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Chapter # 08

1. The body of a fungus is called:
B) Rhizoid
C) Mycelum D) Septum

2. Yeast are:
A) Hyphal unicellular fungi 8) Non-Hyphal unicellular fungh
C) Hyphal multicellular fungi D)Non-Hyphal multicellular fungi
E) All are incorrect

3. All fungi
A) Have chlorophyll and are autotrophs B) Have chlorophyll and are heterotrophs
CLack chlorophyll and are autotrophs D)Lack chlorophyll and are heterotrophs
E) Have chlorophyll and are saprophs

4. Fungi that obtain their food directly from dead organic matters are called:
A) Autotrophs B)Heterotrophs
C Saprotrophs D)chemmtrophs
E) Mutualists

5. Fungl absorb nutrients directly from the living host cytoplasm are called:
A) Autotrophs B) Saprotrophs
C) Parasites D) Predators
E) Mutualists

6. Fungi that can grow only on their living host and cannot be grown on available defined
growth culture medium are called:
A Autotrophs 8) Saprotrophs
Obligate Parasites ) Facultative Parasites

7. Fungl that can grow parasitically on their host as well as by themselves on artifical growth
media are
A) Predators B) Obligate Parasites
C) Oppurtunitistic Parasites
E) Mutualists
)Facultative Parasites

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8. "Lichen" are mutualistic and have symbiotic associations between:

A) Fungi and Nematodes Green Algae
C) Fungi and roots of vascular plants5
8) Fungi and
D) Fungi and viruses
E) Fungi and fungi

9. Mycorrhizae' are mutualistic and have symbiotic associations between:

A) Fungi and stems of non-vascular plants B) Fungi and stems of vascular plants
C Fungi and roots of non-vascular plants D) Fungi and roots of vascular plants
E) All are incorrect

10. pH tolerable by fungi range from:

A) 2-3
C5-7 D) 2-9

11. "Breakage of mycelium of hyphal fungi, such that each broken fragment giving rise to a
new mycelium" is:
B) Sedimentation
A) Fragmentation D) Fermentation
C) Budding
E) Malformation

12. "Yeast" reproduce

by B) Conidia
A) Spores
C)Fragmentation Budding
E) Nuclear fusion

13. Regarding Sexual reproduction in Fungi:

A) Fusion of haploid nuclei and meiosis vary in different groups
8) Plasmogamy followed by Karyogamy
C)Karyogamy followed by Plasmogamy
D) Karyogamy & Plasmogamy occur together
E) None of the above

14. Fungi are divided into 4 division/phyla on the basis of:

C) Sexual reproduction D) Asexual reproduction
E) Nutrition

15. Mucor and Rhizopus are included in phyla/division:

A Basidiomycota
C) Deutromycoca
B) Ascomycota
D) Zygomycota
E) None of the above


16. The smallest fungal group i5:

A) Basidiomycota 8) Ascomycota
C) Zygomycota D)Deutromycota
E) None of the above

17. Asexual reproduction in "Ascomycota" takes place by

A) Spores B) Conidia
C) Fragmentation D) Fission
18. Yeast is an example of phyla:

A) Basidiomycota 5 AScomycota
C) Deuteromycola3 D) Zygomycota
E)All are incorrect

19. Yeast causes common vaginal infection and thrush is:

A) CrytococCus neofarmans
C) Coccidides immitis
Candida Albicans
E) Mucor rhizopus

20. Fungi imperfecti includes:

A) Mucor & Rhizopus B) Candida & Histoplasma
D) Aspergilius & Penicillium
CE) Coccidiades &Cryptococcus
Rhizopus & Penicillium

21. Mushroom belongs to: B I

A) 2ygomycota B) AScomycota
C) Basidiomycota D) Deuteromycota
E) Fungi Imperfecti

22. Carcinogenic mycotoxins are produced by some strains of:

A Mucor B) niEopus

C Candidalbicans D)Penicillium
EA.fumigatus Flavus

23. Polsinous mushrooms are popularly called?

A Danger-stools 6 Toad-stools
C) Break-stools D) Dark-stools
E) Fear-stools


24. Characteristic mitosis present in fungi is "nucdear-mitosis" during which:

A) Nuclear membrane break, spindle is formed outside nucleus
B) Nuclear membrane break, spindle is formed within nucleus
C) Nuclear membrane doesn't break, spindle is formed outside nucleus
D) Nuclear membrane doesn't break, spind le is formed within nucleus
E) All statements are wrong

25. The opening of ascocarp is called:

A) Opothecium
C) Perithecium
E) Epithecium
Parathecium COM
26. Ergotism is a:
A) Viral disease 8) Bacterial disease
C Fungal disease D) Parasitic disease
E) Helmenthic disease

27. Fungi that have lost the ability to reproduce sexually are classified in group:
A) Ascomycota B Basidaomycota
C) Zygmycola D)Ascansmycola
E) Mycorrhiza

28. Fungi that maintain soil fertility by decomposing the dead organic matter includes:
A) Aspergillus flavus B Penicillium

Ergot D) Rhodotorula
E) Mycorrhizal Fungi
29. The scientific name of button mushroom is:
A) Aspergillus flavus 8) Candida albicans
CE) Cryptococcus
Agaricus compestris D) Histoplasma capsulatum

30. Sporangiophores are meant for:

A Absorption B) Reproduction
C) Nutrition D) Locomotion

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