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anual of CRTC cea Contents Preface vil 1, FIRE SCIENCE 1 Flash fire 23 . Fire balls 24 What is fire? 1 Bolling liquid expanding vapour Effects of fire 1 explosion (BLEVE) 24 smoke 2 Effects of smoke 2 Effect of carbon monoxide 4 Smoke toxicity 4 Combustion 5 Combustion reactions 6 Flames 6 Types of flames 7 The fire triangle & Fire tetrahedron & Explanation of the fire Tetrahedron 8 Fuel load or fire load 10 Calorific value of fuel mixtures 10 Fire load 10 Oxidizing agent 17 Heat 13 Heat transfer 13 Uninhibited chemical chain reaction 18 Inhibiting 16 Rate of combustion 16 Types of combustion 17 Theory of fire extinguishment 18 Methods of fire extinction 18 Development of fire 19 Four stages of fire 19 Growth of fires 19 Reasons for major spread of fre 22 Heat release rate 22 Types of fires 22 Pool fires 23 Jet fires 23 Flashover 24 Explosions 25 National electric code (NEC) Explosive atmosphere classifications 25 Gas explosions 26 Compressed gases 26 Acetylene 26 Hydrogen 26 Nitrogen and helium 27 Oxygen 27 Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) 27 General 27 Causes of fire 29 Main ignition causes 30 Ignition 30 Collision theory 32 Ignition of solid fuels 32 Ignition of liquids 34 Ignition of gases 34 Precautions against ignition 34 Spontaneous ignition and combustion 35 Electrical fires 35 Causes of electrical fires 35 Preventing electrical fires 36 Classification of fires 36 Class of fire and suitable fire extinguishers 38 European and Indian classification 38 Extinguisher rating 40 = jie Fie SE Powder (ary chemical ond wet Combustion of combustble metas Woter extinguisher—old type 6s Seas ois pe eningusier 6a Presuives uote te otinyiter 6 Catton dioxide fre extinguishers 70 TAC recommendation for elecicol Mechanica foam extinguisher 74 powder exingushers 78 ont GOs xpotan! 02s, ements 83 ishers 84 Maintenance of fe extinguishers. 66 How to use a fire extinguis ‘Manpower planning for fe fighting 98 ‘Communication during fire fighting ‘and rescue operations 94 Types of appliances used by the fre services 94 Fre engine de: Typical feature Fie pump 98 Primer 98 Acceptance tests 99 Salient features of the water tender type-X’ 99 Hose laying lony 99 Ambulance 100 Emergency care equipment 100 Rescue tender (emergency tender) 102 Breokdown von 102 ‘Communication and control 102 Hydraulic plat Parts of a hyd Turn table lacae Parts of a mobile fre fighting equipment 105 ry chemicals ag ection and use of Types of water relay 108 Relay from a water hydrant system 107 ‘rongement of water fley system Capacity of hoses 107 Practical considerations 108 Brockdowns 108 Fle water requirement 110 (Overhead and ground level storage mr torage design 112 Field acceptones ‘ypice Wsmiblesebtarment Hoso 124 Soloction and care of hoses 128 Wet pipe system 137 Dry pipe system 137 The Goluge system for a medium velocity water spray system (us) 147 High velocity water soray system vs) 143 Foam system 143 Types.of foam system 143 Inline for inductor 144 Control and exposure protection 148 Alcohotresstant foam concentrate 148 ‘Action of foam 147 Foam moker 149 CO, system 154 Frm 200 system 186 Fite protection engineering 157 lity of fro protection systems Fro fighting 158 portance of wind direction 159 fection equipment Respiratory cycle 160 ‘Oxygen deficiency 161 auctions fr usng breathing Topo Ase") 164 Bulging regulations to prevent fre Noort acan 8a me Ane or acing one es Creeper che 173 Freak Monwoly-operated tre olams 174 i Manuassiems. 174 2 Manual electic olorm systems Frepreetng o fre stoppin Fropions 198 PPO 18 Wears of escape 199 Emergency plans. 199 Emergency lights 201 er fang o smoke detector in resent pemges, 199 locaton of roke detectors 160 Testing of clarms 180 Freroote 1e0 Actico cabling for doe otection amare 182 one ¢dtecton/oam conto panel 3. FIRE RISK MANAGEMENT 15 Fre hoard 185 Sotety nécotos 165 Causes of domestic fros 207 Goseous es 208 lon-flammable gases 209 Seppoder of combustion gases Mojor causes of vehicle tres 217 --_..__ if Thetmic fluid heating systems 218 Housekeeping 218 ‘Combustiole waste 218 Storage of flammable liquids 216 Precautions in storing flommable liquids 219 Grounding and bonding 220 Fre Instructions 220 jon temperature 223 Flammable (explosive) limits ond Vapour pressure 224 \Vopour density 224 Hazard warning labels ond ‘transport labels 225 Hazard diamond 225 Explanation of the hazard diomond 226 Hazard worning label for transport Gait The Sisa school disaster of 1995 233 1989 ralway catastrophe in Russio 233 The Stiangom Montage Hall freJon 2008 283 Fre vestigation 233 ‘Steps in fre investigation 234 ‘Appendix 1 Mouttvto-mouth ventiation 237 Extemal chest compression 238 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 239 Heat stroke 239 The bose life support 240 Dangerous occurences 259 A’btiaf accident report format 255 Properties of fommable liquids 257 Properties of common chemicals 257 ‘Appendix 2 265 Atoms 265° ‘Matter cnd the atomic structure 265 yer es 28 ome grits 28 Densty 209 organic chemsty Be ereolequaten 78 Poa gremcn eee equation mB 7 erenical bons 273 Peeererericlreoctons 274 (Change of state ond latent heat 27 Wate quios 288 Therma exporsion of solids iquids ‘ond gases 288 Onslow 297 Fotecve devices sed n elect Circuits 297 ae Sect motos 296 Condor res Hycraulics 309 pee teow 509 Enero s 207 Woter hammer 313 tz, Ny Measuring 315 Relation between volume flow ang moss flow 316 Pipe and hose fittings 319 Branches and nozzles 322 Branches without control features 324 Nozzles 326 Collecting head, suction hose fittings ond standpipe 328 Stoncpipes 329 Breeching 329 Adaptors 231 Miscelianeous hose fitting 339 Suction couping wrenches 333 Hose ramp 334 Stroiners 334 Care and maintenance of hose figs 336 ‘Adaitional information on fire service equipment 336 Water tender and special equipment 336 Features of a small water tender 336 Operation of a five way valve 337 Fite services equipment specications 338 Important feat water supply for sprinkler re Of water supply for spl the pressure of a quid in storage Water quaity for sprinkler syst pa ystems ‘Additional information of foom systems 347 Foam making equipment 347 Uxhanctheld Faia "347 Uchonctheld hose reel foom unit 348 “Fog foam" hose reel unit 349 L¢foam monitors 349 MX hand-held FMES 360 MX foam pourers 360 HX foam generators 357 Principle of an Hx foam generator 351 Inline inductors. 51 Round the pump proportioners (Continuous proportioners) 352 Foam systems for petroleum storage Installations 354 Small gears and hand tools 355 Tool rules 366 Generat-purpose fools and ‘equipment 356 squipment 361 Flame cutting equioment 361 Thermal cutting equipment 362 Hand pumped hydraulic Lamps and lighting sets S84 ‘Malntonance of small gears 36 Portable fre pumps 365 Pipe data 365 Branch pipe suing 366 Some common pipa fitings 367 Ditforent types of valves 367 Other low contiol devices 348 Pipeline protection 369 Discharge from on orifice 377 Kinetic energy 378 Potential energy 378 Stress strain and modulus of Personal protection equipment (PPE) ai Classitcation of eccupancies 417 Ught nazar eccupancies 412 Ordinary hazard occupancies 413 per Indian Factories Act-1948 a8 ee, ‘Manual of Fire Safe¥. = ato, conversions and constants - fzers 419 "128 one Joukdeon Reliability of systems 428 | zon ond maintenance concepts 42g | soe gceceenie' oie Seen a eset a Heminon ‘ pee 4 Human foctor design 430 Fre protection fo pallet sor09e to ensure high 21 Combustible gos eyinder storoge g i z 8 rare 1 pleorcton a ey ty 5 gol Cl) EAL Wrigley ard prs lap a eo simtedt rial aytrn 436 Sea 7 7 uid | eee eecueas pa os ee see eee eee nee aialoinen atl, nares sahing es mre ee sg bBenbigtd ction tes ‘Causes resutting in insurance claims - 3 Insurance premium 425 Glossary 441 | Dassen Rocscamkm br tet Cod ras ei esondsindorts sy ree ae batrcces pe fro ce as Index 45 | Burning or combustion can be described as a chemical reaction in 1g a fuel and | lassify burning into controlled combustion and uncontrolled combustion. aircraft). ich can get started unintentionally and can fires, explosion). spread (e.g hou ‘Combustion reactions are exothermic, i. Ine ing gases and vapours, the combustible must be pres ‘between values Known as ‘flammable Limits. Wit | Fire is uncontrolted burning. Fire is controled combustion 1 nrrace released by the combustible material oe Ee ntained in the combustion products wee aches the flame stage, smoke is generated by the smouldering fie, “Thereby smoke gives an alert alarm about the fire Fig. 1.1: Development of smoke, str asst fs a igencies should be su bright to ‘of smoke inhalation, ee support can be to he temperature rise is much slower and also since the hot descending gases are cooler. In such cases, the toxic ‘decompose the organic components to create a cloud of smoke. The sulphur vapour, ‘which has a very low ignition temperature bursts into lame and sets fie to the cloud Of gas, in turn igniting the wood. Otherwise, the match would simply fash like a sparkler. ‘Smoke from fires contains heat and the products of combustion. fe gases such as CO, CO. and water vapour, CO The prod Ifyou play with fire, you get burnt-proverb fem uBnoaa peronpueo war Fig. 12: Compartment fre. recto Caton Monxie ot Cnupatsan irefighting personnel shouldnotbe exposed to concentrations of carbon FE pert per ilion (ppm) or 55 mg/m. wide spicarycangeros in that ti odoutless, colourless, and ses tat maybe tolerable by individuals over brit or prolonged over several exyhemoglobin (COHB).CO the body is extremely slow in reducing the “ tr lato. Maximum COHD levels have been stn dxgn objectives and aviation sytem performance limits and at her