Icarl J Olanyi: Seattlk Akb Lonbon

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ICarl J olanyi






A. Offices of the French Compagnie c. Kitchen courtyard

des Indes d. Courtyard of the small palace
B. Hall e . Residence of the servants of t h e
C. Director's Residence small palace
D. Assistant Director's Residence f. Pavilion where the king and his
E. Warehouse wives see the populace
G. Servants' Residence g. House of the first valet of the king's
H. French flag bedchamber
I. Blacksmith h. The king's cannons The death of Karl Polanyi on the twenty-third of April, 1964,
L. Kitchen when he was seventy-seven years old, brought to a close one of
M. Outhouse aa. Dutch factory
N. Wine Cellar bb. Director's Residence t lM ni ost p i oductlvc, t l u ic t w o r k i n g l i v c s i n t l M fi e l d s o f
O. Vegetable garden cc. Employees' Residence
P. Gate to the town economic history and economic anthropology, and a scholarly
dd. Garden
Q. Main gate ee. Lower courtyard and Dutch flag existence that belonged intensely and typically to the twentieth
R. Large pit f rom which earth was century. Polanyi, for all that some of his later students — im-
taken for building purposes aaa. Portuguese factory
S. Rear courtyard bbb. Director's Residence pressed with his erudition and d i sregard for t h e o r dinary
ccc. Employees' Residence — described him as "otherworldly," was at the storm center
1. English factory ddd. I ower courtyard
2. Kitchen eee. Slaves' Residence of the world he lived in.
3. Employees' Residence fff. Portuguese flag As a young man, he was founder of the Galilei Society in
4. Director's Pavilion hhh. Hut for the Serpent giving birth.
S. English ffag As soon as the Negroes see a ser- Budapest, which could be described as the cradle of the liberal
pent about t o g ive birth t h ey revolutions in Hungary in the first decades of our century. For
a. The large courtyard of the royal build similar huts for it even if
palace and wall it is in the street. fighting in connection with that organization, he was expelled
b. Second courtyard from the University of Budapest, and ultimately finished his
degree in law at K olozsvar, a Hungarian city and university
(the latter since closed) in what is today Rumania. In the first
World War, he was a cavalry officer. After that war, ill and as a
political refugee, he went to Vienna. There he became a colum-
nist and commentator for the Oesfeneschische Volkstt& t, in
charge of analysis of international affairs. For years he read
daily The Tsmes, I,e Terisps,the J'rarskjurfer Zeitung, all the
Vienna papers and those from Budapest and others as they
were relevant. When the Vo/ksttisrf had to forego its liberal tra-
dition in an attempt to stay afloat in the 1930's, Polanyi lost
his job and he emigrated to England.
Copyright © 1966 by the University of Washington Press His first trips to Ame~ica were made during the late 1930's
Second printing, 1968
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 66-19569 and carly 1940's, when he covered most of. the states of the
Printed in the United States of America
union giving background lectures in European history, econ- Thls book ls Gf vltR1 Ilnpol'tRncc to Rnthropology fol' scvcl'Rl
omy, and current events to college and university audiences. reasons, the most compelling being that the concerns of history
During his stay in England, Polanyi became a tutor for the and of anthropology are overlapped in it . B esides making
Extramural Delagacy of O x ford U n iversity and equivalent available the economic history of one of the great West African
bodies of the University of London, both of which act in close kingdoms, it sets forth some new theory for economic anthro-
cooperation with the Workers' Educational Association. There pology — particularly P a r t I I I , i n whi c h P o l anyi m a k es
he threw himself into the work of reanalysis of English eco- sense of the intricacies of trade between a people with a fully
nomic history which was to become The Great Transforma- monetized economy, and one without, and those passages in
tlon. which he adds "householding" as a concept to his ideas about
After World War II , Polanyi came to Columbia University the principles of economic integration.
to teach economic history. His i n fluence on students from Polanyl's posltlon m economlc anthropology — not to men-
many of the social sciences and humanities was tremendous; tion the status he achieved as economic historian, translator of
his courses were always popular and well attended. During his Hungarian literatu~e, man of action, and inspiring teacher — is
last years at Columbia, and during his early years of retire- seculc. Hc hRs cnablcrl Rnthropologlsts to focUs thcll studlcs Gf
ment, Polanyi was joined by Conrad Arensberg in heading a economy on processes of allocation rather than on processes of
large interdisciplinary project for th e comparative study of production, theleby bringing the studies into line with eco-
economic systems. The volume that resulted was Trade and nonuc theory without merely "applying" economic theory to
Market in the Early Empires, a landmark in economic anthro- systems it was not designed to explain. The " r elease" that
pology and economic history. resulted from this great stride forward can be compared, for
Polanyi's interest in Dahomey stems from the years on the cconolTllc Rnthropology Rnd stUdlcs ln colnpRIRtlvc e'conolmcs,
"project." One of his students, Rosemary Arnold, had contrib- with the importance of the discovery in the late nineteenth
uted two papers on Dahomey to Trade and Market. Polanyi century of th e price mechanism itself. The more we know
had grown interested and, with characteristic thoroughness, about the workings of other, and strange, economies, the more
gone completely into the literature on that West African king- we can know of our own. Polanyi's work will stand as a major
dom. The present book, with which he was assisted by Abra- sourcc o f c o l n p arRtlvc l n s l ght.— thc CGI'c Gf Rnt h l opologlcal
ham Rotstein, first a graduate student, then a lecturer at the PUIPOSC.
University of Toronto, resulted from these last years of, pro-
ductive scholarship. P AI1L BOHAN N A N
Dahomey and the Slave Trade has been carefully prepared
for the press by Polanyi's widow, Ilona Duczynska Polanyi, Evanston, Illinois
and with the tireless efforts of June Helm, assisted by Beryl August, 1965
Gillespie. George Dalton has helped with references, and has
been invaluable in clearing up meaning in a few places where
the manuscript was unclear. Most of the text is, however, as
Polanyi wrote it {or, for Chapters Three and Four, as he re-
wrote Rotstein's drafts ). Susan Messerley collated the bibhog-
raphy from the many sources in which it had been left.
The present study is in the fIIeld of economic history. For its
anthropology, i t r e l i e s h e avily o n M e l v i ll e H e r skovits'
Dahomey (1938). This book was written in collaboration with
my close friend Ab~aham Rotstein, lectu~er in economics at
the University o f T o r o nto. K d ouard. Bunglas' more re-
cent account of the history of K e tu (1957 — 58) served as a,
key to R ev. S. J ohnson's earlier Ni s tory of I ' he I ' o r ubas
(1921). Publications of the Institut Franqais d'Afrique Noire
(1FAN) on historic Porto Novo and the Atro-Americans have
added to our documenta~y sources about Dahomey. Historical
and, tosome extent, economic knowledge on the Nige~ Send
and on Nigeria are accumulating, likewise thanks to IFAN and
its important. contributor, Paul Mercier (1951; 1954a, b, c).
On the slave trade John Johnston's ship's papers of 1791 — 92
(1930), Gaston-Martin (1948), Simone Berbain (1942) and
K. G. Bavies (1957) have supplied unpublished data,. Kndre
Sik's IA'sto~re de /'Ajnqme Po& e ( 1 961 — 63) takes up th e
theme from the Afr1cans poInt of VMW.
Sources of direct quotations are given in the text. Sources for
other assertions are not individually cited in order to avoid
overburdening the text with footnotes.
Acknowledgements are due to Mrs. Rosemary Arnold, who
delved into the data on the port of trade of eighteenth-century
Whydah as research assistant on the Columbia Project on the
origins of economic institutions, launched in 1948 with support
of the Columbia Council for Research in the Social Sciences.
First to offer friendly assistance to my scholarly efforts was
Bouglas Jolly, M.B., of London, in 1947. From 1953 — 58 the
X Preface
Ford Foundation lent i t s s upport t o t h e I n t erdisciplinary
Project on the economic aspects of institutional growth carried
out at Columbia University. I n l a ter years other scholarly
bodies assisted me in the following up of the Project which
continued to encompass the study of the Dahomean economy
from the institutional angle. I wish to express my indebtedness
to the Behavioral Science Division of the Ford Foundation, the
Kenner-Gren Foundation, the Social Science Research Coun-
cil, and the American Philosophical Society.

CHA~rzR Owz.

C HAI rzR Tw o .

CHArrzR V H Rzz.

CHwI xzR FoUR.


Xll Contents
CHAPTER FIVE. Householding: Land and Religion 70 English "Qu
Plantation and Peasant Plot 70 "Once"
The Sib and the Compound 70
Succession and Inheritance 74
Ancestor Worship and Cult House 76
The Economic Balance of Religion 79
CHAPTER SIX. Exchange: Isolated Markets
No Price-Making Markets
Compulsory Use of Money
No Credit, Cash Qnly
Retailer's Reward:
Cowrie l,ege
Double Numeration
Setting the Prices
Changing the Set Price
Separateness of External Trade from
the Market

CHAPTER SKvEN. Whydah: Institutional Qrigins
of a Port of Trade 99
Ports of Trade in Early Societies 99 5.
Slave Trade on the Gold Coast 102
Ardra: Transition 105
Qn the Slave Coast 115
CHAPTER EIGHT. Savi: Sovereign Whydah
and the Treaty

The Port of Trade Under Dahomey

Fictitious European Money

in the Slave Trade
Native and European Trading
"Weight of the Measure"
This book is about the economic achievements of a preliterate
socIcty ) tlM clghtccn'th-ccntury N e gr o k l n g doIB Gf B R hoBMy.
The focus is on the rise of Bahomey and its adjustment to that
unique episode of world commerce, the modern slave trade that
erupted in Bahomey's backya~d. The perspective of the work
as R wholc Is ) howcvcl', anythlng but Rntllluarlan. Concclvcd as
an economic historian's modest contribution to meeting the
problems of his own age, our analytical sketch is presented in
the conviction that a r e alistic view of g reat socioeconomic
cha,ngcs) wlMlcvcI' Rnd whcncvcl cDRcted, broadcns OUI' hor'lzon
and advances the search f'or solutions. Vet even if some fea-
tures of the past would seem to offer lessons for our own time,
we must still beware of idealizing backward worlds.
Fear, that architect of power, is swinging in our days the axis
Gf men's lives away from the economic order of t h ings and
toward the political and moral ol.der. Bare physical survival,
frccdom ) Rnd R morally IncRnlngfUI cxlstcncc RI'c tlM Ilnpcl'R-
tives of the immediate future. Contrary to appearances, it is
Bot material livelihood, but survival and human integrity that.
are the emergent issues. The magnltude of the shift sets the
perspective of this book.
No lengthy regrcssion in time is required to record the his-
torical origin of our p~esent entanglements. The nineteenth
century gave birth to two sets of events of a, very different
order of magnitudc: the Machine Age, a, technological develop-
ment of mHlennial range; and the market system, the initial
adjustment of economic organization to that development.
Changcs ln cconolnlc GrgRDlzRtlon werc rcrluircd to g l vc

XVI Perspective PersPective XV11

scope to the technological miracles of the nineteenth century. ices. The incomes of these social classes were fixed by those
The market system may well have been the only means of markets, their rank and position by their mcome.
organizing the use of elaborate expensive machinery for the Once technology had led to a market system such an institu-
purposes of production. Readiness and capacity for risk bear- tional setting would center man's thoughts and values on the
ing, knowledge of products and of consumers were alien to the economy. Concepts such as freedom, justice, equality, ration-
merchant class which for g enerations had been practicing ality, and rule of law seemed to attain thei~ culmination in the
"putting-out." I n t h e circumstances, markets for everything market system. Freedom came to mean free enterpnse; justice
had to be organized as the only effective way of assuring a centered around the protection of private property, the uphold-
steady flow of raw materials for the machines and disposal for i ng of contracts, and the natural verdict of p r i ces in t h e
the finished products. Failing a s y stem of interconnected market. A man's property, his revenue and income, the prices
markets at all stages, the economic risk of investing capital in of hls warcsq wcI'c Bow ]ust Rs lf t'1My wcre forI1Md ln R coIQ-
machinery would have been too great. Not only were markets petitive market. Equality came to mean the unlimited right of
needed for the purchase of consumers goods and raw materials, 1 RH to enter into contract as partners. Rationality was epito-
but land and labor also had to be organized as pseudo-com- mized by efflciency and by a maximized market behavior. The
modities so as to assure mobility and continuity of supply. market was now the economic institution, its rules identical
Man and his environment inevitably came to be governed by with the rule of law, which reduced all social relations to the
the laws applicable to the marketable commodities produced norms of property and contract.
for sale. The outcome was one approaching a self-regulating The modern exchange economy is a market system which
system of markets, which revolutionized Western society in the includes within its scope all aspects of society that depend on
first part of the nineteenth century. material means, even though indirectly. Since very little of our
social existence can be carried on without material means of
The consequences for man's idea of himself and his society one kind or another, the principles governing the economy (or
were fateful: once livelihood had been organized through an the process of material supply) came to be considered as abso-
interconnected set of markets, based on the prof it motive and lutcs.
determined by competitive attitudes, man's society became an The new perspective calls for a different set of priorities, in
orgarusm that was i n a l l e ssential regards subservient to which the economy must. be relativized in regard to society.
materially gainful purposes. Our out-of-date market mentality is an impecliment to a real-
Under a market system the influence of the economy on the istic approach to the problems of the era in which forgotten
social process is, of course, overwhelming. The working of the continents are suddenly industrializing and the industrial ones
economy — the interplay of supply and demand — here shapes are steered by electronic automation and nuclear power toward
the rest of society or rather "determines" it, almost as in a tri- unknown shores (Polanyi, 1947).
angle, the sides "determine" the angles. Take the stratif ication The largely unconscious weakness under which western
of classes. Supply and demand in the labor market are, by def i- civilization labors lies in the peculiar conditions under which
nition, identical with workers and employers respectively. The its economic destiny was shaped (Polanyi, 1944). H aving
classes of capitalists, landowners, tenants, brokers, merchants, absolutized the principle of profit, man lost the capacity of
a nd professionals were defined and actually created by t h e subordIQating lt Rgaln. T1M vci'y wold c c onomy ev o kc'sBot,
rcspcctlvc Q1RI'kctsfoI' land~ Qloncyq capltal ) Rnd vaI'ious scrv- &c picture of man's material HVCIihood Rnd the substantive
XV111 Perspective Perspective X1X

technology that helps to secure it, but rather a set of particular different uses. In Babylonia, barley was used for payment, e.g.,
motives, peculiar attitudes, and specific purposes which collec- of wages and rents, while silver was used as a standard. In the
tively we are accustomed to call "economic," though they are absence of markets there is little evidence of exchange other
as such foreign to the actual substantive economy and came to than that of specific objects, such as a, definite plot of land or a
be regarded as its corollaries only by virtue of an ephemeral house, a few individual slaves, heads of cattle or a boat, and
interplay of modern Vi?Cstern culture traits. Not the permanent that rarely, if at all, shows any actual employment of silver.
features of the economy but the transitory ones appeared to us Rather oil, wine, wool, or other staples served indiscriminately
as the essentials. as a means of exchange, at fixed equivalents.
The obsessions of the nineteenth century may block the road In regard to trade the situation is simiilar. Trade in Baby-
to life, ideologically and institutionally. They are a paralyzing lonia, which, in contrast to Egypt, was ample, was thought by
handicap in dealing with the organizing of material production scholars to be market trade. Thus, administeied tracle and gift
under the emerging social conditions. Our perspective is then a trade were overlooked; yet gift. t~ade was the chief form of
succession of problems for life and society raised by a Machine trade between the empires of antiquity. The other form of
Age of enduring character. A f a i rly r ecent innovation, the admimstered trade conducted from th e B a bylonian period
market system, inhibits the understanding of societies where onward was through that important institution of premodern
no markets for labor or land existed. In the absence of these times, the "port of trade."
markets the working of the economy is, on the face of it, inex- Nor did the concept of price fare differently. Prices were
plicable, because there is here nothing to account for the dis- taken to be obviously market prices. Actualiy, in antiquity
p osal of l a bor an d l a nd, t h e f a ctors of p r oduction. T h e prices were fixed laigely by custom, statute, or proclamation,
economic historian's critical interest in archaic society natu- and perhaps should not generally be called p~ices at all. To
rally lies in identifying the structures, institutions, and opera- describe them as "fixed prices" would be quite misleading,
tions by means of which the economic process is implemented. since they had never fluctuated. Possibly a new term, such as
"equivalents," is needed. This is the term here employed for
Concepts of the economy designed to explain the functioning permanent rates at which one kind of goods either was substi-
of a market system are certain to give biased results when tuted or exchanged for another. The difference is basic between
applied to another institutional framework. Take, for instance, these two variants of equivalents: "substituted," as in the one-
the definitions of such basic terms as trade and money. Trade way movement of payment "in kind" of taxes or. Rs in choosing
is defined as a two-way movement of goods through the market between ration goods under a p o in t s y stem (substitutive
as directed by prices; money, as a means of facilitating that equivalents); " exchanged," as in. the two-way movement of
movement; and where trade and money are given factors, goods, for instance in the purchase of one sort of fungible for
markets would be postulated. Vet such an approach may be another at a fixed rate (exchange equivalents).
entirely misleading. In Hammurabi's Babylonia, marketplaces
in the cities were altogether absent. However, this fact escaped T1ic fountalnhcad Gf Rll thcse errors was to 1ank cxchRngc Rs
the observation of Assyriologists. Moreover, the above concept the economic relation; hence the claim to the validity of such
of money is inadequate. Money is not necessarily a means of marketing terms as "supply" wherever things were available,
exchange. It may be a means of payment, it may be used as a ol' dcmand wh c i'cvci'th1ngs wcre cmploycd as R means to R
standard, and different objects or material units may serve the purposc. On such Qimsy gro'unds was thc huinan woi'ld intcr"
XX Perspective Perspective XX1
preted by economists as a potential market system. Actually, "men and mice," i.e., all other things. These devices were an
patterns other than exchange obtained in the economic organi-
advance in communication comparable to I.B.M., which also
zation of t h e p r emodern world. I n p r i m i tive communities results in replacing and surpassing thought by mechanism.
reciprocity occurs as a vital feature of the economy; in archaic
Another source of administ~ative achievements under the
economies redistribution from a center is widespread. On a
early state was a high level of statecraft. This was partly owing
smaller scale, the pattern of t h e l i velihood of th e peasant
to the absence of a m a rket system which later tended to
family i s h ouseholding. But r e ciprocity and h ouseholding, replace government. Accordingly, the decay of political crafts
however general, remained invisible to the modern observer from which the modern age suffers may have resulted from the
w ho would notice economic phenomena only i f t h e y w e re gradual expansion of markets.
reducible to exchange. In any case, the study o f e i ghteenth-century B ahomey
Dahomey's economy was based on the balance of a redistrib- reveals that the gift of statesmanship is not a Kuropean privi-
utive administration and local freedom mediated through a lege. Neighboring Bahomey and Ashanti maintained an inde-
tissue of reciprocating and householding institutions supple- pendent existence on th e G u inea Coast, deliberately and
mented by local markets. A planned agriculture was combined skillfully using separate cu~rencies over centuries. In spite of
with village freedom; a governmental foreign trade coexisted an extensive commercial intercourse, the rates of excha,nge
with local markets while avoiding a m a rket system. This were kept stable. Ashantii employed goM dust; Bahomey used
archaic society possessed a solid structure built upon the rule cowrie — an elusive monetary medium Rs modern West African
of law; and status was further reinforced by money functions colonial powers have learned. The Knglish and French, more-
foreign to the market system. o ver, employed a mutually stable fictitious currency in t h e
The economic historian should make the data of the past slRVC 'tladc.
available in an objective light. It seems probable, for instance, O perational civilization in native Africa is giving way t o
that the accomplishment of literacy as a criterion of civiliza- l iteracy; high statecraft may reappear unexpectedly in t h e
tion should be dropped in the light of highly stratif ied societies awakening countries of that continent, Kven the anxious con-
that banned the art of writing for religious, political, or eco- flicts of freedom and bureaucracy, or of planning and market,
n omic reasons, preferring isolation t o undesirable culture are not altogether novel. Threats to freedom from an intricate
contact. The Ashanti and the Dahomeans come to mind. How administration as well as contradictions between free exchange
were their accomplishments in war, or in trade and currency, and central planning were foreshadowed in the archaic econ-
compatible with i l l iteracy? The answer lies in a f o r gotten omies. Both t h ese dilemmas seem to h av e i n t eracted in
phase of civilization which we might call "operational," owing Dahomey.
to the gadgets by means of which complex mechanical and The social structu~e of the early state abounds in institu-
organizational feats may be performed without a conceptuali- tional devices that. act as safeguards both to f r eedom and
zation of the successful process. Some early states — prototypes cfficiency. The Dahomean countryside was teeming with big
of archaic society — may have emerged from primitivism pre- and small marketplaces in village and bush, yet the choice of
cisely by v i rtue of operational devices, of which elaborate cl'ops WRs directcd by plRnnlng f rolrl thc capltRI. Ovcl'scRs
pebble statistics or differentiated numeration systems are a trade was channeled through a bureaucratic network separate
sample. There were in Bahomey, for example, the two ways of from the lnarkets, through the intermediacy of the "port of
c ounting — the one applying to cowrie money, the other t o trade. Ar b l t r a r y 1 'ulcWRs bR1'lccl through thc f o r m aI scpRlR"
XX11 Perspective Perspective XXlll
tion of the central administration from activities originating in money, and trade have been e~roneously thought to be insep-
familial and local life, those cradles of tradition and freedom. arable. Vet contr'ary to eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
Such jurisdictional limitations were reinforced by the adminis- preconceptions, trade, money, and markets did not issue from a
trative divisions of d efense, trade, taxation, and currency common matrix, and i n f act ha d i ndependent origins. The
domiciled in the palace, while local autonomy was rooted in origins of trade and money are buried in the prehistol y of
p rimordial custom which the king himself did not d are t o mankind, while markets are a more recent development.
offend. Western thought has been almost incapable of conceiving of
trade and money except as functions of the institution of the
Modern man, in the person of the economic historian, is for market. This was indeed a correct interpretation of the market
t he second time penetrating into p r ecolonial A f r ica. T h e economy of modern times, where trade, money, and markets
Dahomey of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British trav- fused as functions of the market mechamsm into what strikes
e lers was the home of th e A mazon army, a f ighting force us I'iglltly Rs RQ cconolrllc systcnl. A g c n c ia l l n t c gI'Rtlon Rnd
unparalleled since Herodotus' semimythical Scythia; of pyra- recurrence of the process is produced by the forces of supply
mids of skulls, evidence of human mass sacrifice demanded by and demand acting through markets. Over the greater part of
the duties of ancestor worship; and, to some extent, of religious ccononllc h l stoI'y, ho w c vcr) tradc, n i o ncy u s c s) Rnd IQ R lkct
cannibalism. This was the Dahomey from whence Bristol and. elements came into being and developed in relative indepcn-
Liverpool channeled war captives to the W'est Indies under dence from each other..
conditions of unspeakable inhumanity. The questions raised in Trade is, originally, acquisition and cB,rrying of goods over a
this book bypass as much our ancestors' unpardonable crimes distance; it serves a one-sided "import interest." The element
against mankind as the Af ricans' recent acceptance of the of twosidedness entered chiefly with expeditionary and gift
ideals of personal freedom and progress. We must guard trade. Money used for payment originated in definite situa-
against being anachronistic in either direction. tions, such as compensation and ritual fines. Anthropologists
Redistribution, reciprocity, and householding do not sev- and historians of antiquity have shown recently that, trade and
erally amount to an economic system; hence the necessarily money are frequent features of societies, but not so ma~kets.
fragmentated picture of the archaic economy. There comes to This is true of the market in both its current meanings: The
mind K ar l B i i cher's (1913) assertion that o nl y m o dern one is that of a place —typically an open space — where buyers
societies possess an integrated national economy, largely based and sellers meet and where the necessaries of Iife, mainly
on exchange, the Volksioirtschaft. In the archaic economy of foodstuffs or prepared food, can be bought; the othe~ is that of
which Karl Rodbertus' (1865) oikos (as the Greeks called the a supp/y-demand-price mechanism, not necessarily bound to a
"house") was the paradigm, Inarkets were not absent, yet the definite site.
economy did not possess a market system. By i n t roducing The role of the exchange pattern in the Dahomean economy
exchange we will, however, be bringing in markets, money, and reveals a number of unexpected featu~es. While local markets,
trade, the very ingredients on which Western national econ- Inoncy, RQI1 fol'clgn tradc were wldcly in cv i dcncc> cxcliangc Rs
omies rest. This might seem to fulfill the requirements of an Rn lntcglRtlng pattcl'n Gn Rn c c onomy-widc scale playcd
e conomic system. But t h ough Dahomey was a c ountry of scaI'ccly Rny pRI't. 1D thc socicty. Thc I'cRson ls siIQplc: to plRy R
markets, these markets, being isolated, did not link up into a part, exchange must function through prices thBt result from
system. This has been overlooked, mainly because market, market forces; undel such conditions production is a function
XXIV Perspective Perspecti ve xxv
of prices in the markets for consumers" and producers' goods. other government imports depended upon a state-organized
In Dahomey none of this applied. Prices were not formed in foreign trade.
the market but by agents or bodies external of it. Production While no economy-wide exchange system developed from
was under the control of the monarchy, the sib, and the guild, the markets, cultural creativity found expression in each of the
n ot of a n a n onymous competition of i n d ividuals or f i r m s three exchange institutions: In regard to the market, the iso-
directed toward profit made on prices. Thus exchange was lated markets are a singular development. Trade culminated in
barred from developing into an integrating pattern that would tlic polt of tradc of Whydah ) R n ol'gan of coIQmcrclal Rdmlnls-
structure the economic process. Exchange institutions re- tration of great elaborateness and efficiency. In the field of
mained disconnected traits, however vital they might have m oney Dahomey produced feats of excellence, rare in t h e
been within restricted pockets of the econorny. history of currencies.
Trade, mainly f oreign trade, was institutionally distinct The slave trade that centered on the port of Whydah stands
from markets and fell within the state sphere. Neighborhood as a challenge to the economic historian in more than one way.
trade, physically circumscribed by the range of the isolated The word "archaic" that was dropped from systematic anthro-
market, was insignificant in volume and did not grow i nto pology as merely of esthetic and cultural connotation may have
middle distance trade. Even less did it merge with the redis- to be restored to denote a sociological phase intervening be-
tributive flow of imports and exports handled by the central tween the "primitive" and the "modern." But the historian will
power. have to apply it with caution, if he is not to find himself en-
The use of money, while enforced in the local markets, also tangled in a circular definition. The interconnected phenomena
fell within the control of the state which issued it and where it of state and economy, institution and society — each of them
s ometimes called archaic — lack an authentic priority t o t h e
was vital t o t h e f u nctioning of t h e r e distributive system.
clalm of belng the name-glvlng category. Not states and so-
M oney movements did not add u p t o " f i nance" a s i n t h e
cieties, not even economies as a whole should be regarded as
economies where credit played a part in the mobilization of
archaic. We shall prefer the genetic approach describing as
resources. Dahomey was largely an economy "in kind" where
"archaic" those economic Institutiorls which do not yet appear
even staple finance played a subordinate part.
in primitive communities but are no longer found in societies
In the nonstate sphere only a few of the basic requirements
where the use of money as a means of exchange is already
of livelihood were tied to the market. In the building of com- common.
pound walls, the thatching of roofs, the fulfillment of obliga- An analysis that undertakes to present the structure and
tions to parents, the cultivation and harvesting of the fields, functioning of an archaic economy will meet issues that are
reciprocal social institutions were at work — the dokpive (labor obfuscated either by lack of empirical evidence of by the in-
team), the so (craft guild), the gbe (mutual aid group), and adequacy of concepts. In this case study an effort should be
above all the sib (patrilineal lineage society). These allocated made to employ clarified terms regarding the archaic economy
the uses of labor and of land, channeled the movements of the of eighteenth-century Dahomey and its slave trade. Can we
economic process, organized production and, mainly acting identify archaic variants of t~ade, money, and market institu-
from outside, set prices in the market. Money and trade were tlonst CRQ such Rn economy bc dcscrlbcd Rs cmbcddcd ln Insti-
in this way fitted into the Iedistributive sphere of the state- tutions patterned along the lines of redistribution, reciprocity,
the taxation system was monetized, the supply of arms and Rnd cxchangcP WhRt mechRnislns Rnd dcvlccs wci'c crcatcd t o
XXV1 PersPect~ve
permit and facilitate trade between alien cultures? And how
did Western trade under the pressure of the slave rush adjust
to the methods of West African commerce?
Apart from the climatic freak of the Gap of Benin and the
set frame of Dahomean geography, the tragedy of the slave
trade compels us to heed also the constraints of history that
shaped the bed of institutional developments. We must there-
fore refrain from projecting our situation into the A f r ican
environment, yet be ready to make use of those elements of
answers to our own problems we may happen to find in this
chapter of the history of mankind.

Khen the kingdom of Dahomey appeared on the Guinea Coast

In 1727 ) I't wRs R IMw IrlonRrchy ) scalcely Inol'e thRn R centuI'y
old. lt had risen suddenly from a mere agg~essive local clan
that had forced itself upon ethnically mixed groups in a no-
man's-land to the status of a p ower feared for it s military
efficiency and admired 1'or its elabo~ately organized foreign
trade, its stable currency, and its exemplary administration..
For the historian, such a swift ascent from an inauspicious
start to the culmination of statehood presents a, problem.
This Dahomey was not the Dahomey of nineteenth-century
maps. 1t was of much smaller area and originated in the late
sixteenth century on a plateau some sixty miles from the coast
that was little more than a day's march across. After much
flghting it expanded to the territory which eventually encom-
passed the people of nineteenth-century precolonial Dahomey.
The vicissitudes of it s h i story as well a s th e stimuli t h at
prompted its exertions sprang from the physical mold in which
it was cast, its restricted area, and its ambiguous position in
relation to the coast, caused by the so-called Gap of Benin.

From the Couffo River on the west to the Keme River on

the east, the country's average breadth was no more than fifty
miles, an area extending to 4,000 to 5,000 squa~e miles in all,
with a population of about 200,000. It was a bare fraction of
the size of the neighboring oyo, of Voruba origi~, to the north-
east. DahonMy s wRs R typlcal west A f r lcan demographlc
o A ~
m /fl
Q Afz Inland Dynasty aM the GaP of 8efrsfs S
landscape of fragmented ethnic groups adjusted to the ecology
of almost unbroken savannah, dotted with p al m oi l t r e es
a c~ W (E/aeis gw'freensis), and a spa~se, settled population of motley
peoples, obsessively fearful of the sea, which was to them tabu.
Dahomey's neighbors to the east and west also shunned the
coast. Their capitals lay at a comparable distance to the sea as
o~ m
did Dahomey's own capital, Abomey; Kumasi, capital of the
Ashanti; Benin City of the kingdorn of Benin; and Old Oyo of
the Voruba kingdom of that name (Porde, 7960: 135).
As a geographical entity, an almost featureless area of bush
/a ! al
country, Dahomey possessecl neither natural resou~ces nor
n e ~- c
a 'a/a gK /a/ natural frontiers, except on th e ri ver C ouffo and the l ake
5a/ m
c4 ///
a Atheme in the southwest corner. It was too small for clefense in
a a/ a/ aa/a
aa "a/ C m ua/
a~ al
~ m/a
depth and lacked rivers and mountains to offer tactical advan-
p a tages, though it was forestcd in part. Hence the dire necessity
for superior arms to make up for these deflciencies. Dahomey
could not altogether avoicl the coast whence alone the firearms
/'/ '«x' o needed for survivalcould come. 'The Gap of B enin, which
o o
, O.a broke through the eastern and the western forest zones of the
coasf l connectecl inlRIld Da h o nley w l t h t h e co R stRI Ia goons.
D /m
D m cl'
Over a stretch of less than 300 miles out. of some 2,000 the
• I 2C
11 coast remained unforested; ancl over a span of some 30 miles
the rainy season became considerably milder, thereby improv-
ing the climate and, particularly on a short stretch due south of
/> 0
/a/ Dahomey, the fertility of the soil.
a 0
"The hole," as the Prench call it, represents, then, a lusus
o sl
naturae on a grand scale. Along several thousand miles — from
Senegal to the Niger — the hinterland of We st. Africa is ap-
p roachable from th e sea only a t t h e river mouths. Paul
Mercier, whose ethnodemographic charts unde~lie this pre-
sentation, broadly describes this W est A f r i can region as

If, 1'unsfloln the coasf. to fhe SRllara ancl conlpl'lses. .. the clllnRflc Rnd
vegetational zones in their longitudinal sequence called the Sahel, the
Sudan, theBaoule and the Benin. However, a fact of the 6rst importance
disrupts this order: it is the existence of the Gap of Benin by way of which
Soudanese climatic influences can reach right through to the coast, thus
a: 0 a ,~,. ai. . . / k w a />a:- - ~.a
6 Dahomey and the Slave Trade
separatingthe western forest region of Guinea from the central African
forest region to the east. This break-through [trouee] takes its effect al-
most parallel to the Atakora mountain range which, originating in S. Togo
ends in gradual decline about the W. Niger. It is neither our task, nor is
it within our competence to explain this climatic anomaly. I.et me refer
to some remarks of J, Richard-Molard on the matter: "Starting with the
Cape of Three Points (Takoradi) the coast is subject to the monsoon; a
cold marine currentaccompanies the coast closely: the Toto-Atakora
mountainchain defl ects the eastern air currents flowing from the Sudan, so
thesecan penetrate southwards; in winter, a low pressure zone over the
contiguousequatorialAfrica sucks in the harmattan [the dry land wind on
the coast of Upper Guineaj." In brief, four plausible reasons explain why
the climate is not any more that of the deep forest.

In regard to the coastal stretch that corresponds to the Gap

of Benin, Mercier follows Richard-Molard's description:

Gradually the rhythm of two rainy seasons asserts itself [as one moves
south-eastwards parallel to the Atakora mountain range, i.e., in the direc- e
tion of the Gap of Benin]. The rainfall decreases as one approaches the
coast;Lome, where the mountain range starts from up the coast,registers
the lowest precipitation. "The seasonal rhythm is still equatorial, but the 100
rainsare moderate; the Soudanese atmosphere does not display its crushing
rigors (the local harmattan appears only as a tradewind). This is an
equatorial border-range, where the palm-oil tree is already at home but 100
cereal plants, particularly maize, still feel perfectly at ease. In short, an
equatorial land, but not yet to a degree which involves the virgin forest, and
thus it keeps within humanly bearable limits." (Mercier, 1954b: 4 — 6, and
quoting Richard-Molard, 1949: 18-19, 43; author's translation.)

To this Mercier adds that this fact certainly has its human 00

bearing and sociological importance.

Nothing was easier for the other hinterland states of Upper
Guinea than to remain off the coast. But Dahomey, depending
on the slave trade for the securing of firearms, had to seek 3 Rainfall in inches
direct contact with the coast, while having grave reasons to C
IU C C C t
6 D
O c.~
shun the resulting entanglements. That gap in the climate and gjo O mV
X a.
vegetation thus formed an unwelcome link between the hinter-
land and the ocean. It shaped the history of Dahomey.
To the lagoon peoples their marginal site meant safety.
Their interconnected water lanes of nearly two hundred miles
were sheltered from attack in the north by swamps as at Porto
8 Dahorney and the Slave Trade An Inland Dynasty andthe Gap of Benin 9
Novo, the Great Popo, and Whydah, which comprised island
hideouts, fords, moving rivers, and narrow "passes," and other
organization in t h e b l ack w orld ( G autier, 1935: 129 — 30 ).
Admittedly, acts of repulsive cruelty, religious rnass murder,
tactical bottlenecks, such as also favored the inland kingdom of
and endemic techniques of treachery in the political field were
Ardra. The geography of other inland states such as Ashanti,
the accompaniment of these high achievements. Nevertheless,
B enin, and Oyo contributed also to their security. But B a - Bahomey's was an unbreakable society, held together by bonds
homey was unable to remain an inland state. Prom the start of solidarity over which only naked force eventually prevailed.
"and for nearly a century, Dahomey could barely repel the
A study of the economy of historic Dahomey evokes in the
attacks of her neighbors" (Porbes, 1851:87). The Dahomeans'
modern observer admi~ation for the way in which the extreme
dependence on the Afro-American slave trade for guns left
of a centralized bureaucracy was made compatible with free-
them no alternative but to establish themselves in force on the
dom and autonomy of local life. AVhile fo~eign trade adminis-
coast. However, the network of lagoons was difficult for a land
tration was cast in the setting of an authoritarian monarchy,
power to seize, and no less awkward to hold against the neigh- the "bush," i.e., the countryside, retained a social organization
boring seafaring and f ishing peoples sometimes openly, but
that was largely outside the state sphere. The villages where
mostly covertly, supported by the white navies. Dahomey was
the lower classes lived and the hereditary compounds which
not fortunately placed in the world.
enclosed the tilled Iand and the entailed palm oil trees of the
The territory of Bahomey had never formed part of a larger
lineages were removed from the action of the central adminis-
state-society, the fragments of which might have served as
tration. Society as a whole consisted of a state society and a
building stones of a new abode. Nor did the ethnically mixed
nonstate society, since the village and even more so the com-
inhabitants possess a tribal organization — such as Ashanti or
Yoruba — which might have produced a federation approximat- pounds of the sibs represented singularly state-free collectiv-
ing the coherence of an empire. This is not to underrate the ities of households, Thus did the twin high points of Negro
cement of religious tradition with its cohesive power and pene- statecraft, the more recent monarchy and an ancient familial
trative effect on the Bahomean culture. Ancestor worship com- form of settlement, both of utmost stability and endurance,
prised also an allegiance to the royal clan which gave to the combine to produce a structure of rare perfection in its balance
common faith of the people and their sovereign a radiating of spontaneity and constraint.
symbol in the spectacular Annual Customs with its halo of At the top of the pyramid the Negm state created a sni
abundance and generosity. (The Annual Customs are discussed f;eneris focus of power in the hieratic monar hy. It represented
in detail in Chapter Three.) a near-professional type of kingship hereditary in royal fam-
Closer to everyday existence, rootedness in the land was ilies. In medieval Kurope the Anjou, in modern Kurope the
sustained both on the higher level of entailed property of the Hohenzollern, supplied the inte~national comity of countries
descent group or sib and on the common level of village life. with candidates to thrones. In Kest Africa the Ile-Ife Voruba
This was a society where existence found meaningful expres- stocked the Vpper Guinea Coast with a, swarm of aspirants to
sion as much in the equality of villagers as in its autocratic the katakle, the squat, unadorned golden royal thmne. In Ketu
counterpole — the monastic discipline of an army of aristocratic (some fifty miles northeast of Abomey) nine myal f amilies
A mazons or the rigorous performance of his duties by t h e ( IateI' reduced to f1ve) accoIIlpaniecl the 3ctual foundlng k l n g ,
monarch himself. The Prench historian K. P. Gautier called Kde, and ruled "in turn." Prom Tado, well west of Abomey, in
the Dahomean monarchy the most advanced form of political Togo, the Adja, branch of the Voruba fanned out,, starting a,
xo Dahorney and the Slave Trade An Inland Dynasty and the Gap of Benin XX
new holy city, Allada, from which another generation of kings influence fading only in the western forest that spread inland
spread to Porto Novo and eventually to Bahomey. from the Gold Coast. Mercier sees this view confirmed by the
At the base of the social pyramid, where man sits on the demographical evidence of slave raids ~esulting in a strip of low
naked soil, a form of habitation was developed which became dcnslty l u i i n in g l i l t h a t w c s t -c'Rst band. T h e s t i 'i p s t l c t c hcs
the invariable accompaniment of Negro settlement in a con- through the middle Togo, Dahomey's western neighbor, to the
siderable part of West Africa — the extended family occupying middle Bahomey and is supposed to be in evidence even in the
a compound made up of the houses of a man and his brothers neighboring Voruba region of the same la,titude in the east
with their wives, sons, and unmarried daughters. Several such
(Mercier, 1954b:6 — 9).
walled groups of dwellings or compounds made up a "collectiv- Gautier justly claims that the equatorial forest blocs sepa-
ity" ( H erskovits, 1938[I ] : 137). In B ahomey, the compound rated by the Bahomean savannah were of very different char-
is the residence of most male members of the agnatic descent acter: to the east of the Gap were the ancient Voruban states
group that Herskovits terms the "sib." An extended family, and peoples in an afforested area with land cultivatecl under-
built around these men, inhabits a g r oup o f h u t ments or neath the palm trees, densely populated, and sustained by the
thatched houses. This pattern refiects biological, physical, and energies that radiated from holy cities (193S:121). Qver cen-
moral determinants of social behavior. Neighborhood thus turies a religious tradition was creating minor. seats in the
serves as the foundation for the interlaced configuration of southwest, in Benin, and along the coast, as well as in the mil-
kinship, sib, and religion, An institution built in this way must itary center of Qld Qyo in the northwest. To the west of the
attain to being as nearly indestructible as human contrivance Gap lay the primeval forest of the Gold Coast and the Ivory
can be. Coast, down to Liberia, with high mountain ranges barring the
The task of state building was arduous (see Chapter XI). way from a thin waste beach to an inhospitable hinterland.
Historical Bahomey was in the nature of a residual area left Bahomey itself was mostly bush. Ile-Ife and Qyo exercised
over by m i grants after more coveted territories had been their political influence from outside over a number of minor
settled and anyhow of l i t tle use to neighbors except as an peoples of the region under their suzerainty without, however,
agglomeration of defenseless peoples, an easy prey to slave trying to incorporate them.
raids, and in the interstices of which surplus populations could The population consisted largely of f r agments of migrant
be discharged if need be. peoples from the east who had been moving during the course
Dahomey was in fact a no-man's-land, as Paul Mercier calls o f centuries across from V oruba t o t h e M o n o H i v er, t h e
it. He describes it as forming part of a power vacuum lying western border of the Gap. Where successive waves overlapped
between the distant north and the proximate south — the north — some had even wandered part of the way back agam — their
consisting of the chain of the Niger empires, Mali and Songhai, layers often were still traceable, mostly commingled with au-
continued toward the east by th e H ausa states; the south tochthonous "paleonegritic" tribes. Neither was there a politi-
represented by the small coastal kingdoms spreading from cal unification of the area attempted from within.
Yoruba and Benin to Ashanti. Mercier is ready to narrow down Alongside in the same general direction. an elite migration
this area further by accepting E. F . Gautier's version of a also occurred which was smaII but vital. Sometimes followed by
horizontal band of culture contact between east and west which their fr i ends a,nd servants, sometimes oniy b y t h e ir. own clan,
cut across that vertical funnel. The eastern source of that cul- royRI dcsccndRnts Ic'ft IIC"Ifc, thRt craolc Gf kings, Gr thc Qiorc
ture zone was represented by the Voruba, their far-reaching x'eccnt holy c i t ics to w h ich t hei,i' anccstoi's had movcd ) hencc
X2 Dahomey and the Slave Trade An Inland Dynasty and the Gap of 8enin rg
the ubiquitous monarchs with the sway of semireligious author- In 1922 that tall tree was struck by lightning. It stood on the actual site
ity and truly surprising training in the performance of the of Ketu. It was here that the original settlers, of the Fon group who
royal profession. Groups of blood-relatives might alternate in were to become the Dahomean aristocrats, settled in the bush and al-
offering to fill a city's throne, following one another in turn. lowed migrant Voruba spacealongside themselves. Reckoning backward,
according to Dunglas, 1748 is the historical date of Kde's inauguration as
For the standards of the rulers of Ile-Ife vintage, we turn king of Ketu. According to tradition the ceremony occupied almost a
first to Ketu, a small, independent state close to Voruba on the year. Twenty-one days after the funeral of the deceased monarch, the
west. The most recent historian of Dahomey, a French official, prime minister called the Council in full session, to elect the new king
was posted there the greater part of his life. The late Rdouard unanimously from among the royal family whose turn it was. Preferably
Dunglas {1957 — 58), whom we here closely follow, while per- a prince would be proclaimed v ho had not personally always inhabited
sonally compiling the population census, reconstructed from Ketu.
The person of the king elect having been thus announced to the popu-
native family reminiscences the history of Ketu since about the lace,pandemonium reigned for a few hours. Rude imprecations, gross
middle of the seventeenth century. Like Save, northeast of verbal insults, and maledictions against. the new monarch were in order.
Abomey, Ketu was a later foundation than the much more The next morning appeasement started, all women at some time appro-
important Voruba offshoots of Oyo and Benin. According to priated by the king were returned to their legitimate husbands, the king's
oral tradition the ruler of K etu in D unglas' time was forty- private debts were arranged generously, falling back, if necessary, upon
the defunct king's treasury. At a " f avorable" date, set by the type of
eighth in the Ile-Ife succession, but only the last ten of these augury known asfa, the king's peregrinations began, preliminary to en-
were historic. Legend kept the link with I le-Ife unbroken by thronement.
setting the date of the first migration as early as the eleventh First the historical neighborhood sites were visited, which were linked
century. Characteristic points of legend and history combined by tradition with ancestral memories. Then the ceremonial itinerary com-
menced, in the course of which the monarch both symbolically and physi-
are as follows (Dunglas, 1957 — 58:19 —21): cally impersonated his predecessor Ede's traject from Aro to Ketu, frorn
his village camp to his future capital. Kn ronte he had to undertake a
King Ede, who founded Ketu, was sixth in succession from the earliest
royal leaders. The first of these, Itcha-Ikpatchan, left Ife-Ife for the west number of intricate acts of commemoration until Ketu was reached.
to seek a new home some 120 miles away for himself and his clan. Itcha The journeyings at. an end, a period of ritual seclusion in three different
camped at Oke-Oyan. As time passed, his sons separated off. One of them, habitations followed. During the first night of his three months' stay in
Owe, trekked west; another founded Save; the third wandered farthest the house of magic initiation, a minister of state passed on to the king
and became the founder of Oyo, for a long time the military capital of the secret knowledge of soothsaying. Next, morning the king left the house
Yoruba. Itcha-Ikpatchan himself joined his son Owe and together they pro- at dawn, with the state minister taking his place for the day. The king,
ceeded west, starting the village of Aro. When Itcha died there, Owe re- entering through the High Gate, crossed the threshold of the town and
turned to the village of Oke-Oyan and erected a tomb to his father, staying stepped on to the Big Market. He was solemnly proclaimed legitimate
a few years. king, his family tree from Itcha-Ikpatchan, with all its affiliations, was
Altogether nine princely families of Ile-Ife had accompanied Itcha and recounted by the herald. Another three months' stay in a particular habi-
Owe in their migration to Aro. At Owe's death his successor was selected tation honored the memory of Kde's loyal guide Allaloumon. Kventually
from among the nine, and so in turn. The seventh was Ede, the historic h e spent another three months in a palace, symbolic of the city of I f e,
founder of Ketu. He settled at Aro, where Itcha and Owe were eventually and accordingly called by the title of the ancestral rulers, "Afin." Af t er
buried. Here the family split a second time, Ede's three sons migrating in that the king visited a construction of straw, named after the Yoruba
different directions. Ede himself implored his ancestors' forgiveness, prom- furnace in which iron was smelted in early times. At last the king entered
ised to have them remembered, and moved on with his faithful hunter and t he Palace. At the reception the several ministers whom he had left t o
pathfinder, Allaloumon. The landmark sought by the guide was a huge take his place in the transitional habitations reappeared. The first meeting
iroko tree known to him from his rovings. Legend here merges into history. of theCouncil in the king's presence was held. The sovereigns of Oyo and
x4 Dahonsey and the Slaee Trade An Inla~d Dynasty andthe Gap oj Benin Xs
of Ile-Ife were sent word by special messenger of the new king's accession.
So were the Ile-Ife dynasties of the eastern marshes of Dahomey in- migrating blocks of the Voruba, and it may have been the one
stalled on the katakLeof two small kingdoms, Ketu and Save. The royal to movc farthcst fi oni th c conlinon crRdlc Gn tlic ri ght b ank G f
masters of the great Oyo armies that were a standing threat to Dahomey the enormous delta of the Niger. Today the Adja, numbering
from the northeast could claim a tradition similar to King Ede's. about 150,000, occupy the former French Togo and parts of
western Bahomey. The center of Adja inAuence was the king-
The Alladoxonu of Bahomey proper, to which we now turn,
dom of Tado, opposite a forcl of the Mono River where the
belonged to another branch — the western — of the Voruba dy-
royal families that took part in the Adja migration settled. In
nasty, the Adja. This sprout of the He-Ife had wandered in
sllcccssivc Rcclctional wRvcs Gf Voruba nligr'Rtlons, othci's fol-
earlier centuries much farther west than Itcha-Ikpatchan and
lowed until almost the end of t h e eighteenth century. The
had made Tado, in North Togo, its center.
migrations were, so to speak, slow motion leapfroggings which
The two dynastic centers in the east, Ile-Ife and Oyo, along
after a pause of a generation or two propelled the next group
with another two centers in the west, Tado and Allada, were in
ahead of the point that the foregoing had reached.
evidence during most of t h e historical period. These latter
It was from Tado that a p r incely clan moved southward
were, of course, more closely affiliated to the Alladoxonu of
toward the Ardra l.ingdom, which also had been existing for
Adja. On the plane of power, the distant Oyo was pre-eminent.
some time off the lagoons west of the I.ake Atheme. The Tado
Its military influence radiated right across Bahomey to its very
settlement of Allada on the Couffo Rive~ thus grew to be a holy
southwestern corner, where Allada, ever in fear of Oyo, could
city of the Ile-Ife of Tado.
also count on its protection if Oyo's interests happened to lie
I.egend relates that sometime in the thirteenth century a
that way. Tado, capital of the northern Adja, was a geographi-
daughter of the king of Tado had a forest encounter with a,
cally detached, friendly neutral, while its southern neighbor,
male panther, which resulted in the bi~th of Prince Agassou.
Allada, was a problematic buffer state separating Bahomey
His descendants aspired to the throne of Tado. An Adja prince
from the coastal area and enjoying the support of the tribes of
was killed in the rivalry and Agassou's clan and its followers,
the lagoons and shallows with their fleets of pirogues.
the Agassouvi, had to leave the country. They carried with
The story of the rise of the Alladoxonu clan will take us
them the skull and jawbone of their. deified ancestor as well as
from the western fringes of Bahorney, from which it stemmed,
the clan's katakle. 'They settled on the I ,al'e Atheme from
to the central plateau and eventually to the east until most of
whence the people of T ado eventualiy chased them. They
historic Bahomey was subjected. The earlier part of the clan's
chose to remove toward the northeast, where palm-oil trees
traject scarcely deserves the name of conquest, since it was
grew and where they founded Allada,, the eventual burial place
more in the nature of a deft settling in the interstices, such as
of Agassou. I.ater, the Adja Tadonou began to cali themselves
the Ketu dynasties practiced in the east under Ede in their
Allada Tadonou. Historically, Allada was identical with what
quiet intrusion into the sparsely populated Fon country. Only
appears on the early maps as the state of Ardra, alongside Savi
later, when established in Abomey, does violence in a sequence
{Xavier) and Bjekin { Jacquin) on the coast.
of ruthless local wars play a part i n th e dynasty's progress
At the beginning of the seventeenth century three sons of the
toward possession of what was to become the territory of
deceased Agassouvi king of Allada allegedly contended for the
Bahomey. Regular wars against the Gede, the Ouemenou, the
succession. The eldest, Kokpon, attained it. Te Agban-li, his
Tchi, and other "internal enemies" supervened.
The Adja was one of th e l argest of th e early westward younger brothcr, gainccl the thronc Gf Porto Novo, R founda-
tion of Voruba tribes, while Bo-Aklin, the youngest of the
I6 Dahomey amd Ehe Slave Trade C HAP T E R T K Q
three, turned north and left Allada for good (Dunglas, 1957-
58:83 — 84). His grandson was to become the first r uler of
Dahomey. The last stage of his journey is a story of bravery,
treachery, and murder, which makes the throne eventually
acquired appear as a prize grasped by hands capable of holding
on firmly.
Thus was Dahomey placed and grounded.

