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Perspective Focus Major Contributor Major Contributor’s

(Person) Focus

Behaviorism Put a strong Ivan Pavlov IP: conditioned dogs

emphasis on the John B. Watson to salivate at the
observable aspects B.F. Skinner sound of a bell –
of human beings. Classical
They wanted to get Conditioning
away from pure
JBW: conditioned a
child to fear a rat –
Little Albert

BFS: founded
Operant Conditioning
which is a system of
conditioning that
uses Punishers and
reinforcers to change

Psychoanalytic It focused on Sigmund Freud Believed in

unconscious conflicts determinism: that all
in the mind between thought, actions, and
the id, ego, and emotions are
superego. It ties with predetermined by
childhood your unconscious
experiences, and one
and not due to
can find symbolism in
their dreams. choice.

Humanistic Focuses on free will, Abraham Maslow AM: believed

self-esteem, and Carl Rogers self-actualization is at
overall human the peak of our
potential. hierarchy of human

CR: his unconditional

positive regard
emphasized the
importance of having
unconditional support
in your life to help
Cognitivism Focuses on an Allen Newell AN and HS: created
individual’s thoughts Herbert Simon detailed models for
Ulric Neisser how people think and

UN: considered to be
“the father of
Psychology”, who
wrote the first book in
the perspective called

Biological Focuses on brain Roger Sperry Focused on

chemistry, structure, Hemispheric
function, and Specialization
(specific brain tasks
that occur in each
side of the brain). Sum
subfields include
Molecular Genetics
(specifying the exact
gene responsible for a
behavior or thought-
Human Genome
Project) and
Behavioral Genetics
(behavior as related to
our genes).

Sociobiological/ Sociobiological: Charles Darwin Through Darwin’s

Evolutionary focuses on the social studies scientists can
environment look at what fuels and
surrounding the
supports a species’
individual that
includes their culture, survival. They apply
the social norms of it, his ideas of natural
and how they selection as well.
influence a person's

Evolutionary: focuses
on how humans adapt
and change with
society, and how that
influences their

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