enpeormance nes Snouldering ies-more smoke; flaming fires-more heat sed to estimate the toxicity of asm: i E a smoke froma fre is L (CL) 50, whichis "ine roi nguelor deta acer ns of eile red llfluids moves wherever the wyde. (es required for manufacturing of plywood, produces a colou ig gas which can (when more than 0.1 ppm) cause watery e} the throat and eye and nausea. Higher concentrations can trigger asthma attacks, can also cause cancer and skin diseases. reported by Douglas Drysdale (An Introduction to jon to 600" C for it to ignite spontaneo! ‘a temperature of 490° C is sufficient spontaneous igi Piz, piven de same ignition source, natural teak wood takes longer time to ignite than plywood. ‘COMBUSTION rapid ¢ fuel and s with flammable compounds, 1 pour above the liquid surface. Combustion Reactions thermic reactions at is evolved as the heat of Combustion reactions are xo of gscous oxygen to form 44 of gaseo vol Sine nt heat is evolved, the renee ritogen and 208% oxygen. The oxygen to nitrogen ral calclations “The combustion reactions at normal temperatures and pressures © cartons Carbon is one ofthe principal constituents of most of the fuels petroleum products, et. C+0,—+ CO, + 94 kel of heat with ar, without at 2C +O,—+ 200 + 528 heal of heat CO can further bum as CO +40; C0, + 675 heal of heat 4a mos ofthe combustible materials, hy i : materials, hydrogen is associated tion reaction, hydrogen produces water (steam). H+ 80; 0 + 684 Jel of heat the steam isnot condensed, He 40—+ HO +577 bealotheat suawes Terursed i forenmed S73 bustion takes place, the flame very is plenty of air within the flame itself. This is remixed flame. This type of flame is very hot and with very little soot, e.g a gas stove flame. Ditlused Flames In this fire, the combustible vapour is generated by the hot fuel and has to mix with the oxygen present inthe air. This type of flame is not as efficient and the flame may be very sooty and not as hot as a premixed flame. The oxygen and the fuel must diffuse together in the flame. Wc rams up Bi ot of buming as ‘his ikon 2 Team 5 anual of Fre SHI ANGIE from combination o right an osggn wich a combination is alleg FIRE TETRAHEDRON “Te fie triangle has been revised to add another factor-chemical chain reaction, to be then described by a tetrahedron, Four basic requirements are necessary before combustion can occur. + The presence of fuel or combustible substance. : ly as at) or other supporters of combustion. tainment and maintenance of a certain minimum ‘+ An uninhibited chemical chain reaction. A slid mode ofa tetrahedron known asthe “five tetrahedron” represents these volatility. Flash and transport ofl the flan All he flammable liquids #0 combustion, Anythis inything that burns can act as & cae Anything that b in act ———————,. ene Fie Science € 9 =n Chai Fig. 1.6: Fire totahedron inedron is a regular polyhedron with four faces each face is a triangle with the three ‘each vertex. The tetrahedron has 4 vertices and 6 edges. The tetrahedron is also es, eg. methane and propane. Some solids, eg. FOHC-fuel, oxygen, heat, chain reaction ion breaks iM eg sfnewond ds fede hs cee ol area o nite iy when inthe ong dco dete fel isused to describe vapours ‘and gases rather than solids. FUEL LOAD OR FIRE LOAD ‘of unit weight of the fuel. Caloric vale of fue is the total heat released by combustion Caloric Value of Fuel Mixtures ‘The calorific valu of fue mixtures (eg. natural gas) can be calculated from the calorific values of the constituent gases. Natural gas composition is-CH-95.9%, GH,-38%, Ny-0.3%. If the gross calorific value of CH, is 9530 kcal/Nm’, of CH, is 16860 keal/Nm?, (nitrogen is not combustible and hence need not be considered). Natural gas calorific value = (0.959 x 9530) + (0.0038 x 16860) = 9819 keal/Now. Fite Load Fite load is the amount of heat in kilocalores liberated Bie load res berated per sq.m of floor area by the mbustion of the contents and any combustible parts ofthe Bulding itself. erefoe, ire load is given by the formula, Contents» average calorific value ofthe contents/floor area be aad rls hc eae Feta of fumes originating from a burning fel an wie pe emperature of the flame or fumes,®. Feat tale mC PCI-lower eae arene cee tt For example, for hydrogen, burning in air, 1 volume of hydrogen gives 3 volumes of fumes. ‘The calorific value of hydrogen is 2610 keal/New? If T,is 0" C, and C, = 0429 keal/Nav Ty= 0+ 2620/(3 x 0429) = 2025°C. Inactual combustion conditions in a fie, due to incomplete combustion and radiation losses, the fume temperature wll somewhat lower, which may be taken as 70-80% ofthe above. OXIDIING AGENT In most fire situation, the oxidizing agent i the oxygen inthe earth’ atmosphere. Fire the absence of atmoopherie oxygen sehen fuels are mixed with chemical endily released oxygen. Ammonium nitrate ind hydrogen peroxide (F,O:) are les. “Anaerobic combustion of ammonium nitrate ~ NH,NO, — N,0 + 2H,0 Normal air contains 21% oxygen. Oxygen is col hhumanlifeana tomes plantsand animal lives as Suchvas in areas where medial oxygen isn use hambers combustion s greatly accelerated. Materals tha inalrean bum vigorously when additonal oxygen presen in atmospheres ery low percentages of oxvgen, depending on the ful ii aived As the temperate of the environment increas, the oxygen requirement are forte ede While flaming embuston an ect consentaons oe 2 14 ee inal at foom temperature of 21°C flaming combustion can continue a Soc oe fh \perature conditions. Also, smouldering ‘when Seis igniton or bum siosely 1 Combustion canbe iitated close to 0% oxygen under post-flashover combustion once initiated can cor ypartment with low oxygen hot, oxyger-depleted combustion products Thorture. The reported values are oft its foe fo at does rot necessary account for conditions found in 1 of mxtres teen he over and UPPet age opr example the over it of fammnab ¢ and Pee aese cominy iv contact with an ignition source and thus the greater the hazard of the foe Acetylene, with a flammable range between 2.5 and 100%, and hydrogen, with range irom 4to 73 are considered very dangerous and very likely tobe ignited when released Every fuel/air mixture hasan optimum ratio at which point the combustion will be smostetfcent. This occurs at or nea the mixture known as the Stoichiometric ratio. When the amount of aris in balance with the amount of fuel (ie. after burning there is neither unused fuel nor unused at) the burning is referred to as Stoichiometric. This condition rarely occurs in fires exept in certain types of gs ies. i “Flammability limits of some common Fuele with alr Fad es oer iit (6) Hydrogen “0 a 125 Methane ra ee 30 a 2 Butane = 19 Ethylene 1s Acetylene u 5 Petro (gasoline) The aati The fama deed whe ac oxygen Choirs rae ‘rltcomponent fad nes Me involved ‘in be predicted approximately from Le Fie Seience C13 in excess of fuel, When there is an excess sd. When there is more fuel present than wveloped room or compartment fires, the ining will take place within the ye much the same as burning the olled compartment fire, the combustion jurning rate wll be limited by theamount yn will result in unburnt fuel and other ‘bustion leaving the compartment and spreading to adjacent luce massive amounts of carbon monoxide. idow of into an area where s shen the gases are above their igniti ‘an area where the fire has caused the atmosphe: k ayer of smoke in an adjacent room, its likely that flame extension cease, although the gases can be hot enough to cause charring and Be HEAT ‘The heat component of the tetrahedron represents heat energy above the minimum level necessary to release fuel vapours and cause ignition. Heat is commonly defined in terms or heating rate (kilowatts) or as the total heat energy received over time ( Ina fire, heat produces fuel vapours, causes ignition, and promotes fire growth and flame spread by maintaining a continuous cycle of fuel production and ignition. Normally, the heat required is initially supplied by a source of heat and is then provided by the combustion process itself. The amount of heat required to cause ignition Gepends on the nature of the material. A gas or vapour may be ignited by a small spark, whereas a solid may require a greater heat source. Heat Transfor ‘fer of heat isa major factor in fires and has an effect on ignition, growth, spread, decay (reduction in energy output), and extinction. Heat transfer is also responsible for fidence used by inves in attempting to establish a fire's smperature, Temperature isa measure ‘material compared to the activity at «, Heat is the energy that is needed to ‘The transfer of heat through: the gre transfer through the mat is high, ite duct plastics or glass have low therm. Ie Other properties being equal, high-density materials conduct heat “This «-density materials make good insulators, ‘eapacity require more energy toraise the temperature alues. ‘considered between two points with the energy other point will increase to some steady temperature lower than that ofthe source. This condition is known as steady state. Once steady state reached, thermal conductivity i the dominant heat transfer property. In the growing fire, temperatures are continuously changing, resulting iging rates of ing this perio, all three properties, thermal conductivity, density, and 3 fle. Taken together, these properties are commonly called the contact with the heated Plats, or bolls can resultin fin gens geoen in fire spread or st 'Y moving particle ofthe etic eat 2 ere pains nate Is thetn from the source of heat o a of heat ener cooler part g eee a solid when hot gases pass over cooler surfaces. 