The histo~ical event that subjected Dahomean society to great

strain reached it frorn outside and happened in the economic
sphere. The explosion of the slave trade which resulted from
overseas plantations of suga~ cane hit the Guinea Coast in the
immediate vicinity of Dahomey with a unique impa,ct.
In the last reso~t a geographical fact, the Gap of B enin,
frustrated the inhere~t intent of historic Dahomey to organize
as an inland state, for any sudden massive development on the
coast was certain to burst the thin partition of ma~shy ground
that separated Dahomey from the strip o f s mall m aritime
statcs, Rnd to IilRkc incvltablc R DahoIIMRB IBGVC to tlM south.
The peripety brought about by the onrush of the slave trade
cvcntuRlly sharpcncd th e c l 'isis Gf t h e Qew st Rte Rnd c a lled
forth an exceptional performance on the part. of the monarchy.
An epochal event as specific as the invention of the steam
engine by James Katt some 130 years later had happened in
the Antilles — suga~ cane had been introduced into Barbados in
1640. I.ess than twenty yea~s after it "had overtaken tobacco
and accounted for nearly half of I.ondon's imports from the
Plantations" I'Davies, 1957:14 — 15). A dramatic transforma-
tion in Atlantic trade was set in train. Kithin twenty-five years
the whole edifice of what came to be called the Qld Colonial
system was erected.. The French trading company, founded in
1664, was government-financed and directed by Colbert him-
The widely held belief that the new pattern of Afro-Ameri-
x8 Dahomey and the Slave Trade The Challenge of the Slave Trade x9
can commerce simply followed in the wake of the Age of Dis- pect of great riches, if only they were able to provide a labor
coveries is erroneous. Actually, for another century and a half, force from tropical climates for the rapidly spreading sugar
until the rise of the sugar plantations, nothing of the sort was plantations. The outcome was the modern slave trade.
in sight. Only by 1683 were African Negroes — 3,000 of them Doubts might arise whether the new variant was really very
having been acquired in Africa for use in the colony — found in different from the earlier; slavery being an old institution, so
Bahia, then the capital of the overseas empire of the Portu- must the slave trade be, one might think. This would be like
guese. Nor were there yet significant changes in evidence on arguing that the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth cen-
the Guinea Coast itself. Until 1664 the Guinea trade, according tury couldnot have specific consequences, since machines had
to Mme. Berbain, "was restricted to pepper, gold and ivory" been invented and employed in production before. When all is
(1942:34). In England the corresponding date was 1660, the said, the Afro-American slave trade of the eighteenth century
year in which the company of "Adventurers of London trading was a unique event in social history. John Hawkins had been
into Africa" was founded. "Its principal objective was the no more than a colorful episode. As late as 1620 an English
search for gold" ( D avies, 1957:41). Only twelve years later explorer in the upper waters of the Gambia River was offered
the Royal African Company was launched, of which its his- slaves by an African merchant. He replied that, "We were a
torian comments that "the new company was to deal chiefly in people who do not deal. in any such commodities, nor did we
negroes for which there appeared to be an expanding demand buy or sell one another, or any t hat had our own shapes"
in the English colonies" (ibid.:60). The modern slave trade (Jobson, 1904:112 q. Davies, 1957:15).
can beregarded as having started in 1672. The purposeful support accorded by Western governments
The plantations were enormously profitable and the West to the slave trade was soon to produce a new configuration of
Indies had become the private possession of royalty and the commerce on the Guinea Coast. Up to the 1670's beaches from
highest ranks of the aristocracy. The procurement of slaves Senegambia to the Gold Coast were visited by traders; farther
was now recognized as an "absolute necessity" (i b id .:277). on they called only at Benin, the Calabars, and Angola. What
The planter's interest was given teeth through legislation. The was to become the Slave Coast was bypassed. Between Ardra
private trader was permitted to participate in plantation prof its and the Calabars no gold was found, and slaves were not yet in
on condition that he undertake to procure the slave labor on demand. An early English skipper's bill of lading on his return
which that rich harvest depended. In the France of I,ouis XIV trip from Benin showed no slaves among the wares (Dunglas,
a government bounty was paid on every African slave exported 't
to the Americas. After 1670 the word "Guinea" in the language of trade took
A shift in the international economy had caused a tidal wave on an altered meaning. Formerly it stretched from the Senegal
to cross the Atlantic and to hurl itself against a twenty-mile to Ardra and the Volta River — now it started there. At the
stretch of the West African coast. This was not the usual kind same time it changed its politico-social character.
of exchange of goods which by its nature enriches the people Traders had visited the no~thern Guinea Coast since the
who are engaged in it. The trade that within less than a century middle of the fifteenth century, yet no r egular slave trade
was to sweep millions of A f r icans from their v i llages into developed. On the off-chance of purchasing a stray fugitive
slavery overseas was of a peculiar kind. It bore more similarity from crime, a straggler or panyarred Negro shackled by an
to the Black Death than to peaceful barter. The ruling strata African to whom a debt was owed by the man's villagers or
of powerful white empires had been mesmerized by the pros- kinsmen, no dealings with Af~ican brokers, even less a sea~ch-
20 Dahomey and the Slave Trade The Challenge of the Slave Trade zx
ing of the beaches, would pay a skipper otherwise engaged in homey's subsequent offer that E ngland take over W h ydah
regular trade, Vet his acquisition of two or three slaves on the permanently was indeed a, desperate step of statesmanship
coast depended on just such a dribble or seepage of slaves, or born of an impasse.
tribal warfare carried on reasonably close to the shore might With the advent of sugar cane in the West Indies the rush
offer a windfall. For no African community would sell its own for Negro slaves was on. Ardra was the fi~st and most impor-
members into slavery except as a punishment for a very few tant slave trading state on the Upper Guinea Coast. Since the
capital crimes. Hence the beginnings of eighteenth-century end of the 1660's Ardra and its tributaries, the Popos, Bjekin,
slave trade tell of surprise raids perpetrated by white traders, I.ampe, Offra, Glehoue (the later Whydah), Adjache (Porto
intruding by stealth into villages off the coast. The Africans, Novo) were places where inland slaves were regularly traded,
taken in their sleep, were dragged into captivity unless they most of them having passed through the territory of Ardra. By
resisted, in which event they were slaughtered alongside the the turn of the seventeenth century the French, who had a
aged and infirm. Such a fiendish foray occurred only a f ew lodge in the neighbo~hood, achieved permanent settlement in
hours distant from the Ivory Coast (Smith, 1744). This was the coastal area of W h ydah (s o named after th e H oueda
neither war nor trade. Rather, it was the sport and business of
people) and entry into the slave trade of that tribe. The Royal
the adventuring skipper and his crew. Such manhunts could African Company, which previously favo~ed the neighboring
grow into a scourge to whole countrysides, either in the neigh-
Offra, also moved its principal settlement there, "while the
borhood of the coast or even far inland, if rivers or caravan
Portuguese became increasingly frequent visitors" ( B a vies,
roads offered means of transportation which stimulated the sale
1957:229). In 1705 the English Agent-General at Capo Corso
of captives. Unprotected bush and forest regions on which the
wrote to the London office that the Whydah trade would be lost
razzias concentrated were sometimes fated to depopulation.
if a stop was not put to the new French settlement. Next year
Nevertheless, in the absence of an overseas demand requiring a
the English factor of the Royal African Company informed
regular flow of supply, the ravages of slave trading had been
I.ondon of h i s i n t ention "to e nte~ into articles with t h e
confined within narrow limits. Hence the organized hinterland
state was fairly safe until the modern slave trade — that "enor- French," and tw o y ears later that h e wa s r enewing these
mity," to use Toynbee's term — got under way. articles, "the Butch having already done so" (ibid.:279). (Tlie
The beaches of Senegambia traditionally were in the hands terms of the agreement are still not known. ) K. G. Bavies adds
of the Africans. No permanent relations between the foreign that "by the early years of the eighteenth century all four of
trader and the political sovereign were required. For orderly the leading slaving nations had acknowledged the advantages
transactions no particular establishment on the beaches nor of Whydah as a slave-mart" (i bid.:229). And in a survey of
even treaty arrangements between the local chiefs and the prices "from the northern to the southern extremities of the
white trader were needed. Gold, pepper, and ivory were regular company's trade," he asse~ts truly that, they were "cheapest of
objects of trading but no specialized slave trade developed all at Whydah" (ibid.:237).
alongside them. Even when mercantilist notions induced Euro- When, in the 6rst decade of the eighteenth century, Whydah
pean governments to establish some personnel on the shore, the emerged as the pre-emment center of this new tiranch of wo~ld
white man still claimed only tenant's status, not owner's. The trade, the history of Bahomey took a, decisive turn. The event
Negro kingdoms of th e h i nterland jealously guarded their in her c1ose proximity was a challenge which brought the 1atent
t eiritory against penetration; t hey never ceded land, B a - contradictions of her position to a, head. She-was now compelled
22 Dahomey and the Slave Trade The Challenge oj the Slave Trade 23
to come to terms with her geographical and strategic depen- against over-powerful neighbors went together. Slave trading
dence upon the coast. by the state, which, apart from Ardra, Bahomey alone prac-
The unexpected localization of the slave trade and the eco- ticed in that region, grew into a convolute of incessant wars
nomic pressure of slavers' fleets off the coast undermined the which raised the heat of the country's devotion to the warrior's
inland status of Bahomey. Never before had the slave trade w ay of l if e beyond all n ormal standards. Add t o t h i s t h e
forced itself on an inland state of West Africa as a concern European slavers' mercenary intcnt, stiffened by mercantilist
dominating its total existence. Internally and externally the boUQtlcs Rnd bureaucratrc Inccntrvcs. TlM d c IBand f ol' slavcs
supply situation was unprecedented in regard both to the num- was insistent, the fo~ts and settlements reached out for thern
bers involved and the social wreckage caused. Not a few scores with their ships and incited, bribed, and pressu~ed the coastal
of slaves at the most were brought up annually from stray chieftains to provide them. Dahomey, the slaver state, and the
slattees (chained groups of slaves for sale in a market place), white slavers were in spite of passing differences mutual cus-
but many thousands of slaves were channeled in spurts of hun- tonlCI'S.
dreds of organized coglas (slave coges or chain gangs). This R ctul'Qlng to t l M v l c l ous c l r clc Gf D R h omean wRI's: t h r ec
would not have been possible without fortified lodges erected pattcrns Gf calrlpalgns can be drstrngurslMd. ADQURl wRI's wcI'c
against local pillagers, even though such settlements would still carried on as a national institution: first, for the supply of
be at the mercy of t h e concerted action of A f r ican rulers foreign trade; to a smaller extent for th e refilhng of r oyal
{Bavies, 1957:6). Other requirements of the trade were proce- plantations; last,, but not least, for the regular upkeep of half
dures and manipulations of transporting, keeping, barracoon- the male population engaged in the campaigns. Forbes called
ing, subsisting, and branding adult human beings in the mass. all soldiers traders, since the king bought from them either
A modus vivendi with the authorities of the large African states the head of an enemy or the live person of. Rt least one prlsoner
had to be found, and occasional meddling with the intricate {1851[II ] : 9 0) . Every soldier to whom powder had been is-
politics of the region was inevitable (Davies, 1957:278). Benin, sued was expected to Hve up t o t hi s requirement or suffer
Oyo, and Ashanti could remain militarily aloof from the coast, punishment. To water the graves of the ancestors many hun-
with small buffer states located between them and the more dreds of prisoners were put to death. Apart from the sacrifices
densely wooded approach to the shore. The Gap of B enin, at the Annual Customs, massacres of prisoners were the rule.
narrowing toward the south, deprived Dahomey of such a zone Tlus wa s R I c q u l l c nMnt o f R n c cstor' w orshl p t l M D R t l oQRl
of insulation. religion. Functionally it spread fear of the king in the "bush"
The rationale of B ahomey's policy was stringent. In h er and helped to maintaln discipline through terror.
precarious military position, defense and slave trading were The wars were launched unde~ trivial pretexts or with no
inseparable. Admittedly, the slave trade was also a source of reasons being given. Ceremonies of mobiliza,tion heralded the
very considerable revenue to the king, yet there was scarcely event, yet th e actual attack was l aunched in t h e d eepest
any room for private gain in a r oyal household which com- secrecy. Absence of means of rapid commurucation made sur-
prised the total expenses of army and civil service, not exclud- prise not only a part of good tactics but even of sound strategy.
ing the heavy cost of annual campaigns. Dahomey was sur- A permanent constellation of power potentials underlay Ba,-
rounded by m i l i t arily p r epared states. A cquiring s l aves homean wars and war threats almost RH through the two and
through intensified raiding against the weaker neighbors was onc. half ccnturlcs of t h c c ountry s cxlstcncc. It w Rs f ully
impracticable. Large-scale slave wars and preventive action CSective in the eighteenth century, less so in the seventeenth
24 Dahomey and the Slave Trade
and nineteenth. Cardinal points were: Oyo, the great power, in LR o

the northeast; a middle state, Ardra, in the south and south- CCj
w> o
west; and territorially minute Whydah, with its seaport due dj

south. A disgruntled vassal of Oyo, Dahomey thus faced the

problem of Whydah, with Oyo i n th e hack and Oyo's ally
Ardra on the flank. The power pattern did not altogether cease
to operate even after Bahomey's conquest of Allada, the chief
town of Ardra, in 1724, For Ardra's coastal tributaries, the D«j Q U

Popos, and the other tribal allies remained a very real force. A
campaign against Whydah had t o r eckon with t his hostile ! c «
c c
potential, and even after Whydah was conquered the shadow of c + c
«! O
« O f
c c. g
their surf pirogues haunted Dahomey's precarious tenure of 0
cO O

6 O C!
the port. Moreover, the white forts and factories were always O D
. Eo -
2 Vl Zo

prepared to conspire with th e beaten Houedas and Popos

against Bahomey, the northern inland state whose supplies of
slaves were exhausted time and time again owing to its exces- ~O~
sive involvement in power politics. The Butch, the French, and
even the E nglish commanders o ccasionally instigated t h e
==' o<~
4t ..'

coastal natives to stand together to throw off the Bahomean '«! ~

yoke. Cl j.
The national enemy was, of course, Oyo. This became an O
«l E
established fact in 1708, when, after a t w enty-three years'
effort, Bahomey succeeded in destroying the Wemenou. These «!
O O ~ 0
were mainly a Yoruba people, densely settled along the banks E
of the Weme on the Dahomean side of the boundary. The E CD
disappearance of this long-stretched buffer state which sepa- «ll
W «4 0 1 «p
jg «l O
/ «l
r ated the might o f O y o f r o m rapidly growing B ahomey «! « C
brought the power play into action. From that time onward V

Oyo was ever ready to crush Abomey in a preventive move.

Oyo's irresistible cavalry compelled King Agadja to flee from I y

his capital and in 1712 forced Bahomey into a condition of

abject vassalage, bound to send its forces at any time against a
neighbor at Oyo's bid. Bahomey was burdened with a heavy /F
annual tribute. One item to be delivered was signif icant: forty- I g~
one sets of forty-one guns each (Bunglas, 1957 — 58i170). Oyo
procured its mounts from the north but lacked firearms, which
were just coming in through the southern ports.
z6 Dahorrtey and the Slave Trade The ChaQenge ofthe Slave T~ade 27
Bahomey possessed, to our knowledge, nothing to offer the
proceeded irrespective of such obstaclesP Those patterns re-
European trader in exchange for guns except slaves, who,
flected the internahzation, of a, way o f l i f e w h ich f o rbade
however, had to be captured in expensive wars on its neighbors.
Only in 1818, with Oyo in decline, did King Gezo succeed in
The attack proceeded by stages. The seizure of Ardra in
freeing Abomey from a heavy tribute and strict subservience to 1. 724 (Snllth, 1 744: 169) was followcd by a Inovc agRlnst. SRvi,
the formidable taskmaster. For more than a century Oyo had
the political capital of the Houeda kingdom. The conquest of
kept watch on the influx of arms for B ahomey by way of
Whydah, the economic capital, followed only after the Euro-
Whydah. Ardra, as a friendly buffer, had been on the whole an pean factors were advisecl and Iequested to stay neutral. But
asset to Oyo. Dahomey needed safe access to the coast to
abandonment of the enterprise, or even a temporary retreat,
deliver slaves for guns and powder. In an authenticated in-
would have meant giving up hope of emancipation from the
stance Whydensian port authorities passed on a big consign-
humiliating subservience to Oyo. Kven the Kuropean traders
ment of foreign firearms to Abomey having first, as a matter of
were hard put to brook the indignities to which the sudden
precaution, removed the flints from the hammers (Bunglas, wealth of the coastal buffer states exposed them. The Royal
1957 —58:152). Every B ahomean soldier had to b e accom-
A frican Company's agent was Ietained in Porto N ovo t w o
p anied in battle by another man with a f u see to light the
years and was made to do slave labor unde~ pretense that his
powder in the pan. Access to the port was therefore vital to company owed the king a debt (Snelgrave, 1734:66 — 8). Porto
Bahomey, to say nothing of th e heavy cuts in r evenue it
Novo, together with Ardra and Whydah, enjoyed the privileges
suffered from Ardran tolls and customs. With A r dra elimi-
of compulsory intermediaries between the white traders and
nated, ways of running trade through the port of W h y dah
Dahomey. Customs were inordinately raised by Porto Novo as
under Bahomey's supervision could be devised, without expos-
well as by W hydah, which also claimed the right t o " f i r st
ing the person of the king to the contagion of the coastal snake I'cfusR1 fI'onl Imports ancl ovcr R nd Rbovc Rrbitl"Riilv c ut o f f
religion or the white man's intimacy.
Bahomey froin European prestige goods.
Bahomey had a strong reluctance to establish itself on the
Symbolic of the broad logic of challenge and response were
coast by force of arms or to make itself the ruler of Whydah.
t he distressing circumstances that gave rise to some of B a -
The king of Dahomey never to our knowledge had himself homey's great achievements. The conquest of Whydah in Feb-
released, as part of his inauguration ceremony, from the tabu
ruary, 1727, was far from final. The Houedan King Huffon had
of the sea, as had his cousins who occupied the golden katakle
fled with a part of his army into the marshes of Atheme and
at Porto Novo. I n P art I I o f t h i s b ook, " Patterns of t h e
Great Popo, where the landbound Dahomeans were unable to
Economy," institutional evidence is sought for the reluctance
follow them. His caboceer, Assu, courageously fought his way
that had its roots in the impossibility for Dahomey to incorpo-
back to Whydah, setting up camp between the French and the
rate a conquered Houeda kingdom. Bosman (1814) and Bar-
English settlements, Saint-tuuis and Fort William's, but was
bot (1732), who knew both Whydah and Ardra, insisted on the
chased away by a Bahomean counterattack (ibid.:116). The
near identity in language and culture of these two politically
Houeda succeecled in letting Oyo have word of their plight.
a ntagonistic kingdoms. The opposite would be true of D a -
Oyo cavalry descended upon Abomey, sending King Agadja
homey and its ruling group, the Fon. Vet why accept in this
into the bush for r e fuge. Tr ade was ha,rd hit, enough to rnake
case language and religion as absolute barriers to political
the Kuropean factors regret the change. The Knglish governor,
incorporation, seeing how empire-building in these parts often
the unfortunate Testefole, persuaded the Houedas to join with
z8 Dahomey and the Slave Trade The Challenge of the Slave Trade 29
the Popos and recapture Whydah. The Dahomeans had with- distinct systems of cu~~encies for the sake of the political and
drawn their garrison from Savi and were amazed to learn that a cultural integrity of t h eir countries. Coastal Whydah, even
convoy of slaves sent to Whydah found the port in the hands of after its political subjection by Bahomey, which always kept it
a Houedan army 15,000 strong, which they believed dispersed culturally at arm's length, remained a corpns separatum. Euro-
in the marshes. pean company officlals and Afncan traders of varlous extrac-
In this extremity Agadja decided to arm a c ompany of t ion intermingled freely. Many of t h e l a tter were of A f r o -
female elephant hunters he had inherited from his father. They American background, Portuguese mulattoes, and repatriated
had hitherto served only as a bodyguard, but were now to form African slaves. This was a place of multiple currencies, while
a regiment to make up the rear and — at least visually — swell Bahomey and Ashanti had succeeded in keeping their mone-
the ranks. The daring experiment culminated in the j ustly tary systems separate in the face of what must. appear to the
famed institution of the "Amazons." This large elite force of a modern mind as almost insuperable obstacles. Bahomey used
volunteer army of virgins was domiciled around the court, and cowrie exclusively, in elaborate, never-changing division, main-
its veterans were pensionable. This inventiveness of the Alla- tained at an unvarying exchange rate of 32,000 cowries to one
doxonu dynasty was an asset to the new state in its struggle for ounce of gold — an amazing feat. Ashanti used goM dust as a
survival under arduous circumstances, but the secret source of currency, nuggets being appropriated by th e k i ng; c owries
success was the moral cohesion uniting the state and nonstate were banned in Ashanti as was gold dust in B a homey. In
factors in Dahomean society. Whydah under Bahomean rule both were current. Silver, the
If, in a general way, Dahomey's history might be regarded domcstlc CUlI'cncy Gf t h c V RI'1GUs EUI'opcan natlons) was Gf
as a manifold response to the challenge of the Gap of Benin, small account in Whydah since no coins were current, but it
this is undoubtedly true of the economy of Dahomean Why- was commonly melted down to serve for ornaments.
dah. A noncommercial inland nation was to adapt this port to a Again, in foreign ~elations the on~ush of the slave trade
trading task o f e x t raordinary m agnitude and complexity. c alled forth an unprecedented expedient on the part of t h e
There is no need to enlarge on the technicalities of transacting Alladoxonu. West African hinteriand states never relinquished
the intricate business of the slave trade with many European Rny of thcll' terrltory t o th c E U l opcan powcr's T h l s wRs nlorc
countries and with brokers from numerous inland peoples. The than keeping jealous guard over sovereign rights. Bahomean
entrance of foreign goods had to be technically and financially religion dedicated the soil of t h e country t o t h e gods and
administered; weights and measures concerted; cultural con- denied to the king the right of alienating any part of it, This
tacts controlled while insulating internal trade from all avenues policy was reversed by the Alladoxonu rulers and the reversal
of unwanted external influences, particularly those which ac- was steadfastly adhered to. The t~aditional attitude would
company the penetrative effects of foreign currencies. We will have committed Dahomey to hold on t o t h e p ossession of
see how the port of t r ade organization admirably answered Whydah at all cost and, as a consequence, dooroed the country
these apparently conflicting requirements. to vassalage to Oyo, while all that Dahomey neecled was the
Consider the currency situation. Whydah was a small king- assurance of a free import of arms. Hel solution was to seek
dom with the two hinterland regions of Dahomey and, some- c losc coopcI'Rtlon w l t h t he g l " cRt p o w cl ' t h R t G w necl t h c
what further to th e northwest, Ashanti for n eighbors. The strongest fleet.
statesmanship of Bahomey and Ashanti was, we should as- Thcl'c ls docunlcntRly cvldencc Qf Agad]a s cndcRvols to
sume, aware of the importance of maintaining separate and cooperate with the English, even prior to his attack on Why-
30 Dahomey and the Slave Trade
dah. His contacts dating from Bulfinch Lambe, the first white
man to visit Abomey, can be reconstructed from documents
(cf. Bulfinch Lambe's letter in Smith, 1744:171 — 89}. Captain
W illiam Snelgrave arrived in desolated Whydah only a f ew
weeks after it was sacked and was promptly met in neighboring
Djekin by Agadja's messenger with the king's invitation to
proceed to Allada for consultation. Eventually Dahomean pol-
icy matured to the grand decision of offering to cede the
sovereignty over Whydah to the English on sole condition of a
guaranteed supply of arms to Dahomey. Bulfinch Lambe, after
a two years' enforced visit at Agadja's court, was allowed to
leave, laden with presents, having promised to return with a
whole colony of Englishmen. Unavailing efforts to persuade the
London government to accept Whydah continued under suc-
c essive rulers (cf. Commodore Wilmot in B u rton, 1893[II ]
:252). Indeed, this perseverance appeared not unreasonable
under the circumstances, but the Colonial Office refused even
to consider the king of Dahomey's offer.
B y the first half o f t h e n ineteenth century Oyo was i n
decline. Fulbe cavalry had pushed back the frontiers of the
V oruba kingdoms, and the seceding Egba had set u p t h e
fortress of Abeokouta. King Gezo of Dahomey freed his coun-
try from the shameful burden of the tribute and the military
overlordship of t h e O yo. D ahomey could now f eel secure
within its frontiers, and with the falling off of the slave trade
could shift her economy to the export of palm oil. Eventually
Abomey fell to French artillery, though defended by an Ama-
zon army still possessed of all the soldierly virtues. Superior
technology was victorious over a nation of great gifts exercised
on an exceptional institutional level.

Faul Mercier describes Dahomey as a highly centralized king-

dom where the local life of religion and village was nevertheless
intense. In the economic field we can also distinguish a central-
ized domain of the state proper, and alongside it a fairly state-
free body of society. The state sphere of the economy is pre-
sented in Chapter Three; the state-free field of the economy in
Chapters Pour to Six. In the state sphere redistribution was the The monarchy was the central institution of the state sphere.
main pattern. That is, the movement of the goods, whether It was accepted as of divine origin. The king was the link
actual or merely dispositional, was toward a center and out of between the people and the deified ancestors, as well as the
it again. In the nonstate sphere, that is, the familial and local guardian of the people's livelihood. As such, the king played a
orbit, reciprocity and householding were the dominant pat- central role in the Dahomean economy. It was he who annually
terns. In the absence of a market system exchange was only reviewed economic conditions, formulated plans for the future,
secondary since it did not comprise labor and land, and everi distributed a minimum of cowrie to the population to buy food,
commodity markets were isolated and did not f orm i nto a set certain equivalents, received and dispensed gifts, and levied
system. tolls, taxes, and tribute.


The place of the mona~ch in Dahomean Iife came into focus

at the great redistributive ceremony of the Annual Customs.
On this occasion the king appeared before an assembly of all
Dahomey to discharge his various duties as sovereign.. The
Annual Customs was the principal event of the economic cycle.
In terms of gross national product and foreign import, as well
as popular participation, it was an. economic institution of
unique proportions. The king himself was the central actor in
an assembly of RH the personages, administrators, and office
holders of the land, in which literally every family was repre-
sented by at least one member for part of the tirne. In a day-
long performance the king received gifts, payments, and trib-
utes, subsequently distributing a part of this wealth as gifts to
the crowd.
Thc cconomlc Rspcct of the pi'occss may bc Rnalyzcd Rs R
34 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Redistribution: The State Sphere
m ove of goods and money toward the center and out of i t Burton sRys:
again, that is, redistribution. I t w a s th e main occasion of Human sacrifice in Dahomey is founded on a purely religious basis. It is
building up the finances of the royal administration and of a touching instance of the King's filial piety, deplorably mistaken, but
distributing cowrie and other imports among the people. Yt perfectly sincere. The Dahomean sovereign must. . enter Deadland

