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Marketing Research

Project Report



Marketing Research of Marketing

problems of CenterPoint


Name of Tutor

Semester--2--, Year2022-2023

1) Fatma Khalil Albalushi (51J19122)
2) Abdullah Khalfan Alawaisi (52S162797)

students of Advanced Diploma have completed the research project required by Marketing

Research Course under the guidelines of Omar Albalushi

We hereby declare that:

 We have complied with the plagiarism policy of UTAS.

 We confirm that the research project work submitted for the assessment is our original
work except the expressly mentioned references which we have used in our project
 We understand and agree that in case the plagiarism is detected in our work, the tutor can
take appropriate action against us under the context of policies and By-Laws


Title Page No.

Executive summery 3 to 4

Problem definition 5

Approach to the problem 5 to 6

Research Design 6 to 7

Data Analysis 8 to 20

Result 20

Limitations and Caveats 21

Conclusion and recommendation 21

Exhibits 23 to 33

IX-Executive summary:
The report is a strategy discussion and case analysis on the marketing problem facing sales at
Centrepoint. The report begins with an overview of Center Point. We did an exploratory research
and visited Center Point and some stores similar to it, and then we got acquainted with the most
prominent marketing problems that Center Point faced when we met one of the management
clients who works there and he explained them We have compared it with similar stores such as:
Max, R&B, Redtag. And then after that we did a survey and put the questions that we want to
explore through which are the reasons that made these marketing problems in Center Point and
understand the customers so that we can solve them. We will discuss the survey results in:

Major finding:
 Through our study, the percentage of purchase by females was at the top of a large
percentage, and it reached 75%, compared to males.

 We found that the percentage of customers, and in large part, their salaries are less than
350 Omani riyals, and it amounted to 62%, and this indicates that the majority tend
towards discounts due to the lack of their salaries, from here we can provide prices that
suit them to solve the sales problem.

 Most of the customers were very interested in the quality of the product, as it reached a
very large percentage and it was 95.8%, so providing quality products will help very
much in getting rid of the problem of sales and purchasing the product because the
customer thinks of benefiting from the product more than its price.

 Most customers prefer to see all the clothes and goods, whether they have a discount or
not, and then decide to buy the product that attracts them, so when the products are
presented in an attractive way, this is one of the very influencing factors that most affect
the customer's purchase process.

 We have come to the conclusion that high prices greatly affect the purchase process, but
in the event that the product was of good quality and attractive shape, it will reduce the
possibility of not buying the product.

 Finally, a large percentage of customers preferred to buy from the discount season, but
this happens if high-quality products are available with discounts, and there were also
other opinions, such as that some customers are more interested in making more use of
the discounts and the new collection offered, and some of them said that discounts The
previous season will not help me, as the discount here is useless because the previous
season has ended and they are seeking to buy the next season and the new collection to
benefit more from the product.


As we recommend that solution for this problem is it should provide a unique ways to
market the product. Promote it in a variety of ways. It's helpful to know that you don't
have to choose just one marketing strategy for your business. By planning you can set up
more than one action for your brand. Over time, you notice what works and remove the
unimportant aspects of your business. Ways to market center Point like social media, in
general, are great channels for communicating with the public, especially because it has
become difficult, nowadays, to have someone who does not use a method of social
communication. Also, Organizing occasions and occasions to associated together with
your advertise may be a extraordinary way to advertise your brand as well. A little
occasion or occasion can be organized, for another company simply need to accomplice
with, or indeed bigger occasions and occasions that are open to the open, with the point
of drawing in modern clients and teaching your gathering of people in individual. Finally,
At long last, make advancements that energize clients to purchase more or bring modern
clients to your page. Have you seen a few Instagram profiles that make wagers to win
free blessings, given that those who wish to take an interest tag other individuals who
don't know your brand utilizing the (@) sign? This is often the marketing strategy that a
few individuals take after to ended up more known additionally to pick up more devotees.


