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Semester 2 – BBAYear 2 – 2020/2021 Program

Instructor: James Grieves

Felismino Fernandes D. R. da Costa
ExecutiveSummary............................................................................................................. ..2
Introduction........................................................................................................................... 3
Planning................................................................................................................................. 3
Organizing.............................................................................................................................. 3
Coordinating........................................................................................................................... 3

Controlling ............................................................................................................................. 3

Significance of HRM .............................................................................................................. 3


HRM Strategy ………………………………………………………..……………………...4

Old Wage / Effort Bargain………………………….……………………….……………….6

Employee Involvement …………...……………………………………….………………...6

Talent Management in HR......................................................................................................7

Talent Management Strategy ................................................................................................ 7

Talent Management Process..................................................................................................7

Conclusion............................................................................................................................. 9
References.............................................................................................................................. 10

Executive Summary

Human resource management is the study of management of employees and all the decisions
related to it. In this project we have discussed human resource management that what it actually
means and what are the benefits of human resource management along with the different strategic
practices regarding human resources. All the project questions have been addressed which
includes why organizations have been changed in the last century, why effort bargaining is no
longer usable and the role of talent management in an organization. The material for the research
has been taken by online means and is secondary source information. The secondary source
information includes online articles, blogs, websites and journals. Harvard referencing style used
in the work and work is concluded at the end.


Michael Beer, the founder of Harvard Model of human resource management states that HRM is
an essential way to deal with the business, advancement and prosperity of individuals working in
the company. Human resource (HR) executives include all administration practices that influence
the connection between the company and its employees. It focuses on benefiting as much as
possible from the HRM and guarantees the consistent and viable utilization of approaches and
cycles in the business. HRM is considered a tool that is used to attempt to utilize resources to
encourage singular turn of events, and to follow government orders. Big organizations must
maintain a separate HRM space and its essential target is making organization objectives viable
with employee objectives and for an organization to accomplish its objectives, it should have
workers who will assist it with achieving them. The elements of HRM are administrative which

The practices of HRM guarantees the best fit among jobs and employees while keeping away
from deficiencies. There are four key processes in it which includes analyzing present human
power, forecast demand and meeting organizational objectives.

It is the HRM practice that includes strategic functions to guarantee the meeting of organizational
objectives. The design is generally addressed by an organization’s chart, which gives a realistic
portrayal of the levels of leadership inside the company.

This incorporates enacting employees at various levels and causing them to contribute greatest
towards the objectives of the company.

After planning, organizing and coordinating, the employee appraisal is done in which the
performance of the employee is compared with the plan to take necessary controlling measures.

Significance of HRM
There are several factors which shows the significance of HRM which are as follows:

▪ HRM recognizes each worker’s worth inside the company, recommending that the company
perceive and esteem every single employee's commitments.
▪ HRM oversees individuals and individuals bring new abilities and ideas into the company to
fuel up the development of business.
▪ Quality of work life is a genuine concern so all the workers have the right of staying clean and
safe with the pleasant environment.
▪ HRM perceives the requirement for persistent learning.
▪ The employees reserve a privilege to stay satisfied at the workplace via sufficient salary and

▪ HRM has a lot more extensive scope as workers need to know more than the prerequisites of a
particular undertaking to make their top level input.

(HRD, 2019)

Organizational Evolution

The organizations have changed and evolved a lot and became a strategic partner. In the early
1900 many acknowledged the formal HRM practice and maintaining the separate space for it was
begun and by then it became achievable to accept that the field is about 100 years old. There have
been multiple changes in the field since then and the employees who used to work during the
1600s to 1700s were directed by a skilled base systems and the production was delivered by a
small team of people in small working areas, generally used to be at home. During the 1900s,
various movements occurred in the workplaces. The managers were to cultivate norms, rules and
techniques to control the trained professionals. A segment of the rules required an extension in
work specialization, which incited debilitating, dull positions. Around that point, with the effect
of consistent organization, workers were seen as a piece of a machine without pondering that
they were social individuals. This period focused extra on outright affiliation and less on the
individual. It dissected how the workplace affected the individual worker and how the individual
expert affected the work space. Many acknowledge that the high level fields of progressive lead
and human resource the chiefs grew out of sociology. Organizations in the early years set up
government help secretaries whose positions were to screen laborers' administration help. As the
years advanced, the public authority helped secretaries' positions included more commitments
relating with the new laws and delegate rights were passed. They started to keep up all reports
about delegates, keep up account structures and heading agents. Parallel with the movements in
specific components like development, globalization and work power, human resource
management began to take more thought from the affiliations and it transformed into a legitimate
division. The addition in the meaning of HR has not happened unexpectedly. Perhaps, these
examples are a component of express changes in the business environment. With the extended
speed of globalization, an affiliation's ability to battle in an overall environment ends up being
dynamically subject to having the fortunate people. Squeezing factors from competitors, financial
backers and customers require people that can make new things, organizations and cycles before
the resistance (Manashree C., n.d.).