took care of the remuneration of all higher officials to whom with royal state, accompanied by a ghostly court. . . . T h i s is the object
valuable rewards of brandy, tobacco, silks, robes, carpets, and of what we have called the "Grand Customs."
other luxuries were dispensed. Foreign traders and business-
men contributed considerable sums to the king's revenue while
native administrators, occupying lucrative posts, handed a decorum exacts that the first, fruits of war and that. all criminals should
be sent as recruits to sweil the King's retinue. (1893[II]:13,14)
share of their revenue to the king, These payments were not
always made publicly, while the royal return gifts were staged Every event in which the king was involved, whether being
with a view to the utmost effect. visited by a white man or rnerely moving to another palace,
Held each year upon the return of the Bahomean army from had to be reported to the ancestors by some male or female
the wars, the Customs was symbolic of the religious and politi- messenger. No prospect of additional profit through the sale of
cal unifications of the peoples of Bahomey under the Alladox- slaves would induce the king to spa~e a single victim from the
onu kings. It was the occasion upon which the people did honor number required.
to their ancestors and gave thanks for victory in battle. The The Customs was the occasion for R, collection and redistri-
king was the mediator between the living and the dead. He bution of goods on a grand scale. All Bahomeans of any note,
sacrificed large numbers of captives, "watering the graves" of including all who held office, attended the ceremonies in per-
his forebears with the blood of the victims and recommitting son, bringing gifts to the king. The Europeans in Whydah, as
the nation to the care of the ancestral spirits. These observ- well as emissaries from African sovereigns, were expected to
ances were repeated on an even vaster scale at the Grand Cus- present themselves before him, likewise bearing gifts. During
toms, which marked the period of public mourning following the festivities, which continued for weeks at Abomey, the king
the death of a king of Dahomey and the accession of his suc- himself made disbursements to the population. As many as
cessor. thirty or forty thousand people might be present. On the plat-
The Customs expressed the core values of Dahomean life. form erected for the king and members of his court, cowries,
Herskovits writes: rum, cloth, and other fine goods were heaped up to be scattered
In the life of every Dahomean, his ancestors stand between him and the among the crowds by the king or the dignitaries of the court
gods.. . t h e respect and worship of the ancestors may then be thought day after day as the ceremonies continued (Dalzel, 1793:xxiii ff.,
of asone of the great unifying forces that, for the Dahomean, give mean- 121 ff., 146 — 47). A great variety of goods was distributed
ing and logic to life. (1938[ij i238) ItcIns comlng fi onl Rs far Rway Rs EUI'opc Rnd India, 1B Rddl-
W illiam Snelgrave, with the point o f v i ew n atural t o a tion to manufactures such as fine cotton cloth from neighboring
trader, asked a high Dahomean military official why the Da- C GUntl'Ics. Thc s iz c Gf t h c c o n t r i bUtlons t o t h c k l n g v a r i c d
homeans should sacrifice so many captives when these could be greatly. Lavish gifts were expected and receivecl from the
sold to good advantage. To which the officer replied: traders on the coast (Porbes, 1851['IIj : 1 73). One of t h em
It had ever been the custom of their Nation, after any Conquest, to offer later complained that he had brought with him the value of his
47 )
to their God a certain number of Captives. (1734:46 — ycax' s pr'ofits Rs gifts for thc king.
36 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Redistribution: The St~te Sphe~e 37
The captives taken in battle were presented to the king at Duncan (1847[I I ] : 2 64). The Amazons con.stitutecl the pri-
this time and the king in turn accorded public recognition to vate army of the king and their booty belonged to hirn.
his warriors and officials by making gifts of slaves to those who T IM scparatlon o f t h c c l v l l p o w cI' Rnd tl M B l i h t ar y p o w c l '
distinguished themselves. These formal gift exchanges cele- provides another example of the institutional divisions in which
brated Dahomey's wealth and power, and reaffirmed the mu- Dahomey abounded. The army was under civili a,
n command
tual relations and obligations between king and people. except on the field of battle. The Mingan and the Meu, who
commanded the right wing and the Ieft wing respectively, were
the highest ranking civiI officers of the kingdom, U'nder the
Men and materials of war were collected and distributed by MlngRB was th c G Ru, tl M B u l l t ar y c o Blmandcr-ln-chlcf, Rnd
the monarch. Each year after the harvest, the king went to war f corresponding to him on the left wing was the Po-su. The Gau
leading an army, estimated at up to fifty thousand, including Rssulrlcd colnn1RQCI of tlM RI'Bilcs ln thc flcM, t.Rklng preccclcncc
followers, into the field. This was no less than about one-fourth even over the king. In civilian life, the king always occupied
of the total population. The standing army was, as we saw, the highest stool, but on the battlefront the king sat on a low
composed entirely of w o men of r e markable physique and stool, while the Gau sat on a highe~ one.
fierceness in combat. This contingent was supplemented by A meticulous disposition was made of captives taken in
annual provincial levies on the male population. A minimum of battle. After reserving a sufficient contingent for the sac~ifices
military training was assured to all young males by assigning to to the ancestors, there were set apart, a number of captives
e ach soldier in the field a y oung boy as attendant "t o b e corresponding exactly to the Dahomeans lost on the fielcl of
trained up i n H a r d ships f ro m t h ei r V o u th " ( S n elgrave, battle. These were eventually distributed to the royal planta-
1 734: 79, q. Herskovits, 1938[II ] : 8 0 ) . tions to replace the losses. The balance of the captives was
dlvldcd l nt o t h l 'cc p a l ts : o l M p R rt. golng to t t M k l n g f o i h l s
The organization of the army was decentralized. IA'hiie the
household; a second to be sold by the king as slaves; and the
general command was exercised by the k i ng's off i cials, th e
caboceers or top officials of the various towns and regions led third to be distributed among the wa~riors and chiefs Rs a
their own forces into the field. The caboceers were expected to reward for valor.
Once assigned to the ~oyal plantations, slaves could not be
place their men at the army's disposal for the campaign and
some of them, such as the king's traders at K h ydah, owned dlvcltctl fol I'csRIc. Snclgravc complalncd of hls unsucccssfuI
t housands of slaves and supplied whole regiments for t h e attempt to buy additional slaves from the king:
annual slave hunt. The rank of A hwangan, or war captain, I understood afterwards the King had no Slaves by him for sale, tho he
according to Burton, "includes all officers that can bring ten to had great Numbers of captive Negroes, which tilled his Grounds, and did
a hundred dependents or slaves into the field" ( 1893[Ij:147, other work. Por it seems, after they are once enrolled for that Service, his
Majesty never sells them unless they are guilty of very great Crimes. (Snel-
grave, 1734:106 —07, q. Herskovits, 1938 III]:97)
While the soldiers were provisioned by their own masters,
certain foodstuffs, such as honey, were collected and stored by
royal officials for the use of all the troops. T'he caboceers were
entitled to the booty taken by their own soldiers: "The cabo-
ceers, whose soldiers captured them, were always considered to
be the owners of the slaves taken in the war," the king told
38 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Redistribution: The State Sphere 39
success of the Bahomean agricultural policy thereby. This fact district not far from Abomey only millet was grown; in other
is especially remarkable because of the toll in manpower and areas only yams or maize. In the area between Whydah and
resources exacted by an annual war, and because the bush Allada, maize and manioc were the chief crops. If there was
stood as a constant threat to the cultivators, encroaching upon overproduction or underproduction of any crop, the farmers
the cultivated land as soon as effort was relaxed. were ordered to shift f r o m one crop t o a n other. As P aul
" The King of B a homey enforces cultivation over all h i s Mercier says, "In economic matters there was a strict control,
d ominions," Buncan writes ( 1847[I I ] : 3 10 ) . And th e k i n g not only of exported products — palm oil — but also of f o od
himself tells Buncan "that he had long ago issued orders that crops" (1954c:210). If supplies of grain were short, no export
all the spare land in and around the town [of Whydah] should of grain was permitted. Pigs, the chief source of meat, were
be cultivated with a view of lessening the chance of epidemic counted and orders might be given banning slaughter or sales
diseases" (ibid.: 268 —69) . for a certain period in order to replenish stocks.
In the injunctions to a new village official, delivered upon the Prom early times on, conservation measures were under-
occasion of his ceremonial installation before the king and his taken by the king. The output of palm oil was safeguarded by
court, the king's policy in r egard to th e r u ral economy is the king's ruling that no palm wine could be made except from
clearly stated: the palm trees growing wild in the bush, since the making of
The King has said that in Dahomey a chief must see to it that everyone palm wine destroyed the young trees uncler cultivation (Bur-
holds firmly where his hand rests. . . .
ton, 1893 [I]: 84, n. 1 ) . During the growing season for crops,
the king decreed that all animals should be tied up to keep
The King has said that Dahomey is a vast. land, and that everyone must them from trampling the new crops.
confine his work to the place where he lives. That is why it is forbidden Other products were likewise subject to administrative con-
to any of the young men who cultivate the earth to stop work in the fields
trols. At Whydah two quarters in the town were set aside for
while the grass remains uncut.
salt-workers and the output of these wo~kers was supervised by
The King has said that a country must be loved by its. . . [ p eople] and the viceroy of Whydah and the "salt-ofiicials" of th e court.
that is why he has forbidcien his people to migrate from one part of the Tradition held that the king wished no revenue from salt since
country toanother, since a wanderer can never have a deep love for his it was a necessity of life, hence the tax-in-kind on salt was
land. {Herskovits, 1938:67)
smaller than that on other products. Moreover, salt had to be
sold to anyone who needed it, even i j he could buy only one
The permanent administration of agricultural affairs was in coiori e's voorth.
the hands of the "Minister of Agriculture," the Tokpo; under The total output of honey was reserved for the use of the
him were the Xeni, the chief of the "great farmers" or gletanu, Rrmy Rnd no pl'1VRtc production ol' sRlc was pcrmltt cd. Gl ligcl'
and his assistant.* Every important official was a plantation WRs rcgardcd a.s a nlcclicliiR1 productI Rs w lt h h o n cyi pl'lvRtc
owner and thus a member of the gletanu. It was the duty of the production or sale was prohibited and distribution was handled
agricultural officials to insure a balanced production of crops by royal officials for medicinal purposes only. Private persons
and adjust resources to requirements. Principal crops were were permitted to grow peppe~ on a, quota basis, each owner of
grown in different areas of the kingdom. For example, in a a field being allowed the number of pepper plants that would
~The main source for the material on the administration of agriculture is yield one raffia sack of pepper for his own use. Ce~tain districts
Herskovits> 1938 [Il: 112-2S. were set aside for the production of pepper for the market, and
40 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Redistributson: The State Sphere 4I
a tax in cowries was levied on pepper in transit from these Immediately after the close of the great rainy season, when
districts. Ground nuts could be grown only in quantities suffi- the harvests had been completed, the king began prepa,rations
cient for private use. According to Burton, the cultivation of for the annual military campaign. This ma.rked the time for
coffee, sugar cane, rice, and tobacco was banned in the neigh- undertaking the census which provided the data for making
borhood of Whydah; for what reason we do not know, but levies and collecting taxes. The census covered population,
probably because these were regarded as undesirable luxuries. agricultural and craft production, Iivestock, and most. other
The king's responsibility for the food supply of the kingdom productsand resources of the kingdom.
was manifested in the relation of the crown to local markets. Care was given to the manpower ~esources. A total count was
The marketplace had to be consecrated by human sacrifice, taken of the population and of the numbers of workers in each
and since none but the king could take human life, the market occupational category: cultivators, weavers, potters, hunters,
had to be directly instituted by the crown. All markets were salt-workers, porters who carried goods, blacksmiths, and also
established by authorization of the king„and officials stood in slaves. Following the enumeration of the cultivators, a count
attendance in the marketplace to insure order and obedience to was made of the agriculturaI produce stored in granaries, of
the regulations. As noted, no food could be purchased in the palm trees throughout the kingdom, of the number of cattle,
market except with cowrie. The distribution of cowries from sheep and poultry, and the output of the various crafts. After
the royal hand during the Annual Customs was the means of these data were gathered, taxes were assessed on the whole
providing the general population with the currency to b uy produce of the kingdom: grain, palm oil, salt, craft products,
food. Similarly, all visitors to the court were given gifts of etc., from which provisions were secured for the forthcoming
cowries by the king, should they wish to buy food in the market campaign. Each chief's report to the king of the population
over and above that provided by the king's hospitality, and, in figures for his village formed the basis for the assignment of
token of permission to depart, visitors were "passed" with men to the different divisions of the army. Employed in the
cowries, as the saying went, to enable them to buy food on the census were ingenious administrative devices which served
return journey. operationally as substitutes for written records. But the main
reason why the countrywide census involved so little bureau-
cratic harrassment was the participation of t h e p opulation
The redistributive system of the palace economy was linked which willingly obeyed the Iaw and responded spontaneously to
with an extensive apparatus of planning and administration.~ t he rules. T'he census data then provided the basis for t h e
Many of the economic affairs which made their appearance on levies in kind and cowrie, which were the substance of the IIow
the agenda of the Annual Customs were the concern of the of goods and services to the state under a redistributive pat-
royal administration throughout the year. The livelihood of the tern.
people was a charge upon the monarch. Indeed, his responsi- Thc data on population gathered during tlic census wci'e a
bility extended to every phase of the economy, so that much state secret, known only to the king, a,nd any village or provin-
administration was carried out in the course of preparation for cial chief who disclosed the figures for his group would have
the ensuing Customs. been garrotted.
The census of population (cf. Herskovits, 1938[II ] : 7 2 ff.,
~ The main source for this section and the f ollowing section on taxation
is Herskovits, 1938[I]:107-34; [II ] 72-79. References to the census also occur w horn we follow closely) was carried out as follows: In t h e
in I.e Herisse, 1911:84. palace, under the charge of a womari officiaI, were thi~teen
42 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Itedistribution: The State Sphe~e 43
boxes, each divided into two parts, one part for males, one part After the army had been assembled, the count of females
for fem a les. As each birth was reported to the king by t h e took place. The commander of each army unit was instructed
village or district chief, a pebble was placed in the proper sec- to ask each of his soldiers the number of women in his family.
tion, according to the sex of the infant. At the end of each year, These were likewise recorded in pebbles, village by village, and
all the pebbles were moved up one box, leaving the first box sent to the palace. The women belonging to families whose men
empty, in which to begin again the recording of births during had not gone to war that year were counted later when a com-
the co ming year. The pebbles in th e t h i rteenth box were mission of war chiefs received a report from each village on the
thrown out, since children who had reached the age of fourteen number of men who had not appeared for the campaign. It was
were c onsidered adults and were enumerated in the annual at this time also that a check was made on how well the villages
count of adults. In another room of th e palace, the boxes had complied with the call to arms. No rnilitary quota was
recording deaths were kept and the count made in a similar assigned to each village. After the war was over, however, and
manner. Reports of deaths in each district were relayed to the thc arnly coniBIRndels had i cportcd how Blany mcn f l ol n cach
palacc and two army chiefs were charged with the task of village answered the call, this number was checked against the
reporti ng the number of men killed in battle. The counting of pebbles recording the total. male population of each village.
slaves and captives was entrusted to two other officials. With Should the soldiers number less than half the total male popu-
their reports made, the total tally could be arrived at. lation of the village, the village chief was strangled.
Sack s containing the census tallies for each village were Thc proccdurc foi" thc cconolrnc ccnsus ancl taxatlon of I l v c-
placed in four large bags: one each for men, women, boys, and stock (cf. Herskovits, 1938[I t : 116 ff.) was as follows: The
girls, a nd each sewn with the corresponding symbol — short king initiated the annual census of pigs by calling the three
trunks for men, beads for women, the male sex organ for boys, hereditary chiefs of the butchers to report the names of the
and as mall figure with the female sex organ for girls. In addi- villages in which they bought their pigs. Thereupon a message
tion, t here were three other sacks: one in black representing was sent to the village named, summoning the chiefs and all
men k illed in battle, one in red representing deaths from ill- those who had pigs for sale, on the grounds that the king was
ness, and one in white indicating captives. about to set a new price for pigs. A count of the number of pigs
In t aking the count of adult Dahomeans, males were enu- in each village was taken by the chief of the village before his
merate d first. Some ten to twelve days before mobilization, the appearance at court, and this provided a check on the accuracy
head o f each family group was required to report the number of the reports made by each villager as to his stock of pigs. A
of mal es over thirteen years of age in his group. The village complicated system of controls was then set in motion. First an
chief k ept a record of the count by placing pebbles in a sack order was given to the villagers, banning any slaughte~ of sows
for each male reported to him. On the sack was sewn a symbol for the next six months. This was intended to keep the number
indicat ing the village from which it came. A basketmaking of sows at the current level so that this figure could be taken as
village, for instance, might have a basket for its emblem. These a constant in subsequent calculations of the total. Secondly, an
sacks were brought to Abomey by the village chiefs themselves order was issued to all toll posts throughout the kingdom to
or by t he district chiefs to whom the sacks were turned over by prevent any pigs from being carried through the gates. And
the ch iefs of each village. As each chief presented himself finally, every market official was ordered to bring to the palace
before the king, he was told the army corps to which men from the heads of all pigs sold in the market cluring the next six
his vill age were to be assigned. month.s. At. the end of thls slx-month perlod, vlllage chlefs re-
Dahomey and the Slave Trade Redi'str~bmtiort: The State Sphere
ported the number of male pigs in their villages, and this count, the produce of the kingdom was taxed as well as internal trade,
plus the number of heads delivered at the palace during the and the tax system was linked to various measures of economic
period, was supposed to be at least as large as the total re-
planning and control discussed in the following section (cf. also
ported at the beginning of the period. If it were found that too I.e Herissc, 1911: 82 —
91 and Foa, 1895: 274 ff.).
many pigs had been slaughtered and sold, the sale of pork was Meat was supplied to th e p alace by v arious groups of
ordered suspended for a year. The animal tax was based on the h untcls. H Untlng wRs Rn i l n p ol'tRnt soUlcc o f Q MRt f o r t h c
data thus collected. Slaughterers were taxed according to the
p opulation as a w h ole. Consumption of t h e m eat o f w i l d
number they had handled, and i n a d dition, everyone who
a nimals probably exceeded that of d omestic ones and t h e
raised pigs was assessed a basic toll of one animal per year. annual hunt is still a feature of Dahomean life. There were two
For other livestock — cattle, sheep, and goats — control was hunting chiefs at court, one for hunters and one for fishermen,
less systematic. A census of these animals was taken only about
a nd a hunting chief (dega) in each village. A count of t h e
every three years. On such occasions an impending "catas- hunters was taken annually in the course of ceremonial observ-
trophe" would be announced by a crier in the market place, ances at the shrine of the deity of the hunt near Abomey. On
perhaps an epidemic among the cattle, a drought, or other the basis of this count, the dega were divided into thirteen
calamity invented for the occasion. All owners of cattle would
groups, four dega foI each Dahomean month, and each of the
be instructed to bring a cowrie shell for each animal as an thirteen groups was required to furnish meat for the palace
offering to placate the gods, and these shells were collected during one month. In addition, the heads of all animals killed
from all over the kingdom. A female official in the palace set were sent to the palace to decorate the entrance. A tax on
aside a pebble for each cowrie, keeping the piles separate for fishermen was paid in dried fish, and presumably collected by
each type of animal, and placed each set of pebbles into a 1Tlcans of pl'occdUI'cs slIQIIar to thosc fol' huIltcl s.
separate sack before sending the cowries to the temple. A sym- Kith regard to clomestic animals, as we have seen, all who
bol sewn on each sack indicated the type of animal enumerated kept pigs were assessed one ammal pei year, Slaughterers were
therein — a horn for cattle, a beard for goats, weeds and a taxed on the basis of the number of animals they had killed.
tongue for sheep; and if pigs were included in this census, a Cattle, sheep, and goats were taxed every three years, a certain
butcher's knife on the sack for pigs. The tax was based on this proportion of the animals being taken, such as 1 in 8 for goats.
count, each village giving a certain percentage of its stock to Horses belonged only to certain individuals of high status. A
the palace, about twelve and one-half per cent in the case of tax of4,000 cowries a year was collected for each horse.
goats. The count was made by taking five animals out of every Contributions of honey, pepper, and ginger were made by
forty, or every eighth animal. two districts near Abomey devoted to the cultivation of these
T AX A T I O N products. Thcsc products wcI'c rcgardcd Bs Qnlltary stoics Rnd
their production was closely supervised.
Sources of royal revenue other than the palace and its plan- TIM taxatlon of sRlt. was Blso bascd Gn R closc sUpcl'vislon Gf
tations were a comprehensive system of taxation, levies, and
production. Salt was obtained by the evaporation of sea water,
contributions. Taxation in D a homey was general and was and production was limited to the coastal town of K h y dah.
linked to an efficient system of collecting, accounting, and T he salt-workers, resident m. two q u a rt ers o f K h y d ah,were
control. Indirect techniques were often used for double-check- rcqulrcd to dlg hardpans wlMlc thc pl'occss Gf cvapolatlon was
ing on evasion of taxes (cf. Herskovits, 1938[Ij : 107 ff.). All carlled Gut~ Rnd pcI'mlsslon for. digglng hRd to bc obtRlnccl fl'Gln
46 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Redistribution: The State Sphe~e 47
the king's deputy. From each salt-worker the king required ten a ccording to the quantity of u nsold hoes remaining at t h e
sacks of salt — about eight kilograms — each year. These sacks foi'ge.
were deposited with the viceroy of Whydah, who set aside a Other smithies not engaged in making hoes were enumerated
pebble for each sack received, sending these "salt pebbles" to through the priests who served the god of iron ( G u) . Each
Abomey at stated times. At Abomey the pebbles were counted forge had its shrine to the deity, and at specified times the
in sets of ten to determine the number of salt-workers repre- priests were called together to receive from the hand of the
sented. A separate check on the honesty of the viceroy was king the cocks needed for the annual ceremony to the god. The
made by sending another official from the court to the salt- number of forges in the kingdom was then calculated by de-
workers' quarters at Whydah to count the number of salt pans ducting the number of cocks given out to the priests from the
set out. This count had to tally with that submitted by the total number on hand at the palace before the distribution to
viceroy, and any discrepancy was a grave offense for which the the priests. In addition, the number of smiths was determined
viceroy might be punished by being deprived of his revenues of by asking each priest how many men worked at his forge.
office for the period of a year. From the proceeds of this tax the The weavers and wood cutters likewise were assessed a cer-
king supplied his household, perhaps also the army. tain proportion of their product.
The forge was the unit for accounting, taxation, and other Internal trade also was taxed. A "passport," system was used
administrative measures relating t o i r o n . T w e lve f o rges. in keeping count of porters who carried goods through toll-
throughout the country were designated to make hoes; and houses and in levying the taxes on such trade. Ther'e was a
production of hoes was limited to these forges, each of which tollhouse at the ent~ance to every town, at certain places on the
was under the watchful eye of an official charged with supervis- lagoons, and at the doors of Eu~opean trade establishments.
ing production. Since no hoes could be sold directly from the During the Annual Customs,
forge, all sales had to take place in the market under the
supervision of market officials. The market head or his deputy the public crier was sent to the markets to announce that all porters must
had to witness every sale of hoes, recording the sale by placing declarethemselves before a given off icial.... As the men reported, each
a pebble in a box marked with the device of the forge at which gave his name and, in secret, proffered some kind of sign to constitute
his passport. Thus, one might employ a small chain, counting the links, so
the hoe was made. Every forge had its device. It was stamped that there would be one for each tollgate through which he must pass, the
on the product of the forge, and copies of all the devices were other links of the chain being distributed among the keepers of the gates.
registered with the palace and distributed to all market offi- Another might give a small raSa-cloth . . . r e p licas of these cloths being
cials. There were twelve boxes in the keeping of each market also distributed to all oScers at the toH-posts. When.. . t his porter . . .
head, one for each forge, and as each box was filled it was sent arrived ata toll-post, he was asked for his "passport" and produced the
to Abomey and replaced from the capital. A supplementary cloth. This was then compared with the clot.h that had already been
received by the keeper and if there was even a minor difference between
count of production was taken by summoning smiths to the the two, the carrier was bound and sent. to prison, (Herskovits, 1938[fj:
palace to determine how many hoes were made at their respec- 13O-31)
tive forges. From the total thus reported, the number of hoes
sold in the market was deducted, leaving the total number on
hand. The tax was based on this count, each ironworker being
A smail pebble was set aside at each toll-gate every time a given porter
given a token bar of iron by the king and instructed to return
passedthrough it,and at the end of the year the amount he was assessed
with a specified number of cartridges, more or less in number was based on the number of trips he had made. (Itiid. i131)
48 Dahomey arid the Slave Trade Redkslributioni The State SPhere 49
Other taxes were facilitated by the enforcement of carrying. on grave diggers. Contributions were also made to the palace
For example, pepper, except for limited quantities, could be by the family of the deceased. These were earmarked after a
produced only in certain districts which were located at some year to pay for the burial of princes, chiefs, and foreign cap-
distance from the market. This enabled a tax in cowrie shells to t ives who had died a natural death and had no f amily i n
be levied on the goods in transit. Dahomey. The fee for certifying the natural death of a slave
Taxes-in-kind in local markets were tal en in the form of was 3,000 cowries (Burton, 1893[IIt i107). Occasional refer-
"samples" of each type of produce sold in the market ( ibid.: c Iiccs occlll' t o I ' Rnsonl d eBlanded f oI ' p r i soncI's, an d s o n l e
127 — 28). Forbes remarks, however, that "collectors stationed revenue resulted from confiscatory fines and penalties. Other
at all markets. . . receive cowries in number according to the sources of state revenue were the taxes and tribute on subject
value of the goods carried for sale" (1851[It:35). towns, and the revenue from foreign trade.
A poll tax on every inhabitant of Dahomey is mentioned by
Duncan. For certain individuals this might be very high. For R OYAL K Q UI VA L K N T S
example, two slaves of the Viceroy of Whydah are reported to Among the duties of the king was that of proclaiming certain
have paid an annual head tax of $1,500 and $2,500 in cowries of the equivalents which were to prevail during his reign. There
(Duncan, 1847[Ij : 122 — 23). were many equivalents of a customa~y character in Dahomean
The death of an official was accompanied by an inheritance life, such as the payments made to the bride's parents at
tax levied as follows: first, the possessions of the deceased were marriage, the ritual fees to priests and various village officials
brought to the king's palace at Abomey. Then the king decided on ceremonial occasions, the precisely calculated gift exchanges
whether the deceased's son was to assume his father's official between kin groups atfunerals, and so on. These were cus-
position or whether it would be awarded as an honor to some- toIIiaiy cqlllvalcnts, Rnd thcic is Bothing to i n d lcate that t h ey
one else, such as a soldier who had distinguished himself in would change froin one regime to another.
battle. Only if the son was reappointed would he inherit his The equivalents prevailing for i mported goods were pro-
father's wealth. Since the king had overall title to property and claimed by the king. Dalzel reports that Adahoonzou "issued a,
land in Dahomey, the return of his father's property had the proclamation, that no trader should at any market pay more
status of a gift. At the same time, a portion of the inheritance than thirty-two cabesses of cowries for a man and twenty-six
was retained by the king (Herskovits, 1938 [II]: 6). c abcsscs foI' R wonlRB slRvc. . . . Rncl thc klng hinlsclf boiight
The basic tax was that on all agricultural produce. Each year slaves at this price, "he paying the price which he himself had
after the harvest, the "minister of agriculture," the Tokpo, and fixed, in strung cowries, at the gate of the palace" (1793:213-
his assistants counted the granaries in the kingdom where the 15). To Commander Wilmot, the king said that his price for a
crop was stored, recording separately the supplies of maize, slave was "80 dollars, with 4 dollars custom on each" (Burton,
millet, peanuts, beans, and yams. A check was made of the 1893 [II]: 249) . Port dues also "varied with ever y reign"
granaries inspected against the number of agricultural workers (ibid.: 94, n.1).
determined from the census to see that all had been counted, The situation was somewhat different with respect to market
When all reports were in, the king then fixed the tax of agricul- prices. While these were usually fixed by local bodies, as we
tural produce, assessing each village its share of the total as a shall see in Chapter V, it was the responsibiHty of the king to
unit. determine the general levels which were to prevail during his
A tax, related to the number of burials performed, was levied rcign and to make such changes as might bc necessary in
50 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Redistrihution; The State Sphe~e 5x
response to shortages or abundance of stocks. Eventually, in Duncan's carriers lagged behind in traveling from Abomey to
time of difficulty such as t hat w h ich apparently prevailed %'hydah, a messenger was sent to the Prime Minister in the
during the regime of Gelele, all equivalents were raised. In- capital who "immediately sent fresh men with orders to punish
deed, Gelele seems to have instituted a kind of ten-year plan. the villains who had hung back, as, he said, he had himself
According to Burton, "It is said that Gelele has resolved to examined each of their loads, and found them all considerably
grind the faces of his subjects for ten years of which six are under the regulated weight for carriers" (1847 [II]: 291).
now elapsed. After that time they will be supplied to honest So far as the evidence indicates, there were no substitutable
labor, and a man shall live on a cowrie a day, so cheap will equivalents such as would permit the giving of one kind of
provisions become" (1893 [II]: 57, n. l ) . D u r i n g t h ese six goods for another in payment, e.g., in taxes. Taxes on agricul-
years, equivalents had been raised fourfold. "Prices have tural produce were collected in k ind and n o p r ovision for
quadrupled during the last six years," Burton says, and again, substl'tU'tlons ls I'epol ted.
"The Cankey-ball (Dahomey's quartern loaf) fetched, under Public works were also the concern of th e k i ng. D alzel
the old king, three cowries — is now worth twelve" (ibid.:162- remarks that "the King summons his Caboceers and portions
63). out the l abor among them, paying thei~ people for t h eir
Equivalents in Dahomey were monetized, that is t o say, trouble" (1793:xii). The state of the roads was, as we have
expressed in cowries. Their character as proclaimed equiva- notetl, reviewed Rt. tlM ABBUR1 CUstoIns. DRlzel teHs Rlso of tlM
lents, however, was unmistakable. Not only were they off icially king instructing his caboceers to build a road from Abomey to
administered, but they changed relatively infrequently and Whydah, providing each with a piece of string to designate the
took on a customary character. This is evident, for example, in width of the road" (ibid.:170 — 71).
the lists of market prices reported by Forbes and others where The king exhibited his concern for the family by hi s ap-
the price of each item is given as the prevalling price for that pointment of " p u b li c w omen." T h ere w ere i n D a h omey,
time and place. Even the designation of the currency unit may Burton says:
reflect the customary equivalent, as in the well-known instance
public women, an organized and royal institution, appointed from the
of Ave strings of cowries being called a "galinha," "because it palace.... The presentking has appointed a fresh troop of ladies of
was the price of a fowl" (Burton, 1893 [Ij:107, n.l }, pleasure, but they have not as yet received permission to practice. (Bur-
Nothing in the nature of an organized labor market existed. ton, 1893 tll]: 148)
"As Mungo Park stated in the last century," Burton observes,
In this instance also the name derives from the equivalent:
"paid service is unknown to the negro. Indeed, African lan-
guages ignore the word" (B urton, 1893[II ] : 132 — 33, n.2). At At firstthe honorarium was twenty cowries; hence the common title
Khydah, in F o r bes' t ime, canoemen and carriers, mostly "Ko-si," score-wife. .. at the representation of the ministers the solatium
was increased to two strings, or fourfold. (Ibid.i148)
strangers from other parts of the Coast, were "hired out" in
work parties by their head men. "The subsistence. . . f o r The king appointed these women to take up residence through-
carriers and hammockmen. .. i s t h ree strings of c owries out the kingdom "to safeguard the peace of private families"
.. . f o r men, and two for women, per day"(Forbes, 1851[II] (Norris in D a lzel, 1793:129). Norris explains that such a
:81). Though reckoned in cowries, the payments were made, at precaution is necessary because people of r an k e n grossed
least in part, in goods — cloth, tobacco, and Ium (ibid. [Ij : 122}. the rnajor part of the womcn and the penalties for adultery
The "load" fo r c a r riers was likewise fi xed. K h e n o n e o f were severe. A DRlloIBeRB B1RB, BioI'eover, mlght be reclUlrec1 to
52 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Aedistribution: Th e State Sphere 53
abstain from sexual contact with his wife for as long as three wall closed by rough wooden doors. Before this gate a long
years after the woman gave birth. Otherwise subsequent chil- shed, about twenty feet in breadth and sixty feet high with a
dren, it was held, would be sickly (Herskovits, 1938[I] : 268). sloping thatched roof, was built alongside the wall. Here the
monarch, with his court squatting around him, would recline on
T HE P A L A CE mats to dispense justice and perform his other royal duties.
The state sphere in Dahomey was closely tied to the royal The king's plantations were one of t h e s ources of r o y al
household and its palace economy. No neat division existed, revenue. These yielded palm oil and other produce, Oil and
nor can it in fact be introduced between the revenues and the palm kernels from the king's palace at Akpueho were exported
functions attributable to the palace on the one hand, the state at Whydah. The king's plantations were tended by domestic
on the other. Their roles were intimately connected. For this slaves who had a special status and could not be sold.
reason we have combined them under the heading of the palace Also at the A k pueho palace various crafts, such as the
economy. making of cloth and pipes, were located. Textiles for the king
The king's wives numbered, for instance, according to some and other members of the royal household were woven here.
estimates, about 2,000. Many of t hem played an important Long storage sheds contained maize and other supplies. There
part in the administration of the state. Others were employed were also dye houses and pottery works, and i n al l t h ese
at various crafts. All were resident at the Abomey palace and enterprises the king's wives participated. A minor source of
in the king's palace at Akpueho. Also resident at the Abomey revenue were the elephant hunts of the Amazons. These pro-
palace were many members of the Amazons, Bahomey's stand- vided not only food for feasts but bones and skulls for the
ing army estimated to number up to 5,000 women (Herskovits, fetish houses and eventually tusks and teeth for export at
1938[II] : 88, n.3). Other female residents of the palace in- Whydah.
cluded a large number of slaves at the service of the harem and
the older women of the household, the latter in charge of the
graves of the deceased kings. One of several estimates places The administration of Dahomey attained excellence in the
the total number of women, including Amazons, at the Abomey way of h onesty, precision, and ~eliability. Gautier ( 1 935)
palace itself at 3,000 to 4,000 (Dunglas, 1957:92). rated its performance as unsurpassed among African states.
Some of the king's offspring acted as special messengers and Almost automatic means of check and control were employed.
performed other duties in the king's service. Burton estimated Operational devices were in use that offered mnemotechnical
the royal descendants to have numbered about 2,000. Le and arithmetical facilities which helped to master administra-
Herisse gives a m uc h h i gher f i gure, 12,000 (Le H erisse t ive detail. As we shall see, institutional checks of a r a r e
1911:35). cffcctlvciMss Rlso wcrc placticcd. AIi GI'lglnal Blcthod offclcd ln
Dahomey employed an extensive state bureaucracy of min- the difference of the sexes, linking officials of every grade by
isters, administrators, auditors, toll c ollectors, police, and twos, such as male acting official and female controller. As
others. The chief functionaries in Abomey, although living in Burton says, "Dahomean officials, male and female, high and
their own houses, were supplied with food from the k i ng's low, are always in pairs" (1893[I ] ; 3 3). I n t his the initiative
palace (Buncan, 1847[I] : 257 — 58). cRBlc fI'GII1 Rbovc Rnd bclongcd to tIM stRte sphcl'c.
The palace itself was an imposing structure. Each monarch A nother deeper and b roader initiative sprang f rom t h e
erected a gateway of his own which consisted of a gap in the BonstRtc spIMrc Rnd w o r kc d a s a s p o ntRIMGus protcctlon G f
54 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Redistribution: T h e State Sphere SS
autonomy. Ancestor worship, with its shrines present in every always present, and the other eight specialist witnesses called
dwelling, crowding around fetish houses, and, in even greater in when particular ministers made their report.
profusion, around cult houses present in all sib compounds, Dual organization existed also throughout the army. The
created an atmosphere of faith exerting an antibureaucratic army was divided into two wings, the right and the left, and
pressure. The emotional foundations of the rule of law were within each wing into a male and female part. Every male,
thus internalized, making superfluous the governmental appa- from the highest ranking officer down to the last soldier, had
ratus of constraint with the masses of the people. h is female counterpart in t h e p alace. The right w i ng, f o r
The startling device of relying on the duality of sexes was example, was commanded by the Mingan, or prime minister of
carried out with t h oroughness. In th e r oyal administrative Dahomey, and his counterpart was the "She-Mingan, (who
system everything went by pairs and even multiple pairs. First being within the palace, takes p~ecedence of him" ( B u r ton,
of all, every official in the kingdom had his female counterpart, 1893[I]:146).
o r "mother," resident in t h e r o yal compound. K i t hi n t h e Forbes says of the army:
p alace, then, the k ing had a c o mplete counterpart of t h e
administrative apparatus t hroughout th e k i n gdom. T h ese Considered as an army, it is in two brigades, the miegan's and the mayo's,
the right and the left. .. . I n t h e right, there are two miegans and two
women officials were called naye. It w as t he d uty o f e a ch ogaous, amale and an amazon; and the same equivalent rank is carried
woman to know intimately all the administrative affairs of her down to the private in each brigade, male and female. These relationships
male counterpart and to keep constant check upon his opera- in military rank are called father and mother; and. .. the male soldier,
tions. Herskovits gives an illustration how it worked: when accused, appeals to his "mother" to speak for him. (Cf. Herskovits,
1938 [II]: 84)
For example, it may be supposed that one of these naye was entrusted
with remembering the previous reports of the Y oi~oga who, being in All visitors to the court at Abomey were assignecl a "mother"
command of the sea districts, controlled all the makers of salt,. The par-
who looked after their needs during their stay and who was
ticular naye to whom the Yovoga reported would be spoken of as the
Yovogano,the "mother of the Yoi ioga," and she was always present when- present at all audiences granted to the guest of the king.
ever the question of the production of salt was brought up at court coun- The new king upon his succession to the throne retained the
cils. She already had in her possession the report of the independent of- ministers who served his father, but appointecl younger men of
ficers sent by the King to survey the salt industry, and it was her task to high iank as his own repi'esentatlves. Tlus served tlie pui'pose
see that the Yovoga's statement of operations corresponded to this other of training the younger men in their duties while at the same
when he madehis accounting. .. . I t was the stated policy of the King to
time providing a check upon the elder statesmen.
listen to none of his ofhcials unless he first called for the naye who was the
"mother" of this chief. (1938[Ij:111) Provinces incorpo~ated into Dahomey were permitted to
retain their own administration i.f' they had voluntarily sub-
Another group o f w o men, the kp o si o r " wives of t h e mitted, but a man from the king's court, called a "king's wife,"
leopard," were in command of the Naye. There were likewise might be sent to reside with the local caboceer and exercise
two groups of kposi: one, consisting of eight women, always surveillance over his affairs on behalf of the king.
present when the king held audience with his counselors; a
second group, similarly of eight, which over and above stood in In the house of each minister lives a King's daughter and two olficers:
a ttendance when m i n i sters o r p r i e sts r eported. I n t h i s w a y these superintend the minister's trade, on which he pays tribute according
to their report. If a dispute arises in which the King's interest is at stake,
t here existed three sets of w i t nesses to statements of a n these oificers report direct; and if the dispute is serious, the minister is
irnportant official — his "mother," the eight kp osi who were arrested or fined. (Forbes, 1851[I]:34 — 35)
56 Dahorney and the Slave Trade Redistribution: The State Sphe~e 57
There is, of course, a paradox in talking about a reduction of O ne of the Dahomean monarch's peculiarities is, that he is a double. . .
bureaucratism in view of the type of duality which doubled two in one. Gelele, for instance, is King of the city, Adde-kpon of the
and quadrupled the numbers of officialdom. Yet the fact can- "bush"; thatis to say, of the farmer folk and the country as opposed to
the city.(1893 [II]:58)
not be gainsaid that all responsible observers, friendly or other-
wise, are agreed in acknowledging the Bahomeans' outstanding Tlle Bl lsli Ki i l g h a d a du p l l c a te o f t h e e n v l r 'oiiinent w l i i c l i
efficiency in civil and military affairs. existed for the Town King: there was a palace set aisde for him
One cannot ignore the possibility that a sociological element only six miles southwest of Abomey with a co~ps of officials
was at work, namely, a predominance of female characteristics. duplicating those of the Town King; in the army organization,
W e refuse to attempt to appraise the relative weight of th e the Bush King had his captains, male and female; the Annual
physical and the cultural factors that might have been opera- Customs of the Town King were followed by a repetition of the
tive. The fact is that in very few communities of state level Annual Customs for the Bush King; and there was a "mothe~"
were women called upon to play so large a part in services vital for the Bush King as well as for the Town King. As Skertchly
to functioning of the polity. The gifts of the female sex for says, "whatever is done for the king (Gelele) in public is thrice
absorbing detail, retaining information on facts of everyday repeated; first fo r t h e A mazons, then for A d de-kpon, and
life in which commonsense is anchored, have been tested and thirdly, for Adde-kpon s Ainazons ( 1874: 2 7 I}.
not found wanting. Actually, a veritable obsession with the perfection of duality
The recognized excellence of administration and the eminent prevailed from the earliest mythological notions of a m eta-
role played in it by the female element does not seem fully to p hysical order down t o t h e d omestic predilection for t w i n
account for the extent to which Bahomean women were drawn births. The liking for an ample progeniture may have induced
this bent. A statistical frequency of twins might explain the
into public life up to its highest levels. This suggests that behind
conventional pieference attaching t o o f fsp~ing born p r oxi-
the duality device as such there must have been active some
mately to twins, whether after, before, or between pairs of
motivation stemming from a mental attitude that transcended
considerations of practical efficiency.
At the head o f t h e B a h omean pantheon was th e d u al
Buality was indeed a pervasive feature of the Bahomean divinity of Ma tou-Iisa. "The ideal type of every group in the
culture. The tissue of officialdom was extended not only verti- divine world," Mercier says, "is a, pair of twins of opposite sex,
cally as a hierarchy but also horizontally by additions on the or more rarely, of the same sex" ( Mercier, I954c:23I). H e
same level. Symmetry, comprising all organs of the state from refuses to follow up the cultural interpretation of the androgy-
the body of the field army down to its least unit, could scarcely n ous element in the cult of t w ins, preferring to turn t o t h e
exist unless it was due to an ingrained culture trait,. The predi- sphere of political organization "in which duality is immedi-
lection for twos left its stamp on the semantics of kinship, the a tely apparent" ( i b id.:232). He obviously has in m ind t h e
organization of the pantheon, and the order of everyday sooth- institution of t h e B ush K i ng, the economie importance of
saying. This pursuance of a dual notion extending from the which he was the first to recognize. "The clual monarchy," he
cosmos to the microcosm of the community did not stop even says, "did not perpetuate itself, until it was revealed to Gezo
at the person of the monarch. Kingship itself was "twin." The that the p~osperity of Dahomey dependecl on its revival. Thus
king had a double role as Bush K ing and as T own K i n g. Gezo installed Gapke and Gelele, Addokpon and everything
Burton describes the fact: that was done for th e one had also to b e d one for th e o t h e i"
58 Dahomey and the Slave Tr~de Redhstribution: The State Sphe~e 59
(ibid.:232). Thus the nineteenth century re-enacted the an- pelfectly b u l l't I oad f l o I B b oth h1s polltlcRI Rnd hls econoIBIc
cient story of K ing Akaba and his twin sister Xagba "who c apital. Treasure goods were guarded and cared for i n t h e
ruled jointly, in accordance with the doctrine that twins must Simbony Palace, i.e., Great House, at Abomey. These included
always be treated alike" (ibid.:232), cowI'Ies i 11on bals, clothes ) Rlnls) Rmmunltl on, Rncl some RI'-
We now turn to the question of the economic function of the ticles of European furniture. Provisions for the king's numer-
Bush King with his seat in Kana. In Dalzel's time Kana was a ous family were kept here. Wives for substantial young men
large town, about eight miles from Abomey, numbering some against sums of up to 20,000 cowries were delivered at the
15,000 inhabitants. Quoting N orris, he w r ote: "The king gates of the treasure house at the political capital. Raw mate-
frequently resides here, and h as a spacious house which rials for the blacksmiths who produced arms and tools, pay-
occupies with its appendages almost as much ground as St. ment in k i n d t o d i v erse craftsmen, building materials for
James's Park: it is enclosed with a high mud wall, which forms fortifications, gates, walls, bridges, and strategic highways were
nearly a square" (Dalzel, 1793:118 — 19). Norris measured one distributed.
side of it and found it one thousand seven hundred paces long. The permanent danger was Oyo. SInce 1712 a heavy tribute,
(This was about an English mile, the editor of Norris remarks the agban, at times increased at short notice under threat of a
in a footnote.) "H alfway between Kana and Abomey is a devastating cavalry incursion, was a source of anguish to
country house of the King's called Dawhee the ancient resi- Bahomey. The agban was annually delivered at Kana to the
dence of the family and a capital of their little territory, before Oyo delegation. Several incidents show the unreliability of the
t hey e merged f r o m t h e i r original o bscurity" ( Da l z el, surrounding tribes in spite of th e proximity of t h e capital.
1793:120). The countryside of Calmina — an earlier name for Several times the king had to pacify the area to protect the
Kana — was very fertile and its crops sustained the neighboring royal cemetery and the peace of the market. Since ancient
towns. times a Voruba settlement had existed in Kana which, after the
Kana contained a royal burial place and one of the oldest disastrous defeat of the Dahomeans, acted as an intermediary
a nd largest marketplaces of the country. I t g rew f rom t h e between Bahomey and the Oyo conquerors in negotiating the
family's favorite resort and burial place into the residence of tribute. Eorty-one cases, each containing 41 guns, formed part
the shadow government and court, as well as into a separate of the agban. It was understandable if the munition at least
economic capital. Since Dahomey's redistributive economy was was kept well away.
transacted in kind, the Bush King's palace had an important
function of its own. It was a storage and industrial center,
housing a large volume of crops collected as taxes and distrib-
uting them together with manufactured items.
T he separation from the r oyal court a t A b omey of t h e
productive and distributive economic activities focused on
Kana may h ave been a c o nvenient procedure and even
necessary from t h e a d ministrative, the m ilitary, an d t h e
technological angles.
At his Bawhee palace, halfway between Abomey and Kana,
the king was only an hour's distance by a l andscaped and
C HAP T E R F O U R Reciprocity: M u t u a/ Aid and Cooperatio~ 6x
procity, i.e., the principle underlying it s p r actice, was as
essential a feature in the economic life of the nonstate sphere
redistribution was in the economy of the state. Together with
householding, reciprocity was the main economic pattern in the
nonstate sphere.
An attitude of mutual goodwill often accompanies reciproc-
ity. But attitude alone, whether of cooperation or competition,
cannot organize the economy. More essential are the institu-
tions, such as the market, that channel the process and provide
support for t hose attitudes. This is obvious also for some
famous types of primitive reciprocating. Mutuality is acted out
The redistributive pattern in the economy of the state sphere between symmetrical parts of a family group in the subsistence
had many ramifications, as we have seen. In its day-to-day organization of the Trobrianders (Malinowski, 1922), or in the
aspect, however, livelihood was embedded in state-free institu- multiple marriages of the Banaro of Xew Guinea (Thurnwald,
tions of neighborhood, kinship, and worship, all of which were 1916), or in the simple exchange marriages of the Tiv of West
local. Africa (P . B o hannan, 1954:69 — 75; I,. and P. B ohannan,
The productive resources of society had to be drawn upon 1957:72 ff.).
regularly from outside the family and th e sib. T hey were Where symmetrical traits occur i n t h e s ocial structure,
needed to prepare a field in case the owner was sick, to build mutuality behavior occurs with ease. A d i fferent source of
mud walls, to thatch roofs, and to provide small cattle for mutuality was identified by Aristotle: the good will that in-
sacrifice, food for ceremonial occasions, and meals for wed- heres in any community, without which community cannot be
dings, burials, or mourning rituals. Clearly these tasks often said to obtain, and finds its expression in a readiness to share
surpassed the strength of the individual householders. How, in burdens. In either case there is a supporting structural ele-
the absence of a pool of available labor for hire, was labor ment: symmetry i n t h e o ne, th e a ctive good w il l a m ong
channeled to fulfill these needs? In the nonstate sphere this members of a d efinite community i n t h e o t her. A ristotle's
was brought about through one of the country's main institu- koinonia implies, however, a much wider range of mutuality
tions — the dokpioe, or labor team. Even public works, such as than that suggested by the correspondence between symmetri-
the building of roads or repairing the walls of the palace, were cally structured groups. Koinonia may obtain in a small group
at times carried out by the dokpwe, though these came under or it may prevail throughout the entire society. Whether small
the jurisdiction of t h e s t ate sphere with i t s r e distributive or large, the community in which it exists, may combine redis-
system. The king in such a case called upon his caboceers or tribution of goods between its members with a, sharing of the
upon the dokpioega, the chief of the dokpioe, to summon their burdens of labor "in turn." The underlying p~inciple he called
reciprocity (anti pepontkos).
men for the emergency. The king, like any host, would be
expected to provide feasts for the work party and give presents The main institution allocating labor in Dahomey was the
to the leaders. dokpioe. Organized in a pattern of reciprocating labor teams,
The dokpioe was not the only, though it was certainly the the dokpzoe formed part of a powerful structure of aid compris-
ing, among other institutions, the so (craft guild) and the gbe
major, cooperative body to supply ubiquitous assistance. Reci-
6z Dahomey and the 5lave Trade Reciprocity: Mutua/ Aid and Cooperation 63
(mutual aid group). The latter institution channeled mutual aid e ach quarter; i n smaller villages one would suffice for t h e
in goods, the former institution being chiefly concerned with entire village. The dokploega had three assistants to help him
labor. i n the execution of his duties. Obedience to the call of t h e
dokptoega was unquestioned in all nonpolitical aspects of life
and was enforced by strict sanctions:
"Every Dahomean man must know three things well: How
to cut a field, how to build a wall, and how to roof a house" N o man would without serious cause refuse to obey the call of t h e
dokproega. Should he do so without permission, he would be ost.racized
(Herskovits, 1938tIj : 3 0) , T his popular saying reflected the by his fellow-villagers, his wives would leave him, and his family, punished
three major tasks in which a Dahomean might be called upon because ofhis offence, would become poor. Neither he nor any of his
to participate by virtue of reciprocity. relatives could obtain burial.... (ibid.:70)
How in f ac t w a s such l abor channeled or allocated in
According to tradition, even the king was subject to call by
Dahomey in the absence of a labor market, i.e., where wage
the dokploe. On one occasion, during the reign of Gelele,
labor was unknown? The dokptoe, or labor team, was a uni-
v ersal institution in D ahomey.* I t c ontrasted sharply in i t s this powerful King with his drummers, his hammock bearers, and his
objectives and operations with the labor market of Western numerous suite passed a dokproe at work wit.hout pausing to greet the
societies and was devoted to the fulfillment of the tasks of the dokpuiega. At once the dokpwega, staff in hand, halted the procession,
and demanding of Gelele why he had violated the rule of the dokpzoe,
community, such as ensuring the cultivation of the fields and summoned him to work in th e field. The story goes t.hat Gelele made
assisting in carrying out the material obligations of marriage apologies, explained that he had not noticed the dokpioe, and offered as a
and the obligations to parents. In this way labor was organized penance to send fifty slaves to work. 'The dokpwega, however, was not
in a pattern of compulsory mutual aid or reciprocity. satisfied, and that night assessed Gelele a fine of many cases of rum and
A ll full-fledged Dahomeans of a v i l l age belonged to t h e numerous cloths. (ibid.: 70 — 71)
dokploe. The community-wide character of the institution is This semilegendary incident reflects the scope and character
expressed in the comment of a Dahomean chief: of this institution in the minds of the Dahomeans. Herskovits
It is for everyone; whether you are a chief or a common man, the dokpwe offers a further illustration of the relationship between the king
w ill help you. If you need a house, it will build one for you; if y o u and dokploe. In building a road ordered by a king, it was said
have a field to cultivate, it will break your ground. When you are sick it that the dokptoega of the district where the royal residence was
helps you; when you die, it buries you. Every man must show respect located would call the king to work as a member of the dokploe
for thehead of the dokpzoe; when he comes here, I take offmy chief's cap
to which he belonged. When the king received the message, he
to him. (Herskovits, 193S [Ij:64}
would send food and drink for the men and provide sufficient
Should a poor man and a chief both request the help of the manpower to complete the road by calling out his army.
d okptoe, it was said that help would be given strictly in t h e The dokptoe rendered aid to all Dahomeans to fulfill certain
order in which the request had been made. personal obligations and to meet emergencies in specified situa-
The dokploega, or head of the dokploe, was the third official tions. There were five distinct occasions on which the dokptoe
of the village, ranking below the chief and his assistant. In a acted. The dokploe ensured that the fields of a villager were
large village there might be a dokproe, with its headman, in cultivated in case he were incapacitated. If he were ill or too
+ The author who realized the economic importance of this institution is old to do the hard labor of breaking his fields for planting and
Herskovits (1938) whose presentation we follow in this chapter. had no Gne to RK1 hlnl, t1ie dokpvoe came to ills Rsslstance.
64 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Reciprocity: Mutua/ Aid and Cooperation 6S
the man were poor, he need not feed the workers nor pay a fee Work parties were a festive occasion. Work songs were sung
to the dokpioega. The aid which he himself had rendered to and there was a feast at the completion of the task, At some
others in his youth, or, if a young man, would render again in tasks ) such Rs thRtchlng R I'oof, Incn wo I'kcd l n p R II's. If o n l y
the future, fulfilled the obligation of reciprocity. one dokpIoe was called, it was divided into two parts, the one
The second type of assistance was rendered to a man whose competing against the other.
fields were too extensive to be cultivated by his own labor and The office of dokpioega was one of trust, and the dokpioega
the labor at his disposal. In such a case, the man summoned the himself was a man of high standing. The post was hereditary,
dokPIoe by presenting to its chief a stipulated payment (in and each dokpioega, in the presence of the king or a chief of
modern times, a bottle of spirits, four yards of cloth, and two royal blood, named the son who was to be his successor. The
francs fifty centimes) and provided a feast for the workers on ceremonial installation of a new dokpioega took place in the
as lavish a scale as he could afford. kllig s pl c sclicc R't t he I' o yRI pa l RCC and W Rs 8'tfcnclcd by
The dokpioe was also called upon to assist a man in fulfilling the members of the court and the family of the new dokpioega.
the traditional obligation to his wife's parents, the asitogle.
Under this arrangement, a son-in-law had t o c omplete an CRAFT GUI LDS

important piece of work for his father-in-law every year or so The societies of craftsmen provided numerous examples of
and keep his mother-in-law's house in good repair. Dahomeans reciprocity in work arrangements. Working "in turns" was the
held that, "A man who has many daughters is a rich man" usual practice among blacksmiths and weavers and o f ten
(ibid.:73). Should the son-in-law neglect his duties, his wife among potters as well. Workers in iron, cloth, and pottery were
eventually would be taken away from him and returned to the organized into a cooperative society called a, so, under the
household of her parents. If a man had many wives, the obliga- direction of a h ead callecl soga. (Blacksmiths and weavers
tion became onerous, if not impossible; and the dokpioe was belonged in any case to family groups.) The practice was for
called upon to help. In one case, it is reported, the dokpIoe all members of the so to work on the raw material of each
from the son-in-law's village traveled 4S kilometers to build a member in turn, the blacksmiths producing hoes and axes, and
compound wall for the father-in-law in Abomey. the weavers, cloth, which was then sold by t h e i n dividual
I.ikewise, the dokPIoe could be called upon to help a man in members who supplied the Iaw material. Pottery was fired
the services owing to his father. Until the age of twenty or cooperatively. Should a man fail to observe his obligations to
twenty-five, even though a son may have acquired his own the group, he was subject to being disciplined by the members.
fields, he was obliged to work on his father's fields until he had Cooperative work societies which gave assistance in cultivat-
established his own household and might even continue to ing the fields of their members were also known as so. This
assist his father later as a courtesy. Again, if the son had suffi- society did not conflict with the dokpioe, for any group of men
cient means, he would pay the customary fee. If not, his fellow rnight bind themselves together for such a purpose as long as
villagers worked for him at no cost to himself, subject only to five or more men working together hacl the permission of the
his obligation when called upon to help them in turn through dokpioega. A distinction between the so and the dokpioe was,
the dokpioe. llowcvei, nlRlntRlnccl.
Finally, upon the death of every Dahomean the dokPIoe was
summoned to wrap the corpse in its burial cloths and to take
charge of the elaborate funeral ceremonies,
66 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Eeciprocity: Mutua/ Aid and Cooperation 6y
st.ood, however, that even though he does direct this work, it is not a must give the amounts agreed upon when the society was formed. (ibid.:
doktiwe, but a so that is performing. (ibid.: 253) 25I)