In conclusion, after seeing Centrepoint and other stores that have the same style as
Centrepoint in selling and displaying clothes, and after talking with one of Centrepoint's
administrators, and through the results we obtained from customers through the
questionnaire, we identified the marketing problems facing Centrepoint and the problems
that faces the customer. Then we came to the following conclusions:
- How to benefit from customers who see the entire store and then decide to buy.
-What are the appropriate prices and offers for those who have a salary less than 350 RO
that may contribute to the problem of sales.

-How to take advantage of the seasons of discounts and what products should be
-Also, the effect of high prices on buying and how to reduce the possibility of not buying
the product.

X-Problem definition:
Background to the problem
Centrepoint is one of the newly popular commercial centers that has a reputation at this time, but
there are several marketing problems facing Centrepoint, and these problems include the
problem of inflexibility of sales at Centrepoint, meaning that the percentage of sales sometimes
decreases, and also the problem is that the customer, for example, when he sees the winter
collection He comes to his mind to take an item, but because the price is high, he waits for the
downloads, and when the discounts happen, he is attracted by the new thing in the spring season,
and there are no discounts, so he takes the thing that he liked at its original price and did not
benefit from the discounts that he had in mind when it was the winter season. Hence, this is a big
and main problem in Centrepoint. . Also, the price problem represents one of the most prominent
marketing problems, and Center Point wants to know if this may affect the behavior of
employees or are there other factors that cover the price. In addition to that, coordinating the
place in which the marketing strategy is used, such as displaying clothes, is also a problem that
affects the purchase process, and we want to explore this problem if it may affect the behavior of
customers. Also, the problem of not selling all the pieces during the sales season with the
available sizes and understanding what sizes are the most consumed to solve this problem.

Statement of the problem

1- The research tries to find out the problem of what are the reasons that make the buyer buy
from the new collection season, despite the huge discounts.
2- This study is designed to know the buyer's behavior while purchasing products and what are
his suggestions, for example, in the problem of clothing sizes.
3- The study was to identify and understand what are the things that affect the buying process for
the consumer, such as the influence and coordination of the place and its attraction.
4- This study is designed to investigate what are the factors and criteria that affect consumer
behavior, such as price, product quality, or product shape as a whole.
5- This study was found to understand consumer behavior and its trend in terms of the effect of
the shape, arrangement and attraction of products to him if their effects for the purchase motive
outweigh the price.

XI-Approach to the problem:

A consumer browses the available goods or services supplied by one or more businesses with the
potential intent to purchase a satisfactory selection of them.

The shopping experiences of customers may differ. They are determined by a number of criteria,
including how the customer is treated, the convenience of the transaction, the type of goods
purchased, and the consumer's mood.

We notice many customers who go shopping from Center Point during winter periods that they
do not only shop for winter, but also shop for summer at the same time, as Center Point shopping
stores suffer from the lack of summer clothes in winter time and vice versa. In addition to that,
there is a large stagnation in the stores of women's, men's and children's clothes, whether they are
for winter or summer due to the lack of customers.

XII-Research Design:

Type of research design

We used qualitative and exploratory research because it allows us in-depth understanding of how
customer think and how customer behave regarding Center Point and other clothing stores.
We started to ask questions trying to dig into how consumers think about these clothing stores
like R&B, CenterPoint, and Max.
We also conducted a focus group to balance ideas by discussing with a group of consumers about
their experiences in these stores and what problems they faced in detail.
We used exploratory research to help providing new ideas and services, Also ways that can help
us to improve a certain product or service.

:Information needs
we have used both primary and secondary data to collect the information in our research, in
primary data we went to center point, R&B, Max and Red Tag to see and collect more
information about this research, we spoke with one of Centrepoint's managers, about this
.problem, which is common in almost all countries
And secondary data Therefore, we also searched the Internet for these stores in terms of photos
.and articles to gather more information

:Data collection from Primary source
We conducted interviews with some customers who are interested in clothes, especially Centrepoint, to
see the problems they face in Centrepoint, and to collect the reasons why they did not buy products when
.entering clothing stores
.We also saw videos and photos about Centrepoint to gather information
And we interviewed one of the employees at Centrepoint, and he told us how to market and what are the
.ways to attract customers, as well as the problems they face

