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The Manager,

Electricity Company of Ghana.


Dear Sir,


It is with great pleasure that I provide the following report on

my service to the company and to the nation as well. As a national service personnel, I
have engaged myself in two positions in the company as the start of my service of
which my service began in November, 2023. This report aims to provide a
comprehensive outline of the tasks I have taken so far as a personnel in the Electricity
Company of Ghana, Nsawam.

To begin with, my service in the company began at the customer service

department of which I was compliant agent, with this I took complains from the
customers,also helped customers out concerning their meters, scheduled drivers
activities etc. And based on this position, I spent about two months there. But by the
end of January, my position was changed from the customer service department to
become the secretary for the administration of the Human resource. This was because
the main secretary at the human resource became pregnant and had to take a leave so I
was called to take over her position.

Secondly, as I became the secretary at the human resource, I have

deliberately engaged myself in the secretarial duties in terms of Administrative tasks.
Some of the activities I have engaged myself in so far as a secretary includes,
answering and directed phone calls, taking messages on behalf of the HR as well as
providing assistance whenever needed. I therefore managed the department’s email
account of which I responded to inquiries, forwarding important messages to the
relevant departments and the achieving important communications. Also, I arranged
and distributed internal and then external communications such as giving out hampers
to the various departments and colleagues accordingly and also made sure that
everything was entirely in place before the start of a work day.

In addition, I also assisted in Documentation and record keeping. Within I

maintained and then organized official documents of the HR so as to ensure easy
accessibility and confidentiality. Speed sheets and other data bases were prepared by
me and then assisted in preparing necessary documents. Aside from this, I also helped
other executive team with various tasks including of which involves in educating the
people concerning the Electricity Company of Ghana on its digital transformation

Lastly, another activity I engaged myself in as a secretary personnel was

engaging in effective communication. This role was a very important aspect of my
service. During the previous months as secretary , I acted a role of facilitating perfect
communication between the HR and then other internal departments as well as our
customers of which I responded to inquiries relayed information, and then coordinated
with other parties in the company so as to ensure that all communications given are
clear, concise and professional and through this, it has helped me to enhance my
communication skills and then achieve high standards of my performances.

In conclusion,this past months has been productive and rewarding as of taking

up my responsibilities as a national service personnel of which I took part in two
positions at the Electricity Company of Ghana. I have strived to provide an optimal
support , good administrative service and also contribute to creating a peaceful and
efficient working environment.

Thank you for your continuous guidance and support.

Yours faithfully,

Cecil Sasu Asare.

(Secretary, Human Resource).

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