The so, and the gbe (discussed below), provided assistance Ceremonial gift exchanges were competitive. A man without
to its members in time of need. Should a member fall ill, his a gbe could not gain the prestige that attended a lavish display.
fellows came to work for him. Members paid dues and stipu- His wife or betrothed also had her gbe at hand. The competi-
lated amounts were given on the occasion of th e death of tion was enhanced as, in turn, sons-in-law and daughters of the
relatives. The so participated in the funeral of a member, and deceased engaged in this gif t e xchange between the man's
in cases of hardship assessments were levied on members to party and the woman's party. Any member who was unable to
provide for the family of the deceased. make his contribution when called upon was advanced the
Women who sold f oodstuffs in t h e m a rket b elonged to necessary funds from the common treasury of t h e society,
similar societies called sodudo. These differed from the guilds When in a position to do so he would repay this sum.
in that they did not control the organization of work but had When a member died the gbe assisted at the funeral, provid-
mutual aid functions similar to the so and gbe. ing a shroud sewn together from the pieces of cloth given by
each member.
The gbe had a set of four officials and drums and banners
One of the most widespread institutions in Dahomey was the which were displayed at public appearances. Women's societies
mutual aid society, called gbe; this name was also given to the were often richer than those of the men.
extended family. It was a voluntary association whose mem-
bers were bound in blood-brotherhood to help one another in
the performance of certain obligations, as well as meeting for The "best friend" was a r e lationship entailing not only
various social occasions. The obligations and the amount of the confidence but obligations which the best friend performed
contribution each member would be called upon to make were throughout his lifetime. It was the best friend to whom a man
stipulated in advance upon formation of the society. Aid was confided his will and who acted as executor for his estate. The
given when a member fell ill or suffered a considerable mone- relationship is illustrated in the case of a man who would be
tary loss, or on those ceremonial occasions when a member was forced to call upon his best friend to help him in making a
obligated to make large outlays in gifts, as at the funeral of a marriage. Tllus, wheil tlle gli'1 s faiillly
parent-in-law. Herskovits describes one such ceremonial occa- asks help of their daughter's fiance, or later, of their son-in-law he goes
sion: to his friend, who gives him whatever is necessary.. . . W h en the girl
has been brought, to her husband's compound, her husband's friend pro-
On the morning after the actual interment of the body, each man married vides herwith fi rewood and, when he comes from the field, he gives her
or betrothed to a daughter of the dead brings his gbe to aid him in making maize and millet. If she becomes ill it is this man, not her husband, who
the giftswhich the occasion demands. (ibid.:251) cares for her. (ibid.:313)
A piece of black cloth "in silk or velvet" together with money Even the best friend's family was involved. If a d aughter
is presented to a man's wife or his future wife. was born to the marriage she was pledged as wife to the best
After he has proffered these two cloths, the man turns to the members of f~iend. If fo r some reason the man could not f u l f ill t hi s obliga-
his society who are gathered behind him and says, "Now I am on my tion, it fell upon his son to supply a woman from his family to
way. Push me!" This is the time when the fe!low-members of his society be wife to the son of his father's best friend. So cornpelling was
68 Dahomey and the Sla7ie Trade Reciprac~ty: Mutua/ Aid and Cooperation 6g
this obligation upon the second generation that should the o btain the necessary funds from another, giving one of h i s
prospective bride elope with another before the marriage was c hildren as pawn in return. The honorable character of th e
consummated a crisis ensued. The man to whom the girl had I relationship is suggested by the fact that a slave could not be
been promised would go to the head of his sib who then pro- offered as a pawn.
nounced a general divorce between all the women of that sib M eticulous safeguards surrounded this i n stitution. T h e
who were married to men of the sib to which the eloped girl agreement was transacted in the presence of the village chief,
belonged. That same night these women would be sent for, when the sum of money was handed over and a date set for its
wherever they might be living. This action would have reper- repayment. No interest was charged; the pawn worked for the
cussions throughout the country, since the extended families of lender during the period. Children too young to work were not
the sibs might reside in different parts of Dahomey. The men acceptable. At the end of the set time both parties appeared
whose wives were thus taken from them instituted a search for again before the chief, when pawn and money were returned.
the girl and brought her, together with her parents, before the If the debtor could not redeem the pawn at the appointed
sib head. When the girl had been forced to announce the name time, an extension was granted. If the delay was too protracted
of her seducer, the sib head again proclaimed a divorce, this and the pawn a girl, she might be taken as wife by the lender.
time between all the women of the sib who were married to The money was then regarded as equivalent to t h e u sual
men of the sib to which the offending male belonged. Negotia- monetary obligations which must be fulfilled by a prospective
tions between the sibs involved in such an affair often took son-in-law for certain types of marriage. The lender with his
m any months, and the king himself might be called in t o !'
pawn would appear before the village chiefs of his own and the
mediate the dispute.
d ebtor's village who would then certify the marriage. If t h e
No matter how the dispute was settled, however, the girl was
pawn were a son, however, three alternatives existed. I irst, the
not given to the man to whom she had been pledged. Instead,
debtor might agree to double the sum and place a second son
and apparently in the interest of keeping the peace, she was
with the lender, setting a new date f o r t h e r epayment. Qr
given to a man not related to any sib involved in the affair. The
again, a second son would be given, but the lender must then
injured man, however, received the most eligible young girl in
specify certain work which was to be done to discharge the
her sib as a wife. Prior promises that may have been made in
regard to this girl were overridden, for the settlement of this debt, e.g., the number of. rows to be hoed on his fields. In this
obligation assumed first importance. Qnly after this settlement case, the debtor might call upon the doh~ c t o help him com-
had been reached did th e sib heads revoke the wholesale plete the work in discha,rge of the debt. As a third course, the
divorce decrees upon all members of the sibs involved. two chiefs of the villages concerned might determine a given
amount of work for the pawn to complete in order to discharge
the debt and the amount of time the work,equired. Khen this
These relationships of m u tual ai d h elped to a ssure the time had elapsed, the debt was considered discharged, regard-
Dahomean against falling into a state of dependency. Should less of the actual work at which the pawn had been engaged.
an occasion arise, however, when these procedures were inade- Public opinion turned against a, person who abused a pawn,
quate, another type of reciprocity was invoked — the giving of s ince this was an i n stit u t ion t o w h ich al l m i gh t at. some ti m e
pawns. If a man suffered a misfortune, such as incurring a resort. Qther procedu~es covered the case of either the creditor
heavy fine which he did not have the means to pay, he might or debto. dyi~g before the pawn was iedeemed.
C HA P T E R FI VE Householding: L,and and Religion 7x
the compound, an agglome~ation of huts and buildings occu-
pied by an extended family (g be), which is itself based on a

ouseholding: group of a gnatically r elated men wh o a r e c l ose k insmen

through common membership in the patrilineal lineage or sib
(xenu). Melville Herskovits (1938II ] 1137 ff.), whose work
Land and Eeligion provides the data of this chapter, has called attention to the
ways in which this form of settlement is interlocked with the
sib and especially with its religious organization.
The lands held by members of the fifty sibs, each broken up
into many compounds and associated fields, rank in size be-
tween gletanu and the villagers' plots. In this sense "sib com-
The economic foundation of nonagricultural society is to be pounds" may be regarded as "middle dass" holdings, a term
found in particular ecological balances. With agriculture land otherwise scarcely appropriate to land that is subject to succes-
moves into a central position; livelihood and social organiza- sion and entail.
t ion are related to the agricultural setting, be i t t r i bal o r A collectivity of from two to five compounds forms neither a
familial. The economic pattern in such societies is household- mere association of individuals nor does it Iepresent a com-
ing. The movement of goods is directed by the householder, munal holding linked by indissoluble bonds of 1'inship and reli-
who both allocates the labor of the household and apportions
gion. In Dahomey such a grouping of dwellings forms part of
the food to be consumed. Hence, in regions of rainfall tillage
the ancestral home of a sib which had been settled over several
the oikos, a s t he G r eeks called t h e "house," becomes a
generations in close proximity, following religiously sanctified
permanent and fixed social institution. Aristotle said the oikos
rules of interment and succession. The completed settlement
consisted of the family and the slaves. About five centuries
houses a family associated with a b~anch of a descent group of
earlier Hesiod had pictured it in a similar way, adding that
sib. Its members look to the particular compound in which the
unless food was stored for the winter, the family might face
starvation. founder lies buried as their ancestral shrine. The external
requisite of such a rural development is a range of available
First among the forms of land tenure in Dahomey rank the
king's domains, worked by prisoners of war, to which may be land into which the additional compounds can expand. The
added areas held by the princes. These big estates (gletanu) IIltcl'nal I 'cclulsltc l s a c c cptancc o f t h e I ' c l l gloiis I n j u n c t i on
engage in the wholesale production of staple foods that are binding on sib members not to leave the founder's tomb un-
retailed by market women. At the other extreme are the vil- attended by a male descendant. After the incumbent's death,
lagers' plots, owned by t h e s u bjected aboriginals — former his family must leave again the ancestral compound to make
slaves, still bound to devote, at the chief's bidding, half of their room for the next in succession. Sib succession is primarily by
working day to the tasks that fall as a public duty to the local ramification, i.e., brothers following one upon the other by age
administration. before the next generation succeecls by primogeniture, i.e.,
s tarting w i t h t h e e l d est so n o f t h e e l d est b r o t h er . T h i s i s
complemented by r u les which provide for t h e e rection of
The traditional form of land tenure in Dahomey centers on f urther compounds and t h e r e b urial an d e nshrinement o f a l l
72 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Honseholding:I.and and Rehgion 73
the successors of the founder each in his own f amily com- security. Neither has the sib any a ffinity t o c a valry, w ar
poun(1. chariots, or other knightly arms involving a specialized leisure
To place the compound in the frame of the African world, class training of an elite connotation; nor does the compound
we must realize that as a pattern of dwellings it is a feature of carry socioeconomic ruling ciass privileges that imply disposal
the landscape in parts of West and Sudanese Africa. But as over dependent labor. These social criteria of Western feu-
the ancestral home of a sib and the scene of its elaborate dalism are, then, strikingly absent. Thus, in spite of t h eir
religious practices, perhaps nowhere in Africa is the compound common traits, a sharp contrast obtains between the manorial,
more intensely alive than in Dahomey. feudal system of E u r ope and th e A f r i can s ystem of s i b
Three features are therefore fused here. Physically and compounds.
visually, the compound is a group of houses or huts surrounded
Another institutional cognate to th e si b c ompound that
by a wall or pile of great durability. With its tilled plots and
nevertheless manifests a strong divergence is the Dahomean
clusters of palm-oil trees, the compound is a feature of the
monarchy. The monarchy in Dahomey is the apex of the state
Dahomean countryside. Secondly, the compound houses the
sphere, which is consistently separatecl from the tissue of local
extended family (gbe}, the male members of which are closely
institutions existing outside of the state. The sibs and their
related — usually through a common patrilineal grandfather or
compounds are among the latter.
great-grandfather. These same male members are associated
with a sib, of which some fifty are on record. The sibs are not We cannot fail to note a number of traits that the settled
localized, but all sibs focus on the founding collectivity that sibs on a local and modest scale have in common with th e
harbors their ancestral compound. Third, and basically, the monarchy itself. And yet, what an abysmal contrast in human
sib — to which the extended families and households are thus valuesl The sib, too, is a kinship body, passionately devoted to
attached in a fundamental way — is produced and maintained the worship of the ancestors, that manifests itself from the care
by an inner religious force of rarely surpassed richness and for the neglected spirits and ghosts of the dead to a nationwide
strength. It i s a f o r m o f a ncestor worship that merges the discipline of religious practices. The monarchy was imbued
habitational unit or compound and the kinship unit into an with these same values. Nothing, however, could be m ore
unbreakable social entity. different than is the domestic, humane atmosphere of the sibs
The economic historian cannot but be reminded of other, from the monarch's indulgence in cruel torture on R, monstrous
non-African types of rural formations, designated as manor or scale, justified on grounds of reasons of state combined with
seigniory. Indeed, the African and West European formation the rigidly observed precepts of ancestor worship. The same
have in common that these aspects are found linked: solidly v irtues and v alues that f l ourished in t h e sib compounds
walled dwellings, hereditary ranking of f amilies, and tradi- underwent R B101RIR llcnatlon ln t h e 1 'Rngc of t h c s t a t e. T h c
tional religious ideologies. This is the politicoeconomic pattern ruling dynasty also stressed its status as a s ib, i ndeed, a
vaguely described as "feudal," a term often employed to bridge supersib, claiming Allada, where the royal enstoolments were
the cultural gap between tribal and k n ightly c i vilizations. held, as its ancestral town. But while the sibs as such were
Peasant household and manorial economy differed mainly in invested with no constitutional prerogatives over the common
s ize. However, the A f r i can compound is not f o r t i f ied and h a s villagers, the monarchy derived unlimited social and political
no military character whatsoever; its walls ensure privacy, not authority from descent.
Dahomey and the Slave Trade Householding: I and and Religion 75
now any successor will, upon his death, be buried near his own
father's tomb in his own compound.
The compound must appear as an elaborate and remarkable 'While the ancestral compound does not, of course, grow in
institution. Activated by a few simple rules of succession, a size, the second and third compounds do and eventually split in
structure of g r eat d u rability evolved. Once th e f o unding two parts. At this point succession undergoes a radical change,
gesture — an individual's act — has taken place, its effects pre- the eldest member of the collectivity succeeding.
vail over deep-seated forces of resistance, the clinging to accus- Thus succession evolves a master unit of kinship structure,
tomed habitation, the personal preferences and habits. No the compound. In d i sregarding inheritance — in any case a
vanities or passions shall defeat the moral law which must be minor feature in the compound — the singularity of sib tenure
upheld so that the institution may live. Traditionally sanc- becomes apparent. It is, as we said, distinct from individual
tioned succession operates with an all-round maturity. property and from communal ownership as well. I.and can
The founder of a new compound usually is a younger man neither be freely alienated, nor is its use subject to collective
who has wandered off his ancestral compound. He tills a por- decisions. The conflicting property r i ghts a s b etween the
tion of land, plants some oil palms, and builds a house for members of the sib that result f rom succession are largely
himself as well as one for his wife or wives, In course of time he resolved by the existence of separate compounds. Difficulties
adds a house for his sons — we assume he has two — and the still may cluster around the conjunction of the two principles
of transference brought about. by death in th e sib, namely,
daughters stay in the house of their mothers. When the sons
succession and inheritance, the one referring to status and
grow up and marry they build houses in separate courtyards. A
office, the other and subordinate one, to ownership of property.
wall about twelve feet high is eventually erected around this
Inheritance is subordinate to succession because of the purpose
group of houses. The founder's compound now has reached full
to which inherited possessions are devoted. Such possessions
stature. So long as he l ives, this state of affairs continues
are used to defray sib contributions to cult house and other
unchanged. At his death a move starts which is re-enacted expenditures that in the last resort serve the status interest of
every time the head of the ancestral compound dies, for the
the sib.
house of the founder must always be occupied by the male in The line that normally separates succession and inheritance
succession who will tend the founder's tomb which is enshrined in the sib compound is here blurred by overruling principles
next to the house. After the founder dies, his eldest son moves that encompass both. Among these principles are: the identity
up, together with his family. At his death the successor moves of the name of the founder must be maintained; property must
into the founder's house, with his family. The wives and chil- n ot leave the family; t h e elder does not inherit f r o m t h e
dren of the deceased must quit the ancestral compound and younger; females do not inherit from the male parent. Other
remove into R new, as yet nonexistant second compound. The vahd pllnclplcs Rllcady lncntlonccl arc iainlflcRtlon Rnd pl"11I10-
burden of building this compound falls on the new head of the geniture, the latter being subordinate to the former; trustee-
family. Here the body of the late compound head is reburied, ship over palm-oil trees in favor of t h e sib; systematic re-
to be tended by one of his sons. Succession thereupon changes burials so that the deceased's own son finally cornes to rest at
to primogeniture. The eldest son of the elder son now likewise h is father's side; th e establishment of a c ul t h o use within t h e
is obliged to build a new compound — the third. This contin- collectivity, belonging to all of it.
gency is not repeated if the founder had only two sons. For The rulcs undcr whlch pro ~ r t y ls r c p a rtit l o ncd Rnd Rcculnu-
76 Dahomey and the Slave Trade BouseholChng: I.and and Rehgson 77
lated in the compound secure that neither fragmentation nor — preserving the dead bodily among the living, and keeping
engrossing of property ensues. Rather, an impressive perma- them as gods in everyday life.
nence of family possessions results, accompanied by utmost Before the labor of clearing a new field is unde~taken (again
solidity of status. For not so much property as an even status following Herskovits) the farmer must ascertain what super-
level is maintained through the interlaced action of the rules of natural beings watch over the new land. He takes
succession and inheritance. The key to this lies in the entailing
a sample of its soil to his diviner, who, as a first forrnality throws the
effect of trusteeship and inalienability as practiced in the col-
palm kernels to consult Fate whether the new ground may be cultivated.
lectivity of compounds. If the answer is favourable, a sacrifice to the Earth is then made, wherein
In regard to land, inheritance was merely transfer of use, not the suppliant, taking earth from the projected field, moulds it. into a
of property. This rule was an extension of the principle accord- human head with caury-shells for eyes, and placing this head on the ground
ing to which the king alone possessed the fullness of property offers it palm-oil, the blood of a chicken, and f inally maize mixed with
rights in Dahomey, whether over land or people. Hence the flour and water. This ceremony is performed while he is alone in the field,
and the figure is left. there to disintegrate. . The diviner calls sepa-
"owners" of land were not entitled to sell it , nor were the . .

rately on the various gods until one of them is designated by Destiny as

"owners" of slaves entitled to sell them without the k i ng's the field's tutelary spirit. (Ibid.:31}
p ermission. Alongside this universal inalienability was t h e
widespread institution of trusteeship that secured the revenue In this instance it is assumed that the spirit is
of the land for definite familial ends. These were largely status a powerful deity of the ancestral cult. believed to reside in great trees.
requirements such as prestige representation of the head of the The man who is to work. the field will then name for his diviner the great
compound and emergency expenditures on behalf of the sib: trees found upon the land, and the diviner proceeds to discover the one
fines, ransom, dowries, or other calamitous sums to be de- sheltering the spirit, which then becomes the shrine of the protecting
deity. (ibid.:21}
The owner pours palm oil over the trunk of the tree as a
libation and repeats this offering every fourth day. Prom time
"The ancestral cult must be regarded as the focal point of to time he adds a chicken. He now
D ahomean social organization. In o rder that a si b an d i t s
may begin the preparation, and later the cultivation of his field, but during
component parts may exist and be perpetuated, the worship of this period, and also later when the crops are being harvested he continues
its ancestors must be scrupulously carried out" (Herskovits, his weekly libations of palm oil and awaits signs which will indicate
1938[Ij l 1 94}. The linkage between the sib compound as a whether the spirit of the field is a well-intentioned one. (Ibid.:32)
dwelling and settlement and as the embodiment of a national
If, in spite of these offerings, there is ill luck in the family,
religion could not have been better expressed than in these
or, most important of all, if yields turn out poor,
words of Herskovits.
To go to the heart of the matter, two operational traits of the he sees in this a demonstration that the spirit, is unfriendly, and, after
ancestral cult should be brought to mind: an intense preoccu- consultation with his diviner, the field may be abandoned.
pation with the physical location of the father's tomb and a When for fiveor six years a field produces good crops, and the owner
prospers, it is his obligation to visit a priest of the cult of the guardian
deification of deceased kin not too many years after death. The
spirit of the field, and from him to ascertain the type of ritual necessary
Dahomean sib in two ways united the living and the dead to "establish" this spirit as a beneficent "public" deity. (Ibid.:32)
y8 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Householding: L and and Religion 79
The owner now builds for the spirit a small shelter around sib. The stages of initiation marked by elaborate ceremonies,
the trunk of the tree, and from this time on, unless he is a an ecstatic "emergence" from t h e c ul t h o use after m any
priest of this particular spirit, rnonths of seclusion, a symbolized "death," a period of inner
clarification and the taking on of a new name, cicatrizations,
he may himself not sacrifice to it, but must. summon a priest of the cult
"resurrection" from the physical stress that goes with a cata-
to offer his sacrifices for him. The tree itself becomes communal property,
and any one is permitted to worship at the shrine erected at its base. . . .
leptic condition, with the rituals prolonged through days of
(Ibi d.i32) elaborate dancing performances. The novitiates then returned
to their homes where they advanced to a more elevated status.
Analyzing the process by which a single tree in a tilled f ield Men and women passed through variegated careers, underwent
of a compound comes to grow into a public shrine illustrates dietary regimes and periods of continence. Around this nucleus
t he significant merging of s i b a n d o r ganized worship i n of devotees thousands of believers accepted a life of discipline
Dahomey. Eventually, the sib erects a cult house, a site of involving sacrifices of animals, food, and money, and continued
worship and training, appointing one of its members to heredi- services under the control of the priestly hierarchy to one of
tary priesthood, and subsisting a number of its novitiates over the many gods to whose circle the officiating priest personally
the years. The god takes over the protection of the sib and belonged.
imbues its collectivities with the spirit of the deity.
Dahomean religion sprouted from three pantheons of great T HE E C O N O M I C B A L A N CE OP RE L I G I O N
gods of a b r oad my thological background. Hierarchies of T o the student of D a homean society the d rawing of a
priests lived in cult houses devoted to gods who belonged to one balance from the economic angle is indicated at this point. The
of the circles. Around the official priesthood swarms of diviners
question is how to evaluate the socioeconomic contribution of
practiced prophecy and kept the believers in touch with Des-
the sib compound and of ancestor worship respectively to the
tiny by means of ja , a p opular system of d i vination. The
rural economy of Dahomey.
diviner employed everyday magic for prophecy as the most
We dispose only of vague figures in regard to the part of the
common means of advising. Ji awas as good as a home medicine
population that was engaged on a nationwide scale — as priests,
i n the religious practice. It k ept a m a n i n t o uch with h i s
diviners, and novitiates — in the worship of th e great gods.
Destiny: a variant of Fate which is not wholly unapproachable
Burton thought a quarter of the female population was thus
to ordinary man. The layman also can acquire some knowledge
withdrawn froln their compound and maintained by it. Another
of ja and explore his Destiny himself. A more stable belt of
source estimated those not d r awn i nt o i n stituted worship
devotees appealed to the priests to be initiated into the cult,
totaled less than half the population. Established cult houses
which involved many months of training, instruction in formal
were associated with all sib collectivities and modest shrines
dances, the acquiring of one or two cult languages together
existed in every compound. The great material burden thrown
with the esoteric knowledge common to the novitiates. The
on the sibs by way of maintenance of the personnel of the cult
priesthood was attached to the sib which established the cult
house was even surpassed by that of sacrifices, fees, gifts, and
house and appointed the initiating priest. The cult house, set
cooked meals offered to the gods by the sibs several times in
up close to the sib's ancestral compound, was permanently
the week. Descriptions of Dahomean hfe put the amount thus
provided with sustenance from there. c liverted f i ' onl h u I n a n c o n suniptlon a t an en o r n l ou s s u l n ,
Numbers of initiates were also taken. ca,re of by the patron H erskovits stressed that th e " c o nspicuous consumption" t h u s
So Dahomey and the Slave Trade C H A P T E R SI X
displayed by the sib was to his mind the chief motivation
behind what he regarded as the wealth-getting activities and
the gainful businesses transacted by the D ahomean middle
We might be tempted to gauge how much of the annual
crops and, even more importantly, what portion of the revenue
derived from the entailed palm-oil trees was devoted to reli-
gious consumption. Indeed, but for th e massive fraction of
trustee property that was protected through entail from being
spent, the compounds may well have been ruined by the costs The preceding chapters have shown how the economic process
of the cult. Short o f c l ear evidence of i nvested wealth i t was embedded in the main institutions of Dahomean society. It
appears doubtful whether the preconquest sib was in business was traceable in the palace and the Annual Customs of the
at all. The twentieth century may have brought about a certain state sphere, and in the voiuntary work teams and mutual aid
move from religious expenditure to commercial investment. RssoclRtlons, Rs weji as IQ thc slb coInpound and It s Rnccstor'
For the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, however, the worship in the nonstate sphere.
weight of the evidence speaks for a religious excoriation of the
economy, which scarcely would leave a margin for commercial
enterprise. The landed estates of high officials, unless definitely Dahomey's markets did not function as price-making mar-
used as plantations and exploited for wholesale marketing, can kets. They retailed food {much of it. cooked), at set prices and,
scarcely serve as proof of a considerable free income seeing the to some extent, the products of handicrafts. The market was
almost unlimited commitments for the servicing of the cult. strictly monetized: the use of m oney was compulsory. No
Prerevolutionary Mexico, Hungary, or T i bet may have had barter was permitted. Goods had to be sold for money, and
economies burdened to a c omparab1e extent by o vergrown money was used for purchase. Pu~chases were for cash. There
establishments and family habits of worship, but then their was neither credit nor wholesaling, but the seller was assured of
churches were endowed with riches and owned vast landed a reasonably stabie reward at the set price. This was provided
possessions. The Dahomean sib compound was decapitalized In VRI'Ious wRys by ploducels GlgRIBZRtlons whlch Gccaslonally
by a permanent ecclesiastical draining. changed the set rate. Price differentials between locaI markets
caused no movements of goods between the markets; thus no
credits or debts existed which might be carried into another
market, and n o p r o fits were realized through speculation
b etween different markets. Hence nothing in th e way o f a
I11RIkct systelTl couM clncrge.
Indeed, the vital f u nction of t h e m arket i n d i stributing
cooked food proved it s p r opinquity t o h o useholding, that
anclcnt f o rl n G f c c oBGITnc lnteglatlon ln R p c R sant. soclety.
Householding ano. the Inarket may b e t h ought of h ere as
altcrnative ways of organizing the distribution of food, the one
8z Dahomey and the Slave Trade Exchange: Isolated ~arhets 83
or the other being made use of as circumstances permit. The (1893tI] : 4 8) , th e " a lley'" being his term fo r t h e Z obeme
k ing's guests at the capital were provisioned daily b y t h e Market at Whydah.
women of the royal house who carried cooked food from one Duncan's description (1847[I] : 289) is, as usual, detailed
establishment to a n other. A s i m i lar p r actice obtained in and realistic. Markets along the road, where the traveler might
Whydah kingdom before its conquest, the King of W hydah stop for refreshment, chiefly consisted of provisions and ar-
daily supplying the tables of some 4,000 retainers {Burton, ticles necessary on the journey such as kankie, the native bread
1893[II] : 4 3) , as well as the establishments of the resident made of corn and palm oil, roast beef, and elephant's flesh, as
European governors. The guests of the Dahomean monarch, in well as boiled pork an d g oat's flesh. Ready-cooked yams,
traveling back and forth to Abomey or further inland, were manioc, and sometimes sweet potatoes were also sold. Water, as
provided for at the "King's Houses" — special stations in towns well as the native drink, peto, was soM at. a high price. On the
en route staffed by resident officials or by women of the royal famed road between Kana and Abomey, a royal showpiece,
household — or by local chiefs at th e k i ng's order. Alterna- there was a roadside market, mentioned by Skertchly, where
tively, where such facilities were not at hand, travelers lived off the traveler could stop for r e freshment (1874:153}. These
the roadside or village markets. Every visitor to Abomey, on markets along the road also served as local food markets, as
his departure from the capital, was to this end "passed" with did the casual "bush markets."
cowries to defray the expenses of his party on the journey {cf. The bush markets supplied the village or township through
Dalzel, 1793:146 and Burton, 1893 [II] : 178, n.1 ). the intermediary of the vendors, who were the women of the
Provisioning from household stores thus had narrow geo- neighborhood. In these retail markets, prices were set and no
graphical limits. Certain semipublic officials were supported institutionalized expression was given to changing forces of
p artly b y r a t i oning and p a rtly t h r ough t h e m arket. Th e supply and demand.
" public prostitutes" i n A b omey mentioned by N o r r i s (in The set price market may offe~ paradoxical features to the
Dalzel, 1793}, Burton (1893), and others, seem to have been European observer who is used to hnking excitement in the
provided for as members of the royal household in addition to I market with the ever-contentious matter of p r ices. Burton's
receiving a fixed fee for their services, while those who were comment might be quoted:
stationed in vi llages throughout the kingdom supplemented It is a curious contrast, the placidity and impassiveness with which the
t heir fees by preparing foodstuffs, beer, etc., to sell i n t h e seller, hardly taking the trouble to remove her pipe, drawls out the price
market. of her two-cowrie lots, and the noisy excitement of the buyers, who know
I nternal mobility w a s c ertainly helped b y t h e market. that they must purchase and pay the demand. (1893[I]:49)
Traders and other travelers in the interior of the country had As Skertchly remarks, higgling and haggling was of no avail to
recourse to the roadside markets, while the town markets — at the buyer. "Notwithstanding the noisy excitement a,mong the
least those of Whydah and other seaside towns, though perhaps buyers, the price of th e articles is seldom abated a single
n ot in t h e i n t erior — furnished the d aily b r ead f o r h i r e d cowrie" (1874:28). The solution to the puzzle is that the ex-
worl ers. Carriers, hammock men, canoe men, etc., many of cited higgling would not have the price for. its object, but one or
whom were aliens and not attached to resident households, another of t h e f o llowing aspects of t h e t r ansaction: fi rst,
r eceived wages called " s u b sistence," i n c o w r i es, w it h w h i c h whether the wares for sale qualified for th e set p r i ce; second,
they purchased food i n t h e m a rket. B u rton remarks that whether the measures handled by the vendor were fair; third,
"many a 'working man' breakfasts and dines in the alley" whether the proportions in which the price was supposed to be
84 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Exchange; Isolated Markets 8S
paid in the different currencies were just. Also, the picture is Short of the monetization of the isolated markets, set food
apt to change suddenly if the vendors feel compelled to stand prices would not have been practicable. As we shall later see,
up for their rights. Herskovits puts stories on record of how the the most striking achievement of the Dahomean statesman-
market women ship, the stable rate of exchange of cowrie and gold, rested on
set prices for food in that microcosm, the local market.
protect themselves against individuals who come to the market, take
goods,and refuse to pay the standard prices by administering a sound
beating to an offender, with all the aroused women of the group partici-
pating. (1938[11:61) Another localizing feature was the prevention of th e de-
velopment of credit that would have passed on the effects of
C OMPU L S OR Y U S E O F M ON EY transactions from one market to another market of the "ring."
The set price was inseparably linked with that other feature Phillips identified the general use of cowrie in the market with
of the Dahomean markets, the compulsory monetization of sale- cash payments, and I.abat conf irms in 1727 that in Whydah
purchase. As early as 1694 Captain Phillips reported on the use "No credit is known in this country. .. . O n e pays up before
of cowrie as money in Whydah, that "without these shells they receiving the merchandise" (I.abat, 1731IIIJ i166}, though he
can purchase nothing" ( 1 746: 244 } . From the coast to t h e specifies that both gold dust and cowrie are current. Basden in
Middle Niger this surprising feature of th e market widely our own times stresses of the Ibo that in their markets "each
prevailed, a surprising fact, since most of these economies were transaction i s a n e n t i r ely s eparate and distinct a f fair"
" in k i nd," i n cluding t h e elaborate staple finances of the (1921:197}. Analytically, this is conclusive evidence of the
governmental center itself. Yet Binger noted for the Western absence of a market system.
Sudan in the late nineteenth century,
In general in these countries direct exchange does not exist; before making
In these isolated markets, the Dahomean woman could count.
a purchase you must convert your goods into the currency of the country.
(18M [I]:2) on a stable if limited income earned by her own exertions. This
gave her a status in the hierarchy of the organization which
or Basden, speaking about the contemporary markets of the r egulated and disciplined activities in t h e p r ovince of t h e
Ibo, market. Much of the day was taken up by trekking, sometimes
All goods are sold in the terms of the local currency; there is no bartering even twice a day, to the plantations where produce was bought
of commodities in exchange for other commodities. (1921i196-97) and carried to the rnarket. The preparation of kankle bread,
peto d rinks, cooked meats, and pastries that made up t h e
Skertchly, writing about the above-mentioned snack bar ad-
snacks and meals by which they catered to the needs of the
joining the gala road between Kana and Abomey, offers idio- male working population kept them so busy as to invite highly
matic evidence of how strongly that trait was ingrained. His appreciative comments of all foreign observers. All this was
bush market carries in its name the facetious warning "cash institutionalized in the isolated food markets that had become
only." It is called the locus of the productive activities of all the women.
Ak7ee-janahan.Akwe, cowries— janahan, suppose you have none —meaning Flnancially t h e p l o f i t B l a r gln t h a t s c l v ccl as t h c v c n doi 8
that "here is the market, but if you have not brought any cowries it is reward had for. its sou~ce the retailer's discount which again
of no use to you." (1874:153) had possible origins of a very different cha~acter. Herskovits
86 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Exchange: IsoLated Markets 87
refers to the wholesaler's allowing for a twenty per cent dis- and thus make a profit of twenty per cent owing to the mone-
count in setting the price of t heir p roduce to the retailer, tary system.
having first ascertained the actual price which the retailed While no direct evidence exists for this double numeration of
article fetched in the market of the city. cowrie within Dahomey itself, the persistence in modern times
Prices are not fixed by agreement between the gletanu, but rather by means of a procedure regulating profit at twenty per cent suggests an
of a careful watch kept on the retail market by each man individually. institutional method of profit regulation organized through the
Agents are sent incognito to Abomey to buy grain in the open market, and currency in historic Dahomey.
if, for example, a wholesaler's agent were to buy a measure of meal for one
franc, the price to the market women would be set at eighty centimes. SETT I N G T H E P R I C ES
(1938[I]: 56)
These markets, as we know, were not price making, i.e., the
Briefly, there is in operation a regulated equivalency of twenty prices did not fluctuate according to supply and demand. But
per cent for the market woman's labor, the method of which is how were the prices actually setP This was part of the function
adjustable to circumstances. of producers' organizations, including the bodies consisting of
According to numerous sources in widely different regions of women selling the foodstuffs in that market. As to craft goods,
the Western Sudan, a dual numeration of cowrie money was in bodies of guilds regulated the conditions of work in their crafts,
use which automatically secured a similar profit to the retailer. set standards for the product, maintained discipline, and set
Mage wrote in 1868: the prices for products sold in the ma,iket and the retailing
les cauris ont une numeration toute speciale. On les compte, par 10, et procedures.
il semble tout d'abord que le systeme de nurndration soit ddcimal; mais on First, the food prices were by far the predominant item in
compte 8 fois 10 = 1 00 ; 10 f ois 100 = 1 000, 10 fois 1000 = 1 0,000; the market. In the market at Abomey the price was set by the
8 fois 10,000 = 100,000; ce qui fait que 100,000. .. n'est en realite que woman who first arrived at the market, and this price was
64,000, que 10,000. . . n ' est que 8000; que 1000... n'est que 800 et adhered to during the day. In the coastal cities of Whydah and
que le 100 n'est que 80 .. . ( 1868:191)
Porto Novo the vendors of the same commodity belonged to
In 1899, Baillaud gives a similar account: societies called sodttdo which fixed the prices at which food-
les cauris se comptent suivant la methode Bambara, dans laquelle les stuffs were to be sold. "Prices," Herskovits notes, "are set by
unites du troisieme ordre commencent a 80. Donc, lorsque nous disons these societies and each member observes them" (1938[IJ
que 1'on a 5000 cauris pour 5 francs, il faut comprendre 50 fois 80, soit, :61). When h e i n quired about p r ice cutting, th e w omen
dans notre numeration, 4000! Toutes les fois qu'il s'est agi de cauris, notre expressed surprise that this should be attempted. It would only
administration a ete obligee, d'employer cette methode Bambara, ce qui reduce profits, and supplies were generally sold by the end of
n'a dureste pas grand inconvenient, lorsqu'on est prevenu. (1902i71 )
the day anyway.
Baillaud adds the comment: "On concoit que cette differ- The sodudo also had mutual aid and pseudo-familial func-
ence de cours favorise le commerce de detail" (ibid.: 71). That tions which bound their members closely together. The illness
is, retailers who purchased a large quantity of a good valued of a member was the occasion for all to visit and bring gifts. At
for example at 1 0,000 cowries, would actually pay 8 ,000 a member's death all vendors of the same product would absent
cowries for it (cf. also Lenz, 1884[II] i158 — 59). Yet selling in themselves from the market for eight days during the funeral
small retail quantities, where this double numeration did not I'1teS.
hold, the vendor would receive full payment of 10,000 cowries T'he women sellers of foodstuffs in the larger markets pro-
88 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Exchange: Isolated Markets 89
cured their supplies from the specialized farms. Every digni- price of cotton, which was ten centimes for a carded piece of
tary in D a homey had a n u mber o f p l a ntations and l ater f orty-two lengths, the weaver added f i fteen f r ancs fo r a
qualified for a gl e tanu.,that is, a w holesaler (ibid.fI]:SS). woman's cloth or thirty francs for a man's cloth. Thus, if the
Some of their farms comprised areas of from f ifteen to twenty-
price of the raw material was fixed, the standard markup would
five or thirty k i lometers in length and several kilometers in result in a price varying only with the amount of material used
breadth. They specialized in raising a single food staple such as in making the piece (Herskovits, >938(I] : 6 2). Competition in
millet, maize, or yams. Our information is less complete for the selling was further restricted by l i m itations on th e use of
small markets, but it would seem that the women relied on the pa'ttclIls. Any member of th e guilcl had to hRvc tlM pci Inission
surpluses from their or their husbands' village plots or from the of the guild head to sell his cloth or reproduce a design not
fields of the compound. The tenacity of the methods of setting invented by himself and had to pay for the use of such a design
the retail equivalents for produce of the soil, even in modern (ibid.: 76) .
times, is striking. When Herskovits made his survey, the retail Productlon, as w c h RVP said, wRs govcl'Bcd by R I ' o t atlon
price of palm oil was set by the women sellers. The oil was system. The members of a group worked on the material sup-
dispensed in standard containers, and the price varied with the plied by each member in turn, so that each weaver in succes-
price of a basket of palm nuts which was in turn determined by sion became the owner of a supply of cloth. A member of a
royal decision according to the world market for palm kernels. company of weavers was in turn entrusted with the sale of
To this latter price was added an equivalent for the labor cloth for the account of all the members of his group. He was
expended by specialists who prepared and sold the oil. obliged to render an accounting to the owner of each piece of
Secondly, prices were set for craft products. As individual cloth when the market was over. On default, sanctions were
and nonstandard products, the setting of p r ices for c r afts imposed. Herskovits says
differed from that of foodstuffs. But the influence of the craft
guild, or so, was dominant throughout the production and sale .. . i n the instance of a v eaver who had given yarn to one of his asso-
of these products. ciates, and this associate had sold the cloth and profited, but when the
time came to reciprocate had not given what was expected of him, the
The weavers were members of certain families which made soga would take act.ion. This would consist of seizing the property of
up the craft guild and acted in turn as brokers. The looms were the defaulter, including any of his animals that. might, be attached and
in separate shelters near the compounds where they lived." sold. If the culprit had nothing to attach, he would be deprived of his
The chief of the principal group of weavers exercised control membership in the society, and a complaint wouM be lodged against him
over all weavers. Cooperative work was the rule, and weavers with authorities; in the olden days, it would have been a matter to be
taken before the King. (Ibid.:254)
were subject to strict discipline. When a weaver invented a new
pattern, he sent samples to his fellow craftsmen. Each pattern Ironworkers l i kewise were members o f g i v e n f a m ilies,
had a name and prices were fixed according to the design. Since worked in rotation, and lived in separate quarters around the
these were well known, there was little haggling in the market, forge. Members of a forge worked in common, each smith in
The weaver fixed his price by taking the price of native-spun turn providing the raw material on which he and his associates
cotton as a base. Herskovits says that formerly, before cotton worked. The finished p~oduct belonged to the one who supplied
w as grown, native raffia was used in t h i s c alculation. T o t h e 'the materials. T1MI'c was no fixed pl lcc fo i' 11'on products, cRch
+ Herskovits mentions that to his knowledge there were only three groups of smith selling at his own price, which might be higher or lower
weavers, all resident in Abomy. (1938[il:76) depending on his need for cash. Skertchly notes that prices of
go Dahomey and the Slave Trade Exchange: Isolated M ar k ets C)I
iron products were determined separately for each object (q. Forbes described a discussion of the agricultural situation by
Herskovits, 1938 [I]: 62, n.1) . the king and his ministers at a state session during the period
The absence of a fixed price was also true of "goldsmiths" of the Annual Customs, but it w ould seem that the central
working in brass and silver and those who did applique work in authority may have confined itself to regulating the supply of
cloth. They were regarded as artists rather than as craftsmen
foodstuffs, leaving matters of price to local bodies which were,
and were relatively few in number. For woodcarvings it was however, most reluctant t o i n t erfere with t r aditional food
expected that a purchaser would continue to pay a woodcarver
prices. Add to this the general absence of price differentials
the same price for pieces of the same relative size in subse- over extended regions and we will understand why no trade
quent purchases as he had paid for the first piece ( ibid.:62 ). based on market functions is encountered. To this fact we shall
Khile men carried on the work in iron and in cloth; pottery, return.
the third principal craft, was in the hands of women. Groups of
women used a kiln in common, making their pottery individ- C H EA P FOOD
ually or with a few helpers but firing it cooperatively. The
These unimpressive market i nstitutions functioned in a
sellers of pottery waited until all the pottery of a given type fairly effective way. The universal cheapness of the means of
had come into the marketplace before setting the price for the subsistence that resulted impressed itself upon all European
day (i bid.: 61) .Of the makers of pots, Herskovits writes,
observers. This is particularly true of K h y dah, whether still
A woman who does not get on with the others of her group, particularly subject to Ardra, already independent, or, eventually, under
if she cuts her prices, is punished not only by having her stock of pottery
Dahomean rule. I t c o n trasted on ecological grounds with
broken by her associates,but also by being forced to work for a time
Khydah's immediate neighbors to the west, the bleak areas of
without remuneration before she is readmitted to all the privileges of the
guild. (Aid.: 76 — 77) the lagoon-dwelling Popos, a region of semi-starvation miti-
gated only by the catch from the sea and lagoon. The bounty
of nature did not, of course, favor inland Dahomey as it. did the
How did the set prices changeP In general, prices were gardenlike strip of Khydah. Nevertheless, our authors, visiting
changed in the same way in which they were originally set, but Dahomey and referring to its economic condition, scarcely ever
the system had an inelasticity of its own. A change of prices remarked on any stringency of livelihood or shortages of food.
did not necessarily bring about a corresponding change in No paupeis or beggars were in evidence. Kith the returning
"supply." Even a seasonally high price did not induce competi- skippers the supplying of their live cargo with food was of
tion among sellers. Also, the state maintained, as we saw, course a standing concern. The native chiefs often withheld
overall supervision of agriculture through the Tokpo and his access to inland food markets, wishing to exert pressure on
officials. Annual inspection of the crops took place, permitting business lines, but no complaints of the price of f oodstuffs
changes in the production of various crops to be commanded. being raised are in evidence. Native tactics merely aimed at
Changes in "supply" did not as a rule result from local price evoking delays which threatened the skipper with r u inous
changes but rather from administrative decisions. Herskovits losses. At no time was it the price of the food supplies that
writes: caused the squeeze.
Khen there was an overproduction of one crop and an underproduction of The absence of n a t i v e r e c ords i n t h e n o n l i t erate c oastal
another, the crop of an entire district might be changed at his [ t he areas, as well as inland Dahomey, leaves the economic his-
TokPo's5 command. (Ibidi r112)
torian of the eighteenth century with scant data to substantiate
92 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Exchange: Isolated Ma rh ets 93
assertions on the extraordinary cheapness of living. Vet the Pjennig (1 879[Ij : 6 9 2). I t s c o mparable English gold value
period of over a hundred and fifty years separating Barbot and was almost exactly one eighth of a farthing. Simone Berbain,
Bosman from Duncan, Forbes, Burton, and Skertchly offers a the French authority, puts the value of one cowrie in French
factually well-supported picture of a simple material culture terms at one fifth of a lia~d (1942:69), i.e., of half a farthing.
nowise lacking in ease of life in regard to nutrition. The advantages of the minute monetary unit may have been.
For the stability of the currency there is good evidence. It obscured during a b r ief i n flationary period o f t h e c o wrie
suffices to refer to the rate of 32,000 cowries to the ounce gold, currency. Burton and Skertchly witnessed such a rise in prices
equaling 4 pounds sterling, which was at no time in doubt over in Whydah, when the hanhie rose from three to twelve cowries.
that period. This fact alone permits us to evoke the unanimous But Skertchly, though listing the price ~ises, added the remark
expressions of surprise over the cheapness of life in that vast that nonetheless "in every shop there are to be seen plenty of
area extending north to south from Libya to the Guinea Coast, two-cowrielots" (1874:28). For on the stalls there would be
and west to east from the neighborhood of the Atlantic to Lake displayed the usual couple of sewing needles, safety pins, a
Tchad by eminent scholars of Germany, France, and England. dozen corns of pepper, a pinch of salt, an arm's length of white
They insisted that the necessaries of life could be bought for a cotton thread, a thimble of refreshing beverage, a mouthful of
very few cowries, supported by a p r ecise reference to the mutton or goat's meat, weli done and seasoned. Almost two
metallic exchange value of the cowrie. centuries befoi e — about 1 694 — Commander T h o mas P11111ips
Nachtigal elaborated on the democratic effects of cowrie. A of the IIannibal, of I.ondon, visiting the seat of the King of
cowrie, he said, represented "a Thaler split into 4000 shells Whydah, took time off to rema~k on a shady cluster of trees
.. . w h ich enables the poor to buy the most minute quantity where a small market was kept.
of any divisible object or material" ( 1879[I J :692). Heinrich Among other things in it. I observed an ordinary, which, for the novelty
Barth, who was present before cowrie made its appearance in of it I shall describe: It. was kept. at the foot of one of the largest trees;
the Central Sudan, wrote the master thereof had for a table a plate of fiat wood, about a yard di-
ameter, which was placed on the ground. The meat. was beef and dog's
The fatigue which people have to undergo in purchasing their week's flesh boiled, wrap'd up in a raw cow's hide, and placed on one side, and
necessaries in the market is all the more harassing as there is not at present an earthen crock with boiled cancies in it to serve for bread on the other.
any standardmoney for buying and selling. (1859)