:Scaling techniques
We used in our questionnaire mix scale, first question we use nominal scale asking about the
gender of responders (male/female), also we use ordinal scale in question that we ask about
.favorite clothing store that customer prefer (R&B/Red Tag/Max…etc.)
.And we use ratio scale to know financial level of customers

:Questionnaire development
After collecting the information by going to Centrepoint and talking to one of the employees
there, we discussed some problems and the reasons for which we started to do the questions,
which consisted of 14 questions, some of which were open questions and others about the age
and financial level of customers , direction of customers in clothing stores, what are the
preferences of customers in terms of the products offered by these stores, and What are the stores
.that they prefer to buy from, such as Red Tag, R&B and Center Point

:Sampling techniques
Convenience sampling, type of non-probability sampling which doesn’t include random
?Why we use convenience sampling
We selected people that we know, people from our families, friends, and our colleges. we chose
these people because we know that they have tried (CenterPoint, R&B ...etc.) before and have
.may face some problems. And because they are always available


We understand people as one of the largest retailers in the Middle East. We recognize the
importance of our employees' daily efforts. Senior management, as well as our retail, marketing,
and visual merchandising teams, are all part of this. We all contribute and are proud of our

We're continuously looking for passionate and talented people to join our team in order to stay
successful. We want to hear from you if you enjoy working in retail, are enthusiastic, motivated,
and can think on your feet.

XIII- Data Analysis


Chart Title
male female



As we see in the above chart, that most of the respondents is female with highest percentage
(75%). On the other hand, the male respondents with lass percentage (25%).

2-Physical level:

Chart Title
more than 1000
601-1000 Riyals
Riyals 3%

351-600 Riyals
less than 350

we notice that in the response, the physical level for some of the customers is less than
350 Riyal with the highest percentage (62%). In addition, a few of them said there
physical level is between 351-600 Riyals it got (25.4%) of the response. Also, the
responses of the highest physical level customers is with less percentage (9.9%).Finally,
the customers with the highest physical level responded with the less percentage
(2.7%).In this case it should provide an reasonable price to satisfy all physical level.

3-Dose quality have an effect on buying?

Chart Title
Yes No



From this chart we can see the responses for the question does quality have an effect on
buying. Some customers responded with highest percentage that yes it effects on buying
(95.8%). On the other hand, some of them responded no it does not effect on buying
(4.2%). in this matter it is better to sell the products with beasts’ quality to attract the
customers to purchase from some store when they want to shop.

4-Do you follow the trends?

Chart Title
Yes No Maybe




As it is clear in this chart, some of the customers said yes they follow the trends with less
percentage (17.1%). On the other hand, the others responded that it maybe they follow
the trends sometimes with highest percentage (47.1%). Finally, some customers said no
they do not follow any trends (35.7%). In this case, it sounds be focused on the trends
that people get in from social media and sell it on the store to attract people more.

5-Which product you prefer to have discount on?

Chart Title
Bags Shose luxuries clothes
perfumes accessories trend clothes


46% 11%



In the chart above it shows the responses of the questions which products you prefer to
have discount on. Some customers said they prefer discounts on fashion and trend
clothes (41.7%) with highest percentage. In addition, others responded that they would
prefer discounts on perfumes with the percentage (15.3%). Also, some people said they
would like the discounts be on shoes with the percentage (13.9%). On the other hand, a
few of them responded that the discounts would be on the luxuries (9.7%). Finally, some
customers responded that they prefer discounts on the other products like accessories,
bags and clothes. In this regard it should be discounts on all products to attract all
customers that wants to buy their specific products.


The answers to this question show us that 52% of those who like to see all the clothes and
products and then decide to buy, 29% buy high-quality clothes without looking at the
price because they consider quality to be the most important, and 18% of customers are
waiting for sales.
Since most of the responses were from those who like to see all the clothes and goods, so
you should focus on this point and provide clothes, products and offers that make the
customer attracted and buy.

