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CSC and Bank Projects Questionnaire

This document is a catalogue of questionnaires that are aligned across 9 perspectives,

Corporate/Bank strategy
Corporate/Bank Structure
Enterprise Performance Management Metrics
People Capabilities
Customer offering
that span the breadth of the CSC organisation.

We use these questions in conversations with CSC –whether that is the CEO, CFO, CIO, COO or the
project team members –to open up broader discussion on the real CSC issues. Regarding the information
that we want to collect, the questions can be used to help prompt a conversation as well as uncover some
key issues that CSC are facing to best understand their current situation.

We may drop some questions which we already have information or CSC can not provide.

Corporate/Bank strategy

1. What demand & supply trends are shaping your sector?

2. What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)?
3. How does your capital model support your strategy (e.g. mix of equity & debt, investors)?
4. What is your value proposition and how does it differentiate you from your competitors?
5. What goals do you want to achieve and how would you measure your success?
6. What is your role in the value chain for end customers now and in the future, and what role do you
want to play in your broader business ecosystem?
7. What is the strategic landscape you operate in?
8. What is your revenue model?
9. What are your strategic priorities and trade-offs?
10. What is your rolling 3-year strategic plan?
11. How do you reassess your plan to ensure that both your strategy and business model are still fit for
12. What is your innovation strategy and how has it been implemented thus far?

13. How does your organisational structure enable your strategy?

14. How adaptable is your organisational structure to future change?
15. What is the value of each level of hierarchy in the organisation?
16. What are the constraints that drive/impact your current organisational structure?
17. To what extent are roles and accountabilities clear and what effect do these have on your
18. How effective and efficient is interaction and collaboration between roles?
19. How does the location of your sites help you achieve your strategic objectives?
20. How does your office layout / physical environment promote required behaviours?
21. How do your facilities and equipment make it easy for your staff to achieve their objectives?
22. How do you know who your key stakeholders are?
23. How are your stakeholder relationships helping you deliver your strategy?
24. What are the mechanisms that you use to manage your stakeholders?
25. How do you collaborate and share knowledge with your suppliers, regulators and customers?
26. What proportion of your targets are assigned to securing savings from procurement and third party
27. What do you source from third parties and how do you secure the best value in your arrangements?
28. How are your structures for sourcing third parties linked to your wider business and are they
maximising the potential to leverage the scale of your spend?
29. How would you describe your approach to making decisions in relation to procurement considering
suppliers markets, their performance and your demands?
30. How would you describe your capacity and capability in delivering robust relationships with
suppliers considering their contract performance and additional benefits such as innovation?
31. What are the key commodity price risks in your business and how do you go about managing them?
Corporate/Bank Structure

32. How are tax considerations factored into your commercial decisions?
33. What is your tax profile per country, key tax risks and how does the group's tax rate compare to
their peers?
34. What is your current tax model including the operational scope and the value drivers, and main
trading transactions between group entities?
35. How would you describe the organisation of your tax function?
36. If you are planning any business change activities, what are the legal implications of those changes
37. What is the nature of the key legal risks in your business?
38. What is the legal function's involvement in Business Strategy and Business Planning?
39. How are contractual commitments and rights identified, monitored, managed and reported?
40. How are regulatory obligations managed and reported?
41. How are disputes or potential disputes managed and reported?
42. How are legal cases/matters managed within the business?
43. How are external legal advisors managed?
44. What are the key financial risks in your business and how you go about managing them?
45. How is cash collected, managed and forecast in the business and by whom?
46. Did any non-recurring items (such as asset sales) distort the historical revenue records?
47. What is the company operating margin? What aspects and circumstances make the operating
margin high (or low)?
48. How does the change in business variables (sales, cost of production, pricing) impact revenue
49. What is the company EBITDA? Are there contingent liabilities impacting EBITDA in the near future?
50. What are the biggest challenges for consistent revenue generation?
51. How do you manage your banking arrangements?
Enterprise Performance Management Metrics
52. How trusted are the metrics and information that management teams receive?
53. What impact is there on business performance if information is not delivered in a timely or intuitive
54. Where do your current metrics indicate there is scope for further improving business performance?
55. How do your key performance metrics compare with those of your competitors?
56. What is the process for integrating financial, operational and sales & marketing plans?
57. How are teams and individuals within your business motivated to execute today's business strategy
in a way that is aligned to the strategic direction?
58. How have you minimised the effort required to deliver basic financial reports and can close your
books in a timely fashion?
59. Are you able to be agile and update financial reporting in response to changes in business strategy
or the regulatory environment?
60. How do your working capital metrics and performance compare against your expectations and your
People Capabilities