He was skeptical at first of the public policy which introduced

cowries "rather by a speculation of the ruling people than by a %hen any one came to eat he would down on his knees by the table, and
lay eight or nine cowrie shells thereon; then the cook would very dex-
natural want of the inhabitants" (ibid.), as he suspected. The terously cut him the value of what he pitched on in small bits, and give
gabagas or native cotton strips of fourteen yards length had him his piece of cancy and some salt; if that did not satisfy his st.omach,
deteriorated into rags. The exchange value of the new currency he would lay down more shells, and accordingly have more meat.
was fixed as low as eight cowries equal to a cotton strip. Barth
eventually agreed that the shells "are very useful for buying
small articles and infinitely more convenient than the cotton I have seen eight or nine round his table at once, and he served them all,
and received their money with great dexterity, and without the least con-
strips" (ib id.). Nachtigal highly approved of the ubiquitous fusion;but there was no need to change money, which was a great ease
cowrie, the value of which he calculated at about one tenth of a to him. (1746:238-39)
Dahomey and the Slave Trade Exchange: Isolated Mar k ets 95
wives who kept stalls, or hawked their goods in the market place, many
SEPARA T E N E S S O F E X T ER N A L T R AD E of whom I believe possessed very little personal interest in their divided
F ROM T H E M AR K ET spouse's profits, but in order to render theft impracticable, he placed all
his youngest wives in the most conspicuous parts of the marketplace and
The reluctance of supply to respond to rising food prices in himself occupied a position which commanded a view of the whole scene.
isolated markets has already been remarked upon. Students of The older or more trustworthy wives were permitted to use their own dis-
the ancient economy will be reminded of the fact that in early cretion as to their choice of carrying their goods round the different. parts
society, whether primitive or archaic, external trade and local of the town. The principal or favourite wives dole out the portions of goods
allotted to each individual to sell, but it often occurs t.hat they are sold
markets do not show the close connectedness to which we are
at even a higherprice than designed by the owner, particularly when
accustomed in our modern society. The ubiquitous markets of strangers are the purchasers. Of course the extra charge is appropriated
Dahomey do not in this regard behave in the modern way for by the individual seller. {1847[II]:47 — 8)
the simple reason that only market systems with their price
Part II has dealt with the economy of the inland kingdom
differentials direct the course of trade.
of Dahomey which after 1727 administered also the Port of
Since Dahomey's economy is signally lacking in that elabo-
Trade of Whydah on the Guinea Coast. Up to the middle of the
ration of the exchange pattern which is the market system, we
nineteenth century, Abomey was the capital of a f l ourishing
should expect a great dearth of any other than the adminis-
archaic empire. In the main, the four integrative patterns-
tered forms of governmental trading, operated from the center,
redistribution, reciprocity, householding, and market exchange
serving army and foreign trade. No private merchants, only
— seem to have accounted for the functioning of the economy.
swarms of dependent porters and distinguished officials briefed
In the absence of statistical data we are reduced to gauging
as military guards and commercial diplomats form the person-
success and failure by t h e economic historian's customary
nel of th e t y pical caravan. The figure of t h e m i ddle-class
marl ers of social welfare or its opposite. Social equilibrium, a
merchant, such as the Islamic trading mullah, is a transient in
stable standard of life or, alternatively, famine, depopulation,
Dahomey. Its countryside knows no middle-distance trading;
and civil commotion are such indicators. A vital seismograph of
closer to the border towns where the newly acquired, non-
monetized economies is the degree of the stability of the cur-
incorporated areas of Dahomey lay and where there was still
rency. Though only partially monetized, Dahomey's massive
room for private caravan trading, the existence of outer and foreign trade exposed its exchanges to an unusually strenuous
inner markets of the towns demonstrated the distinction of test. But how, without an equilibrating mechanism as repre-
trade and market. Th e oncoming trader was m et by t h e sented by the market system, could stable exchanges be main-
caboceer in the outer market where the caboceer acquired tained in peace and war over more than a centuryP The rigid
wholesale the goods which it was his privilege to have retailed structural solidity of the archaic economy must appear at this
for profit by his wives within the town and partly t o h ave stage of our analysis as the alternative to equilibrating devices.
peddled by adolescents in the huts of the neighboring villages.
In Duncan's vivid words;

The old man [caboceer of Haffo] seemed all in a bustle, this being the
principal market-day in Baffo; and he i s allowed still t o m aintain an
a ncient custom, which existed here previous to the subjection of t h e
Mahee country, of monopolizing the whole trade of the place to himself.
In consequence of this, he was busily employed in watching his young


The port of trade was an institution comparable in function

and efficiency to our international marketplaces, while restricted
to operational methods foreign to t h e c ompetitive supply-
demand-price mechanisrn with which we are familiar (Polanyi,
1963). The origins of the port of trade as an institution reach
far back in history. Its rationale was to offer to the trader
safety of life and limb as well as of property. The meeting of
strangers on foreign coasts accompanied all early trade, and so
did the hazards inseparable from these meetings. Hence the
ancient practice of dumb barter or silent trade on deserted
beaches, as Herodotus described the Phoenicians, bartering
salt for gold on the northern Guinea Coast, two thousand years
before our period.
In the emergence of ports ot' trade in civilized areas, three
features generally were present: economic administration,
political neutrality, and ease of t r ansportation. Trade was
transacted not through price competition but my m eans of
administrative acts; the port authorities were committed to
political nonalignment; fi nally, neutral waterways, whether
coastal, paludal, or riverine, were essential for cheap carrying.
Safety depended on islancl sites, systems of w aterways,
marshes and lagoons, peninsular location, a mountain fastness
such as Petra, desert environments, or a combination of these.
Each of them offered R, variety of ta,ctical advantages in M e di -
terranean, As l a n, Af r l c a n, R nd C e n t r Rl A B M I l can s u b c ontl-
nents. U'gant, El M i na, Tyre, Sy~acuse, Miletus, Naukratis,
IGO Dahomey and the Slave Trade Whydah: Instl'tntI'onal Origins of a Port of Trade IOI
the Piraeus, Rhodes, Carthage, Corinth, Alexandria are insular army was deliberately kept at a distance to reassure the Arabs
or peninsular examples; Tmutorokafl, Karakorum, Kandahar, emerging from the desert that no danger was attached to their
and Timbuktu were circled by desert tracts; and some island entering the neighborhood of the city, which was artificially
centers were Goree, James Fernando Po, Prince's Island off the endowed with a sort of international neutrality highly advan-
West African coast, Xoconusco, Xicolango in Mexico, and the tageous to its commercial prosperity. Rostovtzeff assumed that
Malabars. even written agreements between Parthians and Romans may
As a rule the port of trade was situated in militarily "weak have been concluded (1932:103). Vet another historical case
hands" such as tribal communities or small kingdoms, so that is that of Whydah itself, which flourished as a neutral port,
the disembarking foreigner need not fear heing robbed of his safeguarded by treaty. Its conquest by the Dahomean empire
w ares, dragged into slavery, or k i lled outright. Only at t h e caused for a time a decline of the slave trade, the small sup-
extreme counterpole of weak hands, namely, under strong, pliers now keeping aloof.
ordered government did the trader meet again with reassuring The student of economic development then may ask: How,
conditions. Unless the government was both capable and will- about the turn of th e seventeenth century A.Q., did the obscure
ing to defend its neutrality and to enforce law and impartial coastal strip of Upper Guinea inhabited by the Houeda tribe of
justice, foreign merchants had to avoid places occupied by the lagoons establish itself as an independent administration,
military power. make itself felt as a center of the world slave trade, and within
A case in point was Cortez' visit i n f o rce to A calan, a a year or two formally declare itself a neutral in the great wars
riverine town situated in an area between the Mexican and the that were raging between the powers of the ageP The answer
M ayan empires. Acalan, a town harboring hundreds of pi - must be sought in the military, technical, and economic needs
rogues, originally was no more than a tribal area, famous as a of the Afro-American slave trade which struck precisely at that
center where riverine and paludal traders met with the men of time and in that spot of the West Aflican coast.
the hills. Cortez, marching into Acalan only a few years later as
a conqueror, was surprised to f ind that it had ceased to be a Three regions of the African coast should be distinguished in
trading place. Actually, the change was caused by its having regard to the historical evolution of the slave trade. The first
been incorporated into a military empire, his own. Its neu- was the Gold Coast on which, besides gold, slaves were bought
trality was now jeopardized and its attraction had ceased for even before the onrush of the Afro-American slave trade which
the tribes which used to frequent it with the produce of the reached the Gold Coast in the 1660's. Then, moving eastward
forests of the distant mountains. and inland from the coast, we come to the Kingdom of Ardra
Another instance antedates sixteenth-century M exico by during the quarter century of t ransition from gold trade to
m ore than a m i l lenium. T h e r esplendent caravan city o f slave trade, 1669 — 1704. The third region was the small king-
Palmyra in Roman Syria has been characterized by Rostov- dom of Whydah, formerly a t~ibutary of Ardra, borne to state-
tzeff as having been in the nature of a port of t r ade where hood by the tidal wave of the slave trade toward the very end
Parthian and Roman traders belonging to enemy countries of the seventeenth century. Its independent port of trade arose
met, trekking through the desert from east to west and from Rs thc Ioosc Blchalc clTlpirc structurc of A r d r a p r o vccl 'uncqual,
west to east. Hence, he argued, the refusal of t h e R o m ans to to thc rcquircnlcnts of thc I n o d cl'n s I RVC tradc(1704 — 27).
garrison Palmyra. Rather, they fell back and restricted them- I n cach Gf thcsc Icglons Rncl pcllocls, thc IQRnncr ln w h i c h
selves to a kind of remote control of that caravan city. The t.laclc was transactccl clcpcnclcd upon thc po lltl.ca,l GI'ganlzatlon
Toz Dahomey and the Slave Trade
of the coastal area and its hinterland. This influenced deci-
sively the institutional channels by which the "goods" were
forthcoming, as well as their ordered disposal, or the play of
"supply" and "demand" as the economist would prefer to call
it. In the absence of a market mechanism the economic process
was here channeled through the intermediacy of the political
organization which took on unusual forms. p o
o o

The Gold Coast was no more than a narrow strip between C3

the beach and the range of thickly wooded mountains washed

by tropical rains. It was mostly a sandy waste, a scraggy bush
stretching right to the River Volta where the river-gold on
coast and hinterland abruptly ended. Small, sparsely inhabited
fishing villages parts of tribal communities, dotted the coast;
none of them presenting itself as an organized state. The gold
trade was carried on by the simple means of Europeans barter-
ing their miscellaneous wares for gold, either as Castle trade, E
i.e., from warehouses (factories), or from their ships. "Castle CR

trade" sounds more imposing than were the modest stores

staffed by a few employees, mostly natives, with only a f ew
substantial fortifications — El Mina and Capo Corso — designed
as a protection for th e f actories, mainly against European
competitors. Most of the trade was carried on as "ship trade,"
particularly where slaves were concerned. Native brokers,
mostly by night, rowed out to passing skippers with one or two
or at most three slaves. Not even the gold trade was transacted
between the European countries and native collectivities in set
forms, in the absence of native political units required for
commercial relations between strangers on foreign coasts.
Bosman's (1814) incisive distinction between monarchies
and republics on the Guinea Coast is the key to the political
organization of the area — his eloquent praise of the orderly
realms of the absolute despots, as he calls them, mainly in the rcI
i nterior, and hi s discounting of t h e t r i ba l r e p ublics and t h ei r
unstable federations stringing along the coast as weak and
ineffectual. The Corn, Tooth, and Gold coasts of Guinea pos-
I04 Dahomey and the Slave Trade 8'hydah: Jnstifutsonal origsns of a Port of T~ade IG5
sessed scarcely any organized states on the beaches, in contrast
that on an enormously enhanced scale. The native ruler might
to the small bureaucratic monarchies of Whydah and Porto
now tend to regard foreign diplomatic contacts as a substitute
Novo of the Slave Coast proper. for a commercial bureaucracy of his own, capable of providing
Contemporary European powers of the middle seventeenth the intricate and costly administration required for the whole-
century were slow to u nderstand the implications of t hese
sale exporting of slaves. The pattern of commercial arrange-
conditions for trade.a In effect, the European-chartered com- ment favored by the native chiefdoms —not necessarily also by
panies had no native partners to treat with, nor consequently I'cgU1RI' IBGBRI'chics— wRs to 1nvcst t h e E u r o p c RB sovcrcign
trade agreements to live up to. Miscarried diplomatic contacts, w ith the monopoly of the slave trade in his country on th e
abortive initiatives, sometimes ludicrous contretemps were the understanding that the European partner undertake the organ-
order of the day. It was a long time before the African states izing of this complex and risky business.
themselves set up suitable organs of foreign trade. The change from gold to slaves happened rather abruptly
European sovereigns at times were engaged in diplomatic about 1670 at the eastern end of the Gold Coast, beyond the
arrangements with their "Royal cousins" of the Gold Coast, River Volta, and in the somewhat,vaguely defined kingdom of
seeking to gain through honorific gestures a commercial foot- Ardra. Within a generation — by 1704 — it was to raise to world
hold on t h e B l ack C ontinent. I n t riguing episodes ensued. prominence the kingdom of Whydah, a small coastal t~ibutary
France, a latercomer on the Gold Coast, was responsible for of Ardra. An unprecedented supply of slaves had made its
some of them. One Aniaba, supposedly son of Zena, King of appcRiancc 1B Ardra, Rnd t hi s sitURtion dcITlandcd ITloic Rdc-
Issiny, was sent to F r ance and, having been catechized by qua,tc InstltU'tionR1 methods to c l c RI b y th R B A r d r R could
Bossuet in person, was introduced to Louis XIV who appointed
provide. To understand the actual forces at work in this trans-
hiin an officer of the Horse and eventually became his god- formation, the requirements of this peculiar trade under the
father. After his return to Issiny — the Assinie of the present givcn con(litions ITIUst bc consldcrcd.
Ivory Coast — Aniaba was expected to succeed to the throne, About 1675 a falling-off of trade on the Golcl Coast was
But he was shown up as a fraud and nothing came of it (Rous- noted. Skippers were induced to drift f u rther east after gold
sier, 193 5: xvii ff.) . but without success. Simultaneously, in the West Indies the
Another ruler, King Amoysy of Commendo in present-day demand for slaves was rising sharply. Accordingly, the Sgr.
Ghana, made a gift of the village of Aquitagny to I.ouis XIV, D'Amon who in the 1670's had been busily pursuing dramatic
transferring to him by charter absolute sovereignty over it. French diplomacy in Issiny in a futile attempt to further the
Investigation has since revealed that the Issiny kingdom was of
gold trade returned to Issiny by the end of the century, this
Lilliputian size and the king himself the ruler of a few square time to persuade the king to change over from gold to slaves,
miles of barren coast. The king of Commendo, a more substan- but in vain, for the slave caravans hit the coast farther east.
tial prince, was promptly put t o d eath by th e local Dutch From far inland, from the north, thousands of slaves were
trading company for having been friendly to the French. Vet a
already on the move along the Gap of Benin, headed for Ardra
pattern of exotic diplomacy was set which engendered impor- and Whydah. The historic slave rush was on.
tant consequences when trade turned from gold to slaves, and

~ This and the following paragraph have been distilled by Polanyi from a
wide variety of sources; it has not been possible to reconstruct the sources of
every factual statement [Ed.].
IG6 Dahomey and the Slave Trade IVhydah: Institutional Origins of a Port of Trade IG7
spectacular height in the late seventeenth century in Whydah the channels of distribution which served as an outlet for the
on the Slave Coast. Between these two stretches of time and EUI'opcan dcmand. H owcvcl , t 4 cI'c wRs Bo ol'gRB Gf cooldlna-
location there was a short but significant period of transition- tion in this political setting to provide a responsive.link be-
in Ardra from 1670 to 1704. From scant historical evidence we tween the oncoming slaves and the chances for an outlet, since
may nevertheless follow the antecedents of the port of trade the central government lacked administrative personnel within
from its incubation in Ardra as it evolved through the strains the zone of its warlike seafaring tributaries.
and stresses of the last two decades of the seventeenth century The abnormaHty of it all was that. t4e territory where the
into a full-fledged institution of world trade in Whydah. inflow of slaves to Ardra from the nort4 met with the agents of
Only twice before had recorded history touched upon the the European slavers who represented the outfiow in the south
African inland state of Ardra: first in 1671, with Carolof of the was Bo Blore thRB a Blcl'c pRtc4 Gf lancl R good day s j ou rncy
F rench West I n dies Company; n ext i n 1 7 0 4, with Jean across to the right and left of the village of I.ittle Ardra. Facing
Doublet (called the Pirate), shareholder of the same company Bort4, this slnall aica w'Rs tlM I'cclplcnt. Gf slRvcs ollglnRtlng ln
which was now named de l'Asiente. In the interim Ardra was a vast reservoir of i nland supply; f acing south, toward the
acting intermittently as the matrix of that vast movement of ocean, it was spurting slaves toward the beaches. It. was not
trade which was to change the socioeconomy of whole sub- identified with any single tribe, city, or small state; apart from
continents in the Western hemisphere. But the time was not Whydah and Porto Novo, it lay amid suborganized territories
yet. The A f r ican y ield o f s l aveswould have t o i n crease of unruly tribes, most of whom fought each ot4er. Geographi-
manyfold, speeded by the commercial innovations introduced cally, it was covered by a maze of slow ~ivers and extended
in Whydah. At Ardra itself growth would be slow. True, the lagoons separated from 'the beach and from one another by
powers were bent on extracting slaves from Africa for use in broad strips of marshland. This was primarily the condition of
America at al l c ost. I n t h e a bsence of a m a r ket system, that part of the coast of which Ardra was the suzerain, with its
however, the process had to rely on the existing institutional traditional capital, Alladah, about thirty-five miles from the
fixtures, which, in the nature of things, were not commercial at sea. This was practically the range at which all Guinea state
all but rather political. capitals, whether Ashanti, Dahomey, Oyo, Voruba, or Benin,
The growing slave trade was, therefore, embedded over a lay from the ocean. Kach country remained at a safe distance
generation in the territorial bodies that comprised the loosely from the sea w4ich was taboo to their rulers. None possessed a
knit state organization of the kingdom of Ardra and its vassal fleet nor practiced other t4an river, lake, or. lagoon fishing. The
chiefdoms. Big or small, they derived a money income from notion of shouldenng administ~ative tasks on the coast was
taxing the slave trade. Ardra imposed the payment of a con- utterly foreign. to them. Their contact with the sea was limited
siderable lump sum, the custom, on every ship for the permis- to suzerainty over fishing tribes largely living a, life of their
sion to trade within the empire and set a fixed toll per head on
slaves entering its area, as well as an equal toll if they were The sprawling empire of Arclra cont~olled, then, neither the
being sold abroad (Barbot, 1732:349 — 50). The king was the BGI'tlMIQ sUpply BGI' thc soutlMrn outlct of slavcs. Thc kl ng o f
chief beneficiary of custom and toll, apart from earnings from Ardra did not purchase slaves for export in the inland markets
ancillary commercial services. Qol caI'I'y Gn sy stcInatlc 1alds Rcl'Gss 41s bordcl's. CRIRvans
The inland center of the empire pressed on with the supply- fronl thc north wcre thc orgRBs of s'upply, Rnd thc klng was
ing of slaves, while the coastal units were supposed to provide scarccly Rb lc t o s t a g g cl' t lM GB CGIBing slipplv o n c c it . 4 R d
xo8 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Whydah: Jnstitutional Origins of a Port of T~ade XG9
started to Aow from its distant sources. No more adequate was
replacing his brother with the help of the French, who then
the king's control of the outlet. The small fishing states were in
made him tributary to Whydah. The Great Popos, however,
a condition of chronic rebellion. There was always the tempta-
"threw off their yoke," but were again invaded by the Whyda-
tion of selling the slaves on their own; admitting the eager
sians assisted by the French Aeet. The attackers suffered heavy
European buyers to their local food markets; smuggling slaves
losses and were quite unable to dislodge the Popos from their
through officially closed passes; disrupting Ardra's arrange-
island seat in the la goon (Barbot, 1732:452 — 53}. Bosman
ments with E u ropean slavers; dislodging foreign f actors,
(1814), visiting Whydah — at that t ime another disaffected
plundering their warehouses if not murdering them outright;
tributary of Ardra — found the king there very popular with the
sabotaging their factories; subverting the native villages that
Europeans. Indeed, he had been elevated to the throne with
surrounded the European forts; sharing in the intrigues of the
French and English help, his brothe~ having first been deprived
chartered companies and native personalities on which in the
of it. Bosman prophesied another civil war upon the demise of
last resort the chances of smooth transportation and transac-
the popular Inonarch, whose younger son, he thought, was
tions rested.
likely to be favored by the Europeans against his elder brother.
To illustrate this pattern of local conAicts and European
Soon afterward exactly that came to pass, an event closely
interventions w e h a v e t h e w i t n e ss o f Barbot ( 1 732) a n d
associated with the setting up of the port of trade at Whydah.
Bosman (1814). Proceeding east from the Volta we find the
The impotence of the king of Ardra to deal with the much
Coto, the L i t tl e an d G r eat P opos, Whydah, Jaquin, and
smaller Whydah, his incapacity to break the even smaller and
OA'ra — or Little Ardra, as it was called by the Europeans. This
weaker Popos, and other political paradoxes resulted largely
was the hub of the region whence an excellent road led to Great
from the tactical advantages of imp~egnable lagoon positions
Ardra or Assem on the River Lagos, the commercial capital of
amid almost impassable marshes and mud lakes. The political
organization of the outlet area appears, then, to have been
The people of Coto were warring indecisively with the Little
qultc Inadcquatc to channcI an cconomic pI'occss thRt Rssumcd
Popos, a practice favored by their common hinterland neigh-
s ome corresponclence between resources offered an d t h e
bor, the Aquambos. The Little Popos, again, often acted as the
chances of t h ei~ distribution. Th e s i tuation was, i ndeed,
strong arm of the king of Ardra. When Offra rebelled against
anomalous. A new movement of trade, spanning the coasts of
Ardra in the 1670's and the Dutch factor, a favorite of the
whole subcontinents — South America and West Africa, reach-
king, was murdered, the king persuaded the Little Popos to
ing in either case far into the respective hinterlands — had been
attack the Offra, destroy them, and deliver their chief into his
set in motion in almost total absence of a physical and institu-
hands. Afterward, Barbot recounted (1732:452 ) "pushed on
tional contact between the goods and their potential users.
by the King of Ardra," the Little Popos "marched against the
The kingdom of Ardra on the Guinea Coast was of roughly
people of Whydah and encamped in their country. After being
s clxllciI'cular shRpc, RI'clling castward t o w aI d t h e c o a st . I t s
repulsed, their chief attacked the Cotos and perished in battle.
northern limits were supposed to extend into the bush toward
The present king" says Barbot, "revenged his brother's death
Benin (ibid.:346), yet its only di~ect access to the sea at Offra
on the Cotosians" (ibid.), who were eventually driven out of
(Little Ardra} was no more than a lancl channel three quarters
their country. This happened about 1700.
o f a m il e w i de. Fo r t h e r e st, A r d r a w a s separated f ro m t h e
Proceeding to Great Popos, a sequence of foreign interven-
ocean by a band of maritime communities (including Whydah
tions is on record. Their king, we are told, gained the throne by
Rnd PGI'to Xovo ) rcprcscnting Iilore GI' lcss loyal trItiutarics. As
~ (I) IVhydah: Institutional origirts of a Port of Trade XII

0 M an organ of the slave trade, Ardra operated somewhat as a

funnel, open to the north, that ended in a, damper from. which
CCIdn 0
slaves were released in all dilections.
The royal government required that slaves be tolled, since
0 taxes levied on trade were the main source of its revenue from

E l
d( Cd
the slave trade, The king's interest, therefore, lay in the largest
00 cd
n ecE Cll
possible number of slaves to pass through his territories so long
2 Cd as none went untollecl ancl the foreign trader who eventually
':.(I bought the slave had personally paid the customs to him. I n
/CC, what way the slave was sold was otherwise of little concern to
I the king, so long as the selling "hand" previously presented the
e 'I slave for toIIing to the king's officers at Great Ardra, only two
'\ miles from the trade center of Assem. This requirement may
have been operationally difficult t o I neet fo r s ome coastaI
vassals. Great Popo revolted once in protest against Ardrasian
constraint that all slaves sold by Poposians must first be taken
to Great Aldra for tolhng. Thls, however, was only one of several
r equirements of the slave trade difficult to square with t h e
political embeddedness of the outlet for the slave tracle under
AicllasiRD aegls. Thc sclcctlon Qf slRvcs by t h e v a l IQUs pUI-
chascl's( thcll f c ccling and gu RIcling( tIM tl'Rnspol'tlng 'to ancl
fro, and their branding with regard to different purchasing
n4 nations, cornplicated by unseasonal weather conditions as well
~ 0 CE as by military considerations, raisecl intricate problems of
(n e
administration affecting the profitability of th e undertaking.
0 C CC
a 8
Massive losses coulcl accrue, mainly through delays caused in
loading that in turn delayed completion of the return voyage,
thUs lnclcRslng tlM Rvcragc costs to tlM slavcls.
T he IRck o f s y n c h l'GnlzRtlon between th e K U I'opcan p UI -
E chasers and the native suppliers of. the trade was present from
the beginning. The Kuropean's promise to send merchandise
remained sometimes unfulfilled for years. However, while the
.' a. gold waiting for him on the Gold Coast did not have to be
sUbslstccl Rnd g u arclccl l n c r 'Gwclccl barracoons( Unclellvclccl
sIRvcs wcle R h cavy b 'UI'clcB ln tl M a b scncc Gf t l M c x p cctcd
customers. IB the first decade of the slave lush Ardra suffe~ed
from g lUts Gf slavcs Qwlng to t h e g l a n d g e stures of F l c n c h
rrz Dahomey and the Slave Trade Whydah: Ins&'tutional orsgins of a Port of Trade
g overnments which eventually f a iled t o l i v e up to t h eir And concerning Ardra in particular:
commitments of shipping any number of slaves as soon as they
were available (O'Elbee, 1671 [IIJ:407). At times the position As soon as aship arrives there from Purope, the commander or super-
cargo must wait on the governor of Little Ardra, to be conducted by him
was reversed, and v ery r a p idly, t oo. Snelgrave's (1734)
to the king, taking along with him the usual presents, which commonly
Introduction to his report on his second visit to Whydah gives consist, in a parcel of about three or four pound weight of fine coral, six
figures. Qnly 33 ships left England for the West Coast in 1712; Cyprus cloths, three pieces of Morees, and one piece of damask, for the
by 1725 more than 200 were counted. O'Elbee and Barbot King.
record the disappointment of the Butch of Qffra, long-settled Tis usual for Europeans to give the king the value of fifty slaves in
goods for his permission to trade, and cust.oms for each ship.
favorites of the king of Ardra, when no slaves were available.
The Europeans being obliged to deliver at their own charge, at Great
Five Butch ships had to return empty to El M i na, while still Ardra, all such goods of their cargo, as the king has pitched upon for him-
others were waiting there (O'Elbee, 1671[II ] : 4 06). This was s elf out of their invoices,. . . we always adjust the price of EuroPeau
the chief source of the trading losses of the chartered corn- goods, ofslaves, and of the blue stones, caHed Agry,.. . with the King
panies whose enormous overhead rendered ruinous gaping of Ardxa; which being agreed on that prince causes a public crier to
descrepancies of timing. The competing goods of "interlopers" proclaim it about the country, and to declare that every man may freely
trade with the super-cargo of such a ship, who is to satisfy the crier for his
were mostly not only better but also almost thirty per cent labour , . A n d w i thout such public notice from the king to his people,
cheaper. They picked up the slaves wherever they found them none of them would ever dare to dispose of any Agry [pearlsj, slaves or
and thus escaped the hazards of an economic process trans- bluestonesabove mentioned. {Lbid.1349)
acted by means of an unsuited political setting.
The governor or his officers accompany the factor about four
O'Elbee's account of the early Ardrasian slave trade, when
1 Tnlcs f1'01rl the sho1'c, whcre they appolnt R hoUsc for' hiln t o
the native administration still attempted to cope with the tasks drive his trade in. The facto~ then "causes all his cargo to be
devolving on the center in direct dealings with the French, brought ashore and carried to that v i llage by porters; and
shows how formidable were the bureaucratic obstacles. His then . . . h e s ends up by them to G~eat Ardra all the goods
report o f t h e t r a nsactions — ceremonial and c o mmercial- thc k1ng hRs pltchccl upon fo1" h11nsclf (il iid.: 349 ) .
between king and slaver, combined with the contemporaneous This is a greatly abbreviated description of the successive
details of Barbot's account, give a picture of how great a stages of gift-giving to the various strata of the king's sur-
burden it was for the foreign skipper to have to attend person- 1'oUncllngs — members of th e f a m l ly , c o m merclal bu.lcRUC1Rcy,
ally at G r eat A r dra whenever an a r rival o f a n other ship ranks in political administration — and quite apart from the
compelled him to pay again his customs and go through the elaborate arrangements for the carrying of samples and staples
complete diplomatic etiquette of a reception at the royal palace at the various stages of the disembarkation. This gives weight
(fbid.:403 ff.). to O'Elbee's complaint that, the ceremonial of top-level trading
The "rate in trade" with regard to slaves, says Harbot, negotiations had to be repeated by the foreigners whenever
another vessel of theirs anchorecl off the coast and disembarked
is generally adjusted with the king, and none is permitted to buy or sell
until that is proclaimed; whereby he reserves to himself the preference any of its personnel.
in all dealings, he for the most part. having the greatest number of slaves The alternative was to decentralize the process and to leave
which are sold at a set price, the women a fourth or fifth cheaper than more powers to the vassals, relying on the tributary people of
the men.. . no European must go there to trade, without. waiting on him Qffra, Jaquin, Whydah, Great Popo, o. Porto Xovo to support
before he presumes to buy or sell. {1732:326 ) the king's offlcers. We have seen above the uncertainties
I I4 Dahomey and the Slave Trade IVhydah: Jnstitutional Ori gins of a Port, oJ Trade II5
besetting the domestic and external conditions of these tribu- conventional gifts these ainounted one way o r a n other t o
taries, yet the total movement of the slave trade was embedded seventy-five or even eighty-five slaves — a value term — for each
in the medley of these semi-independent bodies. trading ship, whereas at Whydah they did not exceed thirty-
Close investigation reveals that only a spontaneous adjust- two or thirty-five slaves "which is great odds in favor of the
m ent of t hese political organisms allowed the trade to b e English and French factors Iesiding there," Barbot remarks
carried on. The small, weak, yet nominally sovereign state of (1732:350). Even adding for K h y dah another twelve slaves
Tori is a c ase i n p o int. M ap s aver it s e xistence, Barbot for transportation and similar costs, we arrive at less than fifty
(1732:327 and 345 — 46) and Bosman (1814) give geographi- slaves compared with a,round eighty for A l d ra, quite apart,
cal details. Tori was situated between Whydah and Ardra from an even greater disparity in the time lag of loadings.
(inveterate enemies ever since the Houeda had their political Thc sltuRtlon wRs thlown lnto rellcf by D A B IQB s ploposRIs
capital at Savi), only nine miles from the sea and accessible to of 1698 concerning a three-point treaty to be concluded be-
ships by river, but no f arther away from Great Ardra, the tween France and Ardra. Its second and third points Ieferred
political capital of Ardra. Indeed, an element of neutrality was to a monopoly of the slave trade to be accorded to Prance,
present in many factual situations of the coastal area. Dual Ardra B1olcovcl cQIBIBlttlng ltsclf not. to pcI'lnlt. Its cltlzcBs to
control was a frequent device. One and the same area, for Blakc pul'chRscs floln an y c o u ntr y Qthcl' tnRB PI'ancc. A r d r a
example, was attributed by the European traders to Ardra and accepted both. But point one required a, commitment of the
to Whydah (Barbot, 1732:327). I n s t il l o t her regions two king to transfer his seat to the neighborhood of the coast. This
c ommanding officers, acting jointly, were appointed by t h e
demand was not acceptable. The i nland kingdom of A r d r a
contending parties; at still other times the commander was
refused to change its status into that of a maritime country. It
appointed by the two countries together; maps representing
can be stated with confidence that the rationale of th e institu-
bush land employed the device of marking caravan access to
tion of the port of t~ade that was soon to be established in
Assem, next to Great Ardra, with the help of areas circum-
Whydah was neatly implied in the Sieur O'Amon's point No.
scribed by dotted Iines, thus indicating swathes through the
I: "Move to thecoastt" (1935:83).
bush, a sort of shadow sovereignty, open to caravans over
Ardrasian territory (cf. maps in Dalzel, 1793). Such impro- O N TH E SL AV E C O A S T
vised limitations of territorial exclusiveness may be regarded as
approximations to the eventual solution, the port of trade. When and how did Whydah replace Ardra as the slave port
The root difficulty of the inland states was, of course, loca- of West Africal A r d ra, an A f r ican inland state of archaic
tional. The center of administration lay, on the average, two empire structure, had attemptecl vainly to run satisfactorily a,
d ays' distance from the coast. A further obstacle lay in t h e novel kind of complex, large-scale world commerce. The soci-
reluctance to permit travel by day to the stranger through a ologist m~ght say w i t h a s surance tha t t h e s i t u a t lon i m p era-
m ilitarily threatened countryside; hence the inability of t h e tively caIIed for an appropriate organ and that comprehensive
inland empire effectively to extend its sovereignty to the coast. change was inevitable. It faBs, as ever, to the historian to show
The cumulative cost factors of delay and distance made how the "inevitabl " actually happened. The change required a
patent the commercial inadequacies of the Ardrasian regime of state which was no longer of th e inland t ype and wh ich would
the slave trade. There were the direct financial burdens to the spccdily dcvclop Rn Inipal'tlal colnnlci"ciRI burcauclacy. Thc
slaver of th e customs and t olls. T ogether wit h a m u l t i t ude of soclRI stlatlficatloB whlch ha d t o b e I m p r o vlscd RImost Qvcr-
I I6 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Whydah: Jnstitutionol origins of o Port of Trade II7
night was conditioned on the possession of exceptional re- was the center, was simply the result of a decrease of precipita-
sources of natural wealth. tion. A dry-hot local trade wind caused the annual rainfall, far
The argument of this book relies on the Gap of Benin for at from rising to an equatorial height, to drop to the level of the
least a partial explanation of the shape of historic Dahomey Northern Sudan. Cereals were at home again, millet thrived,
and stresses the climatic factor in t hat exotic geographical and even maize flourished. Whydah was a large-scale exporter
accident. Nevertheless, we shall not be trapped into any crude of food capable, in effect, of putting the militarily unbreakable
ecological determinism in regard to history. No more will be Great Popos on a strangling leash of dependence for food. This
assumed here than that the forms of human settlement, and abundance of crops caused an outburst of population growth as
hence of state structure, do not remain unaffected by basic soon as orderly state building set in with the beginnings of the
ecology. Some economic effects of the meteorological conditions Ardrasian slave trade.
adduced in Chapter Two will be our concern here. Two distinct groups of facts mark the two steps of causa-
O ur seventeenth-century authors were enraptured by t h e tion: first, the ecological. fact, a climatic advantage over the
landscape that u n folded i n W h y dah. An d t h e t w entieth- neighboring areas allowing for a local surplus of food; second,
century scholars unanimously refer the exceptionally high level a n external fact, t h e slave rush, necessitated a s t r atified
of its statecraft and bureaucracy to the "garden of Whydah." b ureaucracy and institutionalized the surplus. In b ri ef, t h e
The Gold Coast — where gold was found or at l east traded Gap of Benin acted iin two ways: as a, lightning conductor for
widely — ended west of the Volta or just short of it at I.ay. The the movement of the slave masses induced by the far-distant
Slave Coast that followed eastward was an ambiguous term, as tcnsions ln t h c W c s t I n chan pl RIitatlons Rnd Rs th c c c ologlc
Barbot had noted. I n t h e s tock exchange slang "Gynney- wellspring of a nutritional surplus which permitted an appro-
Bynney" meant the Guinea Coast to Benin (Davies, 1957:39}, priate institution — the port of trade — to catalyze that supply
though, as Barbot (1732} said, even before reaching Benin it i nto an essential f a ctor o f i n t e r national commerce. T hus w a s
loses its name. Actually, slaves were to be had right east of the the slave rush eventually f o r med i nto an event of o v erwhelm-
Volta, i.e., anywhere Ardra's coastal tributaries managed to ing power that wrenched Dahomey frorn the traditional moor-
divert some of the slaves from the Ardrasian inland sources of ings of an African inland state and tossed it. to exceptional
caravan trade. Whydah, with it s l ovely vista of p arks and heights of achievement.
pastures close to the beaches, dominated the picture. Actually, Whydah's history was not only a contrast to that of Ardl a
right up to the western borders of Whydah, a good fifty miles but also a co ntinuation of 8 o n t h e i n s ti t u t i onal l evel. I f a n
east of the Volta, the Slave Coast was as barren as most of the RdlTllnlstlatlvc m c thod and R pollcy o f B c u t r allty w c l'c csscn-
Gold Coast, if not more so. Indeed, the Great Popos lagoons tials of the port of trade, both were to some degree anticipated
were in evil repute as the homes of starvation. And again, east in Ardra. In a suborganized manner either principle in nuce
of Whydah, the fateful humidity of the equatorial forest re- was present there. Administration w as operational i n t h e
asserted itselfeven before I.agos was reached. The coastal s etting of p r ices and i n t h e m anner of p ayment i n k i n d ,
regime created by the Gap of Benin comprised then no more securing together a range of profit essential to the total process.
than the hinterland of 5"hydoh and Porto IVovo, the only tvoo As to neutrality, essential to international trading sites, we
ordered ond organized states situated on the coast between the w itnessed how i n A r d r a , e n t i t ies which b y t h e i r v e r y n a t u r e
Volta and Benin. wcl'c pal tlsan, such Rs tci I ltol'lal stRtcs, Droduccd clcvlccs of
The territorially limited economic miracle, of which Whydah n eutrality, s uc h a s j o i n t, controls o r d u a l s o v ereignty. T h e
118 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Whydah: Institutional Origins of a Port of Trade 119
transition of gold trade to slave trade was accompanied by an I.ouis XIV's admiral — his visit was memorable by his sover-
incipient change from a politically loosely knit trade area, as in eign's gift of a golden carosse in which the king of Ardra rode
Ardra, to a highly organized port of trade. into his capital — started that flood of slaves from the north
from which, after the utter default of the French to supply the
The rise of the Houeda tribe from obscurity had been slow ships to fetch them, the English benefited, as DuCasse noted
(Dunglas, 1957:126 ff.). An offshoot of the South Nigerian with surprise. The slaves Whydah sold to the English in Offra
peoples, the Houeda appear to have originated around the were the Ardrasian slaves destined for the French, notwith-
region of Lagos from whence they moved westward. Their standing that Whydah and Ardra were "inveterate enemies."
longest sojourn was on Lake Hen (Atheme), abounding in fish, And that perfectly timecl condominium in Offra, also reported
where a local Adja chief from the T ado branch may have by DuCasse, may have been precisely the device by which
attained kingship over them. Eventually they were driven from Whydah made the grade, for our figures for Whydah subse-
the lake and had to take to tillage, moving back nearer the quently move in that high range of slave exports indicated by
coast. If we put kingship about 1520, this sums up their pre- DuCasse, though the pu~chases may relate to different national
history from the fourteenth century to 1671, when their king destinations and the ports handling the sales may have had
consented to Carolof's founding a village for the French West varying puzzling arrangements between thcin. Our sources are
Indies Company. Carolof named it Pillau after his home in the discreet in those areas that might give away the rationale of
Baltic lagoons of East Prussia. those not infrequently paradoxical business moves to be met
By then the Houeda king had already taken a farsighted with in the slave trade.
step, having separated from his political capital, Savi, in the The catastrophe of Ardra, scarcely fifty years after D'El-
north the village of Glegoy in the south near the sea as a b ee's auspicious visit, was only i n di.rectly caused by a n y
prospective commercial center. The whole state territory was sllpcI'10I' stlcngtli of Wh y d a h, wliich Rt, no tlnlc wRs R match foi'
less than twenty miles across and showed no tendency to the manpower Ardra could mobilize. Through the tangle of
expand. It was still tributary to Ardra but making its influence personal rivalry and political intrigue that underlay the rela-
felt, for instance, in Offra, a cotributary village. tionships of Ardra, Whydah, and Dahomey, in the long run it
JI. B. DuCasse, the French empire builder coming from Benin was the logic of economic efficiency that asserted itself. In spite
and passing through Offra in 1688 found there in addition to a of Ardra's preoccupation with the business rivalry of its ever-
caboceer appointed by Ardra, another one put in by Whydah i nsubordinate vassal, Whydah t ended t o a l l y w i t h A r d r a
(the name that the village of Glegoy was to be given by the against the common enemy, Dahomey. Vet the military con-
Europeans, after its Houeda inhabitants ). DuCasse noted that quest of Ardra by Dahomey in 1724 was indirectly caused by
Juda {the French spelling for Houeda) accounted for a very the commercial efficiency of th e port o f t r ade of W h y dah
high annual number of slaves acquired by the English over the which, established some twenty years earlier, had eventually
last two decades (1935). raised Whydah to the emporium of the slave trade both inside
D'Elbee's (1671) i ndependent witness of twenty y ears Rnd outside Africa. The hard fact was that D ahomey had
earlier bears out some of these peculiar figures. In 1669, the based its defense system on regular razzias that called for
king of Ardra undertook to provide, if needed, up to 6,000 reliable supplies of arms, and thus D ahomey could not i n defi-
slaves annually, an extremely high figure for that date. This nitely leave the sources of its safety in the unreliable hands of
may have been the occasion for the grand gesture with which Ardra, Rn RI'chaic ciilpire IIlcapable of an cf fcctIvc Rdmlnlstra-
I20 Dahomey rrnd the Slave Trade IVhydah: Jnstitutional origins of a Port of Trade I2X
tion within its own borders. Indeed, much before Bahomean was not any more Portuguese-Dutch in ~hythm, but r ather
might came down upon the Ardrasian empire to crush it, the
Franco-English. The decline of A r d ra, and the upsurge of
pressures of a distant Western world began to focus on the
Whydah take us into that more modern Franco-English period.
weak spot of the new slave economy, which was Ardra. It was
Dunglas (1957) creclits the small organized Slave Coast states
not the conservative powers of Portugal and Holland, who for
of the eighteenth century w it h a g r eater consciousnessGfo
centuries had been trading on the Guinea coast, but the late-
strength than either the interland countries of the Gold Coast
comers, England and France, who precipitated Ardra's down-
or even Ardra had shown. Whydah and Porto Novo, he says,
fall in their eagerness to rationalize their West Indian planta-
refused to concede monopolies of trade to any Western power,
tions, which were growing into sources of enormous profit to
one of the reasons why the Portuguese and Butch preferred the
the ruling classes of these two newest Western European
traditional methods of Benin, the Calabars, and Congo. Be this
powers. The new Whydah was, in effect, partly their creation.
Rs lt IllRy t1 1ccilsls WRs sparkcd in A r d r a b y F i c n c li R ctloII
Portugal had de facto monopolized the Guinea trade since
about 1669, and some thirty years later solutions in Whydah
the last quarter of the fifteenth century. The denominations of
the cowrie currency, the names of th e t r ade officials, the wcrc bloug1it to f I u l t l o n b y F I ' R nco-EBgllsh Blllit a ry 1 Tlovcs.
language ofcommerce were Portuguese, that lingua franca of a This, then, was the actual manner in which the "historically
vast area. The emperor of Ardra had been educated in a con- inevitable" came about. The peripety which deserves a closer
vent on the Isle of Saint-Thome and his preference for the study was comprised in the years 1698 — 1704.
Most Catholic Monarch, the king of France, survived much After many years of attempts to establish a viable ~elation-
awkward evidence of pedantry and red tape which hampered ship between I rance and Ardra, the Chevalier B'Amon made
Colbert's efficiency drive. But all this antedated the slave rush. that formal proposal to the king, the first and foremost point o f
Even the local slave trade of the Portuguese, based on the Isle which he himself circumscribed as follows:
of Saint-Thome and Angola, was aimed at acquiring labor for If the King wishes to see us established in his realm, it is required that the
Portuguese African sugar plantations and selling slaves to King permit us to settle on the coast, v.hich would involve himself moving
African inland traders on the Guinea Coast to transport their there together with the others of the capital, and that he make his residence
merchandise purchased on the coast from Portuguese hands. there so as to attract trade, since otherwise the cost of transporting our
This built-in slave trade of th e Portuguese in Angola was merchandise to his present place of residence which is at a seven league's
distance from the coast would involve us in ruinous expenses. (193 St83,
administered partly f rom L i sbon, partly t h rough the l ocal
clergy and the monasteries. The African island plantations did The klng Rgrccd to thc gl a n tlIlg of R comprehcnslvc IYlonopoly
not have at their disposal high-pressure governments such as to the French on condition they undertook to ship at least
those which directed the English and French chartered com- 3,000 slaves annually while offering himself to deliver up to
panies on behalf of West Indies plantations. 6,000 slaves, should they wish, but the first and main condition
On the Guinea Coast the Butch inherited the Portuguese CGIlcclIilng his cliRQglng of i c s idcncc tl c k i n g r c f u scd cvcII to
trading system as well as the coastal forts which they had CGBSKICI'.
wrenched from them. The Portuguese knew no slave rush so D'Amon's clraft was dated 1698. In the early winter of 1701
keen on large numbers, quick delivery, and rapid return of D'Amon officiaLLy pressed the King of Whydah to set a firm
their ships as did the later slavers. The trade of the slave rush
pricc upon slaves: the king indlcR'ted that this would bc sccn to
I22 Dahorney and the Slave Trade IVhydah: Institntional Orig~'ns ofa Port of Trade X23
presently "when the French settlement was established" (ibid.: Two closely related steps must be dated with 1704 — that of
106). The Wars of the Spanish Succession started and the the Europeans' secret agreement to e l irninate competition
powers that had settled around Glegoy (Whydah) found them- between them, and the proclamation of the new king, which
selves in a state of war. K h ydah, where the slave trade had dcclarcd thc pol't Rnd lts cnvll'GBBMnt o p c n t o R l l BRtloIls Rs
flourished since the late 1680's, was now threatened by disrup- well as a "neutral" in their wars. Davies quotes the English
tion. Kith the demise (probably in 1703) of the long-ruling factor's confidential letters to his head office in I,ondon where
monarch who was popular with the Europeans, the internal and tactful mention is m ade of t h e u~gency of " e ntering into
external factors reacting against A r d rasian backwardness altlclcs" wlt h th c F l c nch Rncl tlM DUtch bUt Bcvcl so nluch Rs
joined forces and brought about a veritable revolution. K. G. hinting at their content (1957:274). In another context we will
Davies, historian of the Royal African Company of England, Rdducc GUI I'casons to belicvc thRt R UnlfoI'Bl B1RI'kUp on cost.
records a distinct tendency on the part of the European slavers
prices was at the core of the matter. An agreed handling of the
to congregate in Whydah after the turn of th e century, By "set rates" for slaves by the port o f a u thority would help
1704 three great powers had forts and their main establish- firmly to institute such "articles." D'Amon's demand for an
ments there (1957:274). In the nature of things, international established, unchanging slave price implied, of course, a "rate"
relations had affected the slave trade more than the gold trade. that was uniform for all powers. But the "rate" also involved
T here was the award of the Spanish Asiento by Louis XIV t o ways of payment, that is, a recognized standard. Actually it
the French Guinea Company (September 14, 1701), which served as a basis for the fictitious unit of "ounce trade," that
was to be administered by the farsighted DuCasse. Almost at money of account of the slave trade.
once D'Amon pressured the king of Whydah, insisting on a By this time the sepa~ation of the political from the com-
stable price to be set on slaves.
mercial capital — Savi from Whydah — was a fact. Phillips and
Kithin the year the local garrisons of France and England Bosman still reflected a state of affairs where the king's palace
took action on the issue of th e d omestic succession. Interven-
of balnboo In SRvl was thc only ccntcl' of bUsincss Rdministra-
tions of this kind, which the king of Whydah had practiced on
tion. The residence of the commanders of the foreign forts and
the succession in the Great Popos, were this time made by the their companies' wa~ehouses together represented a closeiy
French and E nglish j ointly i n K h y d ah . A f e w h u n dred knit agency of the port of trade. In Whydah, though a growing
European marines installed an enlightened ruler in the place of native town, the French, English, and Dutch forts were all in
his less-appealing elder brother who seemed to suffer from close proximity to each other while the native villages, each
xenophobia (1703). Not often do the natives' interests, as in with their fetishes, were entirely separate from Savi. Khydah
this case, coincide with those of the foreign powers who happen w Rs stlll g o v c r ned f r o m S a v i w h i c h a l s o R clniinistclcd t l M
to make use of their territory. But the national interests of countryside and whose officers proclaimed the f ood p r ices
Whydah strongly advised a disengagement of African affairs there. The French and the English attended to their arriving
from the international conflicts which were impairing com- ships when these were signaled by cannon shots. The respective
merce. The quest for slaves, therefore, united the four powers national flags were hoisted in r esponse. The flagstaff was
in an effort to improve the services of their host, the king of actually common to them. Such were things in time of peace.
Whydah, and to support him i n h i s w ish t o k eep f oreign The king could count both on the powers arranging their affairs
conflicts from his shores. among themselves and on their. support against. Ardra, which
x24 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Whydah: Institutional O~iginso f a Port of Trade rzS
after all controlled the supply of slaves, that ~aison d'etre of The next twenty-three years saw the organizational climax
the whole substantial establishment at Whydah-Savi. of Whydah's slave trade, the very success of which brought
Colbert's Compagnie de l'Inde de l'Ouest {1664) was by down upon i t t h e c onquest by t h e Po ns of A b o mey, the
now renamed Compagnie de G uinee, charge de l 'Assiente Dahomeans.
{1701). Commodore J. B. DuCasse had been present at the
signing by L ouis XI V o f t h e A siento treaty of t h a t d ate.
Among the new nobility attending the ceremony there was one
Jean Doublet of Honfleur, the "Corsair of Dieppe," to whose
role our story now turns. Only three years later, in September,
1704, we find him in Whydah, a man of astounding organizing
ability. In that very year, according to Davies, the four slaving
powers were moving their counters to Savi and with the king's
permission starting to erect forts three miles from the beach.
T he young King Amar { o r A m a t) , a g r eat f r i end of t h e
Europeans, had built for Doublet the fortress of Saint Louis de
In all p r obability th e " a r ticles" which th e powers soon
" entered" into c ommitted them t o a uniform practice of
accountancy, i.e., how to set the "rates" at which their im-
ported goods were to be priced in payment for native slaves.
An agreement on a reasonable "markup" of, for instance, one
hundred per cent on cost prices appears already to have been
traditional in some parts of the Gold Coast. The proclamation
of neutrality made by the king on September 6, 1704, might
have made possible the swift price accord of the powers among
themselves. Heavy fines against breaches of neutrality, coupled
with the threat of immediate expulsion of offenders, irrespec-
tive of r ank, offered further evidence of the r evolutionary
changes. Indeed, the break with A r dra might have made it
advisable to provide for some expert trading personnel on
which Whydah could, in f uture, rely for supplies. There is
evidence that educated Islamic preachers, mullahs, profes-
sionals of the slave trade and traditionally trusted in Great
Ardra, were solemnly invited to settle in Whydah. This literate
and impressive type of international trader was to be an asset
to the future port of trade. The date of this act of foresight was
also 1704.
C HA P T E R E I G H T Salii: 50Vereign Whydah aed the Treaty 127
model of bureaucracy on a homely scale. A gray she-ass carried
one of th e m i nisters — accompanied by hi s f emale musical
retinue — to the food market, where he inspected the stalls and
proclaimed the month's prices, announcing also the place of
next month's market. This performecl, the market turned into a
picnic regaling the minister who sat down on the grass and fell
to, also generously providing for t h e singers and dancers,
leftovers being ignored for th e benef it o f t h e c o m m onalty
(Doublet, 1883:257 — 258; cf. also Bosman, 1814:487 ). An-
other minister checked on the currency: whether the cowries
were accurately stringed and in full amount. If found short the
The tribal monarchy of the Houeda had made full use of the
s tring was confiscated by him (I.abat, 1731tIl j : 1 63). In t h e
separation of "the political and commercial capitals," to use
IT1Blkcts llvcly bRlgalnlng on Iluality Rncl mcasurc was ln ordcr,
R,douard Dunglas' terms. The village of Savi was the political
provided there was neither rioting nor trickery.
capital, the town of Whydah was the commercial capital of the
T he Eu r opean commanders and f a c t ors i n S av i f o r me d a
kingdom, which was also called Whydah (Houeda).
community regulating their own affairs under the supervision
The modest royal administration in Savi was carried on by a
of the king, no one intervening between the monarch and the
small staff of native dignitaries. Even the European diplomatic
foreign dignitaries. As to naval affairs, a young native officer
and military personnel was fitted in Savi into the compound of
saw to shore and beach, port and harbor. The king's commer-
the royal residence. Normal status distinctions, largely heredi-
cial aide acted as the head broker between native traders and
tary, sufficed for the various functions involved in the house- European slavers. Dignitaries, officers, and the whole range of
hold of a small state. This left room for the gradual develop-
civil and military hierarchy were recruited from among Hou-
ment of a more elaborate establishment around the palace,
edans, The king visited European friends alone and incognito
which nevertheless remained in touch with both the native
in the evenings. The far from insignificant commercial wealth
economy and the chartered slaving companies. Replace the
infused into a community of tillers of an exceptionally rich soil
native ruler seated in Savi by a Dahomean viceroy governing
was absorbed by th e community i n a n a l most patriarchal
from commercial Whydah, and everything would have to be
manner. Bosman, the sophisticated Dutch governor of El
regrounded on new foundations.
Mina, repeatedly spent months in Whydah off duty, enjoying
The two capitals were an essential asset to the port of trade. I'ts pcoplc Rnd RtlTlosphci'c ( 18 14: 47 7) . Indccd, oUI' soul ccs
Neither was more than a half-day's ride from the shore. The
show the organic growth of Savi, how the village where the
foreign fortifications in Whydah were grouped close together
bamboo palace stood developed into the residence of the court
for mutual d efense, providing fo r a s a f e c ommunication
of a small kingdom directing the slave trade into independent
between the beach, the native villages or "camps" attached to channels; how the Portuguese and Dutch traders drew closer
the various forts, and the military commanders' residences to SRvi; Rncl how SRvl was cvcntUally trRnsfolITlcd into thc scRt.
adjoining the royal residence in Savi. of the French company which took the Iead in rationalizing the
Jean Doublet found the Houedan government of attractive sIRve rush ln R ncw klnd of trRdlng ccntcl.
simplicity. Six ministers, each with his personal job, were a Bosman, John Barbot, and Thomas Philhps had seen in Savi
xzs Dahomey and the Slave Trade Savi: Sovereign Whydah and the Treaty x29