2 function of the temperature differen convection plays a major role in moving the hot gases 1e room of origin and throughout the building As the approach of flashover, convection continues, but ly and becomes the dominant heat transfer mechanism. ion can be an important mechanism in the spread of smoke, hot gases, and unburned fuels throughout a building. This can spread the fire or toxic or damaging products of combustion to rem Radiation Radiation is the transfer of heat by infrared electromagnetic radiation—heat we can feel nuching, like the heat from the sun or from 3 room heater. only by! materials do not neces ‘order of 50% by some. The rate of radiant heat tran to difference in the fourth power target. At high temperatures, small ina massive increase in the radiant energy of the hotter item without changing the and the target. As the falls offina manner thats related to both the size ofthe radiating source and the distance to the target. LUNINHIBITED CHEMICAL CHAIN REACTION ET ) — ==. ae flaming and smouldering ‘Phase of a fuel. With solid an fires frequen produced ot when aitfow 1 of Combuston Fe otconbusin varies rom subsanceto substance and is described as slow, rapid or spent ‘Achemical reaction accompanied by slow evolution of heat, but Zombasson eg, cofon-wastebuming in anill-ventilated ‘A chemical ection accompanied by pid combustion, eg, heat by the 1 application ustion is present, e.g. phosphorus in contact with wood and sawdust when exposed toa steam ids-have a flash point of ess Combustible iquds—have a flash point of 378°C or greater. ie Fig 17: Fame, “Fie Science C17 Types of Combustion Fire combustion can be of two types: + Flame combustion (volume burning) + Surface burning .ccompanied by the emission of is usually high and a high temperature fe mixed before entering the reaction zone. This tove or in a laboratory Bunsen-burner and is Surface Burning Fire occurring on the surface of a solid fuel. This is also sometimes called as a glow or deep-embered seated fire. However, this fire also takes place at the same temperature as open flames. Fig. 1.8: Whilo fghting a fre—think betore acting’ Prevention is better than cure Se 7 THEORY OF FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT ovigone ot rccenesupsy een Ma one or more of the factors mentioned in the parce waantec arma te cr mentioned inte Fi esi yay omen pra ea Fre eh eT on 1 ee sf onpgen bie 1 ne ko know chem intervention or eee) Stowaton emer of 000 ‘Mean to deprive the buring fuel of more fuel, whereby once the fue is exhausted, the society dees nner By removing combustble mater frm the ne &: by removing the fre fom te nighboahood of combustible materia By subdviding te buming mate Smothering (Removal of Oxygen/Sutocation) Suffocation means to deprive the burning ful of oxygen which is the main supporter of combustion. Absence of oxygen will not allow combustion of any sort. (If the burning ‘ames, it can be termed as smouldering). If the oxygen in the immediate neighbourhood of the burning material can process is slow, without Content ofthe atmosph be sufficiently reduced, (say less than 15%), combustion will cease. Following are the methods of smothering, 4. Applicaton of viscous coating on burning material i.e. use of foam. n of cloud of finely divided particles of dry powder from i wwder from a pressurizer. © Application of an inert gas, steam or vapourizing liquids from a fire extinguisher spourizing lig Im a fire extingu eee tee ae pete tion cope eprint Spline agate nolan ition poi loyed as it is one of the W cost Stopping the Chemical Chain Reaction Loss of hin riers quency aieshas quenching {at by combining with and nce sasin thee fags 5 residsofthefetetahedron, | DEVELOPMENT OF Ft Four Stages of Firo 1e burning process is slow, without any flames, itcan be termed. fering. Combustion products are now visible as smoke. Flame or heat is not present, ange amounts of heat, and smoke is produced. There is uncontrolled heat and the fire is rapidly expanding in space. * Time Available for Fighting a Fire ‘+ Class A — stages 1 and 2—0 to 10 minutes + Class B—stages 1 and 2—0 to 1 minutes ‘+ Class C — stages 1 and 2—0 to 30 seconds All fires start with an ignition. For ignition to occur, all of the following conditions must exist simultaneously: * Sufficient heat must be available to provide the required energy for the chemical reaction to start fapour in the air, not too much, not too little. (oxygen). gy, the molecules do not react with each other. The energy jon might be in the form of the heat from a match or a spark or a lighted “The energy makes the molecules of fuel and that of oxygen nearby, to move faster. If ch other when they collide. If the they do not move fast enough, they will bounce speed is sufficient, the molecules strike and start off the combustion reaction. 710-190: Grow and HAR oa tg Pr ignited and the fire spread ‘hours. The temperature fter one hour. This test is -mperature ina firein enclosed spaces such as residences, storage temperature-time data is given in Fig, f more than 200 volatile hydrocarbons in the range of C4 to C12, suitable rk ignited internal combustion engine, Regular automotive petrol has a IFC, ‘The great fire of London happened in 1966 Fighters and fie engines: ere. Fig. 1.12: HAR in an eter enronment with buming upholstery. tert Hest release rate (HRR) isthe primary fire hazard indicator. The rate of heat release, ‘pecially the peak amount, is the y characteristic determis ie size, sorcery TYPES OF Fags Fe Testes i Si2¢ 2 th maner in which the fie spreads are—pool fies, et fires, flash ies, ie ball, and anaerob Pool fires and jt fixes are oe Used as propel Molen sd hard toc ited celles The fee “Thin Conga iood paper bores warscse Emngh wey | | verges sc) a pare ew) 5 nen} cee Fig. 1.13: Time taken to reach growth stage of citferent materials in an interior fi. Poo! Fires ‘A poolfire may arise from the ignition of a spillage of a flammable liquid on the ground ora fire in an open storage tank. Pool fires will have a height of about 1.75 to 25 times, the diameter of the spill or tank. An estimate of the power or heat content of a pool fire the flame volume. = 10° watts (100 kW) per m’ of tainer under pressure entraps air to produce, fire can occur when a leak ofa flammable gas of acloud of combustible vapours or dust which has, the point of release and has become mixed with Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth —James Bible eee Lae eat and evo mY a ae Fes iga Seroe tk Fig. 1.14: Pool fre. Fie Bai Fire balls are created from the igiton of flammable vapour clouds. Such clouds burn ‘with great intensity, with bur-ap rates measured in tonnes of fuel per second. large quantity of fuel stored under pressure is suddenly released ges ignited. Fireballs can ise up inthe arin the form of a cloud or a ball. The rains of» fireball R228 xf metres, Where m= mass ofthe fuel ignited (tons) oiing quid Exzancing Vapour Explosion (LEVE) A BLEVE can occur when tr a ea storage tank cnlaining liquefied vapours receives thermal on fie itn. This can happen when a storage tank fe subjected to the heat fos fie in ts suounding. The eatngup causes he sons ing to rpte ofthe tank and consequent ieee nd ads toalage and rapidly expanding "ine ball” ov Flashover ‘As a ite builds up in an ends Sars radiating move and mene above the ig ihe stoke produced becomes, suddenly and flashover occurs. In enclosed spaces, the whole space starts to burn and becomes very hot. Flashovers occur when the temperature ofthe hot smoky gases reaches very hot temperature. the temperature will 000°C. Such fires are very brigade is futile and many a jon can be endangering to the fire fighting personnel. EXPLOSIONS extremely fast fires. Explosions, such as a pressure are known as cold fires. lent process in which a large amount of energy is released suddenly. Explosions have very great disaster potential and cause great oss of life and damage to property. ain gas vapour ng to the type of tured gases containing more than 30% ine, methane (natural gas), See Der 28 yaaa of Fe SHY a = Class jum and other Group E-Aluminam mages) Explosion Example of Hydrogen—Nirogen Mixture Expl . [h process tse a mitre of hydrogen and rtagen, which together provide a neutral 2A taocing atmonphericenvelope over the product, which is being processed at a igh temperature xydrogen and the balance nitrogen. high temperature of about 900° C the process space at a pressure of 20-30 pascal. Considering the flammability limits of hydrogen, has a lower flammability I hydrogen forms an explosive mixtur ncentration al 7 ign: The control design methodology to prevent the form: ‘explosive mixture is ” wie * [eae te ltogen ow to the system falls, the hydrogen flow should also cut-off * Flow limitation is installed to limit hydrogen flow to 12%. rin Gan be minimized by isolating hazardous substances from heat sources ‘ne by using spark arrears, vents, drain, o ober safety techniques, CoMmPressen Gases Acetylene Acetylene is ahi ‘tame (20°C eh ore hydrocarbon which, with oxygen, produces the hottest compressed above | arin he fos nab ad can become dangerously explosive, If Copper and alos contzing mon oreo forms an explosive mixture with ‘Hydrogen : lest known gas hy Invisible pale blue fag esnishighy Jnflammable and burns in air with an almost nd sparks away from hydrogen, as with other een Fie Stance a7 fu amperes TA” the valve of a hydrogen cylinder to blow out dict ete as it compressed air to ive heat and physical hazards, ‘of oxygen should not be in close proximity + Compressed gas cylinders are not designed for temperatures in excess of 85° C. Grease and oil must be kept away from oxygen cylinders since oxygen under pressure can cause spontaneous combustion when in contact with them, Liquid Petroleum Gos (LPG) LPGis used as a domestic fuel. LPG is considered safe for domestic use as it has a short flammability range, can be easily liquefied, has high calorific value or heat content, anc burns with very little smoke. LPG is used at home in portable cylinders. As such extra precautions are necessary in the design and use of LPG. ap etsy need | | | Properties of LPG LPG is a mixture of propane and butane. LPG for domestic use is odourized (to different levels) to enable easy detection of gas leaks. Gonoral No free entrained water Level Temical composition te Lmax Eten es % 38max Proper pak foie fin % Lmax ane Ieopentane ‘Volatile pulphur Vapour Density at 15°C kg/m? 221 Volume of ga per ig. ra i, activities such as cooking and and seeping make a residence multifarious and diverse. A set of ina eale cng Precautions are tobe exercised in using LPG at home, which can result + The ho oe conveying the gas fom * perc eg 0" te inde othe stove needs tobe replaced + RLFC Gindr shal tbe exposed a eat. ng nae off when not in use. ech for any ae Ud be replaced periodically, Soap solulon Be prepare PArEASCOM motto-Baden Powel ¢ fires are due to human failure to comply with, recognize safe work practices or carelessness, n careless use or disposal of cigarettes ‘Spontaneous combustion can occur in damp charcoalleoal heaps pont iP and drying equipment ve bearings, conveyors, drive bets c.ofcombuston Ignition isa source of intense heat which provides the frecombustion tobe nitted. Fora fie to stat at temperatures 7 Causes ot elscvica es, to their ignition temperature. The inction of the energy of the ignition ‘and the minimum ignition energy required by that ‘Aer eason| Nolenition Fig, 1.18: Mechanism of ignition Oe eon piston athe pot of ean Sonera ena (imero.coe Seen 10070) Inline ARC eskage nthe conductor, when ‘arent flowing, causes spr of temp more than “000. ering is sometimes inappropriately used to describe a non-flaming to an external heat fox. Solid fuels, uch as wood, when subjected tw a sufficient heat ux, wil degrade, gasify, and release vapors. There usually is little or ‘no oxidation involved in this gasification process, and thus it is endothermic. This is ‘ore appropriately refered to as forced pyrolysis, and not smouldering, Collision theory a Dimalecular reaction mustinvolve the coming together oftwo molecules, The molecules reat minimum relative energy inorder to react, which is represented by the cof reaction s markedly influenced by the temperature, since urs the formation of active molecules and also increases the the reaction rate is dependent on: + The activation energy, + The temperature, + The frequency factor, which reactant molecules,” “PF CSens the total frequency of encounters between of Solid Fuels Is toburn with a flame, the substance the substance shoul Prolene guns or oe be melted or vapourized (ie. wood or thermo set eT = SS) arate SY its autorgntion ‘on the ‘er and, the a ‘as hot. When exposed thick materials (€.g- PF ignite faster thay Ignition of Liquids liquid should be at perature at which it surface based on an is) test method. The value appropriate ofthe flash point the an ignition source can create a locally heated a Ss ren ng hse ma i) an re ede ihe fiat pout of deta coe ee er abt indpten imposter heat source. Ipntion of Gases Combustible substances in the gascous state have extremely low mass and require the least amount of energy for ignition. Gas leaks are dangerous and potential fire hazards, since they can be ignited very easily In the case offre due toa large gas leak, the gas supply must be brought toa sninimum postive pressure or completely cutoff before trying to extinguish the flame. Equipment surrounded by lame canbe coled with water until the flame is completely | ‘extinguished YG» 9-138 Exploscr-proot amp, exlosion-proot plug Precautions Agains! Ignition resence of flammable ore 3 should be of flam en to prevent accumul ment such as Ve measures are ty used. Even though most of Soe eed in the bulk form. Inthe case of sprays, ignition * Safety shoes used in such areas should not have metal nails in the soles, which is likely to cause sparks for ignition. + Smoking and lighting of matches are prohibited in such areas. Ignition and Combustion ontancous ignition and combustion are discussed below. ‘spontaneously because of ty with moist air. Therefore, sodium and potassium are always like yellow phosphorus spontaneously when left exposed to air. ‘point of view of safety, yellow phosphorus is always kept inside water lose container and away from any heat. ike potassium permanganate and glycerin, when they come in contact -r—first fumes are produced (slow combustion), afterwards they burst id |, without application of external heat. It is an example of smperature rise inthe interior leads to their ignition in spontaneous combustion, »gical decomposition of organic materials and oxidation of carbonaceous heat, causing a rise in temperature. If temperai ‘combustion takes place. Haystack fire prov the haystack spontaneous ignition is to prevent formation Win areas where materials susceptible to genas the cause of majority important. of insulation is ge to insulation.) Sse Nr ye - _ arth (0g. 4 ntheatin © take cu rips overs 5 Lake ste ts Lowe rk fom est im reactive chemicals, active and combustive metals and the e ium, sodium, potassium. Extinguishing agents containing water dangerous too. Carbon dioxide and the bicarbonate classes Preventing Electrical Fires regs checked and any wom OF WEAK Wires shout pe] vemical powders are also h. senna Mek le cette me agg and dry sand are normally st This type of fire can be extinguished by smothering with the help of special type of dry chemical powder (temary eute chloride). verloaded and such abuse can lead to aby nly elececal power outlets are overoa , res in cooking appliances that involve combustible cooking media damage and consequent fires, ind fats). [Class K fires are under NFPA (National Fire Protection ication only]. ‘volved daring a fire, can undergo i ox due to onductrs then need to be protected thermal {Toulon of the condctrs. Electrical «A touly enclosed motor designed to withstand an int Se ers eer vapours and not allow the intemal flame or exp. Carin OE moto ae required toe used in hazardous locations. ' involve a combination of the types of materials. ‘Carbon monoxide: A gaseous molecule having the formula CO, which is the product of incomplete combustion of organic materials, Carbon monoxide has an affinity for ‘haemoglobin approximately 200 times stronger than oxygen and is highly poisonous COs a lammabe gas which burr with able Name ae has capone Lacie oe | 75%. Carbon monoxide has approximately the same vapour density as air, 097 CLASSIFICATION OF FIRES Gir= 1.00). The diferent types of fire risks ae clasified according to ths purpose of classification is to help in deciding upon the st fntinguishing agents available for five fighting. ‘The comprehensive classification defines 5 types of fires. A more concise definition «an classify fires into only A B, and C categories, Light hazard—Occupancies like. offices, assembly Ordinary hazand—Oxeupanci ies sal tinber yards engnceing wont Extra hazard Ocrpancs el ton mallet canteens, restrooms, etc. mills, carpentry shops, book binding shops, | ops te. timber sgodowns storing fibrous material ‘points at or above ude those having, Fires from flamy ‘equipment (under NFPA cl ‘uae C fies: Fes of fanmatie gases or hquefed (Geet Sies propane, hyeropen,aetviene, et R= RET | =e Stee oa (ee | Seca == ) — JOA F ie Sate ommend) nani ot Fe SP aaa aad eningishrs: Tse types of extinguishers generally have no sang agsé sys en iting die of Lar rae thin naff ft if bad liparpse rating: Means for use on ma res. Extinguish ole, a, us not cons aliliperots uo show bl foal he ypesoffeson which itcan be use, Exatus 32 ‘Additionally, class A and cass B ie extinguishers have a numerical rating which is y Undervit ies that are designed to determine based on tests conducted by Und oe FIRE PRECAUTIONS the extinguishing potential fr each size and type of extinguisher. Fire precautions are defined by BS-1422 as “the measures taken and the fire protection Extinguisher Rating ied in a building or other fire risk to minimize the risk to occupants, contents and kat ‘Thehigher the numerical value on the extinguisher, from an outbreak of fire.” the mori wil pt out * : ton ha thre phases there is no rating system for portable fire extinguishers, since there is no certifying agency. the occurrence of fire, ¢g. fitting an earth leakage circuit breaker to an electrical e of a fire of electrical origin. spection can also lessen the risk by leading to early identi tion of faul yn means fire precautions that afford a degree of jetant materials) se education 9 ge fr the following: — eae = 1 Response to alarm + Isolation of fire {Evacuation of inmesnt ars 1 Eeocnton of sce OmPHTI acuton diate area 2 Preparation of floors and bull + Extinguishment of fire Heasutes fo Frevent Fire Growth f [A fire 5 we know, is characterized by ignition, grow! + Removal of waste 1 Security of flammable material storage + Avoidance of unnecessary storage 1 Avoiding introducing ignition sources ‘and spread. Fire Legislation dards and codes related to fire safety for buildings, manufacturing facilities, storage Sanaa a cee els suchas uanporthave been developed. These standards are for five protection as wel as for design standards for products and fire performance. Rules and regulations made by legislation must be accepted and appreciated by the tobe enforced and provide benefit. lands, codes and practices ae framed and implemented by BIS, es, factories inspectorate, Tariffs Advisory Committee (TAC), etc. NFPA (National Fire Protection Assocation, ASTM (American and Materials) in the USA ai ing agencies involved in SS, a iB kart tig genes sd Fite Safety Education Educating people—because people cause, and can prevent fit ic helps people beat toe dager (ig i) Pe men al Bes Education DESIGN FoR FIRE SAFETY Fite Loos IFPA method). origin as one whose yer temperature of 100° C. to other combustibles in the w spread on most materials. cacanennnoneennunonanean EE PEAK ASD ‘Detection ‘Siem Sie conden conaten | ray | ‘Geniat sen Fig. 21: Preventive action principle. Similarly, a heat flux of 3 kW/m? would typically drive lame spread only near the object of origin where the flux from the flame provides additional drive for flame spread. A heat flux of 15 kW/m? may ignite other objects in the room but is below flashover. A Treat flux of 25 KW/mé is characteristic of lashover that would result in flames out ofthe door and spread to the adjacent compartment. The energy needed to produce the target temperature isa function ofthe geometry, heat losses, and ventilation of the space. Fie Rosistance (BS 4422 part 2): Ability of an element of building construction, t0 fulfill for a stated period of time, the required stability, fire rity and/or thermal insulation and/or other expected duty in a standard fire Fire resistance s the means and methods used to protect materials suchas wood, plastic, textiles, paper and other materials against fire. Even such incombustible materials such assteel and concrete can be affected by intense fie, Steel can melt and concrete can crack. 1g oF bein y damaged when F treated articles fo burst into fire. ted by abrieffire, thereby preventing ‘Others causea mat the fire from spreac papa FFs aay ual of Fie S26 Mono-amumonium phosphate (Giorinated paraffin Latex To; Others Be, (ee SEES In textiles, nearly permanent fire resistance is obtained through processes that molecularly bond fire retardant materials to the fabric. These fire retardant materials help resi consisting of chemicals suchas antimony tents. Such treatment is espe binder are employed for testes cepweat. The clath doesnot catch fire. tardation may be obtained by soaking fabrics in solutions of such Motel suchscranicferislatin and asbestos (asbestosis now being restricted) and asbestos substitutes such as refasil/woven graphite provide protection from fire I = sraphite provide pi 150 834 (1975) or BS 476): Tests are conducted to determine thee resistance ating fora given method of design of construction and also to assist in the development of new products with improved fire-resistant characteristics Inthe test, the structural element is duties element is loaded so as to produce the same stress as during es. Examples of such ion prope are employed as fite- ‘aramid, kevlar, proban made of non-respirable fibres of "mperatures of up to 1000° C (special resents no known health hazard and is uct, grades can withstand up to They can be used for pers Iso for equipme y actas fire walls and thermal insulation for equipment, cables, etc. which may be exposed [A place for everything and everything In its place WORK AREA CHECKLIST ‘req lnspetet by’, $$ ee eT ey) aT SAY owe Keepg combustible material? © soking amas eo jad naming are 23) ‘smoking + Adequate cigaret Brectical - Extension cords are not used in place of permanent Wining 5 Surge suppressor used for computer ccs 1 Elccrial lights aze clear of combustible me in front of electrical outlets/panels. Heating “+ Heating units have ample clearance for ventilation. + Heating units have been insulated. Fre + Sprinkler system contol valves are in good condition. «+ Fire alarm stations are visle. Bais emergency exits are clear and unobstructed, + Fire exits are adequately illuminated, + Fite drills are conducted regularly * Evacuation plans and staging ae posted Comments —_—— se oH a rs ———— oe FIRE PROTECTION Factors for determining the fire protection requirements + Fire load—fire load is the amount of heat in kilocalories liberated per sq.m of floor + Occupancy—nature and number. * Class of fire and consequent hazard, = Weight of contents x calorific value/floor area. the combustion of the contents and any combustible parts of the building *+ Other factors—distribution of load, speed of burning, ease of ignition, nature of ‘materials, etc. Residences 200000 to 300000, Shops, workshops 300000 to 500000, ‘More than 500000 Godown, warehouses eee Fire resistance required One hour One hour Two hours Four hours Dyttemer a eee] protection system. = ate Fig, 24: Objectives of cstinguishing the fire and reduc witSaton the efficiency of the Re eand EXTINGUISHING AGENTS 1. Woter 2 Foam 5. Powder 4 Gaseous a 5 Vapourzing The most commonly avaible and fective fire-fighting, medium is water. The most ‘ers extinguisher sone filed with multi-purpose dry powder (sometimes referred toes ABC dy power) Woter Water absorbs 85 calories /gram on beng heated from room tem ater ren abr hestand ere reduces he eo op anaden sats 580 calories in changing from liquid to steam (lateat ist hae gaat). Therefore, steam production from water, on being applied 28 & «has higher cooling elect and also steam acts by suocation, to boiling point. fuel to below ‘Advantages of Water * Water is easily available ev rence the mnly used fire the most commonly used Mist or fog spray Curtain mist spray Fig. 2.5: Mist or fog spray and curtain mist spray. in be easily stored and pumped to great distances. non-toxic and does not pose any health hazard. ‘be applied as a jet and also as a mist or fog (Fig. 25). by smoths Disadvantages of Water Water has its own disadvantages: isnot a clean agent. After application, the fire scene area needs clean-up. sa conductor of electricity. So water cannot be used where there is energized ower has to be cut off before water can be applied. equipment such as electronic and electrical equipment. lamage since many materials dissolve in water. efficiency of only 20 o25%. Much ofthe water gets wasted. to be exercised in using water on flammable liquid fires, as the water f can spread the fire. fighting consists of tiny air or gas bubbles, which can form a compact cet on the surface of flammable liquids and thus preventing combustion ion op classified into 3 types depending on 4. les of lower density than faces. Air foam is mage weg on ol pcr foe ie ca jon up 1920. tangent pearson fom 2 0200 F Ngopanen oun cps jon from 200 to 1000. dis can expand up to 20 times (normal rt ‘produced by self-aspirating foam branch ‘Wis dpesing fanmail from lange containers the container should be ie dine sr ullbebendedbyusinga bond between the dispensing and the receiving containers. Since low expansion foams contain more water, they provide the cooling effect of he ‘water. These compounds can be used for hydrocarbon liquid fuel fires. im: These foam compounds can expand up to 200 times thelt carly produced self aspiratng foam branch pipes with nes. Se 92% és 1.0% max Hygroscopicity % gain fo lumps Wet eaing test Noes Moisture Ss me Wate epeleny Naterrepeney PR BC dry powders are not suitable for deep fat fires or for situations in which ‘necessary {b penetrate deep confined spaces, eg. within enclosures. 3 Dry chemical powders manufactured to IS: 4308 are compatible with foam and are suitable for B and C class fires ‘The manufactured powders are generally packed in bags or metal containers. ‘Mutipurpose Dry Chemical ‘A multipurpose dey chemical powder hosphat : mono-ammonium phosphate (NH,H, «effect on class B and class C fires tothe other dry chemicals. Howel a soponification character b the other dry chemicals, materials. This materi ‘molten residue that will adh By multipurpose, we fines—cas A ae Band cat Powder can be used on all the three types of also called as ABC powders. '“* Mence multipurpose dry chemical powders f° Cleaning up of ABC, and stick to a hot m Powders is easy asthe chemical does not normally bake ta ly Use of mono-ammonius ny onium phosphate (MAP) as dry chemical powder: } I pow: For class Band C fires: NH, + Ht —5 ni, NH, + Ot — NH, + H,0 For class A fire: H,PO, —> HPO, + H,0 Advantages of Dry Chemical Powders ion during storage ic and non-corrosive : tricity + Better than CO, on liquid fires + Good for blast fires. Disadvantages of Dry Chemical Powders Dry chemical powder based on sodium bicarbonate cannot be used on certain metal fires such a Dry chemical powders. vapour formation. not cool the burning Powders create dust breathing problems to people in th area may be necessary before use. Di inhalation. Dry chemical powders have a short discharge distance; thereby can only be applied from close range. ‘Dry chemical powders are prone to aking. Re is necessary to keep them in operating condition ugh powders as a gro\ urpose nt class o fequired after application. The dust can create ity. Evacuation of people in the application ‘masks need to be worn to prevent powder dust from: Fire of high intensity caf . sparen exposure re 10 ‘ n these me hazard evs" shavings me of dst. tUNES. OF for “Femnary eutetic ck reat radiation from the heat radiation fro Sth the fee radicals of metals Fespons ex base poreders Al TEC 1 automatic 1e burning be taken to cover with for at least 30 10 fe. Due care should be taken while dispensing dry powder Sieg ic cece igh pee may splash he uring etal ae fe ae eber ace Diy foes be opened of gry onthe During surface at low pressure with the help ofa diffuser. Temary eutectic chloride (TEC)-typical com; ‘Potasium chloride -51%; barium chloride. We! Chemical Powders Wet chemical extinguishing systems a for class K fires. a tase cheenical in sgrand fata carat of cs ies is aut-igition, Its vapours are not easily invisible high temperatrs, they can autognite. Even