61. What do you value more and why -skills or attitudes?

62. What are the key competencies that people at each level of your organisation should be
63. What are the skills, knowledge and experience that you need to put in place to deliver your strategy
now and in the next 3 to 5 years?
64. How do you attract talent?
65. How do you recognise and reward your talent?
66. Are you retaining your key talent, and do you have a talent retention strategy and processes in
67. How do you manage promotions and career progression?
68. How do you manage people's performance?
69. How do you encourage the right behaviours (i.e. that align to your strategic objectives)?
70. How would you describe the effectiveness of your leadership team?
71. How do leaders solve their differences?
72. How do leaders manage your strategic risks?
73. What do your people say about communications within the company?
74. What are the most effective channels you use?
75. How do you know what the organisation is thinking or feeling?
76. What are the key attributes of your change communications policies?
77. How do you manage projects, programmes and portfolios to realise your strategic benefits?
78. How do you measure the business impact of your projects and programmes?
79. How do you resource, execute and monitor internal projects?
80. What capabilities do you have to run a structured programme of change?
81. How do we address the cultural differences while integrating our business with CSC?
82. What communication strategies do we use to address CSC employee concerns?
83. How will we manage employees after signing the deal?
84. How does the CSC culture? Are there distinctive cultural benefits or issues to be addressed during
the acquisition process?

85. How do you manage data so that it is input once and use it many times avoiding rekeying,
duplication of effort and improve workflow and reporting (single version of the truth)?
86. When you make a change to a data source (e.g. changing a customer record), do you understand the
impact on all other systems?
87. How are people incentivised to share knowledge that has value across the business?
88. What information has value for your organisation and how do you maintain its standard and
89. How do you pull together different sources of information (customer, product, financial, risk) to
create valuable insights?
90. How are reports created within the organisation?
91. How are reports presented and are they tailored according to their audience?
92. How do management access key business information to help them make informed decisions about
the operational running of the business?
93. Do you own any Intellectual property?
94. Has the Intellectual property been patented?
95. Is there a way to generate more revenue related to the Intellectual property?

96. How is IT delivered?

97. How does IT support your business?
98. What is your IT strategy and how does it reflect current business change plans?
99. How is IT governed and managed within your organisation?
100. How do you manage technology risk?
101. What core applications are used in your organisation and which processes do they relate to?
102. How much are applications costing you now and in the future?
103. How will applications support your business in the future?
104. What core infrastructure components are used in your organisation?
105. How much is infrastructure costing you now and in the future?

106. How would you describe the level of process complexity in your organisation created by
different ways of working?
107. How efficient are your support processes (e.g. Finance, HR, IT)?
108. How much waste is involved in customer end to end processes?
109. Which processes create value in your organisation, and are they optimised to maximise this
110. How would you respond to market change without spiralling costs or a drop in performance?
111. What are your key business risks and how much risk is the organisation is willing to take to
achieve its strategic objectives?
112. What actions have you taken as an organisation to promote a risk aware culture among the
113. How do you govern security and manage controls around sensitive information, especially
related to customers and staff and when this is shared with external parties?
114. How do you know if someone is targettingyour business from a cyber perspective?
115. What are your policies and how are they enforced?
116. How effective is the monitoring, compliance and updating of these policies?
117. What is the impact of sustainability and climate change on your business and what are you
doing about it?
118. Do you have a green steel certification certificate? How is the process for applying for
Customer offering

119. How well do you understand your customer's needs?

120. How do your customers react to changes in pricing and how do you use this to maximise
financial performance?
121. How do customers value your products/services?
122. Whataretherightinternationalmarketstoconsider,howbesttoevaluate,andwhatarethebestmarket
123. Which geographic markets have the highest short-term, mid-term and long-term potential?
124. How do you use customer information to drive improvements in performance?
125. How are your customer dynamics changing and how do you monitor this?
126. What role do intermediaries play in the supply of your products and services to customers and
what value do they contribute (e.g. distributers, advisors, or businesses who incorporate your
products within their own for end consumers)?
127. How do you manage your intermediaries to ensure they project the right image and customer
128. How do you work with other organisations to create value and outcomes for customers beyond
a supplier/manufacturer/outsourcer type relationship?
129. How is the risk and opportunity shared between business partners?
130. What is the cost to serve of each of your customer segments?
131. What data do you have to measure cost to serve, how is it reported and who is accountable for
optimising it?
132. How do you use cost to serve insight at an operational level, minimising costs and preventing
escalating costs?
133. How does cost to serve insight influence your strategy?
134. Will the expanded business solve the problems of our customers? Do we expect an inflow or
outflow of customers in the post-deal phase?
135. How does integration affect CSC customer base?


136. What are the current CSC loan procedures at your bank? What are the requirements for a
complete loan application?
137. If CSC needs to increase capital, what are the conditions for increasing capital? Is there a time
constraint on capital increase?
138. During the mining process, are there any requirements or commitments or annual reports to the
Ministry of Environment based on mining output?
139. Industrial license: Business licenses are issued by which ministry or sector? How long does it
take to submit an extension application?
140. License to use land for afforestation: Is there anything outstanding in this 300k hectares? (When
will all the land be allocated for planting? Besides the use license, are there any other documents
required for planting and exploitation?)
141. Investment License: How long does it take to renew an investment license? Investment for
domestic investors or maybe for foreign investors?
142. Land use license for factory area: Is the factory area used limited in time? Is the right to use
100% guaranteed to belong to CSC?
143. Train: Is it necessary to hire a third party to operate the transport cart system or by CSC

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