a simple village undertaking governmental functions, yet only found neither food nor shelter„ i ndeed, he could not even
ten years later it was naturally fanning out into a diplomatic manage to leave the country, since for several years no French
a nd administrative capital o f a n i n t ernational port. T h i s ship had called.
development had happened in the frame of a tribal kingdom, Contrast this with Father J. B. I.abat's (I731) map of Savi
where popular custom and status provided the checks and (end papers) which was b,.sed on the Chevalier des Marchais'
controls that as a rule make bureaucratic hierarchy indispen- sketch only twenty-five years later. The native village of Savi
sable. Phillips described the pristine Savi, the king's village, was now a mere backgiouncl of a complex of palace buildings
thus: It co ntained about fifty " h o uses," the palace was the RBII wRIehouscs, offliccs, gardcns, Rnd c o uI'ts Gf t h c f o i ' clgn
meanest he had ever seen, being of low mud walls, the roof factories, the heads of which had their commodious residences
thatched, the floor the bare ground, but near the king's palace side by side with t h e p a lace. The p i cture shows French,
on one side was "a town, consisting of about forty houses, English, Portuguese, and Butch establishments. The French
walled round for the King's wives" (1746:232). According to are served by a small daily market at their gate; there is also
contemporary sketches Phillips' "houses" were decent huts. an open food market every fourth day with access for all; even
Commerce was initiated by t h e k i n g i n a c o n ventional a small hut is included for the comfort of female snakes who
sequence. For the commander of the ship, the first day's official h appened to b e i n p a r t u rition, w it h a n a r med g uard i n
agenda was: what sorts of goods do we have and how many attendance.
slaves do we seek to purchase? The second day's agenda was: A well-kept road linked the twin capitals, Savi and Khydah.
at what price our goods and how much of each sort of good for Such were the amenities of the political capital and its courtly
a slave'? The third day's was: presenting of samples of the hospitality. Accordingly, there was a, move on foot toward free
goods and bargaining about their prices at considerable length. trade and the institutionalizing of p eaceful commerce. By
On the fourth day warehouses, kitchen, and lodgings were 1704, howevex, three of the four powers which had forts in
assigned to the Europeans. On the fifth day the customs were Khydah found themselves at war with the fourth, Fxance. The
paid over to the king in goods at the agreed rate. XVhereupon seizure of enemy ships on t h e h i g h seas was considered
"the bell" was ordered to go about to give notice to all people civilized practice; no merchant ship that. Ieft port was safe, its
to bring the slaves to the trunk to sell (ibid.:234). The bell was cargo being a lawful prize for the stronger craft, whether man-
beat with a stick and gave a small dead sound. It was a hollow Gf-war GI' Biclchant B1RB.
piece of iron in shape of a sugar loaf, with a cavity of the size For Whydah this might have spelled the cnd of the slave
to hold fifty pounds of cowrie. "Then the cappashiers each trade. In th i s s i t uation, K i n g A m a i s u m moned the c orn-
brought out his slaves according to his degree and quality, the manders, as well as the chief factors of the powers, to meet Iiim
greatestfirst" (ibid.:234). The captain of the " t runk" — the in the Hall of Audience of the palace. The king would not hear
slaves' barracks — and the captain of the slaves were appointed of theix differences and insisted that, trade should be free, not
by the king and together they were responsible for guarding Rlonc GB Iand but also IB thc r oad stcad Rnd, Indccd, cvcB in
them and having them transported to the shore. Each was paid the territorial waters (a la viie de la rade). Those who wished
the value of a s l ave for t hi s service. Of t h e I , 300 slaves to trade should observe a complete neutrality an d should
handled by them, not one was lost (ibid.:235). Only the Butch engage their r e spective o u t f i t t ers (armateiirs ) to a ccept re-
had a presence in Savi with t h eir t h ree warehouses, seven sponsxbILIty, ]GIntly Rnd scvcrally.
chambers, and a garden. A s t ray F r enchman Bosman met TLM Q pponents Gf F r a n cc h ad r c c k o ncd Qn s q ueczing t I M
r30 Dahomey and the Slave Trade C HAP T E R X I N E
French out of business and rejected the king's propositions. He
gave them one hour to make up their minds or else they would
have to leave port forever, possibly forfeiting their goods. He
conceded that the treaty should be valid only for a two years'
term, after which it would need to be reconfirmed. The king
solemnly declared that he would uphold the strict neutrality of
the port of trade, taking his oath by the Great Serpent. (This
deity was utterly foreign to Dahomey and native to Whydah.)
In case of wrongful seizure, the head of the aggressor nation
was made to pay damages in the amount of eight male slaves
per foot length of the keel of the ship of the wronged party, the
damage to be assessed in the presence of experts briefed by the The first century of B a homean history was summed up by
king. The treaty bore the signature of Amar, K ing of J uda Frederick E. Porbes (1851), a visiting Quaker, as an almost
(Houeda), as well as that of Jean Boublet (the Corsair of continuous military struggle for survival. Buring that century,
Honfleur), and of the Chevalier des Marchais. It was given at as we saw, momentous changes occuriecl m. KVhydah on the
Xavier (Savi) o n t h e sixth day o f S eptember, 1704. The coast. The Houeda king in Savi was now independent of his
renewal of the treaty two years later bears the signature of a former suzerain in Allada.
subsequent set of European trade dignitaries assembled in the The port of t rade organization established by the Houeda
audience hall of the bamboo palace. King Amar and a g r oup o f g o -ahead European chartered
Berbain (1942) makes no mention of the Treaty of 1704. companies in 1.704 passed into th e b ands of t h e F ons of
Her reticence is in keeping with the dubious political status of Bahomey, a people of fierce energy but lacking in all commer-
the treaty, which obviously resulted from local Prench military clRI cxpciicricc. This Rmountcd to thc pcrpctuatlon of VVhydah
moves. English historiography ignored it. T h e m ost r ecent Rs an intclnatlonal poi t o f t r a d c u n dcr th e aegis Gf an l n l and
French scholar to deal with t h e period — Edouard Bunglas state.
(1957) — mentions our source patronizingly as "the good Pcre Contrary to secular traditions of Kest African statecraft, as
Labat." But he himself appears to have accepted the validity well as to the emphatic rehgious taboo of the sea, the Pons
of Desmarchais' account reproduced in f ull b y P c r e L abat staked the existence of their state on the recently acquired
(1731). In our own analysis of the rise of the port of trade of maritime possessions,
AVhydah and the part played by the powers in settling the The Alladoxonu had not underrated the magnitude of the
succession in and the neutral status of the new kingdom, we venture. They were ready to uproot Houeda rule on the coast
referred to the foreign intervention to which Savi owed its and to replace it by t h eir own, while strictly avoiding any
prosperity. However, the Annex to the Treaty of 1704 listing integration of this coastal lagoon area into their highly central-
the price of a slave in the various trade goods (Labat, 1731 ized state or any truck with the strange religious notions of its
[Il ] : 91 — 92) offers also, as we shall see in Chapter X, conclu- people. There was no room in the Dahomean pantheon for the
sive internal evidence of the authenticity of the treaty. despised snal.e worship of those ubiquitous fetish houses, nor
R iiy synci"ctlstlc tol ci ancc Gf t ha t g r eat v c rn1in Rlongsidc th c
hcioic pRnt1ici Gf A g assouvi an ccstiy. Mo l c o v c r, no B l i l i t R iy
I32 Dahomey and the Slave Trade The Port of Trade Under Dahomey r33
strategy could be considered that ignored the taboo of the sea; In the l ong r u n t h e c u mulative military, demographic,
even the employment of Qoats to cross rivers or lagoons was administrative, and economic burden put. a strain on Abomey.
inadmissible. In the long run, no less radical solution to ensure Military conquest alone of that tiny state of Whydah dragged
physical safety and national morale was acceptable than the on over another half century. Incursions of expatriate Houedas
extermination of the bitterly hostile Houeda, their chiefs and allied with Popos, terrible inroads of Oyo armies in support of
leaders first, the remainder afterward, with t h eir sale into coastal risings, insidious diversions started by various Euro-
slavery overseas as the only alternative. Events fitted this pean forts whose artillery interventions ~esulted in b l oody
perspective. The destroyed royal residence of Savi was never disaster for Dahomey turned Whydah into an open wound to
restored; over and above the massacre of the Houeda in battle, the body politic. The improvising of the army of Amazons as a
4,000 captives were put to death by the king in honor of the desperate tactical move during a military campaign and its
ancestral gods who had vouchsafed him victory; a few days maintenance on an admirable moral and physical level over
later in the celebration of a feast another 400 Touffoes (of nloie tliail a centuiy ar e a lrleasule of the eiler'gy that inspired
related stock ) were sacrificed; the Houeda king, who had fled, the achievements. Only in 1772 was a lasting truce between
was to be extradited by his own people to be put t o death Houedas, Popos, and Dahomeans arranged through the inte~-
(Dunglas, 1957r155 — 57). mediary of the English governor, Abson.
In addition to attempts to repopulate the country at large The conquest of Whydah by Dahomey resulted in a. twofold
out of Fon stock, a wholesale resettlement of Whydah proper change. The Dahomeans disestablished the Houedan people as
was undertaken. All this proves that with the conquest of the the bearers of a nat~onal state wh~le perpetuat~ng and develop-
coast Agadja started out on a course of utmost daring, which ing under their own rule the port, of trade organization initiated
w as consistently followed up by hi s successors. It was t h e by that coastal people. Savi ceased to exist once Dahomey
ruthless pacification of Whydah, eventually handing over the substituted its domination to the t r i bal entity o f t h e H o u edas.
site itself to a European maritime power. Agadja took action. This involved a complete transformation of the government of
Bulfinch Lambe, the English factor at Jaquin, happened to be that country, for, in terms of institutions, no less resulted from
visiting on official mission in Allada when that city fell to the the replacement of the homegrown methods of a native society
troops of Agadja, who took him to Abomey. After two years he by administration at the hands of a foreign ruling stratum.
was released with a gift of t wenty pounds of pure gold and The occupation of Whydah and the running of its port of
eighty slaves, having promised to return to W hydah with a trade was a signal achievement of Dahomean statecraft, for the
group of E n glish settlers ( Snelgrave, 1734: 66 — 68}. Other time-honored principle that coastal possessions are a peril to
English visitors were approached by the Alladoxonu rulers with inland states had asserted itself emphatically. 'The occupation
a similar intent. Much later King Gelele sent a formal offer to of Whydah was an act of m i l itary necessity; consequently,
the Colonial Office in London through Duncan, then English considerations of. security governed the regime of the occu-
vice-consul general in W h y dah. D u ncan wrote the actual pants in all regards. Any attempt to integrate the conquered
document, the king holding the tip of the pen. This happened province and its people into the tightly centralized admirustra-
more than a century after the seizure of Whydah, which the tion of Dahomey might have disrupted that state. Also, the
kings of Dahomey were neither willing to absorb into their absorption of the Whydah religion into the tissue of religious
realm nor endow with autonomy for fear of subversion and beliefs and practices that sustained the social life of Dahomey
rebellion. on the populai' Ievel would have been fatal to the c'ultural unity
The Port o j Trade Under Dahomey >35
i34 Dahomey and the Slave Trade
annual slave raids, was under a grave demographic strain that
of society. As administrative unification would have disrupted
the state sphere, so any syncretistic unification of cultures time and again would issue in acute crises. Forbes's verbatim
report of the post-campaign "self-criticism" held in the king's
would have struck at the foundations of the nonstate sphere of
presence by Amazon and male army commanders shows the
l ife with it s r eligious roots. Security considerations in t h e
ominous implications of the institution of "annual slave raids"
widest sense, including the r equirements of political and
(1851[II ] : 86 — 104). The Amazon army, upholding its superla-
cultural unity, took precedence over commercial profitability.
t ive level of soldierly qualities over the whole stretch of it s
For the future of the country was still far from secure. Even
existence, did not spare its own blood; nor di d t h e k i ng's
after a century of ceaseless wars aimed at broadening their
base on the plateau of Abomey to the Oueme River in the east generals spare their men's lives, their own heads being at stake
and the Couffo in the west, as well as to link up with the Fon of u nless they were victorious. I n a l l d i r ections and a t a l l
Savalou in the north, the situation of the Fon of Abomey still frontiers, surprise attacks were launched with the purpose of
c apturing those of active age and annihilating the ol d o r
appeared precarious. Not only w ere they i n a h u m i liating
disabled, a practice that spelled depopulation in the outlying
dependence from the cruel whim of the Oyo, great power of the
acquired territories. Bisaffection spread not only among the
northeast, but their contact with the recent European source of
downtrodden and subjugated peoples, but equally in the ranks
arms imports in the south had become uncertain, owing to the
o f the B a homean soldiery, decimated in s uicidal wars o f
expansion of Ardra and the emancipation of K h y dah f r om
revenge for aims often tactically unattainable. Members of the
Ardra as a result of the permanent establishment of European
royal family, as well as unjustly degraded generals, occasion-
forts on Whydensian soil.
ally deserted, accompanied by thousands of their best soldiers,
It would b e h azardous to guess whether th e r ecurrent
thus swelling the ranks of an i rreconcilable enemy. Vet the
evacuations of the capital under the threat of overwhelming
annual slave war was a n ational institution no k ing dared
enemy forces also played a part in Bahomey's looking toward
ignore, and, indeed, in the absence of any productive trade its
the coastalarea for a safe retreat. There is evidence that at
discontinuation would have left the country without export
least once in the face of attacking Mahee forces the Bahomean
goods for the purchasing of weapons and, therefore, defenseless
army wavered between taking a stand and retreating to the
in the face of embittered enemies who would not stop at selling
Houeda territory. It eventually decided against the withdrawal
his people wholesale into slavery overseas.
for fear of being caught between two hostile fronts (Bunglas,
1957:161). In short, the pacification of Whydah could not be
I t was at t his, the military and strategic point, that t h e
relied upon. The Houedas had permanent allies not only in the
country's inland status asserted itself incisively and made the
blood-relations settled beyond the Lake Atheme but also in the
conquest of Whydah a thorny problem. Inlancl status implied
Popos who had not been subdued for good by any of t heir
seclusion. It was a prime requirement under archaic conditions
neighbors, as well as in the Europeans who never forgot the
for military and strategic reasons. Soth domestic and external
good old times of pre-Bahomean Khydah, with their intimate
policies hinged on physical apartness as a factor of safety.
contacts with the sovereign in Savi, and above all the ample
Except when favored by an impregnable geographical position,
supply of slaves offered by the Ardrasian funnel and the easy
the core of a country was secured from hostile invasion mainly
dealings with the native caravans from the inland.
by distance, sometimes amplified by a z one of u n inhabited
The metabolism of the new nation state, which based its
territory oi ' no - man s-land spparating th e 1'iabitants of o t l l e r -
d efense on arms acquired through th e i n strumentality o f
136 Dahomey and the Slave Trade
The Port of Trade Under Dahom~y ~37
wise contiguous states. If d i stance offered militarily some
nel, and a host of porters, boat men, hammock men, and slaves
protection against aggression, it was chiefly because it made
of all sorts to do the rough work. As routine business, there was
surprise attack difficult. Regular aggressive wars against neigh-
the general order of landing, the first meeting at the captain's
bors, such as Dahomey appeared committed to, forced the
country to a p r actice of surprise tactics with f a r -reaching tree, the sheltering of goods in tents on the beach, having them
moved to a warehouse or a fort, the series of meetings with
effects on general policy. Wars were preceded by diplomatic
trade officials, the defraying of the customs to the king, and
campaigns intended to lull the victim into a f alse security;
payment in goods at set p~ices for the usual services like
these were followed by the feint of the army leaving the capital
watering, wooding, and so on.
in a misleading direction, eventually falling upon the enemy
Dahomey could not afford to t ake politicomilitary ri sks.
over secret byways revealed by treachery. The whole compre-
TilTle Rncl agRin officlRlly p r o v idccl sciviccs which i n t l o d uccd
hensive maneuver involved long-term spying activities, often
organs of supervision into all and every articulation of proceed-
based on reports of blood-brothers in the guise of traders who
ings had to be used by the trader. There was no chance left
had infiltrated the victim's area and kin group many months
here for uncontrolled contacts between individuals or groups
not lawfully connected.
The organizational frame of Dahomean Whydah was set by
The strict separation of trade from war, of the military from
the office of the Yavogan, as the white man's viceroy and head
the commercial personnel, was a further obstacle to politically
of the civil administration. Later, in the nineteenth century,
unwelcome contacts. By such means all forms of contraband
the chief r epresentative of t h e D a homean government in
were prevented, particularly the smuggling of war materials;
Whydah was the Chacha, an off ice that implied the absolute
on the other hand, weapons could be channeled to friendly
trust of the king. This post. was vested by King Gezo (1818-
destinations. Also it f a cilitated the differential handling of
58) in his white blood-brother, Francisco Felix de Souza, a
i mports of f o r eign companies, if s o i n t ended, as well a s
man of exceptional qualities. His appointment appears to have
of native allies or dependent peoples. Similarly, the export of
removed from the Yavogan's jurisdiction matters of f oreign
staples of various provenience could be given preference and
trade, concentrating them in the Chacha's hands.
monetary advantages secured to recipients. This would also
Effective control of foreign trade and the customs tariffs was
make possible the creating of syndicates of exporters selected
secured by a set of regulations which enforced publicity of all
according to rank o r s t atus. Frequently the bi g men were
actions relating to trade and created a network of automatic
allowed to sell their slaves at the favored "king's price."
checks compelling a minute observance of the law. In broad
Measures of stabilizing Dahomey's cowrie currency in terms
outline, the bulk of b u siness in the international port w as
of foreign exchange would also gain greatly in effectiveness
unaffected by the change in sovereignty. Among these items
t hrough the complete control o f e x t ernal p ayments. T h e
were financial obligations of foreign traders for permission to
appropriation of gold by the royal treasury, for instance, could
t rade in D a homey, tolls and t axes due f o r exporting or
be effected with ease once the manner of foreign payments was
importing slaves, and, finally, the prices of the slaves them-
dependent on the Dahomean authorities. The stable gold value
selves. Instead of the king in Savi and his ministers as before,
of cowries may have been mainly owing to the existence of the
the Yavogan and the Chacha were now the f
inal authorities,
p ol't of t r ad c ancl lts st l l ct. nictliods of t h c c o n t i o l l ing o f t h e
supported by a body of official traders, police, military person-
rnovements of goods. Admittedly, however, this would discour-
r38 Dahomey and the Slave Trade The Port of Trade Under Dahomey r39
age native, non-Dahomean traders from frequenting a port, her own only by virtue of the ample influx of arms from the
where the handling of all business tended to be to the detri- coast.
ment of outsiders. Dahomey's long-run strategy was bearing fruit. The libera-
The historian should now be prepared to draw the balance t ion of D a h omey f ro m O y o s u zerainty wa s no t d u e t o
sheet of Dahomey's conquest of Whydah. Her monarchs were Bahomey's own efforts. Still, she survived to see the day when
wary of being trapped into an integration of their conquest into external attacks from the north, first Xupe, then Fulbe, broke
the empire proper and preferred a remote control of the port, the power of Old Oyo in the first quarter of the nineteenth
which was to remain insulated from the core of the country. century. Bahomey's policies were vindicated.
There were, on the one hand, the slaves bartered for arms and
the security this implied; on the other, the grave losses of
female and male soldiers. The actual number of slaves ex-
ported from Whydah did not reach the level of pre-Bahomean
times. Then the inland slave markets fed by many local wars
served as a reservoir from which the caravans of the north and
east filed toward the points of organized demand, while the
surviving crop of captives from the annual war of one single
state was now the only source of supply, and that supply was
diminished by a heavy toll of the victims of sacrifices and a
further reduction for the plantations of the king and the big
landowners. DuCasse's estimate of 14,000 to 15,000 slaves
annually bought by the English in Whydah in the years preced-
ing 1687 may h ave been slightly exaggerated (1935i14
another 5,000 to 6,000 would surely have to be added for the
Dutch and others, though much fewer for the Portuguese and
French. Still, at the height of the slave rush an annual 20,000
slaves had been almost certainly exported from the Whydah
area. It i s v er y d oubtful t hat t h e D a homean period ever
reached that level, since the transit caravans from the north
and east, from the Mahee and the Yoruba, must have almost
entirely ceased across Dahomean territory.
The vital asset, however, the inflow of guns and powder (as
well as their denial to hostile neighbors), was now continuous.
If Bosman could, several decades earlier, speak with horror of
the number of European firearms with which he and his col-
leagues of all nationalities were supplying the inland natives,
we need not doubt that D ahomey's prime purpose was at-
tained. In her struggle for military survival she probably held
C HA P T E R T E N Fictitious European Money in the Slave Trade I4I