What sizes of clothes do you wish would be available in stores?

The responses above show that most of them chose medium, large, and small sizes, and some
.also think that providing all known sizes is convenient
Therefore, we believe that providing customary sizes is the most appropriate solution to satisfy
.all customers, Focusing on the medium and large size


The responses to this question show us that half of the responses are 50.8% shopping from Max
and the other half of the responses are divided between R&B, Red tag and Centrepoint, as 17.5%
.are from Center Point and 12.7% are from R&B and 9.5% is shopping from red tag


We conclude from the responses that most of them are affected by the way the clothes are
.presented in the shops, with 61.1% answering yes, 27.8% maybe, and only 11.1% answering no
This indicates the importance of the way the clothing is presented and its impact on the
.customer, and we should focus on this point


As we can see here in this graph, the highest criterion that customers rely on is the quality
of the product and the material by 48.6%, then the price comes by 44.4%, and finally
6.9%, of the customers who prefer the shape of the product and graphics, and from here
we can We say that the quality of the product and its rawness as well as the price have a
great impact on customers and give more attention.


As we can see here in this graph, it shows us that during the season of sales, the highest
percentage of customers, which is 61.1%, prefer to go towards the product that attracts
them, whether there are discounts and offers or not, and then 23.6% of customers always

prefer Orientation towards goods that have discounts, and the lowest percentage is
15.3%, of customers who turn towards new products, and from here we conclude that the
shape and attractiveness of the product is very important to attract customers.


Caring about price




care about the price don’t care interested in staying up
late, as well as the quality
of the piece at the same

As this graph shows us, a very large percentage of customers, 54.2%, are interested in the
price, and 34.7% are interested in staying up late, as well as the quality of the piece at the
same time, and 11.1%, who are not important to them. The price, rather, they care about
the piece and its quality more than the price, and from here we can reduce the value of
the goods and improve the quality of the product more because this is what the customers
care about the most.

13-Sale season Between the summer and winter season, most companies make
imaginary discounts such as Centrepoint. In your opinion, do you buy clothes that have
discounts for the previous season, or will you buy new clothes that have no discounts for
the next season?

As we can see here, the opinions of people who were in favor of buying sale clothes from
the previous season was the highest, with 23 people, due to the low prices and also that it
fits their budget, while 18 people who preferred to buy clothes from the sale of the
previous and new season followed. This is due to the fact that they want to benefit from
discounts and also from new clothes, while the least number of 11 people preferred to
buy from the new season, due to the benefit of the new pieces because they will be used
more than the pieces that will be for the previous season because when buying the pieces
of the previous season until If there is a discount for them, he does not see any benefit
from this and will not use it. (Note: the opinions will be listed at the end of the research,
you can look at them)

1. Shop your products online.

2. Choose your shipping method.

3. Select a store.

4. Pay for your order.

5. Collect your order.

plan of data analysis

Market basket analysis is a data mining approach used by merchants to better understand client
purchase patterns and thereby enhance revenue. It entails evaluating huge data sets, such as
purchase histories, to identify product groups and products that are likely to be bought together.

The introduction of electronic point-of-sale (POS) systems boosted the implementation of market
basket analysis. The digital records generated by POS systems made it easier for apps to process
and analyze massive volumes of purchase data when compared to handwritten records held by
store owners.

A foundation in statistics and data science, as well as certain algorithmic computer programming
skills, are required to implement market basket analysis. Commercial, off-the-shelf tools are
available for folks who lack the necessary technical knowledge.

Market basket analysis comes in a variety of forms.

Market basket analysis can be divided into two types:

Predictive market basket analysis: This type takes into account the order in which things are
purchased in order to determine cross-sell opportunities.

Differential market basket analysis: This type takes into account data from several stores as well
as purchases from various client groups at various periods of the day, month, or year. If a rule
holds true in one dimension (such as store, time period, or customer group) but not in others,
analysts can figure out what's causing the exception. These revelations may lead to new product
offers that boost sales.