att ignton temperature . ‘can occur until the liquid is cooled below its auto- 3¢ most common wet che solution Potasoluns cen emia extinguishing agents is potassium carbonate based ‘ Br + H,0 Characteristics of Halon ‘The criteria determining the suitability of halons for fire fighting are: + Their effectiveness as extinguishing agents + Toxicity, including that of their products on decomposition + Physical properties, eg. boiling and freezing points t on materials with which they come in contact Identification ‘The actual names of the halons are shortened to sets of initial letters as under: Name inital Fils Niober " Bromoriluoromethane aM 1301 Bromochlorodifluoromethane BCE nn Dibromotetrafluoroethane Dye. 2 Chlorobromomethane con. von _Matytbromige Bt ‘burning materials. ‘normally harmless 0 ‘one or more hydrogen chlorine, bromine set a ces flame extinguishin rere ygenated hydrocarbons 2 el sand ager machinery spaces sch aengine rooms, pup FOOMS ee E fire extinguishing media are fluorine, chlorine int following manner: Fluorine provides stability to points and increases thermal stability. Chlorine ses toxicity, boiling ps lar to chlorine but to a greater degree. jorine, chlorine and bromine can possess they donot leave ishing mechanism of the the combustion process. On ive than CO,, Inhalation of this gas is maximum that can safely be inhaled in one minute. Steam as a Fite Exinguishont Steam in large quantities may be used to extn available i canbe used in fined insallstane oy 5 compartnents are lations. Ships and industries having individual Partenisareadepting steam ofl he compartment under pressure for mothering #14 200 five extinguishing agentis FM 200 (trade ma ropane (manufactured by the Gre: apa (manufactured by the Gr 'guisha fire. In situations where itis readily ‘Compatison between halon 1301 and FM 200 Hoon tot F200 Ozone depletion potential 16 o Atmospheric lifetime 7-110 years 31H years Cis A etingushing es than 40% 58% (Class B fire extinguishing 4% 58.66% ‘concentration (Chemical structure cr CECHECE, Examples of extinguishant for protecting class A hazards are as follows: 2. Halogenated agent type 3. Multipurpose dry chemical type 44. Wet chemical type Examples of extinguishant for protecting class B hazards are as follows: pl Bu 8 1. Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) 2. Film forming fluoroprotein foam (FFP) 3. Carbon dioxide 4. Dry chemical type 5. Halogenated agent type PORTABLE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS A portable ie extinguishing sstem consists of using portable ire extinguishers Fie extinguishes are the fit line of defence agai hire, Pore fe extinguisher can save if and property by puting ut or convaing fies within the capi ofthe they provide only, seconds to a few minutes at arent ut hey ca infancy 108 es acta foe TE TSE SAND BUCKETS RAND S andy the water a $d sand buckels can be very effective inputting gg simple and vey sed to put out small fires. The sand i thrown at thes, vw Fig.27: Water and sand buckets sand Some baring mate : yb daly ae Beals which cannot be extinguished by the use of WE stds ashorlinesoe dry earth, dry sand, powder raphite, powdered tk, aol hho smothering agente Diy sand ay losing boxes. buckets should not be used for any purpose ada To prevent breeding of ny alerin fire buckets should ache nectants such as phenyl in small qui oration a the fire buckets with to prevent evap Aeceplable replacement Bakes ter ron cet Fer te bcs Daysand Tovcket buckets CO, extinguisher 30 9kg nnetissttan 90 as) Ee 2etpubes ee Dry powder extinguisher 204g SOig(intormoe 50kg (an xing) Foam extinguishers 90tines__—_—90 ies 20 ies placements for water buckets and water ype extinguishes in occupancies where ass 8 fies Water Spray A water spray effectively extinguishes class A fires, but cannot be used on class B and les are present, such as schools, bars, etc. extinguishers should be -y may close to prevent access to it during an emergency. burning kitchen pan, if water is added to tackle the blaze. ‘The types of extinguishers are (based on extinguishant content): + Water exting ‘+ Foam extinguishers ‘+ Powder extinguishers * Gas extinguishers * Vapourizing liquid extinguishers. EXPELLING METHODS in the body of the the case of gas, ‘extinguishers, however (eg: CO: uishant. WATER EXTINGUISHERS SS (tine capaclty is also avaliable op Connon water fir extn ray bestored under prose! Saterandhave asec Mth ald ofa ga cartidee Ire onder orth pS Ee han coun a eS ee electrical non-conductiv; ae ond ler egupmet the electrical non a anit oe i al epment og fre extinguisher for else A or B fies can be used safely.) Water is limited to use on class A fires. A portable pressurized water extinguisher can. sche» rating of 24 (amescan rating te). But a water extinguisher utilizing high pressure of about 7-8 bar can achieve a rating of A and C. For a class B rating for water, water in the form of a fine mist is required. Water and airare stored together under pressure and released simultaneously to produce 2 ine gud mi capable fan ABC rating or by CO, cartridge. For Water Extinguisher—Old Type ‘This contains water mixed with sodium bicarbonate with a bottle of sulphuric acid kept at the top. Soda Acid Type Extinguisher S-liter Soda Acid Water Type Extinguis andres ott heen et 20d ae noma wed Ve tesc COy fore nsec 2NaHICO, + sodiumbi- + supholg 2 N&SO, + 2440 + 2€0, carbonate acid a + water + carbon nozzle. Sodium bicarbonate and sulphuric of Sodium bicarbonate and sulphuric acid the water through the nozzle. dioxide This ion ofthe mos common _Tisnonet ‘Pe and is cylndical ‘ep nsidtheboy. adherens ali ——— rewing the head, a cage is seen positioned in sulphuric acid is stored. The body ofthe extinguisher nate. Striking the plunger breaks the glass bottle and allows the acid to chemically react, sine planes Use Soda acid extinguishers are usually used to extinguish small class “A’ fires. While using a soda acid extinguisher, the fire should be approached from as close as possible before extinguisher. The jet shouldbe directed on to the burning material in fire, regardless of flame and smoke. There aze two types of operation upright and turnover. Care should be taken while operating in either 4s operated wrongly, the gas will escape and the extinguisher will become is extinguished, the extinguisher may be turned over in both themethods of operation, tostop the discharge and to avoid causing damage to materials due to excessive water. the heart Working Principle When the knob is struck, the pointer breaks the glass bottle. The pieces of glass remain in the cage. Sulphuric acid comes out from the holes of the cage. It gets mixed with sodium, bicarbonate, producing carbon dioxide and water. The reaction creates pressure in the cylinder and this pressure presses the water downwards and the water then comes out through the dip tube to the nozzle. Recharging Recharging of the extinguisher may be done in the following onder: 1. Before opening ie head cap, make sure thatthe vent oles o any oter venting checked. Then Leepng the head away fom wajectory othe cap, Opes of el cylinder, filed wit 1a discharge range of 10-In¢ being fully charged and operated inits tents discharged should not be less than An extinguisher is usually designed so ‘normal working postion, the proportion oceupancy) Minimum rated extinguisher Maximum foo area pe, 2A Maxioum Noo 150sqm 1000 sq m 25 mts Hydrostatic Test F more, of the design ting, First is the need for regularly shaped vessels, Dolay in operation of an extinguisher between the activation of the release mechanism and the: of discharge should not be more than 4 seconds. jum, uranium and zirconium are highly losions. ‘super absorbent pol Lup to 20 times water. Pens Seal omnes capsiy wate exinguisher (Ges eatige ype) Fig. 210: Ske knob type. to take u Safely guard ‘means for accomplish Operating lever Satin Camjnghandie conta ave Stored presse Discharge tbe Gas cartridge — 40 grams. Tested 10 25 Ksc (25 MN. Remove safety Strike knob Direct to base of tame lip with hand Fig, 2.12: Operating instructions. ‘Aer discharge, waler-oxingushers must be washed outwith fresh water using atleast 2 changes. Refill with clean water and atach a new gascartidge, storage and t. CO; does not | ‘gas which is fuminium cylinders and. manufactured to IS: 7285 and brass forge valve to IS: extinguisher is manufactured to 1 pecfication at in and CO; extinguishers are normally available in capacity of 2 kg, 3 kg, 45 kg, and 65 kg, The CO: gas charge used Fig. 213 Tess than oF equal to 0.667 ume tothe cylinder volume). ‘On account of the expansion ofthe discharging gas and its ability to freeze, design of the discharge mechanism is very necessary. A discharge tube is fitted cylinder so that liquid CO, from the bottom of the cylinder is released through the: in the cylinder head. This valve should open quickly and provide a clear passage for the CO;, The expansion ommence in the flexible hose, if fitted, but it mostly takes he fire. The ith the CO; by. ‘air would act ling ratio is the ratio of the reducing the velocity like a blow torch and increase the intens the discharge metal pipe to avoid cold burn. Dk meter as CO; our which, in @ confined spact ‘ntnguisher shouldbe set tothe morale sh a colour code for extinguishes is specified, i ‘ertinguishers are generally pa ae 5, 2608, 450 89 i igh SS "sean. Keep ser a8 Pe moet 2 onnerswitehgeats, Motors and /or of elec ioxide type extinguish tors and/or other dec ig such equipment only installed within 15 m of other regirement. the Fed on platforms, one 2 kg dry powder or carbon dionde npe exingui fed on o below each platform. In the case of Se orcas scnped ace forenery three motors