HRM Strategy

It is presently broadly acknowledged that a company's prosperity is dictated by choices workers

make and practices in which they lock in. Overseeing individuals as a company's essential
resource has propelled HR to turn out to be progressively more successful at creating projects
and arrangements that influence ability to line up with authoritative skills and at executing
hierarchical technique. The significance of fitting design, frameworks and the board practices to a
company's phase of improvement is generally acknowledged. As the company develops a lot, it
needs change.
Maybe the change that has most affected companies in the previous decade has been the
developing acknowledgment that individuals are the company's essential element. As per the asset
based view, the firm that can foster supported upper hand through making esteem in a way that is
uncommon and hard for contenders to mirror. Conventional wellsprings of upper hand like regular
assets, innovation and financial matters of scale have gotten progressively simple to impersonate.
By the impact of these components; human resources organizers began to gain proficiency with
the language and strategies of vital arranging, expected a more proactive position in advancing
vital deduction in the HR region and expanded the staff work past the restrictions of its customary
exercises. HR can make commitments to methodology and vital arranging in various manners.
Frameworks like execution evaluation, staffing, preparing and remuneration assist empower
administrators with carrying out the company's essential arrangement. HR planning additionally
interfaces vital administration and business arranging with these frameworks. Vital HRM, sees
HR as resources for venture and the administration of HR as key instead of responsive,
prescriptive and regulatory. The meaning of vital HRM features two significant measurements
that recognize it from conventional HRM. In an upward direction, it joins HR rehearses with the
essential administration interaction of the firm and evenly, it underscores that HR rehearses are
incorporated and support one another. The majority of the compositions demonstrating more
prominent mix among HRM and key business arranging adopt both of two transcendent
strategies. One part for the HR work is seeing company approaches as the main thrust in deciding
HRM procedures. These creators have focused on creating explicit HRM procedures to fit
distinguished business targets. They battle that HR frameworks like choice, preparing and pay
ought to be custom fitted to coordinate with the organization's destinations and item life cycles. A
second gathering of creators propose that HR ought to likewise assume a more focal and
proactive part by getting engaged with the technique plan measure itself. Accordingly, the
present driving edge HR staff is effectively drawn in the supervisory group, contributing
members in the arranging and execution of fundamental changes. Human asset staff should be
business situated, lined up with the business and powerful as experts and colleagues. The mix of
HR with the business requires another worldview for overseeing HR in a company. It is alluring
to incorporate human resource management and business for certain reasons. To start with,
incorporation gives a more extensive scope of answers for tackling complex authoritative issues.
Second, joining guarantees that human, monetary and mechanical assets are given thought in
defining objectives and surveying execution abilities. Third, through joining companies should

unequivocally consider the people who contain them and should execute approaches. At last,
correspondence in coordinating HR and vital concerns restricts the subjection of key
contemplations to HR inclinations and the disregard of HR as an imperative wellspring of
hierarchical capability and upper hand. This diminishes an expected wellspring of sub
enhancement. Integration alludes to the company of HRM in the detailing and execution of
authoritative procedures and the arrangement of HRM with the essential requirements of a
company. To accomplish vital combination and arrangement of HRM with business procedures, a
reported HRM technique would likewise be valuable as it can make more concrete the job and
authority of HR chiefs in corporate dynamic and incremental ability to adapt to externalities, for
example, a tight work market. An archived HRM system assists the company with creating and
HRM vision and goals and to screen execution (Lamarco N., 2019).

Old Wage / Effort Bargain

In the last few years, the effort to address the issue of wages in worldwide organizations has been
described by some fascinating applied movements and acknowledgement. In recognizing that on
compensation the needle has not moved definitely, the FLA (Board of the Fair Labor Association)
lately embraced an alteration to the remuneration standard in their Code bringing their part
organizations closer to focusing on the idea of a living pay as found in other multi-partner drives,
quite the Ethical Trading Initiative and Social Accountability International. This has been joined
by the underwriting of a redefinition of the generally compensation issue into a more powerful,
multi-dimensional reasonable wages idea in which inquiries of dissimilarity, correspondence and
more extensive social security should likewise be thought of. This more complex arrangement and
accompanying evaluating procedure which the idea of 'reasonable wages' brings to our agreement,
and its potential for the guideline of wages in the clothing store network must be invited.
Nonetheless, from what we think about the truth of rethought clothing fabricate, three
components of wages keep on leftover proverbial with regards to the current emergency: the
inability to cover winning wages on schedule and; the nonattendance in numerous nations of an
essential compensation adequate to address fundamental issues and take into account optional
use; and the constancy of ridiculous creation targets uncovered in non-compliances according to
exorbitant and regularly neglected extra time and verbal and actual maltreatment of laborers
(Miller D., 2014).