XIV- Result
From the data analysis above it show a very large percentage of customers, 54.2%, are interested
in the price, and 34.7% are interested in staying up late, as well as the quality of the piece at the
same time, and 11.1%, who are not important to them. The price, rather, they care about the
piece and its quality more than the price, and from here we can reduce the value of the goods and
improve the quality of the product more because this is what the customers care about the most.

In addition, the highest criterion that customers rely on is the quality of the product and the
material by 48.6%, then the price comes by 44.4%, and finally 6.9%, of the customers who
prefer the shape of the product and graphics, and from here we can We say that the quality of the
product and its rawness as well as the price have a great impact on customers and give more
attention. However, for the question what sizes of clothes do you wish would be available in
stores? The answer is shown show that most of them chose medium, large, and small sizes, and
.some also think that providing all known sizes is convenient

Therefore, we believe that providing customary sizes is the most appropriate solution to satisfy
.all customers, focusing on the medium and large size

According to the question, what are the most popular places to shop?

The responses to this question show us that half of the responses are 50.8% shopping from Max
and the other half of the responses are divided between R&B, Red tag and Centre point, as
.17.5% are from Center Point and 12.7% are from R&B and 9.5% is shopping from red tag

We conclude from the responses that most of them are affected by the way the clothes are
presented in the shops, with 61.1% answering yes, 27.8% maybe, and only 11.1% answering no.
This indicates the importance of the way the clothing is presented and its impact on the
.customer, and we should focus on this point

XV- Limitations and Caveats

Nothing in these Terms is intended to limit or restrict your legal rights. You use the Website .1
and any of the Services or Products at your own risk, and unless otherwise specified in these
Terms, you accept full responsibility and risk of loss as a result of your use of the Website and
.any of the Services or Products

By using the Website, you agree to indemnify and hold Centrepoint, its directors, officers, .2
employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, and licensors harmless from any claims arising out of
your breach of these Terms, your use of the Website or any of the Services, your non-compliance
with applicable laws or regulations in the jurisdiction in which you are accessing the Website or
the Services, or any action taken by CenterPoint , to the fullest extent permitted by law. You

agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Centrepoint and its affiliates harmless from any and all

XVL- Conclusion.

In conclusion, many customers who shop at Center Point during the winter months do so not
only for the winter, but also for the summer, as the retail stores at Center Point suffer from a lack
of summer clothing in the winter and vice versa. Furthermore, due to a lack of clients, there is a
significant standstill in the stores of women's, men's, and children's clothing, whether for winter
.or summer

.and recommendation

We recommendation and We hope that Point staff, in addition to the offers presented to
customers for purchase, and a large number of customers in addition to adding it, direct Center
Point by targeting the age groups from 18-25 to buy clothes from and present and present them
.to them to attract them to buy from their store

In question one: Physical level we sow that 67% of the responds their salary 350 Riyals got
the highest percentage. We recommend to make the price stable for all categories or all
.kind of people

In question two: Dose quality have an effect on buying: in this question highest percentage
that said yes quality it effects on buying with 95.8%. we recommend to provide the beast
.quality to attract this percentage of people

In question three: Do you follow the trends? With 47.1% highest percent of people said
they maybe follow trends. That is why we recommend to provide the trends products that
.people follow and wants to buy

In question four: Which product you prefer to have discount on? We see her that people
focus on cloths more. 47% percent chosen cloth her we recommend to pay more attention
.in the quality of the cloth and clothe in general

We see in all responds in the questionnaire in general focused on every category and detail.
We recommend to follow customers need by this questionnaire to attract the customers to
buy and also, focus on the price because as we center point like focusing in specific kind of
.people. Center point should attract all kind of people

The caring about price a very large percentage of customers, 54.2%, are interested in the price, and
34.7% are interested in staying up late, as well as the quality of the piece at the same time, and
11.1%, who are not important to them. In addition, on sell time the highest percentage of
customers, which is 61.1%, prefer to go towards the product that attracts them, whether there are
discounts and offers or not, and then 23.6% of customers always prefer Orientation towards goods
that have discounts, and the lowest percentage is 15.3%, of customers who turn towards new
products, and from here we conclude that the shape and attractiveness of the product is very
important to attract customers. Moreover, What is craters of a parches the highest criterion that
customers rely on is the quality of the product and the material by 48.6%, then the price comes by
44.4%, and finally 6.9%, of the customers who prefer the shape of the product and graphics, and
from here we can We say that the quality of the product and its rawness as well as the price have a

great impact on customers and give more attention.

