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have noticedthat the number of tourists to your town has

(C)Speeches You
Subhash/ Mira. You have
been asked to write a speech on 'Promotion of
Youare past few World Tourism Day' at school.
delivered on The
t obe
Aspeech is a formal talk on some subject that a person gives to an audience,
TOPIC (1) DaarFrienad, source of income for a state or country. It can also help to
a big
Rosa Nair, a student of S.D. Public School, Hamirpur (H.P), has to can prove international understanding. So all responsible governments in the
contest on the topic 'Stop Crowding Hamirpur. During the last part in:
value of promoting travel and tourism. But unhappily, he
promote world realize the
has grown from a lovely green hill station into a heavily-populated industrial decade, allen in the last few years. We shall have to analyse its
Rosa's speech in 150-200 words. town. Wi present-day
to our
town has
to remove those causes. We shall have to create congenial
of the ways from all walks
and think tourists of life. The Tourism Department has made
Friend, conditionsto for this purpose. It has been planned to develop a wildlife park and
ambitiousplans With these new features, the tourist inflow will certainly
It is very disheartening that our lovely town of Hamirpur has become
just in a decade. The number of industrial markets
growth of population, our streets, buses and
units hasremain
goneovercrowded. heavily-populate
up considerably. Due to
Some very
someamusement parkin the city.
a bigbigboost.