tional. Native trade was an import-directed activity of acquir-

i ng staples from a distance, bartered at the rate of 1 :1. I n
emergencies simple variants of i t o c curred, such as 2: 1 or
i ctitious European Money 2 /z . 1, European trade meant overseas exports of varied
manufactures, oriented on monetary gain.
in the Siave Trade T hc natlvc staplcs wcI'c stRnclRlcllzcd goods cxchangcd in
kind" against other staples, at t r aditional rates, by status
traders whose income clid not derive from the business in hand.
The carrying, guarding, and negotiating was as a rule trans-
acted by caravans voyaging over long distances. They traveled
sometimes directly from one political unit to another, at times
Prom the first, trade between Europeans and Africans on the calling at semiannual fairs where they met with other traders.
Guinea Coast developed in the framework of the immemorial If this is described as "administered" trade, its European
trading procedures of the natives in the interior. It was not so c ounterpart should be designated as " market t r ading." I n
much a case of mutual adjustment; of the two only the Euro- contrast to the former, it was bent on making a profit on prices,
peans adjusted. The outcome was an uneven i n s t i t u t i onal hence the need for amonetized accountancy to encompass a
development, very slow to begin with, but eventually leading manifold of wares in a single currency, namely gold. A margin
up to an incisive monetary innovation. of sales over costs was imperative, since the trade could not be
Thorough reports on late seventeenth-century accountancy carried on at a loss even if the acquisition of gold or of slaves
{Davies, 1957; Wyndham, 1935} convey the impression of a were declared its politically approved purpose.
fateful vagueness in regard to prof it and loss in the ventures of To get at the heart of the difficulty, native trading had three
the Royal A f r ican Company. It s h i storian, K . G . D a v ies, strictly interlocking features which were unchangeable. Pirst,
admits the lag and proffers an anthropological explanation. its motive was the need for distant staples to be acquired for
"When one civilization trades with another," he writes, "their domestic ones. This was conceived as an act o f b a r ter of
values eventually become roughly assimilated, but the process equivalents. Second, there was no intervention of money as a
takes time, and it cannot be said to have been comnleted in means ofexchange. Por even where moneys happened to be in
Africa by the end of the seventeenth century" {1957:235}. local use, these wouM not have been necessarily current at both
But while growth continued, the two trading systems remained ends of the span. Finally, the rates at which t'he staples were
apart. In the next fifty years the Guinea trade spread from c xchangccl wclc t r a d i t l onal Rn d Rs R I ' ul c I c f t n o I o o I n f o I '
Upper Guinea to Lower Guinea and thence to the Calabars; a bargained prices. In the nature of t h ings, these rates were
miscellaneous bartering waxed into a substantial gold trade. If determined by the same ecological, military, and t r ansport
accountancy isthe measure of advance in economic organiza- factors which made for the trading of the staples in the first
tion, progress was only very gradually made as trade was placc.
moving along geographical lines from west to east. The balance of adjustment had indeecl to be borne by the
Davies' approach to the gap between West African and European side. The absolute requirement of the Royal A f r i c an
European trading ways ignores certain essential differences. Cornpany's "market trading" with its inherent accountancy in
These were institutional and organizational rather than valua- gold could in no way be fitted into the native system of gainless
I42 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Fictitious EuropeanMoneyin the Slave Trade
barter at traditional rates. On the other hand, the Europeans species of trading goods had a quantity in it which was a bar. The quantity,
could, and up to a point did, meet the native requirement of however, differed not only on various parts of the coast but even in ad-
bartering "in kind" at a 1: 1 rate ( or a multiple of it ) b y a joining places. (Ebid.167)
series of practical adjustments. How exactly this was done, and
No wonder that " b ars" i n n a tive trade bore no relation
with what measure of success, constituted the history of the
whatever to European values even if the bar had " a st atic
Guinea trade, including the era of the gold trade. Only the
nominal value" of 5 s., for th e sale of goods to E uropeans
slave trade, reaching its height in the port of trade of Whydah,
(ibid.:68). But the more systematic the valuation in bars was
offered a solution to the European need for monetary account-
to the native, the more difficult it made Kuropean accountancy.
ing and a built-in prof it margin.
The Royal African Company had to aim at a gold accountancy
A detailed chronology of the Guinea trade, as it proceeded
but was satisfied with using iron bars for a standard, which was
along the coast, would show little or nothing in the way of
not, however, uniformly related to gold in the various regions.
p rogress in accountancy. There i s no dearth o f s o urces:
European trade was, therefore, forced into the channels of a
Barbot's (1732) volumes, descriptive of quality and quantity
1:1 exchange of staples "in kind." So long as bar trade was
of the wares that were traded from the northern limit of t he
flourishing by rule of thumb, effective accountancy was out of
Upper Guinea Coast to the southernmost tip of the Windward
the question.
Coast, invited research into the records of the Royal African
D avies sums up poignantly the conditions in w h ich t h e
Company, since experts might confidently expect them to offer
Guinea trade was carried on, saying that it was dominated by
on the Gold Coast indications of adjustments in methods of
the natives' ways and needs. The main feature of European
pricing and cost accounting — but in vain. Many and varied
trade7 as of Asian and later American trade, was a monetary
standards of native trade were in use, sometimes even with
profit-and-loss accountancy; yet in West Africa, the Kuropeans
locally changing rates, while European accountancy, to serve
had to relinquish this basic practice. All along and without
any purpose, would have had to reduce all items to one stand-
exception they turned here to barter "in kind," native style,
ard, namely gold. Yet, whether Senegambia or Gold Coast,
eschewing money use.
Davies frankly admits that "the ledgers surviving from both
The native trade goods were gold, slaves, pepper, ivory,
regions give an incomplete and probably misleading picture of
native cloths, and also hides, cattle, and millet. Furopeari trade
the profits and losses" {1957:238). Wyndham comments that
goods wcic giins BIicl powdcI', bI'Bncly, 11'QII bRis, occRslonRlly
the practical results obtained by the tentative adjustments of
coppers, Indian and Kuropean cloths, used sheets, hardware,
standards "were as diverse and perplexing as everything else
ornaments by weight, and in course of time several hu~dred
connected with the African trade" {1935: 70) .
clivcI'sc Itcnls. Thc Bativc ti"Bdc goods scrvcd III different pRI"ts
The "Bar Coast" is a case in point. The Africans' trade had
of the coast as standards. Of the Kuropean staples iron bars
p roduced here a m e t hod o f r a t in g an d a corre@onding wci'c the chlcf st andard, Bs wcll Rs coppcrs In t h c C RlabRI's;
accountancy of their own more advanced than in any other
cloths ~anked second. But K u ropean trade did not me~ely
place.To quote Wyndham: follow thc pattcin of BRtivc staplc ti a dlng in gcncral; ovci Rnd
On the Windward Coast the "Iron Bar" was a measure of value to which a bove, whenever nat~ve and Kuropean standards had to b e
allother goods were related,and the trade became known as "the bar I'clRtccl, It. was thc Bativc stanoard that. was brought IIlto pl ay .
trade." Thus when Moore was on the Gambia 1 lb of f ringe, 2 Ib of
In Scncgal, fo r II l s tRncc, thc K u i ' opcRB goods wcrc I 'Rtcd In
gunpowder, 1 oz of silver and a hundred gunflints were "bars." Each
hides, the slaves in bars of. iron; but between these two stand-
>44 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Iiictitious Zuropean Money in the Slave Trade >45
ards, the European and the native, a rate existed of one bar of quotes a Parliamentary Committee for a proposal to reduce the
iron equal to eight hides, again the native good. normal value of the bar from 5s. to 3s.
Also cowrie shells (Cypraea moneta) by weight or volume Such an extreme "elasticity" of the shilling value of t'he iron
were European trade good, though serving also as a native standard might seem to have approximated an eventual com-
standard on the Slave Coast. Cowrie by tale — one shell was mon shilling reckoning of A f ricans and Kuropeans. But the
worth one eighth of a farthing — as well as gold dust down to a a dvance which the rnoclern student might see in s uch an
speck,were used there as a means of exchange in the local food approximation to a regional monetization was more apparent
market. Gold was, of course, not a European but a native trade than real. It only pmved how far the Kumpean standards still
good, serving as a standard also in several regions apart from were from stability. Modern all-purpose money, which was to
the Gold Coast. emerge a centu~y later, was the outcome of market trading
Rating in iron bars, however, was not a p r ivilege of the which was not yet even in a rudimentary form existent in the
Europeans and scarcely contributed to the solution of their West African dawn of international trade. "The bar was not an
general problem of accountancy. Where the natives, as on the effective medium of exchange as the term was understood in
"Bar Coast," exceptionally employed iron bars as their only Europe," Wyndham says (ibid.:68). Even less were "shillings"
standard, they expressed the rates of all their staples in bars more than a fictitious unit, not a means of exchange, though,
and those of most European staples as well. This may explain like the natives' "static bar," they were serviceable as a. local
the fact, referred to by D avies, that only in the W indward standard. The only exception, as we said, was for a time in the
trade could a profit-and-loss account in some cases be drawn trade of the Windward Coast. "The practice was to allow to
iip. owners of hired ships a share in the Windward cargo," hence
The exceptional case of the "Bar Coast" resulted from a the accounts of the sale had to be cast up soon. after the retu~n
vital feature of West African ecology. In contrast to prehistory to I.ondon. Between 1680 and 1687 "accounts have been
in other continents, in most places in Africa bronze and iron preserved of ninety-five Windward cargoes, from which the
came in together. This contributed to the eagerness with which profit of each voyage, clear of incidental charges, can be calcu-
European iron bars were in demand all along the Guinea Coast. lated" (Davies, 1957:239). The average profit was thirty-eight
Often these were also a standard in internal trading. Hence the per cent. Unfortunately, there is no hint, in what units profit
list of t r aditional " bar" v a lues with w hich th e W i ndward and loss was accounted in the company's freight books (prob-
Negroes confronted the English traders upon their arrival. The ably in X.s.d s).
English again, mass exporters of "voyage iron," raised their The position in slave trading ventures was further vitiated
coastal valuation of the iron bar so as to secure a profit where by restrictions on the R.A.C.'s monopoly. It was valid only for
possible. As Davies says, "It must be explained that, though t he West Coast of A f r ica, invalid for th e t h ird leg of t h e
iron bars played an essential part in the trade of this region, voyage, from the West Indies back to Kngland. But profits
the bar of account and the actual iron bar were not necessarily would be realized on that leg, which would bring to Kngland
or always the same: (1957:238). In their "invoices" the Royal the colonial produce for which the sl.aves had been auctioned in
African Company valued iron bars at 4s.; with the natives in the West Indies. Also the planters paid off their debts to the
Gambia it had a nominal value of Ss.; in actual English trade Company only with a, long delay; their payments "in kind,"
"the value of the bar of account was generally 6s." (ibid.:238), therefore, regularly missed the return trip of the boat that had
while the iron bar cost only 4s. Wyndham (1935:48, n.1) even made the two-leg ti'ip.
I46 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Fictitious European Money in the Slave Trade I4$
Davies explicitly says that so far as the R.A.C. was con- ... they senta boate aboord of us,to shewe us that they had golde, and
cerned no profit-and-loss account of any single venture was on they shewed usa peece about halfe a crowne weight, and required to know
record. All the efforts of the R.A.C. at adjusting to African our measure, and our weight, that they might shewe their Captaine thereof:
and wee gave them a measure of two elles, and a weight of two Angels to
staple trade brought it no nearer a monetary accountancy in shew unto him, which they tooke... . ( T owrson, 1907:81 )
gold or an assured profit margin in its trading deals. It was a
long haul from the initial settling of the physical measures of In the second turn
barter to European profit and loss accountancy. they brought usa measure of two elles, one quarter and a halfe, and one
Crusado-weight of gold, making us signes that so much they would give
W EI GH T OF T H E M EA SU R E for the like measure, and lesse they would not have. (Ibid.: 81 — 82
The essential problem in any barter situation — how much of However, no agreement was reached at this place. At another
this for how much of that — was resolved step by step. The place nearby the procedure began once more, the English
basic operational device was the establishment of the "weight offering the same rates. It is also indicated that a gift of two
of the measure." Agreement on the units on the one hand and copper basins was included for the Negro captain at the open-
the "fixing of the rates" on the other were the primary opera- ing of the negotiations. This "gift" belongs to etiquette, not to
tions, since no trade could take place until both were agreed business.
upon, and then no trade could take place except at these rates.
Khen the Captaine was set, I sent him two elles of cloth, and two basons,
No commercial significance attached to the establishment of and gave them unto him, and hee sent againe for a weight of the same
the units of weight and of measure except that they offered the measnre, and I sent him a w eight of t wo A ngels, which he would not
terms for the negotiation of the rates. In practice, as we shall take.... (Italics mine. K.P.) (Ibid.:83)
see, units and rates were negotiated simultaneously. The negotiations continued, now ignoring the gift,
Some passages from the account given by Killiam Towrson, .. . t h e Captaines had stooles brought them, and they sate downe, and
o ne of the first Englishmen to trade cloth for gold on t h e sent a young man aboord of us, which brought a measure with him of an
Guinea Coast (1555 — 56), illustrate how the units of weight ell, and one fourth part., and one sixteenth part, and he would have that
and length and the rates between weights of gold and lengths of foure times for a weight of one Angell and twelve graines: I offered him
cloth were established in the early gold trade. At the opening of two elles, as I had done before for two Angels weight, which he esteemed
the first set of negotiations, it will be seen that the English n othing, but still stucke at his foure measures aforesaid... . (Ibid.t84)
o ffered a measure of two ells of cloth for a w eight of t w o That is, the Negroes wished to receive, in effect, five and one-
angels* of gold by s ending both the English measure and fourth ells of cloth fo r f o r ty-two grains of gold, while the
weight ashore to the Negro "captaine." The latter sent back his English offered two ells for sixty grains of gold.
own measure for cloth (somewhat larger) and his own weight The following day, after further negotiations, they agreed
for gold (a lesser weight) to show how he was prepared to upon the measure and the weight, that is, the English ell and
trade. Thus two problems appear — to find identif ied units of the Negro unit of weight of one angel and twelve grains.
the actual units of reckoning on the one hand, and a rate ex- .. . and when they sawe that the boates were ready to depart, they came
pressed in terms of these units on which barter was acceptable unto them and gave them the weight of our Angell and twelve graines
on the other. Trade carried on on these assumptions can be .. . a n d made signes that . . . t h e y would take three elles.(Ibid.t85)
justly described as a 1: 1 exchange. In the first turn In short, gold by weight and cloth by length could be ex-
+ An angel was one sixteenth of an ounce troy, or thirty grains. cliangcd bccausc Rii cq u i v a lcncc wa s c s t a blished b c t w ccn R
148 Dahomey and the Slave Trade
Pictitious Zuropean Money in the Slave Trade I4ct
length of cloth (three ells) and a weight of gold (one angel and
traders on a tropical beach or on board a ship off an unknown
twelve grains), in this case using the unit of length of the seller
coast, the elaborate procedure aims at this result, the mutual
of the cloth and the weight unit of the seller of gold.
identifying of the units of weights and lengths that are cus-
Negotiated simultaneously were the units of w eight and
toIT1RI'y wlth the othcr slclc. Thc I'csUlt. Is a cclcITlonlR1 coInnllt-
length on the one hand, and a rate between the units on the
ment to the "weight of the measure." In trading cloth for gold
other, on a 1;1 basis. These were the fundamental operations
this was the precondition of any agreement that could put the
through which the rest of the trade may be understood. The
IRtc of trRclc b c y ond doubt. W l t h out sUch R pI'Inlc conscnsus
principle remained the same even if the rate involved a simple
on the language of trade the conversation could not start. And
multiple of the 1:1 relationship. Ca da Mosto, sailing off the
if the Guinea trade moving from North Guinea to the Gold
mouth of the Senegal, wrote in 1455:
C oast had ended there, nothing beyond the "weight of t h e
In the regions of the dark-skinned Moors, they do not employ money. measure" would have been needed to exchange most of t he
T hey do notknow the use of it, and neither do the Negroes. Vet allthe native goods for European ones. Even so, difficulties arose from
tradetakes place by the exchange of one thing for another, often two for two angles: partly f r o m th e growing variety of E u r opean
one... . { Ca da Most,o in De la Harpe, 1780}
cxpol"t. goocls and cvcn ITlol'c so fI'oiTl thc lncI'caslng BUITlbcr' of
More than three and one-half centuries after this puzzling s laves acquired on the Gold Coast. Indeed, the rush of t h e
statement was made, the English traveler Hugh Clapperton and slave trade, which rose to a fiood by the last quarter of the
his populous caravan found themselves in the Central Sudan seventeenth century, created conditions fo r t h e E u r opean
short of subsistence in the vicinity of B i lma,' north of L ake trader which could not be met without a development in the
Tchad. The women of the region declared themselves unable to techniques of trading. And again the issue had to be resolved in
find a sufficiency of food and feed, but eventually undertook to the native style of trading, which was that of an exchange of
offer what was required "at a 150 per cent profit." This passage staples 1: 1.
of Clapperton's memoirs (1828) leads to the solution of Ca da S laves were indivisible and of high relative value to t h e
Mosto's phrase of trading "two for one." The Bilma women goods RgRinst w h ic h t h c y w c i c t I R clccl. D i f f crcnt E U I o pcRB
stated the price as 2/ 2.1 of the established rate or set equiva- commodities in varying assortments had to be equated to a
lent. By 2:1 Ca da Mosto had meant double the traditional common standard before they could be rendered equivalent to
rate. In either case staples were operationally exchanged for a slave. From the native side warfare, clothing, ornaments,
staples but the rate at which the exchange took place was a hardware, and an expanding range of needs demanded ever
simple multiple of t h e set equivalent. These two items of n ew European goods. Monetized accountancy called for a
evidence, separated by a long stretch of time, turn out to con- method of trading that transcendecl staple exchange so as to
tain, even though in a m y s tifying fashion, the underlying make room fo r p r ofitability i n t h e c o urse of c o mmercial
formula of staple trading: to the native mind the above was no dcallngs.
else than a variant of trading at the set equivalent of 1:1. A new sort of staple was created whiich could be equaled with
a slave in value and would permit the element of monetary
S ORTI N G S accountancy to enter into the picture. This was the "sorting"
of several staples which added up to the "rate of trade" of a
Trading staples 1:1 was the basis on which trade was carried slave. This term first may have made its appearance with the
on in Africa. Prom the first meeting of Af~ican and European spread of the slave trade to the Calabars. The sorting was
I50 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Fictitious European Money in the Slave Trade x5x
carefully selected to meet the needs and tastes of the slave- — what part cowrie, what part goods — was the sole matter of
exporting "hands." The Africans' conservatism could not be contention between the native and the foreigner.
ignored. A badly selected assortment was not made acceptable It is certainly remarkable that over a period of much more
by reducing the price. Competition was directed solely toward than a century, under the rule of several kings and with a
the kind of staples offered and the quality of their make. While mimber of European countries involved, as well as hundreds of
the king, apart from securing guns and powder, regarded the cargoes of slaves dispatched, in spite of grave incidents mar-
customs, tolls, and other monetary revenues to be derived from ring relations, difficulties are only rarely mentioned as arising
foreign trade as his concern, the population was keener on the on "rates of t rade." Yet E nglish and Prench sources alike
quality and attractiveness of the goods than on any o ther stress the fact that the ra,tes had to have the king's assent.
feature of the bargain, including price. Nonetheless, the under- before trade could start with anyone but the king himself and
cutting of the R.A.C. by as much as twenty-five per cent to his chief officers. Even for the earliest time, Doublet {1883)
thirty per cent by the interlopers did not fail to gain favor with dwells on approved prices in local markets that are under the
the natives. Slighter price reductions went, however, unheeded. control of the king's officers. We do not doubt, of course, that
Little room, therefore, was left to regular company traders for slave prices were i nformally negotiated, that t h e p r i vate
negotiating the rates. brokers could sell only at the set price, and that the European
Under these conditions no easy generalizations in regard to trade goods were sold in inland markets only at rates passed by
bargaining of the rates can stand. In the Calabars a local chief the chief officers, by the Feoula in Ardra, the king himself in
s ometimes sold slaves that patently were bought by hi m i n Whydah, or the local king in the Calabars. The answer is that
Central African slave marts up the river. He held out day after prices in principle were unchangeable and the king merely took
day for thirteen iron bars — instead of the customary twelve- note, but di d n o t n egotiate. Gourg ( 1892) says they a r e
and argued that inland price rises prevented him from yielding. unchangeable, except for iron bars and Indian silks. Change
The king of Dahomey, on the other hand, was notorious for his was mainly inhibited by the customary rule of the previous
slave raids. His country produced no trade goods and had no ship's rates being valid. Slave prices were a matter of high
other resources to acquire slaves but war. He was correspond- d iplomacy in D ahomey and of l engthy negotiations in t h e
ingly readier to yield on the price of his slaves. Now, our Calabars, but on the rates at which the goods contained in the
sources insist on the k ing o f A r d ra, the k ing o f W h y dah sortings were charged we have little info~mation. We should
(Barbot, 1732:326 and 349 ) , and, i n l a ter W h y dah, t h e assume that elaborate ar~angements were made for the record-
Yavof;an, the representative of the king of Dahomey, eventu- ing of the actual rates and particularly for the admittance of.
ally setting the "rates" of all imported trade goods. While hard new goods into the sorting which usually caused a month's
bargaining on the part of the king is evidenced in regard to the delay. The rest, it appears, was supposed to remain confiden-
goods "on which he picked," price was not the issue between tial, and we cannot be sure whether and to what extent the
king and skipper. Bosman (1814), who does not hesitate to "rates" of the items in the sorting were in practice subject to
reveal discords between the foreign traders and the king of bargaining.
Whydah, complains solely of t h e s overeign's inconsiderate Ancient laws were responsible for the categories by which
preferences among the goods offered in pay fo r t h e slaves. human beings were valued. The Old Testament regulates the
Barbot { 1732) denies any p r ice competition of E u r opean compensation wh~ch the temple can cla~m from adults redeem-
traders among themselves and asserts that m od e o f p a y m ent ing their chiMren or parents vowed to temple service (I.eviti-
Dahomey and the Slave Trade I'sctitious European Money ''n the Slave T~ade I53
cus, 27). Nachtigal (1887) found in Dar Pur (Eastern Sudan) much greater" (sbsd.). If the slave was of substandard height
roughly similar categories for a schedule of slave prices. Atkins or had a defect, the seller had to compensate the buyer. The
gives a sorting for a woman slave at Sierra Leone in 1721. sorting would remain intact. Its reduction would have left the
choice of which items to remove and how to r earrange the
Gold Bars sorting to the European t~ader. This would have constituted an
1 Piece of Planes 10
infringement of th e r a tionale of n ative trading "i n k i n d ,"
7 77 lb. Kettles 26
3 Pieces of Chintz 12 which implied the exchange of the sorting as a unit.
1 Piece of Handkerchief Stuff 2 An operational device entered which again was strictly
The Price of a woman Slave SO consistent with th e p r i nciple of t r a ding " i n k i n d." J a mes
(1737:163) Barbot, Jr., in listing age groups and appraising them, starts
with "the Black from fifteen to twenty-five yea~s of age," i.e.,
Gold bars are described by Atkins as twisted pieces of gold the standard age. He continues:
wire, worth an ackey, or one sixteenth ounce of gold.
The items here listed as parts of the sorting formed an ideal, from eight to fifteen and from twenty-five to thirty-five, three pass for
tioo: Below eight and from thirty-five to Forty-five tioo passf or one... .
not a physical unit. The bill of lading listed the cargo irrespec-
tive of the manner in which the various goods were stacked in
the hold for safety and the geographical sequence of the calls. The deficiency of being underage or overage is here operation-
On the other hand, the natives were familiar with the tradi- ally summed up and ironed out by a s i mple enumerational
tional goods and rates, many of the items being for sale at the device.
storehouses of the companies. The companies took care to The sorting was an ideal unit, which relied on the good
avoid competition by not offering the same goods, since they memory of the native and his skill in computing to keep up to
knew from experience that the supplies of gold and slaves were the mark in a deal. This is perhaps where the famous damba,
enough for all (Barbot, 1732:182). bean came in as the saving device. Isert's (1797) inquisitive
The sorting was, as we said, primarily a device for maintain- spirit and trained mind solved the riddle of the damba. Abrus
ing in the slave trade the principle of trading 1:1 "in kind." precatorius, a widespread leguminous plant of Africa and Asia,
Adjustments in applying that principle required practices as has uniform and attractive beans, bright red with a black spot,
consistent as possible. Barbot (1732) tells us that the standard hence also called "duck's eyes." The damba bean served as a
measure of a slave was "six spans from the ankle to the lobe of unit of " m edicinal weight," also f'or. jewelry and p recious
his ear." Isert says that metals. It was the popular gold weight of Dahomey. The la~ge
gold weight was the ounce troy of sixteen ackies or angels,
a young Negro must be four feetfour inches in height [Rhineland measure]
to be counted as an adult, and a Negress, four feet.. . . T h e amount by these latter weighing twenty-four damba each. (In neighboring
which they fall short of this measure is reckoned at 8 risdallers per inch. Ashanti a taku seed, equal to two damba, was in use.) Damba
(1797:110-11) beans as such were worthless. Their mnemotechnical use for
the native was as a counter in keeping track. of the value of the
A list of compensations was provided: " . . . f o r example, the
trade goods owecl to him for the gold he had sold to the Euro-
absence of a tooth, 2 risdallers. If there are larger defects, such
as the loss of an eye, a finger or other limbs, the deduction is pean trader.
I54 Dahomey and the SLave Trade Fictitious EuroPean Money in Lhe SLave Trade 155
An ounce gold, equal to X4 {or 80s.), makes an ackie one eventually forced it to relinquish the exporting of goods about
sixteenth of X4, i.e., 5 shillings. On the Gold Coast, where the 1712, long before the formal liquidation of the company in.
Europeans bought gold and paid in goods, a leather bag, con- 1750,
taining the damba weight of th e amount of t h e gold sold, Two questions sum up the issue in operational terms. First,
represented the X.s.d. the Europeans still owed "in kind" to the already in the initial decade of the Company's trading no less
native. In removing exactly the number of damba correspond- than a hundred fifty {Bosman, 1814:376 ) kinds of European
ing to the gold already paid off, the darnba that still remained goods wcl'c tladcd ln Units of v a i l oUs dllncnsions — brandy and
in the bag indicated the amount of trade goods owing to the gunpowder by volume, iron bars and guns by the piece, cloths
native. Being familiar with the "rates" of the goods already by length, and cowrie by tale, weight, and volume. How were
paid to him, he would keep count of the goods coming to him the diverse goods to be "added up" prior to being exchanged
from the trader. Incidentally, the absolutely stable cowrie-gold for a few native staplesP Second, how, in a trade carried on "in
ratio enabled him to translate the damba with ease into cowrie kind," were Europeans to avoid transactions leading to finan-
amounts and X.s.d., as also into any silver currency such as cial losses? More exactly, how was trading to be planned to
Dutch guilders or Danish risdallers, kept stable by the Euro- secure a profit, and how was that profit to be realizedl
peans at a gold rate. A solution eventually was brought about by the introduction
If the sorting adhered to the native principle of 1: 1 ex- of the sortings together with a new unit of accountancy, the
change "in kind," it also made room for the trader's commer- "ounce trade." And this happened without compelling the Afri-
cial skill in introducing new products and offering the trade cans to Usc EUI'opcRB nloncy, as ninctccnth-ccntUiy colonlRIlsnl
goods in the most profitable proportions. Though the amounts did compel them. Also, the adjustment was attained while
of the goods that were laid down as equivalent to an "ounce" operationally adhering to the accepted manner of native long-
were set out permanently, the selection of the goods that were distance trading in West Africa.
cheapest at home was in th e competency of th e E uropean The "ounce trade" can be traced back with the Europeans to
trader. a tentative monetization and the early attempts at protection
T he institutionalizing of a p r ofit m argin was still t o b e against trading losses. Incipient monetization may be seen in
achieved. the use the natives made of staples as standards, a practice
adopted by the Royal African Company. The prominence of
E NGL I S H O U N CE T RA DE A ND F R E N C H O N CE the iron bar i n R . A .C. exports was, as we said, m ainly
From the start the native monetary framework in w hich prompted by thc cultUlRl biRs of thc BRtlvcs fol thc Usc of lron.
E uropeans were compelled to t rade hampered them in t h e However, this submonetization was inadequate, because the
m onetization of their own business. Yet short of t h at, t w o valuation of iron bars in terms of gold was fluctuating, besides
being different in the several regions of the coast. Into the
essentials of Western foreign trade were lacking: an expanding
Calabars "coppers," not iron bars, were introduced. James
variety of exports, the values of which can be added up, and a
B ai"bot J I', g l vcs Us R l lst o f c o p pc l b a r c q U lvalcnts I n O l d
built-in margin of profit. K . G . D a vies has shown how the
Calabar in 1699. These trade equivalents of the copper bar
absence of a reliable profit-and-loss accountancy undermined
listed by him were not meant to add up to a unit of selectecl
the capital structure of t h e R o yal A f r ican Company and
trade goods jointly offered for payment;
xs6 Dahomey rind the Slave Trade Fictitious EuroPean Money in fhe Slave Trade 157
One Bar iron 4 Copper Bars the "ounce trade" was not unaffected by such reticence. Parlia-
One bunch of beads mentary witnesses would offer elliptic information for ~easons
Five rangoes 4
of tact, preferring to disappoint latter-day economic historians
One tankard 3
One bason No. 1 to causing, however unjustified, misapprehensions in the minds
The other numbers lessin proportion of contemporary black business partners. Nonetheless, ample
One yard of linen 1 evidence of the existence and justification of a change in the
Six knives 1 European traders' currency unit percolatecl.
One brass bell, No. 1 3 Por analytical purposes it might be useful to distinguish
The other numbers lessin proportion
between three different terms referring to profits. Pirst, the
early practice of markmg-up of staples ex-anfe m order to
A rough marking-up of the iron bar acted as a commonsense secure a profit m argin; second, varying levels of r e alized
precaution against loss. Captain Thomas Phillips bought them profits ex-posti finally, the emergence of a, monetary unit, the
at 3j6 in L ondon and sold them for gold at Bassam on the "ounce trade" signaled by an "ounce" rated at 16,000 cowrie
Gold Coast at 7/6.* This was an early one hundred per cent as distinct from the ounce gold which, before and after, was
markup in the Gold Trade which was to be prophetic. It set the rated at 32,000 cowrie.
pace for the "average one hundred per cent" markup which The inadequacy of our sou~ces had iong-term effects for
was to lead to the introduction of a new monetary unit, the historiography. Davies and Wyndham make no mention of the
"ounce trade." The device of the "ounce trade" simply con- "ounce trade." Until recently it was ignored by historians of
sisted in paying "in kind" for the gold ounces that the Euro- the slave trade, and even in th e newest literature there is
peans owed for slaves, but counting the goods in " o unces vagueness in discussing the issues involved. Newbury writes,
trade," i.e., with an average one hundred per cent markup. As
The price of slaves cannot be accurat.ely determined, except in terms of
this unit of accountancy gained acceptance by the native slave the trade 'ounce', and this unit of account, as on the Gold Coast, was
t raders, the E uropeans gained access both t o v ariety i n made up of assorted European goods — cloths, cowries, beads, guns, powder,
exports through monetization and to a built-in profit margin. rum, tobacco and iron bars — valued locally in ounces, but varying greatly
This history of the "ounce trade" was obscured by inade- in their original purchase price.+ (1961:22)
quate sources reflecting business data that, for understandable To begin with, the Parliamentary Committee of. 1789 on the
reasons, were largely withheld from the contemporary public. slave trade, iriquli i il g i nt o t h e n l ode of p a y m ent p r a cticed In
Parliamentary witnesses did not wish to appear as discounting the West African trade, received unanimously the answer: "No
the substantial profits accruing to the English economy from
payment, nothing but barter." Purther questions confirmed the
the slave trade, while maintaining that occasionally the slavers meaning of " barter" t o b e t hat p ayment was invariably in
were made to pay excessive prices and were, of course, to be
goods. Persons of authority, such as Dalzel, added that the
sympathized with to that extent.
p ayment amounted to only " about half" o f t h e price of the
Bosman left a hiatus in the printed text of his published slave. Another witness said: "A pound sterling would cost the
correspondence, suppressing the figure of the actual prices of European 10 j —." Atkins, "a gentlema,n from Suffolk," who had
slaves and leaving a conspicuous dash instead. The history of
Newbury's reference is clearly to the novel practice of payment in sortings.
+ "Each achy being ahout five shillings value. .. 1 to o k . . . f o r o n e iron ft does not even try to do j u stice to the distinction of ounce gold and "ounce
bar 1/ achy (of gold)," (Phillips, 1746:214) trade," firmiy established by Dalzeps and 1sert's time.
158 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Fictitious European Money in the Slave Trade IS9
joined the ship's complement as a surgeon, was more explicit. companies which recognized the payment for slaves in sortings
He wrote that in the slave trade at Cape Appollonia slaves were by explicitly barring the king from insisting in payment in any
rated in "ounces" at four " ounces" each. "Allowing 100 per one kind alone. Since cowrie possessed in Whydah the status of
cent on Goods," he wrote, "they cost at a medium eight pounds a trade good„ this prohibition implicitly established the sorting
sterling" { 1737:74). That is, slaves rated at four " ounces" as the sole mode of payment for the Europeans in the slave
were paid for in goods costing only eight pounds sterling. While trade.
four ounces gold would amount to sixteen pounds sterling (at It is quite probable that the "a~ticles" almost simultaneously
the rate of four to the ounce ), four ounces trade (i.e., in goods) "entered into" by the chartered companies' agents after 1704
were equivalent to only eight pounds sterling. Put differently, in Whydah mutually committecl them to the practice of an
the Europeans paid in goods marked up one hundred per cent average ex-ante markup of one hundred per cent. Actually, for
the "ounces" which they owed. The "ounce" they paid was in the ex-post markup t he q u alifying t e rms " at a medium"
fact what later authorities such as Dalzel called the "ounce (Atkins), "almost" (Bosman), or "near" are never omitted in
trade" w hen its value was formally recognized at half t h e our sources. What we meet here is a transition from average
ounce gold, or X2. markup to a new monetary unit. Dalzel's "Complete table of
It has been stressed by us that our one hundred per cent Dahoman moneys, numbers and weights, collected from the
markup be understood as an average. The ex-ante markup several authors" gives moneys as cowries by numbers and
varied for every good, and even for every transaction; yet the English coins by shillings and pence. There follows: "Pour
trader could hope to secure ex-post "at a medium" or "about" a ckies = 1 6 , 000 c o w r ies = 40 s O d . " " J.P.," th e editor o f
such a markup from its trade. Dalzel's Table, remarks that there are two kincls of ounces:
Admittedly, individual transactions or even whole cargoes "the ounce gold worth four pounds sterling, and ounce trade
m ight have yielded a much lower profit. Vet i t w o ul d b e of only half t hat v alue" (Balzel, 1793:134). M cLeod also
preferable for the sake of clarity not t o speak of d i fferent gives its value as 40s {1820:90). Isert throughout follows the
values of the ounce trade. The one hundred per cent markup same practice (1797:112 — 13). As a witness before the Parlia-
was known at an early date and was noted by both Barbot and mentary Committee, Governor Balzel was vague only on the
Bosman. Writing in 1 680 of h i s p u rchases in the market, price of a slave in Whydah, but consistently gave the prices in
Barbot informs us that chickens cost "about sixpence a piece, "ounce trade." He spoke of the "average slave" as costing five
if bought f o r g o o ds, w h ich i s t h r eepence prime c ost" ounces (trade) = 510, while a " p r ime slave," when supply
(1732:330; cf. also Bosman, 1814:S03). In estimating the was low, was given by him as "li ttle short of X30" ( Parlia-
amount of customs fees paid at Whydah, Bosman remarked mentary Papers, 1789:191).
that the customs — which were paid i n g oods — "amount to The prices of trade goods, whether slaves or iron bars, were
about one hundred pounds in Guinea value, as the goods must fluctuating, yet the cowrie rate of gold, as well as the gold value
yield there" {1814:489). of the fictitious "ounce trade," was entirely stable.
The "ounce trade," then, was a fictitious unit of account of a
conventional value in the settling of European gold debts with W licn I l c l v ln g i n t o t h c v i c i s situdcs o f t l l c c u l I ' cncy, w c
t he natives. Among t h emselves the E u r opeans called i t should not forget that the English Guinea trade never departed
"Guinea value" (Barbot) or, according to Wyndham, "coast far fl'Gnl thc Institutlonal and Gpcl'atlonal tradltlons Gf thc gold
money." The port of trade had signed a treaty with the slaver trade. Apart from a policy change on interlopers from 1698 to
x6o Dahomey and the Slave Trade Fictitious Ruropean Money in the Slave Trade x6x
1712 — the ten per centers' arrangement — its whole history was p restige requirements of p ersons representing the k in g o f
comprised in the annals of the Royal African Company. Gold France. Of the officers on diplomatic mission during the cen-
accountancy was not, discarded in London, and with the Eng- tury following upon BuCasse's tour of inspection (1682), we
lish traders the "ounce" invariably meant an ounce gold, i.e., need only recall B ' E lbce, B'Amon, Jean Boublet, Besmax-
X4. The Mint in the Tower of London was the guardian of the chais, and in a minor capacity, the Pcre Labat and eventually
validity of the standards of both gold dust and nuggets turned the unfortunate Gouverneur Gourg to illustrate that they were
into bullion, with no more than a margin of one shilling either representatives of the Prench government, not persons engaged
way. King and Court were subscribing shareholders in a ven- in primarily private ventures.
ture which was expected to pay off in the regular business way, A s to tlic otlicI' glollp, vcly fc w w calthy fl r nls Gf Nantcs tlM
although, except in the early period, it did not. The Treasury armateurs, equipped the privately owned craft which greatly
could not be called upon to make up for l osses, nor did it outnumbered the compagnie ships. The bitter antagonism of
supply bounties per head of Af rican slaves delivered in the bourgeois armateurs with their many shipowner-backers and
West Indies. Shares in "Guinney R B i nney" ventures were courtly compagnieswas a distinct contributory cause of the
transacted freely; and in spite of some machinations and occa- French Revolution, says Gaston-Martin (1931:433 ).
sional corruption, the Guinea trade in its conservative ruts was Por institutional history, let us briefly return to the yeax'
placidly carried on, as disciplined by the inherent rigors of' 1704, the date when the efforts of the French resulted in the
business life. Pilfering, bribery, and wastage of the employees' declaration of neutrality that established Whydah as an inter-
lives and morals never ceased to plague the Company. Vet for national open port. K. G. Bavies uncovered the fact that in the
the economic historian the picture was unchanging; the Eng- next two years the Knglish and F rench trading companies
lish slave trade remained, on the whole, true to pattern. "entered into articles" (1957:274). In the Knglish historians
Prench overseas trade and particularly the slave trade was w e find no hint o f t h e d r amatic events that w ere soon to t a k e
organized by tw o g roups, the courtly co mpagnies and the place in the bamboo palace of the king of Whydah at Savi,
bourgeois armateurs. The undercapitalized compagnie, which a ccording to Besmarchais (I.abat, 1731). The intent of t h e
provided sinecures for courtiers, usually lasted no more than a treaty of the sixth of September, 1704, which bore the signa-
couple of years, only to b e r eplaced by another ephemeral tures of the slave trade diplomats, may have corresponded to
compagnie of a closely similar but not identical name which that of B avies' unspecified "articles." A few cardinal points
fared no better, The compagnie was responsible to the ministry may be assumed: that only payment "in kind" shall be prac-
for matters of naval and military concern: it was in charge of tlccd j tliRt soI'tlIlgs, i.c., R manlfold of t i a d c goods in paymcnt
fortifications and warehouses on the Guinea Coast, employed handled as a unit shall be continued, and that no payments for
the local personnel, checked claims for government bounties slaves shall be demanded to be made in one single good; that
after African slaves landed in the French Antilles, and regis- an average "niarkup" which was spread at thc discretion of the
tered with the naval authorities the merchantmen, i.e., slavers, parties over the different goods in the sortings shall be the
which required the permission of the authorities to leave port. recognized source of the Kuropeans' profits. However, the 1704
The compagnies' r evenue was derived from a t ax on t h e text mentioned outright only the point preferring sortings as
tonnage of every registered ship engaged in the Guinea trade. payment, the others wexe merely implicit. Also, it should be
Their governors, managers, and other personnel had high RssuIncd tliRt thc K n g lisli made no sccI'et. Gf tlMlr r c sci'vatlons
salaries (cf. Bavies, 1957:ch.i). Expenses conformed to the as to th e v a l i d it y o f th e t r e a t y, B u t t h e F r e n c h, w ho w e r e
x62 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Fictitious European Money in the Slave Trade r63
treaty-minded, had the upper hand, The king of the new sover- The above sorting contains a remarkable specification in
eign Whydah had been installed by them. The French "once" regard to cowrie. The item "123 pound weight of cowrie = 3
was a direct outcome. For its study we must fall back on the onces" conveys that 41 p o und w eight of c o wrie equals 1
case of the French compagnie slaver Dahomet, almost seventy "once," i.e., 16,000 cowrie. The specification, which is conven-
years later, whose ship's papers Simone Berbain has published tionally attached to cowrie, is expressed by weight, equating
for us. the value of the "o nce" with t hat of a p h y sical amount of
The "once" —the French word — was the money of account cowrie. The amount of 4 1 p ound weight of cowrie is thus
of the French slave trade in W hydah, both for slaves and identified with th e amount o f 1.6,000 cowrie by t a le, and
European goods, just as the "ounce trade" was for the English. consequently with the Knghsh "ounce trade."
B ut its operation, at least ostensibly, was not, as with t h e Berbain, however, avoids any mention of the "ounce trade."
English, based on the gold ounce, equal to X4. Unlike X.s.d., Though its features are nowhere summarized in literature, its
the French l~vre was not based on gold and, therefore, the livre basic elements are, as we saw, documented by a number of
value of the ounce gold was not fixed. factual items, such as the markup of iron bars; the equivalent
The matter may be put as follows: the French, in buying of X4 for an ounce of gold; the cowrie value of an ounce gold
slaves, paid in goods at native rates, Simone Berbain, the at 32,000 and of an ounce trade at 16,000; or, in the simplest
leading historian of the French slave trade in Whydah, noted terms, that payment was made for slaves at halfprice, by
that "l e s t r a nsactions se reglent suivant u ne u n i td de c ompte paying "in kind" with goods marked up one hundred per cent.
f ict~ve qui est l'once, divisee en 16 liv r es les noirs evaluant le s Similarly to the Knglish scholars, Berbain reveals limitations
marchandises de troc d'apres un bareme fixe" {1942:68). The under which her research was carried out. As the title of her
books of the French ship Dahomet {1772) reveal that equiva- essay, " Xe Comptoir francais de Xuda (Ouidah) au X V I J I '
lents to the "once" were used in the ship's day-to-day accounts siecle," says, its subject was the functioning of the Whydah
regarding the purchase of slaves. The goods offered in trade office of the French slave trade. Its scope was deliberately
conformed to a schedule of prices which never changed, so the restricted to the French slave trade as focused on Whydah.
French Governor Gourg stated {1892:769). H owever, he Not only the slave trade in the French Antilles was not to be
expected iron bars which depended on demand coral and silks treated, but neither was Whydensian slave trade other than
which varied according to quality. French. The English establishment was, therefore, not con-
A typical entry in the Dahomet's papers for a woman slave sidered, and the Knglish "ounce trade" was ignored. This made
rated at i "onces" runs as follows: the French monetary system the sole frame of reference for the
Person of setter and sorting "Onces" treatment of the "o nce," which logically resulted in a lways
From Bouillon, 1 woman at 8 "onces" implying, yet never mentioning, the fundamental difference
3 barrels of brandy between the Knglish and the French monetary systems.
123 pound weight of cowries
The role of gold in the Knglish currency system (X.s.d.)
[at 41 pounds to the "once"]
2 pieces of handkerchief stuff contrasted sharply with the independence of the French livre
8 platilles from gold, which was conceived of as being absolute. Vet in
[a closely folded white cotton fabric] actual fact, that independence from gold, which left the livre a
8 fluctuating currency, for lo c al re asons did n ot e x t end t o
1942:113) iWhydah and its French establishment. Under conditions given
Fictitious European Money in the Slave Trade r6g
r64 Dahomey and the Slave Trade
reminiscent of A t k ins' day. Berbain frankly states that f o r
by the slave rush, the French could not avoid, any more than
successful trading only t h ree goods are ~equired: cow~ie,
could the English, trading by sortings with b uilt-in p rofit I platilles, and brandy. The Dahomet's cargo consisted of up to
margins. This again involved setting up a fi ctitious unit of
account. The English, with their gold currency, anchored this Ij ninety per cent of t h ese. Isert's instances of sortings and
fictitious unit in gold. Neither could the French in Whydah cargoes point the other way: these include no less than a dozen
avoid doing so, Hence the paradox which confused Berbain's trade goods. The number may seem irrelevant, yet it does lend
support to the notion that port of. trade, sorting, and "ounce
presentation. The French "once," as money of account, was to
maintain a stable cowrie value; that, by virtue of this fact, the tlade l "cplcscntcd R trlRd in whlc11 'thc Prcnch o n c e nlcthocl
stable gold value of cowrie would ~ndirectly link the "once" to of trading participated to a lesser degree. Indeed, it is doubtful
that the feudal compagnieswere eager to develop a greater
gold remained obsured.
variety of export lines to the extent that sortings in combina-
Berbain also asserts that the value of cowrie was maintained
tion with the "ounce t~ade" permitted.
only on the Slave Coast. This value was given as 16,000 cowrie
or four cabess.* Indeed, it invariably occurs as "once cowrie"
The unilateral introduction of a fictitious money of account,
in the sortings recorded by the Captain of the Dahomet. By
this fact the livre is also identified, namely as the sixteenth part whether English,Prench, or other, was bound to cause serious
of the "o nce." By i n f e rence the "o nce" equals the English disturbances in the economics of the slave trade. Analytically,
"ounce trade" of likewise 16,000 cowrie. Briefly, the English the French "once" was merely a variant, of the "ounce trade"
"ounce trade" was worth half of the ounce gold and the Prench with which it had much in. common. The "ounce trade" itself
"once" was worth the same amount; yet this fact goes unmen- was a derivation of that other innovation in the Kuropean trade
on the Guinea Coast: the sorting. The sorting and the "ounce
tioned in the definition of the "once" which is mentioned only
trade" formed an interlocking pattern that was destined to
as a fictitious unit, subdivided into sixteen livres. While the
livre tournois was not on gold, Berbain's livre was indirectly prevail right to the time of th e i ntrusion of K uropean cur-
rencies in Africa. On the face of it these European initiatives
bound to gold by way of the cowrie value of the "once," of
amounted to a one-sided revision of the ~ates of trade to the
which it was one sixteenth. Hence no definite relation of these
advantage of the Europeans. Out of the effects of the Europear
two variants of the livre was permissible, although the differ-
initiatives two kinds of dislocations arose. Analytically distinct,
ence between them would have been fluctuating within a
definite range, given by the actual rate of exchange between the two strands of change were interacting.
Regarding prices and profits, the markup of Kuropean prices
Paris and London,
was definite. Before the slave rush, Thomas Phillips' iron bars,
Still another variant of the "ounce trade" which was closer
Atkins' reduction of slave prices from nominal pounds sterling
to the English than to the French model was developed by the
to one half "in kind," ancl also Barbot's and Bosman's "Guinea
Dutch and the D anes. Its f i ctitious unit o f t h e "r i s daller
value" and "coast money" (Wyndham, 1935:68) leave us in
monnaie, or courant" passed for half of t h e "r i s daller or."
no doubt about the Kuropeans' business policy, Vet actual
These two wererelated as the "ounce trade" to the ounce gold.
profits still fell far short of the one hundred per cent goal. The
The Prench "once" led in p ractice to a r e duction of t h e
native selle~ of gold or of an occasional slave had not yet been
number of i t ems in a s o rting t o a v e r y f e w t r ade goods,
faccd wlth a complcx Rssol'tnlcnt Gf goods but mcrcly wlth a
+ "42 uvres bouges on E6,000 valent une once on 4 cabeches." (Berbain, 1942:
slnglc ilnpol t. Rrtlclc.
K66 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Fictitious European Money in the Slave Trade I67

With the slave rush, the changeover to sortings was rapid, used only by the Europeans. By 1791 the ship's papers of
and this, with the setting up of the port of trade, altered the Captain Jlohn jlohnston (1920) of the Stoa/loKo showed a slave
very terms of barter. For unless rejected outright, sortings had price of thirteen ounces f'or average males, explicitly valuedl
to be accepted for payment as they stood. The average markup throughout in " ounces trade." Howeve~, there is nothing to
had consolidated into the "ounce trade" as a unit of payment. show any cor~esponding change in the natives' oron money
The discipline in commerce which emanated from the adminis- units. We hold, therefore, that the natives' reaction has been
tration of the port of trade was a catalyzing element. That a primarily economic: an immediate rise of slave prices in the
slave, falling short in standard height or in limb or tooth, would traditional ounce units. The inc~eas~ng demand exerted by the
leave the seller owing a deficiency payment was recognized in French and the i nterlopers' competition has been hithe~to
law, but not before the port of t r ade was administered by offered as the sole — and inadequate — explanation of the sud-
Dahomey would the merchant debtor be compelled, on the den steep rise, without any reference to the "ounce trade."
Favogan's intervention, to indemnify the purchaser in cash, Unfortunately, the English witnesses of the 1 789 hearings
mostly cowrie (Berbain, 1942:72). The shelter offered by an seemed not eager to clarify the price and currency turbulence
open port amid international conflicts was sanctioned not only in the slave trade, and merely reiterated that the terms of
by the neutrality of th e port authorities, but also by naval payBIcnt wcr'c vcry favorablc to tlM purchascr. That cxccp-
vessels. tloBally Rt l c ast, thc E BglIsh t r a dcr BIay ha ve fo u nd h l n l s clf
The natives' first reaction to the "ounce trade" came in a induced t o c o m p ensate t h e n a t i v e SCHer f o r a n e x c e ssive
m arkup built into the "ounce trade" might account for M r .
spectacular raising of slave prices. Quoting K. G. Davies: "In
the 'seventies and 'eighties the conventional price of an African Mathews' c~yptic statement before the Parhamentary Com-
mittee: "We give them salt, some manufactures. DS to 518
slave was X3, this being the rate at which Petley Weybourne
are paid over and above the invoice prices. . . ." (Pa r l i a-
contracted to supply Negroes at Whydah in 1687." He adds in
mentary Papers, 1789). Thus far the transition is in terms of
a footnote:
pIIccs Rnd proflts. I t s c cIns a CGIDBlonscnsc pI'QposItIQB that
So far as I have been able to discover, all prices of slaves quoted represent strains had to be met on either side with different expedients.
the invoice value of the goods with which they were purchased. In most Eventually, the Western adjustment, which broadened the
cases this invoice value was the same as the price which the company had
avenues of growth and compensated the parties for the transi-
paid in England, with no allowance made for cost of transport.
tional losses sufferecl while withdrawing from. untenable tradi-
The text continues: tloBR1 posttIons, p r cvatlcd, Gr o w th w a s m a n y - f a cctcd. T 1 M
vRrlcty of E u l'GpcRD cxpoI'ts and Gf DatIvc clo'ths, QM DunlbcK'
In 1963 the African Company's captains were instructed to buy what Gold
Coast iXegroes they could at up t o 5 5 a head. After 1702, there were and scope of inland ca~avans multiphed Rnd so did the volume
further increases, though possibly less marked at Khydah than elsewhere. of coastal trade.
Soon negroes at the Gold Coast were costing 510, I.11 and 512 apiece, and T1M InstttutIQKIR1 tI'RnsItIGD IB tlM monctary fi el d hRd t h r ec
in 1712 as much as 516 and X17 was being paid. Thus in the course of little main stages. At the time of Petley Weybourne's stipulation. of a,
more than twenty years the price of a slave had risen almost five-fold. 53 slavc pr'Icc two standards, Iron bRI's for' Europcan goods
(1957:237} and cowrie for slaves, were current in. Whydah. By 1704, the
Institutionally, an intriguing fact remains. The natives still sccond stRgc, thc klng Qf Whyclah hacl attaIBcd indcpcndcncc
reckoned pounds sterling in ounces, and the "ounce trade" was and fQI'cIgn trRdcrs had to pRy the ~customs to h Im. In t h c
i68 Dahomey and the Slave Trade PictitiolsE uropeanMoneyin the Slave Trade x69
text of that year's" treaty," i r o n b a r s and cowrie were one pound weight of cowrie repeatedly as equal with 16,000
expressly replaced by the slave as the unit of value (Labat, cowrie, as being a F i e nch "o n ce" or h a lf a n o u n ce gold
17311'II]:91 — 92). The pattern of the price list is familiar to us (Berbain, 1942:101 ff.). In brief, the value of gold in terms of
from countries practicing bartering of staples. The Laws of cowlie had formed part of the unchanging arcliaic Inone'taly
Eshnunna, dated earlier than Hammurabi's Code, had fixed systelI1 of Dahomey.
equivalents in the manner practiced in our period on the "bar
coast," namely, giving the amounts of the various staples that
equaled one "bar" in value. In that Old Babylonian Law one
unit of silver (the shekel) is offset against different quantities
of grain, oil of different qualities, wool, and other staples in this
same fashion. Since Whydah was to act as an international
trade port for African slaves, the focusing on the slave as the
unit o f v a lu e appeared appropriate. However, very soon
Dahomey took over and cowrie dominated. With t his third
stage, the pivotal point was reached. The stability of gold in
terms of cowrie became the absolute r equirement of D a -
homey's overlordship. In the institutional field, study might,
t herefore, have t o c onsider th e p r e-Dahomean period o f
Whydah, when iron bars for European goods and cowrie for
slaves were the standard. On Dahomey's conquest of Whydah,
cowrie became the standard for the value of the ounce gold.
The economic upset was no more than the surface reaction to
the far-reaching institutional changes r epresented by t h e
emergence of the fictitious money units.
On a closer view we now confront the extraordinary fact that
the gold price of cowrie had been maintained unchanged on the
Slave Coast from the earliest pre-port of trade times over all
the changes of monetary standards in Whydah, indeed, up to
the French conquest of Dahomey. Bosman in the 1680's gave
the value of 1,000 cowrie at 2s. 6d.; Barbot called the price of
a chicken, which sold for 200 cowries,sixpence (Barbot,
1732:330). Both valuations lead to precisely 32,000 cowrie for
one ounce gold. Dalzel's Table (1793:134 and n.; 135) f ixed
an ounce gold at four pounds sterling and an "ounce trade" at
two pounds sterling, or 1 6,000 cowrie. The off i cer of t h e
Dahomet, Crassous de Medeuil, as late as 1772 reckoned forty-