XVII- Exhibits


‫ما هي احجام المالبس التي تتمنى ان تتوفر بكثرة ؟‬

‫‪66 responses‬‬








‫كل االحجام‬
‫ذو جوده جيده وسعر مناسب غير مبالغ فيه‬

‫‪S / xs / xxl‬‬


‫األحجام المتعارف عليها وغالبًا تكون متوفرة‬

‫جميع الفئات‬
‫متوسط الحجم‬

‫‪M, L‬‬

‫ال يوجد حجم معين‬
‫متوسطة االحجام‬
‫مقاسات كبيره‬
‫المالبس الطويله‬
‫سمول ‪ +‬ميديم‬
‫جميع االحجام بدون تخصيص‬



‫‪Medium, large‬‬

‫احجام لكبار والطفال‬
‫كل االحجام‬


‫الحجم المتوسط‬
‫كل أحجام‬



‫‪L , XL‬‬

‫وسط و صغير‬




‫جميع االحجام‬


‫موسم التخفيضات مابين موسم الصيف والشتاء تقوم معظم الشركات بتخفيضات خياليه مثل سنتربوينت برأيك هل تقوم بشراء المالبس‬
‫التي عليها تحفيضات للموسم السابق ام ستقوم بشراء المالبس الجديدة التي ليس بها تخفيض للموسم القادم ؟ ولماذا؟ (يهمنا معرفة ذلك)‬

‫ماعرف ‪1.‬‬
‫سأقوم بشراء المالبس التي عليها تخفيض للموسم السابق ‪2.‬‬
‫اشتري المالبس للموسم المقبل والتخفيضات تحدث عندما ينتهي الموسم وال فائده لها في انتهاء موسم المالبس المخفضه‪3. 2‬‬
‫للموسم الحالي‪4. 3‬‬
‫بصراحه اقوم بشراء المالبس الجديده للموسم القادم الن شراء مالبس الموسم السابق لن استفيد منها بسبب نهاية الموسم‪5. 3‬‬
‫المالبس التي بها تخفيض ‪ ،‬النه بها تخفيض في السعر و لـ استغل العروض و اوفر مبالغ‪6. 1‬‬
‫بعض االحيان ‪7.‬‬
‫اقوم بشراء للموسم السابق الن عليها تخفيض‪8. 1‬‬
‫مالبس الجديده والتي عليها تخفيضات كله غاوي‪9. 2‬‬
‫أشتري أي شيء يعجبني في وقت التخفيضات ال أهتم بالموسم والترند‪10. 1‬‬
‫مالبس الموسم السابق‪ .‬انه نفس الشي‪11. 1‬‬
‫الننا شعب ال يستوعب أن يشتري فوق طاقته وهذا ما حكمة عليه الرواتب والضرائب‪12. 1‬‬
‫إذا كان هناك مالبس تناسب ما أريد مع التخفيضات ف سوف أخذها و اذا لم أجد أنها تناسبني فال أخذ منها‪13. 1.‬‬
‫شراء مالبس التي عليها تخفيضات بربما شيًئ ا منها يلفت انتباهي‪14. 1‬‬
‫بالطبع أهتم للمالبس الجديده التي بها تخفيضات للموسم القادم الن المالبس تجدد بإستمرار ربما ستصبح صيحة مالبس الموسم ‪15.‬‬
‫السابق قديمه اذا قمت بإرتدائها السنه القادمه لذلك لن استفيد منها‬
‫على حسب الجوده وخام المالبس ‪16.‬‬
‫المنتجات المخفضة في العادة ليس لها استخدام في الموسم الجديد مثل (تخفيض على مالبس الشتاء مع بداية الصيف) لذا ال ‪17.‬‬
‫اشتريها عادة‪ .‬ولكن من الممكن أن أهتم بالعكس (تخفيض على مالبس الصيف مع بداية فترة الشتاء) ألن من الممكن‬
‫‪.‬استخدامها في الموسم الجديد‬
‫كالهما اشتري استفيد منه لمرحلة القادمة ‪18.‬‬