Employee Involvement

We've seen one such a large number of undertakings fall flat in light of the fact that the point of
convergence was just creating results. While this is a given to any business that needs to
accomplish long haul objectives, the colloquialism "the end legitimizes the signifies" simply isn't
the correct method to lead business. Accomplishing results to the detriment of workers is a speedy
easy route down the way to disappointment. Furthermore, undertakings have now gone to an
acknowledgment that they aren't anything without their workers. This is the reason worker
inclusion assumes a major part in the present super serious business world. What's more, which is
all well and good – an undertaking's disappointment or achievement generally depends on their
workers. What's more, in such a manner, organizations have understood that when workers are
locked in and are caused to feel that they are a piece of an option that could be greater than
themselves, they perform well and produce good outcomes. This is the reason in the previous few
decades, whole divisions and groups have been set-up to guarantee worker company and support
in the organization. Take Human Resources, for instance. From being an absolutely conditional
element zeroed in exclusively on organization, HR has now taken on a more groundbreaking job.

Development groups give workers a serious edge through mastering and expertise building. The
Employee Relations group ensures that workers' privileges are constantly secured and maintained.
Wellbeing and Risk Management guarantees the staff's prosperity busy working. Hierarchical
Development centers around accomplishing organization objectives by adjusting measurements,
business designs, and workers. There are even devoted groups like employee engagement, whose
sole object is worker company and inspiration. The group's just objective is to draw in workers
and make work more fun and significant. In each company, unions have consistently been the
need to remain serious and applicable. What's more, in all honesty, an organization's prosperity
doesn't rely upon the way of life, the interaction, or even the administration. Workers inclusion is
the immediate cooperation of staff in exercises that assist the business with satisfying its main
goal and accomplish its objectives. All the more significantly, it is getting the workers associated
with the administration and dynamic cycles of the business. This methodology makes the
workers – alongside the administration – answerable for developing the organization, hitting
business measurements, and settling authoritative issues. Workers utilize their mastery, creative
thoughts and attempts to contribute in the manner they can. Furthermore, in this viewpoint,
workers' company fabricates a feeling of local area and family inside the organization (Andriotis
N., 2018).

Talent Management in HR

The basic role of talent management is to make employees who will remain with your
organization for a long time. The specific method to accomplish this will vary from one
organization to another. Talent mana normally incorporates a considerable lot of the duties of HR.
No different either way, it isn't sufficient to expect that since you have a HR space, you are
overseeing ability. You need to have an ability the board technique set up planned only for your
organization to acquire ideal outcomes. The straightforward answer is on the grounds that it
profits by human resources, apparently, the main resource of the organization. Through talent
management it amplifies the worth of workers. There are a couple of primary reasons why this is
the situation:

▪ It assists organizations with improving the employee performance

▪ It permits organizations to remain competitive
▪ It drives advancements and innovation in the business
▪ It helps structure profitable groups
▪ It diminishes revenue
▪ It motivates everyone

Talent Management Strategy

The strategy for talent management depends on the talent management model as it must
coordinate with the company’s objectives and unmistakably characterize what kind of skills the
business needs. This cycle is dependent on the talent management strategy and few of them are
as follows:

▪ Hiring high skilled employees

▪ Hiring promising specialists
▪ Measure the results
▪ Relegate responsibilities
▪ Speak with Employees

Talent Management Process

Presently you have a comprehension of why you need the ability the executives and what it
includes. Then, you need to investigate the talent management interaction itself and figure out
how to apply it to your organization. The talent management interaction is the manner by which
you put together the administration of your HR. It is the means by which you pick workers, how
you employ them, and how you train them, propel them, fire them, etc. Few steps of a talent
management processes are:

▪ Specify what skills the company needs

▪ Identify the initial phase in the talent management cycle
▪ Attract the right people


Human resource management is very essential for any business in this world and in daily life.
Human resource management has great influence in the organizations as this lets the
organizations develop rapidly. Human resource management helps organizations flourish as it
improves the relation of employees and the management which ultimately improves efficiency for
getting high profits. There are certain labor laws as well which must be complied with and the
unions are also there for successful negotiations in terms of wages. Human resource strategic
management is also the demand of the employees so it will always be a compulsion for human
resource management to go on with the work in every business.


HRD, 2019. What is HR management in an organisation? Available at

Miller D., 2014. Regulating the ‘Wage Effort Bargain’ in Outsourced Apparel Production:
Towards a Model. Available at

Andriotis N., 2018. Want Better Business Results? Involve Your Employees. Available at results.html

Valamis, n.d. What Is Talent Management. Available at


Lamarco N., 2019. What Are HRM Strategies. Available at

Manashree C., n.d. Evolution of Human Resource Management (HRM) Available at


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