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Instituto de Ciencias y Estudios

Superiores de Tamaulipa, A.C.



Isabel Cristina Romero


Docente: Dra. Ana Lourdes

Garza Espinosa

Is a surgical puncture to remove excess fluid or to
remove fluid for diagnostic purposes.
N o te : C e n te s is is
Abdominocentesis u s e d a lo n e a s a n o u n
o r a s a s u ff ix in
Is the surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity to
c o n ju n c ti o n w it h th e
remove fluid (abdomin/o means abdomen, and c o m b in in g fo rm
centesis means a surgical puncture to remove fluid). d e s c ri b in g th e b o d y
p a rt b e in g tr e a te d .

Amniocentesis, which is a diagnostic test performed
during pregnancy,

Is a surgical puncture of the joint space to remove
synovial fluid for analysis to determine the cause of
pain or swelling in a joint (arthr/o means joint, and -
centesis means a surgical puncture to remove fluid).

Also known as cardiopuncture, is the puncture of a
chamber of the heart for diagnosis or therapy
(cardi/o means heart, and -centesis means a surgical
puncture to remove fluid).


Is the puncture of the pericardial sac for the purpose

of removing fluid (peri- means surrounding, cardi/o
means heart, and -centesis means a surgical puncture
to remove fluid). This procedure is performed to treat

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