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The first technique is the cleansing technique.

Very simple physical thing that you can do every day before you cleanse your energies
You need to set an intention to release these energies.
Consciously know that they're there and set an intention to release these energies.
This is especially useful for empaths and Reiki masters, any kind of healers, because as
empaths and
healers and psychics, mediums and people that use healing modalities know you can attach
negative energies
to yourself.
You can you can bring in energies that do not serve you.
Because they're looking for positive.
Energies to bring down into lower vibrations.
And you don't want that.
And it can come from a person.
It can come from an experience.
So the first thing you need to do is identify it and release it.
You are not my energy.
I do not consent and then go to your sink of any type or and take a shower, cold shower
Intend to release these energies.
And here's how.
So for the first technique, the cleansing technique, I'm going to do it at the hand sink, the
It could mean your bathroom could be in your kitchen.
It doesn't matter any where you are.
And this technique is very important, especially for Reiki masters or Reiki practitioners or
any healers.
Right, that's doing energy work with another individual or counselors or coaches with
This is a really good technique to really cleanse those energies from you that you don't
even know have
attached themselves to you.
So first you set the intentions.
I tend to release these energies with unconditional love and gratitude for the experiences
they brought
me in, the lessons they taught me, and I set a boundary.
I do not consent to those energies attaching themselves to me.
So then you have to return them.
Do not consent to these energies.
I send you back to the person that they came from or the situation that it came from.
And then you do the physical act.
And this is especially important for healers, especially Reiki practitioners, as I do a lot of
And this is one thing that I do, and there's a mantra that goes with it and it goes like this.
First, you're looking in cold water right now, just shaking because water is a conductor of
and it's releasing that energy for you.
You say, I cleanse myself of all energies, those that are here with my consent and those that
here without my consent.
May God go before me and show me the way.
That's my mantra.
You can use any any monitor that's similar to that.
But just physically intending to release yourself with those energies and say it with the
Just like with the Law of Attraction or any other modality like that, put your heart and mind
it and really make that intention clear.
I cleanse myself of all these energies.
You're not just saying the the negative energies.
You're saying all energies, right?
Because, again, you don't want to give that negative energy, the pat on the back that it
Wants you to recognize it, wants you to be upset with it.
Now, I released myself of all energies.
So that is technique number one, the cleansing.

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