‫أقوم بشراء المالبس التي عليها تخفيضات للموسم السابق ألنه هذه فرصة لشراء ما أعجبني من المالبس التي لم يكن سعرها ‪19.‬‬
‫مناسب لي قبل التخفيضات ‪ ،‬عالوة على ذلك أنا ال أكترث للفترة الزمنية التي تعرض فيها المالبس لذا أقوم بشرائها حالما‬
‫‪.‬يكون سعرها مناسب لي‬
‫التخفيضات النه ما اعرف سبب بس التخفيضات ‪20.‬‬
‫الجديده النه خالص راحت موضه مالبس شتويه فتكون مصيرها قالخزانه ‪21.‬‬
‫على حسب المالبس المناسبه اذا كانت من ضمن التخفيضات ام ال فقط اقوم بشراء المناسب ‪22.‬‬

‫🙈 اشتري اللي عليها تخفيض واللي م عليها بختصار اشتري من االخضر واليابس ‪23.‬‬
‫ال يهمني جديده ام قديمه االهم ان تكون جودتها جيده و ان تعجبني و تناسبني ‪24.‬‬
‫االثنان‪ ،‬الن استغالل العروض الموجودة على مالبس الموسم السابقة جيدة الستخدامها في حالة السفر او عندما ياتي الموسم ‪25.‬‬
‫في السنة الجديدة‬
‫المالبسة المناسبة سواء جديدة او قديمه ‪26.‬‬
‫‪.‬شراء المالبس التي بها تخفيض للموسم السابق ‪27.‬‬
‫شراء المالبس الجديدة التي ليس بها تخفيض للموسم السابق النه ماشي فايدة من شراء مالبس الموسم السابق التي بها تخفيض ‪28.‬‬
‫النه الموسم السابق أوشك على اإلنتهاء‬
‫اكيد بخذ الي عليها تخفيض ‪29.‬‬
‫على حسب نوع الجودة ‪30.‬‬
‫من الموسم السابق النها تكون ليست غالية ‪31.‬‬
‫ع حسب نوع اللبس بعض اللبس يكون فيه تخفيض ويناسب موسم الصيف او الشتاء يعني م ياثر واهم شيء شيء انا مقتنعه ‪32.‬‬
‫للموسم القادم‪ ،‬ألن لن أستفيد اذا اشتريت للموسم السابق بيظل ف الخزانه إلى أن يأتي الموسم وربما يكون اختالفات ف ‪33.‬‬
‫اقوم بشراء مالبس جديده وشراء مالبس تخفيضات الي اقدر عليه ‪34.‬‬
‫االثنين بذا اكون مستغلة موسم تخفيض و اخذت الجديد ‪35.‬‬
‫‪ .‬ما فهمت شيء ‪36.‬‬
‫‪ new collection‬يعتمد ‪ ،‬احيانا يمكنني شراء من السابق واحيانا من ‪37.‬‬
‫المالبس الجديدة الن تكون اجدد و تناسب الوقت الحالي ‪38.‬‬
‫شراء المالبس التي عليها تخفيضات حقيقية ‪ ..‬ألنني عماني وراتبي على قد حالي ياهلل يمشيني آلخر الشهر ‪ ..‬بدل ما آكل خبزه ‪39.‬‬
‫‪ ..‬أغمصها في ماء‬
‫مالبس جديدة ‪40.‬‬
‫اقوم بشراء مالبس الموسم السابق ال يهمني القطع الجديده السعر اهم في وقت التخفيض ‪41.‬‬
‫اشوف ما بين جديد وقديم اوال ‪42.‬‬
‫نعم في بعض االحيان اشتري للموسم الماضي واحيانا ال ‪43.‬‬
‫ال أهتم اذا كانت المالبس من الموسم القديم او الجديد المهم ان تعجبني و ان تكون ذات جوده عاليه ‪44.‬‬
‫اذا كان هناك مالبس ذات جودة عاليه وتصميم مميز اعجبني من الموسم السابق سآخذ ‪ ،‬واذا لم يعجبني شي آخذ من الجديد ‪45.‬‬
‫‪ .‬حتى وان لم يكن هناك تخفيض ‪ ،‬ف المهم واالهم الجودة والتصميم وبعدها السعر والتخفيض‬
‫اسعار المنتجات الصيفيه في بداية موسم البرد تهبط الى نصف السعر االصلي فلذلك استغل الفرصه لشرائها والعكس صحيح ‪46.‬‬
‫الموسم القادم ‪47.‬‬
‫احب التوفير و اشتري ما يناسبني يعني شويه جديد ع شويه قديم ‪48.‬‬
‫‪ .‬الجديده ‪49.‬‬
‫شراء المالبس التي بها تخفيضات للموسم ‪50.‬‬
‫اشتري المالبس للموسم السابق ‪51.‬‬