and immediate steps are needed to save this ugly situation. All factories that cause urgen Thank you.
should be shifred to a suitable place outside the city. The public transport system
pollution Spechpreparedby
be developed so as to minimise the use of private vehicles. Wasteful use of water shouldbe
should Subhash
made a n.e
stopped at once. Trees should be planted all over the town. It should be thei.
offence to cut down any tree in the town. People should be made aware of student, want to make Delhi
responsibilities. the Commonwealth Games, 2010. You, as a
Delhihosted enjoy being in your city and take back pleasant
that the foreign delegates
Thank you. better city so speech encouraging your schoolmates to follow
Speech delivered by - a s of their stay in the city. Prepare a
the event.
Rosa Nair certain guidelines for welcome - be always
TOPIC (2) 1e Fllow the tradition of Atithi Devo Bhava' - accord warm
people and traffic -spread awareness about keeping the
You are Raman / Raveena. You have been asked to deliver a speech on 'Cancer o8Tto guide-act as volunteers to guide
Silent Killer on World Health Day. Write the speech in 150-200 words. cityclean.
Dear Friends,
Dear Friend, say of us. We are always judged
We are not what we say of ourselves; we are what others depends on our social
There are chemicals in the body chat control the growth and repair of cells in our body, by our behaviour towards others. Whether we are lovedrespector despised,
Incancer, this control system breaks down, and millions of unwanted cells are produced. I behaviour. We are respected in direct proportion to the we hold for others. Therefore,
ought to be intrinsically nice and good. We
they cannot be destroyed, they may take over vital organs such as the brain, lungs and in order to earn a good name for ourselves, we our guests with a smile, and love to
liver. They can stop their normal working resulting in the person's death. The use of tobaco Indians are known for our hospitality. We welcome
in any form has been seen as the biggest cause of cancer. heart. Atithi Devo Bhava is an old Sanskrit saying. It means that
serve them with all our recently, there
as we would serve a god. But
Considering the steady growth of this disease, it becomes the duty of the government io the guest is a god' and ought to be servedduped, robbed and even raped. Such incidents
take steps for its control and treatment. Thanks to the advancements made in medica have been incidents when foreigners were
efforts to make our city and
science, many people who get cancer can now be completely cured. rC a blot on the fair name of our country. We should make all world.
Our country the most loved place for tourists from all around the
Thanks for your patient hearing.
Speech delivered by - Spech delivered by
Raman PQR
148 149 SPEECHES
All the schools in your city are celebrating the Road Safety Week. You, speech for your school assembly telling the students how television can be a
Boy / Head Girl of your school, have been asked to deliver a short
speech on beicheng the H Wite a wisely,
road safety for schoolchildren. Write your speech in 150-200 words. subjea| TELEVISION A BLESSING
Dear Friends,
Science has placed in our hands numberless gadgets and devices. Television is one of
forget to follow
We all use the roads daily in our life. But many a time, we the rule gadget has become a part and parcel of our life. It is impossible to imagine
the road, We do so in our carelessness or in our hurry. It results in serious accidents i chem.This litle
television today. Like every other invenion of science, television also has its
which limbs are broken or even lives are lost. We must
analyse the causes of
these lite without
as well as negative side. It is in our own hands what side, positive or negative, we
child acciden positive
and of the steps by which these accidents can be checked. First of all,
think the It can be a blessing
if used wisely. We can use it as a source of education, a
be taught rules of the road. They should be taught to follow these rules strictly whenev make use of. a source of entertainment. We can watch on it live educational
finformation and also
they are using a road. These rules are equally important for pedestrians, cyclists,motore SOurceof
should be made a ha shows that are full of entertainment as well as information. Since television
and auto-drivers. The wearing of helmets and safety-belts and otherreality
as well as audio medium, it has a deeper effect than other mediums. The
should not wear them simply to escape from being caught by the traffic police. We dh is both a
is that we make a wise and judicious use of it.
wear them as a safeguard to our own life and limb. onlyimportant thing
Thanks for the patient hearing. Thank you.
Speech written by - Spech delivered by -
Radhika (Head Girl) ABC
You read the following article by a student in a magazine but you do not agree wih tb
views expressed. Inspired by this, write aspeech for your school assembly telling the studenm There have been a lot of thefts in your locality. Write a speech to be delivered at the
why schools must have a school uniform. community centre in your locality asking people to take precautions because prevention is
better than cure.
Quite frankly, I've had enough of uniforms. "Wear aic.", "Button up your shirts." Seriously ? If it's 46 degre
in the dassroom and your school can't afford a cool environment, don't tcll us to put our uniforms on. If its 06 THEFTS PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE
dagrecs, and we are freezing. don't tell us to rake the sweaters off. We arc stupid, so we must wear uniforms.k Dear Friend,
that right ?Are we not smrt cnough to wear our own clothes? Must we follow your stupid school rules jut
so that the school rating gocs up ? I think school uniforms must be abolished. Sadly, a lot of thefts have taken place in our locality during the past few months. Every
time a theft takes place, there is alot of hue and cry. Everyone talks of taking safety
WHY EVERY SCHOOL MUST HAVE A SCHO0L UNIFORM measures. But after a couple of days, we forget everything and again the same thing
Friend, Then crying over spilt milk is absolutely of no use. We must know that prevention happens.
is better
We are living in a world of fashions. Daily we sce new trends and fashions in dres als. than cure. We must take measures to prevent these thefts. We must stitch the holes wherever
Everyone wants to wear clothes of latest designs in order to look mod and smart. Thar is a we find them. For example, we must see that our boundary walls are high
enough so that
very nice and there is no harm in it. But when we are at our place of work or study, ho burglar can jump over them. A burglar alarm doesn't cost much these days. So we
have to follow certain dress codes. Particularly, when we are in a school as a student, Mave one in cach of our houses in the locality. Big iron-gates should be fixed at all must
must be in our proper school uniform. Thís must not be taken as a sign of bondage o points which should remain closed during the night. By taking these few steps, I entry
slavery. It should be taken as a symbol of our distinct identity. When we are in our prop problem of thefts in the locality can be think the
unitorm, we are not just ordinary persons. Our uniform distinguishes us from othersstudeni solved for all times.
lends us asense of pride. It creates in us a sense of discipline also. Therefore, every Thank you
must feel proud of his or her school uniform and always keep it neat and tidy. Spech delivered by
Speech delivered by XYZ

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