Our analysis deals with a West African instance of the manner

in which the process of livelihood may be embedded in archaic.
economic institutions. Of t h e t h r ee exchange institutions,
archaic variants of t r ade and m a rkets have been already
presented. Money, however, the stabihty cf w h i c h w a s a
singular attainment of the Dahomean economy, has scarcely
been touched upon. What keeps the value of native money
regionally stable and how ar e t h e e quivalents maintained
without any approp~iate mechanismP
The answcr, we suggest, is to be sought in the societal func-
tions of money and their effects on the social structure. Take
the variant of money here represented by the cowrie currency,
and as a substitute for a ma~ket system look to the solidity of
the structures that make up archaic society.
We shall call "archaic" such economic institutions as are
absent in "primitive," kinship-orgaruzed society and emerge
only in state societies, but fade again when money as a means
of exchange becomes widespread. Kconomic institutions, then,
that make their appea~ance in state societies fall roughly into
two groups: thosc, such Rs thc taklng Gf lntcI'cst, Blol'tgagc, GI'
business partnership, which, once established, continue lnto
modern times, and those others, such as voluntary work teams,
the pawning of children, or the entailing of' fruit trees, which
eventually recede into insignificance or disappear. Only these
latter, which are restricted to early state societies, deserve to
b c callc d s p c clflcally R r c h al c c c o nGIDIC lnstltutlons. T h c y
Dumbcr scvcr'Rl dozcn, R fcw Gf whlch sha,ll bc ll stcd. The
R ntlchl'ctlc Dlcdgc s c l vc d R p u l p o s c a k l n t o t h c ta k l n g G f
I74 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Archaic Economic Xnstitutions I75
interest: the object given as a surety, whether land, cattle, or safeguarded. Without unfairness one can here speak of "poor
slave, was not only handed over to the creditor but the creditor man's money" as an instrument of maintaining upper-class
was also entitled to use the object until the debtor had paid up. privileges. But status connotations of a d e l iberate welfare
Sales were ensured even in the absence of markets: in parts of intent were also on record. In the sixteenth-century Near East,
the Sudan sales were regularly held through brokers and even a "poor man's ell" existed in Basra, for the purchase of cheaper
auctioneers were employed who often were also the brokers. sorts of cloth. It was longer by a fifth than the regular ell with
Por almost all staples equivalents were established in what we which the expensive cloths were bought.
have called "staple finance," particularly in the operation of The opposite bias prevailed in th e " e lite circulation" of
redistributing and household accountancy. Homeric Greece, in reciprocating gifts of t r easure. In West
Exchange institutions such as trade, market, and money Africa "elite circulation" was a p r inciple of t r ade. Horses,
possessed their archaic variants. Notably this was the case in ivory, skilled slaves, precious metals, jewelry, and t reasure
"administered" trade, involving the status trader or the port of
objects could be acquired only in exchange for items of this
trade; "isolated" markets with a compulsory money use; and scllcs of clltc go3ds. In the Rnclcnt NcRI' ERst stRtUs dlffclcntl-
last but not least archaic variants of money, of w hich the ations attaching to archaic moneys may serve as a key to some
cowrie currency of Dahomey was an outstanding instance. cuneiform economic riddles. According to the Code of Ham-
In general terms, money is a semantic system similar to ITlU1Rbl, loRns rcpald ln sllvcr carricd Rn lntcrest of tw c nty p cI'
speech, writing, or weights and measures. This holds good for cent, while if the loan was repaid in barley, the rate was thirty-
all three money uses — i.e., for payment, as a standard, and as a three and one-third per cent. Vet the mode of repayment was
means of exchange. Now, archaic money has the singular effect apparently left to the free choice of' the debtor, which would
o f solidifying the social structure. Institutions tend t o b e ccr'talnly scci1l odd. If , h owcvcl', as thclc l s I'cason to Rssumc~
strengthened by the quantitative identification of obligations silver loans were accorded only to nobles, while the common
and rights resulting from the introduction of numerals. Socio- man could expect only a barley loan, status would account for
logical features to which institutions attach are mainly status the apparent absurdity. It is evident. that archaic money was in
and state building. Archaic economic institutions were, as a various ways connected with status, creating power ful invisible
rule, mediated through their l i nks t o t h ese two. Status is linkages in the social tissue.
confirmed and the state is consolidated in the course of the
development of such institutions, which, on the other hand, C OW R I E AN D GO LQ
rely for support on interests benefiting groups and classes. Separate currencies operated in each of the three neighbor-
Specifically societal functions attach, therefore, to archaic ing countries of Bahomey, Ashanti, and Whydah. In Bahomey
economic institutions, apart from their st~ictly economic role. Units of cowllc shclls wcre issued by th c m onarch; 1I1 As11Rntl
Ibn Batuta (1958) is to be credited with the discovery of the gold alone was current; in the port of trade of Whydah the
u se of thin and thick copper wires as status money in t h e English slavers developed the money unit of the "ounce trade"
fourteenth-century Niger empires. Thin wires, in which wages as a money of account, the Prench used the no less fictitious
were paid, bought only firewood and coarse millet, while the "once," and the Butch and Banish the "risdaller monnaie."
thick ones bought anything, not excluding elite goods. Limita- If the international gold standard of the nineteenth century
tions of consumption thus were set up for the poor, while the rested on the pound sterling as the firmly established artificial
higher standard of life of the leisure classes was automatically money Unit, on most of th e G u i nea, Coast this f'unction, fcljj to
Iy6 Dahomey and the Slave Trade 3rchaic Economic Institutions x77
the Dahomean stringed cowrie. It was issued regularly in peace Currencies, with their institutional features, are a phenome-
and war, remaining stable both in terms of the domestic price non far removed from the merely ornamental aspects of cowrie
level and o f f o r eign exchange betweencowrie and g old. as a culture trait. This gives to the study of cowrie money that
However, the comparison of the roles of gold and cowrie must conceptual definiteness which lends fascination to economic
not be strained. In the West gold served as a backing for bank history. A warning is in order against the ethnocentric bias that
notes, and, through the f oreign exchange rates, also as a so easily takes hold of us on economic subjects that arise out-
regulator of the mechanism of external trade. No such integra- side of our Gwn Western culture. Over many centuries, silver
tive tasks attached to the shells. Also, Dahomey possessed no
and gold on the one hand, cowrie on the other, were in competi-
merchant fieet and carried on no active trade; and the shells,
tion. Although in the Near East silver had been ahead of gold
which were its sole money, originated on distant coral reefs f or at l east two m i llennia, eventually modern man i n h i s
from which traders could export them as ballast at a very slight sophistication ranked gold as the winner. We will here disre-
expense to themselves. gard sllvcl" Rnd I'cstrlct, thc conlpR1lson to gold Rnd cowl'lc.
During the last three-quarters of a century, intensive re-
search has beencarried out on the uses of cowrie, both as an
A mugh balance between the native qualities of gold and
ornament and as money. Conchology, geography, cultural
cowrie that enhanced or reduced their respective suitability as
anthropology, archaeology, and economic history have contrib-
units of currency may be appropriate. Among the indisputable
uted. J. W. Jackson {1915) has recorded the total range of the
advantages of shells over gold is their existence in recognizable
prehistoric spread of cowrie. Only exceptionally were speci- units: gold has no units, being measured by weight, and at the
mens of the two money cowries found: others of the numerous time no acceptable units o f g ol d w eight existed. Another
species of Cypraeidae were preferred by early man as more advantage of the shells is their minute unit value, which brings
ornamental or more stirring to the sexual imagination. Passing the vital item of primitive life, the mouthful of food, within
from prehistory to early historical times, when iron, copper, popular reach, whereas gold with its elite connotation may be
and the precious metals were used as money over wide areas,
at a disadvantage, specks of gold dust i n t h e W h y dasian
cowrie appeared alongside the metals, but rarely, if ever, as the
market notwithstanding. On the other hand, in its "industrial"
sole currency. Historical cowries are only of t h e monetary
use gold possessed an alternative employ of great economic
type, namely,Cypraea moneta and Cypraea annulus. The importance, which derived fmm a highly elastic demand. The
heavier and larger Cypraea annulus with i ts b l u ish-grayish
ornamental demand for cowrie is inelastic, and even within its
shade and yellow-ringed body was usually mixed with the milk- limited range not of comparable economic significance to that
white, dainty Cypraea moneta. The place of origin of annulus
of thc i n c lus'tI'1R1 usc of the previous Inctals. Whcn l t c o l iles
was the east coast of Africa opposite Zanzibar. This second- to the stability of a gold currency, the essential role of the
r ate cowrie reached Dahomey mainly b y sea and ha d t o
industrial uses of gold are too well known to be stiessed here.
compete with the much handier and also neater C. moneta. In But to return to the virtues of cowne, it cannot be counter-
any event, cowrie currencies nowhere show correspondence feited, whereas gold dust and gold bars are frequently adulter-
w ith prehistoric finds in th e same areas. Also, there is i n ated by admixtures of brass dust, and gold coins are subject to
historical times, including antiquity, an absence of cowrie
clipping. Still another policy aspect recommends cowrie for its
money in the Near and Middle East in contrast to most of
revealing of hoarded wealth through its bulk: th e Spartans,
West Africa and part of the Par East.
aware of the fact that their leaders could not, resist the lure of
178 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Archaic Economic /nstitutions 179
bribes, had to forbid the import of gold, favoring iron instead. to distinguish the qualities of gold dust and to be able to iden-
King Gezo of Dahomey is quoted by Burton as saying that tify even a minute speck with their fingertips. However, this
although there is gold in the neighboring Kong mountains, he could scarcely compare with the discrete units of small change
p referred cowrie for tw o r easons — because it could not b e offcrcd by tlM slMlls. ID 'the food markct cowI'lc won Rny tlnM
counterfeited, and because no man can become secretly rich over gold. Moreover, it could be measured both by weight and
{1893 [Ij:117, n.3). by volume, not to mention count. by tale. What proved in the
A physical quality of cowrie plays a part in its ambivalent long run cowrie's weakness, its extreme cheapness and vola-
fluidity. C owrie shells can b e p o u red, sacked, shoveled, tility, was not fa tal under archaic conditions. Cowrie easily
hoarded in heaps, kept buried in the soil, chuted like gravel held its own against European coins and succumbed eventually
— they remain clean, dainty, stainless, polished, and milk-white. to the advantages of gold only uncler the conditions of inter-
They are transportable in their tens of millions, which tends DatlGQRI flnanccq fol' wlnch lt was uttcrly unsultcd.
rather to impede the successful operation of a cowrie currency
and, indeed, to cause already established cowrie currencies not
infrequently to disappear again. Well before Dahorney came into being, black and white met
We are used to ranging cowrie with the other shells as a in West Africa on two fronts. The story of cowrie in Africa
sample of primitive money in a supposed evolutionary perspec- should then reveal some of the modalities of that meeting, first
tive of the " origins and development of money." Historical on the Middle Niger and, a century later, on the Guinea Coast.
research removes this evolutionary bias. Cowrie currencies When, where, and how d i d c o wrie shells penetrate West
emerged on the Middle and Upper reaches of the Niger at a AfricaP And by what agency was cowrie established as a cur-
time when metal currencies and, indeed, coined money were rency systemP
long established in the Mediterranean heartlands. This is the Dahomey was situated between the Guinea Coast and the
background against which the emergence of a new nonmetallic vast Niger Bend. On the beaches of the Bight of Bernn and on
currency in Islamic West Africa should be viewed. It will then the Middle Niger, respectively, cowrie was infuse(1 by two
not be erroneously regarded as part of a general evolution of different sets of traders — Berber Tuareg and later Arab on the
money, but rather as a feature in the spread both of centralized one hand, Portuguese on. the other. Their zonal fronts were,
government and of food markets in the early Negro empires howcvcr ) s cparatccl by n l or e t ha n R t h o usand m l l csq tlM d l s"
which left its imprint on the local history of money. tance between Timbuktu and Gogo, where the Venetians were
In the Dahomean area, gold dust and cowrie happened to be dlspRtchlng tlM M a i d lv c cowrM by T U RI'cg caravans) R nd thc
in close competition for the money role in food markets. The Portuguese in the south in Benin and Ardra, those outposts of
River Volta provided ample gold dust, and cowrie was avail- Voruba culture.
able whether it had entered via the Guinea Coast in the south 'The earliest date by which cowrie can be presumed to have
or the Niger region in the north. Gold also was found, as we reached West Africa, from the ~orth is the departure of Marco
know, in the mountains of north Dahomey. But gold dust could Polo from Venice for his voyage to the Far East, about 1290.
not be employed by males in the market, unless a f ine balance Thc sulpI'lsc hc cxpressc(I ln R dctallcd RCCGUnt,clcscrlblng Jlls
{usually carried as in Ashanti by an attendant ) was at hand. meeting with cowrie money in southwester~ China's province
The Ashanti also used various nonstandardized, personal gold of Vunnan was Dot feigned. Our sources name Ve~ice, Marco
weights without common units. Whydah women were reputed Polo s homc and t h c do m l c llc of th c f a I DEtybusDMssq Rs thc
ISO Dahomey and the Slave Trade A rchaic Economic Ens6tutI'ons xsx
agency that transmitted the cowries from the Persian Sea to Fifteenth-century Portuguese trade ln Benin was a some-
the Niger, in order to purchase its gold with those exotic shells. what different proposition in the Arabs' eyes, who deemed it an
This narrows the time range from 129Q to the spring of 1352, intrusion into their i nland territory. Th e Po rtuguese estab-
when Ibn Batuta found cowrie money in use at Gogo, on the lished themselves on the Gold Coast, where they traded in the
Middle Niger, where the river sharply turned south. By all African staple, gold, for a limited number of European goods:
indications, in the empire of Mali cowrie was, alongside of gold cloths, guns and powder, used sheets, hardware such as basins
bars and copper wire, by that time a regular currency, the gold and knives, but mostly iron bars and Iings of copper. Neither
rate of which Ibn Batuta unhesitatingly quoted by tale. He had caravan slaves nor cow~ie yet enterecl into the picture. And
been, like Marco Polo before him in Yunnan, much astonished with the opening of the sea Ioute to India in 1497, Portuguese
at meeting with cowrie in the Far East, though unlike Polo he comnlcI'cc chRBgcd dlrcctlon. BRscd Gn tlic Islands Gf FcrnRndo
was thoroughly conversant with it and its use for money. He Po and St. Thome, the Portuguese turned the Bight of Benin
was struck to find that its value was as high as 1150 to a lnto R PGI'tugUcsc 1Rkc. ThclI' pul'chRscs froln 'thc Batlvcs wcl'c
mitkhal, or gold ducat, which in the Maldives would fetch no now intended for use in their local islancl suga~ plantations and
less than 400,000 cowries, if not three times as much, which for coastal trading. This brings us back to the two regions
also happened, i.e., 1,200,000. The exchange rate in Gogo was where the Portuguese penetrated to some extent into cowrie-
mentioned by him with assurance. And CR, da Mosto, who had USlng Rreas: BCQin and AI'dl'R,.
never seen cowrie in 1455 described Cypraea moneta correctly T he insalubrious beaches from which B emn an d A r d r a
from hearsay and added specific information about their tra- themselves withdrew were not. favored for settlement by the
ject from the Persian Sea to Venice and from Venice by the Portuguese either. They preferred the islands off the coast ol'
desert route of the Western Sahara to the iNiger. inland fairs that lay about sixty or seventy miles from the seR,.
The later date, when cowrie entered West Africa from the They induced the inland ratives to trade the goods they had to
south, is almost as definite, though the medium of transporta- G ffcI', lncludlng slRvcs. But t l M sUpcl'ior clvl llzatlon Gf B c l u n ,
tion by which this happened is much less certain. The Arab h clI' to tlM r c l l glon, RI't., Rnd statccrRft of I l c - I f c ) sct BRrrow
traders of the north represented the eleventh-century world limits to P ortuguese cultural expansion. Besides, the Arab
movement of Islam (its seventh-century irruption had been traders from the fax north would meet them there and bar
quite brief and superficial). They were now keen to tap the further entry.
sources of the gold that had been fiowing since Roman times On Ardrasian matters, however, the Portuguese exerted R,
from the Upper N iger t oward Carthage and I .ibya. Their formatlve lnfluence. The kmg hlmself had been brought, up m R,
cultural influence on the Upper and Middle Niger was para- Christian monastery on St. Thom6. A momentous feature of
mount and cowrie, with which they were familiar from Arabia the cowrie currency resulted. The numerical denominations of.
and India, was current in Mali, at least as far as Gogo in the that system, e.g., the designation of tlM smallest stringed unit,
east. The Arab trader was bred to the use of the mitkhal and of forty, the toque; the five toques of 200 shells, the galinha;
its fractions, as well as gold and silver dinars and dirhems, and the twenty galinhas of 4 ,000 sheHS, the cabess — all carl'y
not limited like the "unbelievers" to damba beans and takus Portuguese designations. Important culture symbols such Rs
for th eir g ol d w e i ghts. W he n i n t h e f i f t e enth an d s i x t eenth the fetish have Portuguese names, as well as the administrative
centuries he was faced with the Europeans on the coast, his hcads Gf Rny gloup Gr bcRicl's Gf any port Gf Importancc ) tlM
mullahs Mt their equals in trade, if not their superiors. ca&osseros. It must. bc Dotcd that th c vc r n acular f o I' thc v arl"
I82 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Archaic Economic Institutions x83
ous cowrie units was also current in Dahomey. Yet the Portu- converting the natives and introducing an economic organiza-
guese terms were employed over the entire area of stringed tion with domicile in I,isbon. A comprehensive taxation system
cowrie money, including Dahomey itself. was based on the local administration which again was put in
Within a reasonably narrow span, sometime between the end the care of a p r i vileged native st~atum, the Sonassen. The
of the thirteenth and the middle of the fourteenth centuries, moneta~y systems of Angola were regionalized and were partly
cowrie then reached the Middle Niger; in the last quarter of made into a royal monopoly. The shells current as money, the
the fifteenth century the Portuguese may also have found it in inferior simbos (Olivetta nana), were only partly of domestic
inland Benin. While on the Middle Niger it came undoubtedly origin; others were imported from B razih Of th e d o mestic
from the Mediterranean by way of the northern desert route, simbos, those of I,oanda, provenience were rnost valued for
its presence in Benin may have been due to seepage by Negro their beautiful color. These favorite simbos were camed by
or Arab traders from the Niger in the north. In any case, this native servants in straw sacks, which heM a loacl of sixty-four
influx was later to be amply reinforced from overseas, rounding
pounds, to the Congo there to be exchanged for slaves and
the Cape. The trickle of cowrie shells from the east coast by
square cloths of different sizes made of the bark of a native
way of the valleys of the Congo may be ignored. tree. All things in Congo, James Barbot, Jr., wrote, are bought
Our question regarding the origins of the cowrie currency in with these shells, even gold, silver, and provisions, adding that
Africa, consisting of l o ose shells at first, probably mixed the use "of coin, either of gold or any othe~ metai is suppressed
moneta and annulus, can now be partly answered. The when and forbid in all Congo, as it, is in some other pa~ts of Africa"
and where of its arrival renders it a certainty that Dahomey
(James Barbot, Jr., 1732:5$8). The Portuguese government in
was not the originator of the cowrie currency system, although I.isbon, however, combined tax-farming with the monopoly of
it soon incorporated it and became its protagonist, Of t h is tlM Issuancc Gf fiRt moncy stampcd In I isbon Rnd thcncc intI'G-
crucial initial phase of a stringed cowrie currency in Dahomey duced into Angola at an excessive profit. to the tm-farmer and
we know, however, next to nothing, except for the fact that fiscal monopolist of this royal "mint."'
Whydah stringed its cowrie even before the Dahomean con- The official value of the ma~ked clouts (cloth money) was
quest. We have here in mind not the mere monetary use of four times the value of the unmarked ones, the double-marked
loose cowrie shells, but that organized system of cowrie as a clouts being worth five t o si x t i mes the unrnarked clouts.
currency which, once it struck roots in Dahomey, became so Except for fourth century II.c. and Qinth century A.n. Chinese
n otable an instrument of it s n ational existence and of t h e cxpcI'1Incnts witli papcr Bioncy, Qo such ambitious sclMBlcs arc
regional economic organization over a wide area of the Guinea
anywhere on record on an empire scale. The intellectual influ-
Coast. ence of the Portuguese on Dahomean sta,te finance should then
A recordedepisode of economic history may be of relevance. not be underrated. The daring Guinean enterprise of regfonally
The Portuguese square cloth money stamped in Lisbon with stable moneys may have originatcd from pi evious Angoian
the royal arms of Portugal may have stimulated the monetary experiments. From the Niger empires of the no rth, greatly
imagination of the new inland rulers of th e Guinea Coast. Rntcdatlng DRhonlcy, Qo 11int Gf s'uch a sophisticatcd currcncy
Barbot's nephew, James Barbot, Jr., gave an intriguing on-the-
hRs rcachcd us.
spot report of Angola, printed as a supplement to his uncle's
Wc must confcss to ignoI'Rnce of a, morc clcmcntary klnd)
work about the Guinea Coast. Angola's secession from the
Qamely how in the first place these shells came to be moved
empire of the Congo gave the Capuchin monks the chance of
p1iysically i n . t l M I n a s s f I'Gm t h ci r h o m c s R l ong su c h VR st
I84 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Archaic Economic Instituti ons I8S
trajects. Traditionally, the migration of the cowrie was confi- brother of Hwegbadja, the first king of Dahomey, tells of the
dently traced by ethnographers to the Indian merchants' inter- circumstances of his settling in th e Porto N ovo area. One
est in monetary gain. But trade is no explanation, since it needs particular incitlent points to a close connection between money
itself an explanation in t erms of d emand. Admittedly, the and markets. The narrator, recalling the time when there was
profit, in Ib n B a tuta's terms, was in the possible range of no money, goes on t o sa y t ha t T e A g banli " i n vented" a
l00,000 per cent. This, however, leaves untouched, the main- market:
spring of the transaction, namely why specif ically for currency
purposes cowrie was so much in demand in Africa. Nor does it In those days there was no money. If you wanted to buy something,
answer the question of w hence the purchasing power was and you hadsaltand another man had corn,you gave him some saltand
he gave you some corn.If you wanted fish and I had pepper, I would
forthcoming, capable and willing to be spent on a large scale in
give you pepperand you would give me fish.In those days there was
such a manner. only exchange.No money. Each gave what he had to the other, and got
The economist is indeed at a loss to account for the emerg- from him whathe needed.
ence in an early society of an effective demand of first magni- Now, as Te Agbanli was a stranger, he said to the people of Akono, "I
tude for a means of currency as such. The notion that eco- see you have no market here. I want to invent a market for you."
'There was an Akono man there, who said, "Why should one give every-
nomic developments are mainly referable to what w e have
thing to a strangerP We gave him a place to live, and now he is asking
become used to calling "economic interests" is apt to be mis- for land for a market." (M. and P. Herskovits, 1958:364)
leading. Rather, weighty events in the sphere of statebuilding
a nd of economic organization may have accounted for t h e The unfortunate Akono man who raised these objections be-
introduction of currency systems in West Africa. This may CRInc thc hiinian sRCI'iflcc to CGIisccratc thc markct.
have been the source of the demand for money objects to be At about the same time, Te Agbanli's brother Hwegbadja,
used as currency and consequently of the finance capable of the founder of the dynasty of the Alladoxonu kings of D a -
supplying the purchasing power for their acquisition. The eco- homey, was engaged in a dramatic contest for power with Agwa-
nomic historian may have to seek an explanation in the rise of Gede, king of an autochthonous people, the Gedevi, on the
new empires, or even in the need for a popular currency which southern reaches of. the Abomey plateau. The two kings vied in
would speed the functioning of l ocal food markets. Cowrie the realm of magic and social innovations. Hwegbadja intro-
legend seems to point in this direction, duced a new cocle of laws, spinning and weaving of cotton
cloth, burial of the dead in the earth rather than putting them
inslde tl'ccs, Rnd pRyment rn pcrpctuity by c Rch succccding
Native legend on the coming to Dahomey of cowrie and of monarch for the Iight to use the land for burials. "The people
food markets connects the two events. Changeover from hunt- liked this very much. They said, 'all Iight. We like you. We
ing to a settled life may have left natives without a place either will make you King for all t i rne'" (i b i d . :36I). Bu t t h o ugh
in the kinship or the village organization. The distributing of Hwegbad ja won in the end, he lost out in the short iun to Agwa-
food to the dislocated new subjects must have raised a problem Gede. The latter king produced rain i n a d r ought, "magic
for the Niger empires in the north, as it did later for the new charm" locusts that ate the c~ops, a, fuither charm to make the
bush and savannah kingdoms in the south. The latter may, up locust plague ccasc, produccd thc peaIl'ut froni thc cRI'th and
to a point, have followed the northern example. also cowi'ie:Qoncy. Thc lattcr two cvcnts were Intcndcd Rs
One of the legends concerning Te Agbanli ( 1688 — I729), vcrificatIGQ Gf his rightful status as king:
I86 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Archaic Economic I n s ti t u ti ons I8y
There was anherb called tengbwe, It sprang up at the moment. He performances of government concerning the economy are here
[Aga-Gede] said again, "If t.he earth is truly my father's, then when I pull recalled from previous chapters to provide a more realistic
up this weed, a peanut will be pulled up with it." He pulled up the weed,
approach to the origins and functioning of the cowrie currency
and a peanut was there.
The people cried out. They put their hands over their mouths and ac- which was strung by the king's wives in Dahomey for the pro-
claimed him. visioning of the conquered peoples in the local food markets.
He said again, "If the earth truly belongs to my father, if I pull up an
herb, I shall see cowries." He did this, and there were cowries. COWRI E A N D T H E ST A T E
People now found food toeat, and no longer exchanged articles. They Primitive society k nows not c entrally i ssued shells for
h ad money. . .
money use; nor have these su~vived in societies where money is
The people hurried to Agwa-Gede and declared, "You are our King. We
have no other. . . . "
common as a means ofexchange. Indeed, Dahomean stringed
And so the people refused to recognize Hwegbadja, and it was only cowrie may strike us as a n i m pressive archaic institution,
after the death of Agwa-Gede that Hwegbadja began to reign. (Ibid.: because the modern mind still grapples with some comparable
366—67) technicalities of monetary poHcy. While cowrie had vital wel-
Cowrie money thus appears in the legend as an innovation of fare functions to perform, it was exceptionally hard to stabil-
an autochthonous king. And the result — "people now found ize. Grave obstacles had to be overcome in achieving stability
food to eat and no longer exchanged articles" — suggests a close on a national and, indeed, an international scale,
connection in their minds between money and markets. Actu- Somewhat misleadingly, the dilemma might have claimed a
ally, as we know, Dahomean markets were food markets in distant resemblance to modern welfare versus inflation alterna-
which — a notable fact — cowrie payment was enforced. tives. Owing to its infinitesimally small value, cowrie was over
The acting force that shaped and organized the economy was centuries the money of the poor. Therefore, in India and later
the state, in the person of the king. Food, money, and market (if to a lesser extent ) in the Western Sudan, cowrie actually
are all statemade. The Hegelian-Marxian concept of a state as served as an element of the welfare state, while its fluidity-
contrasted with th e economic society (G u rgerliche Gesell- lack of viscosity — made the maintenance of a formal exchange
schaft) of which it is only a f unction, is inapplicable to the rate in terms of the precious metals as good as impossible.
early state. From Pharaonic Egypt and Babylon to the empires Nonetheless, in Whydah and the whole of the Dahomean range
of the Niger, the state-building drive appears as a secular force a perfect stability of cowrie in t erms of gold was achieved
within the sphere of economic organization. The factors that under the complex conditions of an i n ternational port f r e-
doubtless pressed toward statehood as such are a d i fferent quented by a number of trading countries practicing accoun-
matter. Together with the military factors, they belonged to tancy in gold or silver.
the economic prehistory of the state. But once set on the course India's currency problems preceded those of. West Africa.
of state-building, the monarchy was engaged in the organizing T he Moghul Empire visited by I b n B a t uta ( I 9 58 ) i n t h e
of an army and its provisioning "in kind," the launching of a second quarter of the fourteenth century displayed the utter
currency as an instrument of taxation, and the creating of extremes of rich and poor but also what. latter-day civilizations
markets and of small change for the distribution of the food. would have described as an interest of rulers in the livelihood
This again involved state-made "equivalents" which d e t er- of the masses, Ibn Batuta, having been appointed to a high
mined the rate at which staples could be substituted for one municipal post in Delhi, during a famine, had to shoulder the
a nother i n t h e p a y m e nt. o f t a x e s a n d i n r a t i o n i ng . T h e s e Inarrttcnancc of fr vc huncllcd poor as a p r l v a tc p e rson. I n t h e
188 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Archaic Economic Institutions 18g
circumstances, cowrie formed in India a part of the Islamic- It was a novelty on the Middle Niger and, although extremely
Hindu state's welfare economy. In Africa, under the Moorish cheap in India, by no means valueless in Gogo, where Batuta
administration on the Niger some four centuries later, condi- personally found it much appraised. Yet the Berber traders,
tions were not very different, except that — apart from Tim- who carried it one way on the long beat across the Western
buktu where cowrie was still current — shells had been replaced Sahara, insisted on payment in gold for carrying anything the
by millet as the money of the poor. A reflex of the archaic other way. I n t h e n eighboring Central Sudan, cowrie was
popularity of th e cowrie in the north might be seen in the unknown, and during the famine the Moorish king distributed
Dahomean legend of the hunter's praise for the founding king millet to the poor. Millet, besides being edible, bought every-
who dispensed the threefold gift of peanuts, cowrie, and food thing in th e market at a l o wer p rice than di d an y o t her
market, all in one. Yet we have no knowledge whatever of the currency. Like millet, cowrie money came to play a vital role
forces that moved the Fon dynasty of Dahomey to embrace in the welfare policies of the early state.
cowrie money as a vehicle of empire building. Technically, Dahomey's cowrie was defimtely not primitive
After Ibn Batuta had been in an important post for three money. Paradoxically, it d i ffered from the shell moneys of
years in Malan, the biggest of the Maldive Islands, he took his Oceania by being closer to the state of nature than the moneys
leave and was presented with a very large sum of cowrie by the of those "savage'" peoples. The cowrie that was strung on
king. He refused to accept the gift as useless to him in spite of threads was otherwise unworked and still in its natural condi-
the king's insistence that he could buy rice with it in Bengal, tion as "harvested" on the coral reefs of the Maldives. The
where he was going on his way to China. Batuta at first was shells of the primitives were polished, cut, carved with skill and
inclined to agree, on condition that the king's officers accom- perseverance, often by strenuous communal labor. Hence the
pany him and manage the deal. Eventually, he was given a sum "scarcity" of their money. Its value derived both from that
in gold by the king. Other accounts also tell of cowrie as the. scarcity and from the emotional response to the human effort
money for which the poor could buy their daily rice, but which, that went into its making (Malinowski, 1922). Cowrie, on the
even by the shipload, would not buy gold. other hand, gained the status of a currency by virtue of state
On the Malabar coast, which Ibn Batuta had also visited, policy, which regulated its use and guarded against its prolifer-
gold and silver were the money of commerce, but in the inland ation by p reventing shiploads from being freely imported.
towns of the subcontinent, cowrie was in use as the money of Neither in primitive society nor later under modern conditions
the poor. Cowrie was employed loose and was by no means (though for different reasons) was such a handling of cowrie
subdivided into conventional denominations as in the Daho- possible. Bornu, in 7848, faced g~eat difficulties in setting up a
mean system. It i s difficult to ascertain at what rate it ex- cowrie currency. Eventually, cowrie as a currency disappeared
changed against coined dirhems and if such exchanges existed in Dahomey with the coming of the Erench administration, the
at all, when and how the rate fluctuated. After all, even in the introduction of metaliic currencies, and the general use of
Maldives with its highly developed government that rate ap- nloney as a nleans of excliailge.
pears to have been extremely unstable, as Batuta recalled in In our terms, then, cowrie currency was emphatically an
relating his experiences in Gogo. archaic economic institution. Its f unctioning deserves to be
closely examined. The D a homean rate of th e seventeenth and
The contemporary West African empires began to import eighteenth centuries was precisely 32,000 cowries for an ounce
cowrie not later than the beginning of the fourteenth century. of gold (eclual eight Arab mitkhals ), while in the Sudanese
x90 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Archaic Economic Institutions X9X
region rates quoted by Heinrich Barth ( 1859), Oskar I.enz Bonduku in the U'pper Volta on the way to Ashanti, with the
(1884), and Nachtigal (1887) in the middle nineteenth cen- gold dust currency, made a note of the fact that the village of
tury fluctuated within 3,500 and 4,000 for a mitkhal (i.e.,still Aouabou was the last spot where cowrie still ran, the next
very close to the standard ). Nearer its origin, in the Indian v illage to the south Iefusing it (1892 [Ilj : 2 4 1 ).
Ocean, cowrie was almost without value, except by the ship- Only under early state conditions, as in Dahomey, or in the
load. Before the second half of th e nineteenth century, the caravans connecting state and state could the cowrie shell's
sheltering that was accorded by the great geographical distance excessive fluidity be neutralized. But outside the historical
from the place of origin operated against disastrous fluctua- empires of Mali and Songhai, which antedated Dahomey, the
tions ofthe rate. vast areas of the valley and bend of the Niger had nowhere
All the more noteworthy were the lacunae in the geographi- reached a level of statehood comparable to Dahomey. Hence
cal occurrence of cowrie in W est A f r i ca. N otwithstanding the patchiness and the fluctuations, none of which existed in
differences in other aspects of culture, many cultural traits, thc Icahxl of thc cowI'lc cuI'I'cncy of Da h o mcy, whcI'c I't was an
including many instances of primitive money, pervade an area a rchaic economic institution. With th e breakthrough of t h e
and diffuse in all directions. But dispersion of archaic money in world market, the fluidity of the shell got out of control again.
Kest Africa was quite different, and the distribution of its use When these slick shells poured forth from the hold of ocean-
was nevergeneral.In fact, cowrie-using areas and areas where going ships literally by tens of millions, cowrie had become a
it was not accepted for payment were as if their boundaries had nightmare to the colonial administrator. After Bornu, in 1848,
been drawn by administrative authority. Admittedly, we are decided to i n t r oduce it , c o w ri e e x ports f r o m I . i v erpool
ignorant of th e operational side of t his " ecology of cowrie amounted in 1848 and 1849 to sixty and three hundred tons,
money," as one might call the phenomenon, which surprisingly respectively, i.e., together to 7,200 cwt; twenty years later, in
comprised a rigid exchange rate between gold and cowrie often 1868 — 70 its imports to I,agos amounted to no less than 172,000
in fragmented but distinct areas. Hence the limited value of cwt, equal, at the rate of about 380 cowries to the pound, to
the attempts of mapping the areas of cowrie in West Africa in more than seven billion cowries over the three years.
terms of a west-east boundary line dividing north and south: it
was rarely found extensively employed in other than to some In Uganda the British administration took action. In 1896, cowries
were exchanged forabout 200 for the rupee, but by 1901 the exchange
degree organized areas and along the trade routes. This again is rate rose to 800. After 31st March, 1901, cowries ceased to be acceptable
explained by the nature of a caravan which possessed itself a in payment of taxes. At the same time the government placed an embargo
traveling extraterritoriality as a semipolitical body, similar to on the import of cowries. . . having teceived information that large
t he early state. For evidence of fragmentation: the city o f amounts were being imported from German East Africa. The Government's
Timbuktu, center of the gold trade, lying between the non- own stock was eventually burnt for lime. It was estimated that in 1902
after the destruction of the Government's stock there were still some three
cowrie areas of the Sahara and the broad area of the northern
hundred million shells in circulation in Uganda. (H. P. Thomas and R.
Niger Bend, is known always to have been an enclave of cowrie Scott, Uganda, 1935:231, q. Einzig, 1949:134)
money. Farther west, again, cowrie stopped short of the Atlan-
tic Coast region. Nor did the area of its currency spread from In the FIench Sudan the French were fighting a losing battle
the Niger toward the east into the Hausa states until much against the maldistribution of the supply of cowries: "At Segou
l ater. Binger, having passed through the cowrie belt of t h e the French authorities accumulated at one time over twenty
southern part o f t h e N i ger Bend and th e t r ade center of million cowries. . . . A t D j e nne (a dista~ce of some hundred
I92 Dahomey and the Slave Trade Archaic Economic Institutions I93
and fifty miles ). . . t h eA dministrator . . . d i dnot accumu- and their acceptance by the head of th e community. Such
late any" (Einzig, 1949:143), To relieve local shortage of cash impressive public dealings invest the goods with the prestige
in three villages, four million cowries had to be spent urgently quality of money, the uses of which stand under manifold
in those communities by the French. Again, distribution was rules. She deems this to be one of the institutional sources of
the issue" (ibid.). currencies, which, as we might add, int~oduce a quantitative
By the end of the nineteenth century, cowrie had depreci- connotation into rights and obligations, a, condition that con-
ated in Hausaland. C. H. Robinson's expedition had to sell a tributes decisively t o t h e s olidity o f t h e s o cial structure,
horse that fell ill and needed a few day's rest. thereby making it more resistant to the wear and tear of time
The trouble is, that we can not sell it, as its value in cowries would re- and to the inte~nal tensions that are inseparable from stratified
quire fi
fteen extra porters to carry, to whom we should have to pay all stRtc soclcty.
the money theycarried,and a great deal more besides. .. . (C. H. Robin- A BUIBbcr of Rrchaic ti'Rnsact1ons Rssunicd the cxlstcncc of
son, Hausatand, 1896:46, q. Einzig, 1959 r 148} statutory of c u stomary equivalents, as a m o r al s a jeguard
The cowries had ceased to form part of an archaic economic against any, even though involuntary, propteering. The Jewish
institution without, however, becoming a commodity distrib- Mishnah showed a veritable obsession with the possibility of
uted by a market system that was not yet ready to take over. committing "usury," i .e., profiting t hrough exchange. This
What, then, were the specific qualities of archaic money that again lent support to a, legal casuist~y in the M ishnah that
produced societal effects which accounted for the near-perfect distinguished pedantically between money and goods in all
regional currency system of t h e eighteenth-century Guinea cases of sale-purchase, a, proceclure which would in principle
Coast? exclude the purchase of money with money. Quiggin has em-
pirically established her thesis that money is not, in primitive
S TATU S A N D ST A T Z - B U I L D I N G society, primarily a means of exchange. But neither was it in
Recent anthropological and historical studies have broad- early state society, where it ranks among the building stones of
ened our horizon in regard to primitive money. In the place of the early state and its solid social structure.
museum exhibits of exotic objects, attention is now directed to Indccd ) Inoney as R meRBs Gf cxchange pI'csUpposcs stR'tUs-
the institutions that invest the objects with the functions of frcc inoncy. Economic transact1ons such Rs salc purchasc GI'
money. Insight into the ranking of moneys on ethical grounds, rentmg-hiring are m trad~t~onal soc~et~es, as a rule, st~ll acces-
as presented by Bohannan (1955;1959), brings to the fore the sory to status transactions, that is, goods follow the fate of
status-building function of money in primitive society. This persons. The appropriation by individuals, of land, cattle, and
aspect of primitive currencies gains in importance under the slaves is linked with changes of status, such as adoption or
early state, along with their novel function of contributing to InarrlRgc. Thc tI'Rnsfci of Use Gnly Instcad Gf thRt, of p io pclt y
the creation of the state. is frequent, including even the mutual exchange of use, the
Archaic money was in effect closely linked with the evolving property being retained by the families as in the ditenutu of
s tate structure. Alison Quiggin ( 1949) has shown how i n the Nuzi of Babylonia,. Also as a matter of status, land grants
primitive society the ceremonial presentation of staples by are linked to priestly, military, or t~ading posts. Thus, under
visiting tribes in the way of gift offerings to chiefs and kings archaic economic institutions, economic integration and status
endow the objects with mana. Utilitarian goods gain rank and structu~e may be interdependent. The rights a,nd obligations
dignity through their display as dues, tribute, or gifts of honor that flow from status may have integrative, effects ~nsofar as
Ig4 Dahomey artd the Slave Trade
the privileges of some persons correspond to the negative status
of others. Conversely, forms of e conomic integration may
channel status effects, reinforcing them at the same time. This
clearly holds good of redistribution, reciprocity, and household-
ing in regard to their state-building and status links.
Exchange is no exception. Archaic variants of trade produce
the status trader, whether the status is of kinship origin or by
appointment. The port of trade is another such archaic institu-
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Rodbertus, Karl
1865 Zur G e schichte der romischen Tributsteuern. Jarbucher fiir
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Rostovtzeff, Michael
1932 Cara v an Cities. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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d'Issiny du Pere Godefroy Loyer}. Paris: Larose. Abomey: 5, 24, 26, 30, 3S, S8, 9S Basden, George T.: 84
Sik, Endre Ackey (gold bar): 152 Benin: 5, 8, 10, 12, 19, 22, 121, 181
1961-63 Hi stoire de L'Afrique Noire, TomeI — II [Traduit par Frida Administration: d u ality o f , S 3 — S4; Berbain, Simone: 18, 93, 130, 162
government; S3 — SS; provincial, SS; "Best Friend": obligations of and to,
Lederer]. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadb.
role of women in, 56 6'7 —
Skertchly, J. A.
Agadja, King: 24, 29, 132 Binger, Capt. I,ouis G.: 84
1874 Dahom ey as it is: Seing a Narrative of Eight Months' Eesi-
Agriculture: organization of , 37 — 39; Bohannan, Paul: 192
dence in that Country. London: Chapman and Hall.
policy, 38-39 Bornu: 189, 191
Smith, William Allada: 10, 24, 131 Bosman, Willem: 26 , 92 , 102, 108,
1744 A Ne z oVoyage toGuinea. I ondon. Alladoxonu (dynasty): 14 — 16, 28, 131, 109, 12'7, 1SO, 168
Snelgrave, Capt. William 132, 185—86 Burton, Sir Richard F.: 35, 40, 50, 83-
1734 A N ev/ A c count of Some Parts of Guinea, and the Slave Amazons: 8, 28, 30, 3'/, S2, S3, SS, 5/, 84, 92, 93, 1'/8-79
Trade. London: J. J. and P. Knapton. 133, 135 "Bush king": 5"/; economic functions
Thomas, HaroldBekan, and Robert Scott Ancestor worship: 54, 76—78 of, 58
1935 Uga n da. London: Oxford University Press. Angel (gold weight): 146
Angola: 19
Thurnwald, Richard Ca da Mosto: 148, 180
Annual Customs: 33 — 36, 40, 51, 91
1916 The 8 a r a ro.Memoirs, American Anthropologist, No. 4. Calabars: 19, 121, 1SO, 151
Archaic economic institutions: defini-
Towrson, William Castle trade: 102
tion of, xxiii; Chapter 11, pp. 173-
1907 The F i r s t V oyage of Master William Towrson, 1555. In Census: population, 41-43; as basis
R. Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations of the English Nation. for tax assessment, 41—44; pigs, 43-
Ardra: 15, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27 , 101,
London. 44; cattle, 44; goats, 44; sheep, 44
1 05-06, 181; geography, 10'/; o r -
Wyndham, H. A. Chacha (Minister of Foreign Trade):
ganizational difficulties of, 107 — 08;
1935 The A t l a ntic and Slavery.I.ondon: Oxford University Press. European intervention in , 108 — 09;
Clapperton, Hugh: 148
Great Popo rebellion against, 111;
Cloth money: 182—83
commercial inadequacies of, 114
Colbert: 17, 124
Armateurs: 160 — 61
Army: 36 — 37 ComPagnies: 160 — 61
Ashanti: 8, 10, 22 28 — 29 C ompound: 1 0 , '72 —
73; inheritance
Atkins, John: 152 and succession in, '73 — 7S; land
rights in, 7/5
Bar Coast: 142 — 43 Copper bars: ISS —S6
Barbot, James, Jr.: 182 —83 Coto: 108 — 09
Barbot, John: 26, 92, 108, 112, 114, Cowrie currency: 93 , 1 37 — 38, 173,
142> 150-51, 168 194; mythological origin of, 184-
Barth, Heinrich: 92, 190 85; in India, 187 —
Cowries: 29, 40, 50, 83 — 84, 144, 164- Forbes, Frederick E.: SS, 92, 131 Ketu: 12 Qunce trade: 123, 154, 15S, 1S6, 174;
65, 174; purchasing power of, 92- Forges: as shrines, 47 King's wives S2 advantages to Europeans, 1S6-59;
93; value of, 168; gold price of, Free enterprise: xv Eposi (Leopard wives); S4 — SS effect on slave prices, 166 —
168 —69; stability of, 1"/6; history French Guinea Company: 122 Kumasi: S Qyo: 3, 5, 11, 12, 22, 24, 2/> 30, 59,
of,176-/7; advantages and disad- French WestIndies Company: 106 133 > cavali'y» 24
vantages of, as money, 1"/' /-78; Labat, Pgre: 129, 130, 161
trade in, 1/9 — 80, 184-85; as welfare Gap of Benin: 3, 5, 1'/, 22, 28, 10S; Labor: xiv Palace: description of, 52 —53
money, 18 7 - 89 ; geo g raphical chmate of, 6 ; g e ograpical intlu- Labor market: absence of, 62 Palm oil: 39, S3, 88
spread of money, 190-91; deprecia- ence of, 116-17 Lambe, Bulfinch: 30, 132 Palm wine: 39
tion of, 192 Gaston-Martin: 161 Land: xiv; tenure, '/0 — 71 Passports: 4'/
Craft guilds. See So. Gautier, ]Rmile Felix: 10 Lenz, Qskar: 190 Pawns (human): 68 — 69
Credit: lack of, 8S Gbe (Mutual aid group): xxii, 62, 65- Little Popos: 108-09 Pepper: 39 — 40
Cult house: 78, /9 67 Livre: 162 Peto: 83, 8S, 93
Currencies: multiple, 29 Gelele, King: SO, 63 Louis XIV: 104, 124 Phillips, Commander Thomas: 93
Currency: stability of, 92-93, 9S Gezo, King: 26, 30 Pigs: 39
Ginger: 39 Maize: 39 Planning,economic: 40-44
Dalzel, Archibald: 49, 1S9, 168 Gletonn (plantation): 38, 70, 88 Mali: 1Q, 191 P lantations: 1'/, l 8 , 1 20 ; n eed f o r
Damba beans (monetary weights): Gold Coast: 11, 101, 102-0S; Euro- Manioc: 39 slaves, 18
153 pean diplomatic r elations w i t h, Market: system and mechanism of, Pfatilfes: 16S
D'Amon, Chevalier: 10S, 115, 121, 104-05 xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xxi, 32, 94; system, Polo, Marco: 179 —80
122> 161 Goldsmiths: 90 lack of, 81; " bush," 83 — 84; trade, Popos: 133
Davies, K. G.: 122, 140, 161, 166 Gold trade: 146-48, 1S9-60 141 Porters. 47-48
Dego (Hunting chief): 4S Great Popo: 8, 2'/, 110 —11, 116 Marketplaces: xix Porto Novo: 8, 10, 2'/
D'Elbee, Sieur: 112, 118 —
19, 161 Ground nuts: 40 Markets: xiv, xx, xxi, 40; commodity, Port of t r ade: ix, xvii, xix, xxiii, 99,
Descent groups: /1 Guinea trade: 18, 140 32; consecration of , 4 0 ; c o oked 1'/4, 194; historical background of,
Divination: /8 food, 81 — 83; effect on mobility, 82- 99-101; organization of, 28
Diviners: /7 Hausa: 10 83; set prices in, 83-84 Portugal: trading influence of, 120
DokPu>e (Labor team): xxii, 60, 61, Hawkins, John: 19 lrIav>n-Lisa (Divine twins): 57 Portuguese: infiuence on trade, 181—82
62-63> 64 Herskovits, Melville J.: 10, 34, 63, Merchant class: xiv
71, 84, 85, 90 Pottery: 90
Boublet, Jean: 106, 124, 126, 151, Mercier, Paul: 5-6, 10, 32
Hoes: forging of, 46-4'/ Price: xvii; r uechanism, xxi; setting
161 Millet: 39
Duality (organizational): in govern- Honey: 39 of, 87—88 ; changing of set prices,
Mishnah: 193
ment, 53 —SS; in army, 55; mytho- Houeda: 131-32; 134 90 —91
Monarchy: organization and func-
logical basis of, 57 Household royal: S2, S3 Priesthood: 78-79
tions of, 33
D ual numeration: 85—87 Householding: xviii, 32> 70 Profit: xv.
Money: definition of , x v i , 1 74 — "/6;
BuCasse, J. B.: 118, 122, 124, 160- Hunting: 45 all purpose, 14S; status, 1'/4 — 75, Pseudo-commodity: xiv
61 18'/-89; status building function of, Public works: 51
Buncan, John: 92, 94 —
9S, 132 Ibn Batuta: 174, 180, 184, 18'/, 188 192-93, 194
Dunglas, Rdouard: 12, 121, 130 Ile-Ife: 11, 12, 181; dynastic history : fictitious, 140-69; effect of, on Quiggin, Alison H.: 192, 193
of, 12-13 slave trade, 16S —
"Elite circulation": 17S Iron bars: 144 "Rate of trade": 149, 1S1
Equivalents: xvii, 49, 168, 186, 194; Iron manufacture:45-46 Nachtigal, Gustav: 92, 1S2, 190 Rates of exchange: xix
customary,49; royal, 49; imported Ironworkers. See Smiths Reclpi'oclty. Xvni, xxiil, 32, 60-6i, 6 2,
g oods, 49; m onetization of , 5 0 ; Isert, Paul Erdmann: 153, 159, 16S Once: 162 — 63, 174; sample of, 162; 6S
establishment of, 146 —
48 Ivory Coast: 11, 104 compared with o u nce t r ade, 162- Redistribution: xviii, xxiii; 32
6 3; cowrie v alue of , 1 63 ; / i v r c Religion: economic balance of, 79 —
Fa. See Divination value of, 1.63-64 consumption of revenue, 80; or-
Factors of production: xvi Qunce: gold, 154; g old equivaient, ganization and f unction of, 81 — 83
Fon: 26, 12S 158 Richard-Mollard, Jacques: 6
Risdaller r a o nnaie ( Dutch a n d Supply anddemand: xiv,xxi
Danish): 164, 174
Rostovtzeff, Michael: 100-01 Taxes: collection of , 44 — 45; cattle,
Royal African Company: 18, 21, 2'l, 45; on salt, 45; on iron, 46 — 47; on
1 22, 140 , 1 4 1 , 1 4 2 , 14 3 > 1 4 S internal trade, 47; on agricultural
146, 1SO, 154-SS products, 48; inheritance, 48; poll,
48; in kind, 48; burial, 48-49
Salt: 39; collection of, 45 —46 Technology: xvi
S avi: 1 23 , 1 2 8 ; s e paration f r o m Togo: 11
Whydah, 123; government of,126- Tof>ko (Minister of Agriculture): 38
Z/; commercial ritual in , 128 — 29; Tori: 114
foreign settlements in, 127-28, 129 Towrson, William: 146
Senegambia: 19, 20 Trade: definition of, x vi ; a d minis-
Shrines: 78 tered, xvii, 1 41, 1 74; m entioned,
Sibs: 9, 10, 60, 68, 77; succession in, xxi; n e ighborhood, x x ii ; d i s t i n-
71-72 guished from market, 94 — 95; silent,
Skertchly, William: 83, 84, 89, 92, 93 99; goods, native and E u r opean,
Slave Coast: 106, 164 143; English and F r ench agree-
Slave raids: 11, 20, 22 ments on, 161 —62
Slaves: royal, 53; prices of, 112- Traders: Arab, 180-81
13, 123 Tribute: Dahomean, Z4
Slave trade: early history of, 17 — 19;
m odern, 19, 20 ; m e n tioned, 2 2 ;
Wage labor: 50-51
Weavers: 88-89
bureaucratic obstacles to, 111 — 12;
"Weight of the measure": 146-48, 149
cost of, 114 —11S; monopoly of, 115
Wemenou: 24
Slave wars: 135
Whydah: ix, xxiii, 8, 21, 24, 26, 2/,
Smithies: 46 —47 30, 35, 82, 101, 106, 109, Chapter '/,
Smiths: 89 —90 pp. ~ 1 2 5 ; offered to the English,
Snelgrave, William: 30, 34, 37 30; neutrality of , 129 — 30; Daho-
So (craft guilds): xxii, 61, 6S, 66 mean takeover of, 131-37
Sodmdo (Market women's organiza- Wilmot, Commander: 49
tions): S6, 8/-88 Work parties: 6S
Songhai: 10, 191 Wyndham, H. A.: 142
Sortings: 148 — 68; definition of, 149-
50; sample of, 152 Far>ogan (Dahomean Viceroy): 136,
Statecraft: xix 150, 166
Sugar cane: 1'/, 21 Voruba: 10

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