‫اختالف الصيحات لكل فتره موسميه يؤثر على طريقة اللبس بشكل عام للبعض ‪ ،‬حيث ان شراء المالبس ليس مجدي في تلك ‪52.‬‬
‫الحاله‪ ،‬و العامل الثاني المعروضات ليست ذات تنوع يناسب االختيارات بسبب قله المعروض و غالبا التخفيضات تكون‬
‫لمقاسات محدوده و الوان ال يوجد عليها اقبال من المستهلكين و من الممكن ان تكون ذات عيوب تصنيعية و يجب فحص القطع‬
‫بشكل متمعن قبل الشراء و عدم االنجرار بشكل هستيري للشراء بسبب السعر المخفض ‪ ،‬حيث ان المنتجات الناجحه و ذات‬
‫الجوده نادًر ا ان ينخفض سعرها بسبب عذر انها خارج الموسم حيث تحتفظ بسعرها االصلي ‪ ،‬توجد عده اساليب لدفع‬
‫المنتجات للمشترين و عمل التخفيضات اسلوب تسويقي لجذب الزبائن الجدد للتمعن للمنتجات الجديده في حال لم يجد ما يناسبه‬
‫من المعروض ‪ ،‬و توجد مجموعة من الزبائن نمط اللبس يكون بطابع روتيني و كالسيكي ال يحبذ صيحات الموضه الجديده و‬
‫الغريبه في بعض االحيان وتكون المجموعة تتسوق بشكل منتظم من المحل او العالمة التجارية التي تفضلها و ال تحتاج الى‬
‫‪ .‬تخفيضات لجذبها و يكونوا زبائن دائمين على المدى البعيد‬
‫نعم أحب التخفيضات ويكون على مالبس ذات جودة ‪53.‬‬
‫شراء المالبس الجديده التى ليس لها تخفيضات ‪54.‬‬
‫اقوم بشراء المالبس الصيفيه النه بالعاده تكون فترة التخفيضات في الفتره اللي ينتهي بها الموسم لذلك ال استفيد م المالبس ‪55.‬‬
‫وهي بسعر مخفض‬
‫اشتري ‪56.‬‬
‫المالبس الي عليها تخفيضات الن المالبس الجديده تكون أسعارها مرتفعه جدا وذالك ال يتناسب مع ميزانيتي ‪57.‬‬

‫‪References :‬‬

‫‪About the report:‬‬

‫‪It took as about one month and a half to finish the report. The questionnaire took as to‬‬
‫‪prepper it about two weeks we trying to find questions to put it in the questionnaires. Then‬‬
‫‪it took to hard-to-find people to answer it and to helps as in the report. It was too difficult‬‬
‫‪to prepper the report. The whole report took to many days to under stand it and finish it.‬‬


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