onthe common platform. Extinguisher Labeling ‘All extinguishers should be clearly marked with the following, details: pressure of gas cartridge + Nominal charge ofthe extingulshant (kg or lites) + The dass of fie for which the extinguisher canbe used + Operating instructions + Working pressure and st pressure. nota “si sluton trough a foam branch pipe (mechanical 3" e plunger ‘can be maintained for a period of 30 seconds and discharge of expe foam must be completed in 90 secor hence not recommended for us Method of Operation mixed in water. A wheel cap fitted with ‘T’ handle connected with sa blank 3Na,$0, +6 CO: Foam solutions are Spring loaded handle Portae ave ate vet {nner compartment: ccinparinate (oumaten spate) EE Fig. 216 to open finger and turn t inguisher to Accidents are ‘caused by unsafe acts, unsafe conditions or a combination of both ee ‘anual of Fre Sate) allowing gas t0 eSPe extinguisher. Fou usd in potable fie exinguishes 8 which canbe used fr + Boorprtin four w e)which intended for both class A and cass * AFF (Aqua lm rg nie perluorosuriactant, which fires A concerted Seg reucon ofthe surface tension, Gen SECT ARTE aed to water i sufient rrecovions in Operon 4 he The entingusershoud be peated by holding it wpight an piercing the gas container 1 prasure on the knob ofthe catidge’s piecing mechanism or by operating the asconanes Catton dowd gasis released from the gas cartridge tthe foam slatons expelled Te fam i forced out the delivery foe ané spree by specially designed branch, Never block the port hole ofthe discharge ofthe pei designed branch (ozze) allow art be sucked in an allow the foam to cxpand. Wheres lid ina cotaner ison fie direct the jet atthe fr inet cis of cnn oan ing ver src ove he eel of the bu Si fom oan eg wea length of at least 6 meters fora Core ond Maintenance At least once ina week check the nozzle, clogging. Check thatthe plunger can Gletneds i necay, PPB aed ‘and vent hole on the threaded portion for to the fully exerted position and itis tobe One ints mens ian :dsmante he (pes them sequel sth steep Annual operate of notes hme nents, check for any damage, clean and a the container with clean and dry stick. 7 we extinguisher and check it by jec joa distance ngusher thorough se etinguisherstog ise satistct ory. Y Out the pressure te htop Te 80 Ye On each ext Sure is up 10175 bar and is app ed S inside for any corrosion. Sul they are not due for it and tl SSUFE Lest eve by means of for 2% minutes: re | Fis Pon C75 ‘Selection of extinguishers Extinguisher Type Method (Class offre applicable A 6 C DE Water Soda acid Iverted y < ¥. agp Water CO; Upright wx x xXx Stored pressure Upright wy x x xX x Foam ‘Chemical foam. Inverted yoy x xx AFFF CO, cartridge type Upright wow x x x APFF stored pressure type Upright wow x x x Powder Stored pressure and gas cartridge type Sed bicarbonate Upright yowyw x ¥ Pot bicarbonate Upright Yow wx ¥ Mon amm phosphate Upright ¥ ¥ wWExay Tec Upright Y “yi aveved Ges co, Upright wy pew Soaiog Halon Upright woy wx Ww Soot lables average: WY good: MIY-very OE ‘Clas Electrol eneried fre "Note: Soda acid type and chemical foam types are now obsolete. Operating Instructions AFFF mechanical foam extinguisher: For class A and B fires Capacity -9.0 litres. As per IS: 10204, Tested to 25 Kse. Alter discharge, the extinguisher must be washed out carefully with fresh and because of its light capable of covering the Iso serves as a radiant heat es. surface ofthe burming liquid and so extinguishes the ire barrier, which i important in extinguishing oil and pet incorporate some sort of pressure indicator and a method of, ‘guisher has been used. By their design, halon extinguishers, yharged either in workshops of the manufacturers or other Specialists, Some smaller types have an expendable body, the operating mechanism ‘Capable of removal and replacement by another cartridge. Some others are completely disposable. Paris of a Fire Extinguisher Cylinder: This is the body of the exting ishing agent and expellant or holding the extinguisher. Lifting an extinguisher by the Itis pressurized and holds some combination = See ire type-made to IS: 1384 Expollant Gas 9 (8 swing specifications: than 0.01% by weight }ould not be more than 10 ppm by weight. expellant gas should be standard industrial grade with a dew 522° C or lower. Using a dry powder extinguisher ] ress nozzle and direct the jet towards the near edge of the fre witha rapid sweeping motion Remove safety clip stored pressure type. to loosen ©) Invert o shake a dry powder or ay res with on | "ema! gas cartridge; (b) Ory chamical extinguish” 13:21 hs a Capacity Mm 150 171 Fig. 2.23: A smal 0.6 kg powd i9.2.24: Container for placing the cartridge showing the rubber cap at the end and the discharge ye after removing the rubber cap. Typical com Positi Sodi n of man bisborate 7% magne 2 BC dry chemical powder bonate 5%," SIH stearate ext cooking appliance hazards 1.5%; dry calcium phosp! such as cellulose |, magnesium, nium, ang a is in onary combustibles Where the dry chen st ses when used in 2 small fp several minutes. Dry chemi period of upto seer fa chine =e 3 Deepsested cannot reach chemi fre ening ted area, can Can re arged in an area, at reduce an explosive compound (NCI). used on oxidizers ‘ammonium st an aon ctigaishers choad ot be used on fires involving oxidizers, since they a] react with the oxidizer. Multipurpose dry chemical shallnot be used on machinery such as carding equipmen, intext operations and delicate electrical equipment. Before dry chemical extinguishing equipment is considered for use in protecting electronic equipment or delicate elect relays the effect of residual deposits of dry chemical on the performance on electron: ving factors shal be considered in determining the amount of dry chemical 1. Minimum quantity of dy chemical 2 Minimum flow at dry ceil Placement limitation including spacing, distributi 1 igh veaton rt oe tne spacing distribution, and obstructions 5. Prevaling wind conditions if applicable ‘ABC dry powder extinguisher 1s: 13849 Is: 13819 ig 5 10 mm 7 v5 ‘Thickness mm 16 20 Height mm 280 605 Hydeaulic test pressure Bar 0 30 Min discharge quantity % 85 85 Discharge range mtr 15 4106 Empty weight ig 05: 62 Pall weight ig 13 162. Temperature range c oe 0-60 Safety Requirements Where total flooding and local application systems are used and there is a possibility that personnel could be exposed to a dry chemical discharge, be provided to ensure prompt evacuat Safety procedures shall provide a Safety points to be considered shall | ze atl ‘the foam solution. When foam, rowder extin reine san a "pplication can prow ual app ad he ou ne soon eh ect Bence oo ert aaa au eon | ° SHER panies Panes ishers only when it is safe to doe ‘ould be clear unrestricted acceso .Sesing the size and position of the fie. There should Saal in | {simportnt to have knowledge of test typeof extinguisher to use fora particular type of fire? + How isit operated? Ee ay mate | i east se Many fie extinguishers deliver their entire quantity of extinguishing material in 10 seconds (lthough some take 30 seconds or longer to discharge). The agent needs 8 1 the outset since there is seldom time for experimentation. Ina) the discharge canbe started or stopped by a valve. When using s0% flammable liquid fires, the fire can flare up momentarily whes| lied. i firs perty by putting out or containing Ht | 's important to use the right OPE Iso, sometimes of the extinguisher. Bi «extinguisher forthe particular fie, fr he extinguisher tobe effect ‘ype of extinguisher used may prove tobe dangerous than helpful, in the ireumsio | lection ond Use of Portable Fite Extinguishers that affect selector | Selection are flowing, nev | selection ofa fie extn, i of \guisher, the physical ability ‘it ed When the hazard exceeds the capability ofa hand pore 'guishers or fixed systems should be considered: extinguisher, whee! the fire extinguishers so. have been found suit ire extinguisher. extinguishers are used, consideration should be fire extinguisher within the area in which it will be used. For sd or wide-rimmed wheel designs should terrain. For indoor locations, the size of doorways and passages should be large enough to permit ready passage of the fire extinguisher. uf draft: If the hazard is subject to winds or draft, the use of fie extinguishers and agents having sufficient range to overcome these conditions should be considered, bels on the fire extinguisher, warning signs lication, extra-long-range fire extinguisher 1n, provision of breathing apparatus and other personal sdequate training of personnel are among the measures that should be considered. Most fires produce toxic decomposition products of combustion, and some materials, upon burning, can produce highly toxic gases. Fires can also consume available oxygen or produce dangerously high exposure to convected or radiated heat. All of these can affect the degree to which a fire can be safely approached with fire extinguishers. In the fire extinguishers manufactured in the country, different designs are available without any standardization. Although standards and specifications! by BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), the standards are not completely adopted by the extinguisher manufacturers. They can differ in the design of the handles, pressurizing. system or delivery method. This can sometimes confuse users. Correct labelling and. id scessary. The users should be trained in the selection and use of portable Fig. 225 er gauge to determin is pressure inthe lease a gas from a separate container, open a normally closed valve, within the container. en though extinguishers come ina number of shapes and sizes, ae