We did nothing at all.


Suddenly, they saw two cats with

huge hats.( Cat 1 and Cat 2 appear )

Cat 1: Hello, little kids ,

how are you today?

Cat 2: We are here to play

on this wet, wet day.

Cat 1 : We can play lots of games.

Cat 2: We can have lots of fun ,

Cat 1: I know some good games

Cat 2 : we can play without sun.

Kid 1: What do we do?

Kid 2: Our mother is out .

Kid 3:Esme (baby) she comes late at night

The three kids : when the sun is not out.

Kid 1: And our father is at work

Kid 2: he is coming back soon

kid 3: around the afternoon

the three Kids : together with the moon.

Manu But our fish said;

Fish 1: “No! No!
Fish 2: Make that cat go away!
Fish 1 : Tell that Cat in the Hat
Fish 2: You do not want to play.

Cat 1 : “Now! Now! Have no fear.

Have no fear!”
Cat 2: “Our tricks are not bad,”
just don’t get mad.

Cat 1: Listen, listen ,

wanna play as you wish?
Cat 2: With a game that we call
Up-up-up with a fish?

The three kids : :He should not be here.

The three kids :He should not be about.
The three kids : He should not be here
The three kids: When our mother is out!”

Fish 1 :“Put me down!” said the fish.

“This is no fun at all!
Fish 2 : Put me down!” said the other fish.
“1 do not wish to fall!”

Look at me now!” said the cat.

“With a cup and a cake
On the top of my hat!
I can hold up two books!
I can hold up the fish!
And a little toy ship!
I can hop up and down on the ball!
But that is not all!
Oh, no.
That is not all. . .

“Look at me!
Look at me!
Look at me now!
It is fun to have fun
But you have to know how.
I can hold up the cup
And the ship and the cake!
I can hold up these books!
And the fish on a rake!

The cats forgot to close the door,
So a big big dog, entered the home and said
Dog: Stop it right now! I heard your noise the entire day!
So leave the house right now, or I ‘ll bite your tail!

The two cats were bitten by the dog
So all the things they dropped!
They dropped the cup and the ship and the cake
And the books and the fish on the rake!
And the entire house looked like a mess

You get out of this house!

Said the fish in the pot.
But the cats didn’t obey
So in the house they stayed.

Cat 1: Look, look ,I have something new

come here, Thing 1 and Thing 2 and Thing 3
Cat 2: we can have lots of fun
with our friends the fish .

Manu : Thing 1 and Thing 2 and Thing 3 come out of the box:

Thing 1: Hello dear friends

Thing 2: Hello , how are you?
Thing 3: Hello ,little fellows
The three things: we have something for you.

Thing 1 : Lets run ,lets run

Thing 2: Ohhhhhh rhis is soooooo fun
Thing 3: hahahaha let’s play with the ball
The three things: the one that is small.

Manu :
Thing Two and Thing One and thing 3 !
They ran up! They ran down!
They run and run
all around .

Kid 1 ; “I do not like the way that they play!

Kid 2: If Mother could see this,
Kid 3: Oh, what would she say!”

Fish 1 :“Look! Look!”

Fish 2 :“Your mother and father are on their way home!
Do you hear?
Fish 1: Their steps at the door?

Kid 1 : Let's clean up this mess

Kid 3 : Yes yes, let’s clean, let’s clean
Kid 2 : let’s clean up the mess
The three kids : or let’s play some chess

Kid 1: no playing , no playing

Kid 2: mother and father are coming
Kid 3 : let’s start praying
The three kids : or let’s go running. !!

Mother : Hello my dear kids

Father : Hello little children

Dog: Oh I am glad you have come.

Because two big cats have entered the house…

Kid 1: What is he doing here in the house?

Kid 2: Let's take him away from here
Kid 3: (to dog) But don’t tell to anybody
Three kids: That the cats in the cats have played with us!

Mother : Did you have fun ?

Father : When we were out?
Mother : What did you do ?
Father : Did you play games ?
Mother : or did you make planes?
Father : Or you played with trains?

Kid 1: So shall we tell them the truth?

Kid 2: Or we three keep the secret?
Kid 3: But what should you do…
Three kids together: When your mother wasn’t here!

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