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Topic: Heart Rate ( Revision)

LFQ: How do I illustrate the effect of heart rate in a particular activity?

• To analyse changes in the heart rate when involved in a particular
• To design a graph according to the heart rate
• To conclude if the heart rate is affected by exercise
Effects of exercise on our body
When exercise is done regularly, moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical
activity strengthens your heart muscle. This improves your heart's ability to pump blood
to your lungs and throughout your body. As a result, more blood flows to your muscles,
and oxygen levels in your blood rise.

CTQ: Do you have to sweat for exercise to be effective?

Answer: No, sweating is not required for exercise to be effective. Sweating is just the
body's way of regulating temperature during physical activity or in hot environments.
Answer in your notebook
From your previous knowledge of heart rate
investigation answer the below given worksheet.

1. Yes, when you exercise, your heart rate increases.

2. your body needs more oxygen and nutrients during physical activity, so your heart
pumps faster to deliver them to your muscles.

3. Stopwatch or timer, data recording tools,

4. Expected answer:
I. Measure participants' resting heart rate, then have them exercise using
standardized protocols while continuously monitoring their heart rate.
II. Analyze data to determine how exercise impacts heart rate, considering factors like
intensity and duration, to draw conclusions about cardiovascular health.
Answer in your notebook
1. How does exercise affect heart rate?

2. What happens to heart rate during different phases of exercise, such as warm-up,
main activity, and cool-down?

3. How does regular exercise training impact resting heart rate?

4. Why jogging uphill could result in a more noticeable rise

in heart rate than running on level ground

5. Imagine you are planning a lunch menu for a day out with friends. Explain how
you would create a balanced and healthy meal that includes a variety of food groups.
Consider factors like nutrients, portion sizes, and the importance of including fruits
and vegetables.
Answer in your notebook
1. How does exercise affect heart rate?
When you exercise, your muscles need more oxygen and nutrients. To deliver these,
your heart beats faster, increasing your heart rate. This helps get more blood to your
muscles, keeping them fueled and removing waste.

2. What happens to heart rate during different phases of exercise, such as warm-up,
main activity, and cool-down?
During the warm-up phase of exercise, the heart rate gradually increases as the body
prepares for physical activity. This increase is moderate, as the muscles start to
receive more blood flow and oxygen.
During the main activity phase, heart rate further increases to accommodate the
higher demand for oxygen and nutrients by the muscles. The heart works harder to
pump blood efficiently throughout the body to support the increased physical exertion.
During the cool-down phase, heart rate gradually decreases as the body returns to its
resting state. This gradual decrease helps the heart and circulatory system transition
back to a lower activity level safely.
Answer in your notebook

3. How does regular exercise training impact resting heart rate?

Regular exercise makes your heart stronger and more efficient. This lowers your
resting heart rate because your heart doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood
when you're not active.

4. Why jogging uphill could result in a more noticeable rise

in heart rate than running on level ground
Jogging uphill requires your muscles to work harder to overcome gravity, which
increases the demand for oxygen and nutrients. To meet this demand, your heart has
to pump blood more quickly, resulting in a higher heart rate compared to running on
level ground.

5. Imagine you are planning a lunch menu for a day out with friends. Explain how
you would create a balanced and healthy meal that includes a variety of food groups.
Consider factors like nutrients, portion sizes, and the importance of including fruits
and vegetables.
For a balanced lunch with friends, I'd include grilled chicken wraps
Expected answer:
with veggies, a fruit salad, Greek yoghurt with granola, and raw veggies
with hummus. We'd drink water or unsweetened tea. It's important to
have a mix of nutrients and control portion sizes for a healthy meal.
Answer in your notebook

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