ey all operate int an easy acronym for fire extinguisher use: PASS (Pull, ain, Kerosene Flash point generally between 40-65" C. Explosiv. consists of C9 through CI7 hydrocarbons. Kerosene is the most common accelerant, as itis used in numerous household products ranging from fluid to lamp oil to paint thinner to insecticide carriers. It is also used 1 Kerosene has a low sulfur content required for use in portable space the fire and squeeze the handle to discharge the discharge will stop. the base ofthe fire. After the fire appears to be out, y self so that the extinguisher can be aimed at the base of the fire. Get as as possible. When in position, start discharging the extinguisher with a and forth motion across the base ofthe fire. Training in Use of Fire Extinguishers and Fite Protection Feciliies Training can ensure correct use of portable fire extinguishers, which is necessary for ame Por \guist y le fire extinguishers are appliances to be used principally by the occupants of a fire-endangered building or area, who are familiar with the location and operation of the extinguisher through ediuca raining, Portable fire extinguishers are primarily of value for immediate use on limited quantity of extinguishing, material and, therefore, need to be used properly so that this material is not wasted. eplanned fires of determined, in square pans al fires ee en ly for use on incipient fires and their ut ‘extinguished or brought under contol inthe earl Fire extinguisher size and placement for class A hazard Lig ordinary ‘hazard (low hazard (moderate scape) ecupany). Miriam ad exingier 28 aA Maina for sts periods 2054 ‘Maximum floor area for extinguisher : on hosing Mining nm Ha purposely kept nearby usually cannot be prejudged as» Buishe industrial applications, to resist penetration by > welding and protect against radiant heat It may also be fire fighting units, which can extinguish a fire in its early stages by smothering. blankets can be used 100904 FIRE SERVICES appliance ses Bi + Rlastothe progres Fitna hove tor sreghting operations have 1 be orcs or embers, outside agencies, public gar Should be bore and andad he ster member ofthe team pang idl | Manpower Panning fo Fis feces paren Sipura on See hepa ve ceed S nd te Po tinder is very important, Thea hould beable to direct the team and comma) working treme shoul be forengendi. Ther : ‘foal be an experienced pesan who 3 pect rom the team members tis quite necessary meni Sng goa ren en “For the fire services to provide efficient and reli ing, operations, thy should have athand a thorough inowledge ofthe premises at the scene of fie. Th incade emergencies | general layout ofthe premiss/building tion ofthe entry exits and access point, dra 3 the fre protection system installed in the premis « materials in stock andthe equipment in the building re smoke andthe extinguishant on the materials and equipmesta ater sources the fie area * Presence of people inside the ire scene-where they are, how many and their det Communication during Fre Fighting and Rescue Operations Comer lays plays a cru also bet nd the peopleinsi operated loud ad function in the coordi veen the operation teams and esSages over avi the oper, TWPes ot Appliances Used Regular bythe * Trlr ie pu * Mater tender? Wiees Bae Special + Hose laying lorry + Foam and DCP tender * Crash tender/RIV (rapid intervention vehicle) + Emergency tender/rescue tender apparatus van sakdown van * Canteen van and other minor appliances. Fig. 2.88 ie Protectan oT bin, engine, poof fe engine ig. 232: wate tendo aries with the type of power take off fie engines are diesel driven, having a maximum bhp at 2800 cpm fre tngine Doon bat the maximum torque 5092000 Design Consicerations is calculated by the term gross vehicle wei minus tare weight fo nk. i, qupment to be mounted. ther equpmen (tare weight means weight ofthe chasis) that of pump through power take off ae aes Weight calculation of the fie engine fr Tat Gasls LFT1210E 33 tunnes | 85 tonnes pict feteer fae Eghe ry, accessories equipment, lockers, ladder, et 354 toanes Feat 7 tank as per BIS specification eres ox type Stondord Fre Engine (os per specification IS-6067-1972) Se 15 worn S00 es immediately behind the d front axle load. The maximum I ‘embossed on the rear axle. (The the chassis.) The vehicle is a4 «2 di Terms pertaining tthe fie engine + GHP Power ofthe engine required to run the appliance as well as the pu"! 1 pnd tt wih ft ee and eu acer a eae Tenant niet nasi power Je in this term paces the empty ™™ + Parke : weight = payload Tate wight The chasis weigh is tela te weight ee a See son teen mm thickness and elliptical in shape. ind the eabin toallow the full cont iy behind the ens al Tuitably baffled. {Shall be shaped and mounted tobringthe center of gravity as low as possible ing, all be provided on the water tender. ’be mounted at easily accessible place for use from either side of te of 2mm bore. «Fite pump shall be preferably sgl stage design and a sossible. mnected with internal stain! fer through at least 7.2 m at a rate of not | ly automatic specified, eee ayaa esa ‘Ambulance ‘Ambulance F -quipment rave the flo + Flare with ie of 5 min + Fl ts “ «+ Insulated gauntets Emergency Care Equipment + Airway ys + Mouth gags is ¢ Fire extinguisher dry powder type rent wing equip™ i. 235: Anbnce | ih folding and adjusting devices; Head of the stretchy Fi Poiaion G01 my adaptors oard, ‘administration unit Cugg “Adhesive tape in 7.5 cm roll Safety pins Bandage sheets Burn sheet y * Activated charcoal * Drinking water Emergency medicines — as per requirement. Fie Protection C103 Fig. 239: Breakéown van. igency tender) sarc wel ata fie scene and fr other emergencies als, mobile and should accommodate equipment for communication, | ipment, as well as other required articles, (Le. — two or three booms hinged together. ‘booms, pivot in vertical plane on each other and on the fulcrum frame. fe is mounted on a hum table on the center line of chassis, over the platform is hinged and kept parallel to the chassis. Fig 238: Resove tender (emergency tend: Breakdown Van not possible, neithe jents and the Fig. 241: Pas of hydraul platform Ports of o Hydraulic Pattorm Devices and ftings on hycraulie platform + Controlling devices and turn table and plumbing devices mechanical device compris nables quicker movements liecdons without moving the chassi £ ls operation demands specialized trainin * Uenghof the adder vats rom 30 ters Pevices and Fitings on um Table Ladder * The ladder assem * Fulcrum frame a ider to reach heights above 18 meters. ladder in various angles, extensions and Swinging and elevating f + Pumpin, i frame + Ladder ot $ Automatic ladder pave * Monitor and bracke + Controlling devices + Other equipment jobile Fite Fighting Equipment engine has the following equipment on board (details given for a medium- sized fire engine): + type extinguisher — 65 kg capacity each -2.nos. * CO; gas cylinder ~22.5 kg capacity each. - 6 nos. + Foam branch. nos. and other protective equipment 1 set. tools ~ 1 set each. ble antiseptic solution. the dose and mode of ¥ other analgesic, very remote from the SUPPly of way required pressure frOMm a single pac fore brought inat neat This system of cane , such as NFPA, requi five minutes of arval St gediameter hose relays are am ust start fk Sn 29 ecole tees aici nice nig le an tence : ‘sto establish a relay of water tankers from the water so SE cnt them vile en cate lhe tankers with water and also transfer the water to fire tenders. In exigencies, brrangements can be made to direclly pump the water from the tankers to the fire a SE a ae nenp meena silane ay tne ave nb ci the ome fhe Fame mn etn Tae amt ee a her pel of wae sarge ond Freon cept rierorpetimienenter eet fice fighting operations. Types of Water Relay ‘There ae two types of water relay system. 2. Open circuit relay system . Closed circuit relay system pen Circuit Relay system in relay, a oe ree ‘tay number of intermediate portable dams and pumps ate kl Ieee ppg Sad ed deliveries tothe second dane ,¢Y t Supply pump and is discharged through He lam (or e a second pump, kept near it, lits bY water and cars tt is carried to the fgg Ue" deliveries into the third dam, and so-on, until the W2™ Thr hs en dsranags a. Time is wasted in aon spun ying suction hose at each intermediate pump and in i Las of manpower —ad & Portable dams are ey tonal man i !Power is required at every dam. nd or coe ested at every dam. Fie Protection G07 Closed Circuit Relay System termediate pumps are arranged to be kept between the supply is cartied from one pump to another through the deliveries and. lay system is very much preferred to the open circuit relay system. enables an economy in equipment, Relay from a Water Hydrant System lable source of water isthe fire hydrant. The primary objective of e then is to get the largest amount of available water from. ie minimum amount of time. Water may be required at these hydrants on to the fi various points in the fire scene. A four-way valve can be used to draw water from the hydrant to an intermediate tank and then pump the water from the tank to various other points. Arrangement of Water Relay System While operating a water relay, the following points should be kept in mind: + The largest pump should be placed near the water source to act as the supply pump. + Non-percolating, hoses should be preferred. + Hoses of the largest diameter should be employed. ‘+ Two or more lines should be employed. ‘+ Proper ramping at road junctions must be made. ‘The water pressure, quantity of discharge and distance between the pumps should be as follows. =a ae ee ae eae : 